Page 1: Program of Conference on Marria in War Time · Program of Conference on Marria_ · in War Time Hotel Statla ,, Clevclaod, Ohio May 21~3.1943

Program of Conference on Marria _ · in War Time

Hotel Statla ,, Clevclaod, Ohio

May 21~3. 1943

Page 2: Program of Conference on Marria in War Time · Program of Conference on Marria_ · in War Time Hotel Statla ,, Clevclaod, Ohio May 21~3.1943

FRIDAY. ~fAY 2 t

1:00-l: .. 0 P.M. Registration, HDtel S! tier, l!.n"ancc to E1 dt.l B.zllroo"', J\!n:antnt Floor

l :30-3:30 P. ~t. Gcnrral Session: ''What the Famil)' Faces in War Time: · fJTt liJ 81lltoot~1

Prl'JI ing~ H. W. Nisonger, Ohio ate Urnhr,ers1ily Economic 'tresses,. Benjamin R. A~ndre\\·s~ Columbia

Uni,•ersity EmottonaJ ReaeHons. UJ" l R. R se rs~ Ohio Sta~e'

01\''crsity Fre dom and Lhe Family~ Sidne)' E. Gold tein. ~- ew

'·ork taLe Conference on ~farriage and the FamH)?

Prevjew of Round Table ., !eetings: Chairmen of Conference Committees

S:50·5 :30 P. M. Round Ta&le Meetings

Education for Marriage and Family Life in the Communi.ty'-T,a-t~"ern R()t;m

;Mu,rj,el \'Q·. B~r.ownt Cht~if111!4?'1 I' " ,Or8aniz~ing a -Co·mmunUy Family Life Program" I . What c:o~nst~tutes a f'amHy Life, Education 'Pro,~

gram.? 2. How c:an it be organi~ed? 3. H(),W can available resources be used? 4. What age lcveb can be reached and how? .5 . What are techniques for working with various economtc levels and racial groups?

Education for Maniaac ancl Family Lift on the I:Jigh School Levei-Pa,Jor E

*'Newer De"e,l ~opme-nts io the TcMching of Familr Relations~"

.Dorothy EUen Jonest Board of Educat1ion~ Clete· land, C1Jairm411

A Hi8b School Demoastrati,on Program, Sora 'Barth Loeb. Association for Family Living

UHfizing the R~sources of Community Agencies. Jemne Rised.orlf1 Pittsburgh

Mattiage and Famlly Cmmseling-Par/nr C

nProblems of Matriage Counseiins in War Time" Lester \XI. Dearborn. Chairma~1 ~· Carl R. Rogers; l\i.ason Crum_ DU'ke University~ Mad a Pi~ers. Asso­ciation for Fan'lLily Living; 0. A. Ohmann~ 'W,esh?rn lleserve U n i'ver.s.ity

.Marriage and Family Law--Parlor R

Judge Samuel H* Silbert. presiding .. The Administration o£ the Service Men • s Depend·

ents' .Allowance Act of L942:· Colonel H. N . Gilbert, Adjutant General's Department~ New­ark, N.J.

··uJ,!JI Ptohlt•m, ~'I ,Htl ;l .~c: :1nd ~h( F.nnll : in \~l~n 'finw," l tura~l £'. l1.t~t~cu, t ou ha .ut ~f ,tlc Univcr-.ity

Religion .and 1h F'.unii) - P lor f

··cont rihulion of i n ~., th l'unil · 1n ~ ·'.•r •

Universi~l~1 of h!iddg.111

R~scarch iu f.arn g • nd • 1nil· ~ . 'I •n1g-

ParJo,· B

"The Elfct.t uf \X .1r ( n~ it iL-'lat.~ on th · F u1,il}.·· Jessie Bernard. c.·l.ul 'l/,111

Problc-111$ .md Ad;u~rmculs of ~lc.."'1 in rhc ~ \ rmcd en• kc:s •. 1. F. ,..uh('l, Kt:rlt Un h•t,irllii~ '

