Page 1: Publisher/Editor - United States Tennis · Photographers John Moreno, USTA Florida Consultant Philip
Page 3: Publisher/Editor - United States Tennis · Photographers John Moreno, USTA Florida Consultant Philip

Publisher/EditorRichard Vach

[email protected]. Editor/Art Director

Shawn BartonAdvertising Sales

Vice President, Sales & MarketingJanice Gendreau

[email protected] Associates

East Coast RegionJean McGrath

[email protected] Coast Region

Peg [email protected]

Central Region/OrlandoAlan Connery

[email protected] Region/Miami

Angela [email protected]

South Region/MiamiTammy Figueroa

[email protected]

Contributing WritersJill Neuharth, Tori Townsend

PhotographersJohn Moreno, USTA Florida

ConsultantPhilip Alia, Vivid Media Concepts

Vol. 1, No. 10. Play Tennis Florida Magazine is free to USTAFlorida members. Play Tennis Florida Magazine is published 10times a year. Contents copyright (c) Play Tennis, LLC unlessotherwise noted; post-office registered United Tennis Asso-ciation Florida Section Inc. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic or mechanical without written permission of thepublisher. Play Tennis Florida Magazine is not responsible forstatements expressed by contributing writers or by advertis-ers. All manuscripts, artwork and photography must be ac-companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope or will notbe returned, and the magazine cannot be held responsiblefor unsolicited materials, nor for advertising claims or anyindividuals or organizations listed in the publication.Indemnification of Publisher: In consideration of publicationof an advertisement, the advertiser and the agency, jointlyand separately, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless themagazine, its officers, agents, and employees against expenses(including legal fees) and losses resulting from the publica-tion of the contents of the advertisement, including with-out limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation of right ofprivacy, copyright infringements or plagiarism.Got something to say? Letters to the Editor can be e-mailedto [email protected] with “Letter to theEditor” in the subject line. Got tennis news? [email protected].


November 2008


5 Serving Tennis, Belgian StyleJustine Henin abandoned pro tennis and the No. 1 ranking earlier this year, butis not out of tennis. The Belgian has chosen the Mission Inn Resort & Club justoutside of Orlando to debut a U.S. version of her 6th Sense Tennis Academy.

7 ‘Tis the Season -- for Pro Charity Events in FloridaA wrap-up of who you can see and where you can see them during the pro charity eventsin November and December, including a don’t-miss new event at USTA Florida’s 59thAnnual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Weekend in Clearwater.

COVER SHOTCOVER SHOTCOVER SHOTCOVER SHOTCOVER SHOTAndy Roddick pulls along a string of ballboys and a ball girl during a past exhibitionmatch for his foundation. Photo: AndyRoddick Foundation

ABOVEABOVEABOVEABOVEABOVEChildren play QuickStart tennis at theTallahassee Tennis Association’s celebra-tion of National PARK(ing) Day, whichraised awareness across the U.S. for citypark funding. Photo: Tallahassee TennisAssociation

4 Letters to the Editor5 North Florida News7 South Florida News10 Around the Court12 Tennis on TV

14 USTA FloridaPresident’s Message

15 USTA FloridaAnnual Meeting

16 Volunteer of the Month


Florida’s source for tennis news, whereyou’ll find the latest in local, state,national, international and pronews, in addition to the most recentfeatures from the print version ofPlay Tennis Florida magazine.

Also sign-up for the free weeklyPlay Tennis Florida e-newsletter.

18 League News20 Adult-Senior News22 Junior News24 Inaugural Children’s Cup26 Community News31 Quick Shots32 Adult & Junior Rankings38 Adult & Junior Calendar40 League Contact Info

Page 4: Publisher/Editor - United States Tennis · Photographers John Moreno, USTA Florida Consultant Philip

US Open TV TroublesWE IN TALLAHASSEE HAVE BEENfrustrated for several years, not being ableto watch the US Open on Labor Day! Thelocal CBS station carries the Jerry LewisTelethon instead of the US Open. We havecomplained but no results. The real prob-lem is giving the TV rights to CBS to startwith. Who does this, USTA? My sugges-tion is to give the TV rights to another net-work so avoid the conflict or also televisethe Labor Day matches on a cable chan-nel. I did see where ESPN will have TVrights next year but not on the weekends.I assume this also includes Labor Day buthope not. I assume other areas have thissame problem. We need a change!

John Wolford, Tallahasee

No Glory in PlayboyI AM WRITING CONCERNING Arecent article published in the Sept./Oct.issue of Play Tennis Florida. You have manygood articles about players and their com-mitment to society including [James] Blakeand his Cancer research fund. However,on page 26 of the magazine you publishedan article about [Ashley] Harkleroad pos-ing for Playboy. That was completely inap-propriate. It does nothing to promote ten-nis in a good light. Tennis is a classier gamethan that. Her personal choices and in-volvement in pornography will be madeknown to those that wish to read Playboyand should not be promoted in a tennismagazine just because she plays tennis.You have a variety of ages that read yourmagazine and younger children and teensor anyone for that matter should not besubjected to the glory placed on Playboy.

As the “Official Magazine” of USTAFlorida I think both Play Tennis Florida andUSTA Florida should be embarrassedabout this publication. I hope in the future



We love getting your letters somuch that our pick of the “Letterof the Month” for next month’sissue will receive the new BolléWarrant (pictured below) tennissunglasses with the exclusiveCompetivision technology that“gives tennis players an almostunfair advantage.” The Warrantfeatures Bollé’s unique and easy-to-use interchangeable lensfeature, ensuring versatility to usethe glasses for various sportingactivities. For additional informa-tion, please visit

LETTERS: e-mail PTF at [email protected] or fax to904-992-4332. Letters shouldinclude the writer’s full name, cityand state, and may be edited forclarity and space.

4 | Play Tennis Florida | November 2008

wiser choices about content will be madeconcerning what you consider worthynews.

Jean McKee, Winter Haven

[Editor’s Note: We also received a phone callfrom an irate parent regarding the graphic ofthe Playboy magazine cover. While we believethe article was newsworthy, we apologize forany offense caused by the magazine graphic.]

Letter of the Month:Rated No Fun for AnyoneKELLY PACE WILSON ONLY LOSTone game in five singles matches in the Na-tional 5.0 women’s. Yet when the USTALeague Tennis national manager was ques-tioned one month before nationals as to thevalidity of this person’s rating, she repliedto the 5.0 team captain who questioned her,“I do hope you will come and participatewith enthusiasm and enjoy the eventrather than worrying about one playerwho might be too good, please enjoy theexperience.”

In fact it was not a joyful experience forany of the competitors. The 5.0 ladies teamsfelt they were cheated, it affected everyteam who participated. Northern Califor-nia should not have brought home theNational 5.0 title, they should be DQ’d.

It is still unknown how this person wasable to play 5.0-level tennis when none ofher career highlights fit into the definitionof a 5.0 player or even a 5.5 player. Theattempt was made to get the attention ofUSTA officials to look at this person’s rat-ings before she appeared at nationals. Theattempt was made in an effort to preventsomething like this from happening. Butthe attempts and concerns were not takenseriously and the USTA national managerdid not even reply when she was askedhow this individual received a 5.0 rating.Obviously everyone is not treated equallyfrom state to state. As long as this contin-ues, the USTA will continue to lose 5.0 andabove players. They have already lostmany 5.0 players who attended the debaclethis year.

Suggestions have been made in the pastto improve the rating system by includinga USTA sectional verifier with the existing

computer ranking system. This will pre-vent anyone who happens to “fall underthe radar” — as the Northern Cal captainsaid about Kelly Pace — from occurring.

Suggestions have also been made tochange the 5.0 guidelines to include 5.5players — 5.5s would be paired against oneanother. This will also prevent situationslike this occurring. The 5.5 players do nothave a team to play on, and unfortunatelyresort to any tactic to get on a team. Eventhough they know they don’t belong! Sochange the format and let them play. Afterall, they have been playing tennis longerthan most.

It is important for everyone to speak outin this regard, and ask for change. And,an explanation should be given as to howthis happened. At least the captain of the5.0 team who initially inquired should re-ceive the courtesy of a reply.

Concerned Florida Tennis Player

[Editor's Note: Kelly Pace Wilson ranked inthe Top 200 on the WTA Tour and played inthe qualifying at Wimbledon and the USOpen.]


Catch him onTV (if you can)

Each month Play Tennis Florida is mailed to the homes and tennis clubs of the 50,000+ USTAFlorida members as well as tennis industry representatives nationwide. Sometimes people evenwrite us back. Here are some of the past month’s reader comments and suggestions.Write us with yours, we love getting mail.

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5 | Play Tennis Florida | November 2008

Henin Debuts Orlando AcademyHenin Debuts Orlando AcademyHenin Debuts Orlando AcademyHenin Debuts Orlando AcademyHenin Debuts Orlando AcademyBy Richard Vach

Justine Henin was on top of thetennis world earlier this year,entering the French Open as thethree-time defending champion.Then, prior to the start of the

event, she quit tennis — forever.“I feel lucky about the life I had and

it’s been intense for me,” Henin toldPlay Tennis Florida.

“Life is different steps and this onewas big this year and now I havedifferent things to do with my life likewith my academies and other projects.I will never come back, but I will stayinvolved, just not on the court like Idid before.”

Henin was on the court in lateSeptember, but this time in a teachingcapacity. She announced she had luredfitness guru Pat Etcheberry away fromthe Saddlebrook resort to bring his“Etcheberry Experience, Strength andConditioning for Serious Sports”program to her new 6th Sense TennisAcademy at Mission Inn Resort andClub, just outside of Orlando.Etcheberry will also work with junior

— Continued on page 6

— Continued on page 6


Alexa Guarachi ofDestin made the highschool seniors “bluechip recruits” list


which includes the Top 25 nationalplayers. Julia Cohen transferredfrom the University of Florida to theUniversity of Miami. LindaFrazier, tennis writer for the Talla-hassee Democrat, was the impetusfor the Tallahassee Tennis Associa-tion (TTA) joining 70 other cities incelebrating national “PARK(ing) Day,”which raises awareness of theshortage of city parks. The eventalso challenges participants totransform city parking spaces intofun and interactive “parks” of theirown design. The TTA set upQuickStart mini-tennis courts andengaged passers-by on their way tothe larger festival. "This is perfect,"said Karynn Gross of Tallahassee."My 6-year-old son, Nicholas, justloves to play tennis, but I never knewabout QuickStart. I'm really gladthere's finally a way for him to learnthe basics of the game while havingfun with children his own age."

ABOVE: Formerworld No. 1 JustineHenin (center), whosuddenly retired thisyear prior to theFrench Open, withher first group ofacademy students.


DAYTONA BEACH —The city commissionvoted in September toincrease spending by

$200,000 on the FloridaTennis Center to help

increase membership and reducedebt. Funds will go towards increasingmarketing and advertising dollars togenerate new members to the tenniscenter, and the commission alsoformed a committee of tennis, financeand city experts. At the same time, thecity announced that budget cuts willlead to the Florida Tennis Centereliminating the director of tennis andhead pro positions, according to anofficial with Daytona Beach’s LeisureServices office. The center’s staff wasreduced from eight to five, with extramanpower promised during tourna-ments at the facility. The city will alsodesignate a tennis manager.

DAYTONA BEACH SHORES — TheOceans Racquet Club and the City ofDaytona Beach Shores will hold aRally for the Cure tournament fromNov. 8-9, featuring Ladies' and Men'sCombo Doubles and Mixed DoublesDivisions, levels 5.0-10.0. For moreinfo contact (386) 761-6088 [email protected].


and adultgolfers at theGary GilchristGolf Academyat Mission Inn.

In his eightyears atSaddlebrook,Etcheberryworked with the likes of Henin,Monica Seles, Martina Hingis, JelenaJankovic, Pete Sampras, Andre Agassiand Jim Courier in solidifying theirfitness regimes.

“Pat had a big influence in mycareer and I really believe that he canbring something more because he hasthe mentality, the passion, the motiva-tion and a big heart,” Henin said.“With all of his qualities we can do agood job together.”

Etcheberry says the tennis and golfacademies at Mission Inn supply alevel of training and communicationlacking at some of the large ‘factory’academies.

“Here the coaches are very support-ive and positive with the kids,”Etcheberry said. “Recently GaryGilchrist of the Golf Academy workedwith IMG and even said their coachesdidn’t care there. The coaches careabout the kids here and enjoy workingwith them and they appreciate it. Wemake sure communication is there sothe Etcheberry Experience staffunderstands what the players aredoing on-court. With most places andacademies, when working with theplayers, the coaches don’t know whatthe fitness trainers are doing, and vice-versa.”

“The coaches car“The coaches car“The coaches car“The coaches car“The coaches care aboute aboute aboute aboute about

the kids herthe kids herthe kids herthe kids herthe kids here and enjoye and enjoye and enjoye and enjoye and enjoy

working with them and theyworking with them and theyworking with them and theyworking with them and theyworking with them and they

apprapprapprapprappreciate it. Weciate it. Weciate it. Weciate it. Weciate it. We make make make make make sure sure sure sure sureeeee

communication is thercommunication is thercommunication is thercommunication is thercommunication is there soe soe soe soe so

the Etchebthe Etchebthe Etchebthe Etchebthe Etcheberry Experienceerry Experienceerry Experienceerry Experienceerry Experience

staff understands what thestaff understands what thestaff understands what thestaff understands what thestaff understands what the

players arplayers arplayers arplayers arplayers are doing on-court.”e doing on-court.”e doing on-court.”e doing on-court.”e doing on-court.”

North Florida North Florida North Florida North Florida North Florida NotesNotesNotesNotesNotes

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North Florida North Florida North Florida North Florida North Florida Notes (cont.)Notes (cont.)Notes (cont.)Notes (cont.)Notes (cont.)

Henin (cont.)Henin (cont.)Henin (cont.)Henin (cont.)Henin (cont.)

MaliVai Washingtonand Trey Bucholz

— Continued from page 5

The communication is the result ofthe tight-knit group of Henin, BelgianAlain De Vos who serves as generaldirector of the academy, and Henin’sformer coach Carlos Rodriguez, whoDe Vos has worked with for 21 years.

Henin says the key to her tennisprogression was learning the game in

similar fashion to the QuickStartprogram recently introduced by theUSTA. At age 8 she started playing ona 36-foot court, then a 60-foot courtuntil she learned stroke fundamentalsand a solid foundation, a commonteaching practice in Europe. Now asthe USTA spreads the word ofQuickStart, the Belgian likewise offersFlorida youth the chance to take uptennis the same way a former worldNo. 1 once did.

JACKSONVILLE —“Dare to Dream, Dareto Shine” was the

theme of the 12thAnnual

MaliVai WashingtonKids Foundation Golf& Tennis Gala, thetwo-day eventincluding a dinner,tennis and golf.Among the celebri-ties in attendancewere former Jackson-ville Jaguars’ playersTony Brackens andTony Boselli, golfer JimFuryk, and former prosTodd Martin and BrianGottfried. During the gala,Washington was presented a$25,000 check by TreyBucholz, the founder & CEO of FirstServe. The Foundation earned the FirstServe Chapter of the Year award withthe most students in the Top 25 spots ofits National Competition. Ranking isbased on a point system, and pointsare earned by academic success andUSTA Junior Tennis Tournamentresults. The Foundation is also lookingfor volunteers for its ThanksgivingFood Drive in November. Volunteersare needed to collect non-perishablefood items and help deliver foodbaskets on Nov. 26. For more infocontact Ashley at [email protected] or (904) 359-KIDS(5437).

MILTON — City Council membersapproved a grant for park tennis courtsfor the panhandle city, seeing throughSuperintendent John Rogers’ recom-mendation for $37,500 to assist withthe resurfacing and refurbishing of thetennis courts and recreational areanear Rhodes Middle School. “This is awonderful opportunity to be able to

utilize a physical recreation area for aminimal cost. Milton High is very nearand this would give them a home courtfor tennis games and additional areasfor Rhodes and Milton to use for P.E.,”

Rogers told the Santa RosaPress Gazette.

PALM COAST —Todd Martin led athree-day camp forbeginners toadvanced playersin October at GinnHammock BeachResort, where more

than 60 participantshit with and took

instruction from theformer Grand Slam

runner-up. “Our first ToddMartin Weekend was agreat success,” said HarryGilbert, tennis director for

Ginn Hammock Beach Resort. “Thiswas a rare opportunity for our membersand guests to receive tips from a world-class instructor and player.” GinnHammock has plans to repeat theopportunity with a camp in the spring of2009.

