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Question 3What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

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Our target audienceWe used Demographic Profiling to help us chose our target audience. (GRASS)

-Gender - female audiences-Race - all races will be able to watch our music video-Age - 13-19 year olds (teenagers).-Socio-economic -Status - Subsidence, e.g. students

We have chosen females ranging from the ages of 13-19 years old to be our target audience. We chose this group because we feel that this group will have the most interest in our artist due to being able to relate to our artist as they will be similar ages (our artist is going to be aged 18-19). This will help with creating a relationship between the artist and audience due to our target audience being able to look up to ‘Franki’.

Young people are a good target audience for the music industry as they have lots of free time to watch music videos, and plenty of money to buy the tracks as they are expected to be still living at home, getting founded by their parents, therefore giving them almost 'unlimited access' to money to buy records.

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Our target audienceWe also considered the Psychographic Profiling to make our target audience more specific.

Young and Rubicam's theory: •1. Mainstreamers - 40% of the market, this is the largest section of the market. This group seek security in conformity and thus tend to buy well-known brand names,•2. Aspirers - These people are motivated by status. They buy smart, high tech and high fashion goods.•3. Succeeders - These people have already climbed the ladder and want to keep control of what they have. Car adverts that emphasise power and control are aimed at this group.•4. Reformers - This group want the world to be a better place. Educated people such as teachers and doctors who apparently are more likely to buy eco-friendly health products.

We decided to focus on the mainstreamers because they will work well with our artist due to our artists image being young, fun and sexy. The mainstreamers buy well known brands therefore will invest in our artists album and as almost 40% of the market are mainstreamers, it enables us more chance of success for our artist.

A good example in the real media industry is Pixie Lott who would attract mainstreamers - as she is a young, well-known pop artist, who aims her fun and girly lifestyle at her target audience (young females).

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Our target audience-Now that we had established our target audience, we created a questionnaire which included other main factors we needed to know. This enabled us to gain more knowledge of what our target audience want, and how we can satisfy their needs. -This is also know as Maslow's Hierarchy of Need; whereby he stated that 'All living things have basic needs that must be fulfilled to enable survival’. -Media texts offer the audience a range of different fulfilling experiences and the more of them a text has to offer, the more appealing it will be to a wide range of people. Therefore it is important that our media product withholds aspects that will fulfill the audiences needs, such as entertainment in order to grab their attention. We distributed our questionnaires to 10 students who fitted into our target audience.

Here is a scanned questionnaire with one of our target audiences responses.

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Our target audience

From our results we could see that over half of the people preferred the ‘pop’ genre. This was important for us because it meant that we were able to use ‘pop’ as our genre. This was because the results highlighted that using this genre would be successful due to being popular with our target audience.

When we had received our questionnaires filled in, we created pie charts on Microsoft Excel to show a visual image of what our audience had said. The results of this questionnaire were vital as it gave us a clear insight to what our audience wanted, and how they felt.

One of the questions we asked was, ‘Which is your favourite music genre?’

We also asked, ‘Do you watch your favourite artist/bands music videos?’

From our results it proved that music videos are a big campaign for promoting an artist because over three quarters of the people we asked said that they watched the music videos of the artist that they liked. So it is important that we ensure our music video promotes our audience well due to our audience watching the video numerous times.

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Our target audienceWe also asked ‘Do you watch music videos?’

From our results, 8 out of 10 said that they do watch music videos, therefore this helped us with our research because we now know that a big majority of people watch music videos.

‘How do you watch music videos?’

It is clear to see that people tend to watch music videos through music channels and You-tube. This helps us with our media text as we will know where is best to broadcast our video so that we can advertise our artist in the best possible way.

‘Do you prefer a music video to have a set narrative or just a performance?’

From looking at our results, it is clear to see that whether we decide to do a narrative based video or a performance based video, it will be accepted by our audience. This also means that we could have a mix between the two narrative and performance based video.

‘What is your favourite part of a music video?’

A large amount of our audience have said that they enjoy watching the story progress, and that they also liked the performance parts within the video and backing dancers. Therefore, we must try to include a balance of the three in our video.

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Our target audienceWe then asked ‘Would you still watch the video even if you didn't like the band/artist?’

However, we also learnt from our audience feedback that the majority of people said that they wouldn't watch the music video if they didn't like the artist. Therefore it is important that we ensure we promote our artist well in order to ensure they have a good reputation therefore people will watch our music video.