The SigniJir.tnrt of \X' .u· 1( othlll ,iuns f ()f tht• Fc:Lll · 1.fatcrn •1 Rd.•t iunshifll4, L \\!! . s..,,nht~~ Fd~ 'R.t· · search ·~ n s,(j tuh:

Pane~' ~ ~ • N ec .. ~ c, ~ ltc~t·H ~~' ·h i 11 '\l' .t r .t n~ ~ P'usf ~ \~ ' lr

PC'riod,· ' l~ ,~ tr~h ~ I. O,lcm~uln r t.:b,1il'm.u1 Pnrticipnnts : J <.'.SS~c Ucrmu~.~ , j . F'. C"ubcr. I~ 1 n 'l')' J.

Locke,. l.. \'XI. Sont~L.t: 1 lt J\ ~ Stos~Hll, td.tnd Stott. B. t:. Timmons, H ll\\'.1 rd ~ 'Hke~ in~

S :00-10 :no P.M. Gcnc:r. 1 c si t\: ''\\ .lr Thnc ~ tlr· ria!!e ''-Eudi~l R Jlltoom

Prc·ridur,lj . lh·drn ta II is Du\".111" t\ s · t tti,,n for Fa mil}· Li\'in ~

War CamJr nhl Dcr en ·c u .L ~~t ~rri,l,."'e). ., .w.,.~t Fo\\"'Jcr edson. l iSt). Y\'\ ,.•\ l1mpr,.tm

A:ledica.r1 A.sp«l ,of \'\1 r~1'inrn.· "fllr1rh'l.l:~~. tin l R. K.tvinok)'~ I .ll ~ 'lor hers• link ~ to n-. 8'-"'c-5

Alarriagcs of J\ranerk.m . mr.e I 1:\lr ·c · hr d. 8 "~ Re.prescntativ(';s of RriH$11 ~ n,N._~ · .1nd u,. trJJi.1.n lc~~ t ion


9 !30-11:. 0 .\, M. Round Tabll· ~if'erings

Ecan~omic Ba8i~ of du-- Fan,Hy-P.wlo• P .,Wiar Thnc Ad iu~ r mcnts nr the F'Lmli~)· . n lrll\.1 H I

Gross~ Cf.,,~,~~·n~w~u

fjna.ndaJ Prob!.(~ms ~n Soldwcr.s' l1mtltHcs~, K.,fhr)•n S. \V d t .zcl., \W cstt•r•n R c~c rv~ U ~1 ive~rs h )•

F'ood. in W',t~r T'im:t\ 'Nelle U. 1'ho•nrs,,n. \ lhio, S~ 1lc University

Day Care PlusN J\!rs. Flb11t hltd .\nd ~~ r~. lu:rhudt· Mcrkling. Day Nu r~c:ry t\. stx• inn. l l~vd.tnd

Price Control Problc,m .H'h .. l the t t\n. un1cr. ( rtn E. Burley. Ohio t:&tc Uni\·~~it •. i trid < tti" c OPA. Columhu

Page 3: Program of Conference on Marria in War Time · Program of Conference on Marria_ · in War Time Hotel Statla ,, Clevclaod, Ohio May 21~3.1943

Disc~sion: 1arah ~facleod, Cl ,·erand Sodctr ror 54"·~ • ~ fr.1occs Pn:ston~ Cl·e'l .. t:land. Assodaficd O.aru•es Jnstitut~

Education for M~n21~ and th . F---~• . b . _ ~~- e · iiUI.U}' on 1 e College Levcl-Palor E

Panel · ·'The Co -b - -- . . nr::n utaorn of College Courses on ,&[~rna.g~ and ~be F~[y 1to an Undrerstandmng of the Prohlems ~of J,farrutge in War Tim·e8•

Perry P. Oenu_nel Ohio Stat ,c University, Ch4hman / J_, W. Bauman, Blufton CoJJcge H J J:..Oa.£ , ';.. diana U · - . , · · e. lll-. B niverstt) ' l.estu ~~l Jones) Depauu Univer-

stt;{; _. F. T 11llmDDS, Uni\fersity of IUinois; J ~ S. Bw:gess, T onp~e linJ~•lecsity

Edu~ri'an f 'or Mam~e and. F'arnlly Ufe on lbc High School ldvd- T ~: ern RtJom

'"How Can the High School Face I .. ~ R~ ·b ·l~ ,., ~ -r-nsL 1 1t)' .

