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    Tony AccardoAntonino "Joe Batters" Accardo (April 28, 1906 May 22, 1992), also known as

    "Bi !na", rose #ro$ s$all%ti$e &oodl$ to t&e position o# day%to%day 'oss o# t&e&icao t#it cri$inal orani*ation ca19+, to lti$ately 'eco$e t&e #inal t#itat&ority in 19-2, ntil &is deat&. Accardo $o/ed !&e t#it into new operations and

    territories, reatly increasin its power and wealt& drin &is tenre as 'oss.arly li#eBorn Antonino eonardo Accardo (also known as Ant&ony Josep& Accardo) was

    'orn on &icaos 3ear 4est 5ide, t&e son o# rancesco Accardo,a s&oe$aker, andMaria !illota Accardo. ne year prior to &is 'irt&, t&e Accardos &ad e$irated toA$erica #ro$ astel/etrano,5icily, in t&e 7ro/ince o# !rapani.At ae 1+, Accardo wasepelled #ro$ sc&ool and started loiterin arond nei&'or&ood pool &alls. e soon:oined t&e ircs a#e ;an,one o# $any street ans in t&e poor nei&'or&oods o#&icao. !&ese ans ser/ed astalent pools#or t&e citys adlt cri$inal orani*ations.

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    Enlike t&e $a:ority o# &is colleaes, Accardo &ad a stron $arriae and was ne/erknown to &a/e 'een n#aitl to &is wi#e. larice Accardo died on 3o/e$'er 1, 2002,at ae 91, o# natral cases. or $ost o# &is $arried li#e, Accardo li/ed in =i/er orest,ently recei/ed a 10%year prison sentence#or &is part in t&e ollywood scandal, Accardo 'eca$e actin 'oss. !&ree years later, as aparole condition, =icca was #orced to se/er all ties wit& !&e t#it. Accardo t&en 'eca$e

    t&e o##ice 'oss o# !&e &icao t#it, t&o& in practice &e s&ared power wit& =icca(w&o re$ained in t&e 'ackrond as a senior consltant).Ender Accardos leaders&ip in t&e late 19+0s, t&e t#it $o/ed into slot $ac&ines

    and /endin $ac&ines, conter#eitin ciarette and li>or ta sta$ps and epandednarcoticss$lin. Accardo placed slot $ac&ines in as stations, restarants and 'arst&ro&ot t&e t#its territory. tside o# &icao, !&e t#it epanded rapidly.

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    &ane o# leaders&ipA#ter 19-, Accardo trned o/er t&e o##icial position as 'oss to lon%ti$e, $oney%

    $akin associate ;iancana, 'ecase o# "&eat" #ro$ t&e entin pos& ni&tcl'sand datin&i&%pro#ile siner 7&yllis Mc;ire. ;iancana also re#sed to distri'te so$e o# t&ela/is& pro#its #ro$ t#it casinos in

  • 8/12/2019 Prominent Italian American Mafiosi


    Albert AnastasiaAl'ert Anastasia (5epte$'er 26, 1902 cto'er 2, 19-), 'orn E$'erto

    Anastasio, was 'oss o# w&at is now called t&e ;a$'ino ri$e a$ily,one o# 3ew orkitys i/e a$ilies, #ro$ 191%19-. e also ran a an o# contract killers called


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    $eant to ser/e as a deli'erati/e 'ody to sol/e disptes, car/e p and distri'te territories,and relate lcrati/e illeal acti/ities sc& as racketeerin, a$'lin, and 'ootlein(w&ic& wold co$e to a close wit& t&e repeal o# 7ro&i'itionin 19).


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    ?ito ;eno/esecnninly sed Anastasias 'rtal 'e&a/ior aainst &i$ in an e##ortto woo Anastasias spporters away. 5ecretly o/er t&e net #ew years, ;eno/ese won t&ecooperation o# Anastasias nder'oss, arlo ;a$'ino. owe/er, ;eno/ese dared not$o/e aainst Anastasia and &is real taret, ostello, 'ecase o# Meyer ansky, anin#lential and ric& $o' associate. ansky and ;eno/ese were lon%standin ene$ies,

    wit& disptes datin #ro$ t&e 1920s. ;eno/ese cold not $ake a power play wit&otanskys spport.Anastasias a$'ition soon dro/e ansky to &elp ;eno/ese. @rin t&e 190s,

    ansky was etre$ely sccess#l in controllin casino a$'lin in 'a,o##erin ot&er$a#ia 'osses lesser s&ares o# &is pro#its and interests. 4&en Anastasia #orce#llyde$anded a larer piece o# t&e action, ansky re#sed. Anastasia t&en started esta'lis&in&is own a$'lin racket in 'a. ansky 'eca$e increasinly anry wit& AnastasiaIw&ile ansky pre#erred watc&in Anastasia and ;eno/ese 'attle eac& ot&er #ro$ t&esidelines, &e now a/e acti/e spport to ;eno/eses plan to kill Anastasia.

    n t&e $ornin o# cto'er 2, 19-, Anastasia entered t&e 'ar'er s&op o# t&e7ark 5&eraton otel (now t&e 7ark entral otel,on 6t& 5treet and -t& A/ene) in 3ew

    ork ity. Anastasias 'odyard parked t&e car in an nderrond arae and t&en, $ostcon/eniently, decided to take a little stroll. As Anastasia relaed in t&e 'ar'er c&air, two$en scar/es co/erin t&eir #aces rs&ed in, s&o/ed t&e 'ar'er ot o# t&e way, and#ired at Anastasia. A#ter t&e #irst /olley o# 'llets, Anastasia alleedly lned at &iskillers. owe/er, t&e stnned Anastasia &ad actally attacked t&e n$ens re#lections int&e wall $irror o# t&e 'ar'er s&op. !&e n$en contined #irin and Al'ert Anastasia#inally #ell to t&e #loor, dead.G2H!&e Anastasia $rder re$ains o##icially nsol/ed.

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    Joseph Bonanno;iseppe "Joe Bananas" Bonanno (Janary 18, 190 May 12, 2002) was a

    5icilian%'orn A$erican Ma#iosow&o 'eca$e t&e 'oss o# t&e Bonanno cri$e #a$ily. ewas nickna$ed "Joe Bananas," a na$e &e despised 'ecase it i$plied &e was cra*y.

    !&e astella$$arese 4ar

    Al$ost #ro$ t&e 'einnin, Bonanno was reconi*ed 'y &is acco$plices inBrooklyn as a $an wit& sperior orani*ational skills and >ick instincts. e also 'eca$eknown to t&e leader o# Ma#ia acti/ities in 3ew orkK ;iseppe "Joe t&e Boss" Masseria.Masseria 'eca$e increasinly sspicios o# t&e rowin n$'er o# astella$$arese inBrooklyn. e sensed t&ey were radally disassociatin t&e$sel/es #ro$ &is o/erallleaders&ip. !&e astella$$arese #action o# t&e Ma#ia, &ead>artered in 4illia$s'r,Brooklyn, was led 'y5al/atore Maran*ano. e &ad 'een sent o/er 'y @on ?ito ascioerro, t&e 5icilian $a#ia leader.

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    plan, ciano esta'lis&ed a national co$$ission in w&ic& eac& o# t&e #a$ilies wold 'erepresented 'y t&eir bossand to w&ic& eac& #a$ily wold owe alleiance. ac& #a$ilywold 'e larely atono$os in t&eir desinated area, 't the Commission woldar'itrate disptes 'etween ans.

    Bonanno was awarded $ost o# Maran*anos cri$e #a$ily. At ae 26, Bonanno

    'eca$e one o# t&e yonest%e/er 'osses o# a cri$e #a$ily. !&e prpose o# t&isorani*ation was to pre/ent anot&er 'loodlettin like t&e astella$$arese 4ar, andaccordin to Bonanno, it scceeded. !&e esta'lis&$ent o# t&e o$$ission s&ered in$ore t&an 20 years o# relati/e "peace" to t&e 3ew ork and national orani*ed cri$escene, and Bonanno wrote in &is ato'iorap&yK "or nearly a t&irty%year period a#ter t&eastella$$arese 4ar no internal s>a''les $arred t&e nity o# or a$ily and nootside inter#erence t&reatened t&e a$ily or $e." G1H

    !&e Bonanno a$ily!&e Bonanno cri$e #a$ilys nder'osses were rank ;aro#alo and Jo&n

    Bon/entre. Alt&o& t&e Bonanno #a$ily was s$aller t&an t&e ot&er 3ew ork #a$ilies,it was operated $ore e##iciently.Gcitation neededH5ince t&ere was /irtally no internal dissension

    and little &arass$ent #ro$ ot&er ans or t&e law, t&e Bonanno #a$ily prospered in t&ernnin o# its loan s&arkin, 'ook$akin, n$'ers rnnin,prostittion, and ot&er illealacti/ities.

