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  • 2009

    2nd Amazon Green Materials Meeting

    Manaus, AM, Brazil, 2009

    Edited by R. P. Vasconcelos

    J. A. Melo Filho V. M. Giacon



    2nd Amazon Green Materials Meeting

    Manaus, AM, Brazil, 2009

    ISBN: 978-85-7401-757-0

    Edited by R. P. Vasconcelos J. A. Melo Filho

    R. K. Vieira



    Tema Principal

    Materiais Verdes


    1- Materiais Verdes para Construo Civil

    2- Caracterizao de Materiais

    3- Reciclagem

    4- Compsitos

    5- Metodologias de Extrao

    6- Materiais Cermicos

    7- Sustentabilidade




    O termo Qumica Verde refere-se ao projeto de produtos qumicos e processos que

    reduzem ou eliminam a gerao e o uso de substncias perigosas. A prtica teve incio nos

    Estados Unidos com a aprovao da Lei de Preveno Poluio de 1990, estabelecendo

    uma poltica nacional para a preveno ou reduo da poluio na sua fonte, quando

    possvel. Por outro lado a procura de construes sutentveis tem fomentado a investigao

    de produtos alternativos, baseados em materiais resultantes do aproveitamento de materiais

    renovveis e residuos industriais, convencionalmente designados por green materials,

    por todo o Mundo.

    Neste contexto, o grupo de pesquisadores do Programa de Ps Graduao em Engenharia

    Civil da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, organizou o Primeiro Amazonic Green

    Materials Meeting Encontro em Materiais Verdes da Amaznia que ocorreu entre 18 a 20

    de agosto de 2008 no auditrio Rio Javari da Faculdade de Tecnologia. Embora organizado

    em um espao curto de tempo, o entusiasmo e o apoio dos participantes mostraram o

    grande potencial e os benefcios de se organizar tais eventos no futuro. Neste primeiro

    evento houve a participao de pesquisadores de Cornell University (USA), North Caroline

    University (USA), UNICAMP, COPPE/UFRJ e INPA, alm da participao de

    pesquisadores e discentes, tanto da ps como da graduao, da UFAM. Em 04 de agosto de

    2009, o Programa de Ps-Graduao em Engenharia Civil (PPGEC) organizou o Segundo

    Simpsio de Materiais Verdes da Amaznia como atividade de encontro desenvolvida pelo

    Programa da UFAM. Este evento contou com a participao de engenheiros, professores,

    pesquisadores e especialistas da rea. O Programa forneceu uma oportunidade nica de

    uma rede de trabalho e aprendizado para cientistas da indstria e estudantes da UFAM,

    alm de buscar desenvolver atividades de colaborao em qumica verde, compsitos

    verdes e reas relacionadas. O Programa incluiu a participao de especialistas de Cornell

    University (USA), Universidade do Minho (Portugal), bo Akademi University



    (Finlndia), COPPE/UFRJ, USP, UNICAMP, INPA e UFAM que contriburam com suas

    experincias nesta rea.


    UFAM Universidade Federal do Amazonas

    NUTEC Ncleo Interdisciplinar de Gesto Tecnolgica de Materiais e Processos

    FAPEAM Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas


    INCRA - Instituto Nacional de Colonizao e Reforma Agrria.



    Comisso Organizadora - 2nd Amazon Green Materials Meeting

    1. Raimundo Pereira de Vasconcelos, Ph.D.- Coordenao. Professor, Technology Faculty Amazonas Federal University. e-mail: [email protected]

    2. Raimundo Kennedy Vieira, Ph.D. Professor, Technology Faculty Amazonas Federal University. e-mail: [email protected]

    3. Adalena Kennedy Vieira, Ph.D. Professor, Technology FacultyAmazonas Federal University. e-mail: [email protected]

    Comit Cientfico 2nd Amazon Green Materials Meeting

    4. Edison Bittencourt President. State University of Campinas Unicamp. Dept. of Polymer Technology. School of Chemical Enginnering. e-mail:

    [email protected]

    5. Juan P Hinestroza, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Fiber Science. Department of Fiber Science and Apparel Design. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. e-mail:

    [email protected]

    6. Orlando Rojas, Ph.D. Wood & Paper Science. N C State University.e-mail: [email protected]

    7. Anil N. Netravali, Ph.D. Professor, Fiber Science Program. Dept. of Fiber Science and Apparel. Cornell University. e-mail: [email protected]

    8. Dr. Lucian Lucia. Department of Wood & Paper Science. NC State University.e-mail: [email protected]

    9. Raimundo Kennedy Vieira, Ph.D. Professor, Technology Faculty Amazonas Federal University. e-mail: [email protected]

    10. Raimundo Pereira de Vasconcelos, Ph.D.- Coordenao. Professor, Technology Faculty Amazonas Federal University. e-mail: [email protected]

    11. Adalena Kennedy Vieira, Ph.D. Professor, Technology FacultyAmazonas Federal University. e-mail: [email protected]

    12. Baslio Frasco Vianez. Coordenao de Pesquisas de Produtos Florestais - Preservao da Madeira. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amaznia. e-mail:

    [email protected]

    13. Ruy A. S Ribeiro. Coordenao de Pesquisas de Produtos Florestais - Preservao da Madeira. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amaznia. e-

    mail: [email protected]




    1. Uses and alternatives: Chemical characterization of lignocellulolitics materials. Maria de Jesus Coutinho Varejo &

    Cristiano Souza do Nascimento. National Institute for Amazonian

    Research- INPA, Manaus, AM Brazi.................................................7

    2. Green Building Research Projects at Amazonian Structural Engineering Laboratory. Ruy A. S Ribeiro, and Marilene G. S


    3. Quality Management in the recycling of PET for the conversion in ecological coverage in the city of Manaus (AM). Edsandra Magalhes

    Ferreira, Joo Bosco Ladislau de Andrade ..30

    4. Vegetable Fiber-reinforced Cement Building Components: Some Issues about Using Residues. Gustavo H. D. Tonoli, Srgio F. Santos,

    Juliano Fiorelli, Ronaldo S. Teixeira, Francisco A. Rocco Lahr, Holmer

    Savastano Jr..........................................................................................40

    5. Functional Cellulose Beads. Pedro Fardim, Nasir Ali and Peter Rosenberg.53

    6. New Methods for Extraction of Polysaccharides. Pedro Fardim, Nina Lindstrm, Risto Korpinen, Marjo Lukkarinen and Jan Gustaffson.57

    7. Pozzolanic Reactivity of Powder Brick. Luciane F. Ribas, Maria Rita P. Carvalho, Jo Dweck, Guilherme C. Cordeiro, Eduardo M. R.