TALLAHASSEE — The TallahasseeTennis Association (TTA) has addedthe capability for players to sign-up forlocal leagues and tournaments throughits website at can also renew their associa-tion membership on-line. Registra-tion is open for the new TTA’s SinglesLeague, consisting of eight weeks ofsingles matches followed by a champi-onship tournament for the Top 8 in eachdivision. The entry fee is $18/personper division, with a registration deadlineof Nov. 30. Players may download aregistration form at

Got Florida tennis news? E-mail to:[email protected]


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November 2008 | Play Tennis Florida | 7

South FloridaSouth FloridaSouth FloridaSouth FloridaSouth Florida Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes


By Richard Vach

The pro tennis “off season” istypically less than a scant twomonths, but a number of current

and former pros are again giving uptheir time this year for their signatureevents benefiting charity.

The No. 1-ranked U.S. men’s playerwill host the eighth edition of his annualAndy Roddick Foundation weekend,featuring a gala dinner, tennis exhibi-tions and more on Dec. 6-7in Boca Raton, benefiting anumber of children’scharities.

Roddick also showedhis charitable side recentlyat the China Open inBeijing, donating $25,000to help those who sufferedin the catastrophic earth-quake in Sichuan Province.

“It is an athletes privilege andresponsibility to give back,” Roddicksaid.

Mardy Fish, Sebastien Grosjean, andevent host Tom Gullikson will head the10th annual Swingtime — A Pro-Celebrity Pro-Am Tennis & GolfTournament, set for Nov. 22-23 inNaples. Swingtime honors TimGullikson, the former player and coachof Pete Sampras who died of braincancer at age 44 in 1996. The eventbenefits the Tim & Tom GulliksonFoundation.

The 19th annual Chris Evert Pro-Celebrity Tennis Classic will be held inDelray Beach and Boca Raton on Oct. 31-Nov. 2. Newlyweds Evert and husbandGreg Norman will host the tennis andgolf events respectively, with proceedsgoing to the Ounce of Prevention Fund

ABOVE: Andy Roddickwith WTA playerBrenda Schultz andBoyd Tinsley of theDave Matthews Band.

Inducted into the ITAWomen’s Hall ofFame this year wereFlorida’s Gigi

Fernandez, who won17 Grand Slam doubles

titles and two Olympic gold medalsduring her pro career; Alice Tym ofthe University of Florida (where sheestablished the women's tennisprogram); and Wendy White Prausaof Rollins College, a 12-year touringpro. Freshman honor studentSteve Allen of Mariner High Schoolin Cape Coral received the KelleyAward and a $500 scholarship fromthe Florida Youth Tennis Foundation.

Melbourne’s Robin Keener wonthe women’s 35 singles champion-ship of the USPTA InternationalChampionships at the La QuintaResort & Club in California, and wasnamed the USPTA NationalWomen’s 35 Player of the Year forthe fourth time in the last six years.J.J. Sehlke of Boca Raton receivedthe Facility Manager of the YearAward. The USPTA also namedFlorida Tech coach Bill MacomCoach of the Year. Also namedNational USPTA Players of the Yearfrom Florida were Adrians Zguns(Orlando) for Men’s Open, JeffCohen (Longwood) for Men’s 35-and-over, and Gewan Maharaj(Tampa) for Men’s 55-and-over.

6-foot-6 freshman Joel Samahaof Tampa, winner of the USTA FloridaState Doubles Championship acouple months ago, has added somemuch-needed doubles depth to theYale tennis team this fall. FourFlorida boys players made the highschool seniors “blue chip recruits” listreleased last month by Sekou CokerBangoura of Bradenton, FrankCarleton of Naples, Blas Moros ofBoca Raton, and Connor Smith ofTampa. South Florida girls on the listwere Linda Abu Mushraf andNicole Bartnik of Bradenton,Monica Chow of Miami, LaurenEmbree of Marco Island, and AllieWill of Boca Raton. Lake Worthteaching pro Welby Van Horn was agrand inductee into the USPTA’s Hallof Fame in September. MarcoIsland’s Lauren Embree appeared inOctober’s Sports Illustrated’s ‘Facesin the Crowd’ section as a high-lighted youth, and has committed toplay tennis for the University ofFlorida.


‘Tis the S‘Tis the S‘Tis the S‘Tis the S‘Tis the Season for Preason for Preason for Preason for Preason for Pros toos toos toos toos toGivGivGivGivGive Back to Charitiese Back to Charitiese Back to Charitiese Back to Charitiese Back to Charities

of Florida to helpthose in need.

On Dec. 12-13,Fish will host hisown charity bashwith the thirdannual Mardy’sTennis & Jake’s Music Fest in VeroBeach, featuring Mardy’s childhoodfriend and country music artist JakeOwen. In 2006 Mardy formed his

foundation and joinedforces with Owen to createthe event that benefits theVero Beach community’safter-school programs andother charities.

Past participants haveincluded Andy Roddick,James Blake, Bob andMike Bryan, John Isner,Ryan Sweeting, Aaron

Krickstein, Kathy Rinaldi, BrendaSchultz-McCarthy, and musician BoydTinsley of the Dave Matthews Band.

Last but not least, USTA Florida ispartnering with The Climb for CancerFoundation for a charitable tennis eventat Bardmoor Golf & Tennis Club inLargo and the Hilton Clearwater BeachResort during USTA Florida’s 59thAnnual Meeting and VolunteerAppreciation Weekend on Dec. 5-7. Theevent will feature an inaugural Pro-AmTennis Event including past and presenttennis greats such as Florida’s MaliVaiWashington, benefiting cancer researchand patient support.

For sponsorship or event informationcontact Lynne Salus, USTA FloridaDirector of Volunteer Development at(954) 625-6259 or salus@

Photo: Andy Roddick Foundation

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BOCA RATON — Try-outs for the 18th WorldMaccabiah Games,where Jewish tennis

players represent theU.S., will be held Nov. 2-3

in Boca Raton. The 18th WorldMaccabiah Games will be held in Israelon July 13-23, 2009, featuring over9,000 Jewish athletes from 60 countries.The Masters division (age 35+) tryoutswill be held in Boca Raton, and theOpen and Juniors in Philadelphia onNov. 14-16. For more info visit thewebsite at Asof press time, Rodney Harmon,director of men’s tennis for the USTAHigh Performance program since 2002,and fellow coach Martin Van Daalenare reportedly no longer employed bythe organization, according to the ZooTennis college website.

CLEARWATER/ST. PETE — TheRegion 3 St. Pete/Clearwater SeniorMen & Women captains meeting willbe held Nov. 11, at FeathersoundCountry Club at 5:30 p.m.

FT. MYERS — Hank Jungle, formertennis director at Cypress LakeCountry Club,founder of the BushOpen and formercoach to TimGullikson andJohan Kriek, diedin October at age 73.

HILLSBOROUGHCOUNTY — TheHillsboroughCounty TennisAssociation (HCTA)hosted a freeevening of tennis,food and fun at theMember/VolunteerAppreciation Partyon Oct. 10 at theHillsboroughCommunity CollegeTennis Complex,where local tennis activists played apart in saving the complex this year.

The HCTA will host the first annualHCTA Komen Slam Ladies DoublesTourney on Nov. 8 and 15. “We wantto make this charity event great foreveryone at every level,” says Tourna-ment Chairman and HCTA Boardmember Julie Santo. “So in consola-

tion play, we’ll have a hit-and-giggle,mulligan-type format. We’ll have thirdserves, redos of some points, play withnon-dominant hands, subbing by localpros, and other ideas to make it morefun.” A luncheon and awards cer-emony will follow tournament play,and a Susan G. Komen representativewill address the players. For more infocontact [email protected].

LARGO — Tournament DirectorKevin Manning of Shipwatch Yacht &Tennis Club recently hosted a One-on-One Doubles Tournament, the gameplayed crosscourt on a singles court.The Ladies 3.5 winner was LindaStonikas, the Men’s 3.5 winner was JoeCampbell, and the Men’s 4.0 winnerwas Kevin Gallagher. The band TheJuke Joint Kings also performed livefor those in attendance.

LEE COUNTY — The Lee CountyCommunity Tennis Association isoffering lessons and clinics for allages and ability groups this fall atseveral facilities, including Estero HighSchool, Fort Myers Racquet Club andRutenberg Park. For more info call 565-5300 or e-mail ExecutiveDirector@

LONGBOAT KEY— The Grand SlamWinner’s Classicwill be held at theColony Beach andTennis Resort onDec. 5-6, with earlycommittalsincluding VirginiaWade, Fred Stolle,Owen Davidson,Robert Seguso,Ken Flach andJohan Kriek. Theevent raisesawareness andmoney for TheWellness Commu-nity of SouthwestFlorida. For more

info visit

MIAMI — Flamingo Park, Miami’shighest-use public park, will undergo arenovation that preliminarily includesa new tennis center with five hardcourts and 13 clay courts. The FirstAnnual South Florida CorporateTennis Challenge, put together by The

Visitor Industry Council (V.I.C.) andFriends of Miami Tennis/USTA, waspostponed, with the make-up date tobe announced. For more info contactV.I.C. Executive Director GraylynSwilley at (305) 539-3126.

NAPLES — In early November theAcademia Sanchez-Casal, in coopera-tion with the Community BloodCenter, is hosting the unique combinedFall Junior Tennis Classic and BloodDrive. Blood donations were notrecommended before matches — anddonors were eligible to win a one-yearfull tennis membership at the NaplesTennis Club.

SARASOTA — The 2008 Racquets,Roulette & Research Tennis Classic tobenefit the Muscular DystrophyAssociation will be hosted at Serendip-ity Racquet and Tennis Club on Nov.14-16. The event kicks off with a“Florida-chic cocktail party” featuringcasino-style gaming for prizes, a protennis exhibition, a silent auction andhors d’oeuvres. For more info call (941)922-1591, Ext. 221.

WEST PALM BEACH — USTA Floridais launching a Flex League in WestPalm Beach. “The USTA has selectedWest Palm Beach as one of the first 10metro areas nationwide to offer USTAFlex Leagues, a program that caters toplayers who need flexibility to sched-ule their tennis around other commit-ments and also to the frequent playerwho desires more matches moreoften,” said Marilyn Sherman,national manager, USTA Flex Leagues.“West Palm Beach is an ideal locationdue to its large tennis population andnumber of tennis courts available yearround, and joins New York, Chicago,Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Miami,Phoenix, and Orlando as first yearmarkets.” Susan Ruede, USTA FloridaLocal Tennis Organizer, will overseethe inaugural program and can becontacted at [email protected].

WINTER HAVEN — The WinterHaven Breast/Prostate Cancer Aware-ness Benefit saw its participantsincrease from 44 to 69 this year, withthe event raising approximately $4,500for charity.

Got Florida tennis news? E-mail [email protected]

1994 USTA Florida Male Merit awardwinner Hank Jungle of Ft. Myers

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November 2008 | Play Tennis Florida | 9

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ArArArArAroundoundoundoundound the the the the the CourtCourtCourtCourtCourt

What is the single mostimportant quality in a tennischampion? I would have tosay desire, staying in thereand winning matches whenyou are not playing thatwell.— John McEnroe

FloridaFloridaFloridaFloridaFlorida/UST/UST/UST/UST/USTA NeA NeA NeA NeA Newswswswsws

10 | Play Tennis Florida | November 2008

Garvin New USTA PresidentLucy S. Garvin will serve as the new USTAchairman of the board and president, serv-ing a two-year term beginning Jan. 1, 2009.

Garvin served onthe USTA Board of Di-rectors for eight yearsand is currently com-pleting a two-yearterm as first vicepresident, with 30years experience intennis. A formerpresident of the USTASouthern Section,Garvin was inductedinto the USTA South-ern Tennis Hall ofFame in January 2005.The Garvins reside inGreenville, S.C.

Florida Adult/Sr. NationalTournament BriefsOrlando’s Richard Schmidt,the top seed at the USTANational Men’s 40 ClayCourt Championships in Sa-vannah, Ga., finished run-ner-up to No. 2 seed MartinBarba of California. Schmidtentered the event coming off wins at thenational indoors and national grasscourts(where he also won the doubles with Win-ter Park’s William Donadio)...Finishingrunner-up at the National 40s Grasscourtsin doubles were Boca Raton’s LeeRosenthal and partner Todd Schlorf ofLongboat Key...Delray Beach’s Said Daywas doubles runner-up in the Men’s 30s atthe USTA National Men’s Grass CourtChampionships...Hank Irvine of Placidafinished runner-up in doubles at the USTANational Men’s 65 Grass Court Champi-onship... Sarasota’s Clement Hopp fin-ished runner-up in the Men’s 80 Doublesat the USTA National Men’s 80 Grass CourtChampionships in New Jersey, and run-ner-up in the Men’s 80 singles and doublesat the USTA National Men’s 80 Clay CourtChampionships in Virginia Beach,Va....Tampa’s Frez Farzanegan defeatedVero Beach’s King Van Nostrand in thefinal of the USTA National Men’s 70 ClayCourt Championships in Pinehurst, N.C.,where Naples’ James Landin also finishedrunner-up in the Men’s 70 Doubles...Ft.Lauderdale’s Cindy Leprevost won thedoubles title at the USTA National

Lucy S. Garvin

Women’s 55 Hard Court Championshipsin Salinas, Calif...Dunnellon’s LarryTurville lost in the final of the USTA Na-tional Men’s 55 Clay Court Championship

in Duluth,Ga...Delray Beach’sDon and CaseyCleveland capturedthe father-son seniordoubles title at theUSTA National Se-nior & Super SeniorFather-Son GrassCourt Champion-ships in LocustValley, N.Y...JeffreyWinkler of St. Peters-burg finished runner-up in the Men’s 50Doubles at the USTANational Men’s 50Grass Court Champi-onships in Philadel-phia, Pa...Sarasota’sDoris Lutz won the

singles title at the USTA National Women’s

80 Indoor Championships in Portland,Ore...Winter Park’s Ellen Goodman wasthe doubles runner-up at the USTA Na-tional Women’s 60 Indoor Championshipsin Seattle...At the USTA National IndoorROHO Gateway Classic in Alton, Ill., MarcMcLean of Cape Coral was runner-up inthe Quad WheelchairOpen Doubles...Delray Beach’s SamSherer and daughterAnnq were runners-up at the USTA SuperSenior Father-Daugh-ter Grass CourtChampionships inChestnut Hill, Mass.

Upcoming NationalEntry Deadlines:

Nov. 3 for the Nov. 7USTA National F-D,Sr. F-D & Super Sr. F--D Clay Courts inJupiter, Fla.Nov. 21 for the Dec. 2 USTA National Men’s& Women’s 30s Clay Court Champion-ships in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Father-Son Grass Court championsDon and Casey Cleveland

USTA Launches New Tennison Campus WebsiteThe more than 450 college and universi-ties and nearly 30,000 players who partici-pate in the USTA Tennis On Campus pro-gram now have a website for resources,materials and information to support or-ganized non-varsity tennis. Launched in2000, the program features co-ed teamsparticipating in intramural and intercolle-giate (club) play using the World

TeamTennis format.The site also features local team profiles,

links to each team’s website and popularFacebook pages, and downloadable re-sources for a school to utilize marketingmaterials, fundraising resources and tipsfor tennis clubs.

For more info goto

Tennis One-dayShowdowns!The USTA and the In-tercollegiate TennisAssociation have an-nounced a series ofOne-Day Show-downs to be held oncollege campusesacross the U.S., with

more than 50 colleges already signed up.One-Day Showdowns are one-day,

short-format tournaments open to juniors,college players, professionals and adults.The tournaments are non-sanctioned, non-

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The unique court back-drop at the Delray

Beach Int. Tennis Chps.

Jose Higueras (right) and Roger Federer

ranking events and are considered “OpenEvents” under NCAA legislation.

Entry fees are low ($10) to encouragecompetition between upcoming juniors,college players andadults in singles anddoubles in an effort to“further strengthen-ing American tennis.”

Events use com-pass draws for bothsingles and doubles,guaranteeing 3-4matches for eachdraw, with matchesusually one set with atiebreaker at 5-5. Formore info go to Future Champions/Collegiate Tennis at

Higueras Named Directorfor USTA Elite DevelopmentJose Higueras, who earlier this yearhelped fine-tune the game of former worldNo. 1 Roger Federer, has been named thedirector of coaching for USTA Elite PlayerDevelopment in a newly-created position.

