
summER 1988




-IF) .

• t. - ,© Copyright 1988 M.e.C .


Introduction: Over the years players have en­

trusted us with their scenario de­signs and have anxiously awa1ted their appearance in ON ALL FRONTS However, in some cases things have not gone smoothly 'With thl2ir de­signs. For one reason Dr another they hit a "snag" (requiring further play testing, development, or clarifi­cations of some kind). In the fast lane of ON ALL FRONTS that can sound the death knell of a design (or article). The pace is just too fast. New deSigns come in that are ready for publication and so those caught on that snag are soon left behind and the distance becomes greater with each passing month and with each new submission. With the ad­vent of ASL the situation became even worse. Those groups doing playtest work for ON ALL FRONTS soon advanced to the new level and that, in turn, left those designs of the previous levels hopelessly strand­ed. And so they languished in our files; passed over but not forgotten.

The Walker File is our attempt to correct that situation. We are print­ing those scenarios in special supple­ments With the understanding that they contain some faults. Maybe it's play balance or ITIaybe certain parts need clarification; whatever the problem Is. it 1s long past correcting. However, if one of the scenarios in­terests you enough to work on it by smoothing out the rough edges and putting a pOlish on it, then we will be glad to publish it in our regular monthly edition (giving credit, of course, to your efforts).

IN THIB ISSUE In this issue are two of a series

of four scenarios designed by Steve Dan1els. The first of the serIes. "'Elsenborne Shoulder", was published in issue #35 of ON ALL FRONTS and the second in the series "Blood In The Snow" in issue *36. Their appearance generated some letters and conse­quently we decided to send the third scenario, "Molotov" out for some play test verification. This resulted in more questions, more letters and the inevitable snag.

The original letters were lost but here is some of what managed to survive.

>5-3-7s are elite units not caval-ry.

>45LL AT gun can set up hidden. >Rurnanians, only, have special

morale. >Off board Artillery is 7 hexes.

On turn 1 the Germans get smoke (automatically) .

>Stukas - must roll ~'1" to get one plane (101). Omit otherWise.

>No units may be in the tunnel hexes at the end of their turn. They ITlust be in an exit (on board, con­cealed) or a Den (with normal stack­ing rule). Set up may be in Dens.

The squares in the lower right­hand corner (Russian set up) are to be labeled with the Den hex number. Units in Dens are stored there.

"Trois Points" was never sent out for verification.

"Cisterna", and "Montgarden Ridge" were designed by William Dowhng and suffered a worse fate as the play test groups they were sent to were never heard from again. The result being that those groups and,

(continu.ed an page 11)

THE WALK.ER FILE (Vol 1, No. 1 - July 1988) is a special supplement of ON ALL FRONTS -w-h1ch is published monthly by M.C.C., P.O. Box 265, Marshall, AR 72650. @ Copyright 1988. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted in "\N'"hale- or in part without written permission from the publisher. Cover Art by William G_ Locy_

Z On nil Fronts The Wlliker File #1 Summer 1988


MOLOTOV **************************** Scenario 3

" .~

Get"man attacks from the


I * R ...... _ lip

• Genaaa III,"OS fLnt

Summer 1988

I 1



50 VP 100 VP

50 VP


NPV 100 VP

50 VP




Colonel Hitzfeld,head of the 213th Regiment charged against the trenches and pillboxes of

lotov. The 2nd Company of engineers and the 4th Rumanian Mountain Division was ordered to

an end to the opposition. The acounts of battle from Hitzfeld: "Thirty men had been killed in or,e pillbc.x

eh received a direct hit agaiYlst its firing it. Nevertheless the ten survivors fought

like demons. They had piled up thier comrades' dead bodies like sandbags. Flame-throwers directed their Jets of fire against this horrible barricade. SOfl'le German troops were seen vomiting. But four Russians trembling and utterly finished after their political

3 4

Board Configuration






for killed and captured units for each squad and weapons off board 2 west edge for each AFV off board 2 for each pillbox captured or destoried for each trench captured

for killed and captured units for each pillbox still manned at end of tUrn B for each trench still manned at end of turn 8

The Walker File # 1 On 1111 fronts :'I



~AA m~~ )l . AT SETUP on boa.rd 2 +1 DRM TEM in tunnel enteran~e , ~

kJ to six heXES with "~ PARTISANS: - may Move up 25 L,' S5e. 45U, .

leader and support 2·3·7 a carry 2 1 1 .... eapons using portage cost of

4 a normal unit in tunnels ..JI-!MG ""' "'. Am h L\ .~ ,;j; q~ - use all other rules (98) ,ro ~ b_IZ t 2~ /" )It, X, I ',112 • ',BII- 1I1l' ." III- 3-3-6 - omitting rule 198.7)

1 2 4 2 10 1 1

XX kA ~2~ kId; k'<1 i"' TURN 3 k'" ~;c ~.=.. !j= ·0 4-4-7 4-,.. ;""' ,- .- west edge of board • enter on 15 5 3 1 2 1 1 3

2,3'5 'kk kJ~ ...

Trench ~~!:.~ .. WIRE 3+3+5 3+5+7 t 2~

~ "§.;~-.J! 5-3-7 110_

~ ~ ..

)!M~ <. ,,,--,-

-- -'<

~ "'" .... .q. 6 1 2 8 2 3 8 2 1

( at less 1/3 of the units oro the board>

I TUNNEL COMPLEX: I tunnel rules (161.6)

- change (161.61) t'unnel maybe longer than 4 hexes 70 BUILDING POINTS




-uidts must---end--fhe advance phase in an axii or a den hex dens follow stacking rules (6.1) entrance hex must be made known iT a Ge~man unit enter the hex 1

1 2

4 On HII Fronts


. '. T8


unit appear on the board with a concealmeni counter

\ , :t-Q-



The Walker File # 1 Summer 1988


MOLOTOV *****************************



., , Ii'- ~l% "

, '"' t ,., ""' all units ~ally 1 higher than moral 3-4-7 rallies OFl ~m 8 8-1,8-0 ~allies on a 9 'ji J,

, !i :i 4-10 J > d·~ 34-7 BII- ,811'

dI!: !iii"

2 2

~i" '0 ,-1


AIN . ' l:~


6 2 Hr.O ~_

Al" f- ~.o ~'m kk ~3~ ' , . , . ,. , i'" . , ;:0:> . ~..,.

4-&-8 .-2 1 1 I 8

~HMG ~~

-1 tMG 7 .',\ 18 • 6-16 , .. ,I " \(j' :: _,BIZ '" ,)I B12 .,-,. .. ~ 2 2 4

TURN 2 ente~ east edge of board 15 using sequential movement

2 1


1 3

t,.!(, 10


~/ MfllGIIZ!


"M' {4-12 ." ij' 1 2

r--.-.-.---.---------------------------------------..01111!1 \ ARTILLERY, preplot 2 rounds of smoke dice roll ~ ~ for turn 1 1-4 hit ~ • **AFTER RUSSIA SETUP** 5 1 hex ~ i 6 2 hex ~


Summer 1988 The Walker File # 1 On All Fronts 5


1 ournamenl .,t.:t::UOlllU ... TRDIS PUNTS *************************************

S7th Recon. Eon. CO CGA


This town, at the -confluence of the Ambleve and 8alm rivers,was thus named because it boasted three bridges, orle over the Ambleve, arid two over the 8alm. Company C was given the mission of blowirlg up the bridges at Trefis Ponts Other element from Company B Join the defense.

Board Configuration


7 12 8


Engr. Bn.


'rman enter OFI east edge of board a L. ______ ~~ __ •

~-------..-.-.--..--.--.--.--~----------.-----~ ~ This is a "bid" scenario. At game time,~ ~ both players will present their bids. The ~ , lower bid plays the Germans. ;

t ~ : a) must ha~:M:T:I:: ~:::R:O BUY : • b) only 1 module of air , !L c) only 1 module of artillery ~

d) no substitute counters ~ ---_______________________________________________ A

~ u.s. >etsllP nnl



f--------------------------.., BRIDGES: Stone



TO ST.-VITH .......- Allied Moves ~ German Moves


""" _ No-on, OItC. J 7


\ BERMAN: ! 'exit 5 tanks off bCfard 7 west edge,

1) 8I3, 8I4, 8I5, 8Ib, B17, 818, and 819

\AMERICAN: ~ ~top German victory conditions ~


2) 7AA6,7AA7, and 7AA8 3) 704,705,706,707,708, and 709

Railroad bridges-ir.fantry foot bridge 1) BK5, BK6, aK7, SK8, 8K9, ar.d BK10

) On RII Fronts The lIJalte~ File # I Summe~ 1988


TROIS PDNTS ***********************************


~----------------------------~ ~ SETUP anywh-~re west of river on board e , ~ ~ ! !if !!? ~ ~ ~ .. ~:; {~! i~,~ ! ~ 8211316 ! l....__ _______________________________________ l

r------------------------------------------------~. ~ SETUP HIDDEN anywhere west of river on board 8 ,

I 4121112 I ! $!; ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~:~~ H~l~ ~AT ~ i ~\-, I -,-,- -,-,- - ~

! = -, L ______________________________________________________ ~

SPECIAL RULES - bore sighting - all Bazookas can be setup HIDDEN

Summer 1988 The Walker File # 1 On nil Fronts 7


TROIS PDNTS *****************************************


"".-----.----------------------~ ! AIR SUPPORT ! • if used, one fighter may • ~ enter on tUrn 1. - ~ ~ otherwise, roll normally ~ ~ starting on turn 1 ~

! RAILROAD BRIDGE ! ~ any wheeled vehicles (including armour cars) ~

\ may cross over the bridge at 4 movement t I poi nts per hex \

~ AFV- vechicles (including hal ftacks ) ~ .. must pass a bridge collapse roll (133.31) ~ ~ if the vehicle weighs over 10 tons; also • ~ add +1 to the dice roll for every 10 tons ~ ! over the first 10 tons. 3 mp per hex ~ i THE BRIDGE IS NEVER SAFE I ! PARA-TROOPS . . .. ! .. an ~ir drop maybe used, wlnd dl.rectlon l5 ~ ~ optlon ~

~---------------------------------... ~

8 On nil Fronts The llJallcer File # 1 Summer 1988


CISTERNA by W. Doelling

JQnUClry 26, 19H. Anzio, Helly. As thE' Allies QttClcked CQmpol~on£t Station, the Ameorica.n RQngeors "Would lead Gn Cltt.ernpt to breQk- rl~2:---'

out of Anzio. This attQck would involvE' SE'Vefl hundred of ColDnel DQ.rhy's specio.lly trclined o.nd selecte>d troops:, the RQngers. [1.. woos: their lask to breo.k into Cisterntl., cleQr the Gerrnc:t.fl troops out and turn it into Q powerful strong­hold behind enemy lines. But, unknown to the AmericCln higher cornrnQnd, the HE"rmQnn Goering Division hQd bE'en :re­inforceod by the g6th Pa.nzeor Division.

VICTORY CONDITIONS: The American player must clear stone buildings on board 12.


U.S. rnov~s hrst

Ef.i G~r:rna.n s.:.ts first

Ame'Tico.n:- 1st Clnd -;S-i-d BuitaEon, U.S. " Ra.ngers,

,., '"

SE>t up in ditch south side of bOQ,rd lZ. [ELR. 4J

10-0-7 1.-2 ,-, '-0

20 2 3 5

German: Her:rnann Goering Division set up in village on board 12.

.-, '-0 10 2 2

26th Pa.nzer Division enter north side of board 12 on turn 4.

4-6-7 '-1 M=. Pdtw Stu", '-2 0-0 Lm, VD 1Il

10 2 2 © Copyright 1999 M C C

SPECIAL RULES: AFTERMATH: As the RClongers approctched within five hundred YClords of the town, the Germans bega.n firing "\fITilh intense, a.ccurate and ffiercilE'ss efflE'ct. By dawn, only a. fe"\<\f

survivors ......,ere holding out in a group of houses and irrigation ditches. Only six Ra.ngers ret.urned.

1. Nlg:ht Rules (t9) are in E'ftect.

Summer 1988 The Wnlker File # 1 On 811 Fronts 9


MONTGARDE:N RIDGE: by W. Doelling:

La HQ,ye du Piuls:, France. July 3, 1944. Toe A:m.erlcQn 1nh Division hc;l.{~ sla.rted its drivp to CoutQ.noCII, S.iJ.l: rn..ilg~ ,-----------,

Qhea:d lay the town of La. Haye du Piut.s, rin~ed by Q

GerrnQn defensive system included Montgnrdeon Ridt;e. To the- rid!;:E'.

the J 13th Regiment hQd to cross Q deep bl?lt of thick hedgerowE>d low-lQnd complete-ly under GE'rmQn observation Qnd fire.


VICTORY CONDITIONS: The American must clear hill 621 of all German squads before end of game.


~ ~ U.S. ffi(lV':$ Hrst , . ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 , . a"'rlTl.<>-n. "",ts: up fir"t

Ame-t"lc-a.n': 313th RgI., 7nh Inf. Div.---sel up on board 4.

~ [ELR: ~l

~tr 6-6-6 ~-6-6 2-4-6 ,-, '-I 8-1 8-0 '-0 ""=, Hm, So< .., •

ZO 10 2 2 2 3 2 3

"'" Sher I "'16 M, ART ART Trk

!VI' "Me PTlut 'D5 '55 21ft ton mg/G 7S '.L 1<,'

5 4 2 5 © Copyright 1~88 M.C.C.

GE"rmo.n: 2nd SS PQnzer Divsion, "DQS Reich" SE't up on boo.rd 2. ~ , .

I--HI H-·I I I I I L=. 1"'=.1 H~. 1 1 I .-, '-1 '-1 '-0 P,k ,

5 5 4 2 20

Art AA AT" Rockd , bunk~T bunk~r bunk<lr

, OS 88L 16L la.une:h 1-3-5 2-5-7 3-5-7 1500+

4 2

EntE'r turn "- on thE' west edgE' of board 6

=" Stu~ P:r:Kw

6-4-8 10-2 '-2 ,-, 8-1 L~, M=. IV F2 .0= lUG

10 3 7SL

3 :I S3R5 -+

o On RII Fronts The lIJalker File # I Summer 1988


Montsarden Ridge Special Rules:

i. Due to tl1e rain, off-road move­ment Mud Rules (102.8, 111.7) are in effect. Also, all off-road AFV move­ment is subject to Bog (75.8) for all non-road hexes traversed.

