Download docx - Questionnaire


Cameron Dempsey

1) What gender are you?0

Male Female

2) Do you feel that reality shows are mostly scripted?

Yes No

3) What type of genre of reality show do you enjoy most?

Talent shows Comedy House makeover

Game shows Hidden camera shows Other

4) How many hours of reality show TV do you watch per week?

0-1 2-3 4-5 more

5) Do you enjoy reality TV?

Yes No

6) Would you like to have your own reality TV show?

Yes No

7) Do you prefer regular people or celebrities on reality shows?

Regular celebs

8) What celebrities do you like watching?

Kardashians Essex Other

9) Do you think the Kardashian’s should be famous?

Yes No

10) What time of the day do you mostly watch reality shows?

Morning Mid-day Noon Night
