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The Eighth International Conference on The GEOLOGY OF AFRICA

(Africa-8) is a major biennial meeting organized under the auspices of

President of Assiut University by the Department of Geology, Faculty of

Science. Since the first conference in 1999, this event has been hosted


It is our pleasure to welcome you in the Geology Department-Assiut

University and to thank all the participants, especially those who offered their

scientific contributions from African countries, Egyptian universities and

organizations and those interested in its spectacular Geology. No doubt that

the achieved success in the previous six conferences was, indeed, the driving

force for the organizers of this eighth meeting.

We do hope that the conference will provide a unique opportunity for

exchanging new ideas and information on multidisciplinary geological

perspectives, including their impact on the geo-environment of the continent,

future plans and efforts aiming at sustainable development and conservation

of natural resources.

It is also our pleasure to offer this abstract collection including 105 titles

covering almost all branches of geology. We hope that the conference days

will permit and offer the chance for all participants gathered in Assiut to

exchange experience through plenary talks, oral research presentations and

panel discussions. In addition to six general invited talks, 71 contributions

will be discussed in fifteen sessions for oral presentation beside 28 papers are

presented as posters in parallel manner during the two and half days.

Finally We wish all the attendants, a pleasant stay and fruitful discussion and

may Almighty God lead our way to gain a sustainable collaboration for the

sake of African people and humanity everywhere.

The Organizing Committee

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تقرير عن مؤتمر جيولوجيا أفريقيا الدولى الثامن

فى الساعة العاشرة من صبااح " المؤتمر الدولى الثامن عن جيولوجية أفريقيا" تم افتتاح الدورة الثامنة من

حسبن مضمبد حسبن . د.أحمبد عابدج جعبيل القباعم حعمبس رعبيم ال،امعبة أ. د.نبوفمار حضوبور أ 42الثالثاء

جالل حامد الضااك رعبيم سسبم ال،يولوجيبا ورعبيم . د.الهوارى عميد كلية العلوم ورعيم شرف المؤتمر أ

مصبفىى مضمبود يوسبك سبررتير عبام . د.حسن عاد الضميد سليمان رعيم الل،نة المنظمة أ. د.مؤتمر أال

المؤتمر وذلك فى القاعة الثمانية حالمانى اإلدارى ل،امعة أسيوط وحعد االفتتاح الرسمى حدأت أعمال المؤتمر

فى العلوم ال،يولوجيبة وم،باالت ح،لسة ممتدة القى فيها ستة مضاضرات مدعوة لعدد من الخاراء المتميزين

حضثا لرس المشاركين 402وسد تم توزيع الارنامج العلمى وكتاب ملخصات الاضوث وعددها . الاترول والتعدين

ومعاهد الاضوث وحعض حاالحضاث زمالء من ال،امعات المصرية ومراكزفيه شاركفى حقياة المؤتمر الذى

والشركات العاملة فى حقبس الاتبرول والتعبدين حاإلضبافة البى عبدد مبن حضبوث المشباركين مبن البدول الهيئات

علبى مبدى ايبام التبى تطفبى جميبع فبروع العلبوم ال،يولوجيبة تم مناسشة هبذج األحضباث( حضث 33) األفريقية

.للمعلقات 6لإللقاء الشىهى و جلسة علمية 41خالل من المؤتمر

العالم ال،ليس أدارها "أخالسيات علوم األرض "تضت عنوان تم تنظيم ورشة عمس وعلى هامش المؤتمر

األستاذ المتىرغ ح،امعبة أسبيوط ورعبيم ال،امعبة ومضبافو أسبيوط مضمد رجاعى الفضالوى /األستاذ الدكتور


عن جيولوجية أفريقيا الثامنالدولى توصيات المؤتمر

4041نوفمار 46 -42أسيوط

كليبة –اجتمع المشاركون فى المؤتمر البدولى الثبامن عبن جيولوجيبة أفريقيبا المنعقبد فبى سسبم ال،يولوجيبا

حعببد اإلنتهبباء مببن ال،لسببات العلميببة وذلببك فببى 4041نببوفمار 46 -42العلببوم جامعببة أسببيوط فببى الىتببرة

ش الضاضبرون المسبتوى حيبث نباس 4041نبوفمار 46ال،لسة الختامية للمؤتمر ظهر يوم الخمبيم الموافبق

:العلمى ووساعع وخفوات تنظيم المؤتمر كما توصس الم،تمعون إلى عدد من التوصيات نوجزها فى اآلتى

حسبن مضمبد / رعيم جامعبة أسبيوط والسبيد األسبتاذ البدكتور / يتقدم الم،تمعون لسعادة األستاذ الدكتور -4

واإلمتنان على دعمهم وتذليس العقاات أمام الهوارى عميد كلية العلوم ورعيم شرف المؤتمر حخالل التضية

انعقاد المؤتمر فى دورته الثامنة كما يعرب المشاركون عن خالل التقدير والعرفان ألعواء الل،نة المنظمة

.وأسرة سسم ال،يولوجيا حأسيوط على ال،هود العظيمة من أجس ن،اح المؤتمر تنظيميا وعلميا

ة من المؤسسات العلمية األفريقية ورغاتها فى المشاركة فى المؤتمر يالحو المشاركون االست،احة الىعال -4

حضثا لل،يولوجيين األفارسة ولم تستفع الطالاية العظمى مبنهم 33حيث تومن كتاب ملخصات الاضوث عدد

الضوبور للمشبباركة لببذا يسب،س أعوبباء المببؤتمر توصبيتهم حزيببادة التواصببس مبع وزارة الخارجيببة المصببرية

ل المشاركون من الدول األفريقية على تأشيرات الدخول حتى يتضقق أحبد أهبم أهبداف المبؤتمر لتسهيس حصو

.لتوسيع داعرة التعارف والمشاركة والتعاون العلمى على نفاق أكار عدد ممرن من الدول األفريقية

وزارة الخارجية والعمس علبى اعتابار –استمرار التواصس مع الوكالة المصرية للشراكة من أجس التنمية -3

المؤتمر نظرا إلنتظام انعقادج كس عامين أحد وساعس التواصس حين أركان القارة وأحد أسم التنمية المستدامة

.فى م،االت علوم األرض و الثروة المعدنية والعلوم الايئية

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الضقبس ال،يولبوجى فبى العديبد مبن الدعوة إلى توثيق الرواحط العلمية وتابادل الخابرات حبين العباملين فبى -2

الدول األفريقية والعمس على تش،يع الم،موعات اإلسليمية على التعاون للوصبول إلبى الترامبس وإعبداد ساعبدة

وفبى هبذا الموبمار . حيانات وخراعط حديثة ودسيقة لرافة الموارد الفايعية وإحتياطاتها فى القبارة األفريقيبة

ين الم،موعات الاضثية اإلسليميبة التبى ت،مبع التخصصبات المتقارحبة معبا يوصى الم،تمعون حإلضاح على ترو

.حهدف رحط ومواهاة األحداث حين األساليم وحعوها وعدم التوسك عند الضدود السياسية حين دول القارة

دعوة ال،امعات ومراكز الاضوث العلمية فى كافة الدول األفريقية إلى إسامة ت،معبات أفريقيبة علميبة فبى -1

علوم األرض عن طريق توثيق عرى التعاون العلمى والىنى وتاادل المعارف وتوسيع داعبرة اإلتىاسبات م،ال

. الثناعية واإلسليمية

عن حوورالمؤتمر على الرغم من ملخصات يالحو المشاركون كثرة اإلعتذارات من الااحثين األفارسة -6

ضت الل،نببة المنظمببة حببأن السبباه داعمببا هببو الاضببوث التببى أرسببلوها وتأكيببدهم الرغاببة فببى المشبباركة وأوضبب

إرتىاع أسعار الفيران حين الدول األفريقية وعدم وجود دعم مالى يساهم فى حوور العديبد مبن المشباركين

لذلك يوصى المشاركون فى المؤتمر الدولى الثامن على ضروروة العمس على إي،باد وسبيلة دعبم للمشباركين

ضيق الساس للضوور والمشاركة فبى المبؤتمرات المسبتقالية عبن طريبق من الدول األفريقية التى تعانى من