    Fairbairn, Romildo D. Toledo Filho.....................................................58

    8. On The Issue of Education for Sustainability. Edison Bittencourt..71



    Uses and alternatives: Chemical characterization of lignocellulolitics


    Maria de Jesus Coutinho Varejo & Cristiano Souza do Nascimento

    National Institute for Amazonian Research- INPA, Manaus, AM Brazil [email protected]


    This work the process of technological characterization of green materials of the Amazon Forest will be

    approached by using the chemical tool. The wide use and application of certain green materials depends on

    the physical, mechanics and mainly chemistry properties, due the interaction between products and chemical

    composition were entirely linked to the environmental conditions. Traditional materials such as fibers of

    cotton, ramie, sisal, coconut, bagasse or sugar cane, bamboo, jute, kenaf, straw of the banana and rice among

    other is still quite used and your wide utilization brings together classic applications in the textile and paper

    industries. However, new industrial branches are in the dispute for green raw materials, as for instance, in the

    building, automobile and thermoplastic industries, tends in view the developing of new technologies that

    making possible the use of products with lower environmental impact. Their use generates a larger number of

    employments in areas of low of human development index (IDH). Basically the green materials are

    constituted by the primary metabolites cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin and in low proportion inorganic

    compounds and extractives. Woody vegetable species are constituted of 40-50% of cellulose, 20-30% of

    hemicellulose and 20-28% of lignin. These components constitute the cellular wall, together with low

    amounts of material intercellular. They form the basis of the physical structure of the vegetable. In the last

    years studies on the chemical composition of green materials of the Amazonian has been developed in Forest

    Research Products Coordination/Amazonian Research National Institute (CPPF/INPA). On stipe and spongy

    tissue of Bactris gasipaes (pupunha tree) several artifacts were created. Wooden residues had been used as

    substrates in the production of comestible mushrooms. Barks of native species had been formulated in the

    manufacturing of adhesives. Fibers of Astrocaryum acaule (tucum-i) were used at manufacturing of clothes,

    while tests with fibers of Ischnosiphon polyphyllus (arum) for strengthening cement structures. Therefore,

    these studies showed chemical properties that potentialized the use of green materials. Chemical

    characterization of these materials played a relevant part on the creation of new bio-products. The potential to

    be discovered on this raw material in the Amazonian provides us more and more in the technological

    research, because the advances are beyond the academy contributing with the economical and social

    development of the region.

    Keywords: Lignocellulotics materials; chemical characterization; extractives; vegetable fibers




    Vegetable raw materials have a long time ago been used by the man and your use is so

    important that the designation "age of the wood" was created. Several substitutes emerged

    such as: steel, plastic and concrete. However, the energy for your production and

    decomposition in the environment has been a great difficulty in the last years. Green raw

    materials have been adopted at countries developed, producing new bio-products with

    fewer environmental risks by using renewable sources and of easy decomposition.

    Amazon tropical forest is an inexhaustible source of raw material since is managed and/or

    sustainable forms. A priori the wooden resource is main source of the forestry and others

    types of vegetables can and should be used relatives of the substituting bio-composites,

    construction and industrial materials.

    The use wide of certain green materials depends on the physical, mechanics and chemical

    properties, due the interaction between these products and chemical composition close

    linked to the environmental conditions. This combination and the green materials require

    information of the physical-chemical characteristics of this raw material as well as the

    factors affect its feasible performance.

    Commonly designated as fiber there is a true group of filaments formed by fibrils

    composed of carbohydrates oriented in different angles, consisting of the several layers of

    the macrofiber designation known and composed preferably by cellulose molecules and of

    hemicellulose and lignin units.

    Studies accomplished in the last years on the use of natural fibers as reinforcement in

    cement matrices has been motivated by the large number of available fibers and your high

    mechanical resistance. The process of simple manufacture allows the production of

    composites by several ways considered models for using at low cost houses.

    Researchers of the Wood Chemical Laboratory of CPPF/INPA, Manaus, state of

    Amazonas are developing studies with green materials. Chemical characterization was

    initiated with studies of wooden wastes and barks; nowadays other types of vegetables are

    studied such as lianas, herbaceous, palm trees etc. The research became indispensable for

    acquisition of a database of the chemical substances and physical properties, before the

    vast and important materials of the tropical forest, making possible the elaboration of

    several bio-products of ecologically correct form and compromise with the quality of life

    of the populations.

    Brief review on traditional green materials

    The wood for a long ago played a major paper due its variability, however, other materials

    such as vegetables fibers: cotton, ramie, sisal, coconut, bagasse or sugar cane, bamboo,

    jute, straw of the banana, among others. The use of the green materials is quite wide,

    embracing classic applications as at the textile industry and paper. However, new industrial

    fields are entering in the dispute for green raw materials, as for example, buildings,

    automobile and thermoplastic industries that make possible the use of these products with

    lower environmental impact.



    The green materials receive special attention because originate several subjects that should

    be focalized, mainly the no biodegradability and the recycling difficulty, which produce a

    great accumulation of this material type in deposits, trashes and in the own nature (Mattoso

    et al., 1999).

    Among the products of natural fibers have prominence the finishing of inside vehicle due

    their mechanical, thermal and acoustics properties. Several vegetable fibers are found

    practically in all the continents and happen spontaneously in the nature, or cultivated as

    agricultural activity and there are still those that are generated by residues, for the agro and

    wooden industries.

    The potential production of traditional green matters increases every year in Brazil of the

    view point economical and social due to the contents lignocellulosics of these fibers as

    well as your availability at market and their physical-chemical characterization (Table 1).

    The utilization of the natural fibers is quite wide, involves since the classic applications in

    the textile industry until the reinforcement thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers

    matrices. Recently, the utilization of natural fibers as materials that absorb heavy metals in

    the treatment of industrial wastes as been as alternative.

    Table 1. Brazilian production of traditional green materials

    Annual production (103 tonnes)

    2004 2005 2006 2007

    Jute (fiber) 2 6 4 6

    Malva (fiber) 10 20 14 20

    Ramie (fiber) 1 1 - -

    Sisal (fiber) 199 207 248 215

    Herbaceous cotton

    (kernel of fruit)





    Coconut 2.078 2.079 1.857 2.017

    Pineapple 1.477 1.528 1.658 1.682

    Bagasse or sugar cane 415.206 422.957 457.984 489.957

    Rice (straw) 13.277 13.193 11.505 11.045

    Source: Silva et al. (2009)

    Technical and commercial reasons, also, the industry of automobile started the use of

    composites, being this a world tendency. There are some years ago several automotive

    companies used already several fibers such as: sisal, coconut, jute and carau among


    The use of natural fibers in the automotive industry besides substituting renewable raw

    materials makes possible the production of lighter and safer pieces, because those materials

    don't generate sharp edges to the be broken; have excellent physical-mechanics properties,

    equal or better quality, to the one of the conventional composites and, possess very lower

    costs. The vegetable fibers are less abrasive than one inorganic usually used as

    reinforcement (glass fiber) and leave lower wastes at the equipments in the processing.

    Besides, are material biodegradable, basis characteristic for components that, once

    completed their useful life can be discarded (Silva et al., 2009).



    The advantages of the use of the natural material on the contrary to the synthetic fibers are

    moreover the improvement in the physical properties. Its use generates a larger number of

    jobs at areas of low human progress index.

    Chemical properties - tools for characterization

    Green materials present compact, complex and heterogeneous structures of biological

    nature, possess a large anatomical variation and an not uniform chemical composition, that

    change considerably of species for species and even inside of the own vegetable, mainly

    with relationship to their extractive contents, components of the secondary metabolism

    (Fengel and Wegener, 1984).