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    deported. ?ito ;eno/ese and rank ostello were #i&tin #or control o# t&e ciano#a$ily. ?incent Manano &ad $ysteriosly disappeared and &is place as capo&ad 'eentaken o/er 'y Al'ert Anastasia, one o# t&e $ost #eared $en in t&e syndicate.

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    Meanw&ile a war &ad erpted in t&e Bonanno a$ily. @i;reorio #orces andBonanno loyalists, led 'y 5al/atore Bonanno, erpted in war w&en 5al/atore retaliateda#ter &is #at&ers kidnappin. /entally, @i;reorio pro$ised a peace $eetin onw&ate/er territory 5al/atore wanted. ently $o/ed to Ari*ona, w&ere &e was at one ti$e

    sent to :ail 'y t&e ederal Brea o# estions in o/ern$ent&earins, 't $any t&en%crrent 3ew ork $a#ia leaders were otraed at w&at &e &adsaid in &is 'ook and considered &i$ to &a/e already 'roken t&e /ow o# o$ertQ. Bonanno'oss Joe Massinowas so dissted and e$'arrassed 'y it t&at &e 'ean to re#er to t&e#a$ily as t&e "Massino" #a$ily (alt&o&, Massino &i$sel# later #lipped and ratted andt&e "Massino" #a$ily na$e was ne/er widely sed). !&o& old and in poor &ealt&,Bonanno was :ailed #or nearly a year #or re#sin to testi#y in t&e 1980s.

    Bonanno was ne/er con/icted o# a serios cri$e. e was once #ined +0 andwas also :ailed #or conte$pt o# cort #or re#sin to answer >estions, 'ein released in1986 a#ter ser/in #orteen $ont&s. Epon retire$ent, Bonanno was allowed to li/e inpeace in a nor$al &ose in !cson, Ari*onawit& &is #a$ily. Josep& Bonanno, t&e lastre$ainin Ma#ia don w&o sr/i/ed

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    wonder#l 'lessinP" &e kept sayin.G2HAnd in #act, Joe Bonanno did die a#ter a /ery lonli#e.

    Angelo BrunoAnelo "!&e ;entle @on" Brno ( Born Anelo Annaloro May 21, 1910 % Marc&

    21, 1980) was an

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    A#ter aponiros $rder, 7&ilip &icken Man !estaled t&e #a$ily #or a 'rie#period (one year), 't was killed 'y a nail 'o$'at &is &o$e. !estas deat& reslted #ro$an atte$pt 'y 7eter asella, !estas nder'oss, to 'eco$e t&e 'oss o# t&e 7&iladelp&ia#a$ily. !&ro& s&rewd insi&t, 3icode$o 5car#o, a /iolent risin $o' #ire and t&e'oss in Atlantic ity, took o/er Brnos cri$e orani*ation. owe/er, t&e deat& o# Brno

    $arked t&e decline o# t&e 7&iladelp&ia #a$ily de to in#or$ants, in#i&tin, andsccess#l prosections o# &i&%pro#ile $o'sters like 5car#o.

    Al CaponeAlp&onse ;a'riel "Al" apone (Janary 1-, 1899 Janary 2, 19+-) was an

    A$ericanansterw&o led a cri$e syndicatededicated to s$linand'ootleino#li>orand ot&er illeal acti/ities drin t&e 7ro&i'itionra o# t&e 1920s and 190s.

    Born in Brooklyn to 5ot&western

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    &all and saloon called t&e ar/ard ickly resol/ed t&e isse 'y killin $e$'ers o# t&e Blackand w&o &ad i/en &is cosins &s'and pro'le$s. e saw $any 'siness opportnitiesin &icao,'ootlein#ollowin t&e onset o#pro&i'ition. !orrio &ad ac>ired t&e cri$ee$pire o# Ja$es "Bi Ji$" olosi$oa#ter t&e latter re#sed to enter t&is new area o#'siness and was s'se>ently $rdered (pres$a'ly 'y rankie ale, alt&o& lealproceedins aainst &i$ &ad to 'e dropped de to a lack o# e/idence).G12Hapone was alsoa sspect #or two $rders and a rape at t&e ti$e, and was seekin a sa#e &a/en and a'etter :o' to pro/ide #or &is new #a$ily.G1Hapone was known to &a/e 'een 'ro&t p ina deeply reliios 'ackrond, &is $ot&er a de/ot =o$an at&olic.

    Acti/ity in icero,

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    Mc& o# apones #a$ily pt down roots in icero as well. arters. Dnown as apones castle.

    7&otorap&ed in t&e early 1990sI it was de$olis&ed in 199.!&e /iolence t&at led to apones nprecedented le/el o# cri$inal sccess drew

    t&e ire o# apones ri/als, and sprred t&eir retaliation, particlarly 'y 'itter ri/als, 3ort&5ide anstersy$ie 4eissand Bs Moran. More t&an once, apones car was riddledwit& 'llets.

    arters was riddled wit& 'llet &oles.5e/eral 'ystanders were &rt #ro$ #lyin lass and 'llet s&rapnel in t&e raid, incldin ayon 'oy and &is $ot&er w&o wold &a/e lost &er eyesi&t &ad not apone paid #or top%dollar $edical care.G16H!&is e/ent pro$pted apone to call #or a trce. 3eotiations #ellt&ro&.G16H

    !&ese attacks pro$pted apone to #it &is adillacwit&'llet%proo# lass, rn%#lattires, and a police siren. /ery atte$pt on &is li#e ('y Moran, w&o was al$ost certainlyin/ol/ed in $ost o# t&e attacks) le#t &i$ increasinly s&aken. !&is car was sei*ed 'y t&e

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    !reasry @epart$ent in 192 and was later sed as 7resident ranklin @. =oose/eltsli$osine.G1-H

    apone placed ar$ed 'odyards arond t&e clock at &is &ead>arters at t&eeinton otel,at 22nd 5treet (later rena$ed er$ak =oad) and Mic&ian A/ene. or&is trips away #ro$ &icao, apone was repted to &a/e &ad se/eral ot&er retreats and

    &ideots located in Brook#ield, 4isconsinI 5aint 7al, MinnesotaI lean, 3ew orkIrenc& ick, as well as !erre ate, arters. nt&e $ornin o# !&rsday e'rary 1+, 1929, aponeLs lookots sinaled n$endisised as police to start a raid. !&e #a police lined t&e se/en /icti$s alon a wallwit&ot a strle t&en sinaled #or acco$plices wit& $ac&ine ns. !&e se/en /icti$swere $ac&ine%nned and s&ot%nned, eac& wit& #i#teen to twenty or $ore 'llets.

    7&otos o# t&e $assacre s&ocked t&e p'lic and reatly &ar$ed apone in t&ep'lic opinion t&ere'y pro$ptin #ederal law en#orce$ent to #ocs $ore closely onin/estiatin &is acti/ities.G6H

    on/iction and prison

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    Paul Castellanoonstantino 7al "Bi 7al" astellano (Jne 26, 191 @ece$'er 16, 198),

    also known as "!&e oward &es o# t&e Mo'" and "Bi 7aly" (or "7" to &is

    #a$ily), was aMa#ia'oss in3ew ork ity. e scceeded arlo ;a$'inoas &ead o# t&e;a$'ino cri$e #a$ily, t&en one o# 3ew orks larest Ma#ia #a$ilies.

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    and stronly 'elie/ed in #a$ily ties. Alt&o& disappointed, @ellacroce decided tospport astellanos ele/ation, and astellano retained &i$ as nder'oss.

    astellano saw &i$sel# $ore as a 'siness$an rat&er t&an a &oodl$I in #act, &islonter$ oal was leiti$acy. Ender astellano, t&e ;a$'inos epanded t&eir alreadystron in#lence on t&e 'ildin indstry. or decades, t&e ;a$'inos &ad controlled

    !ea$sters ocal282, w&ic& cold literally 'rin $ost constrction :o's in 3ew orkity to a &alt. astellanos connections epanded to places as #ar away as Dwait. As parto# an e##ort to lead a $ore open li#estyle, &e prc&ased a lare $ansion in t&e pro$inent!odt illnei&'or&ood o# 5taten

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    prison. !&ere were also r$ors t&at &e &ad nderone an operation to cre &is i$potencein order to &elp &i$ carry on an a##air wit& &is yon $aid, r$ors t&at ;otti &appilyspread.