2. The American receives one module of off board artillery support. 105mm.

AFTERMATH: The crest of Mont­garden Ridge fell to the 79th Division on the morning of July 7th. With the ridge outflanking La Haye de Piuts, it seemed that the Germans should fall back. But Genera] Choltitz counter­attacked the ridge with tanks from the 2nd SS Panzer Division and near­ly succeeded in driving the 79th Divi­sion from the ridge. As night de­scended, the vital ridge was still in the hands of the Americans.


(c:ontinued frolI'l pZlge 2) unfortunately, these scenarios were left behind. • A

PLAYTESTERS NOTES: If you are interested in working

on any of these scenarios here are a lew suggestIons. In lact, I thInk thIs is a much easier 'iVay to begin play­testing. In this case you can try your hand at it without having to submit a formal report. Also, you are free to pick and choose the scenario you like from among those included (a luxury unknown to most play test groups).

1. U pda te to ASL. 2. Cisterna - Change AJTIerican 6-

6-6s to 7-4-7s with an ELR of 5. 3. Montgarden Ridge - be more

specific in the Victory Conditions about which levels of the hill must be occupied (or controlledj ASL). For example, only the level 3 hexes or both level 3 and level 2. -A





other Plo.ytesters Scenario Title

A. ScenCU"io co.n be

pla.yed in ____ hours.


B. Number of times scenario wa.s plctyedL-__ _

(Victory Conditions) 1st TUne [


C. ApproximQte time

spent Oot testing the scenQrio~ __

D. Number of Axis~ns __ _

Allied wins __

] L Pla.y Bala.nce: WhO,t in your opinio,n is the plO,y ra.tio of the scenQTio?

~/50{even) . If not even~ which-side hQS the Q, ____ _

By ho", much (55/t5, ~O/tO, 65~5 or 70~O)? _____ _

2. Plo.ya..bility: Is the scenario easy to understand? __ _

Is it enjoyable to pIQY? __ _ Any comments? ___ _

3. Chcm.ges to the> scenario. Please list Qny changes mOode to the scenario. The pla.ytest

results~ A-D~ should be bosed on the FINAL VERSIQN.

Summer 1988 The Wolker File # I On nil Fronts II


FALL 1988




PzKpf'W IlL


Type: Light




One Zem & onE'

7.92rnm MG 34

Crew: 4

Weight 1~ tons

Leng:th: 4.. &3m

Width: 2.Hm

Height: :L 21m

Speed: 60km/hr




In This


Index: spanIsh Ciuil War ScenBr.ios Hope Eternal As The Cro-.,..". Flies One More Tin1.8 It·s Still There Guderian's BabY The Basque Connection EBs~ern Fron~ SceZ2filr~os

The Stalin Line Sword Of The Viking

p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p 7 p 8

p. 9 p. 10

111 t.his issue we have SOn1.e very unusual scenarios. The first six deal with the Spanish Civil War and use Axis Minor and Allied Neutral count­ers. The next to last (TSL) was de­veloped at our SL Rally in 1986 as part of our Scenario Design Sen1.inar; and the last is an SEP design that never quite n1.ade it through the playtest/developrrlent process.

The six sew scenarios were originally designed by Charles ·)ennings and are unique in the annals of SL-ASL in that they deal ~ ...... itll. a heretofore untouched aspect of WWII (its testing ground).

Unfortunately, snags soon ap­peared, halting publication~ and attempts: ~'l"'Tere lY1ade t.o upgrade theITI to the GI and then the A8L level, all without success.

Instead of waiting for the neces­sary ASL counters to be printed by

T AHG Co., we decided to re:leo.;se them now. If they interest you enough to upgrade them to ASL and submit them for publication in (..t.N ALL FR(.WTB feel free to do so; with the understanding that the necessary counters must be available.

Here is SOITle errata on the first six scenarios:

Hope Eternal Victory Conditions - the Nation­

alists ITlust be the last. sale occupant by galUS's end.

SSR #"2 - Correct as written. SSR #4 2-3-7s can be upgraded

to 3-4-7 through any close cOlnbat which they ""rin (have taken arms fron""! your opponents). Also, when three (3) 1-0-(6) corrlbine during any ph.,,:se .M? AV at e.n. arITlS storage depot they becon1.B operable,

As The Crow Flies The gasoline truck is a SQUAD

LEADER counter and does not have any portage capability

S8R #3 - Republican unbroken squads ITlust charge at the coluITln at least once during the game (with at least 1h of its units).

SSH #4 - All half squads may not combine to form full squads.

88R #6 - I f the gas truck is hit and receives a KIA result~ the 6 ad­jacent 1-leRes are considered destroyed by fire; the remaining Nat. trucks . lTIOVelnent is halved.

Victory Conditions - Number of trucks exiting off south edge is 7.

OB - There should be 3-4-7. (,,5), 2-2-7s (x7), 6+1 (><3), 7-0 (><1) and drop the 8-1. All snipers should be -1.

(continued on 11)

THE WALKER FILE (Vol 1, No.2 - October 1'9&8) is 0. specicLl supplement of ON ALL F.RONTS "iA7hiot.1 is published I"nonthly by M.C.C., P.O. Box 265, Nla.rshCtll, AR 72650. @ Copyright~ 1988-. All rights reserved. Ilfothing InClY be reprinWd in """hole or in pCLrt

w-ithout ",7ritten permission from the publisher. Cover art by T-Mac Gra.phics_

On All FrDnts The Walke. file #2 Fall 1988



VICTORY CONDITIONS 10 win,the Hat. must occupy buildings 15H4. 406 ~ 121.15 and !la'ie nil. broll:en squad a in these hexes. asp. win by avoiding Hat. Victory Conditions.

TURN RECORD CHART ~'~pUbllcanB set up flrS't

1 2 3 . ~~tl..oll,&.liIJta move first 4

July 25. 1936, Caspe, Spain: The diViding 11ne of the Nat~onsllat & Republic were being drawn by bloody, 11ttle bat~les ro~bt £Dr Tillages & towus tbrcu~hout Spain •• Hat. column left from ~agon heading for SaragosBs & HUssoD, under the co~and of DurraUs, witb the operation under tile leaderllhlp of ~aJ. Ferez larrll.s, who led the Catalan forces 111. the 1934 abortive revolution. The Hat. column meet. log wIth little rSllistELnce,BJ:cept at CSilpe.

Board Configuration

5 6

~. y


12 15

• (\ 1)( 1106 (3J{ 1 )06 (6)( I )06 (1) 7-0 (1) 6+1 {I} 7-0

NATIONALISTS: Durrutl, ReHllutloaa,rl' .iny of Barcelona lIay enter Soutu. East or lIest Eih!:e Boards.

tntff TURIf 4 ,

~ - ~:i ..

A­m: ..

t-~ ~ ~ 2·3-7

:3 :l

"" -i" _111.


It\ 4-11


,., -i ,., -III.


I1EPUI:JLlCANS: Clvl1 Guard may set up on Soardy 12 or 15, with no vll1a~erB ln same hexes.

I~ ~ - ~ = U ,,~

1':' ,;, .. ,,5<1% '" III.

!!t' It

'i1~la:'..ers set up '" per- bulldlng.

."' - iH jj ,,>0< ,,>0<

1. Berore start or ,me, Ifrite dOlm tue location of arms Btorage bu11dlng, one per board. 2. ThraB (1)06 may camb1na to make ana J-4-1 at a predesignated arms etarage bu11dlng, but may not exceed three for board 12, OQe for board 4, tva for boan:! 15 •. 11~ armed, mOb counter· 11 over to broKsa but they are lI.ot, they have.l!<) defunse 1a ce. If a turQed over (1)06 aquad 1s fired on and asked to take a morale cheok and falls it 1s s11minated. } • .ill Aep. squadB 1n LOS of ellmiaated foremen_ tioned aay take a beserek oheck for tbat turn only. ~. 2-3-7 & 3-4-1 are e:qLlad aln, they lIay be upgrad­ed by ((2-'-1) to '-4-1 by tll~lng arms storage bu11dln&8 or oass111lthraugh a nox cOllta1010g Rap, ualtB. 0-4-1) to ( 4-1) by passing throuSb. a nex eOD-taiala:> .!lat. Bquads or in CC 11: woa.

@ Copyrig"ht 1988 M. C. C.

5. 4_4_7011'11 :}uard may not be ral11ed by v:1.l1age leaders but '-4-7 msy be rallied by 9-1 or 8-0 leadors. 6. Village r.esdera may onlf come to 11fe at all t\r:tl" storage bull ding lf Ilot occupied by Bat. on Turn 2. 7. ,~o gLlllles QIl Board 12 and tle:c 12-tl-5 ls a } level steple.

AFfERMATHI Ttle Oivl1 Guard of Caspe, under tho command of Cap. ~egrete, held Qut for so~u hOLlra a~~~nst overwuelmlng Qddo, ttle defenders used wivss and chIldren af members of tbe 1Qcal trade union. as h~an barrioadeo but ttle end was Inevitable for the defenderll.



AS THE CROW FLIES, NOV. I, 1936: On ~be ttdr:i drive to ~drld a.iter 5 days of Wlbrokell fl~hUng the IfatloaaJ.lst ?UlIbed dOIm the road closer to Y",,-drld.

Board Configuration

• , .

, "'

'ra ... l...."'1 ~t. must have on". Of tirree read intersections free of Rep. squads. (4rF.5. 4:), 6n., IJ!!'i'. 14J.5)(4f75, i.:y). 6P2, 6no, l)n, 14wS) (6'(6,6no,

,1Jll, 14~5), and IIIW>t exit trucks of! SOllth edge Of b:>acl, Rep ... in 'b7 ;ovoiollng Nat. victory conditl..OM.

Optional rule,5vitch Iforth to South, Rep .• 1 set up South ~ hex rolf B, boaztI. llf.


TURN RECORD CHART Rep. se·t up !irati

1 2 4 ~-3 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~11 liIat. move !l..rst. E:-ID ,OJ

REPUBLICANS: Elellents ot toe Bed Hilitia set up f1rs'b< ~ee rule 7.

~ :K " ,

ft ~ -.

'7 fi '7 ~ ~ ! Ii ir "" ~ -1:'i . 12{18)

It ~ ~ " .- t ,~ .~ OJ ... -'f: 3·4-7 2-2·7 .- BIg. 1-3-8 • r"

I' .:l 3 7 " &

{, •

r· ft U "" ... ~ 1" ,. an.

b • ~


~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ f tA ' "" M .. ,., , - = ::'-. ~.""1 -t" , .. , 010 010 ~

".5-7 2:-2-7 ia It.:: ." 111+ tI 112

. 3 1'3 3 3

~ 28 ,,,,. ~17 •• ~ "

~'5 -,>'" <::t5~ ... 2! ~"". H·'

@ Copyrir;ht 1988 M.e.C .

. SPECIAL RULES 1. Rep. receive One lIIod.\lle of 8lu.(Ft"'-registered !~ 16).1). 2, Rep ...... :r USe t=<> top and roof p"r~s 1.711-.2 ITIf.'1 J. Rep . ..."t charge a.t col= at hast ""= dll:rl:l& ~_' Kith a.t least half' of his units •

. Hl half' aquads considered full "'Lua.ds. S. Nat, roll for ail:' ~rl. if t"eceived air sUPl'orl ""'Y Gtay fOlr that turn =l,-. On...ny othe., turn, air support h rectuested. Na.t. player lIIuat =11 to re-c .. tve it. (t.-wo 01:1 the I?l'. for "",chine ~ and )0 on the lIT for ballt<3.) 6. If gas truck ~" hit and ~ive5 a. kill. 6 ad­ja.cent he>:"s are cOIISidereli de.!ltroy",," by fu.., The rellaini!lg Kat. trucks """"'~nt is halyed..


" ICI' .. Z$J1ZW """" """ ,CI, ..

3 5

7. Set up on boartl,concea.l"'nt ot' hiddl!1l initial placeaent(!+Z.Z), south of he;.: row 2, board 4, 13, Ko airfield on 'boa....'"<i 14,

J.l''l'3iU'.ArH: 1b.St1 met. wltb .enell:1j' l"e.sistaoce, sbelliDE or small &r.SS fire ~ tile Le31oua.ires wou!Q :ump off ~d set up ma.chin3 oUD posltion~ to cover the allllroach whioh tb.a ::reil mill tia 'ifOulil unfa1lingly adTaOCI. With a1: 9uPllort on call, the ~atio!lal1st "l(ould "l(a1 t UIl til the Reds ;rere OIl ttJp of the po~i-_ tiona ~d would 0gen up, ~d cut the~ down. ~he air cover 'ifOuld IItraf a.:Ld bow;;' tlle retreat102; Rads.


ONE MORE TIME SUICIDE KILl., SPUN, 1.8B.12,1937: "-!tel' 7 ll.ol,lre of artillery & machine g ... n ftre, nearly all af the Rationalist reserves were thrown into the battle against the Brltleb Battalion at Pingerr, esst ot tha Jarlllll8 River.

Board Configuration



Ol'.r.d L.l.! .I!i OVll LU E OV.E.~ .L.I.! 0 O'(i;i LJ.I L

E6 GOES M6 G01>S l!3 GOES i!.5 GOES

all 15DD2

" "C9 0.11 30.6 CoH 3<13



fa win the Rep. must be tbe last to occupy the ~nch on b111 714 at g~e& end. Nat. Yin by avoiding &ep.victory conditione.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 END

REPUBLICANS: .It Sri thb Battalion Eet... n111 4 -i~~4

2 942 2 82

NA TlONAUSTS: MoroccatrC.alvary Legionaries Set liP =:r I(hole hex board'" and lUl:rwbere ,.~j or Row .. Bo~rd 6:

t~ t - t~ ~ a f ~;= , ft .It i ,t"'!'