Religion afld the Family-Parlor H ~

~ · a~eUgious Observances and Pracdc·es in U1e r&m· 1ly.'' Regina Wescott Wieman, authcr The Fttlllily LiveJ ]II Religion , Sidney E. Goldstein; Dun Edwards, Federal CounciJ of Churches

Youth~ Pl'Obi~Par/or C

~·p~roblems ·of Yooth in War Time/· Janet Fo~·ler .· ti.Son Chmrmim

Resource People: Jenna Birks, USO Ojm:mr, New­ton Falls. Ohio; Mrs. Belle Taylor McK_IDght. Ohio State Ch·il Service ; David C. Meek, Socia[ Pcotec­ltion Supervisor, CleYeland; Evelyn MUijs Duvall~ Association fru Family Livin,g

1 !00· 3 :00 P. M. General Session-E11did BtdirDtJm Maintaining 'Family Relations in War Time, Ada

Hart Arlitt, University of Cincinnati Our War-Time Ch.ildr-en. Dorothy B~ author

Y 011, Y alii' Cbi/Jren anJ If/ ar Clungins Cultur:al Pt<Jblems in American Famil)r

Lile, 1-hrgatd Mtead • . author1 K~ep~ Yo11r PtJrutiH Dry

3 :00-5~00 P.M. Rouad Table Mntinp

Economic Bui.s of the Famity-Pdrlor F ••pg.Jt· .. War PJanning and Standards of Living/ ~ Ben.-

jamin R. Andt; ws1 CIJairm.m Post .. W 11 American St';;dards of Living, Irma H.

Gross. Michigan State CoiJege Contribution of Home Production to Livin.g tmd­

ards. MarBUet G. Reid. Iowa State CoUe!C' Consumer Orgaoizatioo .u .a Control facror in the

&onomy, Grare Zorbaug,b, Ohjo b:c Uairersity

PoJd ical Aspects of Post--W a:r Jnternarion ~ ~La­tions hip • Eleamo~t F~ DoJan~ Matber Co.Uege

• utritiona~ RehabiHto.tjon of' Devastated Areas, ).Jf tJ ric . Gut ow k i, M a ssachl!l5etts tate Coli ege

D iscu sion : GrJ.t:e B. GerarcL Ohio Unh·crsity ; Chrrsttnc l"iillman, Mather College

Education for Marriage and F,am:Uy Life oq the CoU,ege .Lev·el.........,l~ddor B

Di.scusslon : ~'The Use~ VaJuc and Methods of P~et·· sonll Conference~ in College Courses on Mar· . .. nage

Dis"t:ussion Leader; B. F. T immons Resource Roople; Clr~ RA Rogers, H. J. Locke

Education for Mal"riage and Family Lif~ i• the Commu.nJry ......... T tlL't•rJJ Room

.. Community Pro ram in Education for Afarria e1 .,. Wendell F. Johnson. Child and Family Agency, Toledo, C htJiiWlti.IJ

The Esst!otiab o( a Community· Wide P.rogrilm in Education fo·r Marriage, Robert ·G. Foster. Eve­!yn EastmM. Katharine W. Taylor, Muriel W . Brown

Discusston by Members of the Committee

Mal'l"iage ~and Family ~,a,.._p.Jor H

••pro8ram of .l11e Committee Looking Toward a 'Re­statement of the D'o•mestic Relation.s laY.r ill the Uruted tatesF·


Youth Probl~Parlor C

Student A~titudes 1toward Marria,ge~ Noel U o i ve,rslt y of CaJ Uorn ia

Aims in Dealing wilb Problems of Youth in War Tjme.

