Page 1: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


To Rabbi Steven &

Bettina Schwarzman

Page 2: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

Congregation Beth Shalom

11916 Jasper Ave. NW

Edmonton AB T5K 0N9

Phone: (780) 488-6333

Fax: (780) 488-6259

Email: [email protected]


Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM — 4:30 PM

Friday 9:00 AM—2:30 PM

Board of Directors 2019-2020

Lana Black President

Michael Paull Past President

Laurence Abbott Vice President

Mitch Weinberg Ritual

Drew Hanson Secretary

Jeff Rabinovitch Treasurer

Sylvia Alpern Director

Boris Belkin Director

Sam Fialkow Director

Seth Glick Director

Jini Vogel Director

Shelley Weinstein Director

Colleen Paull Women’s League President

Synagogue Staff

Rabbi Steven Schwarzman-Spiritual Leader

[email protected], ext. 302

Cantor David Mannes — Ritual Assistant

[email protected], ext. 308

Helena Khazanovsky — Office Manager

[email protected], ext. 301

Dorothy Turner — Bookkeeper

[email protected], ext. 304

Bogumila Szopik & Vera Tkachuk


Please contact Helena Khazanovsky

for catering inquiries.

Bikkur Cholim

If you would like to be visited by someone from the

Bikkur Cholim committee, please contact

Cantor David Mannes.

Scent Free Shul

Out of respect for your fellow congregants who may suffer

from allergies, please reduce your use of scented products

when you are in the synagogue. Thank You!

A Reminder from Beth Shalom Catering Committee

When making meal reservations or food orders

we ask that you pay by credit card or cash when

the reservation order is made.

Important Kehila Reminders

Accuracy of Information

We do our best to ensure the accuracy of all the infor-

mation in the Bulletin, but despite our best efforts,

sometimes an error appears. Please accept our sincere

apologies for any errors. Please let us know so that

we can correct them as soon as possible or update

our records where necessary.

Mishebeirah—prayer for the sick: If you would like us to

include the name of someone who is not well during the

Mishebeirach prayer on Shabbat morning, please either call

780.488-6333/301 or email [email protected], with their

Hebrew or English name/s. Traditionally we include the per-

son's Hebrew name(s) and their mother's Hebrew name(s), for

example, “Moshe ben D'vorah” or “D’vorah bat Miri-

am” (ben or bat means son or daughter of). If, however, you

do not have a Hebrew name for this person or they are not

Jewish then an English name will do. If a name on the list

should no longer be listed, can you kindly let us know so we

can remove the individual from our list?

Due to the Canadian privacy of information laws we

require that congregants get permission from the ill

person(s) to have their name(s) read aloud from the

Bimah on Shabbat. Thank You!

2 July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


Todah Raba to our Publishing Volunteers

Thank you to Sharon Abbott & Ruth-Ellen Shafir for

editing our Beth Shalom Publications.

Page 3: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

It is with great excitement that we welcome Rabbi Steven Schwarzman, Bettina

Schwarzman, and their daughter Rachel to Edmonton. They completed their move to

Edmonton on July 27th and are busy settling into their home within walking distance of

Beth Shalom. The Rabbi’s office has been refurbished with new paint, new carpet, new

lighting, and new window coverings in anticipation of his arrival. The Rabbi officially

begins his work as our Rabbi on July 1st, 2019. May we go from strength to strength together.

The renovations to our lower chapel were completed at the end of May, 2019.

It is a beautiful intimate sanctuary that can be used for a variety of Shul ritu-

als and simchas. Thank you to Ruth-Ellen Shafir and Susan Baram for coordi-

nating a very successful synagogue renovation. Thank you to Katherine Ploit

of Ploit Design for her expert design advice and to Matthias Kroller of

Krollerbuilt construction for contributing his building expertise. Their time

and dedication to this project will benefit Beth Shalom for years to come!

On June 15th, 2019 we honoured Cantor David Mannes for his long-term service at Beth Shalom. David’s fam-

ily and over 100 congregants were in attendance. Thank you to David for his many years of service and dedi-

cation to Beth Shalom!

