Page 1: Psalms for worship 3...Psalms for the Day from Psalms 41 - 70 The Book of Psalms contains wonderful prayers, exalted poems of praise, and deep expressions of longing and distress

THE PSALMS – for WORSHIP Psalms for the Day from Psalms 41 - 70

The Book of Psalms contains wonderful prayers, exalted poems of praise, and deep expressions of longing and distress. No wonder these songs have been included in worship; they give us the words we need as we come into the presence of God. However, usually these psalms are not treated like the other Readings in our worship. The congregation doesn’t just hear the psalm; they take part in an antiphonally reading of it. So the ‘I’ in the psalm now becomes me. The ‘we’ becomes our congregation. The ‘people of God’ becomes the church. The ‘Lord God’ becomes the Triune God as revealed by Jesus. Because these psalms are used this way by a New Testament Christian congregation, I'm presented with some problems. But I don’t want these problems to stop me using these wonderful psalms. I want to be able to get fully involved with them antiphonally. I want them to be my psalms. That’s why I’ve written the following adaptions of them. In doing this I have been mindful of: The antiphonal construction. I’ve taken pains to maintain the parallel repetition that’s such an important part of the poetry of these songs, allowing the psalms to be spoken antiphonally. This allows the pastor and congrega-tion to present the message of the psalm together and to each other. It allows us to proclaim the faith we share. The language and verbal images. It’s difficult to make a psalm mine when it uses words I don’t understand, or images that have no real connection to me. What’s more, I need to understand all this as I’m reading it, right there in the worship service. Although thinking about the meaning of the psalm later might help me next time it crops up in worship. But that doesn’t help to make it a vital part of my worship this time. So I’ve tried to make the language and the images of the psalms relevant to life now. Whether I‘ve done that well, is, of course, another matter. The emotion in the psalm It can be difficult to make a psalm mine when it's expressing a pain, a sorrow, a joyful praise, a confident faith, or some other emotion, that I’m not feeling at the moment. Now, I don’t want to ignore that psalm just because the writer is going through a crisis, a high point, or a life changing moment that’s outside of my experience at the moment. Nor do I want to force other worshippers to take on their lips emotions that they can’t relate to in that time of worship. So for a psalm like that I’ve given a second version called Interacting with the psalm. I’ve adapted the psalm by letting the pastor present its message. He in effect becomes the psalm writer. The congregation’s lines allow them to react to the emotion or the faith expressed in the psalm, as they try to understand it or take it in. Doing that may allow the congregation to discover that perhaps the psalm does speak to them. The setting of the psalm. Some psalms are embedded in a particular event or situation (like the enthronement of a king), or in an Old Testament Jewish practice (like animal sacrifice), or a belief (like God’s permanent choice of them as a nation). These settings for psalms don’t apply in our New Testament faith. So, if I’m going to use these Old Testament psalms they require a re-interpretation that moves them into the closest New Testament setting. The traditional solution of just tacking on the Glory to the Father, and the Son . . . does not, it seems to me, move the psalm into the setting of New Testament faith. I’ve included brief introductory comments for some of the psalms to explain a little about why and how I believe they can be re-interpreted. So that these psalms can be used in personal mediation and prayer, I have made some further minor adaptions to take them out of their worship setting. I have called that series The Psalms for meditation.

Neil Stiller (

2016 (Revised July 2019)

(I imagine revisions will appear every now and then

as ‘field-testing’ demands changes, and as folk like you give me the gift of your

criticism and suggestions.)

I guess I should consider the possibility that you may want to use these versions of the psalms in your worship services. Let me assure you that’s fine with me. Go ahead. You may want me to suggest some words of acknowledgement. So how about: This version of the psalm by Neil Stiller, 2016 –

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P: Congratulations to those who care for the poor and weak; C: the Lord will rescue them when they’re in trouble. P: The Lord will protect them and keep them going; C: and everyone will regard them highly. P: The Lord will be there for them when they’re sick, C: and restore them to health. P: I said, ‘Lord, have mercy on me; C: I’ve sinned against you. But please heal me.’ P: There are some who hate and sneer at me; C: they can’t wait for me to die and be forgotten. P: They visit me, but they don’t mean what they say; C: they put a negative spin on whatever I say, and that’s what they tell everyone. P: They mutter about me to each other, C: and imagine the worst that could happen. P: ‘He’s got this terrible disease,’ they whisper; C: ‘he’s never going to leave hospital.’ P: Even my best friend, the one I trusted above all, has left me high and dry. C: The one to whom I told my inmost thoughts has turned against me. P: But you, my Lord, please have mercy on me; C: restore me to health and strength – that’ll put them in their place! P: They haven’t got the better of me yet; C: and I take that as a sign that you haven’t abandoned me. P: You’ll help me because I’m innocent of their accusations; C: and you’ve given me a place in your presence forever. P: Praise the Lord, all you his people. C: Praise him forever. All: Amen and Amen!

Interacting with the psalm (P facing cong) P: Congratulations to those who care for the poor and weak; the Lord will rescue them

when they’re in trouble. C: It’s good to know that showing love has some benefits. P: The Lord will protect them and keep them going, and everyone will regard them highly. C: I don’t know if that happens all that often. P: The Lord will be there for them when they’re sick, and restore them to health. C: You sound very sure of that. P: Let me tell you what happened to me when I was sick. I asked the Lord for mercy, for

his forgiveness – and for healing. C: And he did it for you? P: Well, it wasn’t as simple as that. You see, there were some who hated me, who

sneered at me; and couldn’t wait for me to die and be forgotten. C: They were really as bad as that? P: They’d visit me, but they didn’t mean what they said. They’d put a negative spin on

whatever I’d say, and then tell everyone what I was supposed to have said. C: That IS a bit nasty. P: They’d mutter about me to each other, and imagine the worst that could happen.