3 3

••• .or"' ,~ , "" -;i,4-12 ." -l '"' ""'. , : t.


• '" , -112 'all. 51! "'"ID

3 3 6 2

SPECIAL RULES I. Rep. ~ay receiye 1 (update~ Mo~ule irtillery Salection(otber minors). 2. Radio ia f1eld pnone{Supp. 8.) 3. 1 rUbble stone bu1lding may be placed on aet-up by ia-p. player. 4. 1t 8tart lIat. receives sup presion fire 00 hilla 5}4 and 547 -f one 100 mm ane 88ml11. tor tlu'n tl.ll'"Ela. 50 indireot f1ra may land on hill 714. 5. Hep. 4-4-7 are real11 4-5-8 but due to suppress10n tire has been lovered. 6. It Hep. 9-2 leader ls killed the B_1 becomes a 6+1. ill mozoale for .Rap. leaders 1s reduced oy (Ice on hl1l 7)4 tor that turn ocly. }'.:lo ro~.runnlog froC! 411 1.0 310 .• 8.2-3-7 ~d 1-3-1 are not half sq.

~ 1';: !~


12118) ",.

~s: 9

1ft ~ .·5-8

q 4-5-

U 3·5-7

~ ~ l~)\-2-3-7 "f47 I ~ 1!3~ 2-2-1 I ' lit


9 12 18 6 12 8 lIat.

A'?Io. 24 ~'rt . /'-i\''''

''''''' ~ lS

Chit 2 :;jet up II.DJ"" wilcle Ilel: board 4 ~nd 6 •

6 Rep.

4 2 Oit 4 1!et l.lp h111 714


9. !ree hexes a~ 6?f3, 6fF4. 6FF6, 6GG4 & 6GG] have been out a~d otfer no concealment but offer a+l roll. .l.?'I'EZkU'li: Only 225 out of the orlginal 60::> melIbers of the Brltlall Eattalion were to retreat the next day frolL the h111. but to be sent back to recapture the1r pool. t.l.ons after belng ral1led by the ocli' 2 remainlng offlc~s. 'l'he battles for the Jarama front vas to be the. most bloody and costly fougbt o~ S~anish so11. ~he ReDubllcans loslng 25.~OO. tbe N& t~o~al1 s t 20. ::>00. a.nd tbls ba t tle ...-ould allow the Nattonallste the southern end of the pinener around Madr~d. {special rule 6):For a few unhappy mOlLeD's. thB cocmand was in tbe bands of e~_Sert,eant. ¥~jor everton, w~o bad 5~ec to hls ccmmrades previeuGly the :a:odel of mtl1 tary knowledge, b .. t h"he had pan­~cked When his boasting led to hls pro~otion ever t\!-e 3rigade. "'Taken -"rol[ The Spanisb 011'"\1 li"ar.

1"1: r ~.,




" I,. . wr'~ -_.'


ITS STILL THEREI SSK.l.RTIIi,SPA!Ii, FEB.l1,1937: Lt dawn Y.groecans silently ~QrkBd tneir vay tc the Findoqe bridge over tne Jarama River. Knifing tne sentries Dee by QCB at tneir posta around the bridge. Once oleared, the liationalist Cavalry charged aor089 ths river.

Board Configuration




7 3


Tt:RN RECORD CHART 70 Yin list. zust have 10 he%BS North South .ad ~'8t or bridge, west side ot rlver ot Rep_ B~. aep, via by avoiding Nat. victory conditions.

B.epubi1.c set up fl!'"st _ I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 END ~~tlonal16t~ m~ve ~lrst~rUle 9J

REPUBLICANS: 7~e IIV brl~a~e $et up west o; ot !"1ve:-.

~ k Po ~ ~ ~ ~ fo. ~ • •

~ • ~.& if~

LN. J: ~;;; ~ - " ~ = , .:. • &-I:t t,.. = = n· .... , 3+' 2-2-7 ...... ,- liD • • 1'1 5 7 3 It ~ 3 .. !ets uo 011 east bank

-\."" Entrench Trench WIRE ~ ~ ~ - Entrench ::;;." ~~:'I i '-II > --=- ~ 2-2-7 l-a-a -- ... 37 II,. 51!" Q-IO. W"Wi 111+ ,"- - ):J; .. , -6 3 4


NATIONAUSTS: Nationalist Cary ry sets up on any wDole ne~ board J • .

~ ~ 4-5.' ~ ,t 2·3·1

18 6 6

@ Copyright. 1988 M.e_C.

SPECIAL RULES 1. fhese road beu do lIct ... Ust: 7-ll-6 to 3_2_6

7-K-9 to 7-D-1 1-ll_9 to 4-1"2 2. lheas ben are land.: 7-Y5. 7-0-1. 7_1::6, 7-G-3

all he1s to the east also land. 3. Bridge 1s at 1-Q-4. 4. Bead Quarters 1s _at 7-P-IO 5. Use Inipers IlS Bentt1e.{IFT ot IJ 6. Nat10nalists set up on Ilny vbole hex board 3 1. Republican Oll vest lid" of rivor U"B speoial

rule 23.1. ~ll U41ta must be plaCId in housea, exception (5) 2_2_7 {tl 6-0.

8. :I'b.e ~rld,:;e 1& blGW!:I ... itb II. roll of I Dr 3.IfT


+ 36 column, all other roll. the bridge is lntact and may be uaed.

~ N

~ J: ~;;; i::; t = ~ :1 .. .. -3

*111 •• j,MMIi "'" .. " ." .:r ,., '" '" -III +


9. On turn I in rally phase, Nationalists may move lnto close combat with sentrie~ on east baCk. ~ roll ~ith ! d1ce of I alerts west bank. 1 roll of I or 2 on cre~s alerts west bank.

IO.Turn ~5 Nationalists receive {2) 100 mm. nar_ rasslng fire, but must be written down before play. Roll ~Jr direction at error,F.E.E.

11. Small arms & de pIe t.l.oc~ On turll. B&9 powsr tor aepub).~c-li-(l.;s 18 halv~d. Ou turD, 10 it 1.11 qusrte::-ed.

12.B.nd rules 126.

lFTERKLT~l The bri~ge was blown by mines operate~ tro .. the local Republican cOJaman~ poat, but having risen a tew teet 1n the air descenda~ on the same spot end so stlll afforded a croBsing. Despite B.epubllcan sir attso~s supporting the IIVth the defending frenchcen were surrouude~. but resisted Until their ~mo was e~hausted. The Moroccan Csvlvary chargBd and tilled mos.t oC the su.rv.l.vors.



' ...... -~

VICTORY CONDITIONS f!l ".nu tile aepubl1caJ::.9 lI;.ust OCCUP1 the t"..-a ou board 10 • lila ;latLcnalists ... 111 bJ' avoldWi!: t~e aapubllcaca Victory conditlons.


NATIONALISTS: Ifationa.lht Cavalry: Set up Boards 4 &: 10.

t ~ ;. ~ oA·~ ~J: ~: ... 5·7 2·3-7 1-8-8

- ,9 4


~, \ iilTEff'I"lJRlf Ii-, Knrth ent,I._ BO~ 6

u ~;;; ~ ~ "'" ,-. AT .J 2-1 ~-

• ,

2+7 1.11 + (%l"

llli 3


SPAIH. OCT, 28,19)6. 'l'ukha.chevskJ"'a &,bilnatian for Colonel's

Guderian ne" Blitz Krieg "':rate. was put to the test tD throw . back the advancing rr .. Uonalhta. 1'0 do tldB they u.sed the n .. >tly

landed 1'-.5'& vhlen adYal1eed. ahead of tile 5th regiHZlt out. of ArIInjue:z; and broke thraugh !iatiDJlll.lht Cavalry line!/. at the tOVDS nf Seaena 01; Esquivias.

Board Configuration

;! lO' {"' 'MG ? ~_AT Entrench

~12 ." -r ,., '"

• , -=-.n ".11 + "" 2 :l 4 llli ..

12 , WIRE 12(111) . I ~'>'~ I .~~

/"{!'!, 24 W"~ liJ~, -' :J';\' . '~/"'*

''''''' ·n 5 13


~1 vosheirm IIe taohmea t ElEl£HTS OF THE 5th REGI/'ENT, Enter turn 1 South Board 4

H ..... , 45l ·n

10 B

H ft Q 1'" .. .. ..... 111+

3 2


1. Nationalists oet. up in. the Wlill in cono::ea1ment, 2. Bu.l.ldings are .. 11 wned, J. Horses axe optional nn boaxd, 4. 1'7 .... can be uoed as T.5' ... 5. Re:pJ.bU" tank un! ta llalre a rally of 1. 6. lack of ... irel,,,a equipment. (129,.5). 7. Units aay not be ==ted on /-'yv' ... 8. Relnfo;a,:eementB enter Board. 4 South edge.

~ ~ k fo, 3+1 2-2-7


ft;;; ft : • ... .(: fP ;:l., +11 811+ 111+

2 2 2 2

@ Copyright 1988 M.e.C.

/tfTERlIA'I'!h t1te T5's rocking havo" in the narroW streets of the tOIm., lfuen the light Nationalist tanka call<! to the reau" of the horsemen. they Weno no aatch, !be.5th ~.ent could nnt break past the -.achine gIRl fire 0-( the AfrlCUI horseJaen to get into tOll7\, The tank.. pulled back out 0-( tOWD. The Nationalists were surprised to find. the araoured on the right fl.a.nk of the Repu­bli""-ll and switched their dtack to the center and bft flank ... here the "RepUblic. fore .. " ",",re atroll&er.

Fall 1988 The Ulallcer File #l On 1111 Fronts 7



Sept. 1, 1936, PulltZB .i!.idge. 0'1 .Lug. 26, thB land sssault on lrun begag, which ~~& important to close the road rro~ France whioh the Basques aDd Republ10sns l"ece.l:ted supplies 1n the north. the Hat. having artillery and a number o£ light machine gun tanks and atlllol"ed ears p1U;bed steadly norttntard. Basques and Republican forces boosted by a number of french Ii: Sel<!;lw. teohlclans sent 1:>1 the French 00111-taun1st part;,' and II. ra<" troops Cram UarcelonB v1ti1. no artillery bad ths Joll to keep the road op_8a.

Board Configuration N




10 win,the Nationalists must bave control of t~e trenches ]0 hill 733 with no ucits 1n clos8 combat. rhe ~epubllcanB Wins by avoiding Nationalist Vic­tory cond1t10n9.

f-_~_'_P_"_'_l_'_'_""_-_'_'_'_'_"_'_f_'_'_'_'_-I ·1 llaticnallsts lIove nrst 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 END

REPU8UCANS: Basques and RepubUcaZie set UJl firat.Special Rule 1.

~ • ~ i7 ~ k - -1*'·' - "" Trench c ~~ ~ Ft 1-12 {I..II .. ,~ 1" , 3 ..... 1 2-2-7 i' 111 III ... In ... ~

2 2 a 7- 2- 2 14 lit so< "P ,. village cn Board; "

Set up ." ""7 lIhOle !Lex doar~ • 1'- .. ~i;;; ~ • ...

~l~ R~~I N F, -~ k rr 1" '., ~ ...... , I',. 4-5-& ...... ,

'-,. . 3 3 3 6

NATIONALISTS: hatlandiS,SI Legionarles, Carblsts, Olv!.l Guard .Ie rOleD(!;iata set up 0.:17 whole hex, Board. 6.

~;;; i:. ~:. ~ M:& k ~ ~it,«~ t ~ MM. ~ .. ' "" ~ ;It" ... .! 2·1

4--5-. 4--5·1 I 5-5-1 2·3-7 , ." 'Il! "In ..

2 2 3 12 6 2 5 GI'(lI,lP' enter 011 any lI'est edge hexes of board 6

Enter mrn 7

~, ~ ~ '" '" .:[ ,-, 2-3-7 -Ill ...

. @ Copyright 1989 M.e.c. 6

SPECIAL RULES 1. Sep. aet up in trenches on n111 783. roll lor morale clLec~. Special aule 5.1 {~111 621. SCBnArio] 2.. 'l'uxn I. Nat. reca1.v .. tll'O 7!:. and ana 155 m"du1e of indirect Ure. thia i$ in the secoJid con_ s-8cu.tive turn of Buppreedon ! (107.61). J. Be:ns IS.! 1. 151.2 and 15B2 through 15B 1 0 ia irancb territory and may not bo fired into or out of, and once crossed, UDlts ara out of the g~e. 4. Once Iiat. 8.II"1Oault. tll~ 11111 no :!lore art1.l1ery may ue called 10. unleu Sat. leave tbe ll11l. 5. lbe radio is a field phone. Supplementary Rule ~. 6. ~o~ car may not enter hl11 Ile~.

Enter [wn 3 Enter tum 6

~ u M~ ~ ;. !:. ~ « ~ ~ c , • 4-5-7 4-5-7 3-5_7 2-3-7

3 2 6 6

7. 2~J-7 & 2-2-7 are not halr sq.

Art~tB: Stretched out in a mile front from Prance to Oyarzum the battle was foUSat 10. dazzllng S~­ahine. J.n artillery bombardment followe-d by a$sau.lta on tile Basque posltions Yblch a~peared tn be deatroy· ed IiLnd rhe defenders w01.l1d th.eo. return and nand to hand Ught1ng recapture the pOllitloD. After a dalay. an artl11ery bombardment wo~d begin .11 ever again. Puntza Bidge was destroyed • evacua_ ted and recepture four times in t!113 ... ay. the battle ended on Sept. J. with the Yilla~e of San Karelal being tallen wblch over-looked _Irun. 1tI,rl. tile 0'; p:nlfIlY.



July 17, 1941, Mogilev Podolski, Russia.

Only hexrows l A- Q (incl) Q.rp in play

VICTORY CONDITIONS: The German player must have undisputed control (there are no Russian units in or adjacent to a bunker) of all bunkers to win.


* sott up first

1 2 3 4 5 ~ ~ Gc:rl:'nG.n.1' move firs:t

Elements 48th RiflE> Corps Inust set up :in bunkers cmd all

* Russians considE'red FQna.tic (26.1) 'While in bunkers. .

