Page 1: Project Cargo & Barge - The Challenges of Ballast Water ... · PROJECT CARGO MARKET The Challenges of Ballast Water Management Compliance By Natalie Hawkes & Chris McMenemy INTRODUCTION



PROJECT CARGO MARKET The Challenges of Ballast Water Management Compliance By Natalie Hawkes & Chris McMenemy


If one word could sum up the issue of invasive al-

ien species, the most fitting word would probably

be “expensive.” It is estimated that around 4000-

7000 species are transferred daily in ballast water,

and the cost of containing the damage caused by

these globetrotting ocean critters rings in at ap-

proximately $14.2 billion per year in the USA, and

€1.2 billion per year in Europe.

The resultant regulations, including the imminent

International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Ballast

Water Management (BWM) Convention and the

United States Coast Guard (USCG) Ballast Water

Management Regulations, aims to prevent the oc-

currence of transferring invasive alien species in

ballast water by imposing limits on the number of

viable organisms allowed in ballast water dis-

charges. Albeit a positive step in the direction of an

environmentally friendly shipping industry, the

current regulatory situation is unequivocally con-

fusing, and is the cause of a great deal of uncer-

tainty among vessel owners and operators about

how to comply.

Operators in the project cargo market are faced

with particularly challenging issues, as the existing

methods of compliance can prove difficult to im-

plement on heavy lift transportation vessels, and,

in particular, barges.

The aim of this paper, therefore, is to provide as-

sistance to operators in the project cargo market,

who may currently be experiencing uncertainly re-

garding what the new ballast water treatment

regulations will mean for their ongoing business.

Section 1 of this white paper will give an overview

of the applicable legislation governing ballast wa-

ter management, discuss how operators can ex-

pect the regulations to be enforced, and finally

discuss the issues relating to compliance with

these regulations. Section 2 of the paper will then

proceed to discuss the various challenges faced by

operators in the project cargo market in ensuring



Around the world, different nations and regions

are dealing with the transfer of invasive species by

ballast water in different ways; In some areas,

such as Canada and Panama, discharge of ballast

water is prohibited entirely. In many countries such



[1] Barge Ballasting During Load Out of Carrier Section

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as Brazil and Australia, ballast water exchange is

allowed. Until the enforcement of the BWM Con-

vention and the USCG ballast water treatment

standard, ships won’t be required to conduct bal-

last water treatment - however there are already

some areas which are choosing to enforce legisla-

tion ahead of the official entry into force. For up to

date information on “early adopter” areas current-

ly enforcing legislation please visit our website.

This section will give an overview of current and

upcoming ballast water management regulation,

focusing particularly on the IMO’s BWM Convention

and the US Coast Guard Ballast Water Treatment


IMO Ballast Water Management Convention

The Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention

is a global regime which will enter into force 12

months after it has been ratified by 35% of the

worlds shipping tonnage. As of January 2016 the

ratification status stands a mere 0.5% from final

ratification and looks likely to take place in 2016.

For more up to date ratification status please visit

our website via the link at the end of this paper.


The BWM Convention shall apply to all vessel

types operating in the aquatic environment which

are designed to carry ballast water and are enti-

tled to fly the flag of a party to the Convention.

The BWM Convention includes two regulations

covering ballast water management standards,

aimed at reducing the risk of aquatic organism and

pathogen invasions. These standards can be sum-

marized as follows:

D1 - the Ballast Water Exchange Standard

D2 - the Ballast Water Performance Standard

Additional Requirements

In addition to these standards, the BWM Conven-

tion also requires every vessel to have onboard

and implement the following:

Ballast Water Management Plan – specific to

each vessel and includes a detailed descrip-

tions of the actions to be taken to implement

the BWM Convention requirements onboard

Ballast Water Record Book



TABLE 1—IMO COMPLIANCE DATES (Ref – IMO Assembly Resolution A.1088 (28))

Constructed Year Ballast Capacity (m3) New Compliance Dates

Before 2009

Between 1500 and 5000 1st IOPP renewal survey after entry into force of the BWM Convention

Less than 1500 or greater than 5000

1st IOPP renewal survey after the anniversary date of deliv-ery of vessel in 2016

Less than 5000 1st IOPP renewal survey after entry into force of the BWM Convention