. اإلتصال المارر حاعض الهيئات المانضة أو وزارة الخارجية

يوصى الم،تمعون الادء المارر فبى اإلعبالن وتنظبيم المبؤتمر التاسبع ووضبع اسبتمارات التسب،يس علبى -7

.شارة المعلومات الدولية

) ات الماررة إلى المهتمين ح،يولوجية أفريقيا من خارج القارة األفريقية يوصى الم،تمعون حزيادة الدعو -8

.للتأكيد على الصاطة الدولية للمؤتمر( وآسيا –أستراليا –الواليات المتضدة -أوروحا

انعقاد المؤتمر حشرس دورى مع تشريس ل،نة داعمة دورية ووضع آليه لعملها وتوسيع داعرة المشاركة فى -9

ك عن طريق وضع معلومات المؤتمر فى المواسع المتخصصة حالمؤتمرات على شارة المعلومات المؤتمر وذل


.الاضث عن آليه لتقديم الدعم العلمى والمادى للاضوث التفايقية ومتاحعة تنىيذها -40

ترليك ل،نة من الل،نة المنظمة للمؤتمر حعد انتهاء اعمالبه لطبرض اسبتقراء الاضبوث التبى شبارك حهبا -44

.لروادر األكاديمية والتى تستضق الدراسة فى سفاع ال،يولوجيا عامة والتوصية حتنىيذهاا

وحدعم من مرته اليونسرو "أخالسيات علوم األرض"وعلى هامش المؤتمر تم عقد ورشة عمس تضت عنوان

عبن : هرةمبن المتضبك ال،يولبوجيى حالقبا – إينبا أحمبد/ للبدكتورج ة القاء مضاضبر خاللها حالقاهرة تم

Geoethics والمنظمة الدولية ألخالسيات علوم األرض ( IAGETH )International Association

for Geoethics

والتتاحعبات التبى تراكمبت ةعن الخارات المتراكم مضمد رجاعى الفضالوى/ لدكتور لألستاذ ا ةوتاعها مضاضر

. ةلتصبضيضه مبن اجبس االجيبال القادمب ةخاطئه اورثتنا عائا ثقيال ي،ه المابادر ةعار االجيال من افرار اخالسي

حعلوم االرض على كافه المستويات ةعات المختصاتلى ذلك مناسشات على كافه المستويات حين االجيال والقف

:ةا التوصيات التاليوكانت من نتاع،ه

ضرورة تررار الورش من هذا النوع على مستوى ال،امعات -4

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الببذى يدرسببه طببالب ةفببى كتبباب اخالسيببات المهنبب أخالسيببات علببوم األرضكتاحببه وتببدريم فصببس يخببتل ح -4

الارالوريو مستوى

لعباملين حنفباق فبى علبوم االرض مبن خبالل االكباديمين والاباحثين وا اتتخصصبالرس عمس ساعدة حيانات ل -3

علوم االرض وفروعها على مستوى مصر للتعرف على المشاكس فى كس م،ال ووضع التوصبيات او الضلبول

. التواصس عار شارة المعلومات الدوليةلمعال،تها تاعا لمىهموم التنميه المستدامه من خالل

اص حمصر فى المنظمه الخ Code of Geoethicsتلك التوصيات فى ال،زء الخاص حمصر ليرون ةكتاح -2

حمصر عابر وسباعس ةنشاء صىضه خاصه حالمنظمه خاصوالعمس على إومشاركته دوليا IAGETHالدوليه

.التواصس االجتماعى

4041نوفمار 46: أسيوط

رعيم المؤتمر رعيم الل،نة المنظمة سررتير عام المؤتمر

ورعيم سسم ال،يولوجيا

جالل حامد الضااك. د.حسن عاد الضميد سليمان أ. د.أ مصفىى مضمود يوسك .د.أ

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Recommendations of the Eighth International Conference on the

Geology of Africa Assiut, 24 to 26 November 2015

The Participants of the Eighth International Conference on the Geology of

Africa, held in the Department of Geology - Faculty of Science - University of

Assiut, in the period 24 to 26 November 2015 were gathered at the closing session

after the completion of the scientific program, on the afternoon of Tuesday,

November 26th, 2015. They discussed the scientific level and the facts and steps of

organizing the conference. Participants have reached a number of recommendations

can be summarized as follows:

1- Participants offer their sincere greetings and gratitude to Prof. Dr. President

of Assiut University and Prof. Dr. Hassan Mohamed Hawary Dean of the

Faculty of Science and Honorary President of the conference for their continuous

support during the organization of the conference in its eighth session at this time.

Participants also express their sincere appreciation and gratitude to the members of

the organizing committee and the family of the Department of Geology at Assiut for

the great efforts pertaining to the success of the conference organizationally and


2- Participants noticed an effective response from the African scientific

institutions and the desire to participate in the conference where book summaries of

the research included the number 33 search of African geologists, has been unable

vast majority of them come to participate, so registered members of the Conference

their recommendation to increase communication with the Egyptian Foreign

Ministry to facilitate the access of participants from countries African and who are

acceptable to the listeners or throwing them visas research even one of the main

objectives of the conference achieved to expand the circle of acquaintance and

participation and scientific cooperation across the largest possible number of

African countries.

3- Continuity of cooperation with the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for

Development - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and work on the Conference due to

irregular held every two years of scientific communication between the continent

and one of the foundations of sustainable development in the fields of Earth

Sciences and Mineral Resources and Environmental Sciences.

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4- Participants call for closer ties and scientific exchange of experiences between

workers in the field of earth sciences in African countries and to encourage regional

groups to cooperate to reach the integration and development of a database of the

natural resources and reserves in the African continent. In this regard, the conferees

urgently recommended the formation of regional research groups which combine

disciplines converged together with the aim of linking and matching events between

different regions, and do not stop at political borders between the countries of the


5- Call of universities and scientific research centers in all the African countries

to establish an African scientific communities in the field of earth sciences through

closer scientific and technical cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and

expand the circle of bilateral and regional agreements.

6- Participants noticed frequent apologies of African researchers to attend the

conference, although the abstracts, which they sent and confirm the desire to

participate, and explained by the organizing committee that the reason is always the

high price of aviation between African countries and the lack of financial support

contributes to the presence of many of the participants. It is strongly recommended

to actively work on finding a way to support participants from African countries

suffering from shortness of ways to attend and participate in future conferences,

through early contact with some donor agencies or the State Department.

7- The participants recommended early start in advertising and organizing the

conference and to raise the registration forms for The Eighth conference on the

international information network early.

8- The participants recommended increasing the early invitations to those

interested in geology Africa from outside the African continent (Europe - the United

States - Australia - Asia) to emphasize the international character of the conference.

On the sidelines of the conference; a workshop entitled "Ethics of Earth Sciences"

was organized with the support of the UNESCO Cairo office and chaired by Prof.

Dr. M. R. El Tahlawi – Assiut University and Dr. Enas Ahmed - Geological

Museum, Cairo followed by an open discussion and reached by following


a- To organize such events on the Geoethics in other Egyptian universities

b- Write and teach chapter about ethics in Earth Sciences for under graduate

university students.

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c- Construct a data base for the Egyptian academics and researchers in different

fields of Earth Sciences and strengthen communication via international social


d- Cooperate with the IAGETH as International Organization to have a section for

“Egyptian Code of Geoethics” and maintain continous information dissemination.