    7al astellano didnt $ind 'ein taed as a $rderer. owe/er, accordin tot&e 'ook "Mrder Mac&ine" 'y ;ene Mstain and Jerry apeci, astellano ot o##ended

    w&en &e t&o&t t&at a police o##icer &ad i$plied t&at &e was less t&an a entle$an.4&en @etecti/e Dennet& Mca'e placed &i$ nder arrest, &e did not protest. Bt w&enMca'e $entioned to astellano t&at &is late cosin, arlo ;a$'ino &ad 'een a "realentle$an", astellano looked &rt and t&en responded, "4&atU

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    !&e elder ;otti scceeded astellano as &ead o# t&e ;a$'ino #a$ily, a #act t&atwas con#ir$ed 'y t&e testi$ony o# 5a$$y "!&e Bll" ;ra/ano, ;ottis nder'oss, w&en&e entered into a plea 'arain wit& t&e o/ern$ent in 1991. ;otti was later con/icted o#orderin astellanos $rder, alon wit& a &ost o# ot&er cri$es.

    Frank Costello

    rank ostello ('orn rancesco astiliaI Janary 26, 1891 e'rary 18, 19-)was a3ew ork ityanster w&o rose to t&e top o# A$ericas nderworld, controlled a/ast a$'lin e$pire across t&e Enited 5tates and en:oyed political in#lence like noot&er a osa 3ostra'oss.

    3ickna$ed t&e "7ri$e Minister o# t&e Enderworld", &e 'eca$e one o# t&e $ostpower#l and in#lential Ma#ia'osses in A$erican&istory, e/entally leadin a cri$inalorani*ation d''ed 'y law en#orce$ent as t&e "=olls%=oyceo# orani*ed cri$e", t&eciano cri$e #a$ily(later called t&e;eno/ese cri$e #a$ily).

    arly yearsostello was 'orn in aropoli, a $ontain /illae in ala'ria,

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    !&e sccess o# t&e yon

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    at&ority in t&e national nderworld. Joe Masseria and 5al/atore Maran*anowere notin/ited 'ecase t&eir ld 4orld ideoloy and p&ilosop&y ran conter to t&e con/entionsoals.

    !&e astella$$arese 4ar

    By 1928, ostello and ciano were considered to 'e two yon, a$'itios, andpower#l ansters on t&e rise. owe/er, an internal con#lict in t&e ila.owe/er,Masseria still &ad to deal wit& t&e power#l and in#lential Maran*ano and &isastella$$arese lan.

    Joe Masseria 'eca$e an nderworld dictator, re>irin a'solte loyalty ando'edience #ro$ t&e ot&er #or3ew ork #a$ilies. ila), w&ose $e$'ers inclded ostello associatesAl'ert "!&e Mad atter" Anastasia, arlo ;a$'ino, and rank 5calice. !&eastella$$arese clan inclded Josep& "Joe Bananas" Bonannoand 5te#ano Maaddino,t&e 7ro#aci cri$e #a$ily w&ic& inclded Josep& 7ro#aci and Josep& Maliocco,alonwit& #or$er Masseria allies t&e =iena #a$ily, w&ic& inclded ;aetano "!o$" =iena,;aetano "!o$$y" ;alianoand ;aetano cc&ese.

    !&e astella$$arese war raed on 'etween t&e Masseria and Maran*ano #actions#or al$ost two years. !&is internal war de/astated t&e 7ro&i'ition era operations andstreet rackets t&at t&e #i/e 3ew ork #a$ilies controlled wit& t&e

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    5c&lt* an lietenant, A'ra&a$ "Bo" 4ein'er and Mrder,

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    ostello always stayed clear o# dr tra##ickinI &e 'elie/ed t&at t&e $a#ia did not neednarcoticsto $ake $oney. !&is a/ersion to sellin drs was not s&ared 'y &is associate?ito ;eno/ese, a known dr dealer t&ro&ot &is cri$inal career.

    @rin 4orld 4ar

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    contry Mr. ostelloU", t&e raspy%/oiced ostellos reply e/oked a rare la& at t&e&earinsK "7aid $y taP" ostello e/entally walked ot o# t&e &earins.

    ostello #ond t&e 190s to 'e /ery tryin, as t&e &i& /isi'ility &e recei/eddrin t&e De#a/er earins 'ro&t additional law en#orce$ent and $edia scrtiny.owe/er, ostellos reatest tro'les 'ean wit& t&e assassination o# 4illie Moretti, &is

    ri&t &and $an. is $ental condition &ad pro$pted Moretti to re/eal so$e e$'arrassindetails at t&e De#a/er &earins. As a reslt, t&e o$$ission ordered Morettiseli$ination, w&ic& &appened cto'er +, 191 in a 3ew Jersey restarant. itted.

    ?ito ;eno/ese now ordered all t&e ciano cri$e #a$ily $e$'ers loyal to &i$ tos&ow t&eir spport 'y attendin a $eetin at &is 3ew Jersey $ansion. All t&e #a$ilys

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    capos s&owed p ecept ostello loyalist Ant&ony ar#ano (w&o was $rdered #or t&isinslt on 5epte$'er 2, 199). /en t&o& t&e atte$pt on ostellos li#e &ad #ailed, ?ito;eno/ese went on to appoint &i$sel# 'oss o# t&e ciano cri$e #a$ily. e t&en called#or a national o$$ission $eetin to discss $a#ia a##airs in 3ew ork and ot&eri$portant isses. !&e ciano cri$e #a$ily, t&e $ost power#l, in#lential and wealt&y

    cri$e #a$ily in A$erica, was now o##icially rena$ed t&e ;eno/ese cri$e #a$ily.A#ter reco/erin #ro$ t&e assassination atte$pt, rank ostello and ?ito;eno/ese $ade peace 'e#ore t&e 19- Appalac&in $eetin. ostello a'dicated as #a$ily'oss in #a/or o# ;eno/ese.

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    ;aetano "!o$$y" ;aliano (188+ % e'rary 16, 191U) is a 3ew ork ansterw&o #onded t&e cc&ese cri$e #a$ily, one o# t&e power#l "i/e a$ilies" o#3ework, and ser/ed as its low%pro#ile Boss#or o/er two decades. is sccessor was &islonti$e loyalist and Ender'oss, ;aetano "!o$$y" cc&ese.

    arly li#e

    ;aliano re$ains a s&adowy #ire in t&e &istory o# osa 3ostra wit& littlein#or$ation on &is early li#e in 5icily.

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    &ad to 'e /ery care#l in t&e #ace o# t&is alliance, and was keen to keep a low pro#ilew&ile #rt&erin t&e 'siness interests o# &is section o# osa 3ostra, in indstries sc& asasoline rationin, $eat and 'lack $arket sar. ?ery little is known a'ot ;aliano'etween 192 and &is deat& #ro$ natral cases in t&e 190s.

    @ate o# @eat&

    !&e actal date o# ;alianos deat& is still ncertain.

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    7ro&i'itionin t&e early 1920s. ;a$'ino also 'ro&t &is cosin 7al astellanointo t&eorani*ation. astellano wold later 'eco$e a &i& rankin $a#ioso &i$sel#.

    !&e astella$$arese 4arBy 1926, ciano was considered to 'e a power#l anster on t&e rise. cianos

    i$$ediate sperior, ;iseppe "Joe t&e Boss" Masseriawas co$in into con#lict wit&

    5al/atore Maran*ano, a recent arri/al #ro$ 7aler$ow&o was 'orn in astella$$are del;ol#o. 4&en Maran*ano arri/ed in 3ew ork in 192, &is access to $oney and$anpower led &i$ to 'eco$e in/ol/ed in etortion and a$'lin operations t&at directlyco$peted wit& Masseria. n cto'er 10, 1928, Joe Masseria eli$inated &is top ri/al #ort&e co/eted title o# "Boss o# Bosses", Brooklyn 'oss 5al/atore "!ata" @A>ila. owe/er,Masseria still &ad to deal wit& t&e power#l and in#lential Maran*ano and &isastella$$arese lan. ;a$'ino was t&rown ri&t into t&e line o# #ire.

    Joe Masseria 'eca$e an nderworld 'oss o# &is nei&'or&oods, re>irina'solte loyalty and o'edience #ro$ t&e ot&er cri$inals in &is area.

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    cc&esew&o #inered Maran*ano in &is o##ice . !&ey walked ri&t in, s&ot and sta''ed&i$ se/eral ti$es and ran ot.

    !&e o$$ission

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    "$scle," 't Moretti was losin &is $ind, 'lrtin ot $a#ia 'siness in p'lic, andwold soon 'e $rdered. ostello needed new $scle, and Anastasia, wit& a #a$ily o#n$en 'e&ind &i$, wold $ake a stron #oil to ;eno/eses plan. En#ortnately, as 'oss,Anastasia 'eca$e $ore 'rtal t&an e/er.

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    operation :st $ade it worse.

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    two rops, t&e one led 'y @i;reorio, and t&e ot&er &eaded 'y Bonanno and &is son,5al/atore "Bill" Bonanno. 3ewspapers re#erred to it as "!&e Banana 5plit."

    5ince Bonanno re#sed to i/e p &is position, t&e ot&er o$$ission $e$'ers#elt it was ti$e #or drastic action.

