Page 1: Proximity Keep items that are related with each other together, keep others far, far away


Keep items that are related with each other together, keep others far, far away.

Do NOT leave a blank line between a story’s title and the story. They are related; keep them together!

Use white space to provide distance between unrelated items.

Font Families

There are 3 major font families

Serif – font with a foot. Example: Times New Roman

San serif – font without a foot. Example: Arial

Fun – all other fonts. Example: Noteworthy

Design Principles

Sarah Bygd May 2, 2013

Page 2: Proximity Keep items that are related with each other together, keep others far, far away

Contrast Visual attraction on the


Keep elements the same or very different.

Make dark items dark and light items light.

Place dark text on a light background and light text on a dark background.

Make big items big and small ones small.

Repetition Aim for consistency

Repetition will strengthen the reader’s sense of recognition.

Repeat elements throughout you document.

Repeat fonts, font size, colors, and graphics.

Alignment There are 4 alignments

Left – use for large blocks of text that need to be read. This is a traditional style.

Right – Use for titles and small amounts of text. This is funky.

Center - Use for titles. This is formal.

Block – use in newspapers