Between 2009 and 2011

5000 or more 1st IOPP renewal survey after the anniversary date of deliv-ery of vessel in 2016

After 2011 5000 or more 1st IOPP renewal survey after entry into force of the BWM Convention

2009 or after

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International BWM Certificate – valid for 5

years before being subject to annual, interme-

diate and renewal surveys

Compliance Timetable

Ultimately, once entered in to force, the BWM Con-

vention will require all vessels to install a BWMS

that can meet the ballast water performance

standard (i.e. Regulation D-2). However, the spe-

cific compliance dates for a vessel depend on the

ships age and its ballast water capacity, as out-

lined in Table 1.


Under article 9 of the BWM Convention, port au-

thorities can inspect vessels in order to verify the

possession of a certificate and an approved BWM

plan, inspect the ballast water record book and

sample the ballast water. Under the G2 Guidelines

and the MEPC Circular “BWM.2/Circ 42,” the sam-

pling and analysis for compliance is recommended

to follow a two-step process:

1. Indicative Analysis (quick assessment of com-

pliance potential)

2. Detailed Analysis (thorough analysis of com-


Whilst the regulations specifically restrict the port

authorities from “causing undue delay to the ves-

sel,” the very nature of sampling ballast water of

vessels is likely to be a time consuming exercise.

Not only are there challenges in ensuring a repre-

sentative sample is taken (sampling a few litres

from a vessel carrying 1,000 tonnes of ballast

water being a prime example of this issue), but the

methods of testing compliance are still to be de-

veloped fully.

Delays due to port authority inspection and sam-

pling therefore seem to be inevitable. Whilst not

necessarily a huge problem for conventional ves-

sels, any potential delays through inspection or

sampling could pose a significant commercial risk

for operators in the project cargo market as un-

planned delays to the discharge of a cargo can

result in significant incidental demurrage costs on

labour, marine assets, land based plant and trail-

ers. It is therefore of prime importance that the

necessary documentation and procedures are in

place, if nothing more than to minimize the poten-

tial delays, in the event that port authorities do

turn up.


If a vessel is found not to be in compliance with

the BWM Convention, then the Port Authorities can

take action to warn, detain or exclude the vessel. A

vessel may be allowed to exit the port to conduct

ballast water exchange.



[2] Barge Ballasting During Load-Out of Module

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The BWM Convention makes it clear that sanctions

for non-compliance will depend upon the law of

the country.

US Coast Guard Ballast Water Discharge Stand-


The USCG regulations for ballast water manage-

ment entered into force on 21 June 2012. The USCG

ballast water discharge standard requires that all

ships entering US waters who intend to discharge

ballast water, must carry out fouling and sediment

management in addition to complying with the

discharge standard. The USCG allow a number of

methods of compliance, namely:

Install and operate a USCG Type Approved


Use only water from a US public water system

Perform complete ballast water exchange in

an area 200nm from any shore prior to dis-

charging ballast water, unless required to use


Use an alternate management system (AMS)

unless required to use a BWMS

No discharge of ballast water

Discharge to a facility onshore or another ves-

sel for treatment purposes only

Note that the USCG will accept a BWMS that pos-

sesses an AMS approval, which permits the vessel

owner to use the BWMS for a period of 5 years.

Thereafter, the manufacturer of the BWMS in-

stalled must have obtained USCG Type Approval

for the system, or the system must be replaced

with a compliant, USCG Type Approved BWMS, or

use another method of compliance. This process

provides leeway for operators needing to comply

but restricted by the fact that, as of January 2016,

there are no USCG Type Approved systems availa-

ble. There are, however, many systems with IMO

Type Approval and AMS Approval.


