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Beenleigh East Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses . 'OZJ,09/90 ,:,

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Dear Brother Baker ,

This is a plea for reinstatement. The fact that I now have . ~Yid'2nce (si;,ce .J19y this year) of IBCI I repeated acts of adultety, will no doubt help you to view my reinstffete~ent plea in a different light . She admitted these to me back in Ma·reeba in May 89 and vowed she ·would 0 never .adrni t it to t he Elders. 11

She LED me to believe there had been only one act. Whereas there had been multiple acts . The evidence shows that she says nI dont koow how many tirrH~s 11 it occurred. I had forgiven her one act of adultery already , thanks to the strength and merciful example of Jehovah . ~ -

j · 1 . • . ,., d 1 . 'ti., =..;.[':'.> e1:1ovat1 J_s a rnercirt.1J- a11 ... a .tov1ng Gc"J.' 1'1~ c1oes n9J: .. ~

forever keep finding fault and even though I made some mistakes a year or two ago I abandoned the llsinful course of conduct 11

back then , and kept my inU::igrity to Hi m. "If errors were what • I / 1 .• . l' d " ··~ h • ·' you ~vatctt , 0 Jan, 0 Jen.ova11 , wi10 cou G stan • i~Or ti,ere is

t r: • . ,_. • J . . , .._ ., .c -=!II rue Lorg1veness WlLh you, in ore er tnaL you may oe reareG. · (My corning to Brisbane turned out for the better because

I was able to be here when my mothe r was given a 50/50 chance of living a few months ago, when she had a heart attack. She had been complaining of travelling chest pains since last December , [Thatt~ when I decided to come down] and even up till the morning she collapsed, but the doctors tests she had since r.,,.,..,,,a·r- y cii· ,-1 "('i- show "' 1·1,a.c.i·..-t J">·.-oh1 P:00 )' •..J t.t ,,,, 1. U ...... 7 "" . .l f, ~ ..,1 /... · ,.. - u. I ................ .1- ; .L J...-1 ~ ._ .~l If'

I arn sure you are aware of the fa,:. t too, that I •• A.M " . f ., . .:! 1 . . . . ., J l ') -' • • desirous o nav1ng a goou re at1onsh1p with enovan anu his organization . I aporeciate t he meetings as a valuable source of ,~o·.,·1~cc<-1' ·v c ,~01 ·•·;...,,-.p"J~ +-r' ·;J"ei-}1,.,-,. w·i'"'Lh joh'Q- 1TPi·'<:< \,7Q1"'d a,n;1 '"he - ...__.__ L,. M .._ ..... Uf..J1.") ._..J_, l,...VC)_ · !,..._1. ... -J.... ~~ - -- .., _ _ ... '\i-..l- :L1...< •• _ ..... (....,._\.....i. t.. 1 _

publications of the llfaithful and discreet slave. 11•

I Hdevourn every Wa tch tower and Awake and Jehovah has opened t he way for quite a number of opportunities for informal witnessing and 11a s blessed those efforts enabling t he placing of a number of publications , (aside from family). Also I have

·L 1 ....:! ; •j " -J _j • :.I... ~ ~ I • 1 tne o ... magazines cnspi.ayeu in .. he waiting room at worr~ (some , not many, have been taken)

I am reallv and truly sorrv that I have wronged Jehovah and am before Him.just as the tax~c ol lector in Jesus' illustration • . •

l\'who was not even wi lling to r a i se his eyes heavenward • ••

bu t

' 0 God •.. b e gracious to me s i nner I II


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