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C: Are you sure about this? P: ‘He’s got this terrible disease,’ they’d whisper, ‘he’s never going to leave hospital.’ C: And it was all untrue? P: Even my best friend, the one I trusted above all, the one I told my inmost thoughts,

turned against me. C: That must have been hard. P: So I prayed passionately to God. C: Good. P: I asked him for mercy, to restore me to health and strength. That would put my so-

called friends in their place! C: That was part of your prayer? P: Of course. I reckoned they hadn’t got the better of me yet, so I took that as a sign that

at least God hadn’t abandoned me. C: I suppose that was good thinking. P: I asked God to help me because I was innocent of their accusations, and because of his

promises to give me a place in his presence forever. C: And then he healed you? P: Yes. So join me in praising the Lord, all you his people. C: We praise him now and forever. Amen.



P: As a deer longs for a drink from a cool stream, C: that’s how I long for you, my God. P: I thirst for you, my living God – C: when can I get back to being in your presence in worship? P: Tears have been my only food day and night, C: while I’m taunted with the question: ‘So where’s this God of yours?’ P: It breaks my heart to remember the good times: C: There I was in the great crowd on the way to worship you. P: I even led the procession into your house of worship, C: We were a jubilant crowd, singing and shouting praise to you.

P: Why am I so far down in the dumps? C: Why so heavy-hearted and sad? P: I can’t let this go on. I‘ll place my hope in God! C: And once again I’ll praise him, my Saviour and my God.

P: When I’m so depressed I make myself remember you, C: I recall all the rescues and victories you’ve given to your people. P: But those memories only become waves that swamped me, C: reminding me of what could be, and of what I’m missing. P: If only a sense of your constant love would fill my days; C: and song-filled prayers to you, the God of my life, would fill my nights. P: I keep on asking you, my God, my protector, ‘Why have you forgotten me? C: Why must I go on suffering this grief from those who ill-treat me?’ P: I feel crushed in body and spirit as they taunt me, C: always demanding: ‘Where’s your God, where’s your God?’

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P: Why am I so far down in the dumps? C: Why so heavy-hearted and sad? P: I can’t let this go on. I‘ll place my hope in God! C: And once again I’ll praise him, my Saviour and my God.

P: Clear my name, God, free me from blame. C: Stand up for me in the face of all these lies and false accusations. P: You promised I could count on you; C: so why are you turning your back on me? P: Why do I have to suffer all this humiliation; C: the insult of these outlandish claims? P: Light up the way for me with your truth; C: show me what to do and where to go. P: Bring me to the place where I can worship you again; C: the place where you’re present for your people. P: There I’ll be able to gather around your altar, and bask in your presence. C: You, my God, you’re my joy and delight. P: There I’ll be able to join in songs of praise to you. C: You are God, my God.

P: Why am I so far down in the dumps? C: Why so heavy-hearted and sad? P: I can’t let this go on. I’ll place my hope in God! C: And once again I’ll praise him, my Saviour and my God.

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P: Clear my name, God, free me from blame. C: Stand up for me in the face of all these lies and false accusations. P: You promised I could count on you; C: so why are you turning your back on me? P: Why do I have to suffer all this humiliation; C: the insult of these outlandish claims? P: Light up the way for me with your truth; C: show me what to do and where to go. P: Bring me to the place where I can worship you again; C: the place where you are present for your people. P: There I’ll be able to gather around your altar, and bask in your presence. C: You, my God, are my joy and delight. P: There I’ll be able to join in songs of praise to you. C: You are God, my God.

P: Why am I so far down in the dumps? C: Why so heavy-hearted and sad? P: I can’t let this go on. I’ll place my hope in God! C: And once again I’ll praise him, my Saviour and my God.

Interacting with the psalm (P facing altar) P: Clear my name, God, free me from blame. Stand up for me in the face of all these lies

and false accusations.

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C: I wonder what’s going on. P: You promised I could count on you, so why are you turning your back on me? C: It’s not good when it seems God isn’t listening. P: Why do I have to suffer all this humiliation, the insult of all these outlandish claims? C: At least he’s telling God all about it. P: Light up the way for me with your truth, God, show me what to do and where to go. C: Now he’s thinking about what God could do for him. P: Bring me to the place where I can worship you again, the place where you’re present for

your people. C: And especially about God’s promises to be there for his people. P: There I’ll be able to gather around your altar, and bask in your presence. You, my God,

are my joy and delight. C: He looks forward to a brighter future now. P: There I’ll be able to join in songs of praise to you. You are God, my God. C: And he’s not blaming God any more.

P: Why am I so far down in the dumps? Why so heavy-hearted and sad? C: He’s back thinking about himself again. P: I can’t let this go on. C: That sounds good. P: I’ll place my hope in you, God! And once again I’ll praise you, my Saviour and my God. C: Yes! And we praise you too, our God!



This Psalm is a wedding song for one of Israel’s kings. And I guess it would have been used for other kings who followed, too. I wonder what the writers would have written if they had known about the King of kings, Jesus. That’s who needs to be addressed, if we’re going to use this song in our New Testament worship. MAYBE they’d have written something like this:

P: Words fill my mind, words for a song to honour the King, C: the time has come for my tongue to give birth to it.

P: No one, my King, is more regal than you, C: there’s no one who speaks the Word of God better than you. All: And your Father has blessed you in so many ways. P: You rule over a kingdom, given to you by God, C: which will last forever. P: You exercise your power with justice and fairness. C: You uphold what’s right, and you lovingly correct what’s wrong. P: That’s why your Father has given you a glory no other human has, C: giving you the title ‘Son of God’ even before your birth. P: Precious perfumes were given to you after your birth, C: wise men from the East came to worship you. P: Your clothes sparkled with water-drops at your baptism, C: and shone like the sun at your transfiguration. P: You prayed ‘forgive them’ while wearing your crown of thorns, C: and pronounced ‘peace’ at your glorious resurrection appearances.