The USCG discharge standard applies to all ves-

sels, US Flag and non US Flag, equipped with bal-

last tanks and operating in waters of the US unless

specifically exempt. The USCG will exempt the fol-

lowing vessels from the discharge standards, how-

ever this does not exempt the vessels from the re-

porting or recordkeeping standards:



TABLE 2—USCG COMPLIANCE DATES (Ref – USCG 33 CFR Part 151 and 46 CFR Part 162)

Ballast Capaci-ty (m3)

Date Constructed

New Ves-sels

All On or after 1 December 2013

Existing Vessels

Less than 1500 Before 1 December 2013

1500—5000 Before 1 December 2013

5000 or more Before 1 December 2013

Compliance Dates

On delivery

First scheduled drydocking after 1 January 2016

First scheduled drydocking after 1 January 2014

First scheduled drydocking after 1 January 2016

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Seagoing vessels that operate in more than

one Captain of the Port Zone (COTP), do not

operate outside of the Exclusive Economic

Zone (EEZ), and are less than or equal to

1,600 gross registered tons

Non seagoing vessels

Vessels that take on and discharge ballast

water exclusively in one COTP zone

COTP Zones

The U.S is split into several COTP zones, as out-

lined in Image [3].

Exclusive Economic Zone

The U.S. EEZ extends no more than 200 nautical

miles from the territorial sea baseline and is adja-

cent to the 12 nautical mile territorial sea of the

U.S., including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,

Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands,

the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is-

lands, and any other territory or possession over

which the United States exercises sovereignty.

Additional Requirements

In addition to having a USCG Type Approved or

AMS Approved BWMS, each vessel must also en-

sure the following:

Regularly clean ballast tanks, and dispose of

sediments in accordance with local, state and

federal legislation

Only discharge the amount of ballast water


Rinse anchor and anchor chains when the an-

chor is retrieved

Regularly remove fouling organisms from the

vessels hull, piping and tanks, and dispose of

any removed substances appropriately

Maintain a ballast water management plan

for each vessel on board

Compliance Timetable

The USCG requirements are currently in force, and

are not subject to further ratification or review pri-

or to entering in to force. Vessels will be required

to comply with the dates identified in Table 2.


The COTP must have access to the vessel to carry

out inspections and take samples of ballast water

and sediments. The master of the vessel must pro-

vide the COTP with the following information upon


The vessels name, port of registry, official

number or call signal

Name of the vessel owner

Whether ballast water is being carried

Original location and salinity of ballast water

taken on, before an exchange



[3] USCG COTP Zones (Ref – – Based

on USCG Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations Part 3)

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Location, date and time of any ballast water


Salinity of ballast water to be discharged into

territorial waters of the US

Intended discharge port and location for dis-

posal of sediment, if sediment is to be dis-


Signature of the master

The USCG regulations state that vessels with a

BWMS installed can expect an USCG inspection. The

issues of sampling and potential delays to vessels

under the USCG Regulations are broadly identical

to those of the IMO Convention, as discussed

above. Ensuring the correct documentation is in

place is of prime importance to help minimize

these delays.


If a vessel is found to have violated the ballast

water discharge standard, then the person/persons

will each be liable for a civil penalty of up to

$27,500 ($35,000 for vessels operating in the

Great Lakes). Every subsequent day of continued

violation will count as a separate violation.

Any person who is found to have knowingly viola-

tion the regulations will be charged with a class C




Estimated to make up only 3% of the world’s ton-

nage, the barge industry is somewhat of an after-

thought for most BWMS manufacturers. With such

a huge commercial opportunity available in the

remaining 97% of the BWMS industry over the next

5 – 7 years, and the complexities and engineering

challenges associated with barge compliance,

manufacturers have had very little motivation to

adapt their systems for barge applications. None-

theless, for barges involved in international trade,

compliance is a very real and sobering thought.

This section of the paper seeks to outline the key

issues of barge compliance and the key considera-

tions that should be made when examining the

options available.

Are Barges Required to Comply?

While intuitively unlikely to transport anywhere

near as much ballast water as other vessel types,

barges are indeed still required to comply with the

regulatory requirements. The good news, however,

is that there is some, albeit limited, scope for indi-

vidual exemptions.

As outlined in Section 1, under USCG regulations,

barges which operate within one COTP zone and

don’t travel outwith the EEZ are not required to

comply with the discharge criteria, however must

still comply with the reporting criteria, as outlined



[4] Barge Load-Out of “Cold Box” Module

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in Section 1. Barges, however, that do trade be-

tween more than one COTP zone and/or outwith

the EEZ, will be required to comply with the dis-

charge requirements. The USCG also allows for

applications to be made for exemptions on the

grounds of the lack of Type Approved USCG sys-

tems. As of January 2016 there are no USCG Type

Approved systems. These exemptions must be

made at least 12 months ahead of a vessel’s re-

spective compliance date.

