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FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Quarterly Meeting.

Tm~ thirty-first Quarterly Meetin~ of the Institute was held at their Itall, on Thursday, October 19t['~l, 1831.

Tno~tAs FI~ErcI~E~:t, Vice President, in the chair. ALI.;XASmn( Fr;R(;vso~ was appointed Secretary, pro tern. Tile minutes of the last quarterly meeting were read and ap-

proved. The quarterly report of the Board of Managers was read'and ac-

cepted, when, on motion, it was referred to the committee on pub- lications~ with instructions to publish it in the Journal of the Insti- tute.

Professor A. D. Bache, from the committee appointed by the Board of Managers on the subject, proposed an amendment to the constitution~which was laid on the table until the next meeting.

On motion of Professor A. D. Bache, a committee was appointed to address the Secretary of State on the subject of the Patent Laws of the United States.

Messrs. S. V. Merrick, Alexr. D. Bache, Isaac Hays, and Thos. Fletcher, were appointed said committee.

Mr. W. H. Keating offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted, viz:

Resolved, That this meeting have heard with deep regret of the loss which this community has suffered by the sudden death of their lamented associate, Reuben Haines, whose disinterested and zealous exertions in the promotion of science entitled him to their particular respect and esteem.

Resolved, that a copy of this minute be transmitted to his family. On motion of Mr. C. C. Haven, it was Resolved, That a committee be appointed to aid the corresponding

secretary in ascertaining the number and extent of manufacturing establishments and mechanical institutions in this state, with statis- tical and general information concerning them, and that they be re- quested to report the results at a futt, re meeting.

Messrs. C. C. Haven, W. I{. Keating, W. R. Johnson, Frede- rick Frafey, Alexr. D. Bache, Saml. V. Merrick, Thomas Fletcher, Algernon S. Roberts, and James Ronaldson, were appointed said committee.

Resolved, That the committee be requested to direct their early attention to the manufacture of iron in PennSylvania.

THOMAS FIn~TenER, Vice President. Attested.--AL~:xm FmmvsoN, Rec. Sec. P. "1".

Thirtyfirst Quarterly Report ~f the Board of Managers of the Frank- lin Institute.

To the Franklin Institute of the state of Pennsylvania, for the promotion of the mechanic arts, the Board of Managers respectfully offer their thirty-first quarterly report.