Download odt - Questionnaire


1. 1. Do you identify yourself as? Male Female Other1. How old are you? 16-24 25-34 35+1. Do you prefer a male or female protagonist? Male Female1. What is your lease favourite kind of horror? Physiological Torture Slasher Exploitation1. Do you prefer to have a crossover of types of horror? Yes No1. Do you prefer the action to be gradual or spontaneous? Gradual Spontaneous1. Do your prefer horror films to have sub-genres? Yes No1. If yes which sub-genre is your favourite? None Romance Comedy Thriller Mystery Action1. What time of day do you watch a horror film? Day Night1. What things would your favourite horror movie include? Park Woods House Other1. What is scarier a monster you can see or a monster you cant see? Cant see Can see1. In a horror, for the most part how do you prefer the lighting to be? Dark Natural Bright1. Would you like a straightforward or complicated plot? Straightforward 2. Complicated1. Do you enjoy jump scares? Yes No1. Have you recently watched any horror films? Yes NoIf yes what was it called?_____________________________________________1. Do you want to be freighted when you watch horror movie trailer? Yes No1. How do you like to feel when watching a horror? On edge Uneasy Scared Other1. Do you think that sound is important when you are watching a horror? Yes No1. How do you like the makeup to look in the making of a horror film? Realistic Gory.