Field 76

BKR 6-2-8 4-4-7 2-3-7 '-1 8-0 LMG HMG phon ART

'·'·S SSR 3 SSR. .. &7

3 2 3 2 4

Elements Comptmy B. ?Hth Engine-er Regiment, 22nd Division enter turn 1 on any south edge hex (E's) .

!f. . . I.·,·. 110

'. I. '1 1"1 ILMG I DC

4 Z 4 © Copyright 1998 M.e.c.

SPECIAL RULES: 1. The- GE'rmc;m pla.YE'r has one module of oH­

bOl'.l.rd smokE' "VoI"ith (;Lccuracy gUQ.rantlE'ed. SE'lect one hex on turn 1 for FFE counteor.

2. German Engineer squa.ds m.o..y plQce 2 sInoke counters each during the game. They may be placed on GerIIlQn E"ntrance hexes before entering thl[> boa.rd.

3 FiE'ld Phone has 2 missions of 82MM. 4. Or:dnance ca.nnot fire at 1 hex rQnge.

1FT IsmOk·1 2 SSR 2


5. Russian Bunker PlacernE'nt/Movement: 2J~ Facing I4/I~ TunnE'ls enaoliE' aU 214 .. Hl/H4. units to Inove froIn 2H3 " H2/G~ one bunker to anotht'T 2I5 " H5!I6 durin~ thl!!' NovenlE-nt PhasE'~ onl~, (E'XCE'pt for routE') using all the-ir MFs. They have no portage capacity while so moving. Tunnels do not provide Q LOS betwE>en bunkE"rs.

7. Artilleory may be placed in Q bunke-r and ca.n fire through j ts coverlE'd a.rc.

faD 19'88: ThE- Walker- File # 2 On Oil Fr-onts ,



February 16, 1944. The Kor.un Pocket. Desperate to avoid another 5tal ingrad, a German counteroffensive attempted to breakthrough into the Pocket A. the . relief attempt ground to a halt, the entrapped forces attempted their breakout. I n the 1 ead 'Was Cl reeon element of the 5th 55 Panzer Divi~ion, Viking.


i!r g


vTCTim;iYDrn;iDiTlii~S5:: TT~o~";;-;-in;;-;-, It~h~e~'G er ma n p 1 aye r mu s t e x it at 1 eo 3 t 8 sQU a d 3, cr e 'W' s , and/or leader:!' off the west edge of the board by gIJme'3 end. The- AFV counts as two squads. The Russian plQver must prevent these victory conditions to 'w'in.

TURN RECORD CHART NIGHT SCENARIO * Rus;si.oln s"ts; up fird ;'{ ~ ~2~ '/(~ ~4~ ;5~ ::6'~ ~/" v~3~ 9'8 ']'6 ~rt:rt

~ ; ~ VE~;;:: v3} ~ I~ ~; '; ~7~ ~B/C ';; TU;~ ~ .. G~rman movE'S first V .~

£lE'mE'nts 51st Guards: RiOe DivisiQn set up on any whole hex of board :3.

* 1628 I 110-2 I I 8-0 I MMG I LMG I I . Su

447 9-1 76M

12 24 2 3 6 2

R(>mn<lots: of theo 5th SS Panz~r Division Viking st>t up on anll ",hoi@' ht'x of board 2.

~ , c

I 658 /10-2 19-2 /9-1 I 8-0 I LMG

12 1

SPEC I AL RULES 1. Night Rule. (49.0) ore in effect. 2. Sno'¥l Rules (61) ore in effect. 3. Russians may no1 move unless

accompanied by a 1 coder or if an unconcealed enemy unit i9 within their NVR. 5P guns may move freely.

4. NVR may never be 1 eS3 than 4 hexes nor more than 8 (hexes).



loomo I pzKw

I ltl L


© Copy r;gM 1988 M.e.C.

AFTERMA TH: the cover of darkness, the Germans gradually set out lnta the woods engaging the Russians only when spotted. As losses mounted the Divbion began to resemble a dispersed regiment rather than a 01vision. Eventually, some made 1t ~hrough.

o On nil Fronts The Wali{er File #2 Fall 1988


Errata (continued f"roID. page 2) . It·s Still There

Air Support is 30-39, 4 firepower.

Guderian"s Baby Nat. set up first. Rep, moue first. Victory Conditions

buildings 10Z7 and 10W5 the town.

to occupy is to occupy

SSR #1 - Concealment counters should be used with the units in buildings, only.

SSR #5 - Nationalist's morale for AFV crew is 7.

Basques Connection The 2-3-78 &> 2-2-75 Inay not

combine to form full squads. The ar­mored car may not enter any level 1, 2~ or 3 hill heRes (due to the rough terrain). The armored car does set up first.

The Stalin Line Background: As the Gennans

swept eastward they broke through the thinly defended "Stalin Line"'. In this scenario they silenced an em­placed gun that was firing on their column as they headed toward their next objective. The scenariO was a first effort by four or fi ve people ",rho had never lTIet before arid had about .3 hours to "'produce" a scenal--10. A first effort but a good one.

As the demands of running a ~'Rally" increased, this feature (The Scenario Design Seminar) was dropped.

Sw-ord Of The Viking SOV is an old SEP design and it

lTIust have been a preliminary one since it was submitted in a rough draft form. No play test or design notes are available. *A




A. Scoana.;rio OCln b.".

plQ.y6od in

B. Number of timE's

,;o ... nurio <r.o..rCl.:!O'

Oth,gr Pla.ytest'2'rs Sc'2'nClrio Till.".


C. Approl-::irna.t.E' time D. Nur.nbE'r of

:;::peon t. Q. t .... .;os:ting A:Kis: 'W"in:!O'

hOU1-S. plCLyed the Allied 'W"ins __

E. ScorE' 1st Time [ ] 2nd [ ] 3rd [ ] 4th [ ] (Victory Conditions) Pla.yed

1. Play BCiJCLnCE>: WhClt in your opinion is thlt? plCLy baiClnco;! rCLtio of the scenario?

50/50 (e-ven) If not even} which side hCls the Cldvo.ntage? ____ _

By how much (55/45, 60/40, 65/35 or 70/30)0 _____ _

2. Playability: Is the- soenario e-Clsy to understand? __ _

Is: it eonjoyable to play? Any comments?

5. Cha.nges to the- soen(lrio. Please list Clny changes made to the soenClrio. ThE> pla.}rteost

rQsults"} .A-D, should be ba.sed on thE' FINAL VERSION.

f~1I 1988 The Walker file #2 On 1111 fronts 11





Panther Crew: 5

Armament: one 75rnm gun wlth 82 rounds and up to

three 7 92mm machine guns

Speed, 28mph (road) 15.Sn"lph (cross country)

Weight. -45.5 tons


In This

Issue. Index: A Night To RerrlelTIber Terror In The Snow Operation Rosselsprung Streets Of Fire

p 3 p 5 p 6 p 10

This issue provides a very interesting mix of ASL and GI designs. A'S you will notice the scenario format has been changed and you can find the level of play after the scenario title. All of the scenarios included in this i:ssue have not been fully pla.ytested and therefore lack COUll ters. Due to the alTIOunt of ~.,...,.ork involved, those are the last things to be put on a scenario and is only done prior to publication in O~7>fi ALL FRONTS They are not put on v·,rhile ttJe scenario is still in the pla ytest stage.

- A Night To Remember~ Ttlis scenario met an unfortUnate

fate a.s it had two very big strikes against it ......... hen subrrlitted. J;"irst, another similar design had already been subn11tted, play tested and 'v·ras ready for publication. Second} it had not been pla ytested at all. 80, it was soon put in the back of the file along vlith its cOlTIpanion a CO! version. It still rernains an interesting scenario but who will cornplete it is anybody':::: guess.

""'Terror In The Snrrw:W This is a design I would like to

work on sOInetirne. It has some vel-Y interesting aspect.s and looks like it could be readily adapted to ASL. You might have to add a couple of turns} weaken the Russian armor by eliminating a couple of the T34j85s or by replacing them. vrith some other vehicles. The Gennan half track should be replaced. with another anti-tank gun (50L) or with a TD (pz Jag) since the 37L is vl"orthless.

At the G. L level it lacked only a final verification! A couple more play test results frorn just two other groups -v-rould have put thi.s design in ON ALL FROr~T8 Now it.s only hope is that someone will revalTI pit for ASL play.

8om.e prelilninary pIa ytesting showed that there were three possible, (A) Spread out tliinly (the historical defense which ctoe~ not do -well unle::::::s; luc}.: is "'With you). (B) Mutually supporting points no further apart than three hexes. This gives SOITle flexibility and is better suited to the forested terrain of boards 5,4, or 6. (e) Lastly, the fortified position. This is where the forces are all placed adjacent to each other. Its biggest drawback is that it allows the Soviets to concen tra te their fire, which can be lethal.

As ror tYle 50vlet player his options are few. Just one, in fact, t.o kill. His best choice is to at.tack the German outposts and obliterate theIn before lTIoving on. Only the nun1ber of t.urns and the weather irnpede the Soviet force.

The background for this design conles frolTI The Forgotten Soldier by (continued on page 11)

I THE WALKER FILE (Vol 1, No. ;) - JunuCLry 1989) is Q speciCLl suppleITlent of ON A.LL FRONTS which is publishecd r.CJonthly by M.e.C., P.O. Box 265, MQrsha.ll, AR 72:650. @ Copyright 1989. All rights reserved. Not.hing: mo."}" be reprinteod in ~Thole or in po.rt

-w-ithout written pennission fl-orn the publisher. Cover a.rt by T-Ma.c Gra.phics_

2 On fill Fronts The Walker File #3 Winter 1988-89


.A NIGHT TO REMEMBER - ASL I North"W"E'st of KhCLrkov, Russia., August, b-1, 194;). The 14 4

Kha.rko"i.l' sCLlient irnpe-ded vitCLl R u$sia.n comr.r~ unicQ tion a.nd upply line-so SeverOol a.Uernpts o this stra. tegic city had


t f

P 1


¢J CLiled. Stalin realizing the im-ort.a.noe of KhQrkov ordered

"ts im:m.e-diett€' capture. The E''W"ly rehabilita.ted 5th Guo.rd

(continued on pogE- ,)

Ge-rma.n Forces: 2nd S8 Pa.nzer Divisic'n set up on boa.rd Sand boa.rd .. south of hE'xr'o......-v 7. [ELR 5] {SAN 2}


~ .

Russian Forces: Mixed elE'ffiE'nts of the 5th Guard Tc..nk Army, en t,gr on nn y nort.h roc...d hex. [ELR 3] {SAN 2}

1.-,-_1 2-,-_1 9-2

1 9-1 1 '-1 IL=< IM=<I 1_-.-,1 '-1 1 '-0 1 ATRI L=< IM=< 1 H=< I

7 3 4

AL AL FlOok 10 Po.k -4:0 H=, rQ.dio 9;-2 .-1 saL 75L


pzKw- P:d{~ pzKw- PzA II SPW VG VD VIE 251/1

2 2 :; 2 2

Enter turn 4: on a.ny south rOCld hex.

SPW pzJ:g:: 6-~6 8-1 L=. >S1/1 III/IV

3 2 3

© Copyright 1989 M.C.C.

VICTORY CONDITIONS: To win, the Russian player must destroy all Ger­n1an tanl::.s and capture either Hill 522 (overlay <T') or the bridges in he:Kes 5.Y8 and 5Z9. Any ot.her re3ult is a GenYlan Victory.

,... ~ Gc:r:ro.nn:s :sod up first

16 2 2 2

AL T34 T34 ICV 1S: OT 34 KV 1

'-1 M01 l'>'I43 l\'l42

4 4 4 4

EntE"r turn :5 on Clny north roa.d he-x.

I '-2-7 I 10-2 1'-' IL=' I M=·I DC 1 ,-~d;o I 10 3 w==

I"'l~, M' su 'W"/AA 122

4 4 2

SPECIAL RULES: 1. ECs are Dry with no wind. 2. Place overlay "I" such that. IX8 is on 5Nl0/4rJO and IT7 is on 5M7. 3. Gerrn.ans have panzerfaust (PFk) ca r:rabili t y . Con tin ued on page 4.

Ni:g:ht 12 turDS

On fiii Fronts :5


A NIGHT TO REMEMBER Tank Anny was given the task of encircling Kharkov. It was clear to the Gennans t.hat the F """;'3:sians would not. ITlake another frontal assault. Thus.. anti-tank defenses were set up in-depth on the northern perilneter of the salient. At the last mon-lent the 2nd S8 Panzer Division (Des Reich) arrived and took positions near the Il1.0st endangered s:ector.

SPECIAL RULES (continued) :3. Night Rules are in effect. German squads and tanks may set up concealed. Tanks lose their conceahnent when hit or after firing. 4 AT gl_ln:.=>, crews~ t-;...,o squads, one leader and their respective SWs rD.ay use HIP. 5 The recently rebuilt 5th Guard Tank Arrny suffered from lack of and experience. Thus, any broken RUssian unit has its lY.lorale ]o-...vered by one vrhile broken AFTERMATH: On August 4th, the Luftwaffe attacked the assel'Y'"1bling Russians:, t.hus preventing their attack. On the 5th> the Russians advanced in force. After lTIuch fighting, the Russians were thro~.,..;n bacK with heavy losses. An att.ack. the next day also failed against the superior tigers and Hornets. Undaunted, the R.ussians carne back at ni~l1t for one last D"lassive attack. Burning tanks lit the battlefield. Anti-tank guns had tl-ouble discerning friend from foe. In the pale ligh t of burning farmhouses, the Gennan tanks launched a counterattack. The two tank forces clashed but at dawn the GerITlans perceived their victory. KrJarkov reITlained in German hands and the 5th Guard Tank AnY1Y ceased to be a cOlYlbat factor for some time. The Russians had lost OVer 420 tanks in 3 days of fighting!

TERROR IN THE SNOW (from p.5) their heelsl it was necessary to guard the east bank to 61.110'\\7 re­treating German units across- and prevent Soviet bridgeheads from forming. Nearly universally, elite units formed the rearguard; thereby compensating for the dearth of rflan­power "1Nith elan. ""lith such sliITl re­sources> however~ even minor probes by the enemy could be disastrous.

