Page 1: PROVIDE PROTECT...Legac ifts CFAD’s mission is to create endowment and trust funds to provide for the long-term needs of parishes, schools, cemeteries, and other archdiocesan programs

A Guide to Planning Your Will and TrustPROVIDE PROTECT&

Page 2: PROVIDE PROTECT...Legac ifts CFAD’s mission is to create endowment and trust funds to provide for the long-term needs of parishes, schools, cemeteries, and other archdiocesan programs

Dear St. Thomas Aquinas Pastorate Parishioners,

In one of his messages to the faithful of this Archdiocese, Archbishop Jackels made the following statement that reminds us of a basic truth about life and the material blessings we enjoy: We do not own anything. Rather, everything we have is on loan to us, entrusted by the owner, namely God. In one thoughtful sentence, the Archbishop summarized our Christian understanding that what we have, and the gifts and abilities we enjoy, are freely and generously given to us by God for the benefit of others. As stewards of what we have been given, we offer back to God a small portion of what is rightly His in a spirit of profound gratitude. We are called by God to a life of stewardship not only throughout our earthly journey but also in what remains behind when we have begun our heavenly journey. This planning guide, prepared by the Catholic Foundation of the Archdiocese, is a tool to help you develop a plan that can benefit your loved ones, your parish, Aquin Catholic School, an archdiocesan program (i.e. seminarian education), a cemetery, or other favorite charities both now and after you have gone home to be with God in Heaven. Planned giving is an expression of love while providing peace of mind, knowing that what you leave behind will benefit others by furthering charitable missions of your choosing. It is the final act of stewardship we can do in this life. The goal of this guide is to:

• Assist you to confidentially collect and organize your personal/financial information.

• Decide who will assist you in this planning.

• Have an easy to follow report for your legal professional to design your estate plan once complete. If you have questions about your specific assets, possible gift ideas, potential income or tax savings please contact your financial advisor, your attorney, or me. All would be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have about charitable plans. May the loving hearts of Jesus and Mary help us always to love God by being good stewards of the gifts we have been so generously given.


Reverend Douglas J. Loecke Pastor

Page 3: PROVIDE PROTECT...Legac ifts CFAD’s mission is to create endowment and trust funds to provide for the long-term needs of parishes, schools, cemeteries, and other archdiocesan programs

Legacy Gifts

CFAD’s mission is to create endowment and trust funds to provide for the long-term needs of parishes, schools, cemeteries, and other archdiocesan programs. CFAD has over 140 funds designed to assist with parish and school educational needs, support seminarians, support various local ministries, Catholic Charities, cemetery perpetual care and so much more. If you are interested in seeing how CFAD partners with St. Thomas Aquinas Pastorate (parishes, cemeteries) and Aquin school on those funds, please visit:

St. Thomas Aquinas Pastorate parishioners are very generous in giving to their parish during their lifetime. Often, though, these same people do not include their parish when considering potential bene�ciaries during creating of their will or trust. Planned giving is an integral part of ensuring our parishes are able to continue sharing the word of God in perpetuity. For more information about giving a legacy gift to a parish or cemetery, please contact the pastorate o�ce at 563-852-3524 or visit

The Catholic Foundation for the Archdiocese of Dubuque (CFAD)


Aquin Catholic School has a primary objective fostering a child’s on-going formation along with the development of his/her God-given talents. There are many ways that you can make a legacy gift to a Catholic school. This can range from making a gift towards tuition assistance, a parish bequest restricted to supporting education, a gift towards current or future academic programs and so much more. Contact Aquin school at 563-852-3331 or the St. Thomas Aquinas Pastorate o�ce at 563-852-3524 or visit


Page 4: PROVIDE PROTECT...Legac ifts CFAD’s mission is to create endowment and trust funds to provide for the long-term needs of parishes, schools, cemeteries, and other archdiocesan programs

Catholic Charities serves as the social service arm of the Catho-lic Church within the Archdiocese of Dubuque. With a mission of Reducing Poverty, Strengthening Families and Empowering Communities, Catholic Charities strives to serve those among us who are most in need though a variety of programs. Those include: Mental Health Counseling for individuals, couples and families; Crisis Pregnancy Counseling; Post-Abortion Counsel-ing & Reconciliation; Post-Adoption Search; A�ordable Housing for families, seniors and adults with disabilities; and through outreach programs to at-risk populations such as, Jail & Prison Ministry, Refugee Resettlement, Immigration Legal Services and Disaster Services. For more information about Catholic Charities of the Archdio-cese of Dubuque please visit:

