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Questionnaire Analysis

Q1. What gender are you?

I have asked this question because It is a generic and well used question in any questionnaire, This is because it helps the researcher s see what gender they are viewing the answers for, this can help as If you are aiming to please a more male audience then you can specifically see what Male’s think. As I only asked 20 people I decided to make it even and ask 10 people of each gender, I think this is good as it creates a more even approach and makes it more reliable. Also as it is a simple question and nothing personal, the answer can not be faulted as it’s a simple Gender question. So I think it is reliable. This will help me when planning my magazine because it will make it easier for me to see what males and females like, this can inform me if perhaps both genders like the same sort of thing or how to make it more appealing to a certain gender.

It was only a two answer question so I have not put the results in a bar chart. I will just put the results below.

Female: 10Male: 10

Q2. What age range do you fit into?

The reason I put this question on my questionnaire was so I could see a basic view of the age ranges of the people I was gathering information from. I also put it into age ranges rather then individual ages, this was not just because there would be a lot of ages, but to keep a bit of privacy to the individual answering the questionnaire, It also works as my target audience is a range of ages not one specific age. This question will help me as it will just like the gender question not only is it a generic question but it willshow me what my target audience would like and their ideas, this will help me produce a more suitable and liked magazine, hopefully increasing the amount of people who would be interested in my magazine. I believe that this research question is reliable and useful as it shows me the age range of the people answering the questionnaire, However although its good that the age’s are put in ranges, sometimes this might make it a bit vague and unable to know what age in the age range is answering, whether its high up or low down, this could be an issue if I want to put something in my magazine for a specific age, rather then a range.












0-10 11-16 17-22 23-30 31+

Q4. How often do you purchase music magazines, If you don’t, how often would you expect music magazines to be

published?I chose this question to be on my music magazine as it is quite a specific question about music magazine’s which will give me the research and information I need for publishing my magazine. It helps me decided how often I want my magazine to be published because it will show me how often people expect or already do purchase magazines, which can inform me whens best to publish my magazine to increase my buyers. I think that because I made the question available to be answered by everyone as its not just for people who already buy magazines this makes my question a better one and much more trustworthy and easier to get research I found out that actually out of my 20 individuals, overall Weekly and Bi-Weekly (fortnightly) both have been selected the highest amount of times at 8 times each. This informs me that if I want to make my magazine bought more I should publish it either weekly or bi-weekly. However although I asked 20 people because I have concluded with two answers having the same amount picked this doesn’t pick only one answer. It still gives me the decision of actually which one should I pick, also makes my results less reliable for me to use. Although I do think it is credible as I asked 20 people and they gave their personal answers, they wouldn’t have known the overall answer or how many people have already selected the amount they will, which just makes my result an unfortunate coincidence.











Never Weekly Bi-Weekly Monthly

Q5. Do you read or know of any music magazines? If so, what do you like about them?

I decided to put this question on my research questionnaire for music magazine’s because it would help me understand what other magazines that people knew of which means they are quite popular and what they actually like. This helps me because it means I can understand with evidence in other magazines, what the audience likes to see. It also informs me what my greatest competition will be, If the magazine’s they selected are aimed at the same genre and age range as me. It will help me to input the things that are relative and interesting that the people answering the questionnaires have put. I found out that actually music magazines weren’t as popular as I thought as some people didn't actually really know of any and if they did, they only really knew the name not anything really about them. This made my results less reliable as the public who answered this question were mostly quite unsure, However there was obviously some answers which where precise and detailed as they actually did have an interest in music magazines that can help me when creating my music magazine. I did two questions in this case as just in case they hadn’t heard of any music magazine’s I wouldn’t be creating more questions that they then couldn’t answer, It would all be in one. However for the people that did answer yes, It made it harder to collect the actual information about what they liked as it was all in one question, Also when actually presenting now as the things that were liked about magazines they had to be quoted.









None NME Kerrang! Q

“I like the colours used and how they fit the genre” - NME“It always informs me of information in a casual cool way” - Q“I like how it is presented” - Kerrang!“ Its young and enjoyable” – NME“It looks good” - Q

Q6.How much would you expect to pay for a music magazine?

I thought that this was a good basic question and needed to be in my research questionnaire for my music magazine, I picked it because it gave me an ideal price range that the public would actually expect and be willing to pay for a music magazine, this helps me when producing my music magazine as it shows me how high I could go without people not actually being willing to pay the price. This then informs me some basic information needed. I think that this question is credible as it gives me one basic answer, It shows me that the highest amount of people picked £2.50 as the price they would expect to pay for a music magazine. 0







£1 £1.50 £2 £2.50 £3 £3.50 £4Other

Q7. What issue size would you like or expect in a music magazine?

This is another one of my basic questions used to gather the general information that I need for my magazine. I picked this question as it informs me issue size that the public would like or expect, this can then help me produce a music magazine that is the right amount of pages which will encourage readers to buy the magazine. However an issue with this question which makes it unreliable is the fact that people would expect different issue sizes to different prices and it doesn’t indicate which price has been most commonly chose with the most common issue size, which is 101-150. I found out that 51-100 & 101-150 were very close in the end result however, a higher amount of pages ended up getting selected more overall. 0











0-50 pages 51-100 pages 101-150 pages151-200 pages 201+

Q8. What 3 colours would you associate with Indie music?