SPECIAL RULES (continued) that D6 is on 5-AA6 and E7 is on 5BB7. Place overlay N so that U3 is on 5EE9 and VZ is on 5FF8. All buildings are wooden except 5FF6 which is stone. 4. Night rule.s (49) are in effect. There is "falling snow" (111. 52-54) with a light snowfall accUlTIulation (111.8-111. 88) on the ground. Lastly, there is a mild breeze blowing to the east. 5. German MMCs and SMCs are wearing "sno'W smocks" (111.81). 6. German S"vl lTIay be hidden (164.5). 7. Gennan AT guns IYlay set up 11id­den (167) and emplaced (145.5); they nl.ay a1so boresight. As elites> the ~'Uns have augmented APCR depletion "'S: 50L-A6 and 75L-A5.

AFTERMATH: Although out.num­bered and outgunned> the Gennan defenders were still able to obU tera t.e the ~.(Jviet probe. However, the Pak Front was disrupted and subsequent. attacks succeeded in driving the Ger­ITlans to trJe river. As always~ Soviet. :rnanpov·rer reserves made the differ­ence.

4 On RII fronts The Walter File #3 Winter 1988-89



Some'W'here ulong the Dnieper river, 40 miles: south of Kiev, early Nove:rnber 1943": After the precipitat.­ed rout of the Gerttl.o.n force:!> n&Ci.r Kursk, Hitler d€-signCtted 0. winter regrouping area to exist be­hind the Dnieper. With the Soviets right on {continued on pelg!? 4)

13 ...

Eler.nent=:: GrossdE"utschlQnd Po.nzerg:renGLdieT Division set up GLS per SSR 1.

1.-0-.1,0-, 9-2


PF L=< . ."

2 5

SPW ENT 251/1{1

3'iL (&)






© Copyright 1989 M.e.C.


AT 75L

VICTORY CONDITIONS: In order to win, the rnust destroy at least seven Soviet AFVs. The Soviets: must break or kill all Gerrnan squads OR destroy both AT guns. If both or neither side wins, the game is a draw.

'"' ~ G-e:rrna.ns se;t up fir::i't

EleInents:: 2nd Ukrc;tiniCLn Front enter on E'Qst edge, turn 1.

T34 70C



5 5

SPECIAL RULES: 1. Germans set up anYWhere, pro­vided that at least two boards con­tain Ml'tlCs. ,Joining half hexes do not count. 2. BOBTd 4 is playable only fror.f1 row A to P (incI). Boards 5, 6, & 14 are only playable frorn row R to GG (incl) . :3. Place overly E so that N3 is on 4Ft. and 04 is on 41<'7. Place over la y G 5;0

(continued on page 4)

Winter 1988-89 The Walker File #j On HII Front. 5



am ... w

III - -'" '"


N M --.J ro

Elern.ents: Yug051Qvia.n PQ.rtisa.ns se-t. up CLS per SSRs. (ELR S] {SAN 4}

THo Po.rtisa.n LeCLders. Escort, 1st, 6th Div.

B 1.-2 1.-1 1.-1 1.-0 17-

0 1 1_-4-71,-·-7 1,-·-71 ~~~~:.ersonQ+2-·1 2 3 26 26 5 3

Co. A, 1st Training Btn. (OCS). Support V.leo.pons •

J'.'ltr Bunker AT MTR l",Oxn:ro. Hm< M:rns: Lm, ro.dio 1-5-7 37m:m. 82== B

9 3 3 3 1 1 2

Allied Advisory!TrCtining Missions: ECtoh Allied Mission sets up with its 1.m.its c:oncea.led in Q.ny ONE building per country on bOQrds ~, 12, or S.

British U.S. Soviet

2 © CopYl-ight 1989 M.e.C.

VICTORY CONDITIONS: Set up and SSRs are on page 8. See "Objective" on page 7.

~ ~1 ~3 *5 ' .. Germans move first

2 4 6 * PCLrtisans set up first " . " .

6 On nil Fronts The Walker file #3 Winter 1988-89


Elem.ent:::: S5 Pnra.chute< BCLtt.a.1ion 500 set up CIS per SSRs. [ELR SJ {SAN o}

[ 10-2 [ 9-2 [ 9-1 [ 8-1 8-0 7-0 [ H-' [ H-' [ '->-0 [

2 2 2 26 2: 3

M'r Glidozrs Lrc.1j: Mm.~ H=,

50rnrn DC FT radio

10 3 2: 3 6 2: 9

ElernE'nt.s: 7th Div. Rec.on Co.

SP"N" PS~y\7 Motor 6-1 4-6-7 TCLdio L=. I~:m.s: 251/1 231 8rd cycl~

3 2: 'OL (4)

2: 2

© Copyright 1939 M. C. C.


Capture or kill Tito! Those were the orders for Obersturnifuhrer Rybka of the SS Parachute Battalion 500. The GerITlans knew that Tito's headquarters were at Drvar. The 88 airborne were to assault the heaClquarters to capture or ktll Tt to. destroy his c:oITl.ITlunications) elin1inate his allied advisors and then hold un til relieved by the 7th Mountain Division.

Objecti'i.Te: The GerITlans win automatically if they capture or kill Ti to. Otherwis8

1 the victor is

deterrl1ined by the total of BPV of each squad:~ HS, or crew elirrtinated or captured plus the n10rale value of each leader eliITIinated or captured_ The Germans get 20 points, eact1, for destroying the telephone eEchange

and the radio comluunications center. Double the pain ts for each allied squad and allied leader elhrlinated or captured. The Partisans receive BPV of Gerrnan Recon vel-deles destroyed. The Germans receive the 5PV of the 37L ATG, B2mm mortar if captured or destroyed.

Overlays: Board 4 - Place over let. y ~< I" wi th

W4 on 4W4 and V8 on 4V8. Place overlay "5" with CCl on 4G3 and DD4 on 15F9. Place overlay r<H" with K5 on 41".15 and L5 on 4H~ •.

Board 15 - Place overly "N" so that it couers: 1SG5, lSG6 and 1SH5. G5 relYlains a level 1 hex, only" \"ith trees_ All walls and hedges on overlays/overlaid hexes still exist.

(continued on next page)

Winter 1988-89 The Walker File #3 On HII Fronts 7


8et Up: (1). One 4-4-7 with one radio

(representing the communications cen rer) set up concealed in building 1G4, and one more 4-4-7 and one radio (representing the phone center) set up concealed in building 1Q3. These radios are not rnobile. They are permanent communications equipl"nent. Facilities do not have to be placed on the ground floor.

(2). The balance of the 4-4-7 squads and all the 3-3-7s are divided into 6 companies of 8 to 10 squads each plus leaders, support weapons, and 2 fOXholes (18 each) per company. One COITlpany sets up on each of boards 2,3,4, and 15. The last two companies set up offboard to enter as described below in SS5_

The Partisans may set up concealed if in a building or wood heN. Units may roll for added entrenchrnents as per B27.1l.

(3). Tito (10-3) and his personal escort (the three 6-2-8s), a 9-1 or a 9-2~ the bunker, 2 foxholes (is capacity) and any desired support '\'leapons set up on board 15. Tito sets up Hidden in a cave (also see 88R 3). His escorts may also set up Hidden in the, on top of the hill over the cave or within S heRes of the 3-hill/ cave hexes. Record any Hidden units on a separate sheet of paper. The hill rnass at 15F2!F3!G3 overlays the cave headquarters. All level 3 and 4 heRes repres.-en t a second level underground. The cave has two en trances (SSR :3). Once t.he Gerrnans arrive, Tito rnay escape off any board edge.

(4). The nine 5-2-7s ;~ith leader(s) and support weapons set up off board 7. They represent forces frorn. the Officer Candidate School.

They on turn 5 anywhere on the south edge of the board.

SPECIAL RULES: L The Gennans will arrive in ::.

"serialsn (One glider and two parachute). Divide the Gennan units, leaders, and support weapons equally between the three serials. Anyone serial will arrive on turn 1. The others will arrive on tUl-n 2 or later as the Gerrnan pia yer chooses. Due to a lack of JU-52 aircraft, the second parachute serial cannot arrive until 6 tUrns after the first (EX - if the first arrives on turn 3 ~ the second. ITlay not arrive until turn 9).

2 . The wind is light froITl the southwest. All drift will be to the northwest. It is a clear, May ITlorning. Drvar is loca.ted on a bend of the TInac river. Therefore, navigation to the Drop Zone(s) is not a problerrJ.. Dice rolls f01- Drop accuracy receive a -1 DRM.

3. The cave: (a) The cave ("The Citadel") has

two entranc-es. The Gennans are aware of the cave but do not know the ent.rance locations. The Partisan player secretly records. the hexside location of each entrance on a piece of paper. The en trances are the lowest ground level of any cliff hexside associated with the cave/hilL

(b) The German may become knowledgeable of the entrances by one of two methods:

(b 1) Interrogation of a Prisoner (E2.0), but anyone prisoner will disclose only one cave entrance on a DP. of 4 or less. To find both will require interrogation of tvro different prisoners.

(b 2) Discovery by any 88 unit n~oving adjacent. At least a HS lTIust survive any attacks, unbro}-~en.. Then tl"le Partisan player must disclose the entrance. (Continued on next page)

8 On "II Fronts The Walker File #3 Winter 1988-89



4. The German does have 8tuka dive bOITIber air support. The availability is:

TUrn 1: 3 aircraft. Turn 2: 2 aircraft. All turns thereafter - use Table

E7.1 to establish availability. 5. ReinforceITlents: The oes

COlYlpany enters €r.utolY.tatically on turn 5, anywhere on tl1.8 south edge of board 7 or 8. Beginning on turn 6, the Partisan pIa yer may roll for reinforcements by rolling a DR equal to the current turn number. He rnust declare ",rhich unit he is rolling for (the 5th or 6th con1.pany). Only one per turn rnay be rnade. The 5th cOlTIpany enters anywhere on the west edge; the 6th company anywhere on the north edge of the board.

6. The Unac river is fordable in several places. Hexes 8Y2-8Y4 is a Ford, as is 7Z5-7Z7, and any 1 or 2 her: wide channel on board 7. Trle current is rnoderate to the Vlest.

7. Elements: of the GenTIan Recon Company enter on the north or east edge of board 3 or the east edge of 12. Beginning on turn 12 the Gerrnan player n"lay roll 1St Te. If the Recan Leader passes the TC the Recon Platoon may enter. There is no additional penalty if 11e tails and he may try again on turn 13. The Recon Company auton1.aticallv enters on turn 14. They rn ust roll tor radio contact Witl·l t.heir HQ as ,,"ell as the 88. They ha>;.re a 105rnITl artillery rnodule. The 88 may spot by relaying adjustments throueh the Recon Lead8r~ i.8. both radios rnust be operational.

B. All ~'norrrla17~ Partisan rules apply. In addition, with the Allied IVlissions> their quality ot training

was very high. Therefore, captured weapon rules do not apply to the Partisans. Their training included use of Gern"lan weapons. Also, their cost of rnO\.TelY.lent through woods is 1, not 2, MFs.

AFTERMATH: To the GelTt"Jan's surprise, Drvar was deserted except for the two con1n1.unications centers. To their further surprise, these were not easily routed partisan "bandit.s" but rather they were well-trained and supplied troops. Marshall Tito rnade his escape easily and the Partisans trlen proceeded to decin1a te the 88 Parachute Battalion. When they were finally l-elieved by the 7th Mountain Division there ""ere only a handful of cornba t troops fighting a desperate defense from t.he town's cemetery, *A

STREETS OF FIRE (cont.. frOlll p 10) four battalions t.o reach and reinforce Col. Frost's beleaguered troops. Here, along what \i'-ras called the upper road, Col. Fitch's 3rd Battalion found itself embroiled in a. bitter house-to-house struggle.

AFTERMATH: (cont.) Col. Fitch had no chOice but t.o withdraw. For Lt. Col. Frost and his troops; they ·were completely cut off, with the only hope of relief being the arrival of 30 Corps, who th81TIselves ~were still locked in bitter fighting miles to the south of Nj n"legen. *A

lIIinter 1988-89 The Walker File #"j On RII Fronts 9


• STREETS OF FIRE - GI 1 S~ptlii'r:nbQr 1~, 194.4'1 Arnhern, HolIo.nd, along the- bCtnks: of the LO"lAler Rhine. Opera.tion IVla.rket. Garden wa.=: fa.ring: bCtdly, particularly in the Arnhem (u-eQ. Lt. CoL Fros.t·s ba.ttalion hQ,d rnanQged to rE' tho:;. bridge but ho.d fCLiled to secure both ends, making their situa.tion precQ.riou::: at best. Surprisingly ::::tiif GerrnCln resisto.nce ""u\1"GS its presence felt Clnd the British se-nt forth (oon tin ued on po.~e '9)

Elements of the 9th 55 Panzer Division set up on CLny tlE'X south of roa.d R9, T9, Y7, Z6, ZS, .& FF2 using Hidden I ni tic...! PlaGe-rnen t.

PSV.f E--S-J:: 9-1 *-1 L:«J.~ 231

8 2 6

© Copyright 1989 M.e.C.

VICTORY CONDITIONS: Victory is determined by points. For every stone house occupied on opponent's side of board - 2pts. J

""Dod building - 1 pt., squad KIA'd - 2 pts., leader K1A?d - 1 pt. ~ Armored Car - 2 pt$.

SPECIAL RULES: 1. Only he"rows R-FF (incl) are in play. 2. High die roll detern-~ines who lYloves first. 3. German arn10red car n~ay not set up HIP.

o EleIUents of the> ~rd Bo.ttQlion, 1st British Airborne Divisic,n set up on h@H north of roo.d R9, T9, Yr, Z~, 25, & FF2 using HIP.