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See the comment above (on Ps.45:1-2, 6-9). This part of the psalm addresses the bride. So as we use it today it should focus our attention on Christ’s New Testament Bride, the church.

P: Listen, Bride of Christ, listen to me: C: Renounce the sin-family into which you were born. P: The King’s forgiveness has given you a new life, C: he’s rescued you, giving you life in the eternal Kingdom of God. P: Now you have an inheritance no one on earth can match, C: treasures beyond the imagination of those living on this earth. P: Deck yourself in the gowns of mercy and love, C: put on the robes of joy and harmony. P: Rejoice as you are led up the aisle, C: and you make your promises to each other. P: Enjoy the wonder of your future life with the King, C: as he brings you into his home, his eternal home. P: You, Christ, my King, will have your home full of princes and princesses. C: Your Bride will baptize countless sons and daughters into your kingdom. P: Their lives of joy and praise on earth will give them just a small taste C: of the eternal joy and praise of life with their merciful and gracious God.



P: God is our place of refuge, our tower of strength; C: he’s always ready to help when we need him. P: Therefore we have no need to fear; C: even if the earth shakes around us; P: even if the mountains fall into the sea; C: even if earthquakes and tsunamis roar with rage. P: There’s a river whose waters bring joy to the city of God, C: to the sacred home of the almighty and holy God. P: God lives there and keeps it safe and secure; C: he’s a watchman who can’t be caught unawares. P: Nations may be in turmoil, and governments may be panic-stricken; C: but when God speaks, the chaos comes to an end. P: The Lord, the Almighty Lord, is with us; C: he’s the place of refuge for his people. P: Just look at what the Lord has done; C: see the amazing things he does on the earth. P: He brings wars to an end all over the earth; C: he destroys weapons everywhere. P: ‘Calm down!’ he says, ‘you’re forgetting that I am God; C: I’m Lord over all nations, I have supreme power on this earth.’

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P: The Lord, the Almighty Lord, is with us; C: he’s the place of refuge for his people.

Interacting with the psalm (P facing cong) P: God is our place of refuge, our tower of strength, he’s always ready to help when we

need him. C: There are certainly times when I need his help. P: Therefore we have no need to fear, even if the earth shakes around us. C: I think I’d still be pretty scared. P: And even if the mountains fall into the sea, and earthquakes and tsunamis roar with

rage. C: How do you get rid of fear when something like that happens? P: There’s a calm-flowing river whose waters bring joy to the city of God, the sacred home

of the almighty and holy God. C: That would be a great place to live. P: God lives there and keeps it safe and secure, he’s a watchman who can’t be caught

unawares. C: In a place like that there’d be no fear. P: Nations may be in turmoil, and governments may be panic-stricken, but when God

speaks the chaos comes to an end. C: So where God is, there’s peace. P: The Lord, the Almighty Lord, is with us; he’s the place of refuge for his people. C: Well, since we’re his people, we must be living in his city! P: Just look at what the Lord has done; see the amazing things he does on the earth. C: I don’t think I’m very good at being aware of what he’s doing. P: He brings wars to an end all over the earth, he destroys weapons everywhere. C: I’m sure he can, but I don’t really see that happening at the moment. P: ‘Calm down!’ he says, ‘you’re forgetting that I am God. I’m Lord over all nations, I have

supreme power on this earth.’ C: I sometimes wish he’d use his power more. P: The Lord, the Almighty Lord, is with us; he’s the place of refuge for his people. C: Well, since he’s with us, we must be living in his city of peace! All: The Lord, the Almighty Lord, is with us; he’s the place of refuge for his people.



This is one of those psalms whose purpose in Old Testament worship has been changed by the coming of Jesus to this world. For the Jews it expressed their thanks for the political victory God had given them as a nation. Jesus came to proclaim an end to the political aspirations of their nation, and to point to himself as their God-King. I’ve let the references to God’s people apply to the church, and references to the king apply to Jesus.

P: Join in the applause, all you people! C: Loudly cheer in praise of God! P: The Lord Jesus, the Most High God, is awesome;

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C: he’s the great King ruling over the whole world. P: He gives his people victory over all other powers, C: enabling us to live victoriously with him. P: He prepares an eternal home for us; C: he chooses us as his beloved people. P: See, he approaches his exalted throne as shouts of joy ring out; C: and trumpets blast in honour of the Lord. P: Sing praise to God, sing praises. C: Sing praise to our King, sing praises. P: Jesus is king over all people; C: sing praises to him! P: See, Jesus our King is sitting on his sacred throne; C: ruling supreme. P: People from all nations assemble as his chosen and redeemed people. C: He’s the one with supreme power.

Interacting with the psalm (P facing cong) P: Join in the applause, all you nations! Loudly cheer in praise of God! C: Why, what’s going on? P: The Lord Jesus, the Most High God, is awesome. He’s the great King ruling over the

whole world. C: Is this is all in honour of Jesus? P: Yes. He gives his people victory over all other powers, enabling us to live victoriously

with him. C: Even over the powers of sin and death? P: He prepares an eternal home for us, he chooses us as his beloved people. C: I can see why praise is called for. P: See, he approaches his exalted throne as shouts of joy ring out. C: I can imagine the trumpets blasting in his honour. P: Sing praise to God, sing praises. Sing praise to our King. C: I can imagine everyone making a great noise. P: See, Jesus our King is sitting on his sacred throne, ruling supreme. C: Yes, in my mind I can see him there in the place of honour. P: People from all nations are assembled as his chosen and redeemed people. C: There he is. Jesus is the one with supreme power.



This psalm expresses delight in the temple in Jerusalem, the house of worship for God’s Old Testament people. It can be re-interpreted to express God’s New Testament people’s delight in their place of worship.

P: The Lord is great; he deserves the highest praise. C: He’s holy; in his house of worship we gather to offer this praise. P: Outside his house of worship draws our attention to the presence of the Almighty God; C: inside it points to the remarkable gifts and blessings he gives.