As of the fall of 2017, the Archdiocese of Dubuque has 24 seminarians and pre-seminarians who are at various stages of their formation. Thanks to the prayers of so many parishioners coupled with more men saying yes to the call of a priestly vocation, the expectation is that those numbers will continue to rise. The costs for pre-seminary college education and major seminary are also steadily rising, thus the need is great. A legacy gift towards semi-narian education would help to ensure that there will always be enough �nancial support to train the future priests of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. For more information about the priesthood, our seminarians and the seminary program, please visit:


For many people, there have been priests who have had tremendous in�uence in their life. A priest may have created a special memory from a wedding day. A priest may have demonstrated a gentle compassion shown to an aging grandparent at his/her death. Perhaps there is a lesson learned during years of Catholic education. Or, it may be the simple witness of Christ at each Eucharistic celebration. In honor of that love for our retired priests, consider a legacy gift to help support the men who have given their lives to the service of the Church and to Jesus Christ. For more information about a planned gift to religious retirement contact the Archdiocesean Development O�ce at (563) 556-2580 x 307.



Providing Help. Creating Hope.

Archdiocese of Dubuque

Page 5: PROVIDE PROTECT...Legac ifts CFAD’s mission is to create endowment and trust funds to provide for the long-term needs of parishes, schools, cemeteries, and other archdiocesan programs


An endowment gi� is a contribution to an established fund that is permanently invested. When you make a gi� to an endow-ment through the St. �omas Aquinas Legacy Society, you provide a steady stream of annual income to support your parish and/or the Aquin religious education system. Your gi� will be maintained in perpetuity and make a lasting, meaning-ful di�erence. �ere are several ways in which you can make a gi� to the endowment either today or as a part of your estate plan:

OUTRIGHT GIFTS: Cash or other assets such as; stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, valuable collectibles, or “paid up” life insur-ance.

CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY: When you transfer your cash or appreciated property (stock, CDs, or real estate) to an endowment fund through the St. �omas Aquinas Legacy Society, we agree to pay you �xed income for life at a rate based on your age. You will receive a tax saving charitable deduction and a portion of your income may even be tax free.

CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST: When you transfer your cash or appreciated property to a charitable remainder trust, the trust will pay you income for the remainder of your life or for a speci�c number of years. You will receive a current charitable deduction for your gi� of the remaining value through the St. �omas Aquinas Legacy Society endowment fund.

BEQUEST: A gi� to one of the St. �omas Aquinas Legacy Society endowment funds made through your will or trust, may provide your estate with valuable tax savings. Your endowment bequest can be a gi� of a speci�c asset, percentage of your estate or the residue.

GIFT TYPESCurrent Gi�s: A current gi� is a gi� that you make today with immediate bene�ts.

Planned Gi�s: �e term planned gi�s refers to speci�c strategies that bene�t us at some point in the future while o�ering immediate bene�ts to you.


Your gi� to one of the St. �omas Aquinas Legacy Soci-ety endowment funds will create a permanent legacy of lasting support for your parish or school. In addition, an endowment is an excellent way to honor or memorialize an individual or family.

WHAT IS THE LEGACY SOCIETY?An organization to support and market endowments for the individual parishes and religious education system of St. �omas Aquinas Pastorate: Sacred Heart, St. Peter’s, St. Patrick’s, St. Matthias and Aquin.

LEGACY SOCIETY BENEFITS• Alleviate �nancial worries; allowing the pastorate to focus on the true mission of the Church• Professional management of �nancial resources• Budgeting predictable cash �ows to supplement weekly envelope revenue• Provides an opportunity for parishioners to support their parish long term• Part of the pastorate strategic plan


For additional information, please contact the Pastorateo�ce at (563) 852-3524 or e-mail Fr. Loecke [email protected].

“ rich in good works and generous and ready to share with others. In this way you will

build a solid foundation for the future, and win the life which is true life.” - 1 Tim 6:18-19

Page 6: PROVIDE PROTECT...Legac ifts CFAD’s mission is to create endowment and trust funds to provide for the long-term needs of parishes, schools, cemeteries, and other archdiocesan programs

Please tell us about you and your family. Print names in ink, not pencil. Spell names exactly as you want them to appear in your estate documents. Use full legal names, not nicknames.

