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Page 1: Promo tables, flash mob

Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine

Long-term recruitment 2010 AIESEC in Ukraine

How to organize promo-tables and flash-mobs?

Page 2: Promo tables, flash mob

Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine

Hello, dear reader of this Guide!

This Guide is created to help you in the promotion of recruitment in autumn 2010.

Due to recruitment flow our promo campaign will consist of such main events as:

1) Promo tables

2) Flash Mobs

By this guide we want to help you in running of Flash Mobs and Promo tables. You will find following information here:

1. Perfect Promo tables

1.1. Promo table: why, where, when and who

1.2.Check list for promo table

1.3. The concept of promotable “More than 60 years of development leaders for making positive impact into society”

1.4. Frequent Asked Questions

1.5. Tips and tricks in organization of promo table

2. Perfect Flash Mobs

2.1. What is Flash Mob

2.2. Before Flash Mob

Promo activities

2.3. During Flash Mob


Possible Scenario

2.4. After Flash Mob: Final steps

Introduction and Content

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Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine


Promo table is important part of promotion big events for students such as Recruitment is. It helps to gather people for some event in university where this event takes place. Organization of promo table helps AIESECers attract students to participate in our events. It’s good channel of direct communication with our target audience.


The most effective promo table is in place where you organize your event.

BUT!!! It you organize presentation on some club or big place (cinema hall, conference hall, night club hall) it has logic to organize promo table before this event in nearest and biggest universities.

It’s bad idea to organize promo table somewhere on open air. Year, it’s romantic, but not effective. Coz people won’t understand who you are and what are you doing here. In worse way citizens will muddle you with some politic gang or just promoters some youth stuff.


The most effective promo tables are in a day of event before this event. Coz you invite them to event. You don’t need to exhaust members with promo day for whole day. 1-2 break before presentation will be ok.

It good to organize promo tables on big breaks in universities coz we can attract more students.

The most reliable time for promo tables is one day before event (on big break in university) and promo table in a day of presentation ( 2-3 breaks, including 1 big).


Don’t put new members on promo tables! On promo tables have to be old AIESECers, EB or OC. Very important in promo table are people who are able to explain about Organization. If you are not sure in people who will be on promo table – don’t organize promo table or teach them.

It’s good to be 1 EB member on promo table coz as EB members can explain about AIESEC better and it’s more interesting for students to talk with 19 year alive Vice-President).

1. Perfect Promo Tables

1.1. Promo table: why, where, when and who

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Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine

Table More than 1 AIESECer!!! on promo table (1 AIESECers can't work effective on promo table coz it’s

hard to him to inform a lot of people) Better if it will be 3 AIESECers (because of the concept) Posters (your table should be decorated with posters) Flyers for drawing the world Big sheet of paper for student’s pictures of ideal world One big box (for student’s pictures “I am as a leader in a one year”) A lot of sheets of paper for pictures “I am as a leader in a one year” A lot of markers Application forms Letter from the administration of university that you have the rights to provide this promotable Check list for people who want to get information about AIESEC events by sms or e-mail. This will

helps you to gather informational about potential members or TA for your future events.

Name, surname

cell phone e-mail University, faculty, year of study


Laptop with @ video or presentation Projector (if u are lucky! ) AIESEC T-shirts for guys who are on promo table Sheet of paper with Questions and Answers about AIESEC (for @ers on promo table) Printed schedules with all presentations and flash mob for students. (min 30 on one promo table) Printed with a big letters time and place of next presentation which is standing!!! (not lying!!) Brain and smile!!!!!!!!

There are promo tables with laptop with ppt, marketing materials, big sheet of paper at the wall, with a lot of markers & sheets of papers for paintings of students. There are 3 AIESECers.

AIESECer #1 is responsible for information told about AIESEC, for giving flyers, for giving information about AIESEC Days (presentations) & flash mob, for giving contacts & answering all questions about AIESEC according Why strategy etc.

