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Bismillahi Ar Rahmaan Ar Raheem

As Salaam alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu,

Please hear the interview of the publisher of Tableeghi Nisab on

And read here the excerpts of the interview taken by Br.Aqeel-Jeddah.

 The Publisher of the Fazaail-e-Amaal (Tableeghi Nisaab) makes Tawbah

Bismillah ar-Rahamaan ar-Raheem

Special Report by  Sajid A Kayum  - Dated 29/12/2002 

Based upon the interview by Br. Muhammed Aqil  

The Publisher of the Fazaail-e-Amaal makes Tawbah

Urdu Interview: Play Part 1 | Play Part 2 In these times of group polarization, ta'assub towards one's madhhab

and sectarianism, it is a great blessing for someone to seek guidance and

accept the truth, especially, if one's source of livelihood and hard-earned respect are at stake.

One such fortunate individual is Br. Mohammad Anas, the owner of Idara

Ishaat-e-Diniyat - a publishing company that publishes the Fazaail-e-

Amaal (also known as the Tableeghi Nisaab) in four languages and other

numerous books of the Deobandis.

The Fazaail Aamaal authored by Moulana Zakariyyah Khandelwi is the

book that the Jamaat Tableegh uses to spread its dawah. It is the onlybook that the Tableeghis allow to be read in their gatherings and a lot of

stress is put on reading it regularly to the! extent that this book is read

by the Tableeghis five times a day after every prayer. This book has in it

many false beliefs and baseless stories that have been corrupting

people's Aqeedah for half a century.

Br. Mohammad Anas, the publisher of the Fazaail Aamal, after

identifying the vile errors of the Fazaail-e-Amaal, has openly declared

his abhorrence towards this book and the Tableeghi-Deobandi nexus that

spreads its teachings. He has open-heartedly accepted the way of taking

the religion from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah, which is the way of the

Ahle Hadees - And All praise is due to Allah.

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The last few years have seen unprecedented uneasiness in Deobandi

circles due to the fact that a large number of people have left the blind-

following of individuals and groups and accepted the pure teachings ofthe Qur'aan and the Sunnah. While formally the Deobandis would simple

undermine and brush off! the way of the Ahlul-Hadeeth as something

that was practically non-existent, they have now come to realize that the

Ahlul-Hadeeth are a force to be reckoned with and the pillars of blind-

following of elders and extreme partiality towards Madhhabs upon which

the school of Deoband is based have weakened considerably.


The Deobandis claim to be the people of Tawheed, religious learning, and

reformation and the followers of an authoritative Imaam (Imaam abu

Haneefah) and thus portray themselves as a legitimate school of thought

from the Ahlus-Sunnah which differs at the most on matters of Ijtihad.

In reality, however, they have committed great crimes against the

religion of Islam by spreading beliefs of shirk and innovations,

unreasonably defending of the clear blunders of their elders and making

Tahreef to support their madhhab. They have aided the spread of

ignorance by organizing a volunteer force of unqualified ignorant people

in the name of 'Jamaat Tableegh' and have given them the book "Fazaail

Aamal" - which it! self is a compilation of baseless stories that invite

towards the heresies of Soofism.

The Deobandis and the Jamaat Tableegh were able to conceal their

misguided views successfully and effectively in the Arab world and in the

West, while openly calling to them in countries where they have a large

following like India, Pakistan and others.

This has been witnessed the most closely in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

which is both a centre of religious learning and a place where reside a

large number of religious minded people, who spend generously to help

the Muslims around the world. The Deobandis took full advantage of

their good-will and continued to spread their Dawah in secret to theextent that their associates maybe found appointed in many ministerial

  jobs. A good example is that of the well-known Moulana Makki, a

Deobandi who gives lectures in the Haram of Makkah even to this day.

Even the King Fahd press that prints the Holy Qur'aan, published the

Deobandi ! Tafseer as the official urdu Tafseer. [This Tafseer is called

Tafseer-e-Usmani where the translation of the verses is by Moulana

Mahmood Hasan Deobandi and the commentary is by Maulana Shabbir

Ahmed Usmani]. The very introduction to this Tafseer contains

references to the deviant belief of Wahdat al-Wajood though not in

clear terms. Even the major scholars and muftis of the kingdom had a

good opinion of the Deobandis and the Tableeghis.