Higueras will report to Elite Player De-velopment General Manager PatrickMcEnroe and oversee all coaching effortsat the USTA Training Centers in BocaRaton, Fla.; Carson, Calif.; and PalmSprings, Calif., where he resides.

8th Annual Roddick CharityWeekend Tickets on SaleAndy Roddick, the Bryan brothers andother special guests will team forthe 8th Annual AndyRoddick Charity Week-end with an intimatedinner gala on Dec. 6 atthe Polo Club BocaRaton, and tennis ex-hibitions on Dec. 7 atthe Boca Pointe Coun-try Club.

Sunday’s events in-clude the pro-am, a pro-celebrity exhibition, achance to return one ofRoddick’s record-breaking(155 mph) serves, and the Kid’sZone featuring sumo-wrestling,a bounce house, a rock climbingwall, tennis activities, music andmore. Children under age 12 are compli-mentary in the Reserved and General Ad-mission sections and receive a free giftwhen accompanied by a paid adult.

Advanced reservations for all events arerequired and seating is limited, and tick-ets will not be sold at the gate. For moreinformation visit the charity section at

GolfsmithTennis LadiesNight OutGolfsmith Golf & Ten-nis stores across thenation will close at 6p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 2,and then reopen at6:30 p.m. for a specialwomen-only shop-

ping experience, Golfsmith Women’sNight. Each store will host an event, bring-ing together female golf and tennis loversfor an evening of food, fun and fashion.

Every woman in attendance receives a$25 Golfsmith gift card, and there will bechances for prizes valued up to $500.

Golfsmith will donate a percentage ofthe night's sales to support the AmericanHeart Association in its fight againstwomen's heart disease.

Fish, Bryans EarlyHeadliners for 2009 DelrayBeach Int. Tennis Chps.Mardy Fish, who said “I do” last monthto TV show Deal or No Deal model StaceyGardner, has joined the Bryan Brothersin committing to the 2009 Delray Beach In-ternational Tennis Championships, Feb.

21-March 1. The Bryan brotherswere the year-end No. 1

doubles team last yearand look to defend that

title for the remainderof 2008, while Fish isagain knocking onthe door of the Top20 after aquarterfinal effort atthe US Open.Adventurous Florid-

ians can also sign upfor the pre-qualifying

tournament, which has adeadline of Nov. 12, to beplayed Nov. 15-17, with thewinner receiving a qualifyingdraw wildcard.

Ticket packages to the 2009 DelrayBeach ITC are available on the official tour-nament website at or by calling (561) 330-6000.

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Asheville Racquet Club Village is close to the Biltmore House andGardens, the Blue Ridge Parkway and designer golf courses

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November 2008 | Play Tennis Florida | 12

4 WTA Tour Championships, 9am-3pm, TC5 WTA Tour Championships, 9am-3pm, TC6 WTA Tour Championships, 9am-3pm, TC7 WTA Tour Championships, 9am-3pm, TC8 WTA Tour Championships, 5am-1:30pm, TC9 WTA Tour Championships, 7-8:30am, TC9 ATP Masters Cup, 11am-3pm, TC10 ATP Masters Cup, 1-5am, TC10 Outback Champions Series-Dallas, 7-9pm, TC11 ATP Masters Cup, 1-5am, TC11 Outback Champions Series-Dallas, 7-9pm, TC12 ATP Masters Cup, 1-5am, TC13 ATP Masters Cup, 1-5am, TC13 Outback Champions Series-Dallas, 7-9pm, TC14 ATP Masters Cup, 1-5am, TC14 Outback Champions Series-Dallas, 7-9pm, TC15 Outback Champions Series-Dallas, 7-9pm, TC15 ATP Masters Cup, 12:30-2am, TC21 Davis Cup Final, 10am-4pm, TC22 Davis Cup Final, 11am-2pm, TC23 Davis Cup Final, 10am-4pm, TC24 Outback Champions Series-Phoenix, 7-8:30pm, TC25 Outback Champions Series-Phoenix, 7-8:30pm, TC26 Outback Champions Series-Phoenix, 7-8:30pm, TC27 Outback Champions Series-Phoenix, 7-8:30pm, TC28 Outback Champions Series-Phoenix, 7-8:30pm, TC

Networks: TC = Tennis Channel; FSN = Sun Sports/FOX; ESPN2;CBS; Versus. Schedule subject to change


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Dear Friends and USTA Florida Members,The USTA Florida Nominating Committeeannounced its new slate of board members

for the 2009-2010 term earlier this year. Congratula-tions to the following nominated members who willbe formally inducted at the upcoming USTA Floridaannual meeting in December and will begin theirterm as board members for 2009-2010.Officers: Donn Davis, president; Dan Casey, presi-dent-elect; Robert Hollis, v-president; BobPfaender, v-president; Barbara Manzo, secretary;Nancy Horowitz, treasurer; Celia Rehm, sectiondelegate.

Regional Representatives: Terri Florio, Susan Allshouse, Adam Ross.Directors at Large: Bruce Boiko, Chuck Collier, Judy Foster, Phil Girardi,Karen MacFarland, Sandi Pardon, Barbara Wong.

USTA Florida is assisted by over 600 volunteers who serve at variouslevels of our organization. Transitioning to a new administration involvesestablishing councils/committees/task forces as deemed necessary. Thisis a function of the incoming president and includes the appointment ofnew volunteers and reappointment of many of our current volunteers tosection councils, committees, task forces and to county representativeposition. As you might guess, Donn Davis as the incoming presidentand chairman of the board has already been engaged in one of the mostimportant and demanding phases of his job during the latter half of thisyear.

Serving as chairman of the board whose functions are related to gov-ernance, policy, fiduciary development and oversight is a rewarding re-sponsibility. I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciationfor the contributions of our current and incoming volunteer leadershipwho have worked and will continue to work hand in hand with DougBooth, our executive director, to tackle challenging issues to ensure ourorganization stays healthy and relevant in our rapidly changing envi-ronment and the unpredictability of today’s economic world.

I was privileged to be present at the meeting of the Florida Cabinet onSeptember 30 that formerly approved the Play Tennis specialty plate.This is an exciting accomplishment by the USTA Florida Section Founda-tion; and particularly important during these times of budgetary short-falls. We are asking our USTA members, along with the multitude oftennis players and tennis enthusiasts in Florida to continue to show theirsupport of tennis by purchasing a Play Tennis specialty plate. That actalone will greatly contribute toward our mission of promoting and de-veloping tennis in Florida by expanding the visibility of the tennis brandtremendously as well as assisting in the support and expansion of tenniscourts and quality programs throughout our state.

Finally, I am looking forward to the 59th Annual Meeting & VolunteerAppreciation Weekend scheduled for Dec. 5-7 at Clearwater. In additionto recognizing USTA Florida volunteer successes during its annual awardsluncheon and breakfast and hosting a regional tennis challenge, the week-end will include a beach party for invited volunteers and guests, a Pro-am, a live and silent auction, amazing raffle prizes and a dinner dance.Community involvement is essential to the success of the weekend soplease visit our website to see how you can get involved.

Thank you for your support of tennis. Until next time,Celia

Celia RehmUSTA Florida


Changing Times, Administrations

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November 2008 | Play Tennis Florida | 15

Trina SingianUSTA Membership

A Sneak Peek — USTA Florida’s Annual MeetingThe USTA Florida Section Foundation, the Climb for Cancer Foundation and USTA Florida are looking forward to a great weekendat the Section's 59th Annual Meeting and Volunteer Appreciation Weekend in Clearwater, Dec. 5-7, 2008. Raffle tickets are going fastand donations for the Live and Silent Auctions are among the best ever. To the right is a sneak peek of items just waiting to be bid onfor the Silent Auction. Start saving now!

As a tennis supporter, you are invited to attend a Beach Partyat the Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort, Dec. 5 (7-9 p.m.) and watchthe Climb for Cancer Tennis Pro-Am at Bardmoor Country Club,Dec. 6 (8:30 a.m.-noon). Additionally, for $60 per person, anyonecan participate in Saturday night's festivities which includes din-ner, dancing and Live and Silent auctions. Community involve-ment is encouraged, but you must RSVP if you are interested inparticipating in the above mentioned events. Please contact LynneSalus, Director of Volunteer Development at (954) 625-6259 [email protected]. Look for more information by the end of October.

Interested in purchasing a raffle ticket for a chance to win twotickets to the USTA President's Box, round trip airfare for two toNew York and two nights hotel accommodations in New YorkCity for the 2009 US Open? If so, please contact Linda Matthews,USTA Florida executive administrator, at (386) 671-8940 [email protected]. See or for complete rules, regulations and more.

Auction Items:• One Week at Club Med Sandpiper in Port St. Lucie

• Autographed tennis memorabilia, including an autographed

racquet by Roger Federer

• Tickets for Sony Ericsson Open, US Open or Delray Beach

International Tennis Championships

• Jack Nicklaus autographed putter

• Lots of weekend getaways including the Hilton Clearwater

Beach Resort, The Colony, Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa

and Naples Grande

• Rounds of golf at LPGA & PGA National

• Gift baskets galore

• And much, much more!

Dear USTA Florida Members,

Show your love from tennis by proudly displaying the official USTA Florida screen savers, wall pa-pers, and web banners. Visit our new Multimedia site at for all ofyour multimedia needs.The USTA is making it easy to serve up tennis to young players. For a limited time, with the purchaseof a 5-year junior membership for $72*, the USTA will include a junior racquet and ball, along with aparent's guide. This exclusive offer is in addition to the other great benefits of USTA membership,including an annual subscription to SMASH magazine and access to USTA Jr. Team Tennis league andtournament play. Children 8 and under will receive a 23-inch racquet and foam ball (use source codeYOUTH8), and children ages 9-10 will receive a 25-inch racquet and low-compression ball (use sourcecode YOUTH10). **To take advantage of this exclusive offer, visit or call (800) 990-8782. Orders must bereceived by 12/7/08 to receive packages on/before 12/24/08.Participating partners include Gamma, Head, Penn and Wilson.

Thank YOU for all your wonderful and continued support.

Best regards,Trina Singian, Coordinator of Marketing and Membership

To join the USTA:Call 1-800-990-8782 or online at changes to your membership including address changes, please contact Membership Services at 1-800-990-8782.

*For members subscribing to an Adult, Family or Life Membership, $10 of all membership dues is allocated for a 1-year subscription to TENNIS magazine.For members subscribing to a Junior Membership, $10 of all membership dues is allocated annually for a 1-year subscription to SMASH magazine. Theamount allocated is not deductible from membership dues. All member benefits and offers only available to active USTA members in good standing. Termsof membership and benefits subject to change at the USTA's sole discretion. Other restrictions may apply. USTA membership is not transferable.

**While supplies last. The actual type and size of all equipment being offered shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the USTA. Visit for the complete terms and conditions of this offer. Offer non-transferable.The USTA reserves the right to substitute. Offer expires 12/31/2008. ARV: $21. Please contact [email protected] with questions.

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November VOM - Carl Weathington

In November, USTA Florida gives thanks to longtime volunteer and lifetime USTAmember, Carl Weathington of Tallahassee. Carl has served on numerous councils forthe section since 1987, and is now ending a volunteer position as Grievance Committee

Chairman on the Adult League Council. During the past 18 years, Carl has worked as atournament director for many region and section USTA League Tennis tournaments, includ-ing the 2007 BMW Combo Section Championships and Adult Mixed Section Champion-ships. Combined, those two tournaments welcomed close to 1,500 tennis players!

“I like to see players enjoy their time, play great matches and want to continue playing inUSTA events,” Carl said. “One thing I’ve tried to do is develop new volunteers to possiblywork as tournament directors for future events. I’d like to expand that into a full tournamentdirector training track to improve tournaments while lowering costs where possible.”

Carl may work behind the desk as a tournament director, or stay busy organizing teamsas a captain or growing leagues as a local league coordinator, but you will certainly see himon the tennis court as well. He recently competed in his first Super Senior regional leagueevent and finished second at the 4.0 Senior Section Championships in May 2008 with histeam from Tallahassee. Locally, he was one of the founding members of the Tallahassee Ten-nis Association and received recognition by the city when he was selected for the “Walk ofFame” for service to tennis in Tallahassee.

During his 20 years of volunteerism for the section, Carl has collected highly-regardedhonors including Tennis Family of the Year, Male Merit Award, League Coordinator of theYear and Association ofthe Year (TallahasseeTennis Association).

“The growth andfriendship I have re-

ceived from USTA Florida staff members and volunteers overthe years is why I like to volunteer in tennis,” Carl said. “TheUSTA volunteer community is special and I am proud to be partof it.”

QUICK Q&A:Q. What was your earliest tennis memory?A. Playing tennis when I was about 10 years old on a smoothed-over corn field in north Alabama with lime chalk marking thelines. We could only play after the crops were in. Very few peopleplayed in that small town so I’d only get to play when my fam-ily and relatives were in town. The lights were three street lightshung on lose wires over the courts and balls just rolled untilthey stopped.

Q. If you could play tennis with three people, who would theybe?A. My dad, my son and John McEnroe.

Q. When you are not playing tennis you are?A. Riding my motorcycle or fishing.

Q. What is your best-ever tennis memory?A. My first USTA regional tennis tournament I played. It wasin Pensacola and I was playing on a 4.0 team. We lost, but theweekend and camaraderie left a mark on me that I will neverforget.


Birthplace: Arab, AlabamaFamily: 2 grown sons, 4 grandsons


Movie: Cool Hand LukeTravel Spot: JamaicaFood: Fried ChickenTennis Shot: Volley

Carl at the USTA Florida Adult Mixed League Section Championships inOctober at the Florida Tennis Center in Daytona Beach.

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Orlando Flexes League Muscles with Miami, W. Palm BeachDAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Orlando has become the third Florida metro market to offerUSTA Flex Leagues, where individuals or doubles teams sign up online and receive aschedule of 5-7 matches to be played within an eight-week season.

Registration for the league opens Nov. 15, 2008 and closes Jan. 5, 2009. Play begins Jan.12 and ends March 23. The league offers singles and doubles and is available to bothUSTA members and non-members. Cost is $25 for USTA members and $35 for non-USTAmembers for singles. Doubles is $20 per person for USTA members and $30 per person for non-USTA members.

Orlando joins New York, Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Miami, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, Anaheim and West PalmBeach as first-year markets.

“Orlando is an ideal location due to its large tennis population and number of tennis courts available year round,” said MarilynSherman, national manager, USTA Flex Leagues. Players essentially have an entire season to complete their matches according towhat best fits their schedule and choice of tennis facilities. The program gives adult players of all skill levels a chance to meet newplayers, rediscover the fun and fitness of playing singles, and potentially meet new teammates for team-based leagues and tourna-ments. Many players have stated that they stopped playing tennis because they didn't have enough people to play with.

Visit to register today. For further information, contact Chelsea Maratta at [email protected].


Mixed Senior Sectional Champs; 4.0 Women Win NationalsDAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — The 2008 USTA Florida League Mixed Senior Section Championship presented by Chrysler took place atthe Florida Tennis Center, Oct. 3-5. Approximately 30 teams totaling 300 tennis players, age 50 and over, traveled from statewidelocations to Daytona Beach for a chance to advance to the 2008 USTA National Championship in Orlando, Fla., Nov. 20-22. All teamsthat competed in Daytona Beach won their local USTA League Tennis division and qualified to the Section Championship. Thanksto all teams that competed and congratulations to those who walked away as Section Champions. Good luck at Nationals!

Mixed 6.0 Champions — Lee/Charlotte (front, left to right): Max Liberles,Donna McVety (captain), Sid Grossman, Lynne Birdt, Linda Koch; back:Jon McVety, Roosevelt Kerr, Mary Rose, Jane Diamond, Bob Bachula,Kevin Gaines.

Mixed 7.0 Champions — St. Pete/Clearwater (front, left to right): DonnaDicus, Sue Dunning, Marlene Mokracek, Lin Riffe, Pat Bitonti (captain),Sally Marshall, K.C. Casteel, Nancy Aukemen, Fred Potekin, JohnMarrack; back: Don Selenis, Hank Houser, Bob Coady, Nancy Holdstein,Albert Michael; not pictured: Pam Stafford, Louis Ferrey.

Mixed 8.0 Champions — Jacksonville (front, left to right): IreneShackelford, Tami Moe (captain), Eileen Grebe; middle: Andy Shackelford,Brad Moe, Cary Snow, Holly Middleton; back: Robin Albaneze, DaveWilliams; not pictured: Duncan Harvey.