AIESECer #2 is responsible for explaining this stuff about “Change the world by changing yourself” & how it is implemented in AIESEC according Why strategy. AIESECer #2 proposes to students to paint the picture of the ideal world on the flyer & these pictures are hanging at the big sheet of paper at the wall during all the promo tables.

1.2. Check list for Promo Table

1.3. The concept of promo table

“More than 60 years of development leaders for making positive impact into society”

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Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine

AIESECer #3 is also responsible for explaining this stuff about “Change the world by changing yourself” & how it is implemented in AIESEC according Why strategy. AIESECer #3 proposes to paint the picture “Me as a leader in one year”. This picture is packed into envelope & here is written address (it can be e-mail) of a student. AIESECer #3 is responsible for collecting all these envelopes & e-mails, & give to vice-president of communications for saving.

Vice-president of communications is responsible for scanning, saving & sending these student’s pictures in one year. Important!!! We must keep our promises & send all the pictures to students!


#of pictures;

# of application forms filled during & after event;

# of participants who gave their contacts (e-mails)

Every person who will stand on promo table has to know answers on Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ’s) from students.

Some of them

(BUT!!! Don't forget that you will talk in Ukrainian or Russians SO avoid special AIESEC words and abbreviations)

Again, who are you?!

I’m representative of international youth organization. We develop young people, leaders.

Really, cool! How?!

Let’s start from the question WHY we exist. We believe that everybody can make positive changes to the world. Every @er is changing the world by changing himself. How we do it? We make positive impact by developing leaders in more than 100 countries more than 60 years. What we do? We provide our members with unique complex XP which include international internship, leadership development (AIESECer are able to lead their own projects and teams) and access to global learning network.

Find out more about AIESEC on our presentation.

1.4. Frequent Asked Questions

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Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine

I know about AIESEC. So where can I buy your card?

Nowhere!! We don’t have cards at all! We are the biggest youth driven organization in the world! We develop young leaders more then 60 years. If you still want to buy some card – type ISIC in Google.

If you want to develop & make some impact – visit our presentation and find out more.

What are you doing?

Develop young leaders. We provide our members with unique complex XP which include international internship, leadership development ( AIESECer are able to lead their own projects and teams) and access to global learning network. AIESECers work in different issues, for ex, CSR finance, HIV/AIDS, energy. We organize projects, conferences, communicate with AIESECers through internet platform from other countries that are interesting in the same issues, organize learning circles etc.

Find out more about AIESEC on our presentation.

How can I get to AIESEC?

Tell about recruitment process. Start with: you should go on presentation, where our representatives will explain you more about AIESEC and give application form. Without it you won’t be able join @.

Find out more about AIESEC on our presentation

What is your uniqueness?

We provide our members with unique complex XP which include international internship, leadership development (AIESECer are able to lead their own projects and teams) and access to global learning network.

Other organization offer some parts, or just leadership, or just internship or just volunteer XP. We know how to make higher effect with complex treatment. We develop people for 60 years in whole world!

Find out more about AIESEC on our presentation.

What benefits AIESEC gives to its members?

You should tell about benefits from Brand Experience!!!!

Find out more about AIESEC on our presentation.

Ok, and what project have you already done?

Tell about successful project in your city.

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Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine

Information here in 3


What is your chief?

All top management of AIESEC is young AIESECers as I’m. For example, President of AIESEC International is from …. And he is …years old. President of AIESEC in Ukraine is 22 years old.

We don’t have chiefs not from AIESEC

Who sponsors you?

We are nonprofit organization. We have partners who support our work and projects. For example … ( here you can tell about Global, National and Local AIESEC partners)

After conversation invite person to presentation where he/she will learn more from our Vice-Presidents.

If you know the place, where you will take your promo table take a blank poster and write:

Every day change time, in 2 days, in 1 day…

Don’t write AIESEC or something like this don’t write anything more!