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P: When his people gather together for worship, C: they’re awestruck by the mercy and love of our God. P: He comes to them in all their fears and troubles and doubts, C: he brings them peace and pardon and new life. P: They hear his promises for their life now, and for their future; C: they thank and praise him for keeping his promises. P: Inside his house they’re overwhelmed by his love, C: he gives them power to reveal and live that love in their lives. P: They want people everywhere to know the grace of God, C: and to praise him for the salvation he gives. P: May God’s people be joyful for his gifts of grace, C: may all people everywhere be grateful for his love. P: People of God, be familiar with the architecture of your church building, C: listen to the message of its windows and furniture and symbols. P: Tell the next generation, ‘This is what our place of worship proclaims about our God, C: the eternal God who’ll always care for us.’



P: Pay attention, everyone, wherever you may live; C: whether you’re powerful or lowly, rich or poor. P: I’ve got some words of wisdom for you; C: some advice I’ve thought about for a long time. P: It could well become a popular saying; C: even a catchphrase that’s put to music! 😊 P: Why should I fear when troubles come? C: Or when I feel all alone and helpless? P: Or when rich people look down on me? C: Or when those who trust in their wealth throw off at my faith in God? P: Look, no matter how much wealth a person may amass C: it can never come anywhere near the value of the life you’ve been given – even

the value of a poor person’s life. P: No matter how much wealth a person may amass C: it will never come with a guarantee against dying. P: We all know that even the brightest people die; C: they face death along with everybody else. All: Whatever wealth they had is left to others. P: They get a new home – their grave; C: their place of residence becomes a cemetery; All: even though they once prided themselves in the property they owned. P: Despite our wealth, we remain mortal, we go the way of all flesh. C: We die and can take nothing with us.

Interacting with the psalm (P facing cong) P: Pay attention, everyone, wherever you may live, whether you’re powerful or lowly, rich

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or poor. C: Okay we’re listening. P: I’ve got some words of wisdom for you, some advice I’ve thought about for a long time. C: And you reckon we need to know about it? P: It could well become a popular saying – even a catchphrase that’s put to music! 😊 C: Just tell us what it is!

P: I often wondered why I was so fearful of troubles, and felt so alone and helpless. C: And you’ve worked it out? P: Especially when rich people looked down on me, and when those who trusted in their

wealth threw off at my faith in God C: So, you know how to live with poverty! P: No, with rich people. Look, no matter how much wealth a person may amass it can

never come anywhere near the value of the life you’ve been given – or even of a poor person’s life.

C: You’re telling us that life itself is a treasure far greater than riches? P: AND, no matter how much wealth a person may amass it never comes with a guarantee

against dying. C: Death does ruin the treasure of riches. P: We all know that even the richest and brightest people die, they face death along with

everybody else C: And all their wealth has to be left to others. P: They get a new home – their grave. Their place of residence becomes a cemetery. C: So it’s goodbye to the great homes in which they once lived. P: So my conclusion is this: Despite our wealth, we remain mortal, we go the way of all

flesh. We die and can take nothing with us. C: And that’s supposed to be good news? P: Well, it helps me to cope with my lack of riches, and to enjoy all the other treasures I




In this Psalm God’s Old Testament people are rebuked for their unfaithfulness to God, particularly their failure to accompany their sacrifice of animals with obedience and thanksgiving. Using this psalm in our New Testament worship (where animal sacrifices no longer take place) means that some adjustment, or re-application, is needed. Then his New Testament people may better understand the rebuke God is making.

P: Whenever God, the Almighty Lord, speaks C: he calls all people everywhere to pay attention. P: When he steps out of his usual concealment in invisibility C: he reveals himself in awesome splendour. P: Our God comes to us, his people, and he has plenty to say. C: His face is blazing, his expression like a storm cloud. P: He appoints heaven and earth as his witnesses C: as he brings his people to court. P: ‘Gather together my people of faith,’ he says,

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C: ‘those who made a solemn promise to live within the promises I made to them.’ P: The heavens give witness that God is true to his promises; C: he’s the God of justice.

Interacting with the psalm (P facing cong) P: Whenever God, the Almighty Lord, speaks he calls all people everywhere to pay

attention. C: Well, he’s God after all. P: When he steps out of his usual concealment in invisibility he reveals himself in

awesome splendour. C: That would be something to see! P: Our God comes to us, his people, and he has plenty to say. C: I don’t like the sound of that. P: His face is blazing, his expression like a storm cloud. C: I think we’re in trouble. P: He appoints heaven and earth as his witnesses as he brings his people to court. C: What does he have against us? P: ‘Gather together my people of faith,’ he says. C: So it’s something to do with our faith life. P: ‘You made a solemn promise to live within the promises I made to you.’ C: And we haven’t kept those promises, have we? P: The heavens give witness that God is true to his promises; he’s the God of justice. C: Lord, have mercy on us.

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See the comment for Psalm 50:1-6.

P: Whenever God, the Almighty Lord, speaks C: he calls all people everywhere to pay attention. P: When he steps out of his usual concealment in invisibility C: he reveals himself in awesome splendour. P: Our God comes to us, his people, and he has plenty to say. C: His face is blazing, his expression like a storm cloud. P: He appoints heaven and earth as his witnesses C: as he brings his people to court. P: ‘Gather together my people of faith,’ he says, C: ‘those who made a solemn promise to live within the promises I made to them.’ P: The heavens give witness that God is true to his promises; C: he’s the God of justice. P: ‘Listen, my people, as I have my say; for I am God. C: Listen to the charge I lay against you; for I’m your God. P: I’m not putting you on trial because of the personal sacrifices you make for me; C: I know what you forgo because of your devotion for me. P: Your personal sacrifices show your devotion to me C: and open your heart to my gift of salvation.’

Interacting with the psalm (P facing cong)

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P: Whenever God, the Almighty Lord, speaks he calls all people everywhere to pay attention.

