Page 1: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 20031

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

PWG Update ReportBy

Ernie Podrazaof Reliant Energy


forRMS Meeting

August 14, 2003

Page 2: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 20032

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

• Next PWG Meetings 8/19, 8/20 and 9/11.

• New Profile Cost Recovery Method per PUCT Project 25516.

• Annual Profile Type and Weather Zone Validation.

• Opt-in Entity Issues for PWG.

• Oil and gas properties profile change request.

• Direct Load Control (DLC) Project Status.

• IDR Requirement Report.

• Default Profiles.

Page 3: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 20033

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

PUCT Project 25516, Load Profiling and Load Research Rule.1. Approved at open meeting 3/05/03. Effective Date April 16, 2003 (Oct. 16, 2003 - end of 6 months).

2. ERCOT has 6 months to establish a procedure to provide a method of recovery of research costs associated with obtaining a new profile by a sponsoring Market Participant.

a) ERCOT presented a strawman at the 5/07/03 PWG meeting.

b) PWG refined the strawman at the 5/28/03 PWG Meeting.

c) PWG presented alternatives at the RMS meeting on 6/12, Pay As You Go was selected.

d) Per PWG meetings 6/18, 6/19 and 7/09, the PWG has drafted a PRR and LPGRR.

e) PRR442 and LPGRR2003-003.

i. 7/17/03 RMS approved , urgent status approved at 07/24/03 PRS and 8/6/03 TAC meetings, and PRS Comments due: 08/11/03.

ii. PRS Review: 08/21/03, Comments on PRS Recommendation: 09/03/03, TAC Consideration: 09/04/03, Board Consideration: 09/16/03.

Page 4: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 20034

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

Annual Profile Type and Weather Zone Validation.DUE




6/30/03 Preliminary Profile ID changes due to ERCOT

TDSP 8/5/2003 Last file received from Centerpoint 8/5all others TDSPs met due date

7/15/03 List available to CRs of record ERCOT 8/6/2003 Partial list available 7/15Complete list available 8/6

8/1/03List of discrepancies to TDSP

ERCOT AEP, TNMP sent 7/29 Centerpoint 8/6Oncor - in process

8/21/03Reconciliation complete

TDSP/ERCOT ERCOT received usage fromTNMP 8/5, AEP 8/7

9/1/03 Final list of Profile ID changes available to CR of record


10/1/03814_20s sent by meter read


11/10/03EDI transactions complete


11/12/03Final Sample Validation


Validation Complete - 99% accuracy achieved


Page 5: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 20035

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

TDSP Business ResidentialAEP Central 59.68 74.23AEP North 67.46 73.14CNP 50.23 77.88Oncor 80.64 71.61Sharyland n/a n/aTNMP 83.24 75.77

TDSP Business ResidentialAEP Central 40.32 25.77AEP North 32.54 26.86CNP 49.77 22.12Oncor 19.36 28.39Sharyland n/a n/aTNMP 16.76 24.23

Undergoing Change

Est. % of Profile IDs

Estimated % of Profile IDs

Summary of Sample Estimates of Profile Assignment Changes*

Not Undergoing Change

Based on 12 months ending April 2002 and using the usage month algorithm in current Profile Decision Tree. Percentages are for a residential and a business sample of 20,000 ESIIDs each per TDU pulled in November 2002 and not over the whole population.

Page 6: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 20036

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

Opt-in Entity Issues for PWG.1. Nueces and San Patricio.

2. Texas SET Version 1.5 Mid July, 2003.

3. Invite the Muni and Coop Segment participation.


a) Initial Validation of Profile Id Assignments.

b) Updates to the LPG, Load Profiling Guides.

c) Updates to Protocols.

d) Shall be using the Profile Decision Tree Version 1.08.

e) Both entities working with ERCOT staff to get data loaded.

i. San Patricio may opt-in Spring 2004.

ii. Nueces does not yet have profile id assignments.

Page 7: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 20037

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

Oil and gas properties profile change request. 1. Submitted to ERCOT 3/6/03 by Pioneer Natural Resources, Priority Power

Management, and Energy Data Source .