Under the IMO Convention, exemption applications

can be filed for individual barges. The granting of

exemption certificates will be based on the likeli-

hood of the barge’s trade transporting non-

indigenous species, and the onus is on the appli-

cant to demonstrate this likelihood. The BWM

Convention outlines the criteria and risk analysis

procedures required for exemption applications.

Outwith barges operating exclusively on specific

trade routes, as is the case with vessels such as

ferries, exemptions may be costly and difficult to


It pays to be prepared and stakeholders should

establish a dialogue with the relevant Flag State

well ahead of the documented compliance dates,

to ensure adequate time is available to undertake

steps required for either compliance or exemption


Compliance Responsibilities

With the capital investment required for compli-

ance so high (at peak demand the cost of retrofit-

ting a barge with a BWMS could cost as much as

$1,000 per m3/hr ballast flow rate), it is im-

portant to understand with whom the responsibil-

ity for compliance lies. Within the project cargo

market, on a typical transportation project, there

are generally various operators involved. The ul-

timate responsibility for compliance, prior to im-

plementation of the regulations, is somewhat

ambiguous and is likely to vary, contractually,

from project to project. Post implementation,

however, the responsibility is likely to fall on the

barge owner. A compliance solution that bridges

this gap is needed.

Compliance Dates & Fleet Profile

Based on the documented compliance dates, it is

important from an early stage to examine the

fleet profile and develop an understanding of the

ultimate compliance dates for each vessel in the

fleet. At the time of writing, the typical lead time

for a BWMS was around 4 – 6 months, and the

entire retrofit process from concept study through

to Class Approval of the installation design pack-

age, could be as long as 4 months itself, so the

development of a comprehensive fleet compliance

profile is critical to ensure adequate time is al-

lowed for each vessel.



[5] Barge Load-Out of Decommissioned Platform

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The penalties for non compliance are, as evident

above, very strict, and as the industry begins to

gather momentum, there is a strong likelihood

that many end clients insist on chartering only

vessels (or barges) that have a method of compli-

ance in place. Building an understanding of the

fleet profile and compliance dates is therefore not

only critical to ticking the regulatory box, but

could ensure the fleet remains competitive in fu-

ture charter markets.

BWMS Technologies

Industry wide, the currently accepted method of

compliance is to permanently retrofit a BWMS

within the vessel. The capital costs of the BWMS

itself, combined with the complexity of installa-

tion generally dictate the total cost to retrofit,

however, at the time of writing, an average of

$500 per m3/hr ballast flow rate is a sensible fig-

ure to work from.

With well in excess of 40 BWMS available on the

market the selection of the most suitable system

for a particular vessel has become a complex

task. These 40 systems incorporate a wide range

of treatment technologies, each of which offers

their own benefits and drawbacks depending on

the particular vessel applications. Ultimately

there is no “one size fits all” solution, and the

purpose of this paper is not to discuss each treat-

ment technology in detail, however, BWMS can

broadly be broken in to two categories:

Inline treatment – whereby the treatment

system operates as an integral part of the

vessels ballast system and treats the ballast

water as it is taken onboard/discharged

In-tank treatment – whereby the treatment

system acts to treat the ballast water within

the ballast tanks after they have been filled

With in-tank treatment systems requiring up to 4

days treatment time, these tend to suit larger

vessels with huge ballast tank volumes and long

ballast journeys. It is therefore likely that inline

treatment systems will be the most suitable for

barge applications.

Retrofit Practicalities

The practicality and complexity of retrofitting

BWMS ranges from vessel to vessel, however

barges present some very unique, and in some

cases prohibitive, difficulties:

Tank Barges

Tank (or “dumb”) barges face the most significant

engineering challenges in order to comply. These

barges generally don’t have any machinery

onboard and use portable deck pumps, or other

temporary systems installed to the cargo deck for

ballasting / de-ballasting operations. Nonethe-

less, they are still required to comply and will

likely have to take drastic action in order to do so.



