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PAPER 1(Distributed April


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Flashcards: The Background to the Crisis

Who ruled Cuba before Castro? Batista, an army officer, who had seized power with the help of the USA

Why was Batista so unpopular? He allowed US companies to control much of Cuba’s industry and agriculture; there was little reform for much of Cuba’s population who remained very poor

What reforms were introduced after Castro overthrew Batista in 1959?

Castro worked to end corruption in government and improve the conditions of agricultural and industrial workers

Why did the USA grow increasingly concerned by Castro’s reforms?

Castro began appointing communists to his government and signed a trade agreement with the USSR in which Cuban sugar would be swapped for machinery, oil and economic aid (and conventional weapons such as machine guns)

How did the USA react? In January 1960 the USA stopped buying Cuban sugar, and then banned all trade with Cuba; by January 1961 the USA stopped all diplomatic relations with Cuba

What effect did these reactions have?

This pushed Castro closer to the USSR – they now planned something far more drastic, the Bay of Pigs Invasion

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What was the Bay of Pigs Invasion? This was to be led by Cuban exiles, living in Florida; the plan was supported by JFK. Weapons, training and transport were provided by the CIA. The exiles hoped to establish a base for guerrilla activities against Castro and were confident that the Cuban people would support them

Why was it such a disaster? This force of 1400 exiles landed in Cuba but found themselves facing over 20,000 Cuban troops; the people did not rise up in support of the exiles. Most importantly both Castro and Khrushchev knew it had been planned by the CIA – JFK was humiliated!

What were the consequences of this invasion?

The invasion convinced Castro that he needed more Soviet support to defend himself against possible US attacks

In September 1961 Khrushchev publicly announced that he would provide arms to Cuba

By 1962 Castro had a very well euipped army containing the latest tanks, missiles and ‘technicians’ (who were Soviet military personnel)

Castro now declared himself to be a communist and nationalised all US industries in Cuba

Flashcards: The Crisis Develops!

What did a U2 spy plane discover on October 14 1962?

It took pictures of what appeared to be missile sites being built – some were very near to completion!

What other worrying news was received by the Americans?

There was a fleet of Soviet ships sailing to Cuba, presumably carrying more missiles for the new sites

What options were open to JFK? He could choose one of the following:

Launch an air strike against the missile sites

Launch an invasion of Cuba Use diplomacy (including the

UN) Set up a naval blockade

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around CubaWhat were the dangers of launching an invasion of Cuba?

The missiles could be fired as soon as US troops landed on Cuban soil; furthermore the USSR would probably launch an invasion of West Berlin

What were the dangers of launching an air strike?

This would probably kill Soviet ‘technicians’ and escalate the crisis; furthermore the USSR would probably launch an invasion of West Berlin

What did JFK decide to do on October 22 1962?

He decided to place a naval blockade around Cuba, whilst also preparing troops for a possible invasion of Cuba; furthermore he called on the USSR to remove their missiles from Cuba

How did Khrushchev respond? He replied there were no Soviet missiles on Cuba and that the USSR would ignore the blockade

What happened when Soviet ships reached the naval blockade on October 24 1962?

They turned back and did not attempt to break the blockade: ‘Khrushchev just blinked!’ However Soviet missiles still remained on Cuba

What offer was made by Khrushchev in the letter sent on October 26?

The USSR would remove their nuclear weapons if the USA lifted the blockade and promised not to invade Cuba – the USA was very happy with this!

What offer was made by Khrushchev in the letter sent on October 27?

The USSR would remove their nuclear weapons if the USA removed theirs from Turkey

How did JFK react? On the same day he received the second letter, a U2 spy plane was shot down over Cuba. JFK responded only to the first letter, saying he agreed with its terms, but if the missiles were not removed and attack would follow. The President’s brother also informed the Soviet ambassador in Washington that the US would remove its missiles from Turkey

Flashcards: The Results of the Crisis

What did the USA gain from this crisis?

Nuclear missiles were removed from Cuba

The missiles in Turkey were removed secretly

JFK was no longer seen as weak and inexperienced – his

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decision to impose a naval blockade was justified

What did USSR gain from this crisis? Cuba remained a Communist country only 90 miles from the USA

Cuba continued to look to the USSR for protection

What did the USA lose from this crisis?

Missiles in Turkey – this angered some of her NATO allies

What did USSR lose from this crisis? The USSR was publicly seen to have backed down – this angered many Soviet politicians

Khrushchev was removed from office in 1964

What did the world gain from this crisis?