Our security committee headed by Seth Glick is focussed on improving the day to day security at Beth Sha-

lom. Two new security measures have been introduced. Visitors to the synagogue are asked not to bring large

bags or back packs into the synagogue. If doing so they can be asked to disclose the contents of their bags

when entering our building. As well, we are requesting that all visitors sign in at the main office when enter-

ing and leaving the building. Each of these measures is a step towards making our building more safe and

secure for everyone in the synagogue.

The work on the upgrading of our electrical infrastructure continues and is 60% completed. The interior work

on the project should be completed by the first week in August and EPCOR will complete the outside work as

their schedule permits.

I continue to complete the day to day administrative tasks associated with running the synagogue as well as

going to community events as the synagogue’s representative. It was a pleasure to represent the synagogue at

the Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration and at the Negev Gala in honour of Freya and Lewis Wasel. Building rela-

tionships within our Jewish community is important work and is an ongoing process which I enjoy doing.

Happy Canada Day! Get out and celebrate our wonderful country with your family and friends and enjoy

our summer weather.


Lana Black

A Message from your President, Lana Black

3 July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


Page 4: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

Led by Dr. Jack Goldberg



Dr. Jack Goldberg

Professor Emeritus, U of A

Jack holds a Doctorate in Psychology

from L'Universite de Montreal

He acquired his Judaic education at

Yeshiva Merkaz Hatorah, Montreal

and Yeshiva University, New York

He has been the High Holiday Cantor at Beth Tzedek for 10 years and

before that, at Beth Israel Synagogue for two years. He has taken voice

training with Dr. Allan Ord, U. of A. and pursues cantorial studies

with Cantor Mitch Martin of Boca Raton

Jack has lectured on topics such as: Jewish Ethics, The Sinai

Revelation, Deborah the Prophetess, and Religion and Violence

Will be held on

Sunday, July 14th & 28th

following Sunday Minyan

Classes will run

between 60-90 minutes.

No prior knowledge /study

of Talmud is required

Cost: Free for Beth Shalom


Photocopies of relevant text

with English translation

will be provided

Light Breakfast will be served

4 July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


Daily Minyan : Daily minyans are held Monday to

Friday at 7:30am and Sundays and

holidays at 9:00am. Please make a

commitment to attend at least one

minyan a month. Attendance at minyan allows individuals to say


Thank you to the people who attend regularly!

Monthly Religious Services

Shabbat Services Shacharit 9:30 am

July 6th Korah

July 13th Chukat

July 20th Balak

July 27th Pinchas

A family friendly Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Service at Canterbury Court. Prayers are

led by Cantor David Mannes. Refreshments for the Oneg Shabbat are provided by

members of Na’amat and Beth Shalom Women’s League. Special thank you to Hil-

ton & Michelle Dinner of Bon Ton Bakery for the donation of challah. Date and

Time: Friday, July 12th & 26th, 2019 Location: Canterbury Court, 8403 142 St





Page 5: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

Miriam Sheckter

Leon Miller

Toban Shadlyn

Valda Levin

Jack Sorokin

Shira Spring

Ari Bernstein

Abigail Wright

Adelaine Martin

Sydney Bercov

Shelley Bobroff

Tevyn Shadlyn

Mira Campbell *denotes milestone Birthdays or Anniversaries

Happy Anniversary!

Steven & Talya Shafir

Robert & Krista Brick

Michael & Shelley Bobroff

Murray & Susan Lieberman

Benaron & Judy Gleiberman

Marvin & Marilyn Bercovich

George Abrams & Lana Black

Ron Sorokin & Lisa Redmond

Sam Fialkow & Marilyn Sheckter*

Sari Schiff & Abraham Peliowski


Cecil Paull*

Martin Grosh

Rosalie Shaw

Toni Gold

Joe Shafir

Jerome Yager

Miriam Grosh

Solly Lerner

Doug Wolch

Nikki Vogel

Jason Uretsky

Phyllis Nurgitz

Sarah Webster

Happy Birthday!