The women’s team from Ft. Lauderdale captured the national title at theUSTA League presented by Chrysler 4.0 Adult National Championships inTucson, Ariz., Sept. 26-28. The team is captained by Andrea Derby andfeatures Beverly Norona, Dolly Rump, Darcy Hayes, Karen Novick, MarlyGarcia, Linda Mulklevicz, Elaine Brett, Linda Anderson, Gwen Tower,Adriana Aray, Barbara Clabby, Sharon Vonstrolley and Vivian Fernandez.

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Women’s4.0 Champs

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McKenna: Firefighter/Paramedic’s Tennis Game on FireIN JULY 2008, VESNA MCKENNA OF HOLLYWOOD WALKED AWAY WITH HER FIRST GOLD BALL after a win at the USTANational Women’s 40 Grass Court Singles Championships in Forest Hills, N.Y. Three months earlier, she claimed the doubles titlewith Joanne Russell of Naples at the USTA National Women’s 40 Clay Court Championships in Pensacola. Vesna, 43, recentlyreturned to the adult competitive circuit in October 2007 after a 10-year hiatus to focus on her career as afirefighter/paramedic at Miami-Dade Fire and Rescue, and her role as a wife and mother.

Vesna was an All-American tennis player at Broward Community College (BCC). In 1996, she ledBCC to its first National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Division I Tennis Championship,winning national titles in both singles and doubles. She took a long hiatus from competitive tennis, butnow she is back making her mark in the adult competitive circuit.

TT: Why did you get back into tennis?VM: Between getting married, having a son, and going through training to becomea firefighter, tennis was in the background. Last October, I decided to get back inshape and just training alone wasn’t enough, so I figured ‘Hey, let me pick up theracquet again and see what’s going on.’ My first tournament back was the 2007 USTANational Women’s 40 Clay Court Championships in Pensacola.TT: How do you feel about the level of the adult competitive tennis circuit in Florida?VM: I think it is very tough. The younger divisions are very tough. You really need toput in a lot of time and work on your tennis game. You cannot take anything forgranted because you are playing against people that have been practicing for the last 25years. You really have to train and cannot just go out there and think you are going to blow any-body away on the court.TT: In a short time, you have achieved a tentative ranking as the No. 1 women’s player in theWomen’s 40s in Florida and a No. 2 ranking nationally. What is the secret to your success?VM: I do have a big serve and I think I hit the ball pretty hard, but you have to adjust to all differenttypes of games and be able to play against all different types of players. The key though is consis-tency. The consistency of women on the competitive circuit is absolutely amazing. It is an under-rated quality. And these women are absolutely amazing because between work and kids and get-ting in shape, it is pretty amazing that they can juggle between playing all the tournaments, train-ing, doing other duties, and still be such an athlete and competitor. So it is pretty neat.TT: How often do you train?VM: I try to train every day after work; I am not going to lie about that. I work 24 hours on and 48hours off and every time I am off, I try and get to the tennis courts [Vesna plays at Ft. LauderdaleTennis Club]. If you want to be at that level, you have to put the hours. There is no way that you canbe good at that high level without putting hours on the court.TT: Talk about your win at the Grass Court National Championships and what that meant toyou.VM: I was very, very happy because I wanted to win really bad on the grass and get my first gold ball. It was really amazing becauseI was seeded No. 3 and I played the No. 1 seed in my semifinal. I had lost the first set 6-4 and was down 5-2 in the second, 15-40, andhad match point against me. Somehow I was able to turn it around and won 7-6(5), 6-4. She [Amy Alcini] is a good player and I wasso happy to come out with the win because it was a 3 hour and 40 minute match on the grass; it was pure endurance.TT: And the final?VM: In the final I played well, but I choked a little bit serving for the match because I was out of practice serving for a national title.I don’t care how much practice you get, but if you play for your first national title, first ball for me, it was very emotional and I wasvery happy. All the work paid off to win at such a traditional place. I like the old tradition in the game.TT: What are some memorable tennis highlights in your career?VM: When I played the national title for Broward Community College because it was the first title for my coach, Tom Burke,and I was happy for him because he was looking for so long for that title. And then, of course, winning the national singles titleon grass.

Vesna represented the USA in the individual competition at the World Team Championships last month, competing in both singles and doubles.She partnered with Carolyn Nichols of California.


Birthplace: ArgentinaPlays: Right-handedFavorite Shot: One-handedbackhandFavorite Player: Roger FedererFamily: Firefighter/paramedichusband Samuel Schwartzman,and son Joseph McKenna

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Florida Junior Tennis — Something to Be Thankful ForANDY ON JUNIORS

Andy GladstoneDirector ofCompetitive Tennis

Photo Op by Colette Lewis

Sloane StephensFIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD SLOANE STEPHENS OF BOCA RATON hashad one memorable moment after another on the tennis court thissummer. With a wildcard into women’s qualifying at the US Open,Stephens stunned WTA tour veteran Melinda Czink of Hungary, rankedjust outside the Top 100, in straight sets. Stephens then teamed withRobert Kendrick in the mixed doubles main draw to score anotherupset, taking out top seeds Daniel Nestor of Canada and Chia-JungChuang of Chinese Taipei in the opening round.

Stephens’ doubles success continued in the US Open juniorchampionships where she and frequent partner Mallory Burdettereached the finals of the girl’s doubles. Stephens and Burdette wereunseeded in New York, but the pair, who train at Nick Saviano’s HighPerformance Tennis Academy in Sunrise, lost only one set en route tothe championship match. A straight-set loss to No. 3 seeds NoppawanLertcheewakarn of Thailand and Sandra Roma of Sweden didn’tdampened the spirits of the reigning Easter Bowl doubles champions.

“It was a great opportunity and I’m happy to have made the finals,”Stephens said.

Stephens also expressed her appreciation for the mixed doubleswildcard. “Playing with Kendrick was great; it was so much fun. Beatingthe No. 1 seeds was amazing and I was happy to be able to play.”

Stephens also made history in September, as a member of the U.S. Junior Fed Cup team that earned the 16-and-under ITFworld team title in Mexico. It was the first championship for the U.S. in Junior Fed Cup play.

Thanksgiving is always one of my favorite holidays, not just because of the delicious food and familygatherings, but it encourages everyone to be thankful. Boy, with an extremely scary economy, an often-criticized government and a war in Iraq, the cynic would quickly shoot back at me and say it's getting

pretty tough to be thankful for anything these days. However, we must be really thankful for all the goodthings in our lives. We still live in a country with endless opportunities, safety measurements for all people andplentiful food. Cutting to the chase, we must all remember to be thankful for junior competitive tennis inFlorida and all the rewards it brings.Happy Thanksgiving to all and here's my Top 10 list of what we should all be thankful for in junior competitivetennis:

1. The kids are not just in good physical shape, but great physical shape.With childhood obesity at an all time high, it is such a breath of fresh air to walk around tournaments and see

so many not just fit, but super fit! We are not just talking about being skinny; these kids are strong and muscular. Their bodies are theproof of their dedication to exercise. Win or lose, tennis is a great form of exercise.2. Builds great parent-child relationships. What better way to really get to know your child than traveling to tourna-ments together. Car rides, hotel rooms and many meals together is a great formula for a successful relationship. No doubt, everyparent will tell you the challenges, but I would rather spend the weekend with my children at a tournament than sitting aroundwatching television all weekend.3. Florida has great coaches, lots of them and at a great price. After visiting my friend in Provo, Utah who has twohighly-nationally-ranked sons, he explained how few tournament coaches there are even close to his house. Luckily he was a greatplayer and is able to train them, but he was very familiar with Florida and told me how lucky we are to have so many top-notchcoaches at an affordable price. How true his words rang to me; Florida is just a haven for great coaches.

Photo: Colette Lewis

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4. Teaches kids lifetime skills. Playing tournament tennis is not for the meek, but no matter how successful your results,battling and training on the courts build lifetime skills. The graduates of our system can tell you how they learned time management,self-discipline and perseverance all on the tennis courts.5. Great networking -- It is so refreshing to see players look forward to not just playing tennis at a tournament, but theyespecially look forward to seeing their friends from around the state or even around the country at the national tournaments. I wasso pleased to have my 8-year-old daughter, who is a Daytona resident, paired with a girl from Tampa at the Doubles State Closed.The networking does not just end in the juniors, but grows into lifelong friends and contacts. Also, don't forget about how manyparents have made friends over the years as well.6. Travel -- What a great way to raise children by touring our state, the country, or even the world. The internet phenomenon hasmade everyone connected, but there is no substitute for actually being there. It always amazes me what accomplished travelers wehave on our ranking lists.7. We live in a state with so many great players -- Many parents have commented about the challenges of theirchildren getting into certain events or the USTA's quota system with regards to Florida, but as the saying goes, "If you want to be alion, you must hang around the lions." Yes, Florida has a lot of lions and they raise the ceiling for everyone.8. Play year round, abundance of courts -- I still remember growing up in New York and watching the die-hard tenniscommunity play in below-freezing weather, paying $60 plus per hour for a court, or seeing droves of sleepy kids on Saturdaymorning choosing to play from 6-8 a.m. because it was free. What a place we live where you can usually find a court to hit on atanytime.9. So many national tournaments right here -- The cost of air travel is through the roof these days, but we are sofortunate to have the national tournaments within driving distance. Florida has over 10 national events where most of our playersdon't have to step on a plane.10. It's just plain old fun! -- I always want people to remember why we all start to play this great game. We want to have agood time and let's always remember this. Players who keep the fun going play better and stay in our game longer.


Inaugural Children’s Cup December Debut in South FloridaTHE INAUGURAL CHILDREN’S CUP INTERNATIONAL TENNIS TEAM EVENT for boys and girls 12-14 & under will be heldon Dec. 8-12, 2008, at the Pembroke Pines Racquet Club in Pembroke Pines, Fla. Founded by Pierre Arnold and Gustavo Granitto, theevent is an effort to to increase the opportunities for competition between the time span during the Eddie Herr and Junior OrangeBowl junior events in South Florida.

“The event will be making a donation to the USTA Florida Foundation,” said Arnold, who added they are also seeking a children’scancer charity partner.

The unique team event will allow on-court coaching under ITF/USTA team event regulations, with the format a draw of 16 teamswith feed-in consolation. Singles matches will be best two of three sets with a tiebreak deciding the third set. Each team can have upto four players, two in singles and a doubles team.

“When we wondered about this project, we discussed with locals and international coaches, receiving a great feedback about thisinitiative,” Arnold said. “Now, we are committed in making Children’s Cup an event where the players will feel proud to be part ofit forever.”

Entry deadline for teams is Nov. 3, and for more info you can contact Pierre Arnold via e-mail at [email protected],or by phone at (954) 435-6590.

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Tournament Directors: Pierre Arnold & Gustavo Granitto.Team/Player/Info: Each tennis registration/agency needs to submit

the entry form, and the following information:• All player’s copy of passport• All player’s national/international rankings• Name of coach/captain• E-mail/cell phone of coach/captain

Surface: HardcourtsTournament Sites: Pembroke Lakes Racquet Club and Maxwell ParkTournament Office: (954) 435-6590; cell: (954) 822-3656Practice Courts: Available upon requestCall for special hotel/accommodation rates

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Team Florida retained the traveling tro-phy during the 11th annual GA/FL USTA Jr. Team Tennis Chal-lenge, Sept. 20-21. Team Florida outscored Team Georgia by 146points and won 4 out of 7 draws at the team tennis tournamentheld on the University of North Florida and Florida CommunityCollege campuses in Jacksonville. The win gave Team Florida itsfourth Challenge title over their cross-state rivals.

The Georgia-Florida USTA Jr. Team Tennis Challenge is anannual “border war” invitational-only event inviting 20 teamsfrom both Georgia and Florida. Each team must qualify throughtheir respective USTA Jr. Team Tennis tournament. Divisions arebroken down into four age levels and two skill levels rated bytheir team captains earlier in the summer. The grand total num-ber of games won within each match by each player over theweekend determines the winning state. Team Florida won by atotal score of 1329 games to 1183 games.

Sportsmanship awards, voted on by players, were presentedto Lauren Fitt from team YMCA Breakers in Jacksonville andCourage Crawford from team Sanlando Acers in Orlando.

In addition, the annual Janet Louer Team Captain Award waspresented to Michelle Ruby, coach of the 18-and-under Atlanta-Ruby team from Atlanta.

For the full story and complete team scores,

Team Florida 12-and-under Draw 2 champs defeat Georgia 219 games to 153.

Team Florida 10-and-under Draw 1 champs defeat Georgia 150 games to 98.


Florida Juniors Repeat Title at Florida-Georgia Challenge

Team Florida 12-and-under Draw 3 champs defeat Georgia 211 games to 175.

Team Florida 14-and-under Draw 4 Champs defeat Georgia 227 games to 139;BOTTOM RIGHT: Sportsmanship Award winner Courage Crawford fromteam Sanlando Acers in Orlando.

Michelle Ruby, recipient of theJanet Louer Team Captain Award.

Sportsmanship Award winnerLauren Fitt from team YMCABreakers in Jacksonville.

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You’re a senior and some of your friends have already started applying to college, but you haven’t.Don’t worry; it’s not too late to get started with the application process.Understanding the admission process may help relieve some of the stress you and your parents

will feel during your senior year. Hopefully, you at least started some of the prerequisite work. The collegeapplication process is much like applying for a job. You need to emphasize the positive — although, youneedn’t present yourself as a perfect student. Your goal is to find the right fit for you, not your parents oryour friends.

The most important thing you can do through the whole process is make sure that you keep track of ALLapplication and financial aid deadlines. Each school has its own timeline, so use the chart I have in my CollegeGuide.

Timeline for application/decision process:

Junior Year (very basic)• Attend college fairs in your area. If there isn’t one being held at your school, try to find one that is being held in your county.• Start making a list of schools that may be of interest to you; during the year you may add to or delete from that list. Startresearching.Senior YearColleges have different kinds of applications — some use online, several use a common application — each school looks for differentthings on an application. What do colleges look for from a prospective student? Yes, they look at your GPA, Class Rank and SAT/ACTscores, but that’s only a start.

Admissions Offices will also take into consideration the following:

• Grades — most schools have a minimum GPA. As a prospective student-athlete, the NCAA sets GPA and Test Scores standardson a sliding scale.

• Test scores — you don’t need perfect test scores, but if you are looking to get some scholarship aid, your scores should be at thehigh end of a particular school's requirements.

• Course of Study — whether or not you’ve pushed yourself to take a challenging schedule.

• Extracurricular Activities — as a student-athlete, you’ve already added this to your resume. However; tennis isn’t theonly activity — schools look for community service hours. If your high school doesn’t require it for graduation, it would behooveyou to start earning some of these hours as soon as you can.

• Letters of Recommendation — these are a key component of your portfolio, so make sure that you ask people who knowyou pretty well. Admission officers want to get an idea of what others think of you, be it your guidance counselor, a favoriteteacher, your coach, etc. Make sure you give the people you choose to do this plenty of time to write one. Don’t walk up and let meknow you need it tomorrow — bad idea. Thank them for taking time out of their busy lives to do this for you.

• Interview — although interviews are not required, they are highly recommended. Just because the tennis coach may knowwho you are, it’s the admissions office that makes the final decision. There is a good book, Campus Visits and College Interviews, byZola Dincin Schneider, that I recommend if you are concerned about this.

• Application Essay — each college places a very different importance on the essay. For some smaller schools it can be the No.1 criteria. Large universities get thousands of applications a year and therefore essays may be a bit further down their priority list.You may want to ask the admissions department how much emphasis is placed on the essay. I recommend a book by Sarah MyersMcGinty, The College Application Essay to help you through this important part of the college application process.

Dede Allen was the Administrator, USA Tennis Junior Competition for over 14 years and coached collegiate tennis at Wake Forest University forseven years. She is a USTA National Recreation Coach Trainer, USTA QuickStart Trainer, USTA Florida Regional School Tennis Organizer andQuickStart Tennis Coordinator. To reach Dede, please email her at [email protected].

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It’s College Application Time — The ProcessCOLLEGE TALK

Dede Allen

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The new State of Florida Tennis License plate, which becomes the first tennis license plate in the state ofFlorida, was formally accepted at a meeting of the Florida Cabinet on Sept. 30, 2008 at the Florida StateCapitol in Tallahassee. From left to right: Attorney General Bill McCollum, Governor Charlie Crist,Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, USTA Florida Section Foundation President Jean Mills, USTA FloridaPresident Celia Rehm, Executive Director (DHSMV) Electra Theodorides-Bustle, and USTA FloridaDirector of Community Development Linda Curtis.