A direct hot line phone link was set up between Washington and Moscow

A Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was set up in 1963

What did Cuba gain from this crisis? Her independence had been secured; she was now free from US interference

However Castro felt like a pawn in a very high stakes game which could have seen the destruction of this island

Cold War Exam Practice: Cartoon Based Questions

January 2010 (a) Study source A: What is the message of this cartoon? Use details of the cartoon and your own knowledge to explain your answer (7)

(b) Explain why Kennedy could claim victory in the Cuban Missile Crisis (8) TOP TIP!

For these style of cartoon questions you can earn 6/7 for a well explained answer that refers to only the cartoon or your own knowledge; the final mark is gained by doing both!


For the (b) type questions you must explain TWO reasons to earn your full 8 marks; if you explain just one reason you will earn 5-6 marks. Look at the answers below – what marks would they be awarded?

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Cartoons for you to Interpret:

The main message is that the good, clean cut guy Kennedy is standing up to thethreat of the scoundrels who are riding into town. Kennedy is shown standing (up to the threat) whilst Castro is shown as a lesser threat by being shown on a donkey and dropping his gun. Khrushchev is larger and therefore more of a threat and is shown behind (backing / supporting) Castro.

Kennedy decided to follow a policy of containment by introducing a blockade and persuading Khrushchev to turn his ships around. The hardliners in his government and some of his advisers wanted him to turn back Communism. This was a dangerous, high risk strategy which could have resulted in nuclear war. However this resulted in JFK now being seen as a far more experienced leader (who had previously sanctioned the Bay of Pigs Invasion) and respected around the world.

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January 2012: (a) Describe the USA’s reaction to the Cuban Revolution (4)(b)Explain why Khrushchev placed missiles on Cuba (6)(c) The outcomes of the Cuban Missile Crisis were equally

successful for (i) the USA(ii) the USSR(iii) Cuba

How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer referring to only (i), (ii) and (iii) (10)

June 2011:(a) Describe how Cuba changed under Castro (4)(b)Explain JFK’S options after missile sites were discovered in

Cuba (6)(c) ‘The USA was more responsible for causing the Cuban Missile

Crisis than the USSR.’ How far do you agree with this statement? (10)

January 2011: How would you grade the following responses:

(a) Describe the Bay of Pigs Invasion (4)

(b) Explain why the Soviet Union became involved in Cuba (6)

‘In April 1961, 1 400 exiles, trained by the CIA landed at the Bay of Pigs in an attempto overthrow Castro. They were met by 20 000 Cuban troops.’‘The Cuban troops were successful, killing or capturing the exiles; furthermore there was no popular uprising in support of this invasion. JFK was forced to deny the involvement of the US government’

Khrushchev wanted to bargain with the USA. If he had missiles in Cuba he couldagree to remove them if the USA removed their missiles from, Turkey. This would make the Soviet Union feel more secure.In the context of the Cold War, he was trying to see how strong the USA really was and to test the new President.JFK was young and inexperienced, and the Bay of Pigs Invasion led Khrushchev to question the capacity of the US president. Also Khrushchev was anxious to defend Cuba. It was the only Communist state in the Western hemisphere, and had willingly become Communist. In addition Cuba was in the US’s ‘backyard’. It was ideal to try to encourage Communist development in South America.

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(c) ‘Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile Crisis better than Khrushchev did’. How far do you agree with this statement?


Complete the table below to plan a response to this question:

Positive - Kennedy Positive - Khrushchev

Negative - Kennedy Negative - Khrushchev

June 2010:(a) Describe the USA’s reaction to Castro’s seizure of power in

Cuba (4)(b)Explain why the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion caused

problems for the USA (6)

This failed invasion created two main problems for the USA. Firstly it was a sign that the USA was not intending to directly interefere in Cuba, preferring instead to supply arms to Cuban exiles who had little hope of succeeding. This convinced Khrushchev that JFK was a weak and indecisive leader who would not stand up to Soviet power and influence.Secondly the invasion caused Cubans to seek protection from the USSR so its independence could be guaranteed. Soviet arms and ‘technicians’ flooded into Cuba who quickly developed a very well-equipped armed force. Months after the invasion the Cubans permitted the USSR to station nuclear weapons in their country, which directly threatened the USA.

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(c) ‘The Cuban Missile Crisis was a victory for the USSR’ How far do you agree with this statement? (10)

SPECIMEN:(a) What happened at the Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961? (4)(b) Explain why Khrushchev sent missiles to Cuba in 1962? (6)(c) ‘The Cuban Missile Crisis was never a threat to world peace.’ How far do you agree with this statement? (10)