    ;a$'ino was t&e one w&o wold i/e t&e order to &a/e Bonanno killed, 't took

    pity on &i$ and decided to i/e Bonanno one last c&ance to retire w&ile &e &ad &is li#e. is& &is power.

    /entally, @i;reorio pro$ised a peace $eetin on w&ate/er territory 5al/atorewanted.

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    eplain w&y &e was attendin t&ea/ana on#erencein'ain 19+6, s&owin p wit&2,000,000 in a sil/er sitcase and a pictre t&at s&owed 5inatra, &arles "cky"ciano,Meyer ansky, Al'ert "!&e Mad atter" Anastasiaand arlo ;a$'ino &a/in adrink 'y a pool.

    cc&eses deat&

    cc&ese led a >iet, sta'le li#e ntil &e de/eloped a #atal 'rain t$or and diedat &is &o$e in ido Beac&, on

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    ;a$'ino was also t&e only $o' 'oss o# t&e"i#e "amiliesw&o attended t&e 'rialo# t&e lonti$e #riend andBoss of Bosses, &arles ciano.

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    arle 3a/al A$$nition @epot. =o'ert 5enter was arrested and c&ared wit& &is $rder.=o'ert was a a$'ler and &ad #allen in de't wit& Manny ;a$'ino. n Jne 1, 19-, &epled ilty to $ansla&ter and was sentenced to #i#teen years in prison.

    ;a$'ino, seekin re/ene, &ired &is #a/orite soldier, Jo&n ;otti, t&ro& ;ottiscaporegimear$ine "4aon 4&eels" atico. ;otti $et wit& 'oss ;a$'ino, underboss

    Aniello "Mr. 3eil" @ellacroce, consigliere Josep& "Joe 7iney" Ar$oneand ;a$'inosown 'rot&er%in%law and top caporegime, 7al "Bi 7alie" astellano. ;otti was i/ent&e assin$ent o# killin Ja$es McBratney, w&o played a lare role in Manny ;a$'inos$rder. astellano also wanted ;a$'ino #a$ily soldier =alp& ;alioneto assist ;otti andlonti$e ;a$'ino #a$ily associate Anelo =iero in carryin ot t&e $rder. Ji$McBratney was s&ot t&ree ti$es at close rane 'y ;alione, a#ter &e &ad o/erpowered=iero and ;otti, on t&e ni&t o# May 22, 19-, at 5noopes Bar W ;rill.

    ;ottis re/ene;otti did not accept t&e #act t&at ;alione &ad taken away &is &onor o# doin "@on

    arlo" a #a/or so, wit&ot eit&er ;a$'inos or astellanos appro/al, &e &ad ;alione$rdered. !&is enraed astellano, w&o went to &is 'rot&er%in%law and de$anded :stice

    (t&e &ead o# Jo&n ;otti). ;a$'ino, &owe/er, saw potential in ;otti, and told astellanoto spare ;ottis li#e. At t&e sa$e ti$e, ;a$'ino decided to se t&e opportnity torestrctre t&e ;a$'ino #a$ily.

    ;a$'ino a$ily rerops;a$'ino was disappointed wit& 'ot& &is own underboss, Aniello @ellacroce and

    now &is new caporegime, Jo&n ;otti, so ;a$'ino reorani*ed. 3ow, wit& a weak &eart,&e decided t&ere was to 'e two acting bossesw&o 'ot& reported to &i$, @ellacroce and;a$'inos own 'rot&er%in%law, 7al "Bi 7al" astellano. astellano took o/er t&ew&ite%collar cri$es in Brooklyn like nion racketeerin, solid and toic waste, recyclin,constrction, #rad and wire #rad, w&ile @ellacroce wold &a/e #ree rein o/er t&osecrews w&o carried ot $ore traditional, &ands%on Ma#ia acti/ities and t&e 'le%collarcri$es, sc& as$rder #or &ire, loans&arkin, a$'lin, etortion, &i:ackin, pier t&e#ts,#encin, and ro''ery. !&is strateic restrctrin also created con#sion in t&e B< in t&e$id 19-0s as to w&o t&e o##icial underbossin t&e #a$ily was.

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    take a swine%#l s&ot, knowin t&at a #rail indi/idal wit& a &eart ail$ent and &ardenino# t&e arteries $i&t scc$'. Accordin to #ederal sorces, ;a$'ino did et &is #l s&ots&ortly 'e#ore &is deat&.GHe was 'ried in 5aint Jo&ns e$etery, Feensin 3ew orkity, as was &arles ciano, and $ore t&an ten ot&er li#eti$e #riends. is #neral wassaid to &a/e 'een attended 'y at least 2,000 people, incldin police o##icers, :des and

    politicians. ;a$'ino le#t 'e&ind sons !&o$as, Josep& and arlo, da&ter 7&yllis5inatra, and a #a$ily wit& a crew o# 1,000 soldiers, a#ter leadin t&e ;a$'ino cri$e#a$ily #or 20 years, and !&e o$$ission #or $ore t&an 1.

    =esidence;a$'inos per$anent residence was a $odest &ose located at 220 cean

    7arkway in Brooklyn, 3ew ork. ;a$'inos #irst on ent in#idelities, and &eld &is wi#e in&i& reard and respect drin t&eir $arriae and a#ter &er deat&. All o# t&e ;iancana

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    pills t&at cold 'e sed to doctor astros #ood and drink. !&ese pills were i/en 'y t&eiesced, t&e' was not planted de to t&e arrest o# t&e aent tasked wit& plantin t&e de/ice.Accordin to t&e doc$ents, =o'ert Dennedy$o/ed to 'lock t&e prosection o# t&e

    aent and o# Ma&e, w&o was soon linked to t&e 'in atte$pt, at t&e est.


    ;iancana and Mc;ire, w&o &ad a lon lastin a##air, were oriinally introdced 'yrank 5inatra.G11H @rin part o# t&e a##air, accordin to 5a$s da&ter Antoinette,Mc;ire &ad a concrrent a##air wit& 7resident Dennedy.G12H

    @own#all;iancanas 'e&a/ior was too &i& pro#ile #or t#it tastes and attracted #ar too

    $c& #ederal scrtiny. e also re#sed to ct &is nderlins in on &is la/is& pro#its #ro$o##s&ore casinos in

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    Most in/estiators 'elie/e t&at Joey Aippa, ;iancanas oneti$e #riend andsccessor as &icao t#it 'oss, was responsi'le #or orderin t&e &it on t&e disraced#or$er 'oss.

    ;iancana &ad reportedly contined in &is re#sal to s&are t&e pro#its #ro$ &iso##s&ore a$'lin operations and was also sc&e$in a'ot &ow to reain &is #or$er post

    as 'oss. Accordin to #or$er Ma#ia associate Mic&ael J. or'itt, Aippa sei*ed control o#;iancanas casinos in t&e a#ter$at& o# t&e $rder, strateically s&arin t&e$ wit& &iscaporei$es.

    onti$e #riend and associate @o$inic "Btc&" Blasiwas wit& ;iancana t&eni&t &e was $rdered, and was >estioned 'y police as a sspect. eadin B< epertsand ;iancanas da&ter, Antoinette, do not consider &i$ ;iancanas killer.G1+H t&erMa#ia sspects are arry Ale$an,&arles "&ckie" nlis&and Ant&ony 5pilotro.

    ;iancana was interred net to &is wi#e, Anelina, in a #a$ily $asole$ atMont ar$el e$etery, in illside,

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    into 7&iladelp&ia. e i$ported scotc& w&isky directly #ro$ 5cotland, r$ #ro$ t&eari''ean,and w&isky #ro$anada. e was also in/ol/ed in a$'lin. By t&is ti$e,ciano was 'eco$in a 'i player in t&e 3ew ork $o'.

    =ise to powerAt an early ae ciano &ad esta'lis&ed &i$sel# as a creati/e t& on t&e ower

    ast 5ide and e/entally worked &is way p to 'ein a top aide to cri$e 'oss ;iseppe"Joe t&e Boss" Masseria. ad to pose as

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    o/ern$ent aents. n t&e day Maran*ano was to &ire cianos assassin t&ey stor$edMaran*anos o##ice, w&o t&o&t &e was 'ein arrested. !&e s>ad ct Maran*ano tori''ons wit& a /olley o# n#ire and repeated sta''ins. n t&e way down t&e stairs, t&ey$et Mad @o oll, cianos wold%'e assassin.

