  • 1. Pros and Cons of Imperialism: East Africa Jessie Palmer

2. The Positives 3. Agriculture was promoted and developed and some of the cash crops which were introduced the export base of East Africa. They also introduced new methods of farming. 4. Western formal education was introduced. Introduction of modern transportation and communication systems. Construction of infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, roads and bridges.Train system in Kenya. 5. European medicine and improved nutrition. Slave trade ended (This was especially a good thing in East Africa, since many places in this region were main sources for slaves.) and was replaced with legitimate trade.(Pink areas are main sources of African Slaves.) 6. The Negatives 7. The East African states lost their independence and were subjected to European rule and administration and many African chiefs and kings were either killed or sent into exile. 8. The Africans were seen as an inferior group and were forced to labor for European plantations. With the increase in Europeans moving to East Africa, natives lost their land and were put into reserved camps. New boundaries were drawn and defined in East Africa without respect of the tribes which led to disunity of Africans.More than 10% of tribes were split up in the partition of Africa. 9. There was maximum exploitation of resources in East Africa: Ivory Gold Copper Cotton Coffee Sisal And more. 10. Taxes were introduced to be paid in the form of money. 11. So Was The More Positive?Or Negative?