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Case Study

Trucking Company Struggles to Meet Payroll


We started our business in 2001, a trucking company run and owned by women. Right off the bat we had two hurdles to leap, the woman factor and the start-up business factor. As a small business, my partner and I had to devote ourselves to specialized aspects of the business. I found the jobs and dealt with the clients while my partner was dedicated on a full time basis to the constant incoming paperwork.

It wasn’t easy to start but it quickly became difficult and almost unmanageable. Between mandatory corporation/tax filings, payroll, and making sure we were getting paid by the companies we hauled for, it seemed only a matter of time until our venture landed on its face.

We began searching and networking with other business owners that seemed to be struggling too. We all agreed that getting more business and new clients was a struggle we were willing to put one hundred percent of our time and energy into, but pushing paper wasn’t generating payroll or bringing in revenue! I quickly heard about PEOs and payroll processing companies that could help with the endless stream of paperwork. I was saved!

In 2003, we found PSP through an online PEO source; we were quoted for workers compensation and payroll processing that included tax filings. They even had us look at health insurance options but we weren’t ready for that yet. So we got into our new routine, reporting our payroll on a weekly basis. As we were allowed to forget all about tax filing deadlines, tax payments, and bill payments, we were able to just focus on expanding our business. Everything was progressing as it should.

Payroll Services Plus, Inc.

Challenge and Solution

Towards the end of 2004 we faced another hurdle. Our biggest client wasn’t paying us on time and we didn’t have the power to control it. “I’m sorry but we can no longer haul for you,” wasn’t an option. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop payroll from being due.

We explained the situation to PSP, and instead of the “We’re sorry, but as you know, we are business owners like yourself” speech, we were actually listened to and an agreement was forged! Though I wasn’t too proud to say it at first, the payment plan we made allowed us to continue payroll, effectively keeping our employees at bay, file taxes and keep necessary insurances active.

To this day we maintain that agreement, our doors are still open, and business is better than ever!

The Payroll Services Plus Group is a human resources agency with a diverse clientele, providing services to professional employer organizations including payroll services, employee benefits, and insurance.for more detail visit