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But Al-Hamdulillah the misguidance of the Jamaat Tableegh became

clear to some Arab Salafi scholars and they refuted them in their

writings. Shaikh Taqiyyudin al-Hilaali (well-known for his translation of

the Noble Qur'an published by Dar-us-Salam Publications) wrote a smalltreatise by the name, Al-Siraaj Al-Muneer fee Tambeeh Jamaat At- 

Tableegh alaa Akhtaa'ihum  and Shaikh at-Tuwaijiri composed the

extraordinary book, "Al-Qawl al-Baleegh ". Later Shaikh Taalib ur-Rehma!

an, a scholar well-known for his debates with the people of Bidaa

(innovations) wrote the book, "Ad-Deobandiyyah" in Arabic that further

exposed the reality of the Deobandis. The sheikh has another refutation

on the Jamaat Tableegh in Arabic that has been published lately. Apart

from this there are the efforts of many others and may Allah accept all

sincere efforts.

In the Indian subcontinent many scholars have raised awareness about

the Jamaat Tableegh after many efforts towards advising them have

failed. Some Ahlul-Hadeeth masjid even opened their doors to the

Jamaat Tableegh with the intention of co-operation in matters of

righteousness and piety and because outwardly the Jamaat Tableegh

claim to have no agenda apart from calling the people towards prayer.

The Tableeghi have been invited time and again to continue their work

but to replace the Fazaail Aamal with authentic Tafseers and collections

of authentic Hadeeth, but all such requests have been rejected.


In region where there is general Ignorance of the correct Aqeedah and a

strong tradition to put all of ones religious affairs in the hands of a

particular moulana, the Jamaat Tableegh speaks in a position of strength

and openly calls to misguided views. The Tableeghis know that they can

distort the meaning of the Quraanic verses and present to the people in

order to deceive them into believing that it is Allah's Will that all true

Muslims are bound to the regulations of the "Tableeghi Jamaat" and are

expected to unquestionably follow them on their excursions.

The Tableeghis take pride in being ignorant and ask the other ignorantindividuals like them, "to which school or university did the sahabah go

to?". They lie upon Allah and the Messenger and justify it saying it is only

to encourage the people towards good deeds. They often quote the

Quraan as the Hadeeth and vice-versa. Even worse, they quote the

sayings of elders and storie! s and attribute it to the Messenger

(salallahu alaihe wa-sallam). Their norm is to mention quraanic verses,

fragments of hadeeth, stories and fables, sayings of their elders and

karguzaris without distinguising between them - all along giving the

ignorant listener the notion that all of this has come from Allah for the

guidance of the people.

Many Ahlul-Hadeeth scholars have raised awareness about the Jamaat

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Tableegh through writings and speeches most notably Shaikh Meraj

Rabbani, Shaikh Ataa Allah Daerwi and others. And those people who

have left Tableeghis have exposed them even further.

As a result many people have accepted the way of the Qur'aan and the

Sunnah. This is an additional setback to the Deobandis. It should also be

noted that those who accepted the guidance are the educated andenlightened individuals who actually have the ability to research,

understand and differentiate between the fact and lies.

Others who have left this Jamaat are th! ose who migrated to other

countries where the Tableeghis do not have a strong hold and the people

have had the opportunity to learn about the Book and the Sunnah. In the

environment of the Indian sub-continent, the Tableeghis do not allow the

common masses to read the Qur'aan and the Sunnah or listen to anyone

apart from themselves. This is why I mentioned in the very start of this

article that, "in these times of group polarization, ta'assub towards

one's madhhab and sectarianism, it is a great blessing for someone to

seek guidance and accepts the truth" ANd only he who has been in that

environment can truly understand the significance of this.


The Deobandis have finally realized that they cannot combat the Dawah

of the Ahlul-Hadeeth, by merely abusing them or undermining them and

that they would have to reply with proofs and quotes and references just

like the Ahlul-hadeeth refuted them with proofs from the Qur'aan and

the Sunnah! . The Deobandis therefore, organized a huge nation-wideconference called, 'Tahaffuz-e-Sunnat' in India. This was repeated in a

number of other countries. They also published a number of booklets on

the subject and each of the doubts in those books has been replied to

either in writing or on tape, al-hamdulillah. And we will publish them on

out website, insha'Allah.

The result of these conferences was that many people were introduced

to the Ahlul-Hadeeth and began reading books of Ahlul-Hadeeth scholars

either out of curiosity or to refute them and al-hamdulillah this became

a means for people to come closer to the truth. The Deobandis,

therefore, shot their own selves in the foot because the way ofseeking knowledge, analyzing references and sound reasoning can onlylead to the truth.