5:00-6:00 P. M. Meeting of the Board of Directors Pm-:ltn" 8

8 :00-lO:~oo P.M. Gmeml Scnioa; ""P.roblems of the FamiJy in 'W;~r Time"' -&diJ &dlrootn

Prestdillg, Paul Say1c, University of Iowa Problems of Fruruly Adjustment Created by the War~ Katharine Whiteside Taylor

Marria,ge Counseling in War Tame, Gladys Gaylord America~ s F 1.1 r~ber Needs in Sod al Security, EHcn S.

Woodwn·rd, Social Sec.udty Board


10:{)0-lJ ;50 A .M . Meeting of the Advisory Council...,_ Ptlf"lor C

Ml membefl of the · .ational Coofeimce are ~nv~ted h) attend

Page 4: Program of Conference on Marria in War Time · Program of Conference on Marria_ · in War Time Hotel Statla ,, Clevclaod, Ohio May 21~3.1943

Goali of Smt~e Confer~enc~es for Ad\•ancing Family Values,. Paol Sayre

Present Statu_s of the P'rotection ~of Marria-ge md the Family 'by the States, Sidney E. Goldstein

Problenu of '0rganjzing State Cc:nf,erence In J.ur31 SUtu:s, Harriet S~ Daggett. Lonisian" Stat~e Ufti .. vers~~)'

1 ~3r(J .. ; ~ 30 P.M~ Gme~al Session:.,_E~tditJ B'aUtQOin

Cha#lliltll~ Krut:barine W~ TayJor, Family Life Edu­ca.ti.o:n Program~ Sea:ttle

"*'Democratizing Our Knowledte of Family Li\1ng, .. Muriel W. Brow~ Camultant in Home Economics Edu01-tion

Pan~l Discussion:- Sont Barth loeb~ J,~J SpalJord, Da,~id 8* Tr~eat. Regina Wes-oott Wiemant flora ~enc~e E. Winchell, AJ:etba J-.t Coffman

3 : ~0· ~ : ~0 P ~M. Annual Business, Meeting aud Repora, of 1Comminees--ftttlid B4JiroD111

~·lesumt: of Hi,gh Li,gh'ts of ·the Gonfe;r,eoce and PJans for the Future~~

8~~00-1 0 :100 P ~M.. Gmn-al Session: ""The Oppcutunilty o'f KeJjgion for Family Disciplliu: in War 'Tnne·· -Enelid BJlrotJm

p,.~sitli1zg, E" 0:10a B.rooks~ CICNeland The B~eak~do~wn of Discipline as 'Rdmed io ln­

cr~I35Cd Delinquency, Lc.!ouard Ma:yot Westcm Rf:$~rv·e School of App.lied Social .Science

What ReHgious Techniques A:le Thr!e in family DiscipUne •. Rev. J. F. Hmryll S.J.. HoJ,y FamUy Olllr·dl. Chkaso

• 'llu1 Role ~of Religion and tbe F\lmiJy in Ju.v.enile Delinqum~ey P_reventio.n in 'Gfeat Britain~''' Juclge BasU L. Q. Hrenriq;ur:s" Easr Lond~om JlllvenUe Court


1126 IEOo5t 59th Sheet" CltjcaJO, U~inois, Ernesl W. Burge., P11!JiJ,enl

Sldneyr E. Gold·steio~ Vire-PresiJe111 E·vel'n Millis DuvaU., $1/}rff!lfiJ']


The ~Commine~e o.n the Sumday S·ss!on on lletigion and the family: PhiUip Bemstejn, Reginald T. Kennody, Bishop Jamt5 A. Nac:Faclclm. Dr. Edsio McNeiU Pol1eat,