    =eorani*in osa 3ostra

    ciano was now t&e $odel $o'ster, wit& 'sinesses t&ro&ot t&e contry. islonti$e #riend Meyer ansky ser/ed as &is ri&t%&and $an, and ciano always#ollowed anskyLs ad/ice. 4&en @tc& 5c&lt*tried to kill Man&attan @istrict Attorney!&o$as @ewey, in direct /iolation o# cianos orders, 5c&lt* was eected instead.

    ciano &ad #inally reac&ed t&e pinnacle o# A$ericas nderworld, directin itscri$inal rles, policies and acti/ities alon wit& t&e ot&er top Bosses. e sat atop t&e$ost power#l cri$e #a$ily in A$erica, w&ic& now 'ore &is na$e and controlled t&e$ost lcrati/e cri$inal rackets in 3ew ork sc& as a$'lin, 'ook$akin, loan%s&arkin, dr tra##ickin, and etortion. ciano was /ery in#lential in la'or and nionacti/ities and controlled t&e Man&attan 4ater#ront, ar'ae &alin, constrction,;ar$ent enter 'sinesses, and trckin.

    ciano O seein t&at t&e position only created tension and tro'le 'etween t&e#a$ilies O a'olis&ed t&e title o# Capo !i Tutti i Capi&ciano #elt t&at t&e cere$ony o#'ein "$ade a soldier" in a #a$ily s&old 'e done away wit&I &owe/er, Meyer anskyred &i$ aainst it, sayin t&at yon people needed ritals to clin to. ciano alsostressed t&e i$portance o# t&e o$ertQ, t&e oat& o# silence, and kept t&e orani*ationalstrctre t&at Maran*ano &ad institted.GH

    !&e o$$issionciano, nder t&e rin o# Jo&nny !orrio,also took it pon &i$sel# to set p t&e

    Ma#ias o/ernin 'ody.ciano orani*ed t&e o$$ission wit& t&e Ma#ias top $en, and was its

    ndispted leader. !&e o$$ission was t&e anster e>i/alent o# t&e 5pre$e ort,and settled all anland disptes.

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    ec&ane #or cianos retrn to A$erica), sinled ot ciano as an orani*ed cri$erinleader and tareted &i$, alon wit& ot&ers. ciano &ad pre/iosly /oted aainst@tc& 5c&lt*s proposal to assassinate @ewey a#ter 5c&lt* 'eca$e t&e repeated tareto# @eweys in/estiations.GH

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    persected 'y Benito Mssolini. ciano considered &i$sel# to 'e a loyal A$erican w&owas de/oted to 5icily, t&e Ma#ia, and t&e Enited 5tates alike. is &elp was so&t inpro/idin Ma#ia assistance to conter possi'le Ais in#iltration on E.5. water#ronts,drin peration A/alanc&e, and &is connections in

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    #ate was sealedI &e was killed 'y #or s&ots #ired t&ro& a window at &is ali#ornia&o$e in Jne 19+-.

    !&e deposed ciano asked t&at &e 'e declared apo @i !tti i api. is old#riends and 'siness associates areed t&at &e deser/ed t&e titleI all ecept ?ito;eno/ese, w&o wanted t&e title #or &i$sel# and is r$ored to &a/e leaked cianos

    w&erea'ots to t&e o/ern$ent. ciano reportedly took &i$ into a roo$ and 'eat &i$se/erely #or &is 'etrayal.4&en t&e E5 o/ern$ent learned o# cianos presence in t&e ari''ean,&e was

    #orced to #ly 'ack to

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    7&ilip Manano #re>ented t&e cl', as did ?incents nder'oss, Al'ert "Mad atter"Anastasia.

    ed wit& AnastasiaManano was t&e only one o# t&e 'osses w&o retained t&e old ways so resented 'y

    t&e new 'reed o# $o' leaders, incldin Anastasia. Anastasia rew to pre#er t&e co$pany

    o# ot&er $o' 'osses sc& as &arlie "cky" ciano,rank ostelloandois "epke"Bc&alter. ikewise, Manano rew to resent and $istrst Anastasia. !&e two $enrelarly ared and #o&t, &a/in to 'e plled apart % possi'ly #or t&e protection o# t&eelder Manano w&o was no p&ysical $atc& #or &is yoner nder'oss.

    @isappearanceAlt&o& it lti$ately took a #ll 20 years o# workin toet&er #or $atters to

    co$e to a &ead, Manano e/entally $et &is end at t&e &ands o# Anastasia, or so it is'elie/ed.

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    Maran*ano 'ean to in/ade t&e territory o# Joe "!&e Boss" Masseria. Maran*ano&i:acked trckloads o# Masserias li>or and started takin o/er Masserias 'ars. !&is ledto a 'loody nderworld 'attle known as t&e astella$$arese 4ar. 4&ile otn$'ered att&e otset o# t&e war, Maran*ano and &is #ellow astella$arese rew stroner as t&e warproressed. !&e war ended a#ter one o# Masserias lietenants, &arles "cky" ciano,

    &elped orc&estrate Masserias $rder in April 191 in retrn #or 'ein considered ane>al to Maran*ano.G1H

    Boss o# All BossesMaran*ano was now t&e $ost power#l anster in 3ew ork. !wo weeks a#ter

    Masserias $rder, Maran*ano called toet&er se/eral &ndred Ma#iosi at a 'an>et &allat an ndisclosed location in Epstate 3ew ork. Maran*ano laid ot &is /ision o# a newanland, strctred on &ierarc&ical lines. !&e 3ew ork Ma#ia wold 'e orani*ed intoi/e a$ilies, &eaded 'y &i$sel#, ciano, 7ro#aci, ?incent Manano and !&o$as;aliano. ickly eno&, t&o&K 'y t&eti$e &e &ired Mad @o ollto $rder ciano and ;eno/ese, ciano, aided 'y Meyeransky, &ad already #ond ot a'ot Maran*anos plans.

    Mrder ?icti$ciano arraned #or 5a$el "=ed" e/ineand t&ree ot&er ansters pro/ided 'y

    ansky to o to Maran*anos o##ices on 5epte$'er 10, 191, posin as police detecti/es.nce inside &is o##ice on t&e 9t& #loor o# !&e el$sley Bildin, t&ey disar$edMaran*anos ards. !&e #or $en t&en s&ot and sta''ed 5al/atore Maran*ano to deat&.As t&ey #led down t&e stairs, t&ey $et oll on &is way pstairs #or &is appoint$ent wit&Maran*ano. !&ey warned &i$ t&at t&ere &ad 'een a raid, and &e #led too.

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    ollowin Maran*anos deat&, ciano and &is colleaes reorani*ed t&e i/ea$iliesand a'olis&ed t&e position o# "capo di ttti capi." Most o# Maran*anos cri$e#a$ily was in&erited 'y Josep& Bonannoand 'eca$e known as t&e Bonanno #a$ily.

    7ersonal li#eMaran*anos wi#e, lisa'etta, died in 196+. Bot& are 'ried in 5aint Jo&ns

    e$etery, Feens, located in 3ew ork ity, 'ried near t&e ra/es o# ciano and;eno/ese.

    Carlos arcelloarlos "!&e ittle Man" Marcello (e'rary 6, 1910 Marc& , 199) was an

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    5tates onstittion, in re#sin to answer any >estions relatin to &is 'ackrond,acti/ities and associates.

    A#ter 'eco$in 7resident, Jo&n Dennedy appointed &is 'rot&er =o'ert as E.5.Attorney ;eneral. !&e two $en worked closely toet&er on a wide /ariety o# issesincldin t&e atte$pt to tackle orani*ed cri$e.

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    t&at ee ar/ey swaldwas in/ol/ed 't 'elie/es t&at t&ere was at least one n$an#irin #ro$ t&e ;rassy Dnoll. Blakey ca$e to t&e conclsion t&at Marcello, !ra##icante,Jr., alon wit& &icao t#it 'oss 5al/atore "5a$ Mooney" ;iancanawere co$plicit inplannin t&e assassination.

    Dennedy assassination

    n Janary 1+, 1992, a,e$ -or (oststory clai$ed Marcello, !ra##icante, Jr.,and Ji$$y o##a&ad all 'een in/ol/ed in t&e assassination o# 7resident Dennedy. rank=aanowas >oted as sayin t&at at t&e 'einnin o# 196, o##a &ad told &i$ to take a$essae to !ra##icante and Marcello concernin a plan to kill Dennedy. 4&en t&e$eetin took place at t&e =oyal rleans otel, =aano told t&e $enK "o wont 'elie/ew&at o##a wants $e to tell yo. Ji$$y wants yo to kill t&e 7resident." e reported t&at'ot& $en a/e t&e i$pression t&at t&ey intended to carry ot t&is order.

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    !&e Marcello #a$ily and descendants still own or control a sini#icant a$ont o#real estate in sot&east oisiana. !&e Marcello #a$ily w&o #irst i$$irated #ro$ 5icilyto @onaldson/ille, oisiana, is not related.

    Joe asseria;iseppe "Joe !&e Boss" Masseria (188- April 1, 191) was an early Ma#ia

    don in t&e Enited 5tates. e was 'oss o# w&at is now called t&e ;eno/ese cri$e #a$ily,one o# t&e 3ew ork Ma#ias i/e a$ilies, #ro$ 1922 to 191.

    arly daysMasseria was 'orn in Marsala, 5icily. A#ter i$$iratin to t&e Enited 5tates in

    190 to a/oid $rder c&ares in 5icily, Masseria 'eca$e an en#orcer #or t&e Morello;anin t&e ower ast 5ideo# 3ew ork ity.

