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possible, and consider not gathering at all
during the holidays. What do YOU
Click here to take a survey
about Covid and the holidays
As Covid cases rise quickly in the US,
doctors worry about families having Thanksgiving.
Click here to read what the experts say about Thanksgiving
What do you do on Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving traditions!
Ellie said, “we take
meatballs with plant-
meatballs in a
crockpot. They are
Is celebrate Thanksgiving as a family and eat food
to honor the harvest feast!
6th Grade Turkey Contest
Choose wisely, every vote counts!
YOU get to decide who has the BEST turkey in 6th grade!
Don't forget to look at the next page with more turkeys!
Around the 90’s or the 2000’s the owners took dogs onto the property and they found soldiers buried around the property. You can see the apparitions of soldiers walking around the property still. You can visit the home for a tour and they even have war re-enactments where you can see what the war was like firsthand. You can still see General Isaac Ewell and his troops haunting in anguish of defeat.
Around 1863 the Daniel Lady’s House would soon be taken over by general Ewell's army and it was made into a hospital. It was used to house confederate and union soldiers in the same place. Many injured soldiers died due to their wounds. After the war Daniel Lady returned to her home, they found a dead soldier on the second floor. The second floor is the most haunted. You can still see the blood stains on the floor and on the walls, you can still see where the soldiers had carved their names.
Meet president-elect
Kamala Harris!
century. Kamala
Harris! Kamala has spent her life fighting injustice. It’s a passion that was first inspired by her mother, Shyamalan, an Indian- American immigrant, activist, and breast cancer researcher.
It's official Trump is
no longer in office.
celebrating Biden
as president!
Biden won;
South Asian- American senator
This link explains how much the earth is heating up: /agenda/2020/10/earth- global-warming-nasa- natural-disasters/ This link explains how we can help: ries/how-you-can-stop- global-warming
What is global warming you may ask, well you’re lucky, because in this page you will learn about global warming and it’s effects.
How serious is global warming? Higher temperatures are worsening many types of disasters, including storms, heat waves, floods, and droughts. A warmer climate creates an atmosphere that can collect, retain, and drop more water, changing weather patterns in such a way that wet areas become wetter and dry areas drier. global-warming-really-bad
What is global warming? Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. 101
Have you ever thought about how earth is trying to tell us to help global
warming? Down below is a link explaining the signs rces/ten-signs-global-warming
Click Here to see some more weird kid shows
Click here to vote for the weirdest tv show for kids
The most popular show on this list it the Teletubies, there are many, many, many conspiracy theories but the one that’s most believed is that there based of a children's asylum in Germany and they all have to do with a child's skin changing color. YIKES
-If humans could fly, we'd consider it exercise and never do it. -Nothing is on fire. Fire is on things. -When you say 'Forward' or 'Back', your lips move in that direction. -Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed. -Clapping is just hitting yourself because you like something. -Why do people say 'Tuna fish' but they don’t say 'beef cow' or 'chicken bird' -The Japanese flag could represent how much of Japan is Japan. -Learning a new language is kind of like uploading subtitles into your head. -When you ship something by ship, it's called cargo, but when you ship something by car, it's called shipping. -Gamers prefer keyboards that weren't made to game, but choose controllers that were specifically made to game. -Our brain makes stories to get scared of them and wake up.
-Some parking spots make more an hour than workers on a minimum wage salary. -PTSD is the evil twin on Nostalgia.
THE ULTIMATE SHOWER THOUGHT: If Simba came back after
Mufasa died singing "I just can't wait to be king" song, he would've been a prime suspect.
Teke Teke, an urban legend about a
schoolgirl, a young woman, or sometimes
even a boy. They appear in the bathroom,
even though their place of death was at a
railroad, they fell and were sliced in half.
Some say that they attack people due to
vengeance, they want vengeance for no one
helping them in their time of need. As the
legend goes, if you hear a "Teke Teke."