This can also be seen in another question that we asked ‘What would make you want to watch the video more than once?’. From our results it shows that the artist is the most popular influence for watching the video again, therefore it is important that we need to make our artist like-able and that we include a variety of different shots of the artist in order to create a close relationship with the audience.

Overall, we learnt a lot from our first questionnaire. We were able to decide on the genre we were focusing on, what was best to include in our video in order to gain success, and most importantly, we gained an insight into our target audience. This meant we were able to fulfill their needs in the best way possible.

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Secondary Audience-Although we have established that our target audience is young girls aged 13-19, we needed to ensure that there are other sections of the public that enjoy listening to our artist. Otherwise know as our ‘Secondary Audience’.

We used Pixie Lott again as an example for this, because her secondary audience can be women aged 20 and slightly over. Although her music is usually played on shows like Radio 1 and Rock FM (normally linked to the younger audience), Radio 2 might play her new songs occasionally, (a radio station which attracts the older audience).

-This is because, the genre of British Pop appeals to such a wide spread audience ranging from children to adults so artists similar to Pixie who's music uses this genre will be bought by a range of people.

-This is something that we had to consider when creating our artist. We needed to create an artist who could appeal mostly to our target audience of young females, as well as appealing to older woman (secondary audience). This is so we can have guaranteed success.

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How did you set out to appeal to your target audience?

-In order to reach our target audiences desires, we used the micro-elements of media in detail. These include:-mise-en-scene-cinematography-character appearance-editing

-We had to ensure that we used the micro-elements throughout our video and whilst creating our artist so that we could please our target audience.

-It was also important that to appeal to our target audience we had to promote our artist in the best way possible. We decided to use the internet to appeal to our target audience because almost everyone in our target audience will be a part of the social networking programme.

-We promoted our artist and video using You Tube, Facebook and Twitter.

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How did you set out to appeal to your target audience? In order to appeal to our target audience we included many factors that were said in our questionnaire. We did this to ensure our target audience were happy, therefore would buy our record. One of the factors we received from our questionnaire is that pop genre is the most popular. We created Franki to be a pop artist using mise-en-scene.

We dressed Franki in girly, feminine and sexy clothes to relate to the pop genre. We used the colour pink a lot to link to the girly pop theme. Frankie also wore more make-up than usual in order to create the ‘going out’ look- linking to pop.

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How did you set out to appeal to your target audience?

Another way in which we appealed to our target audience is that we ensured that our video was performance based. We knew to do this because we received this information from our questionnaire. We have many clips of Franki joking around and having fun, we also have dancers in our video to add a more ‘performance feel’.

We also learnt from our audience feedback that we needed to include a variety of close up shots of our artist because our target audience said that the artist is the main factor for watching the video again.

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Audience FeedbackOnce we had finished our music video, we created another questionnaire for people in our class to fill in. The purpose of the questionnaire was to see how well we had done and whether there was anything we could have done different/better.Here are two copies of the questionnaires that we created for our audience feedback. We are relatively pleased with the feedback we received, and we accept and acknowledge the helpful criticism given to us by our peers.

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Audience Feedback

In lesson, we gathered a group of people similar to our target audience to fill our questionnaire in whilst watching our music video. We learnt some positives and negatives about our video.

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What have you learnt from your audience feedback? Positives Negatives

-The split screen editing was a main factor talked about. Almost everyone said that they found the split screen interesting and eye catching. The split screen also linked with our artist having two different genders within the video, and our audience feedback

- A lot of people said that the boy-girl theme worked very well as it linked perfectly with the song.

- A majority of people said that they believed that we had branded our artists brand image well in the video- as Franki looked fun, young and sexy.

-The costume changes were also seen positively from our feedback.

-The fast paced editing was also talked about as it was well liked.

-However, the majority of people said that our artist looked bored at some point through the video.

-They also said that the lip syncing was out of time with the music.

-Location shoots could have been used, instead of studio based.

-Possibly could have had another costume change

-We could have used more backgrounds and used a variety of other backgrounds.

Overall we had more positives than negatives about our music video. The negatives that we had are useful criticism and we are happy to receive an honest opinion so that we can take it into consideration and learn from our mistakes in future.

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Our final productHere is our final product.

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How effective is our final product?

Overall we feel as though our product can be seen as professional and authentic. We believe that our music video is successful because it links well to our chosen genre, we have promoted our artist’s brand image well and cohesively throughout and our video is fun- which is what we wanted it to be.

From our audience feedback, we have learnt that we have used a wide variety of techniques that have worked positively in order to make our video look authentic.

We have also learnt some negatives from our music video of which we can take on board and learn from for future references.