Assiut; November, 26th


General Secretary Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Moustafa M. Youssef Prof. Dr. Hassan A. Soliman


Prof. Dr. Galal H. El Habbak

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Africa-8, Assiut 24-26 November 2015

UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Prof. Dr. President of Assiut University

Prof. Dr. Hassan Mohamed El-Hawary;

Dean of Faculty of Science

Prof. Dr. Galal Hamed El Habaak

Head of Geology Department

Editor: Prof. Dr. Moustafa M. Youssef

Organizing Committee:

Prof. Dr. Hassan A. Soliman Chairman

Prof. Dr. Moustafa M. Youssef General Secretary

Prof. Dr. Fawzi F. Abu El-Ela Member

Prof. Dr. Ahmed R. El Younsy ,,

Prof. Dr. Mohamed A. Hassan ,,

Prof. Dr. Nageh A. Obaidalla ,,

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Moneim ,,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed M. A. Ali ,,

Dr. Amr S. A. Deif ,,

Scientific Committee:

Prof. Dr. Hassan A. Soliman

Prof. Dr. Alia El Husseiny

Prof. Dr. Abdel Mohsen Abbas

Prof. Dr. Moustafa M. Youssef

Prof. Dr. Adel A. Hegab

Prof. Dr. Ali A. Khudeir

Prof. Dr. Khaled A. Ouda

Prof. Dr. Fawzi F. Abu El-Ela

Prof. Dr. Nadia Sharara

Prof. Dr. Awad A. Omran

Prof. Dr. Ahmed R. Elyounsy

Prof. Dr. Abdel Hay Farrag

Prof. Dr. Magdy S. Mahmoud

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Senosy

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdel Raouf Prof. Dr. Yasser M. Abd el-Aziz

Prof. Dr. M. Abdel Moneim

Prof. Dr. Samir R. Ismail

Prof. Dr. Emad R. Philobbos

Prof. Dr.Mohamed E. Habib

Prof. Dr.Mohammed A. Soliman

Prof. Dr.Ezzat A. Ahmed

Prof. Dr.Mervat M. El Haddad

Prof. Dr. Wageh W. Bishara

Prof. Dr. Hamza A. Ibrahim

Prof Dr. Esmat Keheila

Prof. Dr. Hussein A. Hegazi

Prof. Dr. Ali Helmy Abd El-Atti

Prof. Dr. Elsayed M. Abu El-Ela

Prof. Dr.Abdel Azim Ibrahim

Prof. Dr. Galal H. El-Habbak

Prof. Dr. Nageh A. Obaidalla

Prof. Dr. Assem El-Haddad Prof. Dr.Mamdouh F.Soliman

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_ Karst Hazards Around Sohag City, Egypt: Distribution, Investigation, Causes

And Impacts I-1

By: Bosy A. El-Haddad, Ahmed M. Youssef, Abdel-Hamid El-Shater ,

and Mohamed H. El-Khashab

_ Field Characterization Of Fracture Aperture And Fill In A Limestone

Quarry, Yorkshire, United Kingdom I-17

By: Aisha Abubakar KANA, Ahmad Abubakar KANA and K’tso


_ Engineering Evaluation Of Some Lower Eocene Carbonate Rocks As Raw

Materials, Sohag Governorate, Egypt I -33

By: Ahmed K. Abd El-Aal

_ Petrography And Diagenetic Features As Indicators To Predict The Depth Of

Burial Of The Paleozoic Sandstones, Gulf Of Suez Province, Egypt I -51

By: Salma Abdelmalek , Amir Said and Mohamed Darwish


- Characterizing Ancient Gold Of The Eastern Desert, Egypt III- 1

By: Thomas Faucher

_ Impact And Ranking Of Five Salt Weathering Regimes On Oolitic Limestone,

Of North Western Desert Of Egypt, Using Two Sulfate Salts III-13

By: Kamh, G. M. E.

_ Monitoring Geomorphological Changes And Desertification InNorthwestern

Coastal Zone, Egypt III-33

Mamdouh M. M. El-Hattab


_ Evaluation The Quality Of Groundwater At Fares, Kom Ombo, Aswan, Egypt IV-1

By: M. Abdel-Moneim, E. Keheila, , M. Saber, O. Yehya

_ Utilization Of Hydrogeophysics In Assessment Of The Groudwater Aquifer At

Wadi Dara Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt IV- 13

By: Sayed Bedair

_ Evaluation Of Groundwater Aquifers Potentiality To Delineate Temporal

Changes In Landuse In Nag-Hammadi Area,Qena, Egypt , Using GIS And

Remote Sensing Techniques IV- 27

By: A. A. Farrag, H. A. Megahed, E. A. El Sayed and A. M. El Sayed

_ Hydrogeochemical Assessement Of The Carbonate Rocks Of The Eocene Age

In The Eastern Nile Valley, Egypt IV- 43

By: Esam A. El Rahman , Gad M. A. and Saad A.

_ Groundwater Level-Rise Monitoring And Recharge Determination At An Old

Archaeological Site: Abydos, Sohag, Egypt IV- 67

By: Sefelnasr A., Abdel Moneim A., Abu El-Magd Sh.

_ Hydrochemical Analyses Of Groundwater And Its Suitability For Drinking

And Agricultural Uses At Siwa Oasis, Western Desert Of Egypt IV- 83

By: Farrag A. A. and H. A. Megahed

_ 3D-Groundwater Flow Modeling For Water Level-Rise Detection And

Recharge Determination At An Old Archaeological Site: Abydos, Sohag,

Egypt IV- 101

By: Sefelnasr A., Abdel Moneim A., Abu El-Magd Sh.

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_ Reservoir Characteristics Of Nubian Sandstone Reservoir In Edfu And

Saqqara Oil Fields, Gulf Of Suez, Egypt V-1

By: Nader El-Gendy, Moataz Kh. Barakat and Hamed Abdallah

_ Petrophysical Evaluation And Petrographic Description For The Upper

Rudeis Sandstone In North Central Gulf Of Suez, Egypt V-15

By: Moataz Kh. Barakat, Nader El-Gendy and Ahmed Emara


_ Liquefaction Potential Of Nile Delta, Egypt VI-1

By: Elsayed Fergany and Khaled Omar


_ The Danian/Selandian (D/S) Boundary Event At Gabal Serai,Nile Vally,

Egypt VII-1

By: Soliman, H. A.; Faris, M. , Obaidalla .N. A. and Metwally, A. A.

_ Biostratigraphic Zonation And Eocene Chlorophytal Algae, Assiut-Minia

Stretch, Nile Valley, Egypt VII-27

By: Sobhi A. Helal and Ahmed W. Hussein

_ Litho-Stratigraphy And Petroleum Source Rock Potential Of The Southern

Bida Basin, Nigeria VII-55

By: Usman, H.O., Obaje, N.G. and Nghargbu, K.

_ Stratigraphy Of The Paleocene-Eocene Succession At Darb Gaga Area, Baris

Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt VII-77

By: Nageh A. Obaidalla, Mostafa H. El Dawy, Kamel H. Mahfouz and Samar

A. Abdel-Wahed

_ Macro-Biostratigraphy Integration Of The Cenomanian - Turonian

Transition At North Eastern Desert And Southwestern Sinai, Egypt VII-99

Mahmoud H. Darwish, Mohamed S. Zakhera, Nasr A. Abdel-Maksoud

and Nageh A. Obaidalla

_ Comparative Studies Of Recent And Fossil Echinoid Jacksonaster Depressum

From The Northern Bay Of Safaga And Late Pliocene Rocks Of The Red Sea

Coast, Egypt VII-125

Atef Abdelhamied Elattaar


_ Proposed Geological Map For The Basement Rocks In The Eastern Desert

And Southern Sinai VIII-1

By: Abdelmohsen A. Ahmed

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Nader El-Gendy, Moataz Kh. Barakat* and Hamed Abdallah

Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University

*E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]


Nubian sandstone reservoir in Gulf of Suez (GOS) basin is well known by its great

capability to store and produce large volumes of hydrocarbons. The Nubia sandstone

is overlying basement rocks throughout most of the Gulf of Suez and consists of a

sequence of sandstones and shales. It is classified in oil industry into four main

members A, B, C and D. Nubian sandstone in most cases is representing excellent

reservoir characteristics. The porosity is controlled by sedimentation style and

diagenesis. Porosity reduction is mainly related to cementation and compaction

where cementation is mainly affected by both kaolinite and quartz. Permeability is

mainly controlled by grain size, sorting and clay content specially kaolinite where

permeability decreases by increasing amount of kaolinite. Nubian sandstone is also

known by its complicated wettability nature which has a big impact on petrophysical

evaluation and reservoir productivity. Understanding the reservoir wettability

becomes very important for managing well performance, productivity and oil

recovery. In this paper, examples are presented from Edfu and Saqqara oil fields in

the south central province of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, where Nubian sandstone were

fully investigated and evaluated using complete conventional logging suites,

formation pressure and other observations for better understanding of its reservoir

characteristics which have recognized impacts on economics of oil recovery.