C: Well, he’s God after all. P: When he steps out of his usual concealment in invisibility he reveals himself in

awesome splendour. C: That would be something to see! P: Our God comes to us, his people, and he has plenty to say. C: I don’t like the sound of that. P: His face is blazing, his expression like a storm cloud. C: I think we’re in trouble. P: He appoints heaven and earth as his witnesses as he brings his people to court. C: What does he have against us? P: ‘Gather together my people of faith,’ he says. C: So it’s something to do with our faith life. P: ‘You made a solemn promise to live within the promises I made to you.’ C: And we haven’t kept those promises, have we? P: The heavens give witness that God is true to his promises; he’s the God of justice. C: Lord, have mercy on us. P: ‘Listen, my people, as I have my say; for I am God. C: I don’t like the sound of that. P: Listen to the charge I lay against you; for I’m your God. C: What do you have against us? P: I’m not putting you on trial because of the personal sacrifices you make for me. C: That’s good to know. P: I’m quite aware of what you forgo because of your devotion for me. C: I’m probably not doing enough for you. P: Your personal sacrifices show your devotion to me and open your heart to my gift of

salvation. C: Please keep reminding me, then, of the benefits of obeying you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


See the comment for Psalm 50:1-6.

P: Listen, my people, as I have my say; for I am God. C: Listen to the charge I lay against you; for I’m your God. P: I’m not putting you on trial because of the personal sacrifices you make for me; C: I know what you forgo because of your devotion for me. P: Yet I have no need of the personal sacrifices you make. C: I’ve no need of your actions of obedience that cost you so much. P: My love for you is unconditional; C: You don’t need to try to make me love you. P: It’s for your own sake that you make personal sacrifices. C: It’s for your own benefit that you bear the cost of obeying me. P: The ‘sacrifice’ I look for is the offering of thanks for the mercy I give you; C: and a life that shows you believe the promises I make to you. P: The ‘sacrifice’ I look for is you calling on me whenever trouble comes; C: and giving me praise when I bring you rescue.

Interacting with the psalm

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Page ! 13(P facing cong) P: Listen, my people, as I have my say; for I am God. C: I don’t like the sound of that. P: Listen to the charge I lay against you; for I’m your God. C: What do you have against us? P: I’m not putting you on trial because of the personal sacrifices you make for me. C: That’s good to know. P: I’m quite aware of what you forgo because of your devotion for me. C: I’m probably not doing enough for you. P: But look, I have no need of the personal sacrifices you make, your actions of obedience

that cost you so much. C: You don’t? P: No, my love for you is unconditional. You don’t need to try to make me love you. C: So I can forget about making personal sacrifices for you? P: Oh no! It’s for your own sake that you make personal sacrifices. C: They’re not for you, but for me? P: It’s for your own benefit that you bear the cost of obeying me. C: They must help my faith to grow stronger. P: What I want to say is this: The ‘sacrifice’ I do look for is the offering of thanks for the

mercy I give you. C: I don’t do that very well, I know. C: And a life that shows you believe the promises I make to you. C: Yes, I’m guilty of not doing that too. P: The ‘sacrifice’ I look for is you calling on me whenever trouble comes. C: Instead of me trying to manage on my own, I suppose. P: And then giving me praise when I bring you rescue. C: I’ll try to work on that. And thanks for confronting me like this.



P: Your love is constant, God – please have mercy on me. C: Your compassion is boundless – please wipe away my sin. P: Wash away all my wrongdoing; C: cleanse me from all my wickedness. P: I know I’ve been disobedient; C: and the guilt never seems to go away. P: You’re the one against whom I’ve sinned; C: you’re the one from whom I’ve strayed. P: So you’re right in condemning me; C: you’re completely justified in finding me guilty. P: In fact, I’ve been sinful my whole life; C: I’ve been sinful ever since my life began. P: What you want from me is faithfulness to you, a deep inner faithfulness; C: so come into my heart and give me that loyalty. P: Use your detergent on me to make me clean; C: use your washing powder to make me whiter than snow. P: Let me experience joy and gladness once again;

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C: let my crushed spirit be overwhelmed by rejoicing. P: Turn your attention away from my sin; C: and wash away all my wrongdoing. P: Create in me a new pure heart, God; C: and give me a new inner spirit of faithfulness to you.

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P: Your love is constant, God – please have mercy on me. C: Your compassion is boundless – please wipe away my sin. P: Wash away all my wrongdoing; C: cleanse me from all my wickedness. P: I know I’ve been disobedient; C: and the guilt never seems to go away. P: You’re the one against whom I’ve sinned; C: you’re the one from whom I’ve strayed. P: So you’re right in condemning me; C: you’re completely justified in finding me guilty. P: In fact, I’ve been sinful my whole life; C: I’ve been sinful ever since my life began. P: What you want from me is faithfulness to you, a deep inner faithfulness; C: so come into my heart and give me that loyalty. P: Use your detergent on me to make me clean; C: use your washing powder to make me whiter than snow. P: Let me experience joy and gladness once again; C: let my crushed spirit be overwhelmed by rejoicing. P: Turn your attention away from my sin; C: and wash away all my wrongdoing. P: Create in me a new pure heart, God; C: and give me a new inner spirit of faithfulness to you. P: Don’t throw me out of your presence; C: or take your Holy Spirit from me. P: Give me once again the joy that your salvation brings; C: and nourish me with a willingness to obey you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


P: Your love is constant, God – please have mercy on me. C: Your compassion is boundless – please wipe away my sin. P: Wash away all my wrongdoing; C: cleanse me from all my wickedness. P: I know I’ve been disobedient; C: and the guilt never seems to go away. P: You’re the one against whom I’ve sinned; C: you’re the one from whom I’ve strayed. P: So you’re right in condemning me; C: you’re completely justified in finding me guilty.