This is the first of the 3 questions which ask the public to give me 3 words, In this case colours which they would associate with Indie music. I think this is a good and reliable

question as it tells the target audienceexactly how many colours I want and what I want them about, As it is colours people said the same colour sometimes especially in Black and White as these are quite basic colours, this meant that I could actually produce a graph even though there was no tick boxes used. I think that this is useful, the question informs me of what the colours the target audience actually associates Indie music with, this will help me when selecting a colour theme for my magazine and make sure that I do not pick colours that no one relates to the music genre I am aiming for.












Q9. What 3 words would you associate with Indie music?

This is the second one of my third question which I asked my target audience to give me 3 words that they would associate with Indie music. I also think that this question is a very reliable question as I made it clear how many words I wanted and what I wanted the words to be about. This makes sure that my target audience understand what I am asking. I asked this question as it will give me words that I could either include on my magazine or help me when deciding my magazine masthead. As this is quite a hard and big decision to make as the masthead is normally the biggest and most well known thing about any magazine. It also normally shows you what genre of music the magazine is about. I also think that because like the 3 colours some people said the same words, I could input my results into a chart even though they weren’t tick box answers.











Q10. What 3 symbols or items would you associate with Indie music?

This is the last question out of the three that I asked my target audience to give me 3 words, this time it was for 3 symbols or items that they would associate with Indie music, I think that this was a good and reliable question to ask as yet again I said how many words I wanted and what they were for, I picked this as when going into detail and planning visual things for my magazine, like on my double page spread or on the front cover or even things that could be in the cover image, I could use the symbols or items that my target audience would automatically assume with my genre of music I am going for. I think this can help me add extra details that relate to the magazine and won’t look stupid, It helps me use my imagination for appearance on the magazine. I also like how some people used the same words and I was able to input the information into a graph without using tick boxes.








Triangles Guitars strings Peace sign Crosses keys Paint

Q11. Which of these incentives would attract you and encourage you to purchase a music magazine?

I picked this question as I realised that I needed to make my magazine appeal with more then just colours, I wanted to see what would make my target audience want to read the magazine and draw them into it. I think that this question is credible as it not only gives some tick boxes and suggestions it also gives the target audience answering the questionnaire a other option if they thought something else worked, giving them the option to use their own mind. Not just the words I have typed. I found out that the most popular incentive was in fact interviews this has now made me realise that I should probably apply this into my own magazine as it will create more interest into the magazine.











Free posters Free CD/Music download

Band merchandise


Q12. Where do you most commonly find, look for or hear music?

When choosing to do this question I realised like it may not seem like it will help me when producing my music magazine, however I decided that by asking this, I could see where actually my target audience get their information or just go for anything music related. I wanted this information so I could perhaps connect one of these ways in with my magazines to make it more approachable by other readers, for example. As the most common choice was YouTube I could do an article about upcoming YouTube artists or show links to the magazine YouTube page for behind the scene information. This could make the magazine appeal more to the readers as they will then have more to do then read a magazine. I think that the responses were reliable and credible, this is because I gave appropriate tick boxes and an ‘other’ box and made the question clear. However some people may not actually view this question as important.










Facebook Twitter YouTube Radio Music website

TV Other

Q13. Does the music that you listen to influence the clothes you wear?

The reason that I asked this question was because I wanted to see how much music influenced my target audience, this was because it may mean that I could put an article about musicians clothes or style for the readers in the magazine and it can help me when choosing outfits for the band I will be using for my double page spread and cover image. I found out that in my research that in fact 6people said that no, music does not influence the clothes they wear and 7 people said yes and 7 said sometimes. I added the sometimes because yes and no seemed to distinctive and made my answer to restricted, however my question is quite unreliable as it does not specify what ‘sometimes’ means, for example, what clothing it does change and how much sometimes is.









Yes No Sometimes

Q14. What would you prefer the mode of address to be in a music magazine?

I decided to add this question into my research questionnaire as when looking into different music magazines, not only did the appearance of the magazine change but the language used on the cover and the articles was different, As a result of this I decided that I would need to see what my target audience would prefer to read and see and would appeal to them. I found out that actually 13 people would want the language informal and 7 people formal. This will help me when deciding what my double page spread language will be like and the article titles and information, I think that the question is credible as it quite basic and understanding language for the target audience answering and it showed me that perhaps as a surprise the younger generation do sometimes like formal I could make a mixture of the two.

It was only a two answer question so I have not put the results in a bar chart. I will just put the results below.

Formal 13Informal 7

Q15. What kind of band or artist would appeal to you on the front cover?

This is quite a basic question, although I did pick it as I think it would be useful as it gives me the information of what artists actually do interest the reader, like what main article would actually pull the reader in and make them want to read, I ended up getting a split end result as 10 people actually selected Established artists and 10 people selected Upcoming artists. This makes my results quite hard to decided which type of band or artist I should put on the front cover as my question isn’t really answered as both are selected, However this shows me that actually both work and do appeal to a wide range of people. This has then gave me knowledge on my cover and double page spread on what type of artist or band I can choose, which is shown either.








Estabished artists Upcoming artists Other