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Page 1: Production schedule

Production Schedule

Page 2: Production schedule


Procedure Roles Responsible When it will be done by

Location Recce Producer - Lauren 10th November

Risk Assessment Producer - Lauren 10th November

Location Permissions Producer - Lauren

Production Schedule Producer - Lauren 12th November

Call Sheets Producer - Lauren 13th November

Location Ideas Director - Isobel 10th November

Shot List Director/Camera Operator- Isobel and Danielle 12th November

Casting Profiles Director - Isobel 13th November

Costume and Props Director - Isobel 13th November

Audio Clips + Permission Director - Isobel 14th November

Storyboard Camera Operator - Danielle 10th November

Test Camera shots Camera Operator - Danielle 13th November

Animatic Whole Crew 14th November

Title Trials Whole Crew 14th November

Sample Techniques Whole Crew 14th November

Page 3: Production schedule

ProductionTime Location Scene No.s/ Shot Description Actors Special Requirements5.00 pm Isobel’s house – Bedroom Scene 2 – The gang of girls are having a conversation

about why Kelly is extremely angry. It is her clear she has not taken her tablets.

Danielle(Kelly)Isobel (Stacey)Molly(Chantelle)


5.30 pm Isobel’s house – Bathroom Scene 3 – Kelly is experiencing an extreme personality change due to not taking her tablets. She hears several voices in her head.


Mirror & Voice overs

6.00 pm Isobel’s house – Living Room/Dining Room

Scene 4 – Rosie is speaking to Kate whilst standing with Tom. Tom makes sharp exit as he spots Kelly storming down the stairs, followed by Stacey and Chantelle. Kelly asks to speak to Rosie outside.


Cups & Drinks

6.30 Car Park Scene 1 – Rosie lies soullessly on the floor whilst Kelly is standing there in disbelief of what she has done, heavily breathing. Chantelle cries uncontrollably in the background.


Fake blood & Dirt

7.00 Car Park Scene 5 – Rosie and Kelly have a heated discussion. Kelly begins to hurt Rosie and becomes out of control, no one can stop her.


Fake blood & Dirt

Page 4: Production schedule


Procedure Roles Responsible When it will be done by

Setting up project in Premiere Editor – Whole Crew 13th November

Rough Cut Editor – Whole Crew 28th November

Post Production blog posts Editor – Whole Crew 28th November

Final Cut Editor – Whole Crew 12th December

Throughout this schedule there are some changes which have been made due to the absence of actresses. The main character changes were, Stacey as Lauren Murray and

Rosie being removed from the sequence.These changes were made due to the audience feedback given to our original