    A#ter t&e deat& o# 3ick Morello in 1916, &e 'eca$e t&e leader o# one o# se/eralsplinter rops w&o #o&t a "ci/il war" #or control o# t&e an. ilas rop was t&e ancestor to t&e ;a$'ino cri$e #a$ily). A#ter t&edeat& o# 3ick Morello, @A>illa ca$e to 'e rearded as "capo consiliere" or "seniorad/iser" a$on t&e 3ew ork Ma#ia #a$ilies. !&is $eans t&at, 'ecase o# &is percei/edwisdo$, &e was considered #irst a$on e>als and conslted 'y t&e ot&er leaders oni$portant $atters. owe/er t&is does not $ean t&at &e &ad any direct control o/er t&eot&er ans or t&at t&ey &ad to pay &i$ any #inancial tri'te. 5o$e later c&roniclers &a/eerroneosly e>ated &is position wit& t&at o# "apo di !tti api", a title to w&ic& JoeMasseria was later to aspire.

    "!&e Man 4&o an @ode Bllets"n Ast 9, 1922, Masseria walked ot o# &is apart$ent at 80 2nd A/ene, and

    was rs&ed 'y two $en w&o drew #ire on &i$. Masseria dcked into a store at 82 2nd

    A/ene wit& t&e n$en in prsit. !&ey s&ot ot t&e #ront window and s&ot p t&einside o# t&e store, 't t&en ran ot o# 'llets. !&e n$en #led across 2nd A/ene to aetaway car idlin :st arond t&e corner on . t& 5treet. !&e car was a dson riser,w&ic& like $any cars o# t&e era &ad rnnin 'oardsalon t&e sides. !&e n$en :$pedon t&e rnnin 'oards and t&e car sped west on . t& 5treet towards t&e Bowery, ns'la*in.

    A adies ;ar$ent

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    &is aspirations to 'ein t&e Boss. ?alenti and t&ree o# &is spporters arri/ed at t&erestarant and were $et 'y t&ree o# Masserias $en. !&e $en c&atted a$ia'ly #or so$eti$e ntil ?alenti realised t&at it was a set p, Masseria wasnt co$in, t&at Masseria andMorello &ad reac&ed so$e sort o# deal and &e was t&e odd $an ot.

    /eryone went #or t&eir ns and started s&ootin. !wo o# ?alentis $en went

    down and &e $ade a rn #or it. !&e Masseria $en a/e c&ase 't t&eir ai$ was poor, andt&e net casalties were a street cleaner and an ei&t%year%old irl. ?alenti :$ped ontot&e rnnin 'oard o# a passin tai and 'ean to retrn #ire. 5eein t&eir >arry a'ot toescape, one o# t&e prsers took care#l ai$ and dropped ?alenti dead in t&e street.Masseria now 'eca$e &ead o# t&e Morello #a$ily wit& 7eter Morello as &is n$'er two.!&is $ay &a/e #it in well wit& t&e 7eter Morellos desire to a/oid attractin nde policeattention. e was sa#er takin on a secondary role as a #or$ o# consilieri, or seniorad/iser, 'e&ind t&e o/ert leader.

    Joe t&e Boss!&e deat& o# rankie alein Jly 1928 appears to &a/e 'een t&e catalyst #or Joe

    Masserias a$'ition to 'eco$e o/erall leader o# all t&e Ma#ia ans o# 3ew ork.

    illa was accosted in t&e street 'y t&ree $en a#ter &isrelar /isit to t&e doctor. !&e discssion 'eca$e &eated and one o# t&e $en drew a nand s&ot @A>illa dead. !&ere was known to 'e 'ad 'lood 'etween @A>illa and t&eMorello an, possi'ly arisin ot o# resent$ent o/er @A>illas rise to t&e position o#"capo consiliere" wit&in t&e 3ew ork Ma#ia, w&ic& &ad coincided wit& t&e decline int&e #ortnes o# t&e Morello #a$ily. Al#red Mineoand &is en#orcer 5te/e errino, allieso# Joe Masseria, t&en took o/er leaders&ip o# t&e @A>illa #a$ily.

    estioned in connection wit& t&e $rder o#rankie Marlow. Marlow was last seen &a/in dinner wit& !errano/a t&e ni&t &e wass&ot to deat&. As a #ellow 5icilian, Marlow $ay &a/e 'een approac&ed, on 'e&al# o# t&enew Enione 5icilianepresident, wit& re>ests t&at &e pay tri'te or ot&erwise co$plywit& t&e wis&es o# Joe Masseria. rankie Marlow was a leadin #ire in t&e 3ew orkcri$e scene, &e wold certainly &a/e dis$issed any sc& ad/ances. 7er&aps &e was iltyo# nder%ratin t&e seriosness o# t&e t&reat posed 'y t&e "old #as&ioned" Morellos andpaid t&e lti$ate price. Ballistics e/idence &as s&own t&at t&e 'llets t&at killed Marlowwere #ired 'y a s'$ac&ine nowned 'y Al apones &icao t#it, and t&at t&e sa$eweapon was also sed in t&e killin o# ale and #or t&e 5aint ?alentines @ay $assacre.!&e weapon e/entally ca$e into t&e &ands o# t&e at&orities a#ter t&e arrest o# redDillerN Brke, a 5t. ois, Missorin$an w&o participated in t&e 5t. ?alentines @ayplot.

    Masseria t&en $o/ed in on w&at &ad 'een ales orani*ation and Ant&onyar#ano, ittle Aie 7isano 'eca$e &ead o# t&e ale #a$ily. ar#anos rop retainedcontrol o# ales a$'lin and 'ootlein interests, &owe/er it $ay &a/e 'een at t&isti$e t&at t&e 4ater#ront racket was reallocated and ca$e nder t&e control o# t&e@A>illa #a$ily, &eaded 'y Mineo.

    Joe Masseria was now "Joe t&e Boss," &ead o# t&e larest Ma#ia ropin in 3ework. t&er 5icilian ansters w&o were not yet part o# &is e$pire, sc& as

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    owe/er, t&is does not $ean to say t&at Joe t&e Boss was now in control o# alloranised cri$e across 3ew ork, or e/en t&at &e was t&e sinle $ost power#l ansterin t&e city. !&e la'or nion etortion kins ois "epke" Bc&alterand Jaco' ";rra&"5&apiro and 'ootleers like 4aey ;ordon and wney Madden were $akin $ore$oney, co$$anded e>ally power#l ans and &ad 'etter political connections. !&ere

    were also ot&ers on t&e rise w&o did not reconise &is at&ority sc& as @tc& 5c&lt*and t&e Broadway Mo'. !&e Ma#ia at t&is ti$e was still larely centered arond t&eeploitation o# t&eir #ellow

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    $en s&ortly 'e#ore p$. 5carpatoLs $ot&er%in%law, Anna !a$$aro, waited w&ile t&eyplayed cards. Accordin to two eyewitnesses, two well%dressed yon $en dro/e p andparked t&eir car at t&e cr'. !&ey strolled leisrely into t&e place, and t&e s&ootin 'eani$$ediately. 5o$e 20 s&ots were #ired. !&en t&e two n$en ca$e ot wit&ot any/isi'le sins o# &aste, entered t&eir ato$o'ile and dro/e away. Masseria was &it wit&

    #or 'llets in t&e 'ack and one in t&e 'ack o# t&e &ead. !&e 'llets were identi#ied as .2and .8 cali'er. ila, w&o&ad taken o/er Morellos $antle as 'oss o# 'osses. e #inally decided to alin &i$sel#and &is $a#ia #action wit& Joe Masseria, w&o reconi*ed t&e /ale o# &a/in sc& a wellknown and well connected $a#ia leader at &is side, so &e na$ed Morello &is top ad/isorand second%in%co$$and.


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    !akin control o# t&e orani*ation a#ter t&e deat& o# 3icolo Morello in 1916drin t&e Ma#ia%a$orra 4ar, Morello allied wit& =occo ?alenti aainst #or$erMorello $e$'er Joe Masseriaw&o now controlled a ri/al #action o# t&e Morellos. A#tertwo #ailed assassination atte$pts 'y ?alenti aainst Masseria a trce was arraned'etween Morello and Masseria. owe/er w&en neit&er s&owed p ?alenti tried to escape

    and was killed 'y Masseria n$an &arles ciano. @rin t&e astella$$arese 4ar#ro$ ro&ly 190%1, t&at pit Joe Masseria and Morello aainst a ri/al rop 'ased inBrooklyn, led 'y 5al/atore Maran*anoand Josep& Bonanno, Morello 'eca$e Masserias"war c&ie#" and strateic ad/isor. Morello was an old &and in t&e killin a$e, 't &islck ran ot w&en &e was killed on Ast 1, 190, drin t&e astella$$arese 4ar.

