Page 1: Put the Verbs Into the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive

Put the verbs into the PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE or PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE. 1. I (PLAY) tennis all morning and I'm tired now. 2. I (LOSE) weight recently. 3. John (WRITE) to his aunt but he (NOT RECEIVE) a reply yet. 4. Please drive to work carefully. It (SNOW) and not all the roads are free. 5. How far (YOU TRAVEL) this morning? 6. He (SAVE) up to buy a new TV set. 7. Paula (LEAVE) work early today to meet her uncle. 8. I (FIND) my cheque book at last. 9. The young man is only 23, but he (ALREADY CLIMB) eight peaks in the Himalayas 10. Kay and Bruno (LIVE)in London for the past 5 years. Recently they (TRY)to buy a house in the country , but they (NOT MANAGE) to sell their flat yet. 11. Jill and Andy (ARGUE) a lot recently because Jill is always going out with her friends. 12. I (EAT) so much ice cream, I feel sick. 13. He (HAVE) second thoughts about the job he rejected. 14. The trains (RUN) late all morning. 15. Cecilia (CRY) all day because she (FAIL) her exams. 16. I (SUNBATHE) all morning and now I've got a sunburn

________________________________________________________________________ Gap-fill exercise 2 1. I (have) a problem with my computer yesterday. 2. We (already see) that movie, but I will go with you again if you want me to. 3. We (be) in John’s room when the storm (begin). 4. I (not begin) my homework yet. 5. He (not sleep) for three nights, even though he (go) to bed early yesterday evening. 6. My uncle (never forget) my birthday. 7. They (travel) around the world last summer. 8. They (decide) this at a meeting a few days ago. 9. (You ever be) to Paris? 10. I know Manchester well. I (live) there for three years when I was a student. 11. Jim does not have much money so he (not buy) a car yet. 12. We (have) a good time at the party last weekend. 13. Look at that. Someone (break) my bike. 14. Emmi (just finish) packing her bags. 15. The plane (land) ten minutes ago. 16. I (do) all the housework. Everything is clean now. 17. When (Columbus discover) the New World? 18. We (not visit) him since last weekend. 19. She feels great. She (lose) five pounds since Christmas. 20. The last time I (play) tennis was four years ago.

Choose FOR or SINCE ! 1. I've been working in this office over a month. 2. We've known that a very long time. 3. Things have changed I was a girl. 4. The radio has been on 7 o'clock. 5. Mr May has been in the hospital his accident. 6. We have had terrible weather the last month. 7. I have been very patient with you several months. 8. Fred and Herbert have been learning English 1998. 9. Joe and Mary have been dating each other Valentine's Day. 10. We have been living here two months. 11. I haven't eaten anything breakfast. 12. I haven't seen my aunt my last birthday. 13. My dad and I have not been to a football match a long time. 14. I've put on four kilos Christmas. 15. Our boss hasn't come to the office three days now. 16. The new clothes shop has been open last Saturday 17. Have you been married a long time? 18. Sue hasn't seen Julia September. 19. I haven't visited my home town I left school 20. Peter has been my best friend we were nine.

Page 2: Put the Verbs Into the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive

1. What of your new boyfriend (you, think). 2. She anything about his past yet ( never hear) 3. We them at a restaurant last week ( meet). 4. I the contents of the contract tomorrow ( read). 5. Where your last holidays? ( you spend) 6. He a glass on the floor ( just throw) 7. In the past two years she a very nice person ( become) 8. The exercise book 17 € ( cost) 9. The used to with furniture but now she with cars ( deal, deal) 10. He his homework. He can go out now. ( just do) 11. Our cows more mild recently ( give) 12. It was hot yesterday. The children swimming. ( go) 13. Since his departure to France I any news from him ( not hear). 14. The ball me on the head and I went to the ground ( hit) 15. Please on the shirt! I don’t like it ( keep)

1. She was lying in her bed when the phone ( ring). 2. During the war they many people. ( shoot) 3. I you my new house some time next week ( show). 4. Last night I in my bed for the first time ( sleep) 5. My friend me for many years when I him last week ( not see, meet) 6. The sun before I to bed ( set, go) 7. As soon as he had done his homework he out to play. ( run) 8. anyone? ( your dog, ever, bite) 9. Shakespeare a lot of plays and poems ( write) 10. Denise your uncle last Friday ( meet). 11. Joan four windows since she was born ( break) 12. The sun the whole day yesterday ( shine) 13. She her keys. She has been looking for them since Monday but she them yet. ( lose, find) 14. How often the grass this summer ( you, cut) 15. Frank the whole pizza before we arrived ( eat). 16. Mrs. Johnson a deep breath and then opened the door ( take) 17. The girl her mother to New York the day before yesterday ( drive) 18. I think my nephew six centimeters since last summer ( grow) 19. The Titanic in less than six hours ( sink) 20. Hurry up! The symphony ( already,begin)

1. Do you like reading? - Yes , I ten books this year (ALREADY READ). 2. A few days ago Dad his car in front of a No Parking sign and into the shop. When he out ten minutes later the car was no longer there. He if someone it or if the police it away. (PARK, RUSH, COME, WONDER, STEAL, DRIVE) 3. For the last two years he a history of the American Civil War.(WRITE) 4. You look very upset. - What ? (HAPPEN). 5. When we arrived at the stadium, the match (ALREADY START) 6. When we went to see them last night they cars. They said they cards since six o'clock.(PLAY, PLAY) 7. I am so sorry that I to leave the party so early yesterday because I myself (HAVE,REALLY ENJOY) 8. Can't you hear? - Someone at the door . - it? - No, I in a minute. - I out of the bath (KNOCK, YOU ANSWER, GO, JUST STEP). 9. The boys cards when they heard their father's steps. At once, they the cards and out their workbooks (PLAY, HIDE, TAKE) 10. These workers are never satisfied . They (ALWAYS COMPLAIN) 11. everything that the newspapers say? - No, I any of it. - Then why newspapers at all? (YOU BELIEVE, NOT BELIEVE, YOU READ) 12. The train just started when the door and two passengers in (OPEN, LEAP) 13. 14. the wind? - It very strongly tonight (YOU HEAR, BLOW) 15. My aunt normally any cakes but today she one because her sister tomorrow (NOT BAKE, BAKE, ARRIVE) 16. The sun in the east and in the west (RISE, SET). 17. I went into the garden to see what the boys (DO). 18. Who to when I came in ? - Oh , I on the phone with my landlord . (YOU TALK, BE) 19. I the results tomorrow morning (GET) 20. I went into Jack's house but I him anywhere. His mother what he at that time (NOT FIND, NOT KNOW, DO) 21. We for a full hour when the train finally arrived. (WAIT)