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P: In fact, I’ve been sinful my whole life; C: I’ve been sinful ever since my life began. P: What you want from me is faithfulness to you, a deep inner faithfulness; C: so come into my heart and give me that loyalty. P: Use your detergent on me to make me clean; C: use your washing powder to make me whiter than snow. P: Let me experience joy and gladness once again; C: let my crushed spirit be overwhelmed by rejoicing. P: Turn your attention away from my sin; C: and wash away all my wrongdoing. P: Create in me a new pure heart, God; C: and give me a new inner spirit of faithfulness to you. P: Don’t throw me out of your presence; C: or take your Holy Spirit from me. P: Give me once again the joy that your salvation brings; C: and nourish me with a willingness to obey you. P: Then I‘ll teach the ungodly all about you C: in the hope that they’ll turn back to you. P: Spare my life, my Saviour and my God, so I can proclaim your goodness. C: Unbutton my lips so I can praise you. P: The sacrifice I want to offer you, my God, is a broken spirit; C: and you won’t turn away from a broken and repentant heart.



The heading to this psalm explains that this is David’s reaction to an act of betrayal by Deog. I can imagine that a person suffering at the hands of a betrayer may be happy to use this psalm. But for a worshiping congregation to use it? When would a whole congregation feel betrayed? But perhaps the Interacting with the Psalm version below may be usable.

P: You, Mr. High and Mighty, why do you brag of doing evil? C: What must God think of you? P: You plot other people’s ruin with your razor-sharp tongue; C: you use lies as your deceitful tool. P: You love evil more than good, lies more than truth; C: using words to hurt people – that’s the way you operate. P: But God will cut you down to size, C: he’ll pull you out, roots and all. P: Those who do right will see this and be awestruck, C: they’ll laugh at you and say: P: ‘Look at Mr. High and Mighty now - so much for his wealth and evil ways. C: That’s what you get when you fail to trust in God.’

P: But I’m like a tree growing in the house of God, C: I trust him and his constant love, and I always will. P: I praise you, God, for everything you do for me; C: together with all your faithful people I thank you for your goodness.

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Interacting with the psalm (P facing cong) P: You, Mr. High and Mighty, why do you brag of doing evil? C: Wait a bit. . . Who are you talking about? P: Oh, sorry. Mr. High and Mighty has just betrayed me. And I need to express to my

anger. C: Alright. Go ahead. C: What must God think of you? You plot other people’s ruin with your razor-sharp tongue;

you use lies as your deceitful tool. C: You’ve really got it in for him. P: You love evil more than good, lies more than truth. You use words to hurt people.

That’s the way you operate. C: And he’s deeply hurt you. P: But God will cut you down to size, he’ll pull you out, roots and all. Those who do right

will see this, and be awestruck. They’ll laugh at you and say: ‘Look at Mr. High and Mighty now – so much for his wealth and evil ways. That’s what you get when you fail to trust in God.’

C: You expect God will put him in his place? P: I know he will. But I’m like a tree growing in the house of God. I trust him and his

constant love, and I always will. C: You don’t intend to resort to his tactics. P: Instead I praise you, God, for everything you do for me. Together with all your faithful

people I thank you for your goodness. C: Yes, Lord, thanks for your goodness to all of us.


53 See PSALM 14



P: Rescue me, God, with your power; C: use your authority to bring me justice. P: Hear my prayer, God; C: please listen to my request. P: Men who are too big for their boots are out to get me; C: caring nothing for God they relentlessly seek my death. P: But God’s my helper; C: my Lord protects me. P: He’ll cause their evil plans to backfire; C: his faithfulness to me means they’ll come to grief. P: Ah, I worship you, my Lord! C: Thank you for your goodness!

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P: You’ve rescued me from all troubles – C: you’ve given me the victory.

Interacting with the psalm (P facing altar) P: Rescue me, God, with your power, use your authority to bring me justice. C: It sounds like he’s in real trouble. P: Hear my prayer, God, please listen to my request. C: What’s gone wrong? (P facing cong) P: Well, people who are too big for their boots are out to get me; caring nothing for God

they relentlessly seek my death. C: That doesn’t sound good. P: But wait a minute, God’s my helper. My Lord protects me. C: Yes, you can’t forget that. P: So he’ll cause their evil plans to backfire; his faithfulness to me means they’ll come to

grief. C: Well, that could happen. (P facing altar) P: Ah, I worship you, my Lord! Thank you for your goodness! C: God has stepped in. P: You’ve rescued me from all troubles – you’ve given me the victory. C: Yes, give him praise!



P: Confidently I depend on God, on God alone. C: He gives me hope. P: He’s the one who protects and saves me. C: He’s my defender, he keeps me safe. P: I rely on God to give me rescue and dignity; C: so great is the protection and security he provides. P: You too, my fellow believers, always put your trust in God. C: Pour out your heart to him, he really cares for you. P: Don’t pin your hopes on human beings, they’re just air, just empty talk. C: Rich or poor, strong or weak, they’re all the same. P: Try to weigh them, and they won’t even register on the scales; C: Weigh all of them together, still they’re no heavier than the air they speak. P: Don’t pin your hopes on get-rich-quick schemes. C: Never set your heart on riches. P: More than once I’ve heard God say that power belongs to him; C: and that his love is constant and dependable. P: He rewards everyone according to their deeds. C: So depending on luck is really foolish.

