  • Quality in Biochemistry Laboratory

    Dr Farideh RaziMD.AP.CP*

  • The Quality Assurance CycleData and Lab ManagementSafetyCustomer ServicePatient/Client PrepSample CollectionSample Receipt and AccessioningSample TransportQuality ControlRecord KeepingReportingPersonnel CompetencyTest EvaluationsTesting

  • Right resultRight specimenRight patientRight timeRight price

  • *Quality Assurance TargetPre AnalyticAnalyticPost Analytic

    Test orderingInappropriate testHandwriting not legibleWrong patient identificationSpecial requirements not specifiedCost or delayed order

    Specimen acquisitionIncorrect tube or containerIncorrect patient identificationInadequate volumeInvalid specimen (e.g., hemolyzedor too dilute)Collected at wrong timeImproper transport conditions

    Test reportingWrong patient identificationReport not posted in chartReport not legibleReport delayedTranscription error

    Test interpretationInterfering substances not recognizedSpecificity of test not understoodPrecision limitations not recognizedAnalytical sensitivity not appropriatePrevious values not available forcomparison

  • Control Of Analytical Variable

  • Limit check

  • 1 A 1 2 .

    97 94 93 97 96 93 89 88 79 86 98 89 87 76 79 97 95 98 88 89

    143 143 154123 127 153 124 132 143 126 145 150 127 128 148 150 145 130 142 129


  • *

  • Central tendency parameter

    Dispersion parameter*

  • / ( Mean , X ) .


    1 290.4138.1

  • / ( Median ) . . . n+1/2 . n/2 n/2 +1 .*

  • : 11 :

    110112 115115 115 118 120 120122 124126

    N= 11M= n+1/2 = 11+1 / 2 = 6 118 .


  • / ( Mode ) . 110112 115115 115 118120120122124126

    115 *

  • 131 57 146*

  • Guassian distribution .


  • 66 65 65.7*

  • / 110112 115115 115 118 120 120 122 124 126

    16 126 110 .*

  • ( Standard deviation ) .


  • Coefficient of variation /CV .


    mean CV % = SD 100 /*

  • Bias% = expected observed/ expected *100

  • F .

    F =

    F .


  • F / 2 31 SDmg/dl2 . 21 SD mg/dl 1 . F 4 F . .


  • Correlation Coefficient( r ) x y +1 -1 . r r . r 0.95 .

    r = *

  • F Paired t test .


  • Linear regression or Least square analysis .

    X y . 45 .


  • Linear regression or Least square analysisy = ax + b

    b =

    a = y b x


  • .

    S y/x = *

  • Quality Goal

    Allowable bias

    Total allowable Error

    Allowable Imprecision

  • 3sd 1262sd 1241sd 122Mean 120-1sd 118-2sd 116-3sd 114

  • 3sd 144

    2sd 136

    1sd 128

    Mean 120

    -1sd 112

    -2sd 104

    -3sd 96

  • ( 20 ) 5 4

  • 2 . .

  • . . . .

  • .

  • 90 5% (false rejection) .

  • Levey-Jenning

  • Levey- Jenning 2sd : 5%

    3sd : 1%

  • Westgard mutirule 12s : Warning13S : Rejection22s : Rejection41s : Rejection10 mean : RejectionR4s : Rejection

  • 2SDmean 2SD mean .

  • 12s : Warning

  • 13S : Rejection

  • 22s : Rejection

  • R4s : Rejection

  • 2006 . 1 2s 10 x 4 1s 2SD .

  • 3 ( 3)

  • ( )

  • / ... ...

  • ...

  • 1- 2-


  • 3- . : Ladenson 3 : 20% 50 % 5%50% labeling .

  • 4- limit check

  • Intra Laboratory duplicate

  • Patient meanClinical decision correlation

  • Post analytic

    Critical ValueGlucose 40 400 mg/dLPotassium 2.8 6.2 mmol/LSodium 120 160 mmol/LCalcium 6 13 mg/dL

