
The West Weekly

Issue 70- Term 4 - Week 5 6th November 2017

Principal's Message

External Validation

Last week our school underwent our external validation. This is something that every school must do once every five years. It involves the school putting together evidence which shows what we are doing to cover the aspects of learning, teaching and leading as set out in the department of education excellence framework. Our schools leadership team has been working on this document - over 200 pages of it - for the last 4 months. The validation team came on Tuesday, and were welcomed by our school captains, who were wonderful role models of the exceptional students at Parramatta West. They took the team around the school, visiting many classes, and talking about the programs that we run at the school. We were then presented with some delicious food made by our kitchen garden enthusiasts, and met for the next hour while we were told what a wonderful School Parramatta West is. I KNOW that our school is an amazing place to work and for children to learn, but I was so proud hearing from external people as they went through our evidence and told us what they thought. Parramatta West is excelling in so many areas, and as a result of the validation process, we have areas to develop further. There are exciting times ahead. I will share the evidence with the P and C at the next meeting.

Community Forums

These will be taking place on 28th November we would love for lots of parents to attend. At these meetings we will be asking you to comment on various programs that we are currently running, as well as some of the new ideas that we are planning. We will also be asking you what you think we should be doing over the next 3 years, what our priorities should be, how you would like to be involved.

There will be invitations going out this week so that we have an idea of numbers for organizational purposes. With a day meeting as well as a night meeting, we hope that many families can attend.

“Mix ‘n’ Match” circle

Did you see the notes brought home by your eldest child this week? Did you have time to do a family circle? We would love to hear from you if you did. We hope that you have found these sessions helpful. We know from feedback that there are many families who are now having family talking circles as a regular thing. In an age when so many of us - adults as well as children - spend so much time connecting with others through social media, or not connecting at all as they are on devices, having a

regular family sharing time is important and valuable. If you haven't yet tried one, I encourage you to do so. Your children aren’t around for long - you won’t regret the time spent with them.

Year 2 Hang Outs

Our last Hang Outs for the year are on this Thursday and Friday - and it is year 2s turn! We have had such fun with the year 4 and year 6 groups, and I know that all of those who attended had a great evening of fun, as well as taking away valuable insights. If you haven’t signed up for Thursday or Friday yet, please do. If you have lost your note, ask for one!


Thank you for supporting the disco last week. The children had a fun time, and the event raised funds for the year 6 farewell and gift for the school.

Festival of Cultures

Parramatta West is a wonderful mix of peoples from around the world who now call Australia home. We are celebrating this on December 1st, when we have an evening of entertainment planned. Families will be able to picnic at the field while they watch the entertainment on a professional stage set up on the field. If you haven't invited your extended family and returned your note yet, I encourage you to put it in your diaries and plan to come along! So far we have over 500 people planning to attend - it is going to be a big night!

Have a great week,

Anthea Donaldson


Class Awards

KAB Smiti

KC Akshaya

KH Syed


KN Ruben

KS Ishaq

KT Salaar

1F Sumreet

1H Muhamed

2N Fubing

2P Sri Ram

2/3H Atila

3K Bella

3P Celio

3S Lincoln

4H Franz

4J Waheda

4S Murtaza

4/5M Aabhushan

1K Drashti

1J Mobin

1M Sila

1S Connie

2B Maedeh

2G Panav

2L Pranshu

5A Gayatri

5D Marcius

6H Nisworth

6J Krishh

6R Jessica

MCD Tammy

MCS Rui Huan

MCT Gani

Stage News


Welcome to week 5. Thank you to everyone that came to the Halloween disco last week. I know that lots of money was raised to contribute to the Year 6 Farewell and all had a great time.

Sight words: this week our focus words are: now, for, how

Maths: We are continuing to look at number patterns. This includes counting by 2, 5, and 10 as well as looking at number patterns that increase and decrease.

Topic talks: this week students need to discuss who are the important people in their life? Why are they important to them? What do they like about them? Who are they important to? How do they know they’re important to them?

Mini fete: This Thursday after recess is our annual Mini Fete, organised by our year 5 and 6 students. There will be a range of activities for students to participate in including face painting and games. There will also be lollies and drinks to purchase. Prices for each activity are 20c, 50c or $1 and all money raised goes to the Year 6 Farewell. Please note that the mini fete is for students only – parents and siblings are unable to attend.