Interacting with the psalm (P facing cong)

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P: Confidently I depend on God, on God alone. He gives me hope. C: Isn’t it hard to rely only on him? P: He’s the one who protects and saves me. He’s my defender, he keeps me safe. C: But don’t you need to trust other things too? P: I rely on God to give me rescue and dignity, so great is the protection and security he

provides. C: I admire your trust in God. P: You too, my fellow believers, always put your trust in God. C: Well, I try to. P: Pour out your heart to him, he really cares for you. C: Yes, it’s great to know of his care. P: But don’t pin your hopes on human beings, they’re just air, just empty talk. C: All of them? P: Rich or poor, strong or weak, they’re all the same. C: But . . . P: Look, try to weigh them, they won’t even register on the scales. Weigh all of them

together, still they’re no heavier than the air they speak. C: Okay, I know I have to be wary about trusting others. Is that what you’re saying? P: Yes. Be very wary. And don’t pin your hopes on get-rich-quick schemes. Never set

your heart on riches. C: I’ll try. P: More than once I’ve heard God say that power belongs to him, and that his love is

constant and dependable. C: So it’s wise to trust the one who has all power and at the same time such great

love. P: That’s right. And he rewards everyone according to their deeds. C: That means depending on luck is really foolish. Instead, rely on God.



P: God, you are my God, C: But I need – I’m searching for – a sense of your presence. P: It’s as though I’m lost, all alone in the middle of a desert; C: I’m affected by the heat, my lips are cracked, I’m longing for water, for rescue. P: Only you can quench my thirst; C: only you can satisfy my longing. P: I come into your presence in worship, and I’m confronted by your love; C: I catch a glimpse of your might and splendour. P: Your unceasing love for me is better than life itself; C: your love makes praise flow from my lips. P: I’ll praise you as long as I live; C: applauding you, and giving you the honour you deserve. P: You satisfy me better than a sumptuous banquet. C: I can’t stop singing and shouting in praise. P: When I can’t sleep at night I think of you. C: I remember you, and meditate on your love. P: You’re my help,

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C: with your protective wings around me I sing for joy. P: I hold on to you. C: You won’t let me go.

Interacting with the psalm (P facing altar) P: God, you are my God; but I need – I’m searching for – a sense of your presence. C: I sometimes feel like that. P: It’s as though I’m lost, all alone in the middle of a desert. C: I don’t think it gets as serious as that for me. P: I’m affected by the heat, my lips are cracked, I’m longing for water, for rescue. C: I’d hate to go through something like that. P: Only you, my God, can quench my thirst; only you can satisfy my longing. C: So what do you do when your longing gets that bad? (P facing cong) P: I come into God’s presence in worship; there I’m confronted by the might and splendour

of his love. C: What, every time you worship? P: I realize that his unceasing love for me is better than life itself. C: Wow! P: So I’ll praise him as long as I live, giving him the honour he deserves. C: I think I can understand why you’d want to do that. P: He satisfies me better than a full stomach after a sumptuous banquet. I can’t stop

singing and shouting in praise. C: I sometime wish my worship would do that for me. (P facing altar) P: When I can’t sleep at night, my God, I’ll think of you, and meditate on your love. C: Maybe that’s what I should do too. P: You’re my help, with your protective wings around me I sing for joy. C: I like your picture of God – a hen with protective wings! All: I hold on to you. You won’t let me go.



P: God, it’s right for us to gather in worship to praise you. C: It’s right that we keep our promises to you; for you answer our prayers. All: You use us to attract people everywhere to come to you. P: When we’re overwhelmed by our sins; C: you forgive us. P: How blest are those you choose as your people. C: You choose us and bless us with the privilege of being your people. P: You answer our prayers, our Saviour, with awesome and wonderful actions. C: You give hope to people living all over the world. P: You set the mighty mountains in place; C: demonstrating your almighty power. P: You calm the roaring of waves and sea; C: and even uproar between nations.

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P: All those who live on earth stand in awe of the marvelous things you do; C: night and day their shouts of joy ring out to you. P: You care for the earth by sending rain and making it fertile. C: You fill streams with water to irrigate crops. P: Your rain drenches the fields and paddocks; C: softening the soil and causing plants to grow. P: You provide a rich harvest, C: truck-loads of produce and food. P: Pastures and grasslands teem with animals, C: valleys are clothed with grain, hills are clothed with joy. All: Everywhere the earth sings and shouts for joy.



P: Come on everyone, joyfully shout your praise to God! C: Proclaim his greatness, offer him awesome praise. P: Join me in telling God, ‘What awesome things you do. C: Your power is so great that even unbelievers are afraid of your actions. P: Everyone on earth worships you, C: they sing their praises to you, they praise your greatness.’ P: Just look at what God has done, C: his wonderful actions for the benefit of us humans. P: He turned the sea into dry land, C: so a whole nation could walk across. All: There’s a good reason for joyfully praising him! P: Constantly he uses his power to govern the earth, C: he keeps his eye on the nations. All: Let the rebellious beware. P: Praise our God, all people. C: Let’s hear the noise of your praise. P: He’s kept us alive. C: He keeps us on our feet.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


P: Come on everyone, joyfully shout your praise to God! C: Proclaim his greatness, offer him awesome praise. P: Join me in telling God, ‘What awesome things you do. C: Your power is so great that even unbelievers are afraid of your actions. P: Everyone on earth worships you, C: they sing their praises to you, they praise your greatness.’ P: Just look at what God has done, C: his wonderful actions for the benefit of us humans. P: He turned the sea into dry land, C: so a whole nation could walk across.

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All: There’s a good reason for joyfully praising him! P: Constantly he uses his power to govern the earth, C: he keeps his eye on the nations. All: Let the rebellious beware. P: Praise our God, all people. C: Let’s hear the noise of your praise. P: He’s kept us alive. C: He keeps us on our feet. P: Of course, God, you make demands on your people, C: you purify them, as though you’re refining silver. P: You let them get into dangerous and tricky situations, C: you let them bear heavy burdens. P: You let people ride roughshod over them, C: you let them go through hell and back. All: But then you bring them to a place of lavish abundance.

