Page 1: PTLLS Assignment - Legislation

Summarise the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of

practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation within which you


There are a wide range of legislative requirements surrounding teaching and codes

of practice. Current legislation that directly links to my teaching and the organisation

within which I work will be discussed.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires me to ensure that the learning

environment for my learners is safe. To do this, I would familiarise myself with the

college policy and within my induction I would include reference to any potential

hazards such as loose carpet within the classroom. Throughout the course, I would

be aware of factors such as lighting, direct sunlight, temperature and amke the

necessary adjustments or announcements.

In accordance with The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

1999, I would check that learners and I wear college identity cards at all times, report

any issues with signage around the college and familiarise with college layout and

with staff personnel.

As part of my duty of care, I would be responsible for Risk Assessment and would

therefore inform the appropriate personnel of any potential hazards I see either in my

classroom or the college premises (including the car park).

Whilst the learners I work with are older adults, I would still be aware of The Child

Protection Guidelines and the Protection of Children Act 1999, and would attend the

necessary training, learn who the college’s person responsible for safeguarding is

and how I can contact them and report any learner or staff disclosure that I may

witness. I have and would maintain an up-to-date CRB check. The Every Child

Matters 2005 Act also does not directly relate to the learners I work with, however

aas a college employee I would need to be aware of this Act and know where to

refer for further details, especially if I am required to provide cover for another

teacher’s lesson which may include younger learners.

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The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and onwards and The SENDA –Special

Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 require me to make my lessons

accessible both in terms of the physical space within which they are held and the

resources and activities I use. I also need to make any additional support available

where appropriate.

The Copyright guidelines and Copyrights , Designs and Patents act 1999 and 2003

mean that I need to be careful about the amount of photocopying I may do from any

one source and that I need to reference sources appropriately. This will also set a

good example to my learners, from whom I will also expect accurate referencing.

As I will have access to and contribute to learner (student) records, which include

personal information, The Data Protection Act 1998 is relevant to my work. I will

keep any information pertaining to my learners confidential and secure. When

disposing of records, this will be done by shredding.

My role as a teacher and a College employee automatically lead me to a Duty of

Care towards my learners and other learners of the College.

In accordance with The Equality Act 2010 and Equal Opportunity legislation which

includes: The Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) 1975 (amended 1986) and Race

Relations Act 1976 and Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, I would abide the

legal requirements and treat every learner with the same respect and learning

opportunities and challenge any reference to anti-discriminative behaviour or

references within my lessons. Also, as advocated by Gravells and Simpson (2009), I

would embed equality and diversity within my course, and where appropriate

address this topic within lessons (such as positive action and employment).

Within the college, there are various procedures and policies, such as anti-bullying.

These include guidelines on disciplinary actions, which I would need to be familiar

with, should the need to take such action arise. On a more general note, I would

need to be consistent in my approach to discipline within my lessons, as advocated

by Rogers ( 2003), which would include how I dealt with any issues over the college

dress code.

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As an employee, I have conditions of employment and an employment contract

which require both the college and me to conduct ourselves professionally. Hours,

rates of pay, holidays and notification period for resignation are included and need to

be followed.

The LLUK standards are a useful resource, as is the IfL, as discussed by Gravells

and Simpson (2010), especially in relation to the 2007 Regulations and Licensed


The IfL is very helpful to me as a teacher within FE, as it helps me to keep up-to-date

with developments within teaching and the FE sector, encourages me to maintain a

high quality of work and is a resource for further professional development. The ICG,

AGCAS, NIACE, ASET also provide this support within the field of employability in

the UK.

Word count: 791 words


Gravells, A. and Simpson, S. (2009) Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong Learning

Sector: Exeter, Learning Matters Ltd

Gravells, A. and Simpson, S. (2010) Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong

Learning Sector, Second Edition: Exeter, Learning Matters Ltd

Rogers, B. (2003) Effective Supply Teaching: Behaviour Management, Classroom

Discipline and Colleague Support: London, Sage Publications

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