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Univerzitetna služba za evropske projekte




Odprte razpise H2020 najdete na povezavi: PARTICIPANT PORTAL CALL: CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR ERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANT Več informacij: Povezava Rok prijave: 9.2.2017 Opis:

ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal. Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 000 000 for a period of 5 years (The maximum award is reduced pro rata temporis for projects of a shorter duration. This does not apply to ongoing projects).

CALL: MSCA Innovative Training Networks (MSCA ITN) Več informacij: Povezava Rok prijave: 10.1.2017 Opis:

The Innovative Training Networks (ITN) aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit. ITN will raise excellence and structure research and doctoral training, extending the traditional academic research training setting, incorporating the elements of Open Science and equipping researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competences. It will provide enhanced career perspectives in both the academic and non-academic sectors through international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility combined with an innovation-oriented mind-set.

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ERASMUS+ Erasmus+ Programme - Call for Proposals 2017 Več informacij: Domača stran razpisa

Key Action 1

Mobility of individuals in the field of education and training 2 February 2017 Mobility of individuals in the field of youth 2 February 2017 Mobility of individuals in the field of youth 26 April 2017 Mobility of individuals in the field of youth 4 October 2017 Strategic European Voluntary Service projects 26 April 2017 Large-scale European Voluntary Service events 5 April 2017 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees 16 February 2017

Key Action 2

Strategic partnerships in the field of education and training 29 March 2017 Strategic partnerships in the field of youth 2 February 2017 Strategic partnerships in the field of youth 26 April 2017 Strategic partnerships in the field of youth 4 October 2017 Knowledge Alliances 28 February 2017 Capacity building in the field of higher education 9 February 2017 Capacity building in the field of youth 8 March 2017

Key Action 3

Meeting between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth

2 February 2017

26 April 2017

4 October 2017

Jean Monnet actions

Chairs, modules, centres of excellence, support to associations, networks, projects

23 February 2017

Sport actions

Collaborative partnerships 6 April 2017 Small collaborative partnerships 6 April 2017 Not-for-profit European sport events 6 April 2017

Vrednost razpisa:

• Education and training: EUR 1,905.4 million • Youth: EUR 209.1 million • Jean Monnet: EUR 10.8 million • Sport: EUR 31.8 million

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DRUGI EVROPSKI RAZPISI Internal Security Fund – Police: Call for proposals in the area of mobile criminality Več informacij: Spletna stran razpisa Rok prijave: 12.1.2016 Opis:

The present Call for Proposals aims at funding projects in the area of mobile criminality. Project applications must aim at boosting the operational activities of the law enforcement, with regard to the mobile nature of organised criminal groups. Project applications submitted under the present Call for Proposals must address at least one of the following priorities: 1. Organised property crime 2. Other criminal markets, including synergies between them, addressing the mobile nature of the phenomenon. Proposals consisting exclusively in studies and/or conferences will not be considered for funding under this Call for Proposals. Projects must be aiming to achieve one or more of the following operational outcomes: Priority 1 •Boost intelligence-led investigations, including cross-border investigations; Priority 2 •Develop detection and investigation methodologies tailored to the needs of different enforcement authorities (e.g. police, customs); •Enhance communication, coordination and cooperation between enforcement authorities and with relevant EU and international organisations and agencies such as Europol, Eurojust, Interpol, World Customs Organisation; •Develop training courses, including common events for police, customs and/or national competent authorities in the field of organised property crime; •Develop expertise and a strategic analysis of the phenomenon; •Gather statistics and intelligence for the purpose of threat and risk analysis tailored to the needs of different enforcement authorities (e.g. police, customs); •Explore and share good practices in investigating and prosecuting organised property crime cases; •Detect and analyse links with related areas of crime, such as corruption and illicit financial lows. Project applications must ensure complementarity with the EU Policy Cycle, in particular with activities funded by Europol.

Vrednost razpisa: 2,000,000 EUR INTERREG SLOVENIJA-HRVAŠKA_ 2. ROK Več informacij: Povezava Rok prijave: 14.11.2017 Opis:

Program sodelovanja Interreg SI – HR se financira iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj (ESRR) v okviru cilja evropskega teritorialnega sodelovanja. Predmet tega javnega razpisa je sofinanciranje projektov iz ESRR, ki učinkovito prispevajo k skupnemu cilju programa, ki je:

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razvoj trajnostnega, varnega in živahnega obmejnega območja s spodbujanjem pametnih pristopov k ohranjanju, mobilizaciji in upravljanju naravnih in kulturnih vrednot v korist ljudi, ki živijo in delajo ali obiskujejo območje. Drugi rok za predložitev vlog bo zaključen 14. novembra 2016 ob 12.00 uri. Za splošna vprašanja o javnem razpisu se obrnite na Tadeja Baškoviča (+386 1 400 3685). Za podrobnejše informacije o eMS pa pokličite +386 1 400 3409.