Organize presentation on classes before promo table. Use projector, it will make your promo tables more interesting. Use candies Don’t stand like idiots near your promo table, if person came to and don’t speak – Invite him/her on

presentation or start conversation. Don’t tell too much about AIESEC. You will only ravel. It’s better to say less but informative about

AIESEC and send on presentation. OC have to have good knowledge in AIESEC theory!!!!!! It’s very important, coz in this moment

they are face of organization. And this face has to smile and explain clearly about AIESEC. Use information desk of AIESEC in your university. If it will be possible – organize promo table

near it. Use Paper-bags with I am an AIESECer Logo! People with such bags will be your place for


1.5. Tips and Tricks

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Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine

Flash Mob (FM) itself – A flash mob (or flashmob) is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then disperse. The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails. The term is generally not applied to events organized by public relations firms, protests, and publicity stunts. (Wikipedia)

TA – target audience

MM – marketing materials

FM – flash mob

The first thing you have to think about is the theme of the flash mob.

Surely, you can’t make a decision about FM’s flow if you haven’t set a goal for it. So, it is your initial point – write down clear objectives of FM. *While writing objectives answer these questions: What is the connection between this FM and all recruitment campaign? What result we want to achieve (numerical)? Etc.

After creation the final picture or results of FM we will start to think about our actions, which can help us to fulfill the expectations. We have already mentioned the theme of FM that is one of the most important prerequisite for successful FM. When you know your TA (people who are planned to attend FM) you can start to attract them using different channels of communication, define places for their distribution (don’t forget to sign agreements about distribution if needed). Also, try to determine the place for FM and date/time according to FM’s TA preferences. Try to be client oriental

When you have agreed all logistical moments you can create a list of people you want to see as part of FM (moderator, OC, promo responsible etc).

2. Perfect Flash Mobs

2.1. What is Flash mob

2.2. Before FM

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Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine

All the mentioned preparations actions have to be finished at least 2-3 weeks before FM! After finishing logistics preparation stage you can move to content finalization (scenario creation (example of scenario is provided further) and roles division) and promo plan creation. All promotion actions have to start not longer than 2 weeks before FM. All agreements about media partnership (theoretically all media partnerships have to be signed in terms of all recruitment campaign at least 4 weeks before this campaign will start)!!!! So, don't delay

Don’t forget about welcome packages preparation. There should be included info about AIESEC, subject materials, partners’ MM, badges if needed… And keep in mind that you as VPs Communications are responsible for promo before & after event.

Promo before flash mob

Goal # 1 – to attract potential participants (and potential AIESECers) to flash mob

Instruments – social media accounts (meetings vkontakte, Facebook, personal connections etc). Also you will need the list of registration for potential participants of flash mob 1) to inform them; 2) to know & manage the quantity of participants; 3) to provide them with the information about future presentations & AIESEC itself.

Goal #2 – to catch the attention of the media (especially TV because flash mob is a great picture for TV)

Instruments – press-anonses send 1) in a week; 2) in 2 days before event to newspapers, TV etc.

One more important point: it’s a kind of event that is interesting for media so you can plan # of media appearances covered by media.

SOOOOOOO, start to act!!!!!!

*Remember, that even you are not responsible for all these processes you should keep an eye on them.


All participants meet at one place & one time. They have some instruments for painting (but you also must have additional painting stuff & sheets of paper, additional balloons as well). All the participants also must have the information about flow of the flash mob, the balloons, painting instruments & sheets of

2.3. Scenario of flash mob

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Long-term recruitment 2010

AIESEC in Ukraine

paper. When all are at one place they start to paint the picture of their ideal world. Then at one time when all the pictures will be ready all the participants let balloons go to the sky. It will be great if you will provide the place with some kind of motivational music (think, where you can find some sound system before). Also be prepared to give information about AIESEC to media representatives.

P.S. if you want to make some other flash mob during recruitment you are welcome. Just you need to have feedback from Alla Berdnikova or Nastya Klysakova.

Say THANK YOU to everyone who helped you to make this event.

And contact all the press representatives who promised to come but didn't do it & provide them with information

Aha, don't forget to monitor all the media appearances


#of participants

#of application forms filled after flash mob

#of media representatives during event

#of media appearances covered by media

2.4. After Flash mob