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For our use of this part of the psalm (as God’s New Testament people) I have re-interpreted the reference to offering sacrifices, replacing it with the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

P: Praise our God, all people. C: Let’s hear the noise of your praise. P: He’s kept us alive. C: He keeps us on our feet. P: Of course, God, you make demands on your people, C: you purify them, as though you’re refining silver. P: You let them get into dangerous and tricky situations, C: you let them bear heavy burdens. P: You let people ride roughshod over them, C: you let them go through hell and back. All: But then you bring them to a place of lavish abundance. P: So I look forward to joining in our congregational worship of you, C: and seeking your help in keeping all the promises I made to you when I was in

trouble. P: I’ll celebrate the sacrifice your Son made for me, C: and seek your power for living a life of service. P: Listen to me, all you who serve God, C: while I tell you what he’s done for me. P: I cried out to him, C: and offered him praise. P: If I’d been unwilling to confess the sin deep within me, C: the Lord wouldn’t have listened to me. P: But he certainly did listen, C: he heard my prayer. P: Praise be to God. He didn’t reject my prayer, C: or hold back his constant love from me.


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P: God, be gracious to us and bless us. C: Make your face shine on us. P: Then the whole world may come to know you, God, C: all people will know your salvation. P: All people will praise you, God, C: Everyone will praise you. P: Then the nations will be glad and sing for joy, C: for they’ll know you rule over all people with justice and wisdom. P: All people will praise you, God, C: Everyone will praise you. P: The land has yielded its harvest; C: God, our God, has blessed us. P: God will continue to bless us, C: so all people everywhere will worship him.


68 PSALM 68:1-10, 32-35 A PSALM OF PRAISE

P: If only God would do something to get rid of all the ungodly people. C: If only he’d make them completely disappear, gone forever. P: But despite their presence, believers can still be glad and rejoice in his presence, C: they can still be joyful and happy. P: So, come on, sing praises to him. C: Go wild about him coming to be with us; P: Rejoice in his presence – C: he’s the Lord! P: He who lives in his place of holiness and sacredness C: lovingly cares for orphans and widows. P: He gives the lonely a home, and leads prisoners to joyful freedom. C: But leaves the rebellious in their desolation. P: When you, God, led your people long ago - C: as you walked with them through the wilderness, P: the earth shook, the heavens poured down rain, C: because you, the God of Sinai, the God of Israel - you were there. P: Then when they came to their promised land you gave rain in abundance C: you restored their dry inheritance. P: Your people made their home there C: and in your goodness, God, you provided for the needy. P: Sing to God, all you kingdoms on earth, C: sing praise to the Lord. P: He dwells above the highest heaven

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C: and thunders with a mighty voice. P: Proclaim the mighty power of God, C: who rules over his people, and exercises authority from the heavens. P: How awesome is the holy God, C: he gives strength and power to his people. All: Praise God!


69 PSALM 69:7-10 (11-15) 16-18 A PRAYER FOR IMMEDIATE HELP

P: My God, I endure so much because I serve you. C: People sneer at me so much I’m ashamed to show my face. P: My family doesn’t want to know me, C: my brothers and sisters won’t even acknowledge me. P: Because I’m so passionate about my relationship with you, C: when I hear people insulting you it feels as though they’re insulting me. P: When I devote myself to prayer and fasting, C: they make me the butt of their jokes.

(Optional verses) P: When I express any sorrow for my sin C: they laugh at me. P: When I go shopping everyone talks about me, C: the town drunks even make up songs about me. P: But I keep praying to you, my Lord, C: waiting for you to show me mercy. P: Because of your great love, answer me. C: Keep your promises, and rescue me. P: Don’t let me sink in the mud; C: don’t let me drown under all the hate that comes at me. P: Don’t let me be engulfed by their flood waters of hate; C: don’t let me be swallowed up in their deadly currents.

P: Answer me, Lord, out of the goodness of your heart, C: please show me mercy, turn to me. P: Don’t turn your back on your devoted servant, C: I’m really in trouble, and I need you to act quickly. P: Come to me. Rescue me. C: I really can’t put up with all of this any longer.

Interacting with the psalm (P facing altar) P: My God, I endure so much because I serve you. C: I wonder what it is he has to endure. P: People sneer at me so much I’m ashamed to show my face. C: That would be hard. P: My family doesn’t want to know me, my brothers and sisters won’t even acknowledge

me. C: So it’s become quite a personal thing.

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P: It’s because I’m so passionate about my relationship with you, Lord. C: That would even make it worse. P: When I hear people insulting you it feels as though they’re insulting me. C: He’s really taking it to heart. P: When I devote myself to prayer and fasting they make me the butt of their jokes. C: Maybe he should lighten up a bit.

(Optional verses) P: When I express any sorrow for my sin they laugh at me. When I go shopping everyone

talks about me. The town drunks even make up songs about me. C: I’d hate to have such constant abuse. P: But I keep praying to you, my Lord, waiting for you to show me mercy. C: I guess it’s good he’s telling God all about it. P: Because of your great love, answer me. Keep your promises, and rescue me. C: That’s it! Be persistent. P: Don’t let me sink in the mud, and be drowned under all the hate that comes at me.

Don’t let me be engulfed by their flood waters of hate, or swallowed up in their deadly currents.

C: Perhaps he’s laying it on a bit thick now. But if that’s how he feels . . .

P: Answer me, Lord, out of the goodness of your heart, please show me mercy, turn to me. C: Appealing to God’s mercy, that’s good. P: Don’t turn your back on your devoted servant, I’m really in trouble, I need you to act

quickly. C: I like his boldness. P: Come to me. Rescue me. I really can’t put up with all of this any longer. C: How can God fail to answer a prayer like that?



P: Quickly, God, come and save me. C: Please hurry, my Lord, and give me help. P: May those who seek my death find their own lives in danger, C: may those who want to see me ruined be discredited themselves. P: May all those who jeer at me become ashamed of their actions, C: and leave me alone. P: However, may all those who want to get closer to you C: be granted the freedom to rejoice and revel in your presence. P: May those who long for your actions of gracious rescue C: always find themselves at the receiving end saying ‘God is great’. P: But remember, here I am, poor and needy; C: come to me quickly, God. P: I depend on you for help. And you’re my Saviour. C: Lord, come now.