Date __________________________________________________________

Your Full Legal Name _____________________________________________

Date of Birth ________________ Gender ☐ Male ☐ Female

Present marital status: ☐ Married ☐ Single ☐ Divorced ☐ Legally Separated ☐ Widowed

If you are widowed, what date did this occur? _________________________

Home Address __________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip______________

Home Phone ( ) _______________ Email ___________________________

Employer _______________________________________________________

Job Title _______________________ Work Phone ( ) __________________

Are you a U.S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident? ☐ No ☐ Born in the U.S. ☐ Naturalized ☐ LPR

Check which documents you presently have: ☐ Will

☐ Living Will

☐ Living Trust

☐ Durable Power of Attorney/Healthcare

☐ Durable Power of Attorney/Finances

I. You & Your Family


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Your SpouseSpouse’s Full Legal Name __________________________________________

Date of Birth ________________ Gender ☐ Male ☐ Female

Have you previously been married? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Has your spouse passed away?

☐ Yes ☐ No

Home Phone ( ) _______________ Email ___________________________

Employer _______________________________________________________

Job Title _______________________ Work Phone ( ) __________________

Is your spouse a U.S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident? ☐ No ☐ Born in the U.S. ☐ Naturalized ☐ LPR

Check which documents your Spouse presently has: ☐ Will

☐ Living Will

☐ Living Trust

☐ Durable Power of Attorney/Healthcare

☐ Durable Power of Attorney/Finances

Do you or your spouse have a Prenuptial agreement that identifies and disposes of separate spousal property? (If yes, attach a copy.)

☐ Yes ☐ No

Religious AffiliationReligious Organization ____________________________________________

City ________________________________________State_______________

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Will & Estate Planner 8

Your ChildrenPlease list all children, whether minors or adults, including deceased children

and children of a prior marriage. If you need more space, attach additional pages. If you wish to exclude a child as a beneficiary of your estate, check the “Exclude” box. If you have no children, write “NONE.”

1. Full Legal Name ________________________________________________

Date of Birth ________________ Social Security # _______________________

Marital Status ☐ Married ☐ Single ☐ Needs Special Care ☐ Dependent ☐ Exclude

Home Address ____________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip________________

Origin ☐ Child of Present Marriage ☐ Child of Prior Marriage ☐ Deceased

2. Full Legal Name ________________________________________________

Date of Birth ________________ Social Security # _______________________

Marital Status ☐ Married ☐ Single ☐ Needs Special Care ☐ Dependent ☐ Exclude

Home Address ____________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip________________

Origin ☐ Child of Present Marriage ☐ Child of Prior Marriage ☐ Deceased

3. Full Legal Name ________________________________________________

Date of Birth ________________ Social Security # _______________________

Marital Status ☐ Married ☐ Single ☐ Needs Special Care ☐ Dependent ☐ Exclude

Home Address ____________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip________________

Origin ☐ Child of Present Marriage ☐ Child of Prior Marriage ☐ Deceased

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9 Will & Estate Planner

II. Your Contacts & Healthcare


Your executor is the manager of your estate. Because he or she will make many decisions about the management and distribution of your estate, you should select a trusted person who understands your circumstances. An executor will usually complete eight separate steps to ensure an orderly transfer of all of your property to the right individuals.

1. Submit your will to the probate court2. Locate your heirs3. Determine your estate assets and values4. Pay bills and the estate attorney5. Make debt payments6. Resolve any estate controversies7. File your income and estate tax returns8. Distribute your assets to heirs

Please name your Executor Executor _______________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip_______________

Home Phone ( ) _______________ Email___________________________

Relationship, if not a spouse ________________________________________

Your Alternate ExecutorIn case the person above is unable to serve, please name an Alternate Executor.

