
Principal’s Report

Hi all and welcome to Week 1, Term 4!

It’s been an excellent first week back to Term 4, for Paterson Public School. As you are aware, our school is in the

Dungog LGA. We are operating under level 3 restrictions with all students having returned to face-to-face

learning on site. We are fortunate to be in this situation, which means we have avoided a staggered return to

school and further restrictions to school operations.

The students of PPS have to be commended for digging deep and displaying our school value of ‘resilience’

during what can be a anxious time for our young people and community. This week students returned back to

school to face-to-face learning, for the first time in 8 weeks. I want to reassure our parents and carers that it is to

be expected that your child will experience mixed emotions and reactions to this change. Be assured that all of

our staff are taking an approach to support our students returning to their familiar class and school routines,

with a focus on their sense of safety and wellbeing at the forefront.

Helpful strategies in minimising anxious feelings is to check-in with your child about their day, focus on the

positives (seeing friends again, participating in their favourite subjects). If they are expressing concerns or

worries about getting sick, reassure them of things they can do to stay healthy and that schools are taking many

measures to ensure everyone is safe at school. If you have concerns about your child’s learning or they are

feeling concerned, encourage them just to do their best and to ask for help if they are having difficulty. More

information on supporting your child can be found at this address:


Keep an eye out on our Seesaw and Facebook page for next week’s assembly. Our student leaders will be

presenting a virtual assembly where we will acknowledge student achievement and share messages with our

community. We are looking forward to sharing this with our community!

Lastly, a message for our Year 5 students and families. Mr Lowrey will be sending home information shortly,

regarding the election of student leaders for 2022. I strongly encourage all students eligible to strive for our

leadership positions, they are an excellent way to gain valuable leadership experience and grow as a team-player

and an individual.

Have a great week everyone,

Mr Lindsell

Rel. Principal

E: [email protected] T: 02 4938 5114

Quality Learning in a Caring Environment Respect | Responsibility | Resilience

Quality Learning in a Caring Environment Respect | Responsibility | Resilience

From the Canteen We look forward to serving up our yummy lunches and snacks to our awesome PPS kids this term! PLEASE NOTE that this term, canteen will only be open on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Unfortunately we do not have enough volunteers available to open canteen every Monday this term.

Our first day open for canteen will be Friday 15 October. There will be some slight changes to the menu so keep an eye

out for an updated list of what is available. Don't worry - our world famous homemade pizzas will still be available! If you are new to canteen and are interested in learning the ropes, this term is a perfect opportunity for you to pop in and do canteen with a volunteer who is familiar with how it all works. Our canteen is simple, well-set up and easy to run, and there is no pressure to volunteer any more than you are comfortable with. Even if you are only able to spare one day a term, this can be a huge help! We would love to have more volunteers available and ready to run canteen three days again next year, so if you would like to pop in and learn the ropes this term, please get in touch! You can message our Facebook page at "Paterson Public School P & C", email us at [email protected] or let the school office know.