Rev~ ~o. ~[ WaJ;~Dn1 _ '11'5. P..m.IIL Hawkms. and .DJJJa B!oOks~ chainnm. The Gom.mittee on l..ocd Arrange~

meots: Gladys Gaylord~ dWrman ; the members fr(Jm Cleveland ttrel Anna B. Bemie,. Hmry !rt BIJldt, Rae Carp, Claud~ Clark, Efeanor Dolan, E. T. Doa11er. Eh·a H~orner Evans~ (. E. Gehlke, A. L. Glaser., P'. D,.. Grlham. ~Irs. J. H. H~Uo~ ~1n,rgarer Ho~wk.ins, Calvin S. HctU. Judge Perry J a-ekson, Resma~d Kennedy, Fern long, Leonard W~ J..f:~ya'. Dr. N. 1'" .. l.'IcDermo·ttt J. C. Nicbob, Rboda !O'Me-ara~ Judpe ,' tanJey ~Orr, Mjidred R~ossit ~tary

C. Scba,ufB'e:r~ J\frs~. W. Bentley Tho.mas. Geor!!e W'ash· inguln~ \'irgini~ W''jc8~ 3n~d Henry Zucker ~ from ~Corum .. bus,. ~1arie Baber. Lu ia Biogt .llcs. James Binel ~ ~ud ~att. Perry P. Denune. Donald EJ~er~ 1.lrs. Helm~[ Jordan1 Ho .. ard Knjgbt~ \\'mana Alorgw, Amolie Xel .. son, K W. ·•· ison,-er, 1\fr ·. Cad · onnan_, Hann.1h Prorz· man, !Uu~ Ron~rs~ Judge IOJ.,)?lOD :Rase, c~ C. Genevieve T.1ylor~ ~frs.. Richard Williams Dr. Frmces Hacwn,g: from Cincinnati~ Dr. Ada Admtt. ~bude Stepbens Fr~ Anna Budd Ware~ Roy E. Dickerson ; f rom Aktron1 Dr. H. '0 1

• Dc:Grnf. Dr .. 'Wm. 1\{oore. ~frs. A1~ander Pratt; from Obarfin.. r [led erick z~rbJu -b; ( Tofedol Mrs. l¥an H. Rustad.. E\~tdyn E.tsttmn; fr,om Parma, 1\.lrs .. W. C. Davis ~ from ~faosfielcl lt;l'r . t ·w~ Basmser; fmm PJ.ines,.·ille~ Rex J~ohnson ; from Chardon, Hormc~ Sber:man : from Berea, R. A. Scber­merhom; from Woa5~er~ Dr,. James Anderson. Jr*~ Arthur Borg ; from R_a,-mna. Judge 1Georgt A:lcOelbnd. 'Ruth Dangler: from Hif3m~ Adah Pein:!c : from Drfa­ware, Dr. Ouistine! Se;urs, Dr. Elizabeth W~orkmm~ 1\frs .. Raney Wynlu"Jop : ,from Gtan·\· il.te~ F~ededck Demtciler; from Yropn;gs:town. Cbuh.-s W. Sumner; from Syl¥mla~ Rev~ Hedx~rt C. Gans ;, from KentiJ John F. Uaber. Re\f. Steph~n Kelkc:,r •. Rev .. Edwar~d 'Wwlcox.

Tbe ses_sj,on of dtr: 'UtnfeRlll~ 3Jle ~open w mm:then of the N:uion~l Conlcrenrc iOA Fi.IJllily Relations md of the ~fidwest Conrercocc on Futily Relations. Manbcr· ship m ~ or r.miatioos i.s open to mple.l in .rese.ucb md ~ic:e and ~01 otiers inter5ted m J bme_r understmdin& of !mill~· living udl if:l. the advaoarnmt of .family \':3~1J!lCS. Anntud duts rilft S2.50 io .the N.1tional Olnfe;r,en~c- (wbich includes a. s-ubscription to ,lt.zrriag,. ,dt~d Ft~Juily L;,,;,Jg) and St.OO ~in the: Midwest Co.nfer .. .mce~ or $3.00 f,or joint member.sl1ip jo both o~g..miu-" t!OD~s.

Applicath:..ns (,or mtmbe~lhl~P sbouf,d be addreyscd rto

tlte NaionaJ ~Qmf,e~cm'~ on F~:mHy Relation . 1126 t

59th Sbftt. Chiaso~ Winois.