    Basically the lignocellulolitics materials are constituted by cellulose (40 to 50%),

    hemicellulose (20 to 30%) and lignin (20 to 30%) and in lower proportion inorganic

    constituents and extractives in organic solvents. The primary metabolites constitute the

    cellular wall with intercellular material, the basis of the physical structure of the

    vegetables. Results of the approximate chemical composition of several green materials are

    showed (Table 2).

    Table 2. Chemical composition of the main green materials

    Espcies Total extractives


    Holocellulose % Lignin % Ash %

    Agave sisalana-sisal (India) - 50-70 8-11



    Figure 1- Chemical structure of the cellulose (Nascimento, 2000 adapted)

    The hemicelluloses are in closely association with the cellulose and located in the cellular

    wall, as well as in the medium lamella. They are constituted of carbohydrate

    macromolecular units, with at least two types of sugars, being complex mixtures of

    polysaccharides shows sugars contents of some fibers (Table 3).

    Table 3 Sugar contents presents at vegetable species


    Sugars (%)

    Glycose Xylose Galactose Arabynose Mannose

    Gossypium spp 92.0 - - - -

    Pinus sp. 49.0 5.4 2.4 0 19.2

    Populus sp. 53.3 18.5 1.0 - 1.4

    Phyllostachys sp. 52.0 21.7 - 0.8 0

    Saccarhum officinanum 47.4 27.6 - 1.7 -

    Hibiscus cannabius 47.2 17.7 1.4 0.9 1.4

    Corchorus capsularis 63.8 131 1.2 - 0.6

    Centella asiatica 39.0 3.5 2.8 0.8 2.9

    Eichhornia sp. 37.2 8.7 5.0 11.4 1.4

    Source: (Rowell et al., 2000 adapted)

    Lignin is closely associated to the structure fibrilar of the cellulose, within of the cellular

    wall of the vegetable and exhibited higher resistance and durability. It is located mainly in

    the medium lamella, whose deposition occurs during the lignification process of the

    vegetable tissue. It is known that the lignin is a macromolecule of aromatic nature,

    however, of structure not defined (Nascimento, 2000). It is assumed that the

    macromolecular structure of the lignin varies within and between families and species.

    The extractives (secondary metabolites) are substances no considered as inherent part of

    the structural formation of the cellular wall or medium lamella of the vegetable tissue.

    Species related to each other, that is, of the same gender, are many similar times causing a

    narrow relationship within families and contribute for taxonomic classifications.

    Constituents of the secondary metabolism result of the break of sugars of the primary

    metabolism through controlled and catalyzed reactions by specific and genetically enzymes

    that lead to complex compositions characterizing the secondary metabolism of the


    The representative minerals are mainly salts of calcium, potassium and magnesium and

    other elements that are present in lower amounts. The acidic radicals are carbonates,

    phosphates, silicates, sulphates and in some cases oxalates. In spite to the variable

    composition of the ashes a lot of times are composed from 40 to 70% of calcium oxide, 10

    to 30% of potassium oxide, 5 to 10% of magnesium oxide and 0.5 to 2% of iron oxide.


























    H H

    n - 2



    grupo final redutor

    grupo final no redutor









    Final group

    no redox Final group



























    H H

    n - 2



    grupo final redutor

    grupo final no redutor









    Final group

    no redox Final group




    Aluminum, manganese and sodium oxides are also present and spectroscopic analyses

    indicate the presence of several other metals (Cunha, 1990).

    Analyses methods

    Analysis of wood trunk or other lignocellulolitics tissues are constituted by chemical and

    biochemical data whose formation and organization are very complex. Today the wood

    chemistry makes new directions and challenges with the new technological

    armamentarium of the analyses and to the appearance of modification through mutation

    and genetic methods. Therefore, these results would get new sources of information ever

    since unknown. The complexity and technological progress are fascinating for the

    specialist in search of more adequate methodologies in the routine of a laboratory of wood

    chemistry. The methods described in this article are used routinely at laboratories of Wood

    Chemistry Laboratory/CPPF in their original or modified form, improvement quality of life


    Analysis methods were according with standards; for determinations of extractives free

    material (benzene, toluene, ethanol), lignin, cellulose, ash, silica (ASTM, 1994). The tests

    are accomplished at duplicate and the results with oven-dry matter basis (moisture content

    at T=1032C) (ASTM, 1994; Halward & Sanchez, 1975).

    Green materials from Amazonian

    Brazil has been in the focus of the main discussions politics on support and sustainable

    developing due Amazon forest. Its magnificent and potential biodiversity woody, fibrous

    and herbaceous attract attention at all world included researchers for studying on

    sustainable forms of exploiting the potential green materials.

    Food Agricultural Organization/United Nations Organization declared that 2009 is The

    International Year for Fibers (FAO/ONU, 2009) whose aims are: to foment and the

    same time to stimulate the search of the native fibers, to encourage adequate politics

    response to the problems faces natural fibers, to promote efficiency and sustainable

    participation of the sector with added value to the products created by low income

    populations, getting themselves better quality of life.

    Fibers of the species Ochroma pyramidalis (balsawood), Cecropia sp. (embauba),

    Phyllostachys sp. (bamboo) and Ricinus communis (mamona) at thermoplastics

    composites, in special polyolephynes and recycled PVC from urban wastes have been

    studied (Marinelli et al., 2008).

    At 4th Amazonian International Market (FIAM) were presented fabricated curved

    roofing tile by TECOLIT enterprise situated at Manaus Industrial Pole (PIM). That

    local the stand of the enterprise attracted attention of the visitors by environmental

    invocation (Telha Ecolgica, 2009).

    Edible Mushrooms Laboratory at INPA, there is studies for using of woody and

    agroindustrials residues relative its cultivation. The researchers developed these techniques

    for the species Lentinus strigosus and Pleurotus ostreatus. The native mushrooms of the

    Amazonian were submitted the domestication for survival and are cultivated on substratum



    sawdust, agroindustrials residues such as the bagasse of the cane. Also since wooden and

    agro-forestry residues were used as substratum for production of edible mushrooms (Sales-

    Campos et al, 2008).

    Figure 2- Edible mushrooms at Laboratory INPA: A- Lentinus strigosu; B- Pleurotus ostreatus (Photo: Ceci


    Barks of Leguminosae forest species were formulated natural adhesives. They are

    presented results of chemical essays of several green materials deposited at our

    databank. It is observed that the barks extractive contents were more elevated than related others materials. The studies presented feasible chemical characteristics for

    utilization of green materials and data obtained also that lignin and ash contents were

    considered within limits reported at literature (Table 3) (Santos et al, 2008).

    Table 3. Some results wood chemical composition of species of Leguminosae

    Wood species Total

    extractives (%)







    Buchenavia parviflora 8.25 50.27 30.80 0.45

    Carapa guianensis 4.43 49.45 33.27 0.80

    Cedrelinga catenaeformis 6.53 51.43 27.76 0.31

    Dinizia excelsa 7.80 53.59 28.55 0.18

    Pouteria guianensis 4.59 48.88 33.89 0.83

    Scleronema micranthum 2.50 53.30 32.32 1.19

    Source: Nascimento & Barbosa (no published data)

    The palm tree Astrocaryum acaule Martius (tucum-i) fibers showed technique

    viability to textile production. Considering the unity design, technology and scientific

    knowledge this raw material enabled a concept of a new and excellent product (Figure

    3) (Maciel et al., 2008).