    Morello $ade peace wit& Masseria s&ortly a#terwards later allyin wit& Masseriae/entally 'eco$in &is top ad/isor. ne o# t&e #irst /icti$s o# t&e astella$$arese 4ar,Morello was killed wit& collector ;iseppe 7erianoon Ast 1, 190 w&ile collectincas& receipts in &is ast arle$o##ice. !&e assassin is still dispted 'etween Al'ertAnastasiaand rank 5calice, as told 'y &arles ciano, and t&e assassin Bster #ro$&icaoclai$ed 'y o/ern$ent in#or$antJoe ?alac&i.

    Joe Pro#aci;iseppe "Joe" 7ro#aci (cto'er 2, 189-Jne -, 1962) was a3ew orka osa

    3ostra'oss w&o was t&e #onder o# w&at is today known as t&e olo$'o cri$e #a$ily.sta'lis&ed in 1928, t&is was t&e last o# t&e i/e a$iliesto 'e orani*ed. e was t&e#a$ilys 'oss #or o/er t&ree decades.

    a$ily ties7ro#acis 'rot&er was 5al/atore 7ro#aci, w&o ser/ed as &is consiliere #or years.

    ne o# 7ro#acis 'rot&er%in%laws was Josep& Maliocco, w&o wold ser/e as 7ro#acisnder'oss. 7ro#acis niece =osalie 7ro#aci was $arried to 5al/atore Bonanno, t&e son o#

    Bonanno cri$e #a$ily'oss Josep& Bonanno. !wo o# 7ro#acis da&ters $arried t&e sonso# @etroit 7artners&ip$o'sters 4illia$ !occoand Josep& Xerilli. 7ro#aci was t&e ncleo# t&e yoner 5al/atore 7ro#aci and t&e #at&er o# rank 7ro#aci, 'ot& $e$'ers o# t&e7ro#aci cri$e #a$ily.

    arly li#eJosep& 7ro#aci was 'orn in ?illa'atein t&epro/ince o# 7aler$o,5icily.

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    $o'sters #ro$ !a$pa, lorida, &icao, and Brooklyn, was to appoint 7ro#aci as A>ilasreplace$ent so as to $aintain cal$ a$on t&e Brooklyn ans.

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    @ispte wit& ;allo 'rot&ersBy all acconts, 7ro#aci was &ated and #eared 'y t&e $e$'ers o# &is cri$e #a$ily.

    ne reason #or t&eir rancor was t&at 7ro#aci re>ired eac& #a$ily $e$'er to pay &i$ a2 a $ont& tit&e, an old 5icilian an csto$. !&e $oney, w&ic& a$onted toapproi$ately 0,000 a $ont&, was $eant to spport t&e #a$ilies o# $o'sters in prison.

    owe/er, $ost o# t&is $oney stayed wit& 7ro#aci.

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    and narcissistic. e en:oyed t&e cele'rity anster li#e style and was an ad$irer o#&icao t#it'oss Al apone.5car#o wold scan newspapers #or &is na$e and $adesre &is soldierscarried ot $rders in p'lic to create a constant at$osp&ere o# #ear.5car#o &ad /ery #ew scrples and approac&ed orani*ed cri$e acti/ities sc& as drtra##ickinto enerate $illions, w&ic& $any ot&er 'osses a/oided.

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    At t&is point, =netta wanted to kill 5car#o. owe/er, 5car#os deat& wold &a/ealienated t&e 7iccolo crew. !o resol/e t&e pro'le$, Brno sent 5car#o to Atlantic itytore/i/e t&e #a$ilys cri$inal operations t&ere.

    Atlantic ity

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    action as well. owe/er, nder t&e rles o# t&e Ma#ia, no ot&er #a$ily cold set p s&opin anot&er #a$ilys territory wit&ot per$ission%%and Brno wasnt willin to in/ite t&e$.

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    !&e new ad$inistration 'ean pttin aponiros loyalists in line. eliBocc&ino was t&e #irst to de#ect alon wit& @o$inic @e?ito. Josep& "&ickie"iancalini de#ected a#ter !esta and 5car#o interroated &i$ at npoint in a arae a'ot&is in/ol/e$ent wit& aponiro.

    5car#o &ad plans to kill @e?ito . Bt t&eir $tal #riend 3ick ara$andi stood 'y

    @e?ito and 5car#o woldnt &a/e @e?ito killed ot o# respect to ara$andi. Jo&n 5i$oneand rank 5indone werent as lcky. Bot& $et risly ends at t&e trier #iners o# &it $ensent 'y !esta and 5car#o.

    Jo&n Mcllo&, president o# t&e 7&iladelp&ia =oo#ers Enion,ocal 0, 'eanin#rinin on 5car#os Atlantic ity rackets and re#sed to stop &is la'or racketeerinacti/ities. Mcllo& was s&ot to deat& 'y a &it $an posin as a deli/ery$an.

    n Marc& 1, 1981 !esta was killed 'y a nail 'o$'detonated 'eneat& &is porc&.!&e $rder was intended to look like retaliation 'y t&e 7ro/isional

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    &elsais Boras was en:oyin a $eal in a restarant wit& &is irl#riend Janetterro and se/eral ot&er #riends, incldin =ay Martorano, w&en a $an entered and$otioned #or Martorano to et ot o# t&e way as &e took ai$. !&e &it $an opened #irekillin Boras and &is irl#riend rro. 5car#o ordered t&e deat& o# ;reekMo' Boss&elsais 'ecase &e &ad 'een &ornin in on t&e $et&a$p&eta$inetrade in 7&iladelp&ia

    and not payin 5car#os "street ta".Jo&nny ala'rese and iancalini walked #ro$ os ittle

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    content wit& t&at set p. arry wold/e 'een &appy to contine t&e tradition wit& ittle3icky, 't &e wanted a weekly tri'te as opposed to a yearly ct and lip ser/ice.

    arry t&e nc&'ack 'alked at 5car#os de$ands and ittle 3icky pt contractsot on arry and &is &al# 'rot&ers 5onny and Bo''y. &ckie Merlino 'ean spreadinr$ors t&at arry was an B< in#or$antI rank Monte and 3icky ca$e p wit& a plot to

    kill arry. !&e plan was to persade 5onny =icco'ene w&o didnt et alon wit& arry toset p t&e nc&'ack.rank Monte went to 5onny =icco'ene and atte$pted to persade &i$ to &elp set

    &is &al# 'rot&er arry p. Bt 5onny ran to &is &al# 'rot&er and told &i$ o# 5car#osintentions. !&e =icco'enes decided to strike #irst. 3ot lon a#ter rank and 5onnys$eetin, rank Monte was s&ot dead 'y a sniper na$ed Josep& 7edlla. 7edlla was a &it$an workin #or arry =icco'ene.

    !&e day o# t&e sentencin #or 3ickys n con/iction ca$e p in Ast. ittle3icky planned to rn t&ins #ro$ &is prison cell t&ro& &is 'elo/ed nep&ew 7&ileonetti. ale "7at t&e at" 5pirito t&e Bo''y=icco'ene contract. 3icky recei/ed two years in prison #or possessin an nlicensed

    #irear$.4&ilst in prison 3icky passed orders to &is new consiliere 3ic&olas 7iccoloandnder'oss &ckie Merlino t&ro& 7&il eonetti. 5al/ie !esta took on a 'i part inrnnin t&e a$ily in 5car#os a'sence and was oin to $arry &ckies da&terMaria.

    arry =icco'ene was $akin a call in a p&one 'oot& to &is 2%year%old $istressw&en &e was s&ot #i/e ti$es 'y 4ayne ;rande. arry sr/i/ed and attacked ;rande,e/entally takin &is n away #ro$ &i$. arry reco/ered 't it wasnt lon ntil &ewold 'eco$e a taret aain.

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    arrys nep&ew nrico =icco'ene later s&ot &i$sel# w&en &e t&o&t &e was'ein stalked 'y 5car#os &it $en. A#ter t&ese e/ents arry =icco'enea/e p t&e warwit& 5car#o and srrendered &is territory and operations to 5car#os $en. arry was latercon/icted o# arranin t&e $rder o# rank Monte.

    4it& t&e war o/er 5car#o cold rela in &is prison cell in !easand &is &it $en

    cold trn t&eir attention #ro$ killin to $akin $oney. At t&e ti$e $et&a$p&eta$inewas t&e dr o# c&oice in 7&iladelp&ia. !o$$y @el;iorno and 3icky ara$andi 'ean"tain" dr dealers.