1_-;-.1 '-5-$ 1 9-2 1 0-' $-0 1 M=< 1 '-=< 1 6 4 2 4

EJ 2

AFTERMATH: After making some initial progress: the British relief at­terrJpt had slowed to that of a craw1. caught in deadly machine gun fire frOlTI both enemy-held houses in front and from a brickw-orks position across the Lower Rhine on their flank, casualties mounted. Splitting up into tV10 groups, each occupying their own blocl;:., it ........ l8S decided to await nightfall to resurJ1.e the ad­vance. However, even with the cov­er of darkness .. the advance once again carne to a halt. A fUl~ther ad­vance was now out of t.he question and (con tin ued on page 9)

lOOn RII Fronts The Walker File #3 Winler 1988-89


(continued from page 2) Guy Sajer. Other sources were consulted for specifications about dates and units. It centers around the stand made by Captain Wisreidau and his slnali Pak group.

-Operation Rosselsprung-This i:5 a very, very interesting

an.d unique design but it has one fatal flaw-, it is too big. Efforts were lllade to try and find a play test group who -.....rould work on a design of this sia8. ~we had one attelTIpt but that tiz2led. Maybe you would like to "\-"ork on it a little?

The background for the design can he found in Kornn1ando by Lucas- (St. Martin's Press, NY). It is just one chapter of n1.8ny describing special German units and battles. Further research by ON ALL FR{)lV7S uncovered SOlne very intere-s.ting Inaterial.

"'Streets Of Fire" SOF is one of those ,ccusp"

designs that cOInes along just as one level is being phased out and a new one is beginning.

We were able to get. 80lTIe

play test results which showed that the design was just about. ready for p'l..tblication BUT there ..,..Fere a few design featUres that I was not too happy with (both sides setting up HIP). Attempts at readjustnlents caused delays and soon the ASL strealn just swept. it aside.

No\" that we have the British counters jt just lYlight see the ligl""!t of day.

Suggested changes. for the ASL ]euel would be: First, the use of concealment counters instead of both sides setting up HIP. Second, reduce the nUlnber of Gennan LMGs by half. Third~ change the British 8-0s to 8-1s.





Other Pia. yt~sters

A. Sc..,nClrio ca.n be

plo..Ved in.

B. Num.ber of time-s C. Approximate tirne

s:p.oe-n.t.. Q.t,

the scoauGLrio,-__ ____ hours.

E. Score

(Victory Conditions)

playoa.-ld ____ _

1 st, Tin1.e [

Pk"'YE'd ] ] Title


D. Nuxnber of ...,..,in.£ __ _

Allied ' .... dns __

] Hh [ ] 1. PIny Bc:r.l<l.nce: Whc-lt in your opinion is the pIety bCLIQ.nce rCLlio of the

50150 (even) If not even~ ."..,....hich side hQ.s the adv"Cf.nlCLg"'? ____ _

By ho",,· much (55/45, 60/40, 65/35 or 10/30)? ______ _

2. Playabilit.y: Is the- €' to understc:r.nd? __ _

Is it e-njoyc...ble to pla.y'? Any comm.ents? ___ _

:5. ChCLnges to the scenariQ. PIe-CLs-e list Clny cha.n;ges: to the sce-nClrio. The plCLytest

re-sult,s~ A-D, should be- b(\:;;ed on thE' FINAL VERSION.

Win!!" 1988-89 The Wlliker file #3 On All Fronts 11


SPRinG 1989



ALlER fiLE '4


1n Walker File Index

Volume 1. Issues #1-#4

= This Issue.

Index: Desobry's Defense White Death Parker's Crossroads The Schonberg Road Habbaniya The BelgiuITl Collapse The Paderborn Push Siberians of 8orodino

P 3 P 4 P 5 P 6 P 7 P 8 P 9 piO


As The Crow Flies Basques Connection BelgiuIn Collapse Cisterna Desobry's Defense Guderian's Baby Habbanlya Hope Eternal It's Still There MolotoV Montgarden Ridge Night to Remember One More Tim.e Paderborn Push Parker's Crossroads

SEP: The Lost Scenarios Rosselsprung

_ . Th:!~ la~t i.~.~~e_ is ? y~.!:'x __ .spe~t~!. _____ Schonberg Road ___ _ one for it contains the "lost .. SEP Siberians of Borodino scenarios. SEP stood for the Scenario Stalin Line, The Exchange Program which Brian Streets of Fire Martuzas started some long years S"W'ord of the Viking ago, even before ON ALL FRONTS Terror in the Sno",", was first printed. SOlne SEP scenarios Trois Ponts found their way to us and we wrote White Death


"2 "2 "4 "1 "4 "2 "4 "2 "2 "1 "1 "3 "2 "4 "4 "3 "4 "4 "2 "3 "2 "3 "1 "4


p 4

P 8 p 8 P 9 P 3 P 7 P 7 p 5 p 6 P 3-5 p 10 p 3 p5 pO p5 P 7 P 6 ... _. plO pO pH p 10 P 5 • P 6-8 p3

to Brian for permiSSion to print them --------------------which he was kind enough to give. SEP GI Level Scenarios ("17-#37):

The relationship between ON ALL 17 Punching Through to Bastogne FRONTS and SEP began to grow until 18 Desabry's Defense Brian could no longer continue the 19 White Death work and suggested that the two 20 Carpiquet Airfield lTIerge in order to protect what SEP 21 Blood on the Bocage l1aCl done up to tl1at po1nt. The merger took place with the hope that the "work'"' would not be lost. Well? it has not been lost; in fact, it is very rnuch alive (continued on page 11)

22 Parker's Crossroads 23 Defeat in the Quagmire 24 The Schonberg Road 25 The Bridge at Hotten 26 The Distroff RepulsE' 27 A Eaptism of Fire 28 Defeat in the Cornfields 29 Habbaniya 30 The Belgium Collapse 31 The Padlrr"barn Push 32 The Siberians of Borodino 33 Der Fuhrer~s Firemen 34 Aparhnent Hunting 35 The St. Cloud Repulse

OAF/WF "57 WF WF "12 "15 WF "50 WF "5 "39 "39 "'54 WF WF WF WF

THE W A.LKER FILE (Val 1, No_ 4 - A.pril 19B9) is a spE'cial 5upplE'Inent of ON JfLL FRONTS "Which is published monthly by M.C.C., P.O. Box 265, Marshall, AR 7265:0. ® Copyright 1989. All rights reserved. Nothing lTlay be reprinted in ;,.vhole or in part vvithout v..rritten permission from the pllbli.5h~T.

=-6 The Encircle-1Ilent of Lvov '*9 37 Counter -Attack. at B. Gaumont #19

2 On 1111 F run t5 lbe Wlliker File *1 Spring 1989


SEP Scenario 18


I-*_v._'._._"_._'_'n~' __ -l. 1i{I • 2 i. Gtr1llu ........ first I

DE30B.r.'Y',S D2FENS2 Dec; !9, 1944, TolfU of .Ho·I111e, nor-th of Bastognel One of the lIlany reads that ran tnrougn to aastoene was Rt. 15 that extended from Liege ':;0 ArIon .... ith ~oville forming a j~ctlon with the route frolll Oberwampach. This road oenter, if cut, would .ever East()gne from tbe Northern supply routes. In delenEle of ~lJville WaS Te= DeElobry, a cellec'tion from Combat COlll1&and £I ef the 10th Ar1I:l()red Dlv. Nruued afteI its commander, Ma~. ~111lam R. Desobry. After several sharp repulaes ()f attecks from lead elements of the 2nd l'anzer, the to·.m WaS still in Amerlcan handS and still blocking the Fan~ers. At 10:}O a.b., ae the ?o~ tbat had permeated the area for several days Urted. the G-renadl.ers had attacked from 'tbree aides to take Noyille.

VICTORY CONDITIONS German9 win by clearing road 4QI-1SR9-3GG-6 of U.S. 9'luads in adjacent hexes by glUlle end. U.S. wins by avoiding tbese victory oonditions.

Buard ( onfi~ura(ion

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

--4 ~-


3 '5

EIoEHENTS: 2nd Eat., S06tb Farachute neg. of the 10Ist Atrbortle, and eleme:<ts ()f tile 2Qt~. Armored Inf. with Co. E., Th~rd Tank Bat.set ~p first af'.lhex 30ards 3 and 15. r:.~'Q.: 4

r----,--~l-f~ !a.


! Entrench 5

i ---

. ' -= " 3

~ ~I ~,

t ._-;'1: 'f H~tn

L_ H 7'-4-7 S'U ' '"1 MM' ~ ...,;8·20 --44.12

2-l-6 .~,BI2 . -612


,~ • I .• 'I", ~ I .0. f XJ1'- I t.lm

2 6 8 2 4 5 2 Bat., enter Turn One ::lout11


iloar"_ 15

8 4 ® Copyri(ht 1969 by M.C.C

dI!:: "iii"

BLEMENTSl 1st Bat. of )rd Panzer .Reg •• 2nd Panzer-Diy •• enter turn oke Nortb edge Board 2.

,~ ~ &; i ~ ti~ ttt - ;.~M,.,aG j,:.~~ r,'-~ , I,ll i CEj.fJ-: ' ~-~-,,~1·~1--. -"-~·-~.~"'-'-1---'--··-·.-'-!-' }[ t\ It 4'~7 4-3-6 '112 W [JI 812 """'" ~ ! '''m-, I ".- / -, L ___ .L~ __ ..l_..., L ___ .L ___ .l. ___ .i ___ ..l ____ L ------1 nlU 1 75l • .,... ".rr-"

ELEHENTS: 2nd Bat •• ,2panzer't.e5., 2~d panze'!. D1v~eiier rurn40ne East edee .Board 4, 3 3 '-2~

f~ ! ~'1 -~-1~ ~~ :ELrlEHE", .... ""c:""T"~'d_,c:"1''''"Of;". ";:",'"'Td"'4t'~~'-:-',i""'1'\',,·".t-.~~"~i~'~'f.-"~~rl J~;d ~b~:"'i 4~_4" ';>'1

I~.-~·' ;75::;~~;;;I8ll;::::~ i.'~~::J2c:::::I_l:~::-~i~=-~/\.~~/\.=~~~~;b~'~;;~·;-;·'~"~;>;·'~"~:;::);~"~:;;4~~~':5l~JI SPEC IAI. Rt.LES 2S.6 .!rtiUef] for the AluericB.Ils is one module of

25.1 log (111.2J rules are in effect for turn one only • .lt tbe beginning ot German Rally ph~ge on Turn 2 105 is te automatically Burn Off (11! .2) as per no~al jrOCedure. Roll for Fog Leyel fnr Turn One tlll.21 • 25.2 Road .. 1511-59,15 !1-GG5. 15Ql-S5, and Rnad bex 1511 do NOr exist. Treat these hexes as normal open terrain, 1n NO clrcuaataDce are they to be cons1der_ red llS Roads. 25.' !'he Shenrlan t.aus ara 10 .... 1n Al' 5l:rJl10 and run. the risL of deplet1on. Every t~me the Shermans f1re an A.P ahot an unmodified roll af 8 or more lBean~ thllt this tank has no mor-e iP shots lett for r~e1nder of the scenario. lhe tank 1s free to fire as many BE rounds as nOnrlal breakdown rules w111 permi t. 2S.4 Hote tnat tion number of CaSB F of !peR of Case E.

tbe K-36 bas J.PCR.lJrmo with a dep1e_ 5. When firiDg this special alllJllo use Ranze Effects 00 Penetration inatead

25.5 Tha Sball boles on Hoard "2 d() not axist.

LOOmm off-board artillery support an~ one module of IS5mm. off·hoard art11lery ..-ith Bearce arr,mo. 25.7 Germans roll for rand,oill,,-au-pp~ CL~l'l. 2,.6 .Because of the terrible ~lon of tbe erea all non_road movement are sub~ect tIl Bo~ i75.Bj dice rolls .... 1th all effects sufferred for e'lery o()R-road he~ traversed. • '.lFtERJoUTli: 1'elLJl DeBubr)' had realized thllt they I(ore facLng B rull Panzer Division aud ths heavy pounding be~an to abow its effect. or B Shermans, ~ would re_ maln tbat morning from till fighting SlJuth of ~ovl1le. 130ffioers, 199 .,an :[":':-010 the 506t11 alone were k111ed ... a~DdBd or mlssing. KaJ.Deaobry wBB wounded and foroed to reltnquiah command to KaJ.Harwiok. ~ovl1le ned iallaa. and De.sobry 111I11Bel!, taken prhnll8r, ....... p"e.-Sl\". ~ eDd to tile battle. sn ........ chert found oima .. lf three days behlnd anhed..,,! having badly sufferad losslla hl"B~lf. Unaola to ke up~belr 1aerlcao cOUQterperta. this 'be II ClJstl1) vic_ tory Cor tile oiarllisDs. \-",.0 F::.. .. .c ..... ~

,~ . -- ~~',H:r"" Spring 1989 - The Walker File *4 - page 3


SEP Scenario 19 I.jHITE DEAl.'ll

VICTORY CONDITIONS The sine co~trolltng the Eost entrenchments at game end wins. Control is defined RS having no ~broken enemy uni ts in .. r ad .laneet to tbe en trencblnent hex and being the last to occupy it with a unbraken unit. Units in -melee have nO effect on the controL of a hex.


firstl 1-*Ru.3sian moves 1 t- [.' i-rnr-----s-e-t-S up f-irs-t I -~ 4 "

Deo.6,19}9. Northwest of Suo~ussalml. finland: During tha early stages of the Battle of lluou.ussalml, the 6t2nd. Reg. of the 16)rd.Ru9sill.)l lnf. Div. o.dvanc· ed forward 1n the Lake Fisspajarvl area with orders frol[l Dlv. Com. to occupy the small of Peranka. 0017 hours before, patrol elements Of the 16th Pic~_ nish Independant Dllt •• under tbe co~and of MaJ. Pallsri, moved out from Peranka towards the RUDslan lines to reconnoiter the ertent of the Russian ad­Tance. Along the way being unfamiliar with tne area, the unit discovered a fault in the 1luseian pleaDed path of advance. Sere Maj. Pallari Qrdered a few ~achlnegunB to be brought up from Peran~a, where their n~ deCense was located. The Ce~ machlnegucs available lrerB dug-in, in well clJllcealed positions and the linns awaited tte hordes.


N .


