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Question 2How do our 3 media packages work as a

unit?Facebook Famous

Maciej Gniadek


House Style• Poster follow the colour scheme of

the “Facebook” based of the short films story and name (Facebook Famous”.

• The pictures for the print product are all taken from scene 1 of the short film.

• There is no relation ship between the poster the review apart from the pictures layout. (Explanation Next Page)

• Sofa between the two words of the short films name represents the object in short film that is seen through out Scene 3. Help to illustrate that the party is at home and links directly to the story.

“Facebook” relations in the Media Products

In the short film we used Facebook as a way for characters to invite the people to the party. This is the reason why the name of the film is “ Facebook Famous”. This translate to the poster through the colours we used in to poster. ( Blue and White) which are the colour Facebook is set in.

We avoided using the same colour scheme in the review as would look like a promotional piece of writing rather then a critical piece. Avoiding the same colour scheme as the poster makes it look more genuine .

Picture on poster and the reviewPictures from the review and poster are all taken from Scene 1 of the short film. Scene 1 is perfect for advertisement and critique of the short film as it doesn’t spoil the story of the short film and it shows all the characters in one place.

The poster works well to advertise the 3 characters in the short film. Showing the friendship that the 3 characters share. It also attracts the target audience ( Teenagers age 15-18 ). As the audience can relate to the 3 characters and would want to know what different about the characters from them.

^Same thing goes for the review.

Star QualityThe cast for the short film was below average. The acting was stiff and with small amount of emotions put in to it.

The reason for that was that we didn’t cast actors, instead we took few of our friends that have small amount of experience in acting.

We were also at fault that the actors didn’t express the actors as we imagined. We didn’t direct them properly. We didn’t present them with the correct idea of the character that they will be playing.

If we would re-do the filming of Facebook famous we would’ve recruit actors that have some acting experience, which would compliment the comedic part of the short film with better expressions of the characters in theory.

Actors where one of the things that drag down the idea of the short film ,as it is strongly dependent on the expressions the characters make.