We ask Allah, the Exalted, to keep Br. Mohammad Anas steadfast upon

the truth to which He has guided him. Br Muhammed Anas's interview

has been recorded by our dear brother Muhammed Aqil from Jeddah.

Brother Aqil has many efforts in the field of dawah on the internet and

runs the Hadeeth Egroups.

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In this interview Muhammed Anas Saheb spoke about how he recognized

the corruption in the Fazaail Aamal and other Deobandi books. He also

spoke about the difficulties in his struggle to seek and follow the

Qur'aan and the Sunnah.

Br Anas specifically mentioned that he found our website and the tapes of the scholars on it very helpful.

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said, "If Allah givesguidance to somebody through you, it is better for you thanpossessing red camels."

We ask Allah to ac! cept the efforts of all the brothers who contributed

and participated in the development of the website whether they are

from India, Saudi Arabia, Emirates or Kuwait.

EXCERPTS FROM THE INTERVIEW===============================

Brother Muhammed Anas said, "When I needed to know about everyday

rulings, I referred back to the hanafi fiqh because that was the

environment we were brought up in. So when we referred to those books

no references were found in them, just the sayings of some aalim and

this seemed to me as if he was saying something from himself and I could

not (satisfactorily) accept it. So I began to research because the rulings

should be with references to the Hadeeth they are based upon.

Thereafter I searched for books and read them, only to find a big

difference between rulings of the (hanafi) Maslak (way) and the Quraanand the Sunnah."

Note: Here the Hanafi Maslak in common language is used to refer to the

way which inclu! des the blind-following of the later Hanafis, adherence

to the school of deoband and its scholars, and to Maturidism in beliefs.

... "I am facing a number of difficulties and I ask Allah to grant me

steadfastness. Since I have started upon this way (of the book and

sunnah) and we stay in a society where the (Deobandi) maslak is followed,

every one looks at me with suspicion (or with dislike) as if I have

committed a great crime. I have only tried to learn the Quraan and theSunnah and to act upon it. My relatives and those who are close to me

have turned their faces away from me, except for a few. Even if I try to

meet them they speak to me in a strange way and when I got my son

married according to the Quraan and the Sunnah in February and did not

arrange for the marriage procession and other formalities, my relatives

are still angry on me. I only sent a car so that my daughter-in-law could

come to the home."

He mentioned that he heard some Cds which spoke of ! the Hijaab.

"When I heard them tears rolled off my eyes and I began to ponder as

to what we had been doing until now, our lives have gone and we have not

been able to do anything. After this Al-Hamdulillah we began to

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implement proper Hijaab in the home as it should be implemented

according to the shareeah where the Hijaab is done from the housband's


When brother Aqil asked brother Muhammad Anas about the sources

that helped him towards the way of the Quraan and the Sunnah, he

mentioned our website and the names ofthe four scholars, Shaikh Ataa Allah Daerwi, Shaikh Safiur-Rehman

Mubarakpuri, Shaikh Meraaj Rabbani (Hafizahumullah) and Shaikh

Badiuddeen Rashidi (Rahimahumullah). He said, "I heard their tapes and

liked them a lot. Whatever they say, they say in light of the Qur'aan and

the Sunnah."

[Click here to listen to these tapes in Urdu]

When asked if he was involved in spreading the true dawah of the

Quraan and the Sunnah, he said, "I wish to do a lot so that the wrong

things that have spread amongst the people come to an end. To start

with I have prepared a list of books that I used to sell in the bookshop

(he mentions various books). One of the books I used to keep was Aamaal

Quraani (cures from the Quraan) while believing that they were cures

from the Quraan and it would not have any (incorrect) statements, but

then I heard one of the lectures of Shaikh Meraaj Rabbani (with a quote

from the Aamaal Quraani) and I check the copy I had with me, I felt

ashamed and very hurt and asked the staff not to sell it at all.

Thereafter, I stopped selling the many other books on Soofism that are

full of Shirk and Bidah."