Gulf of Suez is one of the most important oil provinces in Egypt which is located in the

north east part of Egypt. It is a narrow body that contain water and its width varies from 50

Km to 90 Km. (Bosworth et al., 2001).

The total area that contains proven oil is around 38500 sq Km. Tectonic structure of Gulf

of Suez had been started in Oligocene-Miocene times resulting in rotated fault blocks and

marked disconformities between sediments (Schlumberger, 1984 & (Garfunkel and

Bartov, 1977). The biggest hydrocarbon discoveries in Gulf of Suez are mainly located in

this tilted fault block.

Gulf of Suez is divided into four tectonic provinces by hypothetical lines (imagery lines)

(Fig. 1) that has the same trend for Gulf of Aqaba , which are Northernmost province,

North central province, South central province and Southernmost province




P-P V-1 - V-14 (NOV. 2015) ASSIUT-EGYPT

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V- 2 Reservoir Characteristics Of Nubian Sandstone Reservoir In Edfu,…..

Fig. 1: Tectonic and structural provinces in the Gulf of Suez (Schlumberger, 1984)

The stratigraphy of Gulf of Suez is subdivided into three depositional cycles which are:

Formation which deposited from a postulated Devonian to Eocene time (Nubia, Raha, Abu

Qada, Matulla, Brown Limestone, Sudr, Esna and Thebes formations) (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2: Stratigraphic column of the Gulf of Suez

(Abd El-Naby et al., 2010)

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Nader El-Gendy, Moataz Kh. Barakat and Hamed Abdallah V- 3

Most of mentioned formations are acting as good to excellent reservoirs. The Brown

limestone is acting as main and excellent source rock in Gulf of Suez


Formation which is represented by lower Miocene and characterized by presences of good

source, reservoir and seal rock (Nuhul, Rudies, Kareem and Belayim formations).

Formations which are deposited from Upper Middle Miocene to Upper Miocene and

Pliocene age (South Gharib and Zeit)

The Edfu and Saqqara oil fields are located in the South central province (Fig.3) and were

discovered in 2003 and 2006 by drilling of Edfu A1 and Saqara-1 wells respectively.

Edfu-A1 wells was designed to test the upthrwon fault block west of Morgan oil fields

where the trapping mechanism is a three way closure against a clysmic fault.

Saqqara oil field lies in the LL87 concession, beneath the ERDMA gas field and is located

3.5 km of Edfu oil field, 7.5 km south of Ramadan oil field and 13 km west of Elmorgan

oil field. Saqqara -1 well was drilled to test a three way upthrwon closure against a normal

fault. This structural configuration occurs in the adjacent Edfu block and at nearby

Ramadan field as well as many other fields in the GOS basin.

The main target of the two fields was pre-Miocene reservoirs section (Nezzazat and Nubia


Fig. 3: Location map of Edfu and Saqqara oil fields, Central Gulf Of Suez, Egypt

The Nubia sandstone is overlaying basement rock throughout most of the Gulf of Suez and

consists of a sequence of sandstones and shales. It classified in oil industry to four main

members A, B, C and D.

The Nubia A, B, C and D consist mainly of sand while Nubia B is consisting of dark shale,

barren of fauna. The gross thickness of Nubia exceeds 2200 feet.

The Nubia C is the primary producer in July and Ramadan Fields, where a typical well

gives from 10 to 20 million cumulative barrels of oil (Schlumberger, 1984)

The Nubia sandstone throughout the study area ranges in age from lower cretaceous to

Paleozoic and is greater than 1500 feet thick in the region. It consists predominantly of

fluvial sandstone that is mature quartz arenite with high porosity and permeability.

Stratigraphic variation occurs on a basin scale, but not regionally. (Gupco report)

(Thorseth, 2003).


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V- 4 Reservoir Characteristics Of Nubian Sandstone Reservoir In Edfu,…..

The four studied wells of Edfu and Saqqara oil fields encountered a gross oil column

within Nubia Sandstone reservoir between 230 to 700 feet as measured depth.(230 to 530

feet TVDSS).

Porosities range from 3 PU to 18 PU with permeability range from 2 mD to more than one


Petrography of Nubian sandstone in the studied region

It is appeared from petrographical studies in the studied region that Nubian sandstone

consists of massive body of sand with some interbeded layers of shale minerals. The sand

consists mainly of quartz with matrix detrital clay with principle cements of kaolinite and

quartz. The percentage of detrital clay matrix is controlling the reservoir characteristics of

Nubia sandstone where the less clay matrix the good intergranular porosity and

permeability while (in contrast) the more detrital clay, the less effective porosity and low


Petrographic analysis suggests that porosity in Nubian sandstone represents a combination

of primary and secondary type interstices where porosity characteristics are controlled by

sedimentation style and diagenesis. Porosity reduction is mainly related to cementation

and compaction. Cementation is mainly affected by both kaolinite and quartz cement.

Permeability is mainly controlled by grain size, sorting and clay content specially kaolinite

where permeability decreases by increasing amount of kaolinite.


The objective of the petrophysical analysis of Edfu and Saqqara oil fields is to calculate

shale volume, total porosity, effective porosity, water saturation, permeability, net pay

thickness, and net to gross ratio for reservoir sections. These parameters will mapped and

merged with geologic structure maps to calculate volumetric original oil in place and build

the Static model.

Available Data

Conventional logs – All Edfu and Saqqara wells have full conventional logging suite. Two

wells contains pressure data in addition to one well include spectral gamma ray logs.

Advanced logs – Two wells contain nuclear magnetic resonance logs (MRIL).

Core Data – Core reports for two wells have been reviewed to calibrate the petrophysical


A limited number of special core analyses (SCAL) are available in studied area. These

data were used to adjust the petrophysical parameters.

Log Editing

Logs were manually edited to remove spikes (particularly in sonic travel times), pick-ups

at the beginning of runs, data acquired in casing. Log Depth Match performed manually

level by level when it needed.

Environmental Corrections

The available data have been corrected for borehole effects.

The logs that used for analysis are GR, Neutron, Sonic, resistivity, density, and Photo



Normalization is a mathematical process that adjusts for differences among data from

various sources, in order to create a common basis for comparison.

Normalization usually is applied on specified zone or definite run and not over completely

spliced data.

Actually Gamma ray log was normalized for the studied wells over Nubia sandstone

formation as they recorded by different logging companies which reflect some

discrepancies (Fig. 4&5).

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Nader El-Gendy, Moataz Kh. Barakat and Hamed Abdallah V- 5

Fig. 4: Histogram of Gamma ray logs before normalization

Fig. 5: Histogram of Gamma ray logs after normalization

Lithology Determination

The mud log shows that Nubia formation consists mainly of fine to medium grained Sand

occasionally coarse with kaolinitc cement which occasionally up to 30%.

XRD analysis in one well indicated that Nubia consists mainly of quartz (85 % average)

and clay (15% average) in addition to traces of dolomite, calcite, plagioclase, siderite and


XRD analysis shows that majority of clay is kaolinite and little percentage of illite,

smectite and chlorite.

The density neutron cross-plot (Fig. 6) shows that Nubia reservoir consists mainly of

sandstone where the majority of points lay on sand line except some few points shifted

down due to the clay minerals effect. The cross-plot also reflects the light nature of

hydrocarbon which occupied Nubia reservoir where the majority of points are shifted up

due to hydrocarbon effect on density and neutron logs. This behavior is confirmed by

calculated gradient and fluid density using acquired pressure data (Fig. 7). The pressure

gradient is 0.27 psi/ft. and fluid density is 0.63 g/cc .These calculated parameters were

confirmed by PVT analysis which indicates that API is around 38.

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V- 6 Reservoir Characteristics Of Nubian Sandstone Reservoir In Edfu,…..

Fig. 6: Density-Neutron cross-plot indicating the main lithology as sandstone and the effect of

light hydrocarbon on both logs

Fig. 7: The estimated pressure gradient and fluid density using pressure data

The spectral gamma ray shows that Nubia contains some heavy thorium minerals in

addition to other clay minerals like Kaolinite, chlorite, Montmorillonite and mixed layer

(Fig. 8).

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Nader El-Gendy, Moataz Kh. Barakat and Hamed Abdallah V- 7

Fig. 8: Nubia reservoir contains heavy thorium minerals as indicated in the crossplot

Log Analysis Procedure

The analysis of available data was done using both probabilistic (Mineral solver) and

deterministic analysis techniques.