2. ERCOT to post to WEB.

3. Argument is that the aggregate profile is a very high load factor profile, close to flat.

4. ERCOT is to evaluate and submit recommendation to PWG.

5. May test the new PUCT Rule 25516 for reimbursement.

6. ERCOT shall post the methodology request to the Market Information System (MIS) and respond to the request within sixty (60) days of the posted date of the request. This period does not include the time to analyze and render the complete assessment of the request.

7. “ERCOT withholds a decision on making a recommendation on whether to adopt or to deny adoption of the suggested profile change; instead ERCOT finds the request, as submitted, is incomplete and deficient. The requestors are invited to address the incompleteness and deficiencies listed below and re-submit the request for further review.”

8. Per 6/19 PWG meeting, a straw-man in development for changes to the profile change request process and to allow lagged dynamic samples.

Page 8: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 20038

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

Direct Load Control (DLC) Project Status.1. PRR 385 Section 18 is complete with Board Approval 5/20/03.

2. LPGRR2003-001 is attached to PRR385, approved by TAC 7/02, reviewed by Board, and the LPG is updated).

3. ERCOT Schedule is pending, Project Manager assigned.

4. ERCOT and some Market Participants question priority going forward.

5. PRR Section 6 Language for DLC still needs to be written for a PRR.6. Memo, on Project 26359 on Competitive Metering, May 8, 2003, by Commissioner Perlman

suggests that wires companies need to develop a rate structure that provides strong incentives for demand responsiveness by charging different rates during high load periods.

7. PRR388 and PRR400 does not completely cover DLC issues.

Page 9: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 20039

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

IDR Requirement Report1Second Highest Max_Demand_Use CNP Oncor TNMP AEP_C AEP_N Total Cumulative totalover 1000 kW 9 116 6 4 135 135

1. 07/03/03, ERCOT issues IDR_threshold_analysis_20030627.xls.

2. July 30, 2003, ERCOT issues a Market Notification for IDR Requirement File on Portal.

3. PWG discussed on 7/30/03. Background:a) The report was issued in the spring of 2002 and manually sent to

market participant contacts. b) The report was again issued in the spring of 2003 and manually sent

to market participant contacts.

c) The report was automated on monthly basis on 5/2, 6/2, and 7/2/03.

Page 10: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 200310

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

IDR Requirement ReportLoad Profiling Guides, Section Non-IDR to IDR (NIDR to IDR)

Per Protocols Section 18.6.1, "Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Installation and Use in Settlement," any ESI ID that exceeds 1000 kW or 1000 kVA in any two (2) billing months in the most recent twelve (12) month period or that receives service at 60 kV or above is required to have an interval data recorder (IDR) installed and utilized for settlement. ERCOT shall monitor the peak demand level of demand metered customers and post a monthly report to the Market Information System (MIS), with the appropriate Portal security rules, detailing which ESI IDs are required to have an IDR installed. The CR serving the ESI ID has thirty (30) days to verify the demand level and request that the TDSP install an IDR. If the CR does not agree that the IDR criteria have been met, the CR shall refer to Section 14.3, "General Dispute Resolution Guidelines," to address the issue.

The TDSP has until the second regularly scheduled meter read date after receipt of the CR’s request to install the IDR. The TDSP shall update the Load Profile ID in the ERCOT systems effective on the meter install date, via the appropriate Texas SET transactions.

Page 11: Profiling Working Group August 14, 20031 PWG Update Report By Ernie Podraza of Reliant Energy ERCOT PWG Chair for RMS Meeting August 14, 2003

August 14, 200311

Profiling Working GroupProfiling Working Group

Default Profiles1. PWG reviewed 7/30/03.

2. Requested ERCOT staff examine PWG suggestions if a new module can be added to the settlement software to allow ways of scaling the default profiles when both the IDR data is missing and/or a NIDR premise changes to IDR.

3. PWG and ERCOT staff to further discuss at the 8/19 PWG meeting.