Board Configuration


• •


.5 1i L S 9 10 E;'Il.j

:&KENTS: I th Bat, set up I squad per hex, on oar 5. anTwbere east of rOlf number 9. inclusive us.1ng initisl placel!ent (42)~

:iEL?M-EllTS: 662nd I_nf. Reg., set up second' on _road bexes A5R7, SI, S6, 055. 54, S). :iU, Q2, QI •

* . _- ----

.r~f':~ 17 k;- k!q "19 L~ . lMG , . ~ .. T ,~ ~.: '0" • . ~ ,D Bl0- .. - -" ,

• 75 .12

27 2 6 2

!ll ~or _Reinforcements, enter turn 5, on road hex a5QI l I'.;'t 22 -.c'" 22

~i! ., ...... ~.

45L .~ 45L ~

@ Copvricht 1969 by M.e.C. 3 2

4 On 011 F.-onts The Wolker Fife #4 Spring 1989


26.1 All buildings are wooden level. 26.2 There are no hills, treat sll on board 9 as ground level. 26.3 Finns are equipped with snow amooks( 1".8,}. 20.4 Extrece ~lnter ruLes \111.91, and Fallin~ snow {"'.5) rules are in effect. Ronds are not cleared ( 111 .B7).

'26.5; the advance phase, I1nnish units may :r.a1ntain their hidden etatus and move if the bex Side tbey croBs, vhile advancIng, touches a woods or building sy~bol.

U1E!lY,J,.TH: J..g the Russian" infantry c.:.lL1lJlDS plodaed througn the deep snow~ towards the village? the forward elements ~'ere suddenly and abruptly cut dOlfD by hidden machinegun fire from the 16th Bat. The Russians then fell back and called in tank support, the arroor soon arrived and with the rein­forcements, they charged the FinniSh position. By the time the Russians reached the well entrenched FlJwish in.fantry theT were Beverly lforn down, ~d in the cloee fighting the Finns overpowered the few Russian squads. Then With Molotov oocktails and . grenades, theT turned against the unsupported arDIor, and it was soon set ablaze. Many small victory l.lkB' tbi9 contr.l.outBd to the malor defeat of the Russians at 5UOJJlmUB9B.l.mL • ,


SE P :scenarIo U

VICTORY CONDITIONS To ~ln German plsyer ~U3t have no ~erioan s~uad wHhln a five hel: radius from tle~ 5Y10 at gallles ",nd (u!lbro~"-n squads, of coursel. us ... lns by aVoiding these ~on11 t1on~.


Oec. <'~, 1<;44, /forth of l'iouffll.lLze, Bl"l~lun. Ali IT Nantuerf~ls Panzer foroes made vast ora OKS 10 the American 11ne9 the 2nd Paruer wan oal1ad UDOn to fol­low up the~e breakth.rou~hB. In positIon north of Rou[[allze the panzer .. were preparing to assault ttlrough the orosaroad,; at JlaraqulI_de_.Fra! t..,rll. tOIlSrd I the tlfln tOl<n of Hannay and GrandmanU. This road IIlso aerved as boundary bet"e .. n the Jrd !~oured & B2nd Airborne, fightIng in • conYllntional infantry role. 1his crossroad, previously negleoted, was recognlzed for It~ importance br a ~aJ. ~rtnur O. Parker fll. ActIng On nis own InitIatiVe, usIng what torcee ne could !J:\.II;;ter. with a pro .. lee of armour support had now sst up a stable defeasive positIon. On the 23rd of Dec. at 1600 ara. the lIIaln effort of 2nd 55 hn­zer Div. com:naoced on Baraque_de_Fralture.

Hoard Configuratiun

4 "-5--'14'

Ifl: I .~. ",t. ~p Ii", 2 /u3/ 4 /5 T 6/ 7 / 8 / END/

00. r, 2nd ilat, 325th GI1.der Inf, 82nd J.irborne I(itn o'~poort froll D troop, 87th. Oal'/ar,. and scattered remnants 589th Field Artlliery Bat. set up flrs't, eoy nex Soard lI.oy h.el.. ~Le.: 5

~ -- -- --~-

Hi -~ 'HIIIG MM' -" , ----,---

-~ ~ :-- -(:~- n:oroas c ..;a-zo

~-~-II: -'" - ft',112 , '"


* -, r

i -

,e' 6 , ,

.1\ !

7'-,,-r- -;- -1:"*-

2 2 10 4 2 4 ELEMENTS: Tash Force Xane enter turn :5 on road 4 IIO. all must enter same nux. ,-_____ ,

I <Ql\~: L"-~' .'

r ~" Enlr~ncl'l Jteadblocl

" ~!rt .> ~ -. --=- ~ ! -.'-,,,. roo - .-I ~ . ,

2 3 6 2 3

ELE¥.E:Wrs: 4th SS Panzer GrenadIer Beg.lDer Fuhrer) of 2nd :is Paluer DIll". enter turn 1 North ed",e .Board 14 •

....• _.--,-,---,------,

;f:;: L. h ;f:i: t~t [ -i ~~: 11 ill\. It 6'.5-8 . -812 '----'--'---"--- -- -. -<r-:--

2 2 16 3

-:-::l2J~" " J ~ 26 I J • BI2 • BIZ

---~ ---8 6

3 4


,-,~",~~~ __________________ ~ ___ • ____ @~C~.P~Y"'iS-ht 1989 by M,C C

Spring 1989 The Wolker File #4 On RII Fronts

SPECIAL RliLES 29~1 All Gullieu ro HOT EXIST, Treat all hexes as normal grourd level open ground. All brld,$ea ara also

·to be treated as operl ground as they too! do nn exIst. 29.2 SnoW' (not deep SnoW') rules are 1n e feet. 29.3 G!rnarls receive one module of off_board artillery (61111111) I(ith scnrce (107.423) UUIIIO. \ 29.4 PlayIng aren eaat of rOI( ~, ,,),_ \)'".:>\\J!.. 29.'5 Optional rule Bet up to any he:.: Board 4 & 5.

~ ''.(;. (r .... r:\ '-\ Lilt-> tS {) c. 1::.1) L~

/l.t'r~;tM"'II!: Under a ball of &u<rdarcuB fire and hayIng enemy tanka rak1ng the linea I(ith polnt blank f1re, the bericaall sufferred great casualties but 'Jltll ths strcnges~ of grit staved off onslaught after on­slaught. The a~or frem Xanee unit offerred GOIIIS help, but lIere no lIIatcn for tile hellTier armored srld a~ed Panzers. the tnre! bOliltzera. fIring over o~en sigllt9 W'ere gradually captUred one by ooe. StIll holdine; a preca['iouB positIon. Parker requested per­IIIlssiorl to vI thdraw. Shortly .ftarllards the order nad come Into abandon the -vital·croasroada. 'rne Garman9 nad their intersection, bu~ at a far ha8vier price that thel !!">:petted to - pay.



, .


.. " . -:-'-~-(:-~~~~ Dao.21.19~4. Outsk1rts of St.Vlth. Tna Schonberg ll.~ ....... 5 toe ., .. tll approaoh toto the tmm Dr St.V1th, lihich was to become synonymous wIth tbe phrase,"The Fortified G-oose J:;gg,- Thla roa.i! was to become the scene of some of the bltte~t1g!:J.tlng of the 1(8r. Covering the apprn8ch wes 8 tasK force led by ~aJ.

Don Soyer, conBlstlng largalf of companies Crom tbe 38th Arrored Infantry with a~ 1d Hoc collectton of recommalssRnce. tank destros8r and engineer un1ts. facing unralantless attacks wlth heavy caaualitles

. ".-.. ,.;"1;

VICTORY CO"lDITIONS Germans ~'ln 'oJ] naving no unbro](ad adjacent American _s~uads to t:le ",Jad ne.<ea of the road 1411 to 4 TlO by games end. Amerl..cans wlnby avoiding tnese vic­tory conditions.


I*U~"'""'I -Gcnnall.. m"~.., r. .... I· 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 ~ ELEI{3IlTS: 62nd '1olksGrenadier Dlv. Vi th

~ A; :\ ~i_ ~.- ~. . . .

"l r W, . , . , . :teo 'j~ ._----- 4'·6-7 . ..

, 2 2 14 - .l I i

~~~ •• ~lS ~'3 /:;. ... 18 I ,

I .",' ., '.~ -. ., Ql -. -, 10,0 ' . • 75Ll 75L4IV. 201101 ." I , ~. - ---.J

'-, :·i -. 3 2


I 6

On bath sides, Boyer called his eo~~aDder,Col. Puller, to rep~rt his line WIIS sHU -boldin8.· ,tt 1900 hra., the f1 nil I .. ~':'9~ _ ~el':an.

.----,--,--, Board Configuration


N I 9

I ----

8J I 10 l!11 12IE~ 7 9 ......

support from U.e :?uhrer Beglei t Brig. ~nter turn 1 westend Boara 14 -


Hi MM' -flMG - .Oo i4-!2 , .. ., ,

1 .~ , , .,. , &12 '" 50 ",.j] .111-12 -- ---- _.- ._---10 2 6 6 .

@ Copyright 19691,.V M.C.C. .

of 7th Armored Div.set up on anT he~, any Board. . - I --... ml~

'IHlHi MM' '~

= In -i8.2!1 14-12 ; lPP .. 7'47

.., • 11\ , 6'U 2--3-1 ' .112 '" ,

2 3 5 2 2


:. .


6 On RII Fronts The Wolker File 114 Spring 1989


Jl.1 Nisht Jl.2 60mm

[49.o} are in effect. fire stars hells (49.6.7} dudn;.:

AFl'-EIiKATH\ Ao the attaok Doured in nO US machine gun or Bs~ooka te~ lasted mo~e then tan or fifteen min_ utes. Ea~h gun bad already been manned by at least aoveral tes~s, and aa soon ss one taam was ~lpea out i t ~"s repla~ed bT another whicb was 1I:1l1ed in turn i __ a tew ninutes latar. At least 3 Panther and riger ta~k9 bad entored St.Vitb with German infantry pour_ ing in behind tbe~. ~ith tbe defense lines broken. the order cama in, 1n 4S ninutesi reforD, save wbat vehicles you oan) attack to ~ne west to St. Vita, . ~e are reforlling a nBW 11no west of tOIm. The Gemans; had o~lIaked through to ~t. Vith end now bad the total' control of thta vital road bub and waa now readying tor thair drive to t.lle Ileal.




- .- /

VICTORY CONDITIONS '3rlt1sh )fin by destfo~;lng at least 15 Iraqi squads acd there must be no Iraqi squads on board j at the end or -tJ;te g!lJlle. Ihe Iraqi Wins by preventing thiS.


o BrltbII moftS fln[

I -+ .. [liP first

~. -.. II


"', ~o ~_, I ,t iCO . -~ 2


""!9 " 1 j;~

2 3

• • • • 'L .- " !i 4-4:7 34-7

9 15

.J , .

~ 1-1!-7

IlLlQ, Hal' 2, 1941: In April til-a pro-German goverru:lent of Iraq demanded that the British withdraw from Iraq. the Brittsh refused and On April 29 the Iraqi Iln,l' laid sierra to the RLF training school at ~abbanlya. Hen from the Indian Brigade were flown in to strengthaf tbe garrison. On May 2, the British attacked tile Iraqi po::;1. tlon.

Board Confignration

{~ ." ...



• lMG l2-7 ' III-




... ~--9

, ,

o ELEMENTS: Indian Brig. &: ~.F tralnlng persollnel nt.up on any whole ,bel: of boar~ 3.


i~~ ~ - ~ Q ~ 'l' H • .. a ~


2 9

I "<}';,. J7

I '::

- ---'~-3

36.1 Use m~ccr ceutral counters for the Iraqi forca. )6.2 British roll !or fighter support.

U • f-n -"" '\, ~. H iJ.;'" i M .. ." -1 ,., ~ " ..

4-4-7 4·3-6 '" '" Ill" 51 .. , ••

6 12 3

~ Copyri.,ht 1989 bv M.C.C.

U'TERMATHI The :Brl tiBh Plii-t witb stiff res1s~tance fram the entrecclte~ Iraqi's. lhey weren't able to clee.r the heights around Habbaniya until May 6.

Spring 1989 The Wolker File #4 On RII Fronts 7



S E P Scenario 30 The Belgium Collapse


'lne sIde ~hat con1rola the I<ost o:ulti-level build1ng hexes (not levolq) vics. 'lne ia~t unbroll:en squad to pass through the hex controls 1t.


I . .. ~rm.n m .. ~ .. Flr.1l I 1°. 3 I ° Iktpan $O!!U -It Ant I 2

May 23,1940.Nol'th of Kortl'i,Jlc,on the LyG P.1vtor:After s~f!ering defeats at the Prinoe A~bert CaD8~ and on the SChelbt River,the Belgium 1st Army fell back to a pod tioD on the Lys jUreI'. The 6th Army of Von Books Army Group B l.e .... ohed ... 1Il8Jor offensive against this Belgian position, hoping to pUnoh through the lice and drive ~orth,trapping the allied armies ~ainst thO ooast.As the offensive began desperate oalls for help from the Belgians brought both Irenoh and British aid in an effort .to shore un the Belgian defenses.

Board Configuration

A N I~

4 5 6 7 8 9 END

t up on ens row

o on 6, •


~ ft ~ ~ :i IIMG ~,

~ ~ , .. Ii ~ 1" 'f; AT ~ " ~ ~ ." .,

j 4-4-1 _~-4-7 BI1 ... 111-0 -, +_H:I 47----'- ~

m ~

8 4

£L&l'.EN'i'S: 23rd In!. Div, BIancnard's 1st frencll A.rtnJ enter turn I on any west edge bax(es).

i -..


dI!:: ::;rr

On nil Fronts

'~ -..

tJ ;

~'I~ I -fLMIiI I &" 9' ,. ~:t ~'-" I

~'"I 111 + I ,. d ", $ ."

n v.! 15* 31·~ 5



25th Reg, 9tn Div, liicbenaus' 6tli I=s, Inn;r Croup B ellter turn .t '"'" east edga hex(esJ,

-.-~ .. " .#' -;;t ..


. ,·· .... 16 \)0- -I

I]), 110'" FT(301 -1/

~~ H .. , ATR'

"t" .:rlMG .--/ ,., 4-6-7 ." - 112 • ... U·

12 6 --

*~~6 " ., ,

~\ .. 14 ~' .. 14 ... ~~14 I "%- ~ ,%.' < ~'#.~ ., k, .'~ :~ ;

37(,( ., 371./.01'" 50 ." 75" .... l7

@ Copyright 1989 by M.C.C

The WoIker File #4 Spring 1989

Al1ERHATH; DeSpite st~ong French and Britlell rein­(orce~ents, tile Belglua Army began to give war on Kay 26. King leopold saw no bope and sent an e~19_ Gary to B~rlln to ask tbe terms or an armistioe. Though tbe terms were unconditional surrender, lle deemed be had no ohoice but to accept. On Kay 28, 1940, 500,000 Bel~ian t~oons laid down their arms.

. . ~ ....



SFF Scenario 31 ,=,:1E PADt::~;0"1:·1 PU3:-r

Marcn )0, i9~5. Fade~Corn. Germany. in ~~hr Indust­rial area soutn of tne Tento_Berger Wald, 80 mile~ east of Dusseldorf an~ Colog~e: Oooe tne Rhine h~d been crossed in botn t~e Nortb and South the ~ermaL l1nes were being peir-ced sllarply with several gaping brea~oeS being formed ln the lines. Once again the ~llies found the~selves in rapid pursuit warfare, but this Ume il:J hostile country. The 12th J.=y Coco Gen. Bradley, now set upon to begil:l t.he great wlleel to the north desi6ned to joln \fit.h the 9th J.rmy to encircle the auhr. ?aderborn \f~S to be sei~ed as it vas one o! tbe m.any road canters and whose capture would anehor the north sboulder of tbis offensive. Ordered to just:"Go like Hell H was 'task Force Ric::"­ardson of the 3rd J.~ored D1v, PUShing to wit~in lS ~iles, hesitant from rece1ving reports of II. large S5 .I.morea oontiogent i::1 the areE., the assault went in.


N wins by clearlng rows 1 J-J- to 1 rows L of

Genoan sQ.uads by g=es "lid, fucctioniog mUlnt as one sQ.~ad for victory purposes.

Configuration =- -.i.P'f';


u -- -

, rl;..m,on KIS IIp fj"'l '"I 140 • .,

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3J;t END ,:tl-.!'! ...... ~n fj",!

-E:'~:""TS: " ErSE.t~bri_;;:ade 'ofest?aleo set \1p first a;).y hex Boe.r~s I}, 4 a::ld I.

~KMG .. , ,., ~ • i ... I

• 6·16 ~.~11: l ~,. ;,:\' 11 , i ._ •. alZ '" _ sa -:1.'3 " ~ - -

2 6 - - - ---- 2 6 spec1101 ru.l.e



;uy..2JjTS: Task Force ~che.rdson sat u? second on 1:uL·5

'I/~ m 'HMG .. , I~ • 6' "! ~. " ~~) ~1~ Q ~8.20 --i 4·12

, '~' ~. ~ .;, Ie " l\ , . ! IPP l, . 'I ~-., '.'. S'-&.1 ,.~ I ',B12 . '812 ,II BI2 ~ 111+


2-~4 90l ,.: 76'l" 15 "-,,,,,

~ H 2 4 . ~'" ~ , . ,= .. 0"

3 -2 , - 3 3 4 2

;\~ q;1~ lei 9" ~ ""." ! (1;. " -..(:)' i ~ * ~~

.. nrlH'OR:iJo'~'lS: Enter . . Turn , any !lorth ads-e Boud '. ,

I '" - <~ I0I'l' .~ .. lSll"'" . lSJ5P~ 10"-_


, 4 2 I

. . ~ :1 MI11G ~~ :. -{ 4·12

.' I '112

iI __

I·~'ll 3 4 2 .~;;w. r..... ~ -C )l • ~' ,--~.,--L' ~ __ ----,----,--'--_l I I ~'0-}-ul E ROl E i 3 ~,~S mOl .~ - ~ \) «..-t ... ,,1.;~ I n ____________ -@.:....~c~'~p~y~r~'~<~h~t-'~.~6~'~.~Y~M.:..... c.:..... c::.:. ___ ..J