Deterministic techniques used a series of sequential equations which link formation

attributes to log response. The lithological components of the formation are defined using

several cross-plots, e.g., density- neutron and MID plot.

The deterministic models are known by its limited capability in characterizing various

minerals in the formation in addition to evaluation of shale volume regardless the type of

clay minerals.

Probabilistic (Mineral solver) application solves the so-called inverse problem, in which

log measurements, or tools, and response parameters are used together in response

equations to compute volumetric results of formation components. In reality, that aspect of

the program is only one side of a three-way relationship among tools, response parameters,

and formation component volumes. (Al-Ruwaili, 2005).

The relationship is often presented in a triangular diagram (Fig. 9)

Fig. 9: Petrophysical model of Elanplus

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V- 8 Reservoir Characteristics Of Nubian Sandstone Reservoir In Edfu,…..

In this diagram, T represents the tool vector—all logging instrument data and synthetic

curves. Vis the volume vector, the volumes of formation components. R is the response

matrix, containing the parameter values for what each tool would read, given 100% of

each formation component. Given the data represented by any two corners of the triangle,

the program can determine the third.

In the inverse problem, t and R are used to compute v.

A log reconstruction problem is computed for each inverse problem, or Solve process. The

reconstructed logs are compared against input data to determine the quality of volumetric

results from the inverse problem. (Al-Ruwaili, 2005).

However, deterministic and probabilistic methods will show nearly identical results in

case of using the right and accurate parameters as the mineral composition of Nubia

reservoir is not very complicated.

Shale Volume Calculation

The preferred method for shale volume calculation was the Gamma ray method but in

some cases the density-neutron crossplot technique is also applicable. Gamma ray, Density

and neutron values of shale points were selected on a zonal basis and commonly varied

slightly within zones to give consistent shale volumes. These techniques were selected

because they give appropriate shale volumes in kaolinitc sandstones such as the Nubia

reservoir because gamma ray log is not responding properly to kaolinite abundance.

Computed shale volumes were calibrated against XRD values (Fig.10).

Fig. 10: Good match between shale volume from logs and XRD (Track7)

Porosity Calculation

Porosity was computed from density, density/neutron and sonic logs. Computed log

porosities were calibrated against core (Fig. 11).

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Nader El-Gendy, Moataz Kh. Barakat and Hamed Abdallah V- 9

Fig. 11: Good match between log and core porosity (Track7)

Core grain density values are predominantly around 2.64 g/cc except for a very small

percentage of higher grain densities in the range 2.65 g/cc to 2.68 g/cc and lower grain

densities of 2.63 g/cc. Where the lower the grain density the lower the computed porosity

while the higher the grain density the lower the computed porosity (Fig.12).

Fig. 12: Good match between log estimated grain density and core measured grain density


Water Saturation Calculation

Two water saturation models (Archie and Dual Water) were used to calculate water

saturation. The cation exchange capacity is very important when using dual water model,

however its effect in this case is very low as the dominant clay mineral is kaolinite


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V- 10 Reservoir Characteristics Of Nubian Sandstone Reservoir In Edfu,…..

Table (1) CEC values of clay minerals.

Clay Mineral

Average CEC


Montmorillonite 1

Illite 0.25

Kaolinite/Chlorite 0.04

To reduce the uncertainty in water saturation, the saturation equation parameters (M, N

and Rw) should be determined with high certainty.

Formation water resistivity (Rw) was calculated from the salinity of water samples


Cementation exponent (m) for most clay free intergranular pore system is very close to

2.00. The value does vary considerably with changes in lithology, cementation, pore

geometry, and clay content. The value range from 1.0 in fractured reservoirs to greater

than 5.0 in vuggy.

The value of cementation factor was determined using the graphical method of Pickett

cross-plot as expressed in equation No.1.

M=logx1-logx2/logy1-logy2, (1)

Where x1 and x2 represent the change in saturated formation resistivity (Ro) per unit

change in porosity (y2 and y1) (Fig.13)

Cementation exponent (m) is the slope of the line fitted through a wide range of porosity

and saturated resistivity measurements (Pickett, 1973; and Thomas kwader 1985).

Generally the cementation exponent (m) increases as the rock becomes more consolidated

and more cemented where m can vary from 1.5 in consolidated sands to 2.2 in more

compacted sands (Carothers, 1968 and Knackstedt, 2007) (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13: Estimation of cementation factor (m) value from picket plot

The estimated (m) was calibrated by the calculated one from SCAL at overburden

pressure. (1.875 for SCAL and 1.88 for Pickett).

As mentioned above, the principle cements in Nubia reservoir is kaolinite. This type of

clay cementation when occurring during early diagenesis can prevent (delay) deep burial

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Nader El-Gendy, Moataz Kh. Barakat and Hamed Abdallah V- 11

diagenetic processes and therefore preserve excellent reservoir properties (Xavier Du

Bernard and Elisabeth Carrio-Schaffhauser, 2003).

The moderately- low estimated value (1.87-1.88) of Cementation exponent (m) in Nubia

reservoir which located at deep depths with good to very good porosity may reflect the

positive effect of kaolinitc cement in preventing (delaying) deep burial diagenetic

processes and therefore preserve the very good reservoir properties.

However the relation between Kaolinite weight percent with horizontal permeability

reflects some negative effect of kaolinite on permeability (Fig. 14).

Fig.14: Relation between Kaolinite (%) and horizontal permeability

Saturation exponent reflect the wettability of the formation.

Saturation exponent (n) is essentially independent of wettability when the brine saturation

Sw, is sufficiently high to form a continuous film on the grain surfaces of the porous

medium and, consequently, to provide a continuous path for a current flow. This

continuity is common in clean and uniformly water-wet systems.

The value of the saturation exponent n in these systems is approximately 2 and remains

essentially constant as the water saturation is lowered to its irreducible value, Swi.

(Anderson, 1986)

In uniformly oil-wet systems with low brine saturations, large values of the saturation

exponent, 10 or higher, should be expected. (Anderson, 1986)

The SCAl report of the offset area (CGOS) of the study fields shows that Nubia is mixed

wet reservoir. The n value ranged from 2.2 to 3.

The southern part of Gulf of Suez (Zeit Bay field) had shown mixed wettability for Nubia

sandstone reservoir which reflects the high oil saturations (up to 30%) found below the

OWC. The high porosity intervals seems to be oil wet while the low porosity tend to be

water wet (Hiekal et al., 1998).

A mixed wettability condition was explained by Hiekal et al., 1998 and Abdallah, 2007.

During accumulation of oil in the reservoir (migration process), it displace water which

present in the initially water-wet rock from the larger pores. By the time, the oil saturation

will increase in the larger pores and capillary pressure will rise till exceeding the critical

capillary pressure which leads to destabilize and rapture the initial adsorbed water films

which allow the crude oil to contact the rock directly resulting in reversing the native

wettability of the higher porosity intervals from water-wet to oil-wet.

In the case of low porosity pore system, capillary forces retain water in smaller

pores/capillaries and at grain contacts.

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V- 12 Reservoir Characteristics Of Nubian Sandstone Reservoir In Edfu,…..

This mechanism resulting in developing of mixed wettability reservoir after time of

exposure to this fluid distribution. As a conclusion, the low porosity zones may remain

water wetting if little or no oil migrates into it, while high porosity zones are converted to

a more oil-wet state.

On the basis of this model, the high porosity system within the Nubian Sandstone can be

considered to be oil-wet while the lower porosity system can be considered to be water-

wet (Hiekal et al., 1998 & Abdallah, 2007). Fig. 15: Wettability through pores. In a

water-wet case (left), oil remains in the

center of the pores. The reverse condition

holds if all surfaces are oil-wet (right). In the

mixed-wet case, oil has displaced water from

some of the surfaces, but is still in the centers

of water-wet pores (middle). The three

conditions shown have similar saturations of

water and oil (Abdallah, 2007).

The relation between free water level (FWL) and oil water contact (OWC) also reflect the

wettability of reservoir which is differing from oil wet to water wet reservoirs.

