
Psalm 34: 17-19

“…not doubt-free certainty; rather,

it is tenacious obedience.”

John Ortberg

The Painof Christianity

“Salvation is free.Discipleship costs.”

C.Y. Kim

“Where are You, God?”

C.Y. Kim

Job 7: 17-21

“3 Questions that no one asks.”(but we all do - Job started it)

Is God unfair?

Job 10: 2-9 21: 6-17

“3 Questions that no one asks.”(but we all do - Job started it)

Is God unfair?

Job 10: 2-9 21: 6-17 Is God silent?

Job 19: 7 30: 20

“3 Questions that no one asks.”(but we all do - Job started it)

Is God unfair?

Job 10: 2-9 21: 6-17 Is God silent?

Job 19: 7 30: 20 Is God hidden?

Job 13: 23-24 23: 3-5

“Where is God when it hurts?”

Psalm 71: 12

“God’s great mistake?”


“Fearfully & Wonderfully Made”

Psalm 139: 13-17

“When you have no experience of pain, it is rather hard to experience joy.”

George Wald

Job 36:15 - Elihu speaks

“But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction.”

God’s megaphone..“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain. It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

C.S. Lewis

The big IF...

Romans 8: 16-17

The big IF...

Romans 8: 16-17

BUT verse 18

“light & momentary..?”

II Corinthians 4: 16-18

What is already a part of your relationship?

“Though He slay me…” Job

“Your law is my delight…”David

Doesn’t God know that He might actually drive people away from Him?

Psalm 119: 67, 71, 75

A faith refined...

I Peter 1: 6-7Isaiah 48: 8-11

As you suffer,God may not show you why, but He will show you Who.

Job 38-42

The wicked prosper..The righteous are afflicted..

I Peter 5: 10Job 20: 4-5Psalm 73

Rain & SunRighteous & Unrighteous

Matthew 5: 45

Is pain & suffering God’s punishment for our sin?

Psalm 89: 20-37

“If I have sinned, what have I done to you, O watcher of men? Why have You made me your target? Have I become a burden to you?”

“If I have sinned, what have I done to you, O watcher of men? Why have You made me your target? Have I become a burden to you?”

Job 7: 20

Why do bad things happen to those who love Jesus & to those loved by Jesus?

Is my suffering Is my suffering proportional to my sin?proportional to my sin?

Lamentations 3: 31-33Lamentations 3: 37-40

Psalm 28: 3-4Psalm 94: 1-2Psalm 103: 8-10

Pay ‘em back, God, but….

Wages of sin is….?Suffering?

Does God punish & discipline me?

Hebrews 12: 4-11

What for?

Is all my pain & suffering because of my sin?

John 9: 1-3Luke 13: 1-5John 11

Not “Why?” but rather...

To What End?

“…now I rejoice not because you were pained, but because the pain led you to turn back to God.”

II Corinthians 7: 8-11Complete Jewish Bible

Why won’t God

just heal us?

Philippians 1: 29I Peter 4: 12-19

Do we allow God to use us, however He sees fit, to draw others to Him?

II Corinthians 12: 7-10I Timothy 5: 23II Timothy 4: 20

Isn’t the Bible full of examples of healing?

If God can heal, then why won’t He?

What is my perspective toward suffering?

Do we get what we deserve?

Psalm 53: 1-3

Matthew 19: 16-17

James 2: 10-11

Do we get what we deserve?

Psalm 103: 8-18

Isaiah 53: 4-6I Peter 2: 21-25

What has changedabout God?What has been healed?

Philip Yancey

“Jesus gave God a face, and that face is streaked with tears.”

Psalm 10: 1Psalm 10: 17-18Psalm 22: 24

“Where is God when it hurts?”

Psalm 119: 50

“My comfort in my suffering is this:Your promise preserves my life.”