[6] Barge Transportation of Shore Cranes

Page 9: Project Cargo & Barge - The Challenges of Ballast Water ... · PROJECT CARGO MARKET The Challenges of Ballast Water Management Compliance By Natalie Hawkes & Chris McMenemy INTRODUCTION


These barges will likely have to convert an exist-

ing ballast tank or void space into a new machin-

ery space, install all required infrastructure

(generators, cooling water etc) and ensure it com-

plies with Class and SOLAS rules concerning ma-

chinery spaces. Overall a very complex and costly


Power Availability

An often overlooked but undoubtedly important

problem is power availability. BWMS technologies

are generally power hungry machines, which

doesn’t fare well for barges, which tend to suffer

from a lack of available power. In many instances

the barge may require a whole new generator,

and associated infrastructure, simply to provide

enough power for the new BWMS.

Ballast Pumps & BWMS System Sizing

Another issue associated with retrofitting BWMS

to barges is the disparity between ballasting re-

quirements for operational purposes (load in/loud

out operations) and the ballasting requirements

for adjusting the sea-going condition of the barge.

For operational ballasting, many barges are

equipped with high capacity ballast pumps, en-

suring the operational ballasting can be conduct-

ed as quickly as possible. Given that operational

ballasting involves filling and discharging tanks in

one location, there is strong likelihood that this

ballast process will not require treatment

(clarification of this point will be required with the

relevant Flag State on a project by project basis).

Sea-going ballasting on barges (which will require

treatment) would typically utilize the same, high

capacity, ballast pumps, which has a significant

impact on the complexity and cost of the retrofit

process. A BWMS capable of treating higher flow

rates will, intuitively, be physically larger in size,

will require larger maintenance envelopes, will be

more expensive and, in most cases, will require

significantly more power to function.

However, for sea-going ballasting (which will re-

quire treatment), the barge does not necessarily

require such significant ballast pump capacities

and it may be a more cost effective solution for

such barges with high capacity ballast pumps,

subject to engineering suitability, to retrofit a

smaller capacity ballast pump for sea-going bal-

last operations only, and install a suitably sized

BWMS for this smaller pump, avoiding the issues

outlined above.

Operators should investigate the various options

available, undertake a detailed cost comparison

and identify which is the best configuration for

each vessel.

Ultimately, the retrofit installation of BWMS to

barges is likely to be a complex, and costly engi-

neering challenge with a number of very im-



[7] Barge Transportation of Aircraft Carrier Block

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portant considerations to be made. One way or

another, the retrofit installation is likely to have

an impact on the barge’s future operation/

capabilities and it is important to take appropri-

ate steps to mitigate this impact. It is critical to

engage experienced engineers, whether it is inter-

nal engineers or an experienced external engi-

neering consultancy, to begin looking at retrofit

options well ahead of the documented compli-

ance dates.

Return on Investment

Setting aside the complex engineering challenges

associated with barges and BWMS compliance,

there is also a very significant commercial decision

involved. Even a modest fleet of 4 barges, each of

which operating with ballast pump rates of

500m3/hr, could, at peak demand, require an in-

vestment in the region of $2million. For conven-

tional vessels which use their BWMS on a daily

basis, these figures may be somewhat palatable.

For barges, however, which tend to have longer

off-charter periods, and long mobilisation/de-

mobilisation phases on each project, the BWMS

could be used as little as 2 days per charter.


This paper looks to assist the various stakeholders

in understanding the key pieces of legislation and

the requirements they pose on future operations.

In addition to this the paper has sought to high-

light many of the key, and often overlooked, engi-

neering challenges associated with compliance.

Overall, operators within the project cargo market

are faced with a complicated, costly and uncer-

tain few years with regards to ballast water man-

agement compliance. With so few manufacturers,

consultants and regulatory bodies willing to step

forward and help this niche industry, the likeli-

hood is that various, cobbled together, solutions

will be implemented simply to ensure compliance.

For further information on solutions BWC is pro-

posing to assist with these challenges, please visit

our website:


BWC is part of the Malin Group - a collection of

companies under shared ownership which oper-

ates across a wide sector of the marine and off-

shore industries.

Malin Group can trace its origin back to 1899 and

is steeped in a history of continued diversification

and application of experience, particularly to the

heavy lift transportation industry.

Malin Group companies are frequently involved

not only as heavy lift contractors, but also as

barge charterers. Indeed, BWC’s innovative solu-

tions were originally developed to solve the issue

of compliance within Malin Group’s own heavy lift

transportation projects.