Paul Polushin

Michael Webster*

Ethan Zwaigenbaum

Chloe Soibelman

George Goldsand

Marilyn Sheckter*

Mona Rosenberg

Laura Rabinovitch

Tobey Freedman

Joshua Bensimon

Jonathan Scheinman

Debbie Sniderman

July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


To B’nai Mitzvah Parents: Please make sure we receive the article and

photo of your child as soon as possible! This will help us to ensure their

information is available in the appropriate monthly bulletin. Thank You!

Shul Menschenings: If you have a special occasion or accomplishment to share with the congregation

please call the office at 780-488-6333 ext. 301 or write to info@e–

Mazal Tov to Anika Gee & Adam Zepp on their Wedding!

Mazal Tov to Karen Leibovici & Steven Zepp on the Wedding of their son Adam & Anika Gee!

Bar Mitzvah of Jonathan Scheinman-July 20th, 2020

Before moving to Edmonton in 2017, Jonathan grew up on Kibbutz Ginnosar, which

rests on the western shores of Lake Kinneret, In Israel.

Living on the kibbutz always involved large groups of friends spending time together

in school and after, enjoying the outdoors of the farming community. When not en-

gaged in mass NERF wars, he spent time horse riding and swimming.

Coming to Edmonton was a real significant change in his life, learning a new language, meeting new friends,

learning to adapt to winter sports (easy when you are blind to speed, as Jonathan is), and indoor soccer.

Now finishing his Grade 7 at Parkview school and looking forward to the summer holiday, spending a month

back in Israel, getting into trouble with his band of merry friends, he also is looking forward to, and working

hard towards his Bar Mitzvah in July.

Page 6: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

June 1st – Special thank you for the donation to the Kiddush Fund by

Doreen Albert in memory of her brother, Sydney Davis & father, Daniel

Davis; & by Phyllis Solsberg in memory of her mother, Esther Solsberg.

June 8th– Special thank you for the donation to the Kiddush Fund by

Sharon Abbot in memory of her uncle, Major John M. Secter; by Shirley

Goldberg in memory of her grandfather, Rabbi Yosef Dovid Berkowitz;

& by Phil & Penny Hardin in memory of Phil’s mother, Rebecca Hardin;

& by John & Catherine DuBourt in honour of Abraham Cristall; & by Lana

Black & George Abrams; Shelley Weinstein & Bruce Bradley; Jeff &

Marianne Rabinovitch; Sam Fialkow & Marilyn Sheckter; & Howie &

Debbie Sniderman in honour of the Board Installation Shabbat.

June 15th – Special thank you for the donation to the Kiddush Fund by

Mila & Boris Plots & family in memory of Mila’s mother, Ester Leykina; by

Sylvia & Michael Alpern in memory of their mothers, Freda Hootman & Es-

ther Alpern; by Brandy & Robert Graesser in memory of Brandy’s mother, Da-

sha Goody; by Shirley Goldberg in honour of Bernie Frankel’s Birthday; by

Miriam & Jerry Katz in honour of Miriam’s father, Bernie Frankel’s Birthday; & by Rhoda Friedman in

honour of her granddaughter, Natzumi’s Birthday.

Special thank you for the donation to the special Kiddush Lunch in honour of Cantor David Mannes: Betty

Kagna; Doreen Albert; Sharon Abbott; Hank Deinum; Mila & Boris Plots; Carol & Ron Ritch; Toni & Phillip

Gold; Penny & Phil Hardin; Leon & Susan Kagan; Mitch & Amy Weinberg; Odette & Jacob Masliyah; Francie

& Jon Nobleman; Robert & Terrie Margolis; Laurence Abbott & family; Jini Vogel & Alex Krimberg; Clara

Kagan & Molly Kagan; Barbara & Reinhardt Kroller; Howie & Debbie Sniderman; Lana Black & George

Abrams; Shelley Weinstein & Bruce Bradley; Robert & Terrie Margolis; Shirley Goldberg; Ruth Nolan;

Josie Peters; Howard Davidow & Anita Sky; Tulane Rollingher; Shirley & Earl Ghitter; Rhoda Friedman;

Marla Miller; John & Catherine DuBourt; & Nellie Bass & Doug Haines & family.

June 22nd– Special thank you for the donation to the Kiddush Fund by Karen Leibovici & Steven Zepp in

honour of the Aufruf of their son, Adam Zepp & Anika Gee. Special Thank you for the donation to the

Kiddush Fund by Mel Wyne & Phyllis Nurgitz in honour of Cantor David Mannes; by Mara Ghitter in

honour of Cantor Mannes; by Shirley Goldberg in memory of her brother, Tzvi Hersh Goldberg; by Shelley

Weinstein & Bruce Bradley in honour of Anika Gee & Adam Zepp’s Aufruf; by David Rees in memory of his

mother, Margaret Ruth Veilleux; & by Tyler Smith in memory of Ella Elster.

June 29th – Special thank you for the donation to the Kiddush Fund by Ruth Pakes in honour of her Birthday;

by Phyllis Nurgitz & Mel Wyne in honour of Mel’s Birthday; by Doug Hughes in honour of the birth of his

granddaughter, Isla; by Lana Black & George Abrams in honour of their Wedding Anniversary: & by Barbara

& Reinhardt Kroller in honour of Lana Black & George Abrams’ Wedding Anniversary.

Hosting Kiddush Lunch.

It is customary to help sponsor

our Shabbat Kiddush Lunch to

honour the memory of loved

ones at the time of their

Yahrzeit or in honour of a

special occasion. Donations

to the Kiddush Lunch can be

made online on our website or

by contacting the office at

780.488.6333 ext. 301.

Tax receipts are provided.

July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


Page 7: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

Tributes in support of one another


(Charitable tax receipts are sent out every year in February).

Todah Rabah, Mazal Tov, Get Well, Condolences $18.00

Yedlin Library $18.00 & up

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund $18.00 & up

Chai Fund $18.00 & up

Book of Remembrance $175.00

Tree of Life $250.00

B’Kol Echad Song Book $18.00

Sim Shalom Siddur Machzor/Lev Shalem Machzor $54.00

Etz Hayim Chumash 1/2 share $62.50

Etz Hayim Chumash $125.00

Building Improvement Fund $50.00 & multiples

Torah Restoration Fund $18.00 per letter/ $36.00 per word

Mazal Tov To Michael & Colleen Paull On their daughter, Samara’s Wedding From: Phil & Penny Hardin

To Cantor David Mannes On being honoured by Beth Shalom Congregation From: Susan & Murray Lieberman

Todah Rabah To Cantor David Mannes for his help with Ruth Samuels z”l unveiling From: Harold Samuels & family

Get Well To Murray Glick From: Mila & Boris Plots

Torah Restoration Fund

Condolences to Miriam &

Jerry Cooper A letter has been inscribed

In memory of Miriam’s

father, Ben Grotsky

From: Susan Baram

Mazal Tov to Rhonda Eidelman

A letter has been inscribed

In honour of the birth of her


From: Susan Baram

Condolences To Stephanie & Michael Hendin & family On the loss of Michael’s father, Donald Hendin From: Emily, Syd, Adrianna & Ellie Hanson Howie & Debbie Sniderman Sharon Marcus & Judah Bushenkin To Miriam & Jerry Cooper & family On the loss of Miriam’s father, Ben Grotsky From: Phillip & Toni Gold Brandy & Robert Graesser

To Jack Soroka & family On the loss of his wife, Lillian Soroka From: Clara & Molly Kagan

To Roni Sheps & family On the loss of her mother, Lillian Soroka From: Emily, Syd, Adrianna & Ellie Hanson Marilyn & Murray Glick Beverly & Stephen Shafran

To Howard & Esther Starkman On the loss of Howard’s sister, Lilian Soroka From: Emily, Syd, Adrianna & Ellie Hanson Brandy & Robert Graesser

Prayerbook Fund

A Sim Shalom has been

dedicated in memory of Ella Elster

From: Tyler Smith

7 July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


Page 8: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


A Message from the Adult Education Committee

On June 8 Adult Education had its last presentation for the 2018-19 Year.

Last year we had started the Adult Education season in August, and 14

lectures were presented by volunteers from our community. They were

Dr. Jerry Katz, Dr. Moira Sacks, Justice Robert Graessor, Prosecutor Bert Malo, Lawyers Howie Sniderman

and Steven Shafir.

From the U of A community we had wonderful people like Dr. Andrew Gow, Dr. Josef Patrouch, & Professor

Emeritus, Dr. Jack Goldberg.

For the last lecture, “Judaic Ethics and the age of Trump” presented by Dr. Jack Goldberg, there were 42

people in attendance.

The Highlights of Dr. Goldberg’s talk covered questions such as:

1. How can we understand the misbehaviour of religious leaders?

2. Does religion need to focus more on ethics and less on ritual?

3. Why does a majority of the most observant among us support a president who has little interest in Torah


4. Is Tikkun Olam a useful slogan for advancing ethical behaviour?

People were very enthusiastic; many questions were raised about ethics we have to follow.

We hope that 2019-20 Adult Education will be as interesting as the last year.

We invite more people to participate in the Adult Education. Bring your questions, help to find speakers.

Make our Adult Education more interesting with more attendants.


Beth Shalom wel-

comes advertising

from members of

our congregation

and the community.

Only business card

size ads are accept-

ed. The cost is $25.00 per issue or $250.00 for a full

year when paid for in advance. To arrange for an

ad in the next Bulletin, please call the office at

780-488-6333, ext. 301.

WITTEN LLP, Barristers & Solicitors

#2500, Canadian Western Bank Place

10303 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5J 3N6

Tel: (780) 428-0501 / Fax: (780) 429-2559

Email: [email protected];

Page 9: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


Herman Wouk, author and screenwriter, May 27, 1915, - May 17, 2019

(excerpt from The Guardian)

At the beach and poolside in the Catskills holiday resorts popular with

Jewish New Yorkers in the 1950s, along with the straw hats, suntan lotion

and one-piece bathing suits, the novels of Herman Wouk reigned supreme.

Saul Bellow and Bernard Malamud may have received lavish praise from

critics in the New York Times, but Wouk’s bestsellers easily outsold the

work of every other Jewish writer in the US.

Wouk, who has died aged 103, was an award-winning novelist whose

books were made into Hollywood movies, a playwright and an author of

screenplays. He wrote books about Judaism and modern belief. Throughout, he voiced a conservative view of

ethics and morality that remained largely unamended in the course of a writing career of more than six dec-


His conservative social and political attitudes and religious faith made him an atypical figure in American

Jewish life after the second world war. He was an orthodox Jew, a Republican, a patriot and a sharp critic of

assimilation. His novel Marjorie Morningstar (1955) ended with the renunciation of worldly ambition by a

New York Jewish girl, and with an affirmation of marriage, suburbia, family and duty. It was one of the last

moments when such a novel might have been written without apology, and published without embarrass-


Born in New York to Russian immigrants who had settled in the Bronx, Herman read Mark Twain as a boy

and went to Columbia University, where he edited the humorous Columbia Jester and studied comparative

literature and philosophy. After graduating he worked as a radio scriptwriter, and from 1936 until 1941,

wrote jokes and sketches for the radio comedian Fred Allen. When the US entered the second world war,

Wouk briefly produced radio programmes for the Treasury Department, selling war bonds. He enlisted in the

US naval reserve in 1942, and served in the Pacific aboard destroyer-minesweepers. In 1946 he was dis-

charged from the navy with the rank of lieutenant.

He married Sarah (nee Betty Brown), a convert to Judaism, in 1945, and became a full-time writer; she was his

literary agent from 1979. Two novels, the broadbrush satire Aurora Dawn (1947) and the sensitive boy from

the Bronx at summer camp story, The City Boy (1948), and a play, The Traitor (1949), were followed by The

Caine Mutiny.

Over the next two decades, Wouk was the very model of a commercially successful author. His plays were

produced on Broadway, and his novels were selected by the Book of the Month Club. A movie was made of

Marjorie Morningstar by Irving Rapper in 1958, starring Natalie Wood and Gene Kelly. Youngblood Hawke,

a lightly fictionalised 1962 novel based on the life of the novelist Thomas Wolfe, was turned into a forgettable

movie in 1964 starring James Franciscus. Wouk regarded the film version as “just awful”, and it was the last

of his books to be sold to Hollywood.

He wanted to explain the meaning of Judaism to a larger reading public, and with This Is My God:

continued on page #10

Beth Shalom M. Yedlin Memorial Library Our library is accessible to the

entire community, and beyond,

during synagogue office hours:

Monday to Thursday between

9am & 4:30pm; Fridays between

9am-2:30pm; Closed Saturdays

& Sundays. Please consult Netta

Phillet about the possibility of

donating to the library prior to

bringing books to the library.

Thank You !


Page 10: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

The Jewish Way of Life (1959) he reached a strikingly large readership. While his contemporaries, such as

Norman Mailer and Bellow, struggled with existential complexities, Wouk explained the bar mitzvah, Purim

and Hanukah.

During the final period of the war in Vietnam and its aftermath, at a moment when the military tradition and

the virtues of patriotism were bitterly contested, Wouk looked back to the 1930s and 40s with The Winds of

War (1971) and its sequel War and Remembrance (1978), an epic historical romance of family and war. In the

two ABC miniseries based on the novels, broadcast in 1983 and 1988-89 (and not so mini, with a budget for

the first series of $33m for nearly 15 hours of primetime broadcasting),…Wouk wrote the screenplays. The

novels could have been an expansive bore… but Wouk devoted 13 years to his historical research, and the

outcome was much admired.

Wouk then moved to the terrain of Leon Uris with an epic and highly partisan novelisation of the history of

the state of Israel, The Hope (1993) and The Glory (1994). Inside, Outside (1985), a novel set in Washington

(where the Wouks then lived), reaffirmed the centrality of religion to Wouk’s sense of the American Jewish


He returned to this theme in The Will to Live On: This Is Our Heritage (2000). A Hole in Texas (2004) ex-

plored the dilemmas of a scientist searching for the Higgs boson. It was described as “a crackling yarn”,

written “with an enduring vigour that whippersnappers might envy” in the New York Times. The Lawgiver

(2012), an epistolary novel, offered a satirical picture of a Hollywood studio trying to make a movie about

Moses. Wouk appears in the novel as a script consultant.

Sarah died in 2011. Wouk is survived by his sons Nathaniel and Joseph, another son, Abraham, having died

as a child, and by three grandchildren.

The Beth Shalom library has the titles bolded above, as well as Don’t Stop the Carnival.

Beth Shalom M. Yedlin Memorial Library continued from page #9

Unveilings 2019

July 5, Friday 11:00 am James Hoch

July 7, Sunday 10:45 am Private

11:45 am Lori Sheckter

July 12, Friday 11:00 am Sidney Gurevitch

July 21, Sunday 1:00 pm Private

Sept. 1, Sunday 11:00 am Lou Milner

11:30 am Sparkie Milner

Sept. 15, Sunday 1:30 pm Eileen Cooper

Sept. 22nd, Sunday 11:00 pm Private

12:00 noon Norma Nozick

Sept. 29th, Sunday 11:00 am Harry Warhaft

July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


The Board of

Directors and

Congregation offer

their deepest

condolences to the

following families:

To Michael & Stephanie Hendin &

family on the loss of Michael’s father,

Donald Hendin.

To the family of Ella Elster in memory

of Ella.

May the memory of the Righteous

remain for a blessing.


Page 11: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779


What We Do We strengthen kehillot*. We are the network that ensures there

are thriving centers of Jewish practice across North America,

Israel, and beyond that celebrate both tradition and contempo-

rary life. Together, we demonstrate what an authentic and dy-

namic Judaism looks like, inspire people to be a part of it, and

advance its critical role in the world.

(*We use the language of kehilla/kehillot to describe Jewish community(ies) inside and outside the walls of a

synagogue. Per USCJ's Strategic Plan, "it focuses on the raison d’être of a congregation or synagogue, i.e., that

it is a sacred community. Second, it signals a welcome to those who resonate with the ideas of Conservative

Judaism as expressed in the vision statement, but who do not necessarily belong to official Conservative con-

gregations or feel comfortable with the Conservative movement label.")

Our Values Our values define who we are and how we work. We hold ourselves accountable to these pursuits each and

every day as we demonstrate what an authentic and dynamic Judaism looks like.

We thrive in the tension of old and new.

Balancing tradition and modernity is a dance, which ignites innovative ideas—those that shape our work to

strengthen kehillot and those that influence how we live meaningfully as Jews today.

We find unity in diversity.

A range of viewpoints and backgrounds—religious, racial, ethnic, sexual, socio-political—strengthens us all.

We celebrate our differences and believe that those differences make our wholeness possible.

We are dedicated to lifelong Jewish growth.

It is our imperative to ensure that Jews at every age have meaningful opportunities to learn and grow—

through traditions, study, Torah, prayer, and mitzvot - and to feel inspired to take action, serve the world, and

connect to God and a higher purpose.

We act with integrity and strive for excellence. Our success is defined by the success of our partners. We are

accountable to each other, to our kehillot, and to the larger Jewish community, which means being responsive,

communicating honestly, and always doing our best work.

We are part of something larger than ourselves.

Our connections to the Jewish people in North America, Israel, and around the world strengthen us intellectu-

ally, emotionally, and spiritually, and active collaboration among sacred communities benefits eve-

ry kehilla and the larger world.

Where We Are.

Our network of nearly 600 congregations extends across North America and includes kehillot in the United

States, Canada, and Mexico. Congregations are divided into seven geographic districts, each led by a dedicat-

ed Kehilla Relationship Manager (KRM) who provides grassroots support and acts as your liaison with USCJ.


Page 12: Rabbi Steven & Bettina Schwarzman · Congregation Beth Shalom Jasper Ave. NW Edmonton AB T5K 0N9 Phone (780) 488-6333 Fax (780) 488-6259 Email Cantor David Mannes

Women’s League Book Club wrapped up the year, as we traditionally do,

with a potluck lunch at Netta Phillet’s home. The celebration was Tuesday,

June 11th, and the book discussed was “The Last Watchman of Cairo” by

Michael David Lucas.

The Book Club is breaking for the summer and will resume on Tuesday, Sep-

tember 24th with the book “The Tattooist of Auschwitz” by Heather Morris.

I would like to thank Netta Phillet, our Book Club Chair, for her tireless

volunteerism: she sends e-mails about upcoming meetings, sends updated

lists of books for future reads, checks book availability at the library, or-

ganizes the meetings, finds host homes and makes sure everyone knows

when the next meeting will be and what we will read. Netta is the heart and

soul of the Book Club and we are all grateful for her dedication. She does

the hard work and the rest of us reap the benefits. I think I speak for every-

one when I say THANK YOU NETTA!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful summer. Enjoy family and friends, go

to a Farmer Market, go for a walk or a bike ride in the River Valley,

celebrate all the festivals and summer events the “City of Festivals” has to

give, and fire up the BBQ!

July—Sivan/Tammuz 5779





It you wish to join Women’s

League Book Club or want

to be put on the email notice

list for upcoming books,

please contact Netta Phillet.

Everyone is welcome!


Judaica Shop Open: Monday-Thursday between 9:30am & 4:00pm; Friday between 9:30am & 2:30pm

Gifts to RELLish Judaica Shop

Gifts for holidays, ritual and other occasions.

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& Bar/Bat Mitzvahs.

Women’s League 2019-2020

Calendar Diaries now available