USTA Florida players Julia Jones (left, from Largo) and Alexandria Stiteler (Bradenton)won their respective age divisions at the USA National Masters Nike Junior Tour, heldSept. 12-14 at Stanford University. Jones was seeded No. 1 in the tournament anddefeated the No. 2 seed in the finals to claim the 14u title. Stiteler won the 12u division bydefeating the No. 1 seed in just two sets. Both advanced to the Nike Junior TourInternational Masters, Oct. 12-19 at Club Med Sandpiper, Fla.

USTA Florida attended Florida Recreation & Park Association’s(FRPA) Annual State Conference, Aug. 26-27, at Disney’s CoronadoSprings Resort in Lake Buena Vista. The conference gave USTAFlorida an opportunity to educate attendees about QuickStartTennis, the new way to play for kids 10 and under, and share itsservices with park and recreation agencies via the 2008 Exhibit Hall.

Left-to-right: USTA Florida State Doubles Boys’ 18 championsConnor Smith of Tampa and Spencer Wolf of Coral Springs. TheGirls’ 18 championship was won by the sister pair of Brittany andTaylor Dubins of North Miami Beach. “This was really excitingbecause this was my first state win ever,” Taylor said. “Brittanyhas had a couple, but it is just nice to share it with each other.”Check out for complete results and more photos.

Tennis enthusiasts in Pasco County are celebrating as the New Port Richey RecreationCenter opened its four newly-resurfaced tennis courts to the public on Oct. 7. Overseeingthe grand opening of the courts included (left to right): Mayor Scott McPherson, PascoCounty Tennis Foundation President Christina Hill, USTA Florida Community Coordina-tor Jeff Davis, and Director of Parks & Recreation for the City of New Port Richey, ElaineSmith.

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BOY’S 18 COMBINEDName — City Points

1 Bangoura, Sekou Coker — Bradenton 53172 Domijan, Alexander — Wesley Chapel 49633 Federhofer, William — North Miami 43944 Smith, Connor — Tampa 43065 Moros, Blas — Boca Raton 39976 Burkhardt, Joey — St Augustine 36537 Saba, Frederick — Ft Lauderdale 33538 Morris, Jeffrey — SW Ranches 32579 Schanerman, Mark — N Miami Beach 318510 Vanoverbeek, Johannes — Boca Raton 312511 Jackman, Christopher — Key Biscayne 293312 Wolf, Spencer — Coral Springs 286513 Dolgovykh, Eugene — Palm Coast 278114 Whitner, Patrick — Bradenton 251315 Trombetta, Ty — Hallandale 250016 Bernstein, Adam — Fort Lauderdale 230417 Vallejo, Michael — Miami 209318 Mojica, Luke — Miami 204319 Snook, Tyler — Tampa 194520 Andrade, Enrique-Jose — Boca Raton 1925

BOY’S 12 COMBINEDName — City Points

1 Tyagi, Paul — Miami Shores 116992 Lin, Carter — Bradenton 63643 Stefan, Dan — South Pasadena 57754 Crisovan, David — Hallandale Beach 55215 Kozlov, Stefan — Pembroke Pines 39956 Restrepo, Javier Andres — Miami 35047 Gurevich, Victor — North Miami Beach32198 Plutt, Michael — Weston 30009 Opelka, Reilly — Palm Coast 297910 Perez-Blanco, Chase — Miami 296611 Corwin, Felix — Boca Raton 267012 Force, Charley — Jacksonville 250713 Stefanik, Jake — Coral Springs 236314 Cerrini, Ezequiel — Sunny Isles Beach 221515 Plutt, Scott — Weston 221116 Pierre-Louis, Paul An'drey — Miami 216217 Johnson, Paul — Naples 205118 Samardzic, Nikola — Bradenton 199119 Bendeck, Jimmy — Coral Springs 195220 Kierberg, Sami — Ft Lauderdale 1906

GIRL’S 18 COMBINEDName — City Points

1 Embree, Lauren — Marco Island 113872 Cercone, Alexandra — Seminole 85363 Saiontz, Rachel — Miami 67324 Kasler, Jacqueline — Gulf Breeze 58925 Collins, Danielle — St Petersburg 52676 Scholl, Chichi — Pompano Beach 42547 Chow, Monica — Miami 40378 Bodine, Rebecca — Tarpon Springs 39679 Sanon, Bianca — Plantation 352110 Falconi, Irina — Jupiter 349611 Sabacinski, Julie — Plantation 337312 Yapp-Shing, Jaime — Miami 300813 Clayton, Mary — Plantation 289914 Boserup, Julia — Boca Raton 287515 Janowicz, Olivia — Palm Bay 240616 Smith, Chloe — Naples 235017 Jerjomina, Alina — Ft Lauderdale 231918 Herzberg, Cassandra — Miami Beach 228419 Dubins, Brittany — N Miami Beach 227120 Guarachi, Alexa — Destin 2269

BOY’S 16 COMBINEDName — City Points

1 Bangoura, Sekou Coker — Bradenton 119072 Newman, Spencer — Miami 74533 Austin, Gonzales — Miami 60494 Vanoverbeek, Johannes — Boca Raton 56255 Novikov, Dennis — Boca Raton 49666 Katz, Zachary — Boca Raton 36587 Efferding, Jeremy — Lake Worth 36268 Butz, Andrew — Vero Beach 34969 Betsarakis, Garrett — St Petersburg 314710 Rinaldi, Michael — Palm City 309011 Quigley, Zack — Boca Raton 290912 McCourt, Zach — Sunrise 272413 Buzzi, Alexander — Key Biscayne 246714 Seguso, Ridley — Bradenton 246115 Alford, Michael — Tampa 232316 Pena, Antonio — Weston 219617 Kiymaz, Tunc — Orlando 190118 Eguez, Carl — SW Ranches 187919 Hasegawa, Kosuke — Wesley Chapel 186120 Bogomolov, Boris — Miami 1856

BOY’S 10 COMBINEDName — City Points

1 Makarome, Noah — Wesley Chapel 25892 Roberts, Davey — Palm Coast 24363 Barone, Nicolas — Miami Beach 18814 Beiler, Mason — Palm Harbor 18625 Ebenfeld, Zachary — Pembroke Pines 18346 Carlin, John — Fort Myers 13637 Hutanu, Brian — Sunrise 13478 Pilones, Gabriel — Bradenton 13229 Carey, Aaron — Seminole 129210 Del Corral, Alexander — Doral 128111 Legall, Jason — Palm Coast 124812 Decoste, Colter — Stuart 122413 Luque, Julio Ignacio — Doral 120514 Fender, Quinn — Village Of Golf 105415 Debruyne, Austin — Plantation 92316 Berdusco, Brian — Bradenton 87217 Norris, Jasen — Seminole 79618 Skalet, Jordan — North Miami Beach 78519 Nickerson, Jordan — Tampa 76420 Olliges, Erik Alban — Vero Beach 725

GIRL’S 16 COMBINEDName — City Points

1 Bodine, Rebecca — Tarpon Springs 89392 Melichar, Nicole — Stuart 57883 Clayton, Mary — Plantation 45024 Grossklag, Amy — Bonita Springs 38965 Sanon, Bianca — Plantation 36186 Gutsche, Laura — Sarasota 34617 Li, Amber — Tampa 34118 Sullivan, Kelly — Tampa 33289 Yapp-Shing, Jaime — Miami 303310 Mc Lean, Sarah — Miami 290211 Epstein, Maci — Windermere 274912 Love, Korey — Port Orange 260513 Dailey, Caroline — Sarasota 256114 Wiley, Laura — Ft Lauderdale 249015 Dubins, Brittany — N Miami Beach 248116 Schmidt, Mara — Bradenton 247117 Laurente, Kelsey — Miramar 204718 Maynetto, Natalia — Naples 198619 Graff, Lindsay — Ft Lauderdale 195620 Pfeifler, Jennifer — Gulf Breeze 1945

BOY’S 14 COMBINEDName — City Points

1 Strobel, Trey — Bradenton 97822 Sabacinski, Kenneth — Plantation 64743 Lederman, Roy — Miami 49534 Novikov, Dennis — Boca Raton 48935 Willenborg, Blaine — Miami Shores 44086 Samardzic, Ognjen — Bradenton 40327 Clark, Brett — Naples 36208 Albo, Jake — Plantation 33749 Smith, Ryan — Weston 286410 Ritschard, Alexander — Sunrise 280611 Newman, Baker — Miami 280412 Butsch, Justin — Miami Beach 266213 Nicosia, Mario — Bradenton 265514 Jothishankar, Balaji — Bradenton 238915 Livi, Robert — Miramar 232616 Kozlov, Stefan — Pembroke Pines 202817 Goldin, Grayson — Bradenton 197118 Saltiel, Alexander — St Petersburg 192919 Watson, Stephen — Orlando 191820 Goodman, Joshua — Weston 1894

GIRL’S 14 COMBINEDName — City Points

1 Addison, Breaunna — Boca Raton 116052 Jones, Julia — Largo 108253 Duval, Victoria — Bradenton 87334 Keys, Madison — Boca Raton 80705 Vickery, Sachia — Miramar 69786 Van Nguyen, Chanelle — Coconut Grv 67627 Starr, Denise — Boca Raton 59218 Colton, Courtney — Davie 53729 Laurente, Kelsey — Miramar 528710 Dailey, Caroline — Sarasota 475211 Kiick, Alexandra — Plantation 424812 Dewar, Tristen — Bradenton FL 404413 Suarez, Deborah — SW Ranches 374414 Morozova, Alexandra — Boca Raton 349915 Babayan, Marie — Bradenton 298716 Lederman, Taylor — Lakewood Ranch 298217 Martin, Blair — Tampa 272618 Ambrozy, Agatha — S Pasadena 267419 Brady, Jennifer — Boca Raton 261820 Robinson, Nicole — West Palm Beach 2612

USTUSTUSTUSTUSTA Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida Junior Rankings (as of 10/1/08)Junior Rankings (as of 10/1/08)Junior Rankings (as of 10/1/08)Junior Rankings (as of 10/1/08)Junior Rankings (as of 10/1/08)

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USTUSTUSTUSTUSTA Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida Junior Rankings (cont., as of 10/1/08)Junior Rankings (cont., as of 10/1/08)Junior Rankings (cont., as of 10/1/08)Junior Rankings (cont., as of 10/1/08)Junior Rankings (cont., as of 10/1/08)GIRL’S 12 COMBINED

Name — City Points1 Duval, Victoria — Bradenton 131182 Stiteler, Alexandria — Bradenton 55773 Deng, Angel — Safety Harbor 45234 O'Loughlin, Julia — Boca Raton 43985 Nefedova, Anastasia — Palm Harbor 41276 Kuhlman, Josie — Ponte Vedra Beach 39517 Kallenberg, Nikki — Naples 36848 Milstein, Adi — Boca Raton 34459 Valdes, Rianna — Tampa 320210 Ramos, Remi — Parkland 262211 Kenin, Sofia — Pembroke Pines 260812 Vietro, Tiffany — Boca Raton 254413 Michaud, Alizee — Orlando 243614 Abbanat, Kellyn — Parkland 242215 Wojcik, Kyra — Weston 236216 Lee, Alexandra — Orlando 202517 Kussainova, Diana — Windermere 200418 Martin, Tai — Weston 198819 Switkes, Jaclyn — Ponte Vedra Beach 191720 Castaneda, Gabriella — Miramar 1893

GIRL’S 10 COMBINEDName — City Points

1 Kenin, Sofia — Pembroke Pines 33302 Rovira, Cristina — Doral 23383 Obolevitch, Danielle — Sunny Isles Bch23024 Groeneveld, Shelby — Ft Lauderdale 20825 Wiley, Katherine — Ft Lauderdale 19726 Boehm, Heather — Miami 19347 Bangoura, M'balia — Bradenton 18448 Dreyfuss, Sarah — North Miami Beach 15699 Monnar, Jennifer — Coral Gables 149010 Middlebrooks, Mackenzy — Ft Laud. 142611 Tkachenko, Diana — Kissimmee 128412 Tkachenko, Anastasia — Kissimmee 124013 Pierre-Louis, Kariann — Miami 109014 Morrison, Ivy — Naples 106615 Quiceno, Valerie — Deerfield Beach 102616 Tyulpa, Nicole — Bradenton 101217 Reami, Adriana — Miami 98318 Peele, Danielle — Apopka 98119 Horn, Megan — Boca Raton 92220 Pujals, Alyssa — Pinecrest 907

USTUSTUSTUSTUSTA Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida Adult Rankings (as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (as of 10/14/08)MEN’S OPEN

Name — City Points1 Mena, Ricardo — Key Biscayne 9452 Yoo, Daniel — Davie 7123 Mata, Franco — Bloomfield Hills, MI 6724 Sajous, Olivier — Plantation 6705 Wali, Sheharyar — Orlando 6626 Goldfarb, John — Boca Raton 5777 Koprivica, Milos — Lakeland 5228 Bose, Alex — Sarasota 5128 Aracic, Nikola — Delray Beach 51210 Pelaez, Alexander — Miami 46711 Alber, Oliver — Bradenton 43712 Cadogan, Joe — Lauderhill 42513 Hill, Drew — Ocean Ridge 42213 Gonzalez, Andres — Tampa 42215 Tikhomirov, Maksim — Philadelphia, PA 40215 Pelmus, Adrian — Delray Beach 40217 Braxton, Omavie — Miramar 39218 Bohane, Adrian — West Palm Bch 38619 Yoshizawa, Yannick — Ponte Vedra Bch 38020 Willacy, Maurice — Ocala 372

MEN’S 30Name — City Points

1 Motevassel, Oren — Austin TX 16042 Gauthier, Guillaume — Tyler TX 10293 Miller, Trent — San Diego CA 8394 Aracic, Nikola — Delray Beach 8295 Munoz, Angel — Miami 6606 Rubinstein, Todd — Pembroke Pines 6327 Day, Said — Delray Beach 5818 Lake, Andrew — Six Mile SC 5778 Vanrensburg, Christo — Austin TX 57710 Disbergen, Gerrit — Weston 50411 Collins, Robert — Houston TX 46711 Gomez-Diaz, Carlos — Ft Lauderdale 46713 Caminata, Daniel — Pembroke Pines 46214 Lennox, Matthew — Sparks MD 45915 Bethencourt, Robert — Orlando 41216 Chase, Charles — West Palm Bch 40717 Touchstone, Justin — Weston 38318 Eberle, Bobby — Pearland 37419 Klingsberg, Jordan — Boca Raton 35420 Harang, Lee — Land O Lakes 304

MEN’S 40Name — City Points

1 Lorin, Olivier — Atlantic Beach 10582 Schlorf, Todd — Longboat Key 7553 Miramontes, Carlos — Miami 7334 Gomez-Diaz, Carlos — Ft Lauderdale 6795 Fritz, Christopher — Melbourne 5876 Dempsey, James — West Palm Beach 5727 Kurtz, Bruce — Parkland 5358 Reardon, Greg — Dunedin 4379 Badiu, Bogdan — Naples 39710 Janecki, Andre — Tampa 38311 Fowkes, Thomas — Halndle Beach 37512 Rosenthal, Lee — Boca Raton 37013 Ruediger, Greg — Dothan AL 35614 Eagle, Charlton — Delray Beach 35415 Bilotti, Alexander — North Miami Bch 34716 Peterson, Matt — Haines City 29617 Mager, Scott — Weston 27018 Klingsberg, Jordan — Boca Raton 25619 Guido, Giovanni — North Bay Village 24220 Boysen, Richard — Indialantic 202

MEN’S 45Name — City Points

1 Wilder, Vallis — Fort Worth TX 16042 Fedderly, Mike — Palm Desert CA 12693 Elly, Douglas — Springfield MO 12044 Wagner, Mark — Oldsmar 11625 Dawson, Steve — Carlsbad CA 10446 Ernstrom, Eric — Ponte Vedra 10437 Rose, Michael — Ecorse MI 10048 Clermont, Gary — Fort Lauderdale 9569 Clark, Jeff — Lancaster PA 93910 Niles, T. A. — Fort Myers 83511 Rearte, Horacio — Boca Raton 80212 Cannon, Al — Greenville SC 79912 Pilardi, William — Mc Murray PA 79914 King, Max — Branch TX 76415 Eagle, Charlton — Delray Beach 67916 Kozlov, Vitaly — Culver City CA 60417 Cushing, Tres — Colleyville TX 50418 White, Ken — Elma NY 47919 Coulton, R. T. — Hilton Head Isl. SC 46720 Woldmoe, Mark — Fishers IN 459