Have a great week,

Mrs Armour

Year 1

We had such a great time at the Halloween Disco last week. Stage 2 did such a great job organising the event and it was wonderful to see so many students supporting the night. Summer has started to creep closer to us, so now is a great time to ensure names are on jumpers, hats and drink bottles as most are being removed during the day.

Mini Fete

The Mini Fete is on Thursday! It is always so much fun. There will be stalls selling food, games students can play

and a haunted house. Students should bring their money in a Ziploc bag with their name and class on it so it can be returned if it is lost.

Topic Talks

This week’s topic talk is about ‘Characters’. Tell the class about your favourite movie character. What are their physical traits (what do they look like?) and personality traits (thoughts, feelings etc.)?

Maths focus for the week: • Comparing and ordering lengths • Measuring length with informal units • Estimating and measuring length

Coming up…

Next Tuesday the 15th is the PWPS Drama performances. Tickets will go on sale this week to attend. There will be 2 fantastic shows to watch.

The community forum is coming up on the 28th November at 9am or 6pm. This is a chance for you to give us feedback and have your say on the things happening in our school. We would love it if every family was represented.

Have a great week!

Miss McSpadden

Year 2

Thank you to the students who came along and supported the Year 6 Farewell last week, at the K-2 Disco. The students and teachers had a great time showing off their cool dance moves!

Well done to the students who entered the Year 2 Remembrance Day Speech Competition. It was a great way to learn about a very important soldier, Sir William Reginald Rawlings. Each class teacher selected a winner to proceed to the next round in the competition. The 6 winners (Seki 2N, Wilfred 2B, Aura 2/3H, Ceylin 2L, Sri Ram 2P and Kish 2G) presented their speech to Mrs Batac, who then chose the best presented and well-rounded speech to be read at the Remembrance Day ceremony being held this coming Friday. Congratulations to Aura of 2/3H.

This week we do not have set homework. All students must be continuing to work on their formal speaking and listening task, due on Monday Week 6. This will form part of their Speaking and Listening grade, so please assist your child to research, plan and write an engaging speech on one of the given topics. The success criteria and marking guide is listed on the back of the sheet. Each class will have 2 students selected to read their speech out at our Public Speaking event, held in Week 7. We hope you can make it!

This week we have the Mini-Fete being held on Thursday. This fun and exciting event is run by Year 5 and Year 6 students. Please send your child to school with some money to spend on games, activities, stalls, food and more!

Our Year 2 Hang outs are on this Thursday and Friday. By now you should have returned your booking form, however if some reason you are now able to go, there are some places available on Thursday. Spare notes are available in the office.

Important dates

Week 5- Mini-fete Thursday 9th November- students only

Week 5- Thursday 9th and Friday 10th November Year 2 Hang outs starting at 3:30pm

Week 5- Friday 10th November, Remembrance ceremony

Week 6- Formal Speaking and Listening tasks due in class

Week 7- Year 2 Public Speaking Event

Week 7 and 8- Swim school

Week 9- Reports sent home on Friday 8th December

Week 10- (Last week of school) Presentation days, Party Days and Talent Quest

Weekly Learning Focus

Spelling- tri-graphs

‘ear’ as in early, heard, pearl and earn

Grammar- direct speech

Direct speech repeats, or quotes, the exact words spoken. When we use direct speech in writing, we place the words spoken between quotation marks (" ") and there is no change in these words. We may be reporting something that's being said NOW (for example a telephone conversation), or telling someone later about a previous conversation.

Speaking and Listening

In class: weekly SOLE sessions, with a presentation component

At home: each week students are to research, plan and write their formal listening task. Due in week 6. Information went home in week 1 and the document has been uploaded onto the closed Year 2 Facebook group.

Writing: Reading, writing and viewing persuasive texts.

Maths: Fractions

• describe equal parts of a collection of objects

• draw equal parts of a collection, and explain the relationship of the parts to the whole using pictures

• identify equal parts of whole objects and shapes • name one part of a whole

• use pictures and fraction notation for half, quarter and eighth

All the best for a great week!

Mrs Batac

Year 3 and Year 4

It was fantastic to see so many students attend the disco last week and have a fabulous time. Thank you for supporting this event that has raised money for the Year 6 Farewell and the gift to our school.

