Page 1: Questions & Answers on Skinny on Slim

Book LaunchQuestions &Answers

By Francy Pillo-Blocka RD FDC

Page 2: Questions & Answers on Skinny on Slim

Q1. You promise “all food fits”, how can you lose weight doing this?

Allow all food to fit, in time you won’t go bonkers with bon-bons because you’re allowed everything. Those preoccupations and food temptations will eventually diminish because all foods are allowed, just less often.

This mentality and approach totally takes the pressure off and is a refreshing change from those restrictive “diets of old”. Live by this rule!

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Q2. In your chapter on “Handling the rough spots” you encourage the reader to go out and eat, even “party hearty”, how can you do this? Some people diet in hiding and cower away from the

challenges of eating out.

People need to face the world and eating challenges while losing weight because life happens and you are a player.

You learn how to manage the eating “rough spots” by taking part in them and training your robot with more adaptive behaviour using myriad ideas.

You won’t get that time spend celebrating joyous occasions back again, ever, why miss out?

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Q3. You talk about “dressing for dieting success” or the “preening principle”. What does this have to do with this topic? When people begin diets they often feel pumped, but

as the time wares on that sizzle eventually fizzles.

I work in ways to sustain that sizzle that makes you pop throughout your course by dressing for dieting success, visualization, thought stopping, establishing a reward system that builds with your progress and more.

Successful losers tell us when they feel good about themselves they eat better and exercise better. Donning an outfit for any circumstance that you feel great in can really make a difference in your self esteem every single day.

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Q 4. You use the analogy of game Snakes & Ladders what does this have to to with losing weight? There are a lot of bad diets and gimmicks out there that make

magical claims to make you skinny in a jiffy. Many; however, don’t follow physiological principles and when followed “mess with the machine” your bodacious body.

One example is the ultra low cal diet of 500 calories a day. Experts suggest not to eat any less than 1,200 calories/day for women and 1,600 calories/day for men and suggest not to lose more than 1-2 pounds/week. Ultra low cal diets do result in fast weight loss.

Much of the weight lost is water and muscle, when you really wanted to lose fat – for good! Your metabolism tanks and once you’re off the diet the food flood gates fly open as you try to make your body right after being depleted. A diet like this is like playing a game of Snakes and Ladders and going on this diet is like landing on a snake that sets you back 12 spaces in real life. Don’t do it to yourself, ouch!

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Q5. You encourage your reader to take a “dieting time out” if they need to, why? Losing weight involves physical and mental changes to

take place. Many people want to gun for the finish line when they might not be ready or if they’re experiencing a lot of stress in life they need to take a much needed break. Who needs more pressure in life?

Take the pressure off. What’s the rush?

It won’t hurt to maintain your lost weight for a while and readjust “the junk in your trunk” and get your head around your achievement to date. When ready, resume.

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Q6. Your book is called Skinny on Slim. The number of recommendations about food you make are on the “skinny” side, why?

So many diets have a long menu of restrictions and rules that make you hungry, listless, cranky making you crave food you can’t have. Following the premise “all food fits” I have a Fab 4 [not 44] list of food fundamentals to get you started: 1) Get your 5-10 a day – Veggie Might? 2) Get your 3 a day – Be a dairy queen 3) Think about your drink – eat your calories don’t drink your

calories 4) Beware, Be Aware – Food Awareness – for packaged and

restaurant food choices

There are oodles of tips to trade off throughout the book to help the reader tip the scale in their favour.

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Q7. Why do you only recommend a 16-minute investment every 2nd day into your hourglass and 15-minute intervals to begin your “movement movement”? Isn’t that too little? Many diets suggest extreme measures when recommending food

and exercise changes. I suggest to take the pressure off and to learn to enjoy activity by working it up gradually to fit into your busy life.

That 16-minute investment into your hourglass every second day is meant for you to bend and stretch and do some strength training to build that golden muscle tissue to help your metabolism.

Doing stealthy and healthy tricks like “interval training” like walking can help you get moving to burn more calories. Make it easy and work it in and up gradually to fit your life.

Exercise for many can be daunting especially if you have sour memories of being chosen last by the jocks in gym class.

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Q8. Out of all of the diet books on the market, how can you have the nerve to classify yours as “the little black dress of diet books”? SOS gets the reader to delve to the source of their weight


There’s often more involved in being overweight than simply eating too much.

There’s what we eat, how much we eat, how we eat, plus food has a deeper meaning for many and is used to combat emotions such as anger, pressure even boredom.

Issues sometimes go even deeper, which needs to be solved.

Other diets don’t get you to the core of the issues, making this unique

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Q9. Isn’t there a right way and wrong way to diet?

Actually there are many right ways and many wrong ways to diet. In fact there are a 1,000 ways to do the same thing right!

I refer to the successful weight losers of the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) out of Brown Medical School in Providence Rhode Island.

They track over 10,000 successful weight losers who have lost at least 30 pounds and maintained it for over a year. They track to see what they did to lose and maintain their weight loss.

Why not emulate what successful weight losers do? Doesn’t that make the most sense?

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Q10. How does Skinny on Slim stand apart from other diets? Extreme regimens are a rigid, one-size-fits-all rubber-stamp that

seem logical. They dictate you make numerous changes with a menu of “don’ts” turning your life on its head making you feel hungry, deprived, cranky and listless. They enlist you in doing radical exercise making you despise it. Skinny On Slim is a custom fit plan to your eating and lifestyle fingerprint and ushers you to the ultimate core of your issues to create a new love story with food and activity.

Extreme regimens begin with sizzle that eventually fizzles over time. Your ultimate reward is reaching your goal weight in many days from today, a long time to receive the payoff for all of your efforts. Skinny On Slim reinforces you with numerous ways to sustain that fizzle to make you pop throughout your journey from Fat City to Slim Town!

Extreme regimen “experts” dictate to their reader. Skinny on Slim bonds like your soul sister and confidante who recalculated her route from Fat City to Slim Town who happens to be an expert. She spills her hill of beans leaving you open to spill yours.

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I bond with my reader:

“Let’s take this journey together to nutrition nirvana, you and me. … I’m no typical expert descending from Mount Diet Doom in a white robe holding tablets with rules with my finger wagging. I am one who’s dismounted from the diet roller coaster of life with the war wounds and stretch marks to prove it. Let’s bond as blood sisters of sorts. Instead of raising our swords we’ll clink our wine glasses, kick off our Manolos, peel off our Spanx, undo that 3-pronged clasp of our ultra reinforced underwire bra to be set free while sharing real life strategies together, you and me.”

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Get your copy, won’t you?

Francy Pillo-Blocka Author of Skinny on Slim

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