    A B



    Figure 3 Preparation of samples of fibers tucum-i for chemical analyses (Photo: Karla Maciel)

    Publication of Directed Research Projects, first edition of the PPG7-MCT [(PPDs)-PPG7,

    2002] were presented chemical results on fruits for selecting of population of pupunha tree,

    an Arecaceae (floor, chemical composition and biodisponibility of nutrients; on stipe the

    generation of technology for confection of artifacts, musical instruments and prototypes of

    furniture (Yuyama et al., 2002). Of the stipe and spongy tissue were obtained of the

    population Tabatinga (with spines and spineless) and Yurimguas (spineless) extractives

    (benzene and ethanol), lignin, ash, solubility in water (warm and cold) and pH at dry-

    matter basis, respectively, harvested at basis, medium and top of the palm tree (Lopes et

    al, 2000).

    Table 5. Chemical composition of Amazonian green materials

    Forest species Total extractives (%) Cellulose



    (%) Ash (%)

    Albizia polyantha* 15.20 46.00 32.30 2.60

    Aldina heterophyll* 5.47 43.51 33.23 6.17

    Clathrotropis ntida* 15.50 32.60 37.10 1,70

    Cynometra spruceana* 9.21 28.40 31.08 8.05

    Diplotropis martiusii* 13.31 26.70 38.34 2.32

    Dipteryx odorata* 10.93 30.92 37.34 1.70

    Hymenaea courbaril* 9.81 33.05 39.66 1.20

    Peltogyne venosa* 18.74 21.05 36.33 6.56

    Palm tree

    Bactris gasipaes1 15.00 nd 20 1-3


    Ischnosiphon polyphyllus2 < 3.00 37-74 5-29 nd

    Source: 1 - Lopes et al., (2000); 2 - Marques et al. (2008)/ * bark / nd = not determinate

    More recently fibers of Ischnosiphon polyphyllus (Poeppig & Endl) Koern apud Nakazono

    (several types of arum) an herb of Marantaceae family was used for application at

    reinforced cement for structures at civil construction (Table 5) (Figure 4) (Marques et al,




    Figure 4- Utilization of fiber of arum used at preparation of cement matrices (Photo: Goretti Marques)

    Final considerations

    Chemical characterization of Amazonian green materials are a primordial tool for

    creation of new bioproducts. A huge potential to be discovered nearly these raw

    material stimulate ourselves more and more the technological research as evidenced by

    the progress goes above all the academic knowledge of the data results and at the same

    time, contributing with the socio-economical developing of the region added value to

    their products, getting to the population of low income, opportunity, quality of life,

    environment and other factors.

    Acknowledgments: The authors thank express to M. Sc. Maria Goreth Marques and Karla Maciel

    (UFAM, Brazil) and Dra. Ceci Sales-Campos (INPA, Brazil) for the cession of the images. The

    financial support of MCT/CNPq/CT-Amaznia/CT-Energ n 13/2006; Directed Research Projects

    (PPDs)-PPG7 coordinated by dra. Lucia Kyioko Yuyama.


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    Green Building Research Projects at Amazonian Structural Engineering


    Ruy A. S Ribeiro a, and Marilene G. S Ribeiro b

    a. INPA / LTEE, Manaus, AM, [email protected]

    b. INPA / LTEE, Manaus, AM, [email protected]


    Two ongoing green building research projects are described. A sustainable green construction project on modular houses is envisaged for Amazonia. And, the concept of horizontal shear connection utilization on wood-concrete beams intends to be an alternative connection detail for composite wood-concrete decks.

    The house project comprises rain water collection and utilization, green roof, and ecological sewage treatment. Besides traditional construction materials (cement, sand, clay, and lime), bamboo based modular wall panels are used, taking as precedents previous sustainable projects

    developed by the authors. Wall panel structures, columns, and beams are prefabricated with bamboo structures (whole culms and strips) and cemented with microconcrete. Several

    compositions of microconcrete (consisting of cement, sand, bamboo residues, wood residues, clay, and hydrated lime of carburet) are analyzed. The green roof is supported by a structural bamboo ceiling.

    The wood-concrete research project uses medium to high density low grade tropical hardwoods from the Brazilian Amazon region and steel rods scraps from a construction site. The beams

    studied are composed of a bottom layer of staggered wood boards and a top layer of concrete. The wood members are laterally nailed together to form a wide beam, and horizontal rebar connectors are installed before the concrete layer is applied on top. Wood-concrete layered beams with horizontal rebar connectors were tested in third-point loading flexural bending. The results reveal high strength and medium composite efficiency for the beams tested. Further analysis is suggested to optimize the connection parameters. Composite wood-concrete decks

    can attend a large demand for pedestrian and highway bridges, as well as residential and commercial slabs in the Brazilian Amazon.

    Keywords: green construction, ecological house, bamboo, composite, wood-concrete, shear connector.



    1 Introduction

    1.1 Modular ecological house project

    The modular ecological house composed of bamboo can contribute to lower the

    housing construction cost. Thus, in terms of economical and social development, more

    residential units can be constructed and diminish the housing deficit. In terms of

    technological growth, the project execution will result in the following advances: 1)

    Development of a sustainable green construction process; 2) Development of a system

    for rainwater captivation, storage, and utilization; 3) Development of an ecological

    treatment sewage disposal system, with reuse of treated water; 4) Development of a

    green roof.

    The project can benefit the segment of sustainable housing of social interest to attend

    the classes with income wages up to three minimum salaries. It is a sustainable green

    construction with bamboo substituting wood and steel, thus promoting a greater

    balance in the Amazonian ecosystem, and reducing the emission of CO2 to the

    atmosphere. Rain water catchment and utilization will reduce the consumption of

    potable water, besides reducing the impact on cities flooding. The ecological treatment

    sewage disposal system will avoid the contamination of the water bed, and the treated

    water can be used for garden irrigation. The green roof shall lower up to 4C the

    interior temperature, giving more environmental comfort and lowering energy costs.

    As precedents of projects, experiences, or similar initiatives already pursued, can be

    listed: 1) CasaEco Project An ecological sustainable village with eight houses (Fig. 1) built at the Forest Reservation Adolpho Ducke, km-26 of AM-010 highway, in Manaus

    (S Ribeiro and S Ribeiro 2008, S Ribeiro et al. 2006, S Ribeiro et al. 2007, Vetter

    et al. 2006); 2) CasaEcoProt Project An ecological prototype house (Fig. 2) built for monitoring and tests at Bosque da Cincia, in Manaus (S Ribeiro et al. 2006); 3)

    Bamboo-Wall Project Wall panels composed of bamboo (Fig. 3) for housing in Amazonia (S Ribeiro et al. 2004).

    Fig.1 Ecological village at the Forest Reservation Adolpho Ducke, Manaus



    Fig. 2 Ecological prototype house at Bosque da Cincia, Manaus

    Fig. 3 Wall panel with infill of bamboo-clay and finished with plaster

    This article presents the ongoing research project which won the first prize of the

    Prmio Professor Samuel Benchimol 2007 (S Ribeiro and S Ribeiro 2007) issued by

    the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry, and Exterior Commerce. The general

    objective of this research is the analysis and development of a sustainable

    construction for houses with a starting area of 42 m2, with catchment and utilization of

    rain water, a green roof, and an ecological treatment sewage disposal system. The

    main objectives of the research are: 1) Architectural and engineering designs of the

    modular ecological house; 2) Adaptation of the Structural Engineering Laboratory

    testing facilities; 3) Collection of the bamboo; 4) Treatment of the bamboo; 5)

    Physical and mechanical tests of the bamboo; 6) Prefabrication of the bamboo based

    modular wall panels, columns, and beams; 7) Construction of the prototype modular

    ecological house.

    1.2 Wood-concrete project

    In spite of the existence of more than 2,500 different wood species catalogued in the

    Brazilian Amazon (S Ribeiro 1984, S Ribeiro and S Ribeiro 1990), wood is very

    little used in Brazil as an engineered structural element (excluding conventional



    structures for residential roofs). Engineered wood structures are largely used in the

    developed countries for constructions of schools, churches, commercial and industrial

    buildings, residences, pavilions, highway and railway bridges, towers, theater screens,

    ships, military and marine installations.

    The conventional construction of a reinforced concrete slab presents a high degree of

    wasted materials, and the steel reinforcement is expensive. The tension zone cracks

    and half of its thickness is ineffective, only holding the steel reinforcement in place

    (Gutkowski et al. 2000). The tension cracks can allow access to moisture, causing

    corrosion, separation, and other types of degeneration. Exposed rebar is also a

    potential problem for fire protection.

    This research aims to substitute part of the concrete and the expensive rebar by a

    solid Amazonian wood deck structurally effective. Since the wood deck can substitute

    the normal formwork, the gain is leaving it in place, reducing in half the thickness of

    the slab and interconnecting them. This also results in economy of the construction

    cost. The competitive merit of this mixed construction is supported by several

    examples of successful pilot projects in Europe and in the USA (Gutkowski and Chen

    1996, Gutkowski et al. 1999a, Gutkowski et al. 1999b, Gutkowski et al. 2000,

    Gutkowski et al. 2001, Brown 1998, Brown et al. 1998, Chen et al. 1992, Etournaud et

    al. 1998, Etournaud 1998).

    The embedded horizontal shear connection detail concept was first visualized and

    sketched by the author in February 2001. The objective of this work is to study the

    effectiveness of this connection detail, which is easy to fabricate and has a low cost.

    The horizontal shear connection concept intends to be another alternative to be used

    for composite wood-concrete decks. This experiment used mid to high density low

    grade tropical hardwoods from the Brazilian Amazon region and 10-mm steel rods

    scraps from a construction site.

    2 Methodology

    2.1 Modular ecological house project

    2.1.1 Architectural and engineering designs of the modular ecological house

    The architectural and engineering (foundation, structures, electricity, and plumbing)

    designs of the modular ecological house shall be in accordance with the quality

    standards for housing of social interest. The green designs shall focus primarily on the

    environmental comfort of the building. The modular ecological house shall have a

    green roof supported by a structural bamboo ceiling, besides a system for catchment

    and utilization of rainwater. The walls, composed of prefabricated panels structured

    with bamboo, shall be painted with industrial residue (hydrated lime of carburet)

    paint. The house shall follow the North-South orientation for doors and windows

    openings, obstructing direct sunlight to the interior, thus promoting more environment


    2.1.2 Adaptation of the Structural Engineering Laboratory



    The Structural Engineering Laboratory shall be adapted to this research project

    through the acquisition of new equipments and accessories for microconcrete

    compression tests.

    2.1.3 Collection of the bamboo

    It shall be collected 107 bamboo culms (9 m long) available in the region, 4-years old

    average. Collection shall take place during the period less susceptible to fungi and

    insects attack. From the collected culms, 95 shall be used for the prefabricated

    structures (wall panels, columns, and beams) and the structural ceiling of the

    prototype house. The other 12 culms shall be used for the physical and mechanical

    tests to be carried out at the Structural Engineering Laboratory of INPA. The collection

    work will hire labor from the local community which will be trained and accompanied

    by the project coordination.

    2.1.4 Treatment of the bamboo

    The whole bamboo culms and strips to be used for the prefabricated structures shall

    be treated by the Smoking Method. The bamboo culms for the structural ceiling shall

    be treated by immersion in non-toxic preservative solution. After the preservative

    treatment the bamboo pieces shall be conditioned for final use. The treated bamboo

    elements shall be dried to the equilibrium moisture content in a solar drying kiln. The

    treatment and conditioning work will hire labor from the local community which will be

    trained and accompanied by the project coordination.

    2.1.5 Physical and mechanical tests of the bamboo

    The physical and mechanical tests of the bamboo shall be carried out according to

    Standard ISO N315 DTR-2001 (ISO 2001). It will be carried out tests for moisture

    content determination, density (mass per volume), tension strength, flexural bending

    strength, shear strength, and compression strength. The tests will take place at the

    Structural Engineering Laboratory facilities.

    2.1.6 Prefabrication of the bamboo based modular structures

    Prefabrication of the bamboo based modular wall panels, columns, and beams will

    occur at the Structural Engineering Laboratory using designed templates conceived for

    the project. Wall panel structures, columns, and beams will be prefabricated with

    bamboo structures (whole culms and strips) and cemented with microconcrete.

    Several compositions of microconcrete (consisting of cement, sand, bamboo residues,

    wood residues, clay, and hydrated lime of carburet) will be analyzed.

    2.1.7 Construction of the prototype modular ecological house

    A Prototype Modular Ecological House shall be built in Manaus through construction

    management of the architect and the engineer who are the project coordinators. The

    construction work will hire labor from the local community which will be supervised by

    the project coordination. All construction materials shall be acquired from places

    nearby the construction site and their origins shall be in accordance with the principles



    of sustainability.

    The construction schedule is the following:

    1) Foundations;

    2) Sanitary installations and ecological sewage treatment plant;

    3) Structures (columns and beams) and prefabricated modular wall panels with built-in

    plumbing and conduit installations;

    4) Green roof over sealed structural bamboo ceiling;

    5) Plumbing and conduit installation in the walls, and rain water catchment system;

    6) Cemented pavement for flooring;

    7) Doors and windows;

    8) Painting walls, doors, and windows;

    9) Complementary services.

    2.2 Wood-concrete project

    2.2.1 Testing procedures

    Three wood-concrete layered beams were tested. Each beam represented a portion of

    the width of a layered wood concrete longitudinal deck specimen. All staggered wood

    deck for beams V1 and V2 was Mandioqueira (Qualea acuminata), and for V3 was

    Angelim-pedra (Hymenolobium petraceum) in the outer layers and Mandioqueira in

    the middle layer. The wood was surfaced dry, 50x75 mm and 50x38 mm nominal size

    dimension lumber tested at an average 15% moisture content (MC) condition. The

    average specific gravity of the wood, at 15% MC, was 0.74. The layered wood beam

    section used was a 3.05-m beam, composed of 5 staggered vertical pieces. Wood

    members were laterally nailed together (each 2 layers) with 80-mm long nails spaced

    at 300 mm and placed on three scattered rows along the length of the beam. In order

    to accommodate the horizontal shear connectors (10-mm diameter construction steel

    rods), two 10-mm diameter holes, spaced 100 mm on-center, were pre-drilled at the

    mid-length and at 300 mm from both ends of the 250-mm wide beams. The holes

    penetrated the full thickness of the center-layer wood member, and just half the

    thickness of the outer-layer wood members. The steel rod connectors were set in place

    before nailing the last outer-layer wood member. Concrete formwork was constructed

    around the beams using 12-mm plywood (Fig. 4). A picture of the wood-concrete

    beam specimen tested is shown in Fig. 5.

    Fig. 4 Wood deck, steel connector, and formwork



    Fig. 5 Wood-concrete beam test specimen

    The mechanical properties of the construction steel rods used are: modulus of

    elasticity, E = 200,100 MPa, and yield strength, fy = 250 MPa. All 15 wood members

    were nondestructively tested using the Metriguard Stress Wave Timer device to

    determine the longitudinal modulus of elasticity, Ed. The average value of Ed was found

    to be 11,887 MPa.

    The concrete layer was batch delivered with 18 MPa specified strength, consolidated

    by vibration and moist cured. After curing of the concrete the wood-concrete beams

    were transported to the laboratory for testing.

    Testing was done using an Instron Universal Testing Machine with a 500-kN load cell

    capacity at a speed of 10 mm/min up to rupture. Beam specimens were loaded with a

    third point loading and simply supported over a 2.93-m clear span. Deflections were

    measured at mid-span using potentiometers. Also, measurements of slip between the

    wood and concrete layers were taken. The potentiometers were Celesco position

    transducers with a measuring range of 254 mm and a position sensitivity of 94

    mV/V/inch. The testing procedure was the following:

    1) Connect the potentiometers to the beam.

    2) Apply third point loading at a load rate of 10 mm/min up to rupture, using an

    Instron Universal Testing Machine. Measure and record displacements, and

    maximum load.

    3) Check system recovery after rupture.

    3 Results and Discussion on the Wood-Concrete Project

    The wood-concrete experiment used 6 connectors per 0.75 m2 for each beam. A plot

    for the load-displacement of the beams tested on third-point loading flexural bending

    is depicted in Fig. 6.



    Fig. 6 Load-displacement at the center of the beams with horizontal shear connectors

    Efficiency of the layered beams in developing composite action was determined using

    an established definition (Pault et al. 1977),


    where, Dnc is the theoretical non-composite deflection, Dfc is the theoretical fully

    composite deflection, and Dm is the measured deflection for incomplete composite

    action of the specimen. The three beams tested presented an average 32% degree of

    composite action efficiency and an average strength of 42.83 MPa. The tests of the

    three wood-concrete beams with horizontal shear connectors and low grade tropical

    hardwoods showed a composite system 40.23% stronger than that tested by Brown

    (1998) using vertical shear connectors.

    4 Conclusions

    4.1 Modular ecological house project

    The expected results of the project are:

    1) Low cost housing with low environmental impact;

    2) Housing of social interest built with renewable natural resources;

    3) Development of a sustainable construction process;

    4) Development of rain water catchment and utilization system;

    5) Development of a green roof system.

    The expected economical and technological results of the project are:



    1) Monitored transfer of the results to the sectors of production, services, and


    2) Incorporation of the results by the sectors of production, services, and government,

    through cost reduction, investment, and financial return;

    3) Development of green engineered products for construction, using renewable

    natural resources;

    4) Development of processes to attain green engineered products from renewable

    natural resources.

    The expected social and environmental results of the project are:

    1) Higher living standards for the peripheral population, providing good housing and


    2) Rain water catchment and utilization will save the use of potable water;

    3) Utilization of bamboo, a natural renewable resource, as construction material;

    4) Reuse of treated water from the ecological sewage treatment plant;

    5) Green roof.

    4.2 Wood-concrete project

    It is possible to achieve a reasonable degree of composite action in layered wood

    concrete deck specimens using nominal dimension lumber and a horizontal shear

    anchor detail. However, more extended testing is needed to be conclusive. The results

    reveal high strength and medium composite efficiency for the beams tested. This

    suggests further analysis to optimize the connection parameters. A parametric study

    and more experimental tests are in course. The composite wood-concrete deck can

    attend a large demand for pedestrian and highway bridges, and residential and

    commercial slabs in the Brazilian Amazon. Durability under repetitive loads and

    extremes of temperature and humidity need to be examined, particularly for possible

    applications in bridge decks.

    Two important non-technical benefits of the mixed material construction are cost

    savings of replacing non renewable resource based concrete and steel with a managed

    renewable resource; and savings in energy of material production and construction.

    Changes from concrete and steel to more wood construction can substantially reduce

    energy requirements and carbon dioxide emissions (Natterer 1997, Weber 1997,

    Wegener 1997, Wegener and Zimmer 1998, Winter 1998). These realities and the

    outcome of this study encourage the feasibility of wood concrete composites as a new

    application of dimension lumber in Brazil.

    5 References

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    No. 76, Civil Engineering Department, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.



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    Department, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.

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    Ft. Collins, CO.


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    1656 to 1663.

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    Quality Management in the recycling of PET for the conversion in ecological coverage in the city of Manaus (AM)

    Edsandra Magalhes Ferreira a, Joo Bosco Ladislau de Andrade b .

    a. Universidade Federal do Amazonas,Manaus,[email protected]

    b. Universidade Federal do Amazonas,Manaus,[email protected]


    Human activity, as it is known, generates environmental impacts that affect on

    physical, biological and socioeconomic factors, impacting, especially natural resources.

    These impacts are felt especially in water, air and soil and also the human activity. On

    the other hand, we see that, although technologycan be the more advanced one, can

    not yet be able to produce anything that is consumed on the planet without using

    natural resources. These resources, such as petroleum products, which are not

    renewable, are raw, among others, the production of plastics. These, in turn, are seen

    as major identified polluters in the environment, needed, therefore, of modern forms

    of management of which is recycling. The construction industry has proven to be one

    that covers this interesting proposal of the concept of the 3Rs, proof that has sought

    to find ways to improve the use of new materials in construction systems. Therefore,

    quality management recycling is put on evidence in the manufacture of such

    materials, which is the definition of the subject in this article, given that it deals with

    the use of roofing materials, produced from solid wastes of polyethylene terephthalate

    - PET in industry in the city of Manaus. It is the purpose of the article answer the

    following problematical question: ecological PET tiles produced in a small recycling

    company can compete with other companies in size and quality of their products? To

    answer this question the goal of this research is presented as model to develop quality

    management starting from the identification of improvement in the recycling of PET

    plastic in the production of plastic tiles aiming the quality of the material to be used in

    construction. Methodologically, to this end was made use of the PDCA (Plan, Do,

    Check, Act), of continuous improvement, as the principle of quality management ISO

    9001. Therefore, the main result, is planning for quality. In conclusion, there are

    considerable possibilities for improving the quality of the product originated (ecological

    tiles) with significant added value to it.

    Key words: Solid waste management, quality management recycling, PET recycling in construction



    1 Introduction

    The man, from the beginning, generates waste with the use, processing and

    modification of natural resources. The concern with preservation, at a certain time,

    came with the understanding that these resources are not renewable, thus the history

    of waste is linked with the history of men himself. To face such order of concern,

    recycling is seen as a management important tool. The first and most visible environmental contributions of recycling is the conservation of such resources, often successfully replaced by recoverable waste. So,

    prolonging the life of nature reserves and reducing the destruction of the landscape,

    flora and fauna, among others. The Reducing of the volume of waste disposed of in

    controlled and health landfills, as well as the reduction of incineration and energy

    consumption, are other important and rational consequences. In addition, many times,

    recycling, also allows the reduction of pollution emitted in the manufacture of one

    product, in addition to job creation and the increase of economic competitiveness

    (John, 2000).

    The case of Manaus, the benefits of recycling, particularly of plastic waste

    polyethylene terephthalate - PET, are commonly referred by its top management of

    the only recycling company of this polymer and up to now existing at the local level.

    This company, for information, receives about 60 tons/month of PET material in its

    many variations and turns them into plastic tiles (ecological cover) applied in the

    construction industry.

    According to Souza & Tamaki (2004), the construction industry has undergone

    tremendous transformation in recent years. One of the reasons for the sector to

    promote changes in the overall design, came from especially, from the need of

    enhancing its image in the country. These authors also describe that the history of the

    development of quality in the Brazilian construction sector can be summarized as


    In the 1990s, the image of the construction industry in Brazil was of an undeveloped activity employing less labor-skilled, almost did not make use of mechanization and automation and maintained a high wastage rate, factors which generated products of poor quality and high maintenance costs over the life of the projects. The performance and poor quality of work often led to compromise the durability of buildings, leading to dissatisfied customers and end consumers (SOUZA & TAMAKI, 2004, p. 7).

    With the awareness of the construction industry in Brazil, it has sought to find

    ways to improve this condition, including using new materials in construction systems.

    Therefore, the use of recycled materials from the use of waste end up competing with

    the materials made from virgin material. Such products, however, are placed since

    they can be in an acceptable level of quality within the construction companies that

    are concerned with investment in new building technologies and programs of total

    quality management - promoted largely by industry organizations such as Employers'



    Unions of the Construction Industry - but the search for evolutionary classification,

    according to the guidelines of PBQP-H (Brazilian Program for Quality and Productivity

    Habitat) at the national level, and the ISO (International Organization for

    Standardization) 9000 as international recognition. In this context the proposed work has the aim to present proposals for improvements to ensure quality

    management in the process of PET recycling for the production of plastic tiles

    in the industry under study in the city of Manaus (AM).

    2 The issue of solid waste, morphology aspects of PET, the quality of small business in construction and the PDCA cycle

    The issue of solid waste is directly linked to population and consumption

    explosion always increasing, which in turn is associated with lack of incentives for

    waste collection, reduction, reuse and recycling, as well as the lack of area for waste

    disposal solid, allowing the uncontrolled increase of waste in the environment. So, the

    cost of waste managing has become a task that requires different and articulated

    actions, which should be included among the priorities of all municipalities (CEMPRE,

    2002). According to Agenda 21, the environmental management of waste should go

    beyond the simple and safe deposit or recovery of waste generated and seek to solve

    the fundamental cause of the problem by attempting to change unsustainable patterns

    of production and consumption. In this context, recycling, each day that passes, it

    becomes one of the most important environmental protection, assigning economic

    value and technological development (CANDIANI, 2007).

    The Brazilian context points to a potential socio-economic and business viability

    for the recycling of plastic packaging, especially polyethylene terephthalate - PET,

    requiring, however,a major conjuction action from government, business and research

    sector. The materials with emphasis on construction from recycled PET are: pipes,

    paint, flooring, coatings, concrete reinforced with fibers, etc also plastic tiles, the main

    focus of this research.

    According Awaji & Pavel (2005), the virgin PET is regarded as one of the most

    important engineering polymers in the last two decades due to rapid growth in its use.

    It is considered an excellent material for many applications and is widely used as

    containers (bottles) that contain liquids. For the authors, it has excellent tensile

    strength resistance and impact, chemical resistance, clarity, processability, color and

    reasonable capacity of thermal stability. It has other properties as noble appearance

    (brightness and transparency), partially crystalline and oriented (translucent), barrier

    to gases, among others (apud MARANGON MANO, 2004).

    The construction industry is a sector, in the national context, of significant

    influence by its contribution to the development benefits of society. The construction

    and growth of a civilization go together, combined with the mens well-being and

    quality of life. Given its importance to the growth of society, the construction has

    made continuous changes and advances, towards a higher level of evolution in

    corporate governance (MELHADO apud Andrade, 2003). There are hundreds

    construction companies that already are certified by ISO 9000, and QUALIHAB PBQP-H



    or are in the process of deploying their systems of quality management and moving

    towards certification.

    To be truly effective, any organization, large or small, needs systematic ways of

    conducting their activities. In this context, ISO 9000 is the model for employing such

    system, whose main objective is to standardize, between customers and suppliers, a

    system of Quality Management (ZACHARIAS apud RAMPASSO, 2006, p.14).

    Continuous improvement is, currently, a major focus on the systems of quality

    management in companies (ANDRADE, 2003). In turn, Moura apud Andrade (2003)

    quotes the continuing improvement as the search for better results and performance

    levels of processes, products and business activities. Moreover, Juran apud Andrade

    (2003) states that improvement means creating organized beneficial changes,

    achieving unprecedented levels of performance.

    The cycle of quality or PDCA cycle is a basic managerial control tool that

    combines action and learning, requiring act on the thought and think according to the

    actions (Luck, 2003). According Werkema (1995), is a management method

    representing a path to be followed so that the targets can be achieved.

    Facing the knowledge of the aggregates to the companies in general, the use of

    ISO 9001:2000, whose process approach is based on the PDCA method

    improvements, it is important to the work so it can be identified and suggested

    improvements in the fundamental processes to the Small Business under research.

    3 Methodology

    This paper presents a model of Quality Management based on ISO 9001:2000

    Management Systems - Requirements. Developed in a Small Business SB that recycles PET plastic bottles and turns them into tiles by plastic injection process. This

    is classified in this way because it has only 27 employees, according to the market

    segment for the activity of the industrial type, framing it in size and according to their

    annual revenue as Small Business following SEBRAE standards (2004 apud

    RAMPASSO, 2006).

    The company studied was the first in the state of Amazonas using polyethylene

    terephthalate - PET fiber as main input in the production of new materials. This

    company has been operating for 10 years in the city of Manaus, where competes in

    size and quality of its products with other companies. Many of them, invest in

    management focused on the quality of their products and services. So, from the ISO

    9001,it was found necessary to find the points of greatest impact for the company and

    its effective implementation in accordance with the PDCA method, principle of quality

    management, aiming the introduction of actions for improvement for the change in the

    processes involved in the realization of product as an attempt to control the quality of

    the material to be used in construction.

    The methodology for the creation of improvement planning, developing efforts

    in awareness and mobilization for the quality, is proposed in four interrelated steps

    shown in Figure 1.



    Fig. 1. Steps and sub-steps on the quality planning preparation.

    The first step, knowing the EP, refers to the knowledge of the characteristics

    of the company, i.e., the diagnosis of its current situation, involving four relevant

    sources of information in the survey, according shown in Figure 1. For the second

    step, understanding the ISO, it refers to the understanding by inner customers of

    the company's internal quality concepts, or even to provide understanding on ISO

    9001, through the explanation of lectures.

    The third item, commitment of direction, regards the participation of

    directions company for the works focused on quality. This fourth and final item,

    planning for quality is more important as regards the application of the P phase on

    PDCA cycle, using the brainstorming and cause and effect diagram, using the

    methodology of 5W1H for the preparation of quality planning.

    4 Results and Discussion

    As the first step in the knowing the PE, the diagnosis of the state gave us an

    opportunity to know the company and gather information that will help us to take a

    decision to seek opportunities for improvement. These data were collected through

    structured observations, structured interviews and unstructured, informal

    conversations that included management and internal customers, i.e. employees

    directly involved in the production process that enabled us to analyze the company's

    reality. We know what type of activity and the local market, customers and

    competitiveness of the sector, merits and challenges faced daily by PE.







    Knowing of the SB: Diagnosis

    Customer focus

    Understanding quality in SB:


    Participation on the Quality Business

    Planning Analyzing the


    Motivation of internal costumers


    Planning: Policies and Objectives

    Goals Establishment

    Analyzing the Phenomenon (Observation)

    Standard ISO x Procedures in SB:


    Responsibility/Critic Analysis/Provide


    Planning for quality



    In this second item, customer focus, has the purpose to know the ownership of the

    product, which in the opinion of customers needs improvement, where was identified

    the profile of clients served. The retailer public in general is the largest consumer of

    the product with 58.7% of sales, but we opted to apply the kind of structured

    interview to construction materials shops, which are in second place with 23.2%.

    These products as they provide for both the retail public in general, and for builders,

    are well suited to respond to the survey, after attending all those involved by

    providing the product. Table 1 shows the interview results applied to the

    representative of the company responsible for the acquisition of materials.

    Continuing the stage, the third item, understanding quality in PE, showed us through a

    multiple choice questionnaire, the need to improve knowledge of the processes

    involved in processing the product, which will be held at a later stage, considering

    ISO. This last item, ISO procedures x EP, we have the knowledge of how the company

    treats the concepts of quality, soon identified the need to: 1) restructure the system,

    defining responsibilities, authorities and communication of those involved, in order to

    build an organizational structure in line with reality, 2) build and document the

    sequence and interaction of processes, 3) make use of an effective planning tool,

    defining quality policy and objectives and targets; 4) pre-determine customer

    requirements, 5) provide resources to implement and maintain a system of quality

    management - quality management system, among others. So, there is the possibility

    of effective monitoring and measurement control, as for the customer satisfaction, as

    for the processes and existing services and establishment of procedures and records of

    actions, with the establishment of indicators of goal attainment for quality.

    The second step, understanding the ISO, came to meet deficiencies discovered in

    the previous step with the need for explanation in lectures aiming to arouse

    motivation of internal customers and involving them in actions for improvements.

    These were addressed in order to know the main activity of the company and its

    implications, the ISO 9001 and PDCA cycle. We obtain satisfactory results for the

    interest shown by employees to learn and contribute to research for the improvement


    Properties Customer Total

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    Durability x x x x 4

    Deformation Strength x x x 3

    Thermal Comfort x x 2

    Acoustical Comfort x x 2

    watertight x 1

    Cost x x 2

    Architectonic Characteristics 0



    Application 0

    Table 1 Properties to be improved.

    In the third stage, directions commitment, have been developed policy and

    quality objectives. The targets for attainment of quality have been aligned to the

    chosen goal, which was the focus on continuous improvement, because it is intimately

    connected to property improvement, product durability. These correspond respectively

    to changes in acquisition, recycling and processing.

    For the Goals Establishment, the fourth step, planning for quality, baring in

    mind that all the efforts so far, prepared the company to reach this last stage, their

    cases were studied to determine: 1) Reduce by 50% contamination of raw press in 1

    year, 2) analyze 100% of the parts of ground material for verification of contaminants

    in 1 year and 3) adapt in 50%the condition of the raw materials according to

    specifications of the material in 1 year.

    In analyzing the phenomenon, we know and identify the processes of product

    realization according to figure 2 as we determine their sequence and interaction.

    A comment is made valid when the observation of the receipt, the Small

    Business does not have a control type of raw material it receives. Because it is waste,

    any material that is offered and it shows similar to the PET is acquired. The storage of

    bundles and bags, also ends up compromising the quality of raw material, many are

    exposed outdoors, cycles of sun and rain and to its own land for waste are stored in an

    unpaved place.

    The lack of care in the storage of these materials implies in the post-acquisition

    process, when washing the raw material in the recycling process.

    Because of its occurrence is continuous, the recycling process makes the control of the activities difficult. There are no minimum specifications for the reprocessing of

    PET post consumption such as meeting the essential requirements for a successful

    recycling. So, the main factor affecting PET flakes is the level and nature of

    contaminants in flakes. Therefore, the process developed by PE does not provide care

    to these requirements affecting the quality of raw material flakes.





    raw material




    payment order






    bottles on wake










    Separation by





    raw material

    to tiles

    raw material

    to pipes


    Putting raw

    material in the


    Entrance on the



    Separation of air

    among flakes

    Storage of the



    Mix and


    Putting on the





    Storage of the




    Fig. 2. Processes of product development at the company, respectively, acquisition,

    recycling and processing.

    Just like recycling, the transformation process is continuous. The observations

    taken into account concern the control of activities in this process, when the strength

    of the raw materials, their proportions and types of material involved, the control of

    temperature and time of dehumidification, the pigment and additive incorporated into

    the mixture to the obtaining of the material injected and the injection temperature. As

    the care of the storage of tiles.

    To fulfill the item, review the process, we have the participation of all the

    involved in the processes directly linked to quality in the manufacture of the product.

    The answers regarding the methodology used, brainstorming, were very good. The

    participants had formal education at primary and secondary, but according to their

    daily experiences, could contribute according to expectations.

    During the methodology, we present the analysis results of the phenomenon,

    pointing out the policy and quality purposes for understanding the emergence of the

    improvement goals. Each participant was asked to reflect on the factors that influence

    the durability of the tile problem, and then was presented the cause and effect

    diagram for consideration of the team. All could make an equal voice in determining

    the causes. At first there was some difficulty by the participants, but according to the

    sequence of ideas and opinions presented were collected valuable contributions, which

    were added to the methodology.

    This last item, planning for quality, plans were made to the causes of action,

    which, from the point of view of those involved were given priority.

    The knowledge of the priority causes a