NOTE: It is mentioned in Aamaal-e-Qur'aani, p. 134 by Maulana Ashraf

Ali Thanwi [published by Jasim Book Depot, Urdu Bazaar, Jama Masjid,

Delhi] that if a woman has excessive menstrual bleeding, the verse

(Surah Al-'Imran: 3:144) should be written on three different pieces of

paper, one tied on her right and the other on her left and the third piece

of paper with the Qur'aanic verse to be hung below the naval. This verse

of the Qur'aan, "Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) is no more than

a Messenger, and indeed (many) Messengers have passed away before

him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels (asdisbelievers)? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will

he do to Allah, and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful."

[Surah Al-'Imran: 3:144]


Br Aqil : What are the difficulties that you are facing after becoming


Brother Muhammed Anas replied, "When I started to keep those books

that are in accordance with the Quraan and the Sunnah, and we are in a

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society with people of a different view, and on the books is mentioned

the word Salafi or there is something else with indicated that the books

are of another school of thought - the people do not buy those books. In

Delhi there is a center by the name "Allama Ibn Baaz Center" from

where I ordered some books since they were good but no one would buy

them because the author was Dr Luqmaan "Salafi". These are the

problems I faced."

Br Aqil : Have you accepted the way of the Ahlul-hadeeth alone, or have

 you family members changed too?

Brother Muhammed Anas, "My wife, my children al-Hamdulillah pray in

accordance with the Quraan and the Sunnah. We also hold a session of 15

minutes to read from books, like we have read from the Book of Salaat

by Shaikh Kailani"

Br Aqil : Earlier you i! nformed me about your daughter and problems

faced by her. Are they because of the fact that she has started

performing Raf al-Yadain?

Brother Muhammed Anas, "Yes, what else can it be? They do not

consider it (Raf al-Yadain) to be from the Sunnah even though I have

shown them proofs. And I gave them photo copies from the books of

Maulana Abdul-Hayy Lakhnawi and Imaam Muhammad stating that the

Raf al-Yadain is proven and is from Sunnah. But they are so blind in their

sight that they cannot understand. How much ever you explain to them,

they do not understand"

Note: Raf al-Yadain is to raise the hand in prayer before the Ruku and

after the Ruku. Raf al-Yadain is a Sunnah proven by Mutawathir

Ahaadeeth, but because there is extreme following of Madhhabs in the

sub-continents, the people are ordered by the Madhhabi ulema to ignore

those issues. Often a figh issue like Raf al-Yadain serves as a stepping

stone towards breaking the barrier of Taqleed and opens the way for

correction of other matters of belief and worship.

Br Aqil : How do you feel having left the way of Shirk and Bidah towards

the Straight Path and Tawheed. Is your heart content?

Brother Muhammed Anas , "Yes, definitely I feel total contentment to

the extent that if I were to die today, I have great hope that Allah wil! l

have mercy on me. And whatever little I have done to follow the Sunnah

will be accepted by Allah. I have complete hope in Allah. I have

contentment as clear as a mirror Al-hamdulillah.

Br Aqil: Since you are mainly dealing with books, has you change

affected you business relations and income in any way?

Brother Muhammed Anas , "Yes, of course. Since I have stopped

printing Fazaail-e-Sadaqat and Fazaail-e-Hajj, which I used to print in 4

languages; Urdu, Hind, English French, and they sell a lot, like the Urdu

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version sells 5,000 copies in 2 months. So, it is effecting my business but

I am not bothered about it Allah forbid even if I was to reach the stage

of starvation, I would accept that because the eyes have to close and

everyone has to die and we have to give account of everything."

[We ask Allah to bless brother Muhammad Anas in his business and

accept his sacrifices]

Br Aqil : You have seen that the book which you ! had been selling till

now (i.e. the Fazaail Aamal) has many statements of Shirk in it.

Somewhere a pious person is receiving knowledge of the unseen,

somewhere it is claimed that Allah's Messenger descended from the sky

(after his death), somewhere it is said that the hand of Allah's

Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) came out of the grave, while

somewhere the leaders of the Tableeghi Jamaat hear the reply of their

salaam to the Messenger. Now that you know of these deviant beliefs will

 you continue with the sale of this book in the different languages.

Brother Muhammed Anas, "No, I consider selling these books a sin. And

I say that if I were the sole owner of these books, I would have putthem in the sea long back. I would sell something else, but not these

books, for now we have stopped Fazaail-e-Sadaqat and Hajj (this is the

second part of the Fazaail Aamal and is more deviant than the first) and

we plan to stop Fazaail-e-Amal (i.e. the the firs! t part) Insha'Allah."

Br Aqil : Tell us about Fazaail-e-Amaal since how long have you been

printing it and was it you father who initiated the work?