~~~~~~~~~. SPECIAL RULES 40.6 tbllt two Fnnnh machina gLUls are MOT u-sed as a

captured ~eapon but flra normally with a braa~down of 10 or more. Once theBe guns are malfunctioned . __ tbey Bre removed from playas they are considered to

Ihave axbau-sted all of their avallable ammu-o~t1"n.

40.1 a_ginn1ng of German, Rally phase the Gert.aIl player rolls to see ~ha~ kind of reinforce~ents come in as stated in tbe Order of Battle. 40.2 Ge~ani cay not Boresigbt. 40.3 ~l ~erican un1ts must set u-p ou-t of LOS of GeTCI&II units,:lo Venicles are allowed to. set up in l;rees. 40. 4 U.S. rece1ve one module of 10~ aff-boar~ art_ illery su-p?ort. By Turn 3. if the U.S, player deoidel ae may keep tbh support but HAY lola!' 3aIHG II> RIs P31ES!'S. Should the U.S. player decide en bringing ~ his Prieats bis r~ios may only be used fer on Board artillery. U,S. player may opt to delay his entry of Priesta far a9 long as he decides but once the Pr1ests en tar they oar not leave the playing area to. return ta an Off_board artillery support. 40.5 The Ge~ 5-4_7 repreaent inerperienoed SS uz:.1 ts ",bicb function as regular SS "W1 th the u:oep_ tiOll that when broken, rally ,at S, and move nortllaily.

ll''tER.'U.'l'H: ~he size and stren~th of the German garri __ son was II rude shock to tne ~erioans w~o were almost getting complanent with the lack of strong res1st~ce from the t'tal1y defeated Wehrmacht and Velksturm troops. rhe battle raged on througn the lIigbt "II"1th heavy casu-alties to both sides as the fanatical SS cadets (tnis force vas a conglomeration at training batUlions 1.n the area lu.mped to(>ether as one force) put up a fanatical fig~t to the last. Qome late ~pril 1st, the tal/ll finally was in American hand~, but tha carnage all aroun~ gave testament that tne Germans "Were still able to 6ive stiff resistance Bnd .fiC;tlt 11ke tne ~ermans o! before.


VICTORY CONDITIONS Gernans ~lD b;r tracln~ a COII­

tlr.uous lJ.llcontesl.ed road (rom either the North edr.e or eosrds k and/or lIto the South edge of Boards-2 aCid/or'S" free of any unbroken Russian squads adjacent to any of theBe road heJ[~B by Gam! 's End.


2 * R ...... I .. , OfU up I1nc

1 .. Cum.n mnv", /i",

Oct. 14, 1941. 00rod100, 62 mUes [rolt ,tIo~co\n The double en"siepmant battle of YyP-z",a Bud BryallsI Iras conoluding ... 1 th Rllother huge bag of prisoners yIeld­ed by tb.e Sovlet.9. OperatLon Typhoon, the drive on Kosoo,. had commenced. It "'OB here llIIlone;~t tne hill of ttlls hlstnrlc LOllI! where Hapole.n lias bro~ht to the brink of defeat In 1812 thnt Stalin "iiI! deter_ mlned to stelll the Gel"llan onBla~ht. Brl1161n5 up hill crack 31berl,m Divisions from h.te largely denUded far E:aatern front b~f(lre Manchuria IlDd Vladlvostock and reinforcing tbis posl Uoo lr.l. tb two addi Uonal Br~oured brigades of the new T_34'a and KV's\the Russians dug In. Tna Germans co~ltted their crack 5S Regiment dDa!! Relch- witb Bupporting armor rro~ the 10th Panzer [.liThlon to ba.ttle theBe SlberlllDs for the flrst time.

N N ,g

r =1



5 6 7

Buard Configuration

8 9 10 ,nun Dnl' lum 11

11l I


~LEhEt,IS: 11 Jth Reg. of 32nd Slberian Rlfh DJ..v. SH up en)' hl!~ board 2 and/or IS. _I,

r"("t~ _L'_':._t~_'"'c:-l' k k .. t A-A- ~:;: 4-4-7 6~2~h 2-3-7 tl

1==='==---- -'=~ 2

, 12 8 /lex SOl.lth edge.

2 ELEHEN"l'S: 19th Tank: flrig. enter turn 4 any

ELE~:<:::TS: " Ree;. Delltschia,.ul

r~ ;; r • ~ ~~ '~ -~ i~ ~ , '-

2 2

\!} __ 2~ ..... ~ 18 ~.~I~ -. .t> .. ~ . N' .1

-I-'~ ~71E" -lC/lSW 75· ..

4 2

, Der ?llhrer Df I'lotorised lnf. Div. ,,, Reicb-eater turn any bel: north edge.

t.tH Ii! " '" M.' -{ lMG I"


L~ ~;~ -i (·12 ". :::\.~ 7 '\" -, /rtiif2: ' . ", .. ~

. 112 '" 5ll." ~"2: -, , .M' -~, ".1" ,-

16 4 8 2 4 2 l _ --- '--

4 4 3

LEI'1ENl'S: 7th Pen ... er Reg. of 10th Pan ... er Div. enter tLlrn 3 :a1l7 veet edge'hex bo:ard.

{:*:...,t~ ~.,

75~ .. ''''' "","'

f?l c

-, A J:I


,5 P E CJ A L R U L ES 1'--.,,~~:T:"~;;i;3~=_2=-________ @:..:c::o.::p.:.¥:.:n::' ':h.:,' .,:':9':.:9:.:b::;¥:...:;"':,;_,;;C:;,.' C::,~-.J 41.1 G~rll".ans lD"Y (reely deplD:1 any or hIs squads pr.l.ol

t·~ ~nt!."~· and need not roll to do aa. 1,1..2 C~l·"'Br.s r"cel'''~ one module of 15SlDEtI orf_board

artIllery fer the S3 radio and one ~od~l! of 10S"'ffi off-board ~rtlll"ry for the second radio, both with plentlful Ilumo.

~1.3 Both B.l.dea EtI~y ~oll rar lir Support 41.4 G,,~an9 me7 selact Doe 59 leader with unlimited

amoke Etlaking capaci ty. 41.5 Fi~ethro~era must set up in the BunkerG and may

not be reEtloved et any ti~e. 41.6 Ge~anB ~sl del'y ~ntry of anv unit for any

1.en1':lIt of tbu. • .

l.l'ti.a~;A i:lil ;'or the KV's ~~!."e ~~pl01ed th~ SS III. tnout the t ... ~llle thesu taniLe ~ero o( nO.~Bt~h.

!~rat ttme' Lila )1.,.,.1'''' f_' ... ·-S a"d 10 DaB~ed fDrm~tlans an~ catching feared 88'. forced tho S9 to Klth close combat as thelr ?anz.ra Th. bltter !lghtlng ehaKld no

ql.larter given ae t~e Siberian de(.n~~ Vae reso1~te as the outcome bung ill tbe b:alaoce more tbaa ap~ •• COBualtl~a on both aides vare e~tr'De17 hlg~ as tba Siberiaaa stared io their paaitloae ~Dtil d,atb. The entIre Panlar Corpa arti11ary wee .asaed at thle sector to force open. bal. tDr the sa1laat S~ grenadiars. Fighter bDmberl acraemed overhead .e Bunker atter Bunkar Vae reduced. The aar.maaa bad to tight through Bunklre with .1.atTicall¥ con_ trolled (lamethroVlr 'aplaca.anta sod aultared ~nder the c~otlnou. (Ire ot the tlUO~1 Ruaelan crash boom 76 ... olOoOD t1re. The SS tlna117 p~aahed thrDush tD tat. the gUll b:atterlea lro. be_ hind and had their opaoing. Tha pus~ to ~OaoOw vae ranellu:l but d\b alarlllog re$u1tel tba SS lIae .aelch hed expended 60", at 111 .CCeot!nneu to aaau_IUes 1n this blttar etru&gll.

Sprlng 1'389 - The Walker Plle .... 4 - p. 10


(continued from page 2) (See ON ALL FRONTS Issue #30 - 8 cor leve1 .and Issue #55 - a COD level.)

The scenarios that you now have in this booklet (the remainder of the unpubljshed GI level scenarios - see index on page 2) are as they were originally sent to us. They were not fully developed and had only undergone a preliminary playtesting. Once again we did not have enough playtesters to complete the work and so they languished in our files. The corrections that appear on each scenario are as Brian made them, years ago.

You now have in your possession a real collector's item for the following reasons. First, the scenarios have never been published, an)f'W"here. You have the only copies (in their original form) that exist outside of our fUes and those that belong to the old SEP members.

Second, there are only a Jirnited number of these booklets being printed and they are all marked with a special "first edition" which appears in the bottom left-hand side of page 2. Any, and aU subsequent reprints of this issue will be devoid of that characteristic. Hopefully, sometime in the future, this issue rnay bring you a very handsome reward at some auction or a very nice offer by some collector. • A





A. CQ.D. be

pla.yQd in

B. Num.ber of times ......,a..;

Other PIC!. yt.est.ers Title


C. ApproKima.te tim.e D. Number of

sp,gnt a.t tQ~in.g: .Axk~

hour~. pm""" thQ ~rio .Allied ,...,.-ins: __

E. Score 1st Time [ ] 2nd [ ] 3rd [ ] Ith [ ] (Victory Conditions) Played

1. Play Wha.t in your opinion is the pla.y bolQUCE' rQ,tio of the

SO/50{even) _ If not even, w-hioh side h(lS the ____ _

By ho..,- D>uoh (55/15, 60/10, 65/35 or 70/30)7 _____ _

2 _ Pla.yahility: Is the eQSY to undersl.o.nd? __ _

Is; it. enjoya.ble to play? ___ Any comments? ___ _

5:. Changes to the SOIm.a.ri.o. Please list any oh.a.n.g'i<'s m.a.dli! to thoQo scenario. The

results, A-D, should be based on the FINAL VERSION.

Spring 1989 The Wolker File #4 On HII Fronts 11