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    Joey 7n arraned a $eetin wit& !esta. At t&at $eetin in t&e 'ack o# a candystore 5al/ie reeted 4ayne w&o was sittin on a coc& in t&e 'ack roo$. 5al/ie t&entrned to talk wit& Joe 7nI 4ayne took ot a n #ro$ nder t&e cs&ions on t&e coc&and s&ot !esta in t&e 'ack o# &is &ead. 4ayne stood p to s&oot !esta once $ore. 3ickyt&e row, &arlie

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    s&ark 'siness so #ar and &ad $ade a -,000 #ro$ a $et&a$p&eta$ine deal. And5car#o ot a ct o# it all.

    3ick ara$andi later esti$ated t&at &e enerated 'etween and - $illion #ro$1982 ntil 1986. 5car#o ot &is ct o# e/eryt&in &is soldiers $ade. 5car#os &aciendastyle $ansion in ort aderdale was wort& nearly -0,000. e kept $illion in cas&

    &idden 'e&ind a wall.itted on @ece$'er 12, 198-. !&at $o$entdidnt last /ery lon at all.

    !&ins ot worse as 5car#o was indicted on =acketeer

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    an earlier plot 'y 5car#o 5r. on Merlinos #at&er. Anot&er $oti/e #or t&e atte$pted &it wasto send a clear $essae t&at neit&er 5car#o nor &is son were in c&are o# 5ot&7&iladelp&ia any loner.

    Already ser/in 1+ years i$prison$ent #or etortion and + years #or /iolatinn$eros =ale, 5r. prononced it G1H), &e was

    nickna$ed "!ony t&e Ant," 'y t&e press, a#ter ederal Brea o#

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    Jr., went on to collee and 'eca$e a &i&ly respectedoral sreonin t&e &icao area.@escri'ed as a 'lly at sc&ool, !ony dropped ot o# &icaos 5tein$et* i& 5c&oolin&is sop&o$ore year and >ickly 'eca$e known #or a sccession o# petty cri$es likes&opli#tin and prse snatc&in, wit& &is #irst arrest occrrin on Janary 11, 19. eatte$pted to steal a s&irt #ro$ a =i/er oreststore and was c&ared wit& larceny. e was

    #ined ten dollars and pt onpro'ation.5pilotro and =osent&alBook$aker rank "e#ty" =osent&alwas #irst linked to 5pilotro in 1962, w&en

    5pilotro pleaded ilty to atte$pted 'ri'ery o# a 3ew ork Eni/ersity'asket'all playerin a a$e aainst 4est ?irinia Eni/ersity. !&ere is also sspicionG$ho%Ht&at 5pilotro triedto 'ri'e a Eni/ersity o# reon#oot'all player.

    5pilotro 'eca$e a $arked $an to local law en#orce$ent. e was arrestedn$eros ti$es #or $opery, a /ae and a sprios cri$inal c&are de#ined as "walkindown t&e street wit& no clear destination or prpose." 5pilotro 'e#riended ?incentee*in a $ans &ead in anindstrial /ice to et a con#ession, and was assined to a lare 'ook$akinoperation. ora w&ile, 5pilotro was a'ail 'onds$an#or repted $o' associate

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    A#ter &is own arrest in t&e atte$pted Bert&as 'rlary, llotta s'se>ently'eca$e a #ederal witness, or a "snitc&" to sa/e &i$sel#, a#ter &e t&o&t 5pilotro was otto kill &i$.

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    ore$an was tortred 'y repeatedly 'ein sta''ed wit& an ice pick and &ad pieces o# &is#les& ct ot, 'e#ore 'ein s&ot and killed.

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    t&e &icao $o'K Marcello, Josep& o$'ardo, 7al "t&e

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    e also pt #ort& t&e idea o# t&e3ational ri$e 5yndicatein t&e 190s and later 'eca$ean no##icial ad/isor to t&e ;eno/ese cri$e #a$ily.

    arly li#eBorn Gio#anni Torrioin t&e /illae o# ick $ind and looked to &i$ as t&eir $entor. !orrio reatly ad$ired Delly, w&o knew$c& a'ot orani*ed cri$e cltreI Delly con/inced t&e yoner $an to dressconser/ati/ely, stop swearin, and set p a #ront as a leiti$ate entreprener. !&e lessons!orrio learned #ro$ Delly stayed wit& &i$ t&ro&ot &is careerI !orrio e/entallyearned t&e $oniker o# "!&e o" de to &is cnnin and diplo$atic ways.

    !orrios an ran leiti$ate 'sinesses, 't its $ain concern was t&e n$'ersa$e, spple$ented 'y inco$es #ro$'ook$akin, loan s&arkin, &i:ackin,prostittion,and opi$tra##ickin. apone and @e5te#ano were $e$'ers o# t&e Jniors and soon

    radated p to t&e i/e 7oints ;an itsel#. !orrio e/entally &ired Al apone and &is'ddy Ji$$y !&e 5&i/ @e5te#ano to 'artend at t&e ar/ard

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    As t&e 1920s proressed, !orrio and apone presided o/er t&e epansion o# t&e&icao t#itas it raked in $illions #ro$ a$'lin,prostittion, and now'ootlein.!&e t#it soon ca$e to control t&e oop(&icaos downtown area), as well as $c& o#t&e 5ot& 5ide. owe/er, it was also intent on sei*in t&e pro#ita'le ;old oastterritory,w&ic& drew t&e ire o# t&e power#l3ort& 5ide ;anled 'y@ion Banion.

    !&e t#it and t&e 3ort& 5ide ;an 'ean a #raile alliance, 't tension 'etweenBanion and t&e ;ennas (w&o were t#it allies) o/er territorial ri&ts $onted. !&e;ennas wanted to kill Banion, 't !orrio, not wantin all%ot an war#are, resisted t&e$o/e. inally, tensions 'oiled o/er w&en Banion c&eated !orrio ot o# 00,000 in a'rewery ac>isition deal and cased !orrios arrest. t o# patience, !orrio #inallyordered Banion killed. n 3o/e$'er 10, 192+, Banion was $rdered in &is 3ort&5ide #lower s&op 'y ale, Jo&n 5calise, and Al'ert Ansel$i. Banions $rder sparked a'loody, 'rtal anland war 'etween t&e 3ort& 5ide ;an and t&e t#it t&at e/entallyc&ased !orrio ot o# &icao.

    Assassination Atte$pt3ort& 5iders arl "y$ie" 4eiss, ?incent "!&e 5c&e$er" @rcci, and ;eore

    "Bs" Moranwere deter$ined to a/ene Banions $rder and al$ost scceeded onJanary 2+, 192. !orrio was retrnin to &is apart$ent at -106 5ot& lyde A/ene#ro$ a s&oppin trip wit& Anna. A &ail o# n#ire #ro$ 4eiss and Moran reeted !orrioscar, s&atterin its lass. !orrio was strck in t&e :aw, lns, roin, les,and a'do$en.Moran atte$pted to deli/er t&e coup de gr1ce into !orrios skll, 't ran ot o#a$$nition. @rcci sinalled t&at it was ti$e to o, and t&e t&ree 3ort& 5iders le#t t&escene. !&e se/erely%wonded !orrio $anaed to sr/i/e.

    !&e an war 'etween t&e 3ort& 5ide ;an and t&e &icao t#it contined #orse/eral $ore years. !&e 3ort&siders, alon wit& apone, deci$ated t&e ;enna #a$ily andsent t&e rest o# t&e sr/i/in 'rot&ers #leein. !&e 3ort&siders also contined a 'rtal tr#warwit& apone % a war t&at cost 'ot& sides #riends and 'ildins and le#t aponeconstantly lookin o/er &is s&older. !&is war wold contine ntil t&e 5t. ?alentines@ay Massacre, apones #inal atte$pt to 'e rid o# Moran. !&e $assacre #ailed and Moransr/i/ed.

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    ented a/ana, 'a(w&ile lencio Batistawas in power),and 3ew ork ity.

    !reasry @epart$ent doc$ents indicate t&at law en#orce$ent 'elie/ed!ra##icantes leiti$ate 'siness interests to inclde se/eral leal casinos in 'aI aa/anadri/e%in $o/ie t&eaterI and s&ares in t&e ol$'ia =estarantand se/eral ot&er

    restarants and 'ars in !a$pa. e was r$ored to 'e part o# a Ma#ia syndicate w&ic&owned $any ot&er 'an &otels and casinos. As one o# t&e $ost power#l $o'stersint&e E.5., !ra##icante was in/ited to t&e a/ana on#erencein @ece$'er, 19+6.

    !ra##icante was arrested #re>ently t&ro&ot t&e 190s on /arios c&ares o#'ri'eryand o# rnnin illeal'olitalotteries in !a$pas 'or itydistrict. e escapedcon/ictionall 't once, recei/in a #i/e%year sentence, in 19+, #or 'ri'ery, 't &iscon/iction was o/ertrned 'y t&e lorida 5pre$e ort'e#ore &e enteredprison.