MEN’S 35Name — City Points

1 Lake, Andrew — Six Mile SC 14042 Motevassel, Oren — Austin TX 13793 Slonac, Jim — Wauwatosa WI 10694 Carey, Chris — Kansas City MO 10045 Disbergen, Gerrit — Weston 9216 Horcasitas, Vincent — East Hmptn. NY 7297 Cagle, Christopher — Winston Salem NC 6198 McQuillen, Stephen — Marietta GA 5099 Link, Julien — Sarasota 46710 Sack, Kline Keith — New York 45911 Lopez, Marcos — Miami 38312 Horwitz, Jason — Oldsmar 34813 Dwire, Tracey — Crestwood KY 34414 Kuri, Steve — Cleveland OH 33715 Moraghan, Andrew — Mc Lean 32916 Gatza, Jimmy — Clearwater 30417 Moenter, Jerome — Lima OH 30218 Thornton, Dohn — Orlando 27919 Williams, J. Lee — Middleburg 26820 Hajdich, Craig — Oldsmar 254

MEN’S 50Name — City Points

1 Vines, Mark — Lynchburg VA 14042 Persons, Ross — Houston TX 11793 Vaughan, David — Fort Myers 9024 Houston, Randy — Palm Desert CA 8795 Clapper, Kerry — Clermont 8756 Evans, Weller — Ponte Vedra 8677 Castillo, Sal — San Antonio TX 8548 Ljungman, Mats — Ann Arbor MI 8399 Winkler, Jeffrey — St Petersburg 83710 Reynard Sr., Chris — Dumfries VA 72911 Rasgado, Joaquim — Hollywood 70612 Stewart, Lynn — Springdale AR 59613 Chase, Jared — Ocklawaha 58714 Chase, Sumner — Dallas TX 55915 Garman, Steven — Diamondhead MS 51116 Hart, Jonathan — Atlanta GA 50917 Cash, Wesley — Chattanooga TN 50417 Barker, Matthew — Albuquerque NM 50417 Castorri, Robert — Thomasville GA 50420 Shepherd, Scott — Stevenson AL 464

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MEN’S 55Name — City Points

1 Rasgado, Joaquim — Hollywood 17102 Turville, Larry — Dunnellon 16063 Landauer, Philip — Hilliard OH 16044 Mazo, Marc — Clearwater 13475 Robinson, Fred — Charlotte NC 12046 Singer, Mario — New York NY 10296 Peterson, Mark — La Quinta CA 10298 Smith, Tom — Alpharetta GA 10049 Florian, Jared — Bradenton 91010 Deeb, Alex — Oldsmar 87711 Maharaj, Gewan — Tampa 80312 Davis, John — York PA 69313 Moldoch, William — Severna Park MD 67414 Dalphon, George — Elkton MD 66215 Bouquin, Joe — Delray Beach 63116 Nowrasteh, Saeed — Madison WI 60416 Matthews, Bill — Rancho Mirage CA 60418 Green, Robert — Fort Myers 57219 Zachary, John — Sarasota 51720 Cooper, Jack — Laud By Sea 510

MEN’S 70Name — City Points

1 Farzanegan, Fred — Tampa 18062 Van Nostrand, King — Vero Beach 16083 Mathias, Donald — Saint Petersburg 15504 Duesler, Robert — Newport Beach CA 13795 Squire, Brian — Miami 13126 Juhasz, Francis — Sarasota 12337 Ahlers, Herman — Las Vegas NV 11798 Moussalli, Julien — Daytona Beach 11129 Forrester, Mark — Moorestown NJ 106910 Winters, Oz — Binghamton NY 104511 Goldwater, Lloyd — Pacific Plsds CA 90412 Hayes, Jerald — Westfield IN 82613 Silbiger, Thomas — New York NY 79114 Shaver, Robert — Germantown MD 76815 Henderson, Courtney — Richardson TX 76416 Hagan, Alfred — Houston TX 72417 Helton, Bob — Bristol VA 67918 Shakespeare, James — Richmond VA 60419 Crawford, Dick — Saint Petersburg 60220 Hamilton, Lee — Dallas TX 589

MEN’S 85Name — City Points

1 Heisler, Edmond — Lady Lake 15922 Threadgill, Robert — Maitland 12083 Arnold, Joel — Wyomissing PA 11204 Selfe, Edward — Birmingham AL 10295 Benn, John — Boca Raton 10226 Klein, Robert — Naples 7087 Sperrazza, Joseph — Boca Raton 7078 Wills, George — Philadelphia PA 4049 Pappas, Emmanuel — Webster MA 30610 Collier, Richard — Englewood 22511 Zeller, Richard — Greenwich CT 17912 Siegel, Robert — Boca Raton 17613 Kilgore, Edwin — Newport News VA 15614 Hylton, Clyde — Knoxville TN 12915 Horn, Samuel — West Chester PA 10416 Gibbs, George — Cincinnati OH 4317 Jennings, Jack — Palm Beach 2218 Gilbert, Sanford — Boynton Beach 619 Goodman, Frank — Essex Fells NJ 419 Kanter, Joseph — Miami Beach 4

MEN’S 60Name — City Points

1 Thomson, Hugh — Norcross GA 14732 Cowper, Iain — Ft Lauderdale 13373 Dahm, Mike — Dayton OH 12584 Neely, Armistead — Atlanta GA 11395 Nash, David — Bloomington MN 10296 Burris, Hugh — Friendswood TX 10067 Litwin, Robert — Glenwood Lndg NY 10048 Christensen, William — Clearwater 9559 Ruggiero, Anthony — St Petersburg 87210 Woolcock, Gladstone — Miami 74211 Hammel, Laurence — Wayland MA 67912 Farwell, Timothy — The Villages 65613 Thomas, Jeffrey — Lake Worth 62714 Barnes, Michael — Westminster 60215 Muntan, Charles — Louisville KY 59516 Fong, Gerald — N Miami Beach 58717 Dryden, John — Plantation 57218 Beautyman, Michael — Flourtown PA 55619 Broome, Craig — Pensacola 55120 Jaeger, Wolfgang — Naples 547

MEN’S 75Name — City Points

1 Rothgaber, David — Longboat Key 18772 McCabe, George — Oxford OH 16063 Snyder, Saul — San Diego CA 16044 Vredevelt, Jack — Kalamazoo MI 13235 De Voe, Charles — Indianapolis IN 12466 Tonidandel, Ron — Sarasota 12227 Thompson, Bob — Boynton Beach 10958 McDonald, Neil — Naples 10859 Perley, James — Coronado 90410 Arichandran, K. — Bethesda MD 85411 McMahon, Edward — Wall Township NJ77312 Crewe, Peter — Saint Petersburg 73313 Springer, Thomas — Cloudcroft NM 71914 Saffer, John — Boca Raton 60815 Morse, Richard — Hingham MA 59216 Schellenger, Norman — Port Saint Lucie 57217 Vetrano, Ernest — Ridgeland MS 57118 Russell, Joseph — Chagrin Falls OH 55419 Lazarowitz, Marvin — Boca Raton 51220 Desilets, Philip — Sarasota 497

MEN’S 90Name — City Points

1 Coker, Anthony — Fort Myers 10062 Boris, Ira — Pompano Beach 4293 Leslie, Howard — Fort Myers 3044 Ajello, Vero — Haddonfield NJ 2025 Blunt, Chris — Sarasota 26 Scallet, Barrett — Saint Louis MO 2

USTUSTUSTUSTUSTA Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)

MEN’S 65Name — City Points

1 Baker, Jim — Palm Bch Gdns 18122 Bachmann, Joseph — Sarasota 17123 Parker, Jimmy — Santa Fe NM 16044 Jonsson, Evert — Destin 14205 Hernando, Rudy — Ft Lauderdale 14066 Drilling, Fred — Bethesda MD 12047 Lunsford, Stephen — Stuart 10728 Long, Donald — Fairport NY 10439 Brown, Bailey — Atlanta GA 103310 Sie, Niesi — Boynton Beach 95211 Griffin, L. Hill — Atlanta GA 85412 Howe, Ralph — St Petersburg 75613 Lazenby, James — Birmingham AL 71014 Simonton, William — Concord NH 70515 Irvine, Hank — Placida 63316 Gladsden, Andrew — Anna Maria 62717 Hampton, Bobby — Chicago IL 62318 Kennedy, Leon — Saint Petersburg 59219 Barbic, Ivo — Atlanta GA 52420 Grieco, Ralph — Roswell GA 486

MEN’S 80Name — City Points

1 Hopp, Clement — Sarasota 21602 Meyerdierks, Bob — Saint Petersburg 15623 Martinetti, Philip — Delray Beach 13124 Morton, Jason — Sun Lakes AZ 12695 Sarkis, Fred — Bradenton 11226 Hague, Larry — Sunapee NH 7797 Bunge, Leonard — Bonita Springs 7418 Antonio, Rudy — Northfield NJ 6529 Tanman, Eyup — Cambridge MD 63910 Moore, Ben — Frankfort KY 54011 Ryan, Wallace — Crystal River 53212 Buchanan, Marvin — Birmingham AL 52913 Reardon, Kenneth — Dartmouth NS 52714 Meric, T. Sellers — New Orleans LA 50615 Redgrave, John — Sarasota 45716 Weathers, W. D. — Whsprng. Pines NC 42917 Maurice, John — Jacksonville 36018 Kauder, Edward — Sun Valley ID 35819 Jensen, Jack — Ft Lauderdale 35320 Steckman, Oscar — St Petersburg 324

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WOMEN’S OPENName — City Points

1 Pantic, Nina — Lake Worth 8342 Abaza, Jan — Deerfield Beach 8133 Lawrence, Justina — Lake Worth 5583 Rohonyi, Reka — West Palm Beach 5585 Ffriend, Jocelyn — New Rochelle NY 5546 Fitch, Kelli — Clermont 5087 Wojcik, Justyna — West Palm Bch 4688 Mutaguchi, Emi — Bradenton 4679 Salus, Julie — Plantation 40810 Snook, Erin — Tampa 40611 Kierberg, Sabrina — Ft Lauderdale 39312 Dzulynsky, Sophia — Miramar 35813 Lippe-Siegler, Suzanne — Boca Raton 33314 Fiocca, Mia — Miami 32315 Scholl, Chichi — Pompano Beach 31116 Lawrence, Jessica — Lake Worth 30817 McDonald, Jeanette — Spring Hill 25618 Baker, Marilyn — North Baldwin NY 25219 Dzuba, Alessandra — Ft Lauderdale 23319 Sarkavagyan, Armine — Coconut Creek 233

WOMEN’S 40Name — City Points

1 Marcinkowska, Renata — Rock Hill SC 14042 Wei, Carolyn — Oakland CA 12292 McKenna, Vesna — Hollywood 12294 Zimmermann, Anna — Indianapolis IN 11545 Wright, Michelle — Norwalk CT 10046 Brown, Susie — South Palm Beach 9047 Alcini, Amy — Malibu CA 8948 Wohlschlaeger, Andrea — Delray Beach 8589 Pachl, Marie-Josee — Delray Beach 82110 Kaleel, Sue — Ortonville MI 75911 Schwartz, Anne — Northampton MA 71912 Van Raalte, Judy — Wilbraham MA 58413 Cashman, Kim — Clearwater 50414 Beckendorf, Mary Ann — Bryan TX 49915 Loomis, Myke — Santa Rosa Beach 46716 Tharpe, Renee — Peachtree City GA 42717 Cornell, Margaret — Rockledge 35418 Keener, Robin — Melbourne 33718 Patterson, Jami — Brazil IN 33720 Mesko, Suzanne — Sunrise 276

WOMEN’S 55Name — City Points

1 Holt, Chieko — Klamath Falls OR 14042 Downing, Martha — Shingle Spgs CA 11793 Young, Kerry — Maitland 10294 Bramlette, Susan — Houston TX 8045 Kirkland-Cochran, Jan — Knoxville TN 6296 Brown, Carla — Atlanta GA 6247 Watson, Greta — Nevada City CA 6048 Babb, Cynthia — Mount Pleasant SC 5949 Clay, Carol — Ft Lauderdale 58410 Peiffer, Susan — Charleston SC 54911 McGinley, Janel — Albany GA 42911 Guerrant, Anne — Gilbert AZ 42913 Leigh, Elizabeth — Tampa 42714 Boyce, Nancy — Oldsmar 40615 Rice, Janet — Christi TX 31916 Goodman, Ellen — Winter Park 30917 Armstrong, Lou — Ft Lauderdale 30418 Keating, Kathryn — Ft Lauderdale 30219 Gabelt, B'ann — Madison WI 27720 Two tied at No. 20

WOMEN’S 30Name — City Points

1 Lai, Shareen — Morrisville PA 16042 Zerdan, Patricia — Farmers Branch TX 14043 Riddell, Trish — Maitland 12044 Pachl, Marie-Josee — Delray Beach 11535 Garvin, Gee Gee — Carlsbad CA 10046 Wadsworth, Jessica — Orlando 5867 Hopkins, Zdena — Rockwall TX 5778 Lippe-Siegler, Suzanne — Boca Raton 5299 Ritchey, Laura — Pearland TX 46710 Taylor, Catherine — Orlando 42911 Nichols, Joanna — Lakeway TX 29212 Jong, Kristina — Santa Barbara CA 25213 Shy, Laura — Memphis TN 20214 Harnden, Deborah — Fort Lauderdale 17915 Brown, Mary — Dothan AL 15216 Mesko, Suzanne — Sunrise 14417 Works, Shelly — San Antonio TX 12217 Robinson, Shade — Memphis TN 12219 Five players tied at No. 19

WOMEN’S 45Name — City Points

1 Chandler, Frances — Jackson TN 16042 Boyer, Susan — Coral Springs 12043 Hollman, Mariana — Winston Salem NC 10444 Nichols, Carolyn — Lodi CA 10045 Loomis, Myke — Santa Rosa Beach 8545 Vick, Kathy — Lubbock TX 8545 Thompson, Charlotte — Conyers GA 8548 Johnson, Mary — Sacramento CA 7199 Brown, Susie — South Palm Beach 69110 Yohannes, Tenagne — Atlanta GA 67411 Lackey, Kim — Clayton CA 63412 Condyles, Martha — Richmond VA 62413 Lippe-Siegler, Suzanne — Boca Raton 57814 Chiricosta, Sheila — Avon Lake OH 54915 Smith, Erika — Oakland CA 54416 Berg, Dina — Lakewood Ranch 30217 Olson, Karen — Tampa 23918 Beazley, Beckie — Ocean City NJ 20719 Gerger, Heidi — Houston TX 20220 Three tied at No. 20

WOMEN’S 60Name — City Points

1 Carter, Brenda — Charleston SC 16042 Clay, Carol — Ft Lauderdale 12273 Wachob, Betty — Panama City 11794 Keleman, Patricia — Bethlehem PA 8395 Delfausse, Lee — Concord NH 6046 Greene, Sharon — Wilmington NC 5547 Goodman, Ellen —Winter Park 5398 Dennis, Jan — Cumming GA 4349 Martin, Andrea — St Petersburg 42710 Stark, Olga — Bayside NY 34411 Johnson, Camilla — Excelsior MN 33412 Culp, Courtenay — Garrett Park MD 29913 Levine, Jovette — Weston 23914 Voeks, Mary — Naples 22415 Wilson, Retsy — Pensacola 20215 Rowe, Tish — Tampa 20217 Fales, Donna — Coral Gables 17917 Louie, Judy — Corona Dl Mar CA 17919 Merrell, Virginia — Winter Park 17720 Fortna, Rosi — Morrisville VT 169

USTUSTUSTUSTUSTA Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)

WOMEN’S 35Name — City Points

1 Cass, Julie — Austin TX 16042 Riddell, Trish — Maitland 12043 Gale, Rachel — Cary NC 10444 King, Michelle — Austin TX 9095 Works, Shelly — San Antonio TX 8946 Simon, Angela — Atlanta GA 8027 Wadsworth, Jessica — Orlando 6918 Farrell, Cathleen — Dunkirk 6349 Kienle, Colette — Ft Lauderdale 42910 Wei, Carolyn — Oakland CA 42710 Schalk, Jean — Pompano Beach 42712 Taylor, Catherine — Orlando 36613 McKenna, Vesna — Hollywood 33714 Anderson, Greta — Charlotte NC 30415 Alcini, Amy — Malibu CA 29216 Hannahan, Melissa — Mobile AL 20217 Noonan, Jennifer — Middlefield CT 17717 Sutter, Aytac — New York NY 17719 Pachl, Marie-Josee — Delray Beach 16820 Two player tied at No. 20

