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Page 1: Radio proposal

Proposal for Ancillary Radio Advert




30 seconds.

Target Audience:

The target audience for our regional magazine, and therefore radio advertisement is 15-25 year olds. We have decided to target this specific age group because currently, there is a gap in the regional magazine market for this new audience. Our radio advertisement will be promoting the new launch of our regional magazine named ‘iLondon’. We believe that because we are targeting a young audience, we need to establish the radio stations that our radio advertisement will be played on. Stereotypically, our target young audience listen to music radio stations such as Kiss FM and Capital FM. Therefore, this means that we will advertise our regional magazine through the radio advertisement on these radio stations. Additionally, they are London radio stations, therefore further emphasising our target audience of young Londoners. Our target audience are going to be more inclined to consume the radio advertisement because of the media platform that it is being distributed through. Due to the technological convergence of how media products are now being distributed to consumers, advertising the launch of our regional magazine through a radio advert will be an excellent advertising and marketing strategy. This is because the radio advert is unforeseen to the target audience in terms of them not expecting it. The media platform of radio is easily accessible to the target audience and they are easily informed (uses and gratification) as they do not have to physically search for the information. As there is not an established London regional magazine targeted towards a young audience, they will be more excited and interested in the fact that there is a new regional magazine out. Stereotypically, radio advertisements inform (uses and gratification) the target audience of the key information that is needed to consume the product that they are advertising e.g. content, target audience, price, where the regional magazine is distributed/available, etc.


The content of this radio advertisement will be centred on the concept of a conversation between two adolescences, a female and a male. This allows us to target a mass audience because we are not limiting ourselves to a specific gender. Stereotypically, young people will relate to their own gender in the sense that they will conventionally be experiencing similar things and events in their lives. For example, a female member of the target audience will relate to the voice of a young female because they will be able to identify (uses and gratification) with them. This is because stereotypically, females of the same age will be able to relate to each other as they will more than likely want to be informed (uses and gratification) of similar topics for experience, information and things to do e.g. fashion, music, education, etc. Similarly, males will identify (uses and gratification) with the voice of the young male used in the radio advertisement because they would stereotypically like the same things e.g. music, sports, etc. The conversation between the female and male will consist of the female informing (uses and gratification) the male of what she did over the weekend.

Page 2: Radio proposal

He will then go on to question her about how she found out about the activities/events/locations, in which she will reply ‘iLondon’. This concept will attract the target audience because it is a stereotypical representative of ‘normal life’. Young audiences are always informing (uses and gratification) their peers of what they got up to on the weekend, so this radio advertisement will reinforce the idea of this. It will be as though the target audience are simply hearing a conversation on the radio, allowing the target audience to relate to it. Following on, the conversation will then fade out. The target audience will then be informed (uses and gratification) by a new voice in the stereotypical radio style of the name of the regional magazine (iLondon), what the regional magazine is centred on, and where the target audience can purchase the regional magazine, etc. This section of the radio advertisement will conform to the stereotypical conventions of a radio advertisement in terms of the style.

The accompanying music will consist of an incidental score. This score will have an urban and uplifting feel, targeting our radio advertisement to the target audience of 15-25 year olds. Stereotypically, urban music is conventionally associated with a youthful audience, and is conventional of the genres of music that they would listen to e.g. pop and R’n’B. The target audience will be able to identify (uses and gratification) with the radio advertisement through the use of incidental music because it will almost be as though they are listening to a song; however, it will still inform (uses and gratification) the target audience of the purpose of the radio advert, and the product that is it advertising.


We have decided to distribute the radio advertisement in the summer months between July-October 2014. This is because it will inform (uses and gratification) the target audience that iLondon is available for them to buy now. We hope to use hypodermic needle so that when the target audience consume the radio advert, they will be instantly amazed by the new and innovative product, and therefore will go out and purchase the regional magazine.

Unique Selling Point (USP):

Our unique selling point is the fact that there is not yet a current and established London regional magazine targeted a youthful audience in the regional magazine market. Our target audience is 15-25 year olds. The unique selling point for our radio advertisement is that it will consist of a ‘casual conversation’ between stereotypical members of the target audience. This will therefore attract our target audience as they will be able to relate to it as they have experienced similar conversations between their friends in terms of informing (uses and gratification) their peers of what they got up to at the weekend.


At the moment, there is not an established London regional magazine that targets a youthful audience. However, Time Out is a London regional magazine that targets an older audience. Time Out is our biggest competition in terms of being a London regional magazine; however they do not have a current radio advertisement that actively advertises their regional magazine. Time Out targets an older audience, whereas we will be targeting a youthful audience.