In the porous formation, the free water level (FWL) is defined where the capillary pressure

between water phase and oil phase is zero. Since porous rocks have a distribution of pore

and pore-throat sizes—similar to a distribution of capillary tubes—at any given height

above the FWL, the portion of the size distribution that can sustain water at that height

will be water-saturated.

At greater height, the buoyancy of oil in water provides greater capillary pressure to force

water out of smaller voids. In a water-wet formation, the oil/water contact is above the

FWL, indicating that pressure must be applied to force oil into the largest pores.

In an oil-wet formation, the contact is below the FWL, signifying that pressure must be

applied to force the water phase into the largest pores. The oil/water contact divides the

zone containing mostly oil from the one containing mostly water (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16: The relation between free water level

(FWL) and oil water contact (OWC) in water

wet reservoirs (left) and oil wet reservoirs

(right) (after Abdallah,2007)

The free water level (FWL) and oil water contact (OWC) was determined in two wells of

the studied area from formation pressure tool and water saturation from conventional open

hole logs. The analysis shows oil water contact lies below free water level which reflect

oil/mixed wet reservoir (Fig. 17).

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Nader El-Gendy, Moataz Kh. Barakat and Hamed Abdallah V- 13

Fig. 17: The relation between FWL and

OWC for Nubian sandstone reservoir in the

studied area

The deep resistivity logs in the studied wells were extremely high in the oil leg, exceeding

10,000 ohm-m in some zones (Fig. 18).

Such high resistivity is often associated with oil-wet and mixed-wet reservoirs, which led

to further questions regarding the appropriate value of the saturation exponent “n”.

Fig.18: Deep resistivity log exceed

10000ohm.m over some zones (Track 5)


Nubian sandstone reservoir in Edfu and Saqqara oil fields is consisting of massive body of

sand which consists mainly of quartz with matrix detrital clay with principle cements of

kaolinite and quartz. Even though kaolinite is known to have negative effect on reservoir

characteristics, this effect should be deeply investigated using core and advanced logging


The Nubian Sandstone is mixed wet reservoir where high porosity system can be

considered oil-wet while the lower porosity can be considered water-wet, this wetting

heterogeneity are affecting the saturation exponents of water saturation equations which

has a big impact on calculated Sw and hence the calculated STOOIP. Wetting

heterogeneity also plays an important role in recoverable hydrocarbon and can affect the

amount of oil that can be produced. So, better understanding of formation wettability is

very critical for optimizing oil recovery

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V- 14 Reservoir Characteristics Of Nubian Sandstone Reservoir In Edfu,…..


(TVDSS) True Vertical Depth Sub Sea

(MID plot) Matrix Identification Plot

(XRD) X-Ray Diffraction

(PVT) pressure, volume, temperature

(API) American Petroleum Institute

OWC (Oil Water Contact)

FWL (Free Water Level)

M (Cementation Exponent)

N (Saturation Exponent)

Rw (Water Resistivity)

CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity)

STOOIP (stock-tank original oil in place)


Abdallah, W. 2007:"Fundamentals of Wettability," Oilfield Review, vol. 19, no. 1, pp.44-


Ahmed I.M., Abd El-Naby, Sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of structurally

controlled deposition: Middle Miocene Kareem Formation, southwestern Gulf of

Suez, Egypt”, 2010.

Al-Ruwaili, S. “Frontiers of formation Evaluation and petrophysics; Present and future

Technologies, Saudi Aramco Journal of technology“, 2005.

Anderson, W. G. “Effect of wettability on the electrical properties of porous media.”


Bosworth, W., McClay, K., “Structural and stratigraphic evolution of the Gulf of Suez

Rift, Egypt”, 2001.

Carothers, J.E, “A statistical study of formation factor relation”, 1968.

Garfunkel, Z., and Y. Bartov, “The tectonics of the Suez rift”, 1977.

Hiekal, S., Kamal, M., Hussein, A. and Elshahawi, H.: “Time Dependence of Swept

Zone Remaining Oil Saturation In a Mixed-Wet Reservoir”, 1998.

Kwader, T. Estimating “aquifer permeability from formation resistivity factor”, 1985.

M.A. Knackstedt et al, “Archie’s exponents in complex lithologies derived from 3D

digital core analysis”, 2007.

Pickett, G.R. “Patter formation evaluation analysts”,1973

Schlumberger ”Well evaluation conference”. Egypt, 1984.

Thorseth, J. “Saqqara oil field”(Gupco report), 2003.

Xavier du Bernard and Elisabeth Carrio-Schaffhauser, “Kaolinitc meniscus bridges as

an indicator of early diagenesis in Nubian sandstones, Sinai, Egypt.” 2003.

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Moataz Kh. Barakat1, Nader El-Gendy

1 and Ahmed Emara


1 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University.

2 Exploration Department, Geological Operations and Petrophysics Division, GUPCO.

Email: [email protected] , [email protected]


The area of study is located in the north-central part of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. It

lies between latitudes 28° 58' 00" N- 29° 01' 00" N, and longitudes 32°54' 00" E – 33°

00' 00" E. The Upper Rudeis Formation has very good hydrocarbon potentiality

especially in north central Gulf of Suez area (East Tanka, North October and GS160

fields). The vital aim of this work is to give an idea about the petrographic and

petrophysical characteristics of the Upper Rudeis Formation (Middle Miocene age)

in the study area based on core samples and log data analysis. The available log data

were analyzed to determine the lithology, shale volume, effective porosity and fluid

saturation of the encountered reservoir rocks. This study proves variation of the

Upper Rudeis sandstones in characters along the area of study. The range of

variation of effective porosity is 10% to 25%, water saturation ranged from 2% to

85%, initial pressure is 2500 to 6500 psi. so, the Upper Rudeis formation is

considered a good hydrocarbon bearing formation and new development wells

should be drilled in the area of up thrown side of the main fault to get attic oil in the

direction of the NO159-6st1 and ET-A3 wells in the North Central Gulf of Suez

which is characterized by high porosity and high hydrocarbon saturation areas.

Keywords: Petrophysical, Petrographic, Initial Pressure, Hydrocarbon Potentiality

and Rudeis formation.


The Gulf of Suez is a Neogene continental rift system that developed by the separation of

the African and Arabian plates in Late Oligocene – Early Miocene time.

Geomorphologically it represents a rejuvenated, slightly arcuate NW-SE topographic

depression, known as the Clysmic Gulf. It extends northwestward from 27°30’N to

30°00’N. Its width varies from about 50 km at its northern end to about 90 km at its

southern end where it merges with the Red Sea (Bosworth and McClay, 2001).

The rift is characterized by a zigzag fault pattern, composed of N-S to NNE-SSW, E-W

and NW-SE striking extensional fault systems both at the rift borders and within the rift

basins (Garfunkel and Bartov, 1977; Jarrige et al., 1986; Moretti and Chénet, 1987;

Colletta et al., 1988; Meshref, 1990; Moustafa, 1993; Patton et al., 1994; Schutz, 1994;

Bosworth, 1995; Montenat et al., 1998; McClay et al., 1998).

There are three distinct depocenters within the Gulf of Suez: the Darag basin at the

northern end, the central basin or Belayim Province in the middle, and the southern Amal-

Zeit Province.



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V- 16 Petrophysical Evaluation And Petrographic Description For The Upper Rudeis ,…

The accommodation zones appear to be wide (up to 20 km) areas of complexly faulted

blocks of variable dips and interlocking “flip-flop” conjugate fault systems. Colletta et al.

(1988) interpreted that the change in rift geometry across the Morgan accommodation

zone (Fig. 1) is accomplished principally by a major, through-going oblique transfer fault.

However, this is not supported by outcrop (Moustafa and Fouda, 1988; Coffield and

Schamel, 1989) or subsurface data (Patton et al., 1994; Bosworth, 1995).

Fig. 1: Tectonic map of the Gulf of Suez rift, (Modified from Khalil, 1998)

The area of study is located in the North-Central part of the Gulf of Suez, within Belayim

province (Fig. 2). It lies between latitudes 28° 58' 00" N- 29° 01' 00" N, and longitudes

32°54' 00" E – 33° 00' 00" E.