Sound, it's them, that’s where they got
their name. If you see them directly, they
will ask you a question, "Do you know
where my legs are?", if you answer with an
unacceptable answer, they will take your
legs! Once version of the story is about a
young woman named Kashima Reiko, she
fell on the tracks and lost her legs. She
haunts bathroom stalls asking people if
they know where her legs are, if you
answer with, "Meshin Expressway.",
demon.", (The last 2 may be the phonetic
root of Kashima's name.) she will accept
your answer, and not rip your legs off, but
if you do answer with an unacceptable
answer, she will take your legs.
Teke Teke A Japanese urban legend
Not many people know
this story, you have a
few days until you get a phone call, or a weird
dream where she asks you a riddle, she says,
"Do you need your
now.", she then says, "Who told you my
story?", and you MUST
demon, rei means
to survive is to answer her riddle without any
mistakes, even if you
Some people ask why do we celebrate thanksgiving? Well here's the answer, thanksgiving day is an annual national holiday in the united states and Canada! Celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year.
Americans generally believe that their thanksgiving is modeled on a harvest feast shared by the English colonists otherwise known as the pilgrims of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people.
The feast occurred in 1621.
Everything about thanksgiving seems good, but some things did
happen between the pilgrims and the Indians. They did get along, but
the peace did not last… they got into a devastating war. The two
groups did not get along and the Indians thought the pilgrims were
lying to them.
the Russian cosmonauts, as well
conducting, and we got the JAXA.
The first mission is on
November 14 NASA updated the
mission in October.
A famous serial killer
Jack the Ripper, a famous serial killer who lived in London. they had 5 victims, and all of them were female. Absolutely no one, knew who they were, and what he looked like. Until scientists found out Jack the Ripper's identity through DNA tests.
The five canonical victims of Jack the Ripper were Nichols 1888), Chapman September 8, 1888), Stride 30, 1888), Eddowes September 30, 1888), and Kelly 1888).
Jack the Ripper is a famous serial killer, mainly because of the way he would display his victims. (in ways I'm not allowed to explain) Meaning, they were bound to be mentioned in some kind of film or book. In which they did, they were mentioned in the Anime, "Black butler", it might not have been their first time being mentioned in a film or book, but it still added to the theme of what the Anime was about. (The Anime was first a Manga, turned into an Anime.)
Day of the Dead What is it?
Learn more: s/halloween/day-of-the-dead
those from Mexican heritage in the United
States and around the world. The roots of
day of the dead lead back to some 3,000
years ago "to the rituals honoring the dead in
pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. The Aztecs and
other Nahua people living in what is now
central Mexico held a cyclical view of the
universe, and saw death as an integral, ever- present part of life".
1. What do you think is the most important part of day of the Dead and why?
I think knowing the history behind the celebration is important so that people can know how it is rooted in ancient Aztec beliefs as well as Spanish/Catholic beliefs. 2. What part of the day of the dead is most interesting and why? Setting up the altar with things to remember the people who have passed away. What a great way to positively remember those who have passed on. 3. Why do you think others should learn more about this holiday? I think it's very easy to assume because it is near Halloween that it is just Mexican Halloween or Spanish Halloween, but it isn't. I think any time you have the opportunity to learn about other cultures and traditions, your life becomes richer. 4. What is your favorite part of celebrating the day of the dead I personallydo not celebrate the Day of the Dead but love the focus of positively remembering loved ones.
Interview with Mrs. Buckroyd
It is believed that from that from Oct 31- Nov 2, the border from the spirit world and the real-world dissolve so that people can send time with their deceased relatives. They honor the spirits by leaving the deceased’s favorite foods and other offerings at gravesites or on the ofrendas built in their homes
Why was Thanksgiving created?
• It started as a harvest festival, and to this day the centerpiece of Thanksgiving celebrations remains Thanksgiving dinner.
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.
American's usually call the
your favorite Thanksgiving
Winter symbolizing
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Joselyn Chavarria Elizabeth Gonzalez Ronan Welsher Luella Weispfenning Emerson McCarl
Karina Aguilar
Evan Sloan
Kyleah Vivanh Raelyn Bailey Ella Ash Carter Anderson Lexi Carpenter
Haylie Weinheimer Jeremiah Blackwood Brionna Dent
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