Page 1: Questions on Haemolytic Anaemia ( at Lectures)

1. A boy aged 18 yrs is admitted to hospital with a h/o fever -5days.O/e he is pale and jaundiced.

1.1 State how you will approach the diagnosis of his condition (8marks)1.2 List the investigations you will request to establish your

diagnosis/differential diagnoses(8 marks)1.3 Explain the rationale of doing two investigations you mention( 9 marks)

2. Explain the value of the Coomb test in the diagnosis of haemolytic anaemia (8 marks)

2.1 Describe the blood cell morphology of warm and cold auto immune haemolytic anaemia(2 marks)

2.2 Discuss the value of splenectomy as a mode of treatment in autoimmune haemolytic anaemia.(7.5 marks)

2.3 State the management of the postsplenectomy state(7.5 marks)
