

Which airline lost 2 planes and all passengers in 2014?QantasVirginMalaysian

Which male won Australian open singles?


Which female won Australian Open singles

AzarenkaNaSerena Williams

In what city were the 2014 Commonwealth Games held?


Where was the 2014 FIFA World Cup held?Who won the 2014 FIFA World Cup?

East GermanyBrazilMexico

In which animal is the Ebola Virus Disease thought to have originated? MonkeysFruit BatsHorses

Name two minor political parties that hold seats in the Federal Senate.

Any of the following: The Palmer United Party, the Australian Greens, Liberal Democratic Party, Family First, or Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party

Who is the Federal Environment Minister?

Bernie EcclestoneGreg HuntBill Shorten

Which horse won the 2014 Melbourne Cup? ScarabProtectionistBoutique Wine

Who is the federal opposition leader?

Bernie EcclestoneGreg HuntBill Shorten

What name is given to the federal government's border protection policy?

TampaStay HomeOperation Sovereign Borders

Which Australian journalist is being held prisoner in Egypt for allegedly conspiring with a banned Islamic Organisation?

Peter GresteJohn JonesTom Jones

Which Victorian coalmine caught fire in February and remained alight for 45 days?

Brazilnut coalmineCashewnut coalmineHazelwood coal mine

From where did the "Ebola Virus Disease" get its name?

The ebola monkeyCricket- ebola a lotta ballsThe Ebola River (Democratic Republic of Congo)

What name was given to Hong Kong's protest movement?

The quite revolutionNo chance revolutionThe Umbrella revolution

What issue was noted internationally for its absence on the G20 agenda?

Responsible bankingPeaceClimate Change

Who is the Federal Treasurer? Joe TennisJoe GolfJoe Hockey

Where will the 2018 Commonwealth Games be held? The Gold Coast ChristchurchMt Isa

Who is Australia's Foreign Minister?

Tony AbbottJulie BishopBill Shorten

Which Commonwealth nation won the medal tally at the 2014 Commonwealth Games?


What measure was undertaken to provide a more environmentally friendly face to Formula One racing?

Shorter raceElectric carsQuieter engines (Turbo-charged 1.6 litre engines replaced V10 and V8 engines)

Which Australian fruit processing company received $22 million in rescue funding from the Victorian government this year?ABCAPCSPC

Which two nations announced a joint commitment to further reduce their carbon emissions beyond 2025?

Australia and USAUSA and UK The United States and China

Which former NSW premier resigned over a bottle of wine?

Barry FarrellOwen O' FareellBarry O'Farrell

What terrorist organisation does the acronym "ISIL" refer to?

The Islamic State of Idiots and LunaticsThe Islamic State of Iraq and the LevantThe Islamic State of Iraq Limited

What is the name given to the particle accelerator located in Melbourne?

Not so Large HadronColliderNational AcceleratorThe Australian Synchrotron

What does ICAC stand for?I can and can'tIllegal Caning Adolescents Commission Independent Commission Against Corruption

Who won the AFL grand final?FreemantleEssendon Hawthorne

Do you know which magical Italian city George Clooney and his new wife Amal decided to get married in?Rome VeniceParis

In the Sony hacking scandal, which of the following was not attributed as a quality held by Angelina Jolie? Minimally talentedSpoiled Brat

How many times has Clive Palmer stormed out or ceased an interview midstream?Emma Alberici's questions on LatelineHung up on ABC Melbourne's Jon Faine, August last yearWalked out of an interview with Sarah Ferguson on 7.30 in July.

Who smuggled a "pipe bomb" into ParliamentHouse to make a point about declining security standards Bill HeffernanHugh BilsenBill Hughes

What was Tony Abbott's greatest achievement this year as Minister for Women, according to himselfRecognizing that ironing is women's workDoubling the number of women in his cabinetThe Carbon Tax repeal

Pope Francis said which of the following:The Vatican has spiritual AlzheimersThe vatican is full of gossipy cliquesMany vatican staff are unsatisfactory because of "lust for power of ladder-climbing clerics," and "those who indulge in hypocritical double lives."All of the above

More great quiz questions from 2014 Name one of the three countries that have been most affected by the worst outbreak of Ebola in recorded history.2. In what body of water is the main search area for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which vanished on March 8?3. What region of Ukraine was annexed by Russia in March, despite political opposition from the U.S. and other European countries?4. In what central African nation were hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists?5. In October, teenage education activist Malala Yousafzai became the youngest person ever to win what prestigious award?6. What terrorist group rapidly rose to power this year, taking over a third of Iraq and Syria, before outside countries got involved in fighting it?7. Water levels in what U.S. state continued to drop this year, as a historic drought worsened?8. Name the Russian city on the coast of the Black Sea that hosted the 2014 Winter Olympics.9. The U.S. Midterm Elections changed political control of what chamber of Congress?10. In what U.S. city did the National September 11 Memorial Museum open to the general public on May 21?