WOMEN’S 50Name — City Points

1 Wright, Susan — Grand Jct CO 16042 Lippe-Siegler, Suzanne — Boca Raton 15083 Fishburne, Diane — Charleston SC 12044 Murveit, Leslie — Portola Vally CA 11795 Nichols, Carolyn — Lodi CA 8545 Bronson, Sherri — Scottsdale AZ 8547 Shank, Eve — Goodyear AZ 6748 Ramsower, Chris — Walnut Creek CA 6449 Moseley, Janet — Elkin NC 61410 Morgan, Mary — Houston TX 54411 Burgess, Deborah — Franklin WI 42912 Szen, Nancy — Hilton Head Island SC 41913 Froehling, Elizabeth — Stuart 40414 Sprague, Sue — San Diego CA 34415 Blackwood, Marjorie — Whistler BC 33716 Fritz-Krockow, Hiko — Fairfax VA 32917 Pettit, Margy — Charlotte NC 28418 Schram, Kimberly — Aliso Viejo CA 26419 Drosner, Donna — Whitefish Bay WI 23920 Two tied at No. 20

WOMEN’S 65Name — City Points

1 Orth, Heide — Palm Coast 16042 Fales, Donna — Coral Gables 10693 Steel, Suella — La Jolla CA 10444 Anderson, Catherine — Del Mar CA 10295 Hillebrand, Charleen — San Pedro CA 10046 Bill, Sinclair — Koloa HI 7197 Clark, Susanne — New City NY 7098 Meyering, Kathie — Fredericksburg TX 6049 Graham, Ria — New Port Richey FL 60210 Weinstock, Sheila — Framingham MA 59411 Hegberg, Uta — Oceanside CA 55411 Nevins, Joan — Forest Hills NY 55413 Martin, Susan — Sarasota 52114 Wood, Carol — Rockville MD 49914 Fujii, Lurline — La Habra CA 49916 Maag, Penny — Tucson AZ 46917 Woo, Grace — Pittsford NY 46418 Pang, Jane — Honolulu HI 41419 Sung, Roberta — Berkeley CA 34420 Merrell, Virginia — Winter Park 337

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WOMEN’S 70Name — City Points

1 Herrick, Burnett — Tarboro NC 12042 Graham, Ria — New Port Richey 9393 Wood, Carol — Rockville MD 6394 Kyvallos, Lucille — Ft. Lauderdale 6045 Waitman, Rosalind — Boca Raton 5596 O'Sullivan, Lola — Flushing NY 4497 Weber, Inge — Scarborough, NY 4278 Martin, Fay — Oak Ridge TN 3798 Beck-Schwartz, D. — Yorktown Hts NY 37910 Reed, Nancy — Winter Park 32411 Kossowsky, Susan — Hartsdale NY 30912 Haynes, Caroline — Maryville TN 30413 Spease, Rachel — Hummelstown PA 30214 Kingsley, Joan — San Antonio TX 29414 Russ, Louise — Boca Raton 29416 Brunette, Betty — Pendleton OR 25417 Keenan, Libby — Longboat Key 20218 Livings, Rosemarie — Vero Beach 16419 McCracken, Lorna — Tinton Falls NJ 13220 Morgan, Julia — Bristol NH 99

WOMEN’S 85Name — City Points

1 Eisenstein, Betty — Washington DC 16042 Cheney, Dodo — La Jolla CA 11543 Webb, Ruth — Rock Hill SC 7694 Scoggins, Lou Cille — Dickinson TX 4995 Beard, Lovie — Houston TX 4676 Hill, Mary — Claremont CA 4297 Southern, Mildred — Winston Salem NC 3378 Jobson, Ilse — Sarasota 2129 Stroud, Inka — Houston TX 8210 Burr, Billie — Wellington 4411 Camerino, Lisa — Larchmont NY 4212 Checket, Kathleen — Hillsboro Beach 212 Allen, Helen — Forest Hills NY 2


1 Elliott V., E /Falconi, I A. Palm Bch Gdns 8022 Mavropoulos Stolia/Pantic, Pnt Vdr Bch 5773 Rubinstein/Salus, Pembroke Pines 4674 Bayser, M /Ko, Z Pompano Beach 4275 McDonald, J /Staton, K Spring Hill 4026 Edge, K /Edge, M A. Gulf Breeze 3047 Dzulynsky, A /Dzulynsky, S Miramar 2527 Coffey, C R./Rombach, C Melbourne 2529 Helm, L /Helm, L Indianapolis IN 25010 Elamad, N I./Guarachi, A E. Memphis 20210 Gray, E L./Rutledge, J Mobile 20210 John, K /Vach, R Jacksonville 20213 Buck, J /Collins, D Tampa 17713 Balsera, L K./Gottsch, D J. Tampa 17715 Brown, B S./Brown, A Dothan AL 16416 Barrett, H /Casey, H W. Gulf Breeze 15216 Arghire, S /Bubis, A Tarpon Springs 15216 Bryan, D /Clark, M D. Thomasville GA 15219 Six teams tied at No. 19

WOMEN’S 75Name — City Points

1 Boswell, Marietta — Damascus MD 16042 Reed, Nancy — Winter Park 14043 Balics, Anneke — Davis CA 11794 Russ, Louise — Boca Raton 10695 Francis, Peggie — Burnet TX 8545 Kyvallos, Lucille — Ft. Lauderdale 8547 Canby, Margaret — San Antonio TX 5948 Buffington, Jane — Lincoln CA 5799 Munro, Ann — Ann Arbor MI 46910 Zoeller, Claire — Santa Fe NM 38411 Ryerson, Suzanne — Broad Run VA 37412 Asch, Rosemarie — Westmount QC 33713 Jaffe, Carol — Naples 29214 Kibbey, Nancy — La Mesa CA 25415 Cofer, Carol — Austin TX 20416 Williams, Zoe — Cashiers NC 17716 Barbiero, Eva — Scarborough NY 17718 Durrett, Jan — Shawnee Msn KS 12919 Oaks, Jane — Longboat Key 12720 Lutz, Doris — Sarasota 107

MEN’S OPEN DOUBLESName — City Points

1 Cadogan, J /Madon, D C. — Lauderhill 6522 Adiv, Y /Urhobo, T — Cooper City 4673 Musalem, F /Oliver, K — Miami 4544 Carrasco, A C./Disbergen, G — Ccnt. Crk. 4275 Decker, C F./Decker, A — Chipley 3266 Groslimond, A /Harden, J — Atlanta GA 3047 Feussner, B /Tyree, S — Gainesville 2818 Mata, F /Maurillo, N — Bloomfield MI 2528 Lloyd, R /Windham, P — Ft Lauderdale2528 Gomez-Diaz, C E./Ko, Z — Ft Lauderdale 25211 Clark, J M./Rutledge, J — Santa Rosa Bch 20211 Boysen, R /D'Aleo, J E. — Indialantic 20211 McCook, A /Sullivan, S B. — Miami 20211 Huerta, C /Obidiegwu, J — Naples 20211 Sanchez, F /Tukker, B — Ponte Vedra Bch 20216 Bose, A /Kluth, M — Sarasota 15617 Hodes, C /Walker, J P. — Gainesville 15418 Six teams tied at No. 18

USTUSTUSTUSTUSTA Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)Adult Rankings (cont., as of 10/14/08)

WOMEN’S 80Name — City Points

1 Lutz, Doris — Sarasota 14042 Price, Rita — Aurora CO 11793 Stout, Nancy — Sarasota 9344 Brisbin, Joan — Naples 7195 Hambleton, Nancy — Annapolis MD 6796 Hall, Catherine — Newport Beach CA 6297 Knode, Dorothy — Huntington Bch CA 5848 Skiffington, Marilyn — Naples 5449 Barbiero, Eva — Scarborough NY 30210 Camerino, Lisa — Larchmont NY 17911 Maloney, Dorothy — Wilmington NC 15412 Allen, Helen — Forest Hills NY 412 Hussey, Piyachart — Laguna Woods CA 414 Webb, Ruth — Rock Hill SC 2


1 Falconi, I A./Pantic, N — Jupiter 10042 Finnegan, C /Kenoyer, J — Litchfield CT 5773 Graff, L /Wiley, L — Ft Lauderdale 4674 Dzulynsky, S /Jovic, M — Miramar 4275 Bennett, S /Lewis, M — Coral Springs 2526 Clark, M D./Townsend, S — Snt Rosa Bch 2027 Schalk, J L./Walter, C M. — Pompano Bch 1528 Gunning, S C./Rodriguez, A — Boca Rtn 1028 Phillips, S L./Solaun, S — Gainesville 10210 Bayser, M /Sarkavagyan, A — Pmpn Bch 210 Bajramovic, D /Bayser, M — Pmpn Bch 210 Frazer, M /Whittaker, J — Gainesville 210 Hogan, M /Putz, S — Fair Oaks Rch TX 210 Fitch, K Elaine/Pol, R — Clermont 210 Rabinovitz, R /Salus, J — Weston 210 Lawrence, J /Lawrence, J — Lake Worth210 Jastrjembskaia/Tredwell — Port St Lucie 2

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Junior TJunior TJunior TJunior TJunior Tournament Scheduleournament Scheduleournament Scheduleournament Scheduleournament Schedule

Nov. 1 Ultimate Competition Camps Local Nov Junior OpenUltimate Tennis, Miami, (305) 479-5428, BG(18-16)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Hunter’s Green Local Jr Clay Court, Hunters GreenSports Center, Tampa, (813) 973-4220, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Gainesville Fall Jr Super Series, Gainesville RecreationDept., Gainesville, (352) 376-8250, BG(18-10)sd,SE

Nov. 1 St Lucie Local Fall Championships, Lawnwood TennisComplex, Ft. Pierce, (772) 462-1525, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Village of Wellington Rookie Challenge, WellingtonTennis Center, (561) 791-4775, BG(16-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Junior Local Turkey Tuneup, Lauderhill Parks Dept.,Lauderhill, (954) 245-2320, BG(18-16)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Local Thanksgiving Junior Chps., Sekou Bangoura Int.Tns., Bradenton, (941) 758-4507, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Jacksonville Golf & C.C Local, Jacksonville Golf &C.C., Jacksonville, (904) 223-5555, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Rookies at Weston Championship, Midtown AthleticClub, Weston, (954)384-3042, BG(16-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Beef O’Brady’s Junior Local Singles Chps., BluewaterBay Tennis Ctr., Niceville, (850) 897-8010, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Miami Crandon Pk Local Jr Challange Six, CrandonPark, Key Biscayne, (786) 543-2607, BG(14-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Junior Autumn Rookie, Lake Cane Tennis Center,Orlando, (407) 254-9170, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 3 Evert American ITF, Evert Tennis Academy, Boca Raton,(561) 488-2001, BG(18)s,SE; BG(18)d,SE

Nov. 8 Junior Extreme Tennis Fest, Michael Ann Russell JewishComm. Center, Miami, (305) 932-4200, BG(14-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 8 Oak Street Fall Rookie, Mg Tennis, Kissimmee,(407)254-9170, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 8 Casely Competition Camps Nov Local Jr Chps., CaselyTennis Fnd., Miami, (305) 479-5428, BG(14-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 8 Pete Wolfberg 16th Annual Local Chps., TennisFound. of St Petersburg, (727) 823-2225, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 8 East Coast CTA Rookie Turkey Tourney, East Coast TennisFnd. Inc., West Palm Beach, (561) 686-1103, BG(16-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 8 Hoorah for Hollywood Fall Designated G18, David ParkTennis Ctr., Hollywood, (954) 967-4237, G(18)s,MFIC

Nov. 8 Bill Clark Fall Designated B14, Cooper City Tennis Center,Hollywood, (954) 434-4300, B(14)s,MFIC

Nov. 8 Hallandale Fall Designated B18, Trombetta TennisAcademy, Hallandale, (954) 457-1459, B(18)s,MFIC

Nov. 8 Plantation Fall Designated BG16, Frank Veltri TennisCenter, Plantation, (954) 452-2530, BG(16)s,MFIC

Nov. 8 North Miami Beach Fall Designated B12, Arthur SnyderTennis Center, N. Miami Beach, (305) 919-0839, B(12)s,MFIC

Nov. 8 Norman Holmes Memorial Local Junior Chps., City OfMelbourne, Melbourne, (321) 674-5720, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 8 Challenger Tennis Fall Designated G14, ChallengerTennis, Pembroke Pines, (305) 588-0564, G(14)s,MFIC

Tournament Abbreviations Key:B = Boys G = Girls M = MenW = Women S = Singles D = DoublesOp = Open xd/X = Mixed H = HardC = Clay N = NTRP RR = Round RobinFMLC = First Match Loser ConsolationFRLC = First Round Loser ConsolationMFIC = Modified Feed-in ConsolationFIC = Feed-in Consolation; COMP = Compass draw

Nov. 8 North Miami Designated G12s, N. Miami Tennis Ctr.,N. Miami, (305) 893- 7130, G(12)s,MFIC

Nov. 8 Sanlando Fall Rookie, Sanlando Park, Altamonte Springs,(407) 869-5966, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Daytona Fall Junior Rookies, Florida Tennis Center,Daytona Beach, (386) 671-8901, BG(16-10)s,COMP

Nov. 15 Simply Tennis II 2008, Simply Tennis Inc., Village OfPalmetto Bay, (305)255-7331, BG(12)s,FICS

Nov. 15 Bobby Curtis Classic, Patricio Apey’s Tennis Academy,Miami, (305)388-0288, BG(10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Ultimate Competition Camps Nov. Rookie ClassicUltimate Tennis, Miami, (305) 479-5428, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Extreme Tennis Local ITF Warm-Up, Extreme TennisAcademy, Hollywood, (954) 478-3941, BG(18-16)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Golf & Racquet Local Fall Classic, Eastpointe RacquetC.C., West Palm Beach, (561)622-1681, BG(18-16)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 The Gobbler Super Series, Cambier Park Tennis Facility,Naples, (239) 213-3060, BG(18-10)sd,SE

Nov. 15 Buckhorn Springs Early Thanksgiving Rookie,Buckhorn Springs, Valrico, (813)689-7766, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Longwood Local “Give Thanks” Cup, Longwood AthleticClub, Sarasota, (941)351-1750, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Plantation Grand Prix Rookie, Frank Veltri Tennis Center,Plantation, (954) 452-2530, BG(16-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Ft. King Rookie Turkey Classic, Ocala Recreation andParks Dept., Ocala, (352) 629-8453, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Palm Beach Gardens Local “Serve the Stuffing,” City ofPalm Beach Gardens, (561) 775-8277, BG(14-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Winter Haven Local Turkey Trot, City of Winter HavenMunicipal Courts, (863) 291-5690, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Broward Local Junior Chps., Pompano Beach TennisCenter, (754) 235-6031, BG(14-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 East Lake Fall Junior Super Series, East Lake WoodlandsCountry Club, Oldsmar, (727) 785-2212, BG(18-10)sd,SE

Nov. 15 Fall International Super Series, Twin Oaks Tennis Club,Vero Beach, (772) 770-1149, BG(18-10)sd,SE

Nov. 15 TTA Fall Invitational Super Series, Tallahassee TennisAssn., Tallahassee, (850) 893-2251, BG(18-10)s,SE

Nov. 15 Miami Crandon Pk Local Jr Challange Seven, CrandonPark, Key Biscayne, (786) 543-2607, BG(14-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 15 Local Junior Fall Fest, Fort Gatlin Recreation Center,Orlando, (407) 858-2257, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 19 Turkey Bowl-Boca Raton, The Swim & Racquet Center,Boca Raton, (561) 395-0128

Nov. 21 Pan American Cup, City of Pembroke Pines/Silver Lakes,Pembroke Pines, (954) 431-4147, BG(14-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 22 Seminole Lake Tennis Center Turkey Bowl Super SeriesSeminole, (727) 394-1733, BG(18-10)sd,SE

Nov. 22 Rookie Thanksgiving Classic, Reiner Heinser TennisAcademy, Miami, (786) 205-3751, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 22 Delray Junior Super Series, Delray Swim & Tennis Club,Delray Beach, (561) 243-7360, BG(18-16)sd,SE