On Thursday this week is our annual Mini Fete! I know the students have been looking forward to this and the fun that the Stage 3 students have in store for their younger peers. Students are encouraged to bring along some money to spend on the stalls – there will be food stalls, coloured hairspray, games and much more!

Students have also received notes for two events coming up this term – Swim School and the Festival of Cultures. • Swim School in Weeks 7 and 8 – starts on Monday 20th November

• Festival of Cultures – the evening of Friday 1st December. If you are planning on attending this fantastic event, please return the slip to the school as soon as possible.

Keep up-to-date with Facebook and the newsletter for details of these exciting events!

Family Circle notes also went home on Friday of last week. This is an optional part of homework, which I know many families have participated in throughout the year and found it rewarding for their family. If your family chooses to complete this homework, we would love for you to return the slip on the second page.

Maths focus areas for the week: • Year 3: Time – reading timetables; converting units of time; calculating elapsed time using a calendar

• Year 4: Measurement – measuring mass (grams and kilograms) and volume (mililitres and litres); reading scales. Data, Graphs and Probability – using surveys and organising data

Have a fabulous week everyone!

Miss Stuart

Year 5 and Year 6

The stage 3 students have been working hard on organising the Mini Fete, which is this Thursday. They need to start bringing in all the

equipment and things they need to run their stall. The groups of students have worked to share out tasks amongst themselves and to ensure

that everyone is contributing to this exciting day. The money raised is going to the Year 6 graduation

Last week students would have received a yellow note about an upcoming excursion. The GWS Giants have generously funded the whole day. It involves students getting a bus to Olympic Park to participate in an Eco Summit with students from other schools. We are all really looking forward to this on Thursday the 16th of November. Please return the permission notes ASAP.

The last family connect homework went home on Friday. We would love to see a high number of Stage 3 students participating at home and returning the note to show they have done it. Happy communicating!

Congratulations to all those students who have been participating in the Maths Olympiad over the last few terms. It has been a wonderful chance for students to think creatively about maths and extend themselves. Well done to Jahaml in 6H and Owen in 5A who achieved the highest results from our school.

This week reminder notes will be sent home for any outstanding enrichment fees. The enrichment fees cover many wonderful learning opportunities for students, including last term's gymnastics program and the online learning programs Mangahi and Literacy Planet. Can you please pay any outstanding amounts at the office or online via the school website. Swim school fees also need to be completed.

Have a great exciting week

Miss Richards

Library News

Bookclub for Issue 7 has arrived and been placed in teacher's trays so if you have not got your order please ask your teacher.

Issue 8 should be out soon.

Please be warned that overdue notices are being given out. Please have a good look at home before you tell me have no idea where the book is. I will have a look at school but if the book is not found it will need to be paid for.

Mrs Sell

Swim School - Mon 20th Nov - Fri 1st Dec 2017

Swim School is FULL. Unfortunately only the first 240 children who paid a deposit could be included for this year. Reminder notices have been sent home and the payemnts need to be finalised NOW.

Year 7 Selective High School 2019

Online application will remain open until 10.00pm on Monday 13th November 2017.

SRC News

Stewart House bags have been distributed to all families. If you have any old clothes that are still in decent condition please place it in the bag and return it to your child's classroom. Bags need to be returned to school by Tuesday 14th November 2017.

Subscribing to our newsletter or making a payment for an activity is easy. Just go to our website and follow the links.

It is finally time for the PWPS Mini Fete!

This Thursday all students will be able to enjoy the fun of the Mini Fete! The year 5 & 6 students have been getting prepared to run exciting games, activities and stalls. The younger students can get their nails done, get some new colourful hair or a fun tattoo.

There will be games to play like basketball shoot out, goal kick, mini golf or they may even want to throw a sponge at a year six student's face! They can buy an ice cream, fairy floss or even a fun poster at the trash and treasure stall. They may want to be scared in the haunted house or relax in the Internet cafe.

Activities start from just 20 cents!

Whatever students would like to do - I know there is something for everyone!

So help your children have a great time at the Mini Fete by sending them with lots of money to spend.

All money raised goes to the Year 6 graduation!

Mini Fete is for Parramatta West Public School children only.

Parramatta West Public School Cnr Auburn & Young Sts Parramatta, NSW, 2150 P: 02 9635 9347 F: 02 9687 1151 E: [email protected]