The 10 Best-Selling Books Of The Year, According To AmazonThe Invention of Wings by Monk1. The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kid:2. Grey Mountain by John Grisham3. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr4. Twenty Seconds Ago (Jack Reacher, #19) by Lee Child:5. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty6. The Target (Will Robie series) by David Baldacci: 7. The Fixed Trilogy by Laurelin Paige8. The Heroes of Olympus Book Five: The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan:9. Top Secret Twenty-One (Stephanie Plum) by Janet Evanovich10. Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War IIs Most Audacious General by Bill OReilly

Most search by Australians according to Google 19 December1World Cup2 Malaysia Airlines3 Robin Williams4 Charlotte Dawson5 Phil Hughes

TOP SEARCHES WORLDWIDE on google as at Dec 20.1. Robin Williams2. World Cup3. Ebola4. Malaysia Airlines5. Ice Bucket Challenge6. Flappy Bird7. Conchita Wurst8. Islamic State9. Frozen10. Sochi Olympics

Parliament 2014: The most ridiculous moments time the budget sent Clive Palmer to sleepAbbotts shirtfront call. Im going to shirt-front Mr Putin, he said.Followed up with: You bet you are, uh, you bet I am.Jacqui Lambies taste in men. Of all the bizarre things the now-independent senator has come out with this year, her well-hung comment is the one we wish she could take back the most. When asked about her ideal man she said, They must have heaps of cash and theyve got to have a package between their legs, lets be honest." Asking a 22-year-old how cashed up they are and if they are well-hung on radio? Bronwyn Bishops 94a blitz. The Speaker has now clocked up 185 ejections this year just five of them from the Coalition benches.When Seinfeld came to parliament. The video Seinfeld in Parliament was created by Melbourne resident Huw Parkinson, who said he was inspired by the image of Seinfeld character George Costanza in parliament.We found out what America thought of Tony Abbott. Satirical US news program Last Week Tonight, hosted by John Oliver stuck the boot in with a segment ruthlessly collating our PMs most embarrassing moments.Tony Abbotts creepy wink. When the Prime Minister found himself on the line to grandmother Gloria, a former sex worker, he couldnt help but give his creepiest wink. When the Prime Minister found himself on the line to grandmother Gloria, a former sex worker, he couldnt help but give his creepiest wink.Ricky Muirs incredibly awkward Sunday Night interview. The Motoring Enthusiasts Party Senator Ricky Muir stalled and backfired during the Channel 7 interview that became unforgettable for all the wrong reasons. Leaks finally cause Parliament House to crumble. A storm over the nations capital caused a different kind of leak in Canberra and had Speaker Bronwyn Bishop calling for a bucket.Is it Wang or is it Wong? The past week has delivered other memorable moments, like Christopher Pynes controversial Wang/Wong mix-up during an interview on ABCs 7.30. Julie Bishop shows her emoji game. The foreign ministers popularity peaked on social media when she decided to reply to tweets exclusively in emojis for one night only.Tanya Plibersek called Africa a country That was just a bit embarrassing.Michael Danby hearts LOLCATS. Lets not forget that time we thought Melbourne MP Michael Danby had been hacked.The Prime Minister Tony Abbott and the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe doing something weird. Source: Ankle picture.

Most talked about topics on Facebook in Australia in 20141. Robin Williams2. Tony Abbott3. Malaysia Airlines4. Ice Bucket Challenge5. Game of Thrones6. Ebola virus outbreak7. Conflict in Gaza8. South Sydney Rabbitohs9. World Cup10. Melbourne Cup11. Schapelle Corby

2014 Who said?Its such a cold night and its the only time Ive actively been grateful for menopause. Ive been entirely comfortable.- Emma Thompson.God forbid its an On Demand movie in a hotel room and my mother says, Oh, I havent seen this work of my sons, and hits purchase. At least Colin Farrell has a sense of humour about his 2003 sex tape.If Im wearing a top, I dont wear a bra. If Im wearing a bra, I just wear a bra.-Rihanna tells Vogue: Shes not big on clothes. My truth is that I really want you to win You need to cut the bulls**t. Oprah Winfrey delivers Lindsay Lohan a serving of tough love.Id let both those motherfu**ers drown! Jennifer Lopezs response when asked a curly question: Which ex would she save if Ben Affleck and P Diddy were both stranded in the ocean?If I ran a third time, itd be sort of like doing a third Hangover movie. Didnt really work out very well, did it? President Barack Obamas interview with Zach Galifianakis on Funny or Dies Between Two Ferns was filled with zingers like this.We have always conducted our relationship privately, and we hope that as we consciously uncouple and co-parent, we will be able to continue in the same manner. - Gwyneth Paltrows announcement of her split with hubby Chris Martin. And thus, a new phrase was born.Lets put it this way, Ive had an orgasm in the air before. Alone. And together. Miranda Kerr reveals shes a member of the Mile High club. Gross, Miranda.When I was a teen idol, I was so goddamn pretty I wouldnt have taken myself seriously. Rob Lowe had very difficult teen years, dont you know.Ive always been known for my boobs, but it pisses me off, because I do also have a great a**e! Sofia Vergara tells about her best qualities.I looked down and the nutter was trying to bury his face in my crotch, so I cracked him twice in the back of the head. Brad Pitt talks about Vitalii Sediuk.Hell be head to head. Not head to vag. Unless he wants to risk his life and see. Mila Kunis birthing plan with fianc Ashton Kutcher.I will always remember today as the day I cooked dinner, rubbed my eyes, and then learned that jalapeos are NATURES PEPPER SPRAY. Taylor Swift is adorkable even when in intense physical pain.Orlando Bloom apparently threw a punch at Justin Bieber last night during an argument at a nightclub. Orlandos hand was pretty sore today, you know, from all the high fives he got. Jimmy Fallon wisecracks about one of the most unusual (alleged) brawls of 2014.As long as a nipple didnt come out to play, Im fine. Nicki Minaj addresses her MTV Awards wardrobe malfunction. They can say whatever they want about my personal life because I know what my personal life is, and it involves a lot of TV and cats and girlfriends. Taylor Swift (again), revealing to The Guardian that behind closed doors, shes not quite as interesting as you might think.The best thing about being cheated on is I get to go on more first dates. Britney Spears after splitting with David Lucado I cant wait to see my brother suffer more, and with any luck if its a girl, then hell suffer even greater. Id love to see him try and cope with that. Prince Harry jokes about his older brother following news that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting another child.The penis is in there. It costs extra its IMAX penis. So you gotta pay 15 bucks to see it in 3-D. It looks better in 3-D. Ben Affleck 4