Nov. 22 Royal Palm’s Thanksgiving Super Series,Miami, (305) 661-3359 EXT 3350, BG(14-10)sd,SE

Nov. 22 Thanksgiving Rookie Classic, Tampa Palms Golf & C.C.,Tampa, (813) 632-1676, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 22 Deer Creek Tennis Resort Nov Super Series, DeerfieldBeach, (954) 596-5233, BG(14-10)sd,SE

Nov. 22 Stuart Yacht & C.C. “Turkey Open” Jr. Super Series,Hawaii Raquets, Stuart, (772) 225-6813, BG(14)sd,SE

Nov. 22 John Paul Riddle Memorial Super Series, Biltmore TennisCenter, Coral Gables, (305) 460-5360, BG(18-16)sd,SE

USTUSTUSTUSTUSTA Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida SchedulesSchedulesSchedulesSchedulesSchedules Special SectionSpecial SectionSpecial SectionSpecial SectionSpecial Section

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USTUSTUSTUSTUSTA Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida SchedulesSchedulesSchedulesSchedulesSchedules Special SectionSpecial SectionSpecial SectionSpecial SectionSpecial Section

Adult TAdult TAdult TAdult TAdult Tournament Scheduleournament Scheduleournament Scheduleournament Scheduleournament Schedule

NTRP TNTRP TNTRP TNTRP TNTRP Tournament Scheduleournament Scheduleournament Scheduleournament Scheduleournament Schedule

Nov. 22 Fall Harvest Super Series, Lake Cane Tennis Center,Orlando, (407) 254-9170, BG(18-10)sd,SE

Nov. 24 Eddie Herr International Junior Tennis Chps., IMG/Bollettier Academy, Bradenton, (941) 755-1000, BG(18-12)sd,SE

Nov. 27 USTA National Opens, Sanlando Park, Altamonte Springs,(407) 869-5966, BG(12)s,FIC; BG(12)d,SE, FIC

Nov. 27 USTA National Opens, Pensacola Junior Tennis Association,Pensacola, (850) 434-2434, BG(16)s,FIC; BG(16)d,SE, FIC

Nov. 28 Boca Local Showdown, TLC @ Sth. Cnty. Reg. Pk.,Boca Raton, (561) 477-9660, BG(18-16)s,FMLC

Nov. 28 Peace River Local Thanksgiving 14’s, Rio Paz TennisCenter, Punta Gorda, (941)637-4808, BG(14)s,FMLC

Nov. 28 Holiday Local Junior Classic, City of Clearwater,Clearwater, (727) 669-1919, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 28 Turkey Run Local Classic, Vero Beach Tennis Club,Vero Beach, (772) 569-7700, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 28 Lehigh Acres Local Junior Tennis Classic, Myra KesslerTennis Ctr., Lehigh Acres, (203)570-8058, BG(18-16)s,FMLC

Nov. 28 Junior Local Tangerine Bowl, Lake Cane Tennis Center,Orlando, (407) 254-9170, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 29 Prince Cup 2008, Patricio Apey’s Tennis Academy,Miami, (305)388-0288, BG(18-12)sd,SE

Nov. 29 Casely Competition Camps Local Jr. Int. #2 18s & 16s,Miami, (305) 479-5428, BG(18-16)s,FMLC

Nov. 29 Casely Competition Camps Local Jr. Int. #2 14s-12s-10s,Miami, (305) 479-5428, BG(14-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 29 Paris-Arnold Local Cup, Pierre Arnold Tns. Inc.,Pembroke Pines, (954) 435-6590, BG(14-12)s,FMLC

Nov. 29 Treasure Bay Rookie, Treasure Bay Golf & Tennis,Treasure Island, (727) 360-6062, BG(18-10)s,FMLC

Nov. 1 Harbor Hills Fall Classic (Designated), Harbor HillsCountry Club, Lady Lake, (352) 753-9376,MW(35,45,55-90)sd,FMLC

Nov. 1 Park Meadow Classic, Park Meadow Tennis Club,Fort Myers, (239) 936-6309, M(Op,35-55)sd,FMLC;W(Op,35-45)sd,FMLC

Nov. 5 Les Grandes Dames Fall Cup, Les Grandes Dames,Winter Park, (407) 491-8448, W(35,45,55,65,75,85)sd,MFIC

Nov. 8 Temple Terrace Adult Winter Classic, Temple TerraceTennis Center, Temple Terrace, (813) 989-7178,

MW(Op,30,40,50)s,FMLCNov. 8 TLC Prize Money Doubles, Tennis Learning Center,

Boca Raton, (561) 477-9660, MW(Op,35)d,FMLCNov. 10 USTA National Women’s Intersectional Team Event,

The Naples Tennis Club and Resort, Naples, (239) 261-5777,W(35-75)sd

Nov. 12 30th Annual Fall Classic, Courtside Tennis Club, Venice,(941) 485-2000, M(55-85)s,FMLC; M(55-85)d,SE;W(30,40,50)d,FMLC

Nov. 13 USTA National Men’s 35 Clay Court Chps., Frank VeltriTennis Center, Plantation, (954) 452-2530, M(35)sd,FICS

Nov. 14 Gulf Coast Holiday Classic, Phil Green Tennis Inc., TarponSprings, (727)744-5031, MW(Op,30,40,50,60)s,FMLC

Nov. 14 Cascades Fall Championships, Cascades-St.Lucie West,Port Saint Lucie, (772) 785-5937, MW(50-75)sd,FMLC

Nov. 15 Pre-Qualifying Wildcard Tournament (ATP Delray Beach)Player’s Int. Mgt., Delray Beach, (561) 330-6000, M(Op)s,FRLC

Nov. 17 USTA National Senior & Super Senior Father-Son ClayCourt Championships, Landings Racquet Club, Inc.,Sarasota, (941) 923-3886, Senior: RF(0)d; FS(SS)d

Nov. 26 Champion Porsche Turkey Bowl,The Swim & RacquetCenter, Boca Raton, (561) 395-0128, M(Op)s,FMLC;M(35,45,55)s,FMLC; W(Op,35,45,55)s,FMLC; M(Op)d,SE

Nov. 28 Butterball Open,Vero Beach Tennis Club, (772) 569-7700,MW(30-80)s,FMLC; MW(35,45,55,65,75,85)d,SE

Nov. 28 Aventura Orange Bowl, Nunez Tennis Training,Aventura, (305) 682-9444, MW(Op)s,SE

Nov. 29 Santa Claus Classic, D.B. Racquet Club, Gainesville,(352) 377-9580, M(Op)s,FMLC; M(30,40,50)s,FMLC;W(Op,30,40,50)s,FMLC; M(Op)d,SE; M(30,40,50)d,SE;W(Op,30,40,50)d,SE

Nov. 1 Tier One Tennis Doubles Challenge, Biltmore TennisCenter, Coral Gables, (305) 460-5360, NM(3.0-4.5)d,FMLC;NW(3.0-4.0)d,FMLC

Nov. 1 Patch Reef Fall NTRP, Patch Reef Park Tennis Center,Boca Raton, (561) 367-7090, NMW(3.5-4.5)s,FMLC;NMW(3.5-4.5)d,SE

Nov. 7 Heathrow NTRP Fall Fling Championships,Heathrow Country Club, Heathrow, (407) 333-1475,NM(3.0-5.0)s,FMLC; NW(2.5-4.5)s,FMLC;NM(3.5-4.5)d,FMLC; NW(3.0-4.0)d,FMLC; ComboMX(5.5,6.5,7.5,8.5,9.5)d,FMLC

Nov. 7 USTA National Father-Daughter, Sr. Father-Daughter& Super Sr. Father-Daughter Clay Courts, Jupiter Ocean& Racquet Club, Jupiter, (561) 747-1500, FD(0)d,FIC;RF(0)d,FIC

Nov. 8 Coral Springs Fall NTRP Championships, Tennis Centerof Coral Springs, Coral Springs, (754) 235-6031,NM(3.0-5.0)sd,FMLC; NW(2.5-4.5)sd,FMLC;CM(7.5,8.5,9.5)d,FMLC

Nov. 14 16th Annual Frenchy’s Gumbo Classic, City ofClearwater, Clearwater, (727) 669-1919, NM(3.0-5.0)d,FMLC;NW(2.5-5.0)d,FMLC; NX(3.0-5.0)d,FMLC

Nov. 15 Jenni Cup Classic, Heinser Tennis Academy, Miami,(305) 380-9332, NM(3.0-5.0)s,FMLC; NW(2.5-4.5)s,FMLC;NM(3.0-5.0)d,SE; NW(2.5-4.5)d,SE

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40 | Play Tennis Florida | November 2008

USTUSTUSTUSTUSTA Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida A Florida League ContactsLeague ContactsLeague ContactsLeague ContactsLeague ContactsEmerald CoastLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult Terri Markowski 850-678-3433 [email protected]

Senior Lois Schmidt 850-729-1522 [email protected]

Mixed Adult/Sr. Kevin Dunworth 850-243-8662 [email protected]

Combo Doubles Kevin Dunworth 850-243-8662 [email protected]

Super Senior Lois Schmidt 850-729-1522 [email protected]

PensacolaLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult - Women Diana Waters 850-456-5213 [email protected]

Adult - Men Terry Thrash 850-479-1960 [email protected]

Senior Allison Randol 850-934-9134 [email protected]

Mixed - Adult Calvin Moore N/A [email protected]

Mixed - Senior Allison Randol 850-934-9134 [email protected]

Combo - Women Diana Waters 850-456-5213 [email protected]

Combo - Men Terry Thrash 850-479-1960 [email protected]

TallahasseeLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult - Women Gina Field N/A [email protected]

Adult - Men Russ Marsh 850-671-1569 [email protected]

Mixed - Adult Carl Weathington 850-385-3424 [email protected]

Combo Roby Kendall N/A [email protected]

JacksonvilleLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult - Women Carol Chastain 904-387-2908 [email protected]

Adult - Men Larry Jaben 904-396-1921 [email protected]

Senior - Women Carson Phillips 904-363-6422 [email protected]

Senior - Men Christine Doyle 904-280-7564 [email protected]

Mixed Jenise Whitmire 904-215-9037 [email protected]

Combo Christine Doyle 904-280-7564 [email protected]

Super Sr. Women Carson Phillips 904-363-6422 [email protected]

Super Sr. Men Christine Doyle 904-280-7564 [email protected]

Super 70 Women Carson Phillips 904-363-6422 [email protected]

Super 70 Men Christine Doyle 904-280-7564 [email protected]

GainesvilleLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult Christine Shurtleff 352-336-7508 [email protected]

Senior Ed Austin 352-468-2224 [email protected]

Mixed -Adult Lee Johnson 352-378-2985 [email protected]

Mixed - Senior Ed Austin 352-468-2224 [email protected]

Combo - Adult Christine Shurtleff 352-336-7508 [email protected]

Combo - Senior Jeanette Parker 386-462-5112 [email protected]

Super Senior Libby Smith 352-373-6562 [email protected]

Super 70 Christine Shurtleff 352-336-7508 [email protected]

OcalaLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

All Leagues Catherine Priest 352-732-9574 [email protected]

Polk CountyLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult Melody Johnson 863-324-7852 [email protected]

Senior - Women Dee Oeters 863-644-7466 [email protected]

Senior - Men Joanne Collier 863-425-5970 [email protected]

Mixed Melody Johnson 863-324-7852 [email protected]

Combo Joanne Collier 863-425-5970 [email protected]

Super Sr. Women Dee Oeters 863-644-7466 [email protected]

Super Sr. Men Joanne Collier 863-425-5970 [email protected]

Super 70 Women Dee Oeters 863-644-7466 [email protected]

Super 70 Men Joanne Collier 863-425-5970 [email protected]

TampaLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

All Seniors Barbara Jones 813-3681-6643 [email protected]

Adult Gregg Gruhl [email protected]

St. Pete/ClearwaterLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult - Women Ruth Ann Ott 727-526-7966 [email protected]

Adult - Men Clark Higgs [email protected]

Senior - Women Ruth Ann Ott 727-526-7966 [email protected]

Senior - Men David Wisotsky 727-938-7902 [email protected]

Mixed Sandi Delosh 727-734-8182 [email protected]

Combo Norman Ott 727-526-7966 [email protected]

Super Sr. Women Ruth Ann Ott 727-526-7966 [email protected]

Super Sr. Men Dave Foster 727-726-4042 [email protected]

Super 70 Women Ruth Ann Ott 727-526-7966 [email protected]

Super 70 - Men Dave Foster 727-726-4042 [email protected]

Daytona BeachLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult - Women Kathleen Lovell 386-615-9080 [email protected]

Adult - Men Ethan Hutchins 407-687-1840 [email protected]

Senior Joanne Fenner 386-304-1546 [email protected]

Mixed Connie Fenchel 386-767-4059 [email protected]

Combo Kathleen Lovell 386-615-9080 [email protected]

Super Senior Joanne Fenner 386-304-1546 [email protected]

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OrlandoLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult - Women Micheline Larsen 407-363-0124 [email protected]

Adult - Men Ron Grocoff 407-256-9500 [email protected]

Senior - Men Micheline Larsen 407-363-0124 [email protected]

Mixed Micheline Larsen 407-363-0124 [email protected]

Combo Micheline Larsen 407-363-0124 [email protected]

Lake CountyLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Senior Mark Anderson 352-243-8099 [email protected]

Mixed Marti Taggett 352-536-1552 [email protected]

Brevard CountyLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

All Leagues Fred Boynton 321-637-3731 [email protected]

SarasotaLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult - Women Ginger Ayres 941-927-9215 [email protected]

Adult - Men Joe Gruters 941-914-2004 [email protected]

Senior - Women Ginger Ayres 941-927-9215 [email protected]

Senior - Men Joe Gruters 941-914-2004 [email protected]

Mixed Michael Guelker 941-342-3826 [email protected]

Combo - Women Ginger Ayres 941-927-9215 [email protected]

Combo - Men Joe Gruters 941-914-2004 [email protected]

Super Sr. Women Ginger Ayres 941-927-9215 [email protected]

Super Sr. Men Joe Gruters 941-914-2004 [email protected]

Super 70 Women Ginger Ayres 941-927-9215 [email protected]

Super 70 Men Joe Gruters 941-914-2004 [email protected]

Tri-Level Lance Martin 941-224-0802 [email protected]

North Palm BeachLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Senior Ken Johnson 561-793-0188 [email protected]

Mixed - Senior Ken Johnson 561-793-0188 [email protected]

Super Senior Ken Johnson 561-793-0188 [email protected]

South Palm BeachLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult Maria Miro 954-564-1811 [email protected]

Senior Maria Miro 954-564-1811 [email protected]

Mixed Maria Miro 954-564-1811 [email protected]

Combo Maria Miro 954-564-1811 [email protected]

Super Senior Maria Miro 954-564-1811 [email protected]

Treasure CoastLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult Barbara McIntyre 772-461-9896 [email protected]

North Indian RiverLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

All Laura Toth [email protected]

Lee/CharlotteLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult Jon McVety 239-229-5200 [email protected]

Senior Donna McVety 239-940-5555 [email protected]

Combo Jon McVety 239-229-5200 [email protected]

Super Senior Donna McVety 239-940-5555 [email protected]

Mixed Senior Jon McVety 239-229-5200 [email protected]

NaplesLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult Linda Kleitch 239-348-9827 [email protected]

Senior Linda Kleitch 239-348-9827 [email protected]

Mixed - Adult Donna Koenig 239-566-3402 [email protected]

Mixed - Senior Linda Kleitch 239-348-9827 [email protected]

Combo Donna Koenig 239-566-3402 [email protected]

Super Senior Linda Kleitch 239-348-9827 [email protected]

Super 70 Bob Baker 239-591-1338 [email protected]

BrowardLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult Maria Miro 954-564-1811 [email protected]

Senior Maria Miro 954-564-1811 [email protected]

Mixed Linda Anderson 954-752-5537 [email protected]

Combo Linda Anderson 954-752-5537 [email protected]

Super Senior Maria Miro 954-564-1811 [email protected]

North Miami DadeLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

All Dolly Morris 305-251-9693 [email protected]

South Miami DadeLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

All Maria Miro 954-564-1811 [email protected]

Upper/Lower KeysLeague Name Phone Number E-mail

Adult - Women Donna Kass 305-252-1283 [email protected]

November 2008 | Play Tennis Florida | 41