Brother Muhammed Anas, "My father was the first one to publish this

book on off-set printing (since 50 years, they have been printing this

book). Initially they were printed as separate booklets like Hiyaakaat-e-

Sahabah, Fazaail-e-Namaz, etc. then the booklets were compiled in one

volume and then the compilation was named, 'Tableegh-e-Nisaab' It wasnot named 'Tableegh-e-Nisaab' by Maulana Zakariyah (the author)but it was named as such by my father. Later when some Barelvis

objected to it, then its name was changed to 'Fazaail-e-Amaal'

Br Aqil : In the end, would you like advice those who are still busy in the

publishing and selling of the book?

Brother Muhammed Anas, "I consider the income which comes from the

selling and spreading of such books that spoil the ! Aqeedah is not Halaal.

So one should limit himself. There are many books, why not sell authentic

books? The stories of parrot and birds, Kabutar Nama (the story of the

pigeon) [he is referring to the stories of Khurafaat mentioned by the

Soofis in their books as lessons]. When good (authentic) books are

available, then these should be spread."

Br Aqil: Any of your two brother have accepted the way of the Ahlul-


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Brother Muhammed Anas, "Yes, as I mentioned earlier, my youngest

brother who heard the CDs, has begun to perform Raf al-Yadain, He told

me, 'Brother if this (Raf al-Yadain) is correct, then why be afraid of

following it while it is proved from the Messenger of Allah and is a

Sunnah? And he (Allah's Messengers) has practiced it until his death."

So, I started (the Raful-Yadain) for he was on the truth'

Br Aqil : What message would you like to send to the people of Jamaat

Tableegh so as to assist them in seeking the t! ruth?

Brother Muhammed Anas, "It is the duty on every person to seek the

teachings of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and analyze whether their

actions are in accordance with the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. This is a

general message for everybody."

Br Aqil: would you like to convey something to the Ulema of Deoband

who compile and spread such books like the book of Maulana Ashraf Ali

Thanwi - Aamaal-e-Quraanin?

Brother Muhammed Anas, "Yes, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi is the

author of Aamaal-e-Quraani. But it is not sure whether this book was

later attributed to him or he has himself written such things. Allah

known best but what I found in them were completely against the

Qur'aan and the Sunnah so I have stopped selling it."

Br Aqil : It was surely not attributed to him later for if it was later

attributed to Maulan Ashraf Ali Thanwi then the Ulama of Deoband

would have pointed to the statements have been (incorrectly) attributedto the Maulana but the Ulama of Deoband have always supported it so it

is not incorrectly attributed to Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi but it is his

own book."

Brother Muhammed Anas, "I was astonished when I read! Hikayat-e-

Awliya, which is also known as 'Arwah e-Thalatha. In all there are 60-70

books which I have stopped printing and selling."

Br Aqil : Have you seen 'Tareekh-e-Mashaaikh-e-Chist' by Maulana


Brother Muhammed Anas, "I have stopped any orders for that book

also. I have also prepared some literature which points towards all such

matters in those books. If someone informs me of any such reference, I

personally analyze it and if I find anything incorrect I discard it."

Br Aqil : The authors of such books from the Ulama of Deoband and the

Barelvis, their blind-following does not allow them to return to the

Qur'aan and the Sunnah, and even after knowing the truth they do not

propagate it. What would you advice them?

Brother Muhammed Anas, "The religion reached us through the

Sahabah, but if one was to search for books on their seerah (biography)

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he would not find it. The Mureeds (followers) however write! books on

(the biographies) of their Pir (mentor) who dies just 100 years back, and

even today we do not know the Sahabah."

Note: There are many biographies just on the life of Moulana Ashraf

Alee Thanwi and some of them are in 10 volumes.

Br Aqee : What is your message to our listeners and especially those

who are still struggling to seek the truth? For this cassette of yours will

reach them Insha'allah and when they learn that a prominent publisher

of these books has made Tawbah before Allah, then this will surely

soften their hearts and will encourage them to take the religion from the

Qur'aan and the Sunnah.

Brother Muhammed Anas, "Firstly, my message is that analyze all you

deeds and verify whether they are in accordance with the Qur'aan and

the Sunnah. One should not follow everything what people tell them, and

today there are so many books available which do not mention

references. So one should research and make sure whether his deeds are

correct or incorrect. May Allah grant us the Tawfiq."

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