Page 1: Quilt Square: Journey to the Square: Journey to the Center “This quilt is a visual representation of my quest

Quilt Prayer Center Materials

TableQuiltPhoto of “Journey to the Center” quilt squareCandleInstructions (see below)

Quilt Square: Journey to the Center

“This quilt is a visual representation of my quest for peace despite many uncertainties… The center is filled with light. Itis a spiritual quilt.”– Suzanne Evenson, quilt designer.

Centering Prayer:

Relax and settle into your space. Close your eyes. When you are ready, pray repeatedly, “You, Holy One, are at mycenter.”

Scripture: Mark 1:35. “In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place and therehe prayed.”

Quilt Reflections:

Ponder the colors and designs of the “Journey to the Center” quilt square.

What does the quilt design say to you?

Ponder how the quilt’s design draws you into its center.

Recall a time or a moment when you have known a sense of centeredness. What helps you to center?

How would you describe the experience?

In wordsIn a quiltTo a Friend

Sometimes we find our “center” a bit tangled or confusing. If that has been your experience, take a moment to name thefeelings you have had.

Prayer: Help me center my life, like this quilt, so that I may respond to you in work, in fabric, in song and in joy.

–By Barbara Weaver for Prayer Centers Lenten program of Williamsville (N.Y.) United Methodist Church
