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Page 2: Protecting Wizarding Homes In Dark Times

Have you ever worried about the various uses of your fireplace? While all, including actually making a fire, increase the comfort of your home, none increase its safety!Of course, every wizard and witch knows to protect

their windows against those oversized delivery owls that easily break the pane, but this is not enough in Dark times. Our homes need extra

protection! This guide describes the dangers to our homes posed by those who do not mean well and

guides you through the steps of making your home your castle. Or fortress.

Every chapter is clearly structured, with an explanation of what each spell does, what its limits are and how to cast it effectively. Would you have thought about where to cast it from for maximum efficiency?

For those of us that never seem to have enough time on our hands, the final chapter covers the

most important spells to cast if you only have an hour to spare.

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Finally a warning. However you intend to protect your home, if unbidden eyes watch you Disapparate on your doorstep and Apparate on your roof and deduce what you are up to, your best intentions might be too late!

PWHD-T in GringottsDiagon Alley

London, England

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1. IntrusionThrough the FireplaceThrough ApparitionVia PortkeyFrom AboveFrom Below

Chapter 2. Violation and DestructionHexesPrying EarsPrying EyesFlying Cars

Chapter 3. For the Always-Short-On-Time Wizard

Non-Specific Spells


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Testing of Protective Spells

Chapter 1. Intrusion

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Through the Fireplace

For most, and this includes the Dark wizard, this is an obvious source of entry. Anyone can enter, from the whole Dark wizard, to merely their head and even their thoughts! But oddly, when wizards think about home protection, the one port of entry that is often overlooked is the fireplace, when a sealed fireplace still works for heating your home. But beware, even if you seal your fireplace against intrusion, your chimney will still be unprotected.

Incantation: Signa Camino

Like all spells in this section, it is not instantaneous but takes its time. The spell is continuous, but the incantation is best repeated until every spot is sealed individually. For the optimum result, focus on casting from the borders of the fireplace inwards, thus

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sealing the space finally into a vanishing central spot.

Through Apparition

Not every witch or wizard is licensed to Apparate, and many simply do not feel comfortable with the squished feeling of Apparating, but do not believe for a second that such reasons deter a Dark wizard! Every home should have an impenetrable barricade against those that intend to Apparate within your walls. The spell is foolproof, unless you cast the bubble too small. Every nook and cranny of your home needs to be included for this spell to be effective!

Incantation: Nulla Vestibulum

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Simply cast the spell and let the imaginary blue bubble expand in a continuous manner. The bubble will normally expand from the bottom up, and you may even imagine seeing a faint outline that quickly disappears. For the beginner, to be on the safe side, it is useful to cast the bubble larger than it needs to be.

Via Portkey

This is a very serious topic and cannot be stressed enough. Imagine a friend, under the Imperius curse, setting up a return-Portkey in your home while you are not watching! The Dark wizard responsible will find no barrier to intrusion of your home! And do not think even for an instant that they will not use such means because of lack of authorization!

Incantation: Absit Portus

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Even though the spell will penetrate into closets and closed cupboards and leak out of one room into the next, cast the spell in every room for maximum efficiency. Aim the spell at the floor and observe a green-blue shimmer expanding, flowing up the walls, across the ceiling and melding wherever it meets its kind until the shimmering disappears.

From Above

This and the following spell must be applied in conjunction. Protection against intrusion from above is often referred to by Half-bloods and Muggleborns as the anti-Santa spell. This protection of your roof and chimney still guarantees a properly working fire. Beware,

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though! The spell by itself leaves the base of your home woefully vulnerable and is strongest only at the top!

Incantation: Salvio Supra

Be sure to cast the spell from as low in your home as possible. As you lie on the bottom-most floor, you will produce a jet of purple light up to the ceiling. Unseen to you, this will burst, above your home, into a purple net that will floatingly expand to the ground until it vanishes to the eye.

From Below

This and the previous spell must be applied in conjunction. You can only consider your home

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safe against tunneling if it is built on solid rock! Protection against intrusion from below is often referred to as the anti-Tunneling spell. Particularly Muggle subterranean London is favoured by the Dark wizard to gain easy access to your home via a simple tunneling spell. The spell only covers the ground below your home up to its foundations and leaves basement entries unprotected.

Incantation: Salvio Deorsum

Cast the anti-burrowing spell standing on your roof down at your house for maximum effect. You will be sending a jet of purple light straight into the ground. The protected area of ground next to your foundations will be turned purple before fading.

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Chapter 2. Violation and Destruction

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You may laugh at the thought that a minor hex could do much damage, but just imagine opening your front door and being caught by a Stinging hex that leaves your eyes swollen shut and you defenseless! You sure want to deflect even the meekest hex without having to raise a wand every time you open a window! You will have to leave the safety of your home for maximum effectiveness of this spell, but any potential Dark wizard observer should only have pity for your seeming lack of judgement.

Incantation: Salvio Hexia

This spell has to be cast from the outside of your home’s safety. It is best to face outwards and, holding up your non-wand hand palm out, side-step the entire perimeter. Cast the spell in a simple, diagonal downwards movement. You will produce a shimmering effect in front of

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your eyes that will disappear once the barrier is complete.

Prying Ears

More of a nuisance than a safety concern, unless you are holding a secret meeting, but then protection against prying ears might prove crucial! While this spell is often cast directly at the target by beginners, the skilled wizard or witch can use it to supply protection near all doors and windows. Any Dark wizard attempting to listen-in will find their ears buzzing! However, if you do not protect cracks in your walls through other means, you will still find your home vulnerable.

Incantation: Muffliato

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Cast the spell out of any open door or window and it will cover every door or window and even your chimney. The spell extends to only one inch, so that any mere passer-by will not be bothered.

Prying Eyes

Once again, often more of a nuisance than a safety concern. However, you may well want to keep it a secret that the Minister is a constant guest in your home. And many a Dark wizard or witch is practiced at reading lips... Protection against prying eyes might prove crucial! While this spell is often cast directly at the target by beginners, the skilled wizard or witch can use it to supply protection for all transparent surfaces. Any Dark wizard attempting to peep-in will find their eyes blocked as if they had closed them! However, if you do not protect cracks in your walls through other means, you will still find your home vulnerable.

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Incantation: Obscuro

Cast the spell out of any open door or window and it will cover every window or spy-hole. The spell extends to only one inch, so that any mere passer-by will not be bothered.

Flying Cars

Have you thought about this? As you protect your home against every conceivable spell, one type of danger remains. Physical abuse to your property! Usually that implies that a Dark Wizard will make use of a Muggle object, whether it is to drive a car into your living room or to crash flying car through your window! The remedy is a simple 4th year spell that can protect your 8th century vase just as well as your home’s brickwork. The spell will only work

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on your whole house, though, if you cast it from within. Casting from outside will merely result in the protection of whatever your wand tapped, so usually only a single door, a single window or a single brick!

Incantation: Immorima

Cast the spell out of any open door or window and it will cover the entire enclosed space as long as there is a connection. If your cellar only has an entrance from the outside and not from within your home, repeat the spell, casting out of the cellar.

Chapter 3.For the Always-Short-On-Time Wizard

Non-Specific SpellsThe following are your standard spells that you can

cast in a hurry. The sequence is known as CP2R.

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Cave Inimicum: Keeps enemies out of your home. Best cast on every door and window.

Protego Horribilis: Your regular shield charm but immensely magnified, it is particularly effective

against Dark magic of all sorts. Best cast from the outside by aiming above your house.

Protego Totalum: Protects your house against spells. Best cast from the inside out.

Repello: Keeps beings and objects away from your home. While usually cast on the object to be

protected, for big, multifeatured objects such as houses it is best cast from the inside out.

AppendixTesting of Protective Spells

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Every test can of course be performed as an attempt at intrusion, violation or destruction from

the outside, but there are some that can safely indicate the effectiveness of the protective spell

from the safety of your home.

Intrusion through the FireplaceAttempt to use your Floo powder! It will not burst into its characteristic green flame thus not carrying you anywhere.

Intrusion through ApparitionAttempt to Disapparate! A highly skilled wizard will barely completely vanish before reappearing. You

may feel an electric shock, though the feeling soon wears off.

Intrusion via Portkey

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Make a Portkey on your bed! Any attempt to use it will simply result in the familiar sensation and your immediate, violent dumping on the bed!

Intrusion from AboveStanding as high as possible in your house, usually in the attic, cast Bombarda at the ceiling! The spell

will be absorbed by the ceiling.

Intrusion from BelowStanding as low as possible in your house, usually in the cellar, cast Bombarda at the floor! The spell will be absorbed by the floor.
