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  • 1. Classrooms without Walls.... social, networked, connected learning
    Lena Arena Project Coordinator DER-NSW Sydney Region
    ArianeSkapetis R/ICT Consultant Sydney Region

2. 3. Communicate
Share your thoughts about the conference on Maang
4. Our future students
5. Our future students
6. Emerging Technologies
Allows education and the power of learning to be in the hands of students.
Students now have power to learn what they want, when they want and where they want.
Ability to personalise learning.
Interact, connect and collaborate with many more choices of tools.
Be more engaging and creative.
7. Horizon Report
8. 9. New ways of learning
10. 11. Why?

  • Our world is becoming increasingly flat commerce, education, socialisation, politics, virtual citizens etc

12. Business is becoming increasingly globalisedStudents need to understand their role in world communities
Students should know how to work through issues collaboratively
Students need to learn how to connect, communicate, collaborate and create in virtual teams.
13. Why?
Facilitate critical analysis and participation in publishing
Allow the creation of educational communities to store and share knowledge
Enables student reflection on learning
Allows celebration of student success
Increased motivation of students with a wider audience
Enables higher order thinking skills, problem solving necessary traits in this global world.
14. 15. What do you think?
What skills do you think students need as 21st century citizens?
16. 21st century learners
17. 18. The 4 Cs in the 21st Century Classroom
on a local, national and global scale
19. 20. 21st Century Skills
21. 21st Century Learning Tools

  • Blogs

22. Wikis 23. Nings 24. Google applications 25. Social Media 26. Mobile technologies 27. Web 2.0 tools