Name __________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip_______________

Home Phone ( ) _______________ Email___________________________


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Will & Estate Planner 10


Guardian _______________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip_______________

Home Phone ( ) _______________ Email___________________________

Relationship, if not a spouse ________________________________________

Your Alternate GuardianGuardian _______________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip_______________

Home Phone ( ) _______________ Email___________________________


Power of Attorney For HealthcareHealthcare Power of Attorney _______________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip_______________

Home Phone ( ) _______________ Email___________________________

Relationship, if not a spouse ________________________________________

Alternate Power of Attorney for HealthcareName __________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

City ____________________________State_________ Zip_______________

Home Phone ( ) _______________ Email___________________________

Relationship, if not a spouse ________________________________________


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11 Will & Estate Planner


Check If Joint Property

Check If Your Property

Check if your Spouse's Property

Example Property $298,000


Main Residence Address

Second Residence Address

Vacation Home


Bank, Account Number


Bank, Account Number

Tax Sheltered Annuity— not in Retirement Plan

III. Your FinancesPlease list all of your assets and liabilities. This will help your advisor plan your estate. Most people learn at the end of this exercise that they are worth more than they think!

Page 12: PROVIDE PROTECT...Legac ifts CFAD’s mission is to create endowment and trust funds to provide for the long-term needs of parishes, schools, cemeteries, and other archdiocesan programs

Will & Estate Planner 12

ASSET $ Total Value of Asset

Check If Joint Property

Check If Your Property

Check if your Spouse'sProperty


Bonds or Bond Fund Custodian, Account Number

Stocks or Stock Fund Custodian, Account Number

Savings Bonds


Furniture/Household Furnishings

Tools & Equipment




Business Interests

Life Insurance — Face Amount/Death Benefit

Retirement (IRA/401(k)/403(b)) Custodian, Account Number


Total Assets: $


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13 Will & Estate Planner

LIABILITIES $ Total Amount of Debt

Check If Joint Debt

Check If Your Debt

Check if your Spouse's Debt

Mortgage on Personal Residence

Mortgage on Second Residence

Mortgage on Vacation Home

Vehicle Debts

Charge Accounts

Installment Contracts

Loans on Life Insurance

Other Debts

Total Liabilities/Debts: $

TOTAL ESTATE: $ (Assets Less Liabilities)

1. Write a list of your eAssets and how to access them. List your login name and password for all accounts; regular updates are important.

2. Store and protect your information. Save the list on paper or a memory drive in your home safe or other secure location. Do not include your list in your will.

3. Select your eAssets plan executor. You will need an electronic executor who has access to your electronic accounts. He or she should have passwords and authorization in the estate plan.

4. Write eAssets plan directions. Finally, write a letter to your executor with suggested actions to manage your electronic assets.

Your eAssets ExecutorName __________________________ City __________________ State _______


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Will & Estate Planner 14

Specific BequestsBequests of items or amounts to family or to charities.ITEM OR AMOUNT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. _____________________ ____________________________________

2. _____________________ ____________________________________

3. _____________________ ____________________________________

Residue of EstatePercent of residue to family or to charities.PERCENT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. ___________ % to _______________________________________

2. ___________ % to _______________________________________

3. ___________ % to _______________________________________

First Estate — Specific Bequests, Balance to SpouseBequests of items or amounts to family or to charities.ITEM OR AMOUNT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. _____________________ ____________________________________

2. _____________________ ____________________________________

3. _____________________ ____________________________________

Bequests of Percentage of First Estate to Family or Charities, Balance to SpousePERCENT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. ___________ % to _______________________________________

2. ___________ % to _______________________________________

3. ___________ % to _______________________________________



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15 Will & Estate Planner


1. _____________________ ____________________________________

2. _____________________ ____________________________________

3. _____________________ ____________________________________

Name, City and State of TrusteePrimary Name___________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

City ___________________________State_________ Zip_______________

Home Phone ( ) _______________ Email___________________________

Relationship, if not a spouse ________________________________________

Age for ending trust and distributing principal to children ________________

Specific Bequests, Balance to SpouseBequests of items or amounts to family or to charities.ITEM OR AMOUNT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. _____________________ ____________________________________

2. _____________________ ____________________________________

3. _____________________ ____________________________________

Bequests of Percentage of First Estate to Family or Charities, Balance to SpousePERCENT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. ___________ % to _______________________________________

2. ___________ % to _______________________________________

3. ___________ % to _______________________________________



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Will & Estate Planner 16

A married couple with an estate below the Federal exemption amount may desire a simple will. The first estate may include specific bequests to children or charity with the balance transferred outright to the surviving spouse.

First Estate — Specific Bequests, Balance to SpouseBequests of items or amounts to family or to charities.ITEM OR AMOUNT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. _____________________ ____________________________________

2. _____________________ ____________________________________

3. _____________________ ____________________________________

4. _____________________ ____________________________________

Bequests of Percentage of First Estate to Family or Charities, Balance to SpousePERCENT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. ___________ % to _______________________________________

2. ___________ % to _______________________________________

3. ___________ % to _______________________________________

4. ___________ % to _______________________________________

Specific BequestsBequests of items or amounts to family or to charities.ITEM OR AMOUNT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. _____________________ ____________________________________

2. _____________________ ____________________________________

3. _____________________ ____________________________________

4. _____________________ ____________________________________



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17 Will & Estate Planner

Residue of Surviving Spouse’s EstatePercentage of residue to family or to charities.PERCENT RECIPIENT, CITY AND STATE

1. ___________ % to _______________________________________

2. ___________ % to _______________________________________

3. ___________ % to _______________________________________

4. ___________ % to _______________________________________

Another popular option for the estate of a surviving spouse is to divide the second estate into two parts. The first portion of the estate is given to the children when you pass away. The other part is transferred to a “Give It Twice” Trust. This is a charitable remainder unitrust that pays 5% each year to children for 20 years (5% times 20 years equals 100% — or you may select 6% for 18 years). After paying income to children for 20 years, the trust corpus is given to favorite charities. If you select this option, please choose the portion outright and the part in the “Give It Twice” Trust (the total of the two percentages will equal 100%).

Outright to Children % To “Give It Twice” Trust %

Children In TrustChildren to receive trust income — % Share, Legal Name, City and State

1. ___________ % to _______________________________________

2. ___________ % to _______________________________________

3. ___________ % to _______________________________________

4. ___________ % to _______________________________________

Charities at the End of The TrustCharities to receive trust remainder — % Share, Legal Name, City and State

1. ___________ % to _______________________________________

2. ___________ % to _______________________________________

3. ___________ % to _______________________________________

4. ___________ % to _______________________________________

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Will & Estate Planner 18

Sample Bequest LanguageWe have provided some basic bequest language to assist you and your attorney.

1. BEQUEST OF A SPECIFIC DOLLAR AMOUNT“I hereby, give, devise and bequeath [$Dollars] to [Organization], a non-profit organization located at [Address], Federal Tax ID #__________, for [Organization’s] general use and purposes.”

2. BEQUEST OF SPECIFIC PERSONAL PROPERTY“I hereby, give, devise and bequeath [Description of Property] to [Organization], a non-profit organization located at [Address], Federal Tax ID #__________, for [Organization’s] general use and purposes.”

3. BEQUEST OF SPECIFIC REAL ESTATE“I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of the right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at [Address or Description of Property] to [Organization], a non-profit organization located at [Address], Federal Tax ID #__________, for [Organization’s] general use and purposes.”

4. BEQUEST OF PERCENTAGE OF AN ESTATE“I hereby, give, devise and bequeath [Percentage of Your Estate] to [Organization], a non-profit organization located at [Address], Federal Tax ID #__________, for [Organization’s] general use and purposes.”

A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to make a gift. You can designate us as beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy. With a beneficiary designation, you may support the causes that you care about, continue to use your account as long as needed, simplify your planning and avoid expensive legal fees.To make your gift, contact the person or trustee who helps you with your retirement account or insurance policy. They will send you a new beneficiary designation form. Just complete the form, sign it and mail it back. When you pass away, your account or insurance policy will be paid or transferred to your selected recipient.Please keep in mind that beneficiary designation gifts are among the most flexible of all charitable gifts. Even after you complete the beneficiary designation form, you can take distributions or withdrawals from your retirement, investment or bank account and continue to freely use your account. You can also change your mind for any reason at a future date. A gift through a beneficiary designation is simple and flexible.


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Disclosure on Attorneys and This CharityThank you for completing this form. It is offered by us to you as an educational service. While we attempt to provide helpful estate and financial background, we are not able to offer specific legal advice on your personal situation. Because you may have special needs, we know that you will want to contact your own attorney. He or she will be your independent advisor and will have an obligation of trust and confidence to you. With the advice of your independent attorney, you may have a customized estate plan that truly fulfills your unique family, healthcare, estate and planning circumstances.

This information is not intended as tax, legal or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.

Copyright © 2015 Crescendo Interactive, Inc. Used by permission. DP-2012-91.2-th