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Moataz Kh. Barakat, Nader El-Gendy and Ahmed Emara V- 17

Fig. 2: Location map of the studied area-Gulf of Suez Oil Fields, (EGPC 1996)

The Gulf of Suez Stratigraphy (Fig.3) is subdivided into three depositional cycles

(Bosworth et al., 1998) which are:

1) Pre-Rift Strata:

The pre-rift stratigraphy shows relatively simple variations along the length of the Gulf of

Suez, with a general southwards thinning of most of the marine units. An exception to this

trend is the continental Lower Cretaceous Malha Formation, which thickens toward the

south. Local uplift and erosion due to far-field compressional events are recognized, as for

example in the Late Devonian (early Hercynian deformation; Beleity et al, 1988; Patton et

al., 1994).

2) Syn-Rift Strata:

Syn-rift strata lie unconformably on a variety of pre-rift strata that range in age from

Oligocene to Precambrian basement, as for example in the tilted fault blocks of the

southern Gulf of Suez (Robson, 1971; Evans, 1988; Evans and Moxon, 1988).

Structural control of deposition of syn-rift strata along the margins of the Gulf of Suez

produces complex facies relationships, both along-strike and down-dip, particularly in the

vicinity of active extensional faults (Lambiase and Bosworth, 1995; Gawthorpe et al.,

1997; McClay et al., 1998; Bosworth et al., 1998; Plaziat et al., 1998a; Khalil, 1998; Sharp

et al., 2000 a, b).

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V- 18 Petrophysical Evaluation And Petrographic Description For The Upper Rudeis ,…

The coarser-grained proximal syn-rift deposits give way to finer-grained deeper water

facies in the central sections of the rift.

Fig. 3: General stratigraphy of the eastern

Gulf of Suez (modified after Darwish and El-

Azabi, 1993)

* Miocene Syn-Rift Strata

The Miocene syn-rift series in the Gulf of Suez were deposited in near-shore and marine

environments and range from coarse conglomeratic fan deltas adjacent to active border

fault systems to more distal marls and evaporites in the central regions of individual sub-


During the early rifting stages, individual extensional fault blocks along the rift margins

developed their own sub-basins, each with its own stratigraphy. Hence, in different

marginal fault blocks, the earliest syn-rift deposits vary in age and overlie different pre-rift

strata as a result of different amounts and timing of extension, rotation, uplift, erosion and

subsidence below the erosional base-level. In any particular sub-basin, the lowermost syn-

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Moataz Kh. Barakat, Nader El-Gendy and Ahmed Emara V- 19

rift deposits are commonly coarse clastics which, based on lithostratigraphic correlations,

are generally assigned to the Nukhul Formation, but may in fact be diachronous and highly

variable in age. Our main concentration in this study is Rudeis formation, the stratigraphy

of Rudeis formation can be summarized as follow:

- Rudeis Formation

The Early to earliest Middle Miocene Rudeis Formation (Ghorab et al., 1964) is much

more widespread in the eastern Gulf outcrops than the Nukhul Formation. The Rudeis is

divided into two parts by the “Mid-Rudeis” or “Mid-Clysmic” event which produced a

sharp facies change from a lower, fine-grained marl and sandstone succession to an upper,

glauconitic and fossiliferous coarse sandstone succession (Garfunkel and Bartov, 1977;

Beleity, 1984).

Deposits that formed after the Mid-Rudeis event are extensive, coarse syn-rift sediments

along the central eastern margin of the rift. The best exposed area of these coarse

conglomeratic sediments is in Wadi Sidri, where conglomerate deposition persisted from

Rudeis Formation times through to the Kareem Formation. Here the coarse clastics,

known as the Abu Alaqa conglomerates (Garfunkel and Bartov, 1977), are mostly poorly

sorted, matrix- or clast-supported, with a crude stratification suggesting deposition in

shelf-type fan deltas (Gawthorpe et al., 1990).

In the lower parts of this Upper Rudeis succession, the clasts are mainly Eocene and

Upper Cretaceous limestones, whereas Paleozoic and Mesozoic sandstones, followed by

Precambrian basement occur higher up section in conglomerates of the Kareem


- Kareem Formation

It’s middle Miocene formation that lies unconformably on top of the Lower Rudeis

Formation, in which case the Mid-Rudeis event demarcates the boundary between these

two formations. At the basin margin in the central eastern Gulf of Suez, conglomerates of

the Abu Alaqa Group continued to develop. Shelly calcarenites and patch reef limestones

make up most of the exposed sections, with a subordinate proportion of polymict

conglomerates. In exposures near the coast in the Hammam Faraun area the appearance of

the first Middle Miocene evaporites denotes the abrupt facies change and basin restriction

during early Kareem Formation time (Rahmi Member). This is followed by open marine

dark grey shales (Shagar Member), a well-defined Middle Miocene marker unit in the

subsurface offshore sequences. In some areas the Kareem facies appears to have

developed earlier at the basin margins than in the open basin and, accordingly, it is

considered to be time transgressive from the latest Early Miocene to the Middle Miocene.

- Belayim Formation

The Kareem Formation is unconformably overlain by late Middle Miocene deposits

referred to the Belayim Formation (Ghorab et al., 1964), in outcrop the Belayim

Formation consists of anhydrite, commonly overlain by a regional shale marker known as

the Hammam Faraun. In the subsurface, anhydrite, halite, and conglomeratic sandstone

predominate in the lower-middle Part (Baba, Sidri and Feiran Members) and shale and

limestone in the uppermost part (Hammam Faraun Member) (Richardson and Arthur,

1988). The limestones are locally a reefal, primarily composed of red-algal

(Lithothamnium) “Nullipore” rock (Sellwood and Netherwood, 1984).

In the southern Gulf of Suez, Middle Miocene carbonate platforms and reefs developed

directly on top of tilted basement fault blocks of the Esh el Mellaha range (Abu Shaar;

James et al., 1988; Burchette, 1988; Cross et al., 1998) and in the subsurface beneath

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V- 20 Petrophysical Evaluation And Petrographic Description For The Upper Rudeis ,…

Gubal Island (Bosworth et al., 1998). At Gubal Island and further south at Safaga, these

carbonates contain Serravallian foraminifera (Bosworth et al., 1998), and are therefore

generally correlative with the upper Kareem and Belayim Formations. In outcrop, based

on lithologic correlations, these carbonates have been assigned to the Gharamul Formation

(Darwish and El-Azabi, 1993). This is inappropriate, as the next higher “outcrop” unit, the

Gemsa Formation, contains Burdigalian shales at its base at Gebel el Zeit and elsewhere

(Rudeis Formation of subsurface terminology).

- South Gharib and Zeit Formations

The South Gharib and Zeit formations are known principally from the subsurface and

highly leached outcrops north of Hammam Faraun and along the southwestern margin of

the rift (Said and El Heiny, 1967; Hassan and El Dashlouty, 1970; Gezeery and Marzouk,

1976; Orszag-Sperber et al., 1998). The South Gharib Formation is composed primarily of

halite whereas the Zeit is comprised of halite, anhydrite, and lesser mudstone interbeds.

The uppermost strata of the Zeit Formation have been dated as Late Miocene based on

Ostracods and calcareous Nannoplankton (El-Shafy, 1992).

* Pliocene

In the Gulf of Suez, the Pliocene forms part of the El Tor Group. At the rift margins it is

characterised by gravels and sands (Wardan or Shukheir Formations), whereas in the

subsurface a section of clastics and thin evaporites overlie the Late Miocene Zeit

Formation (Fawzy and Abdel Aal, 1986). In the subsurface of the central Belayim

province, a thickness of more than 1000 m of this lower clastic/evaporite sequence is

encountered in wells. It is overlain by evaporites of the Zaafarana Formation which is

dominated by anhydrite at the base, salts in the middle, followed by pisolitic limestones

and pebbly sandstones at the top. In the southern Gulf, evaporites are locally present in the

basal Pliocene section, but are absent from the Upper Pliocene.