Razpis programa Erasmus+ 2017

Evropska komisija je objavila razpis za zbiranje predlogov za izvajanje programa Erasmus+ za leto 2017. V prihodnjem letu bo zanj na voljo 2,1 milijarde evrov. Sredstva so na voljo študentom, učiteljem, vajencem, prostovoljcem in mladim, ki sodelujejo pri športnih projektih, pa tudi podpori sodelovanja med izobraževalnimi institucijami, mladinskimi organizacijami in podjetji. Kot že do sedaj, bodo v letu 2017 prednost imeli projekti, ki spodbujajo socialno vključenost, sredstva pa bodo med drugim namenjena tudi evropski solidarnostni enoti. Projektne ponudbe za Erasmus + 11 potencialnih koordinatorjev bo v začetku novembra v Bruslju predstavilo svoje projektne ideje za prihajajoče razpise Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership and KA3 Policy reforms ali Horizon 2020. Predstavitev deluje na način, da samo organizacije, ki pravočasno pošljejo konkretno ponudbo za sodelovanje v projektih, lahko sodelujejo na presdtavitvi projektov. Zato vas prosimo, da ČIM PREJ sporočite katera projektna ideja bi vas zanimala in zakaj bi želeli sodelovati v projektu na naslov [email protected] Največ lahko izberete dva projekta. Platform Maker Education Europe - Waag Society

Project title Platform Maker Education Europe

Short summary of the project idea

Maker education is learning by making. It is a creative way of supporting children to become inventors, which stimulates children’s intellect, hands and hearts. Over the last couple of years, modern technologies have become cheaper and easily accessible.Today’s students and tomorrows citizens and employees will be able to use these technologies to develop and express their creativity. By connecting creativity and technology, children can construct their ideas and knowledge and develop into creative inventors and entrepreneurs. We are forming a European consortium of educators, makers and researchers that will allow schools to build maker spaces, test new curriculum and build new structures for collaboration in their region, that will allow maker education to grow locally, bottom up. Through research and experimentation we plan to further knowledge on the learning benefits of maker education and create new educational materials that teachers can use in their classes. The project will further develop and

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support international networks where knowledge, content (curriculum, projects, formats) and inspiration will be shared. Teacher training will be a key step in the project. To achieve sustainable results we want to enthuse teachers and train them in maker skills and design thinking for education.

Type of partners wanted? (type of organisation and expertise)

1. Universities with expertise in design thinking/pedagogy 2. Creative industries: maker spaces, designers, entrepreneurs

Which EU funding programme are you aiming for?

SC6 - Co-creation 1 Education and skills: empowering Europe’s young innovators

In which education field do you expect your project to have the biggest impact?

Secondary education

Your region and country

The Netherlands, Amsterdam

Past experience as a Project Leader in EU funded projects?

Yes, a.o. Making Sense, Apps for Europe, Trust me I'm an artist

Cognition & Inclusion - vzw den achtkanter Project title Cognition & Inclusion

Short summary of your project idea (10 lines)

An inclusive society adapts the environment physically and mentally to the disabled person, taking into account the 'disabilities' . Although this is a necessary condition, it is not a sufficient one. Also, the disabled person needs to (learn to) adapt to society, as this is an ever changing environment. This second condition addresses the 'abilities' and is necessary to promote learning potential, problem solving, self regulation,,... These 'cognitive' skills are the basis for being able to be the director of one's own live, to be independent, to be a full citizen who exercisez his rights,,... (Cognitive) methodologies within learning disabled (young) adults - although effective - are not well known, or are dealing with resistances based on beliefs that learning disabled people can't develop these skills (as an element of the 'mind set' of the one who supports the disabled person). This project wants to share practices and produce a compendium with cognitive approaches (goal 1), and wants to develop a tool to assess the 'mind set' of professionals to be used in all kind of HRM-applications (selection, training, evaluation,...).

Type of partners wanted? (type of organisation and expertise)

1. Organizations supporting learning disabled adults implementing (cognitive) methodologies to promote problem solving, taking initiative, learningpotential, independent living

2. VET - High School - University to develop tools to assess mind set.

Which EU funding programme are you aiming for?

Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnerships

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In which education field do you expect your project to have the biggest impact?

very broad : all education programmes related to professionals supporting the disabled and education programs for the disabled themselves.

Your region and country

Flanders, Belgium

Past experience as a Project Leader in EU funded projects?

Yes - actually coördinating TRIADE project (KA 2 -

Improving learning efficiency and effectiveness by smart design of learning pathways in higher education - PXL University College

Organisation PXL University College

Project title Improving learning efficiency and effectiveness by smart design of learning pathways in higher education

Short summary of your project idea (10 lines)

This project aims to 1) further our understanding of the potential of flexible learning pathways in distance education in higher education; 2) to explore smart design of innovative flexible learning pathways based upon these principles; and 3) share experiences and insights among the partners. We define ‘distance education’ as a way of education that at least 80% of instructional time consists of digital, work-based and/or informal learning activities. A maximum of 20% of learning happens in face-to-face activities. The ‘flexibility’ refers to learning-path independency with an emphasis on learning outcomes and (programmatic) assessment. Target audience of these programs are: working students, entrepreneurial/self-regulating students, students with special needs, students combining different programs, life-long learners in general, etc. The final goal is to improve learning efficiency and effectiveness.

Type of partners wanted? (type of organisation and expertise)

Universities or University colleges that: 1. Are located in a EU member state (other than Belgium) 2. Are already considering running pilots on the topic of flexible distance

education or have (a first experience) in this field 3. Are willing to innovate their existing programs on a short timeframe 4. Have specific expertise on at least one of these topics: flexible entry

procedures, assessment of prior knowledge and skills, flexible learning tracks, open education, rewarding informal learning activities, coaching, e-coaching, instructional design, blended learning, (programmatic) assessment, open badges, work-based learning, work-based coaching, portfolio’s

Employers with specific experience into work-based learning, coaching of working students and cooperation with universities/university colleges on coaching and assessment of working students.

Which EU funding programme are you aiming for?

Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Strategic partnership

In which education field do you expect your

Higher Education (cf. EU modernisation agenda for higher education)

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project to have the biggest impact?

Your region and country Limburg, Belgium

Developing new training approaches for people with mental disorders

Organisation INFREP

Project title Developing new training approaches for people with mental disorders

Short summary of the project idea

Vocational training centers often host learners with mental disorders which are not enough serious to be recognized as a mental disability but can still affect trainees’ ability to integrate a group of trainees and follow a training course. These problems can be very different: depression, addiction, concentration disorders, anxiety, phobias, and so on. Sometimes, this kind of mental disorders can seriously hinder the outcome of the training and of course, the trainee’s professional development. Detecting and evaluating them can be very difficult, especially when the trainee refuses to recognize to have a problem or openly opposes the trainer. Some trainers do not have enough knowledge or experience to cope with these situations; therefore, they are not always able to offer the best assistance and support to this kind of public. How to proceed then? Without transforming the trainer in a psychologist or psychiatric, the issue is to enhance collaborations with people/organisations working in the field of mental health in order to:

1. Detect these problems 2. Find out the proper way to approach the person in pain 3. Build up a training path adapted to the person, shared with the trainee,

while finding the best way to integrate him/her in the training group 4. Guarantee them a qualitative follow-up 5. Raise awareness among companies and help them to better host these

people This project could be implemented in the framework of a European consortium made up of partners who deal with the same issue, in order to share experiences, approaches and find out innovative solutions.

Type of partners wanted? (type of organisation and expertise)

Vocational training centers, education centers, private/public organisations or services working in the field of mental health, research institutions...

Which EU funding programme are you aiming for?


In which education field do you expect your project to have the biggest impact?

Vocational training

Your region and country Paris, France

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Past experience as a Project Leader in EU funded projects?


Supporting Transition towards Education Progression (STTEP) - Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAPWest)

Organisation Scottisch Wider Access Programme (SWAPWest)

Project title Supporting Transition towards Education Progression (STTEP)

Short summary of the project idea

The project will aim to sustain a key philosophy of widening access to education that an adult with no or few qualifications from school can develop skills to progress to and succeed in higher education. The project will identify and analyse the key competencies required for success for adults returning to education and with the aspiration to study at degree level. The project will consider innovative and sustainable resources that will: develop skills that will allow adults across a range of education providers to assess their progress from informal to formal education, evaluate skills with education progression opportunities, benchmarking the learner’s competencies against quality frameworks so that learning organisations and learners can articulate suitability for progression.

Type of partners wanted? (type of organisation and expertise)

Adult education and training organisations Colleges Universities

Which EU funding programme are you aiming for?

Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Strategic partnerships

In which education field do you expect your project to have the biggest impact?

Adult education College (vocational higher level qualifications) University and higher education Institutions

Your region and country Scotland

Past experience as a Project Leader in EU funded projects?

527914-LLP-1-2012-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Facilitating Opportunities using Role Models to Underpin Learning for Adults who are socially excluded GRP/12/001C Creating an Adult Support Platform and Network (CASPAN) 2010-1-LV1-GRU06-00905 2 A Community Approach to Engaging Disadvantaged Adults through Tourism (COMTOUR) 2009-1-GB2-GRU06-017121 ALSEEDA Addressing Low Self-Esteem and Exclusion in Disadvantaged Adults

Capacity building in sustainable tourism opportunities in protected areas - Hasselt University

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Organisation Hasselt University – Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) – Centre for Travel & Tourism Research

Project title Capacity building in sustainable tourism opportunities in protected areas (working title)

Short summary of the project idea

The premise of this proposal is to provide an exciting and innovative vocational training programme for protected areas staff and associated stakeholders across Europe. If not managed properly, tourism and recreation can impact negatively on both the natural environment and local communities. Although ‘sustainable tourism’ is now recognised as the prevalent model for managing tourism in protected areas, this is not a subject area familiar to many of the individuals on whom we rely to look after our protected areas. This project will develop the skills and competences of individuals working in and around Europe’s protected areas by providing access to high quality vocational training in sustainable tourism development. The project will offer blended learning opportunities by combining face-to-face training (in selected locations around Europe) with online learning via a MOOC. Tutorials and workshops led by experts from across Europe will compliment peer learning through the exchanging of ideas and best practices.

Type of partners wanted? (type of organisation and expertise)

We are looking for both academic and non-academic partners from across Europe who can assist in the design and delivery of the training curriculum. We are particularly seeking partners with expertise/examples of best practice in:

• (Sustainable) tourism within protected areas, including visitor management techniques in sensitive areas; interpretation (i.e. communicating the area to visitors); conservation volunteering

• Marketing & communicating ‘sustainability’ • Environmental management & monitoring for SMEs (e.g. reducing energy

usage/renewable energy (buildings), carbon emission, waste & pollution reduction

• Sustainable construction • Sense of place/local distinctiveness • Stakeholder engagement/community outreach

Which EU funding programme are you aiming for?

Erasmus+ Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training and youth

In which education field do you expect your project to have the biggest impact?

Vocational training

Your region and country


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Past experience as a Project Leader in EU funded projects?

Yes. Hasselt University has an extensive international network and actively participates in EU and international research and educational programmes. The university participates in several EU funded research and education projects, including Erasmus+. Currently, Hasselt University is managing Erasmus+ mobility projects (both within programme countries and international credit mobility projects) as well as a strategic partnership project. Furthermore, the university is involved in many other Erasmus+ projects as partner. In the previous years, Hasselt University has been coordinating other Erasmus+ and LLP projects as well. IMOB itself also has previous experience of EU funded projects (e.g. H2020, COST) both as a leader and partner.

Experimental digilab - University of Jyväskylä

Organisation University of Jyväskylä

Project title Experimental Digilab

Short summary of the project idea

The most important denominator for the work in the future is diverse, wide-ranging and continuous learning that has changed from individual learning to collaborative actions, and taking advantage of even more strongly a variety of ICT applications and services. In the future, we are not working in one place only. Therefore, the necessary entities, applications and data has to be available everywhere. There is need for a network-based sharing and collaborating services, where work is done genuinely and interactively together. Also, learning in the future is more and more related to workplaces and provided in online. There for, educational organizations have to provide more effective and more diverse learning opportunities and methods. We are already seeing the need for a new kind of multi-sectoral know-how, combined with expertise in the ICT as well as some other field of substance. Know-how and expertise in various fields has to be combined to create new kinds of skills through networking. Experts in various fields just have to be found and brought together. Goals of the Experimental digilab project is to 1) develop models for collaborative work based on practical experiments in online environments; models that can be utilized in the future work and also in formal education. In addition, the aim of the project is to 2) model the new types of skill profiles, as well as to design educational models to enable these kind of new profiles. The project aims for development of service innovations in cooperation with educational institutions and companies. Collaboration in the development of digitalisation and information work between business life, higher education and vocational education creates better conditions for the emergence of new knowledge and skills. At best, Experimental digilab can act as a breeding ground for innovation and create new international business opportunities

Type of partners wanted? (type of organisation and expertise)

Partners involved: University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä Educational Consortium, and The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment in Central Finland

Which EU funding programme are you aiming for?

Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships

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In which education field do you expect your project to have the biggest impact?

Higher Education and vocational education

Your region and country Central Finland

Past experience as a Project Leader in EU funded projects?

Several projects related to learning and ICT

Marketable skills through teaching vocational contents in foreign languages - Government of Catalonia

Organisation Government of Catalunya

Project title Marketable skills through teaching vocational contents in foreign languages

Short summary of the project idea

“Objectives: 1. To stress the need to master foreign languages as a key competence to foster employability in all VET sectors. 2. To highlight the importance of developing intercultural competences as European citizens working in a global market. 3. To help teachers foster critical thinking skills through their teaching practices. 4. To disseminate and exchange innovative methodologies and approaches in the VET teaching and learning context done in a foreign language. 5. To define assessment strategies and use different tools for assessment of the competences to be acquired by VET learners (digital, social, linguistic, contents) 6. To use Web 2.0 Tools and apps not only for the purpose of engaging learners but also, for the opportunities they offer with regards to sharing knowledge and good teaching and learning practices among teachers all over Europe, especially in those regions with fewer resources. 7. To improve teacher training programmes by teaching trainers how to use the many available tools effectively. 8. To enhance mutual trust amongst vocational schools and institutions for further future mobility projects. Activities 1. Open online course on CLIL methodology and creation of materials. 2. Creation of a sustainable European Platform of teachers and vocational schools for the exchange of good practices and materials for CLIL vocational lessons. 3. Creation of a forum which enables vocational teachers to get in contact with other teachers within their subject area with the purpose of sharing and exchanging material. Project Results/ Educational outcomes: 1. Open online course on CLIL methodology and creation of materials.

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2. Creation of a sustainable European Platform of teachers and vocational schools for the exchange of good practices and materials for CLIL vocational lessons. 3. Creation of a forum which enables vocational teachers to get in contact with other teachers within their subject area with the purpose of sharing and exchanging material."

Type of partners wanted? (type of organisation and expertise)

Enthusiastic, e.g. technology and piloting partners, but other actors from the field as well

Which EU funding programme are you aiming for?

Erasmus+ Key Action 2

In which education field do you expect your project to have the biggest impact?


Your region and country Catalonia

Past experience as a Project Leader in EU funded projects?

Yes, Erasmus+, Leonardo, etc.

School prevention of Salafist attitudes - State Institute of School Development, Stuttgart Organisation State Institute of School Development, Stuttgart

Project title School prevention of Salafist attitudes

Short summary of the project idea

The State Institute for School Development Stuttgart (“Landesinstitut für Schulentwicklung”) is currently working on a project on the prevention of Salafist indoctrination of students. The project is carried out in cooperation with the State Institute for Political Education (“Landeszentrale für politische Bildung”) and examines the question as to how educators can contribute to the prevention of antidemocratic views as well as attitudes of group-focused enmity. A council of experts from various backgrounds (e.g. scholars of Islamic Studies, extremist prevention experts etc.) takes also part in the project. In August 2016 a handbook for teachers was published which gives an introduction to the complex field of school prevention of Salafist attitudes (available for download under The project team is currently collecting good-practice examples from schools and seeks to develop lesson units and study material so that students can analyze and discuss these topics in class (subjects: political science, history, religious studies, ethics/philosophy). Our project aims at building a European network of institutions involved in the prevention of the development of Salafist attitudes among young people. Our approach is holistic and based on the concept of universal prevention, which focuses on creating an atmosphere of belonging for all, social and cultural inclusion, intercultural and interreligious learning, antiracist school development and a close cooperation between schools with other institutions in the community. Through a cross-European cooperation and an exchange of experience, expertise

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and good-practice examples the participating partners can learn from and inspire each other and gain a European perspective on the topic. In the course of the project innovative prevention concepts for schools and support and care networks for school communities should be developed together. Study material that allows the discussion of violent extremism with learners should be also developed as well as guidelines that help create a school climate that is inclusive and conducive to respectful dialogue, open discussion and critical thinking

Type of partners wanted? (type of organisation and expertise)

Which EU funding programme are you aiming for?

Erasmus+ KA 2

In which education field do you expect your project to have the biggest impact? School education

Your region and country Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Past experience as a Project Leader in EU funded projects?

Yes (Erasmus+)

PONUDBE ZA PROJEKTNA PARTNERSTVA Slovaška ponudba za sodelovanje na projektnem predlogu za razpis ICT-19-2017 Media and Content

Convergence. We plan to submit proposal

COMPACT: FROM RESEARCH TO POLICY THROUGH RAISING AWARENESS AND STATE OF THE ART ON RESEACH ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA AND CONVERGENCE Within HORIZON2020 Call: Media and content convergence · Facilitate research and policy exