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FA102a, Research, Product Proposal and Multimedia Explorations

Photography through Glasses

Page 2: Product idea fa 102a tweet update

“If you really want to remember a moment, try not to take a picture”

Photography through Glasses Alexandra Licata

Assignment One, Research

Page 3: Product idea fa 102a tweet update

“every time we snap a quick pic of something, we could in fact be harming our memory of it.”

Photography through Glasses Alexandra Licata

Assignment One, Research

Page 4: Product idea fa 102a tweet update

While Looking at a photo can help us recall memories, it may can also replace them.

Photography through Glasses Alexandra Licata

Assignment One, Research

Page 5: Product idea fa 102a tweet update

Viewing real objects and images of objects both activate similar neural networks, such as the Lateral Occipital Complex, but because real objects afford action, they have a unique effect on neural responses.

Photography through Glasses Alexandra Licata

Assignment One, Research

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Photography Through Glasses

Photography through Glasses Alexandra Licata

Assignment One, Future Product or Service

•Automatically takes photos •Uploads directly to device •Aids in remembering visuals •Takes a photo of your outfit and remodels its frames to match

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Photography through Glasses Alexandra Licata

Naming Process

Perspective Memory Camera

Spectora+ +

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Source for Brand Character Words

Photography through Glasses Alexandra Licata

“Audition (The Fools Who Dream)” performed by Emma Stone in La La Land


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PersonaS t o r i e s

C o l o r f u l F e e l i n g

ToneF l i c k e r S m i l i n g


D r e a m F r a m e

A b r o a d

LanguageT r a c e

R e m e m b e r C a p t u r e

PurposeOriginal Words

Alexandra LicataPhotography through Glasses

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PersonaS t o r y t e l l e r

C o l o r f u l E v o c a t i v e

ToneF l i c k e r

S a t i s f y i n g P e r s p e c t i v e

Dreamy ‘Frame Your Perspective’ Adventurous

LanguageD o c u m e n t R e m e m b e r

C a p t u r e


Alexandra Licata

Brand Character


Photography through Glasses

Page 11: Product idea fa 102a tweet update

Alexandra LicataPhotography through Glasses

Know Your Audience

•According to Webseo Analytics, the number one rule is to know your target audience and what your competitors are doing in order to capitalize in your industry. An easy way to do this is by using Twitter’s search bar.

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Alexandra LicataPhotography through Glasses

Utilize Imagery & Twitter’s Features

•Twitter provides the ability to use gifs and polls in tweets, as well as importing your own images and videos. These can be used to “show (and not just tell) your audience” about your campaign.

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Alexandra LicataPhotography through Glasses

Utilize Hashtags

•By using hashtags, people who are not following you are more likely to see your tweets. It is important to not overuse them, but by using a brand-specific hashtag, you can track what people are saying about the company.

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Alexandra LicataPhotography through Glasses

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Alexandra LicataPhotography through Glasses

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Alexandra LicataPhotography through Glasses