* Quaternary Deposits

Quaternary deposits cover the flat and topographically low areas as well as the coastal

plains surrounding the present-day marine gulf. Quaternary alluvium and wind-blown

sands cover the Wadi floors. On the coastal plains, these deposits include loose to

moderately consolidate coarse clastics, derived from the older pre-rift rocks that form the

surrounding topographic highs. Along the central eastern margin of the Gulf of Suez these

coarse clastics mainly form coastal fan deltas. In addition, a series of raised beaches

develop at different altitudes, ranging from a few meters on the coastal plains up to more

than 90 m on the marginal coastal ranges (e.g., Hammam Faraun, Abu Durba, Gebel

Araba, Gebel el Zeit and el Galala el Bahariya) (Garfunkel and Bartov, 1977). Many of

these raised beaches include patchy coral reefs and oyster banks (Abu Khadrah and

Darwish, 1986; Plaziat et al., 1998b). Mapping and dating of these shoreline deposits

along Gebel el Zeit and the offshore islands of the southern Gulf of Suez has shown that

flexural uplift along individual, large extensional fault systems Continues to the present

(Bosworth and Taviani, 1996)

Upper Rudeis petrophysical characteristics

This section illustrates the petrophysical analysis of Upper Rudeis Sandstone in the area of

study that includes data from four deviated wells (ET-A3, ET-A4, NO159-6ST1 and

GS160-5A); these wells are located in Belayim province in the central Gulf of Suez area

(Fig. 4).

Collecting, editing and performing environmental corrections of data have been done on

all used data.Workflow has been created that include importing data like logs (Gamma

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Moataz Kh. Barakat, Nader El-Gendy and Ahmed Emara V- 21

ray, Resistivity, Sonic, Density and Neutron), salinities of water in wells, bottom hole

temperature, pressure data, then performing analysis for all these data with different

methods as using schlumberger plots, volume of shale calculation by Larionov method,

water saturation by Archie’s equations and summary of data finally (Fig. 5).

Methods used in hydrocarbon potentiality include the following:

-Flag for bad hole ± 0.5 in.

-Flag for DRHO ±0.1 gm/cc, with cutoff spike = 0.5.

-VSh calculation from Gamma Ray done by Larionov-Tertiary method.

-PHIE calculation done by Neutron-Density methods.

-SW calculation done by Indonesia method.

- a=1, m=2, n= 2.

-Summary data with specific cutoff:-

- Vsh ranged from 0 to 35%

- PHIE ranged from 9-50%

- Sw ranged from 0-50%

Fig. 4: Base map for of study area

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V- 22 Petrophysical Evaluation And Petrographic Description For The Upper Rudeis ,…

Fig. 5: Work flow followed in the study

BHT + Depth Gen-2

schlumberger chart

Geothermal gradient

GR. Larionov Tertiary

rocks method Volume of shale

Den. Total porosity from density

method Total porosity

Vsh + Φsh + Φt

Effective porosity detemination

method Effective porosity

Water sample +


Schlumberger Resistivity of NaCl

Water Solutions chart

Formation water resistivity

Res. + Φ + ( a, m, n)

Archei's equation Total water saturation

Res. + Φeff + Vsh

Poupon-Leveaux method

Effective water saturation

Sw + SWE (1-Sw) + (1-SWE) Sh + She

Φ + Swirr

Wyllie and Rose equations

Calculated permeability

Pressure data Ploting pressure

versus TVD

Pressure gradient


Fluid type

Den. + Neut. D/N Schlumberger

cross plot Lithology type and

Porosity values

Vsh + Φeff + Sw + Sh + N/G ratio + K

Contouring iso-parametric


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Moataz Kh. Barakat, Nader El-Gendy and Ahmed Emara V- 23

- The main characteristics of the Upper Rudeis reservoir in the area of study :-

1) The reservoir consists mainly of sandstone streaks interbeded with limestone and

small streaks of shale, this Sandstone contain Calcareous cement occasionally

grading to highly sandy limestone in some parts of the reservoir (Figs.6-9) show the

layout of the four studied wells.

2) The reservoir zone that contains low percent of shale volume (average 4%) is

considered as a clean reservoir (Fig.10).

3) The reservoir zone contains wide range of effective porosity that ranged from 8-25%


4) The reservoir zone contains water saturation ranged in wells from 13% to 47%

(Fig.12) is considered as hydrocarbon saturated zone.

5) The reservoir contains hydrocarbon saturation reaches up to 87% in some wells


6) Figure (14) show Net/ Gross distribution map of the studied area.

Fig. 6: ET-A3 layout shows Depth, Zone, Lithology, Caliper reading, different log responses,

Vsh, PHIE, SW and Sh.

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V- 24 Petrophysical Evaluation And Petrographic Description For The Upper Rudeis ,…

Fig. 7: ET-A4 layout shows Depth, Zone, Lithology, Caliper reading, different log responses,

Vsh, PHIE, SW and Sh.

Fig. 8: GS160-5A layout shows Depth, Zone, Lithology, Caliper reading, different log

responses, Vsh, PHIE, SW and Sh.

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Moataz Kh. Barakat, Nader El-Gendy and Ahmed Emara V- 25

Fig. 9: NO159-6ST1 layout shows Depth, Zone, Lithology, Caliper reading, different log

responses, Vsh, PHIE, SW and Sh.

Fig. 10: Shale volume distribution map in the studied area

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V- 26 Petrophysical Evaluation And Petrographic Description For The Upper Rudeis ,…

Fig. 11: Effective porosity distribution map in the studied area

Fig. 12: Water saturation distribution map in the studied area

Fig. 13: Hydrocarbon saturation distribution map in the studied area

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Moataz Kh. Barakat, Nader El-Gendy and Ahmed Emara V- 27

Fig. 14: Net/ Gross distribution map in the studied area

The following cross plots show the Lithology type in the study area of Upper Rudeis

reservoir in the different wells. The main lithology in ET-A3 well is sandstone with

calcareous cement, with porosity up to 23% (Fig.15); while in the main lithology in ET-

A4 well is sandstone with calcareous cement, with porosity up to 17% (Fig.16).

Fig. 15: Schlumberger Neutron Porosity vs. Bulk Density cross plot of ET-A3 Well

The main lithology in GS160-5A well is sandstone with calcareous cement, with porosity

up to 26% (Fig.17), while in the main lithology in NO159-6ST1 well is sandstone with

calcareous cement, with porosity up to 24% (Fig.18).

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V- 28 Petrophysical Evaluation And Petrographic Description For The Upper Rudeis ,…

Fig. 16: Schlumberger Neutron Porosity vs. Bulk Density cross plot of ET-A4 Well

Fig. 17: Schlumberger Neutron Porosity vs. Bulk Density cross plot of GS160-5A Well

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Moataz Kh. Barakat, Nader El-Gendy and Ahmed Emara V- 29

Fig. 18: Schlumberger Neutron Porosity vs. Bulk Density cross plot of NO159-6ST1 Well

Upper Rudeis pressure data

Upper Rudeis Sandstone has a wide range of initial pressure from 2000 psi to 3000 psi.

Figures (19-22) show the different pressure values in the area of study, the pressure

gradients are varied as in ET-A3 (0.37 psi/ft), ET-A4 (0.39 psi/ft), NO159-6ST1 (0.32

psi/ft) and GS160-5A (0.37 psi/ft), which indicate that the fluid type in the studied area is


Fig. 19: Measured pressure gradient chart in ET-A3 Well

-8880 -8860 -8840 -8820 -8800 -8780 -8760 -8740 -8720 -8700 -8680

3050 3060 3070 3080 3090 3100






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V- 30 Petrophysical Evaluation And Petrographic Description For The Upper Rudeis ,…

Fig. 20: Measured pressure gradient chart in ET-A4 Well

Fig. 21: Measured pressure gradient chart in NO159-6ST1 Well

Fig. 22: Measured pressure gradient chart in GS160-6A Well








2820 2830 2840














2960 2980 3000














2240 2260 2280 2300




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Moataz Kh. Barakat, Nader El-Gendy and Ahmed Emara V- 31


The area of study consists of marl facies, with sandstone streaks that have good

hydrocarbon potentiality in the middle part toward the NO159-6ST1 and ET A3 wells,

with small volume of shale. More advanced logging tools should be used for more

information about Upper Rudeis reservoir fluids, rock proprieties. Special core analysis

should be done on core data to get more data about a, m, n coefficients to get more

accurate results. Sandy limestone in the area of study should be evaluated economically as

it’s considered as porous reservoir carries fluids that may be have economic volumes and

produced by Acid simulation and other methods for these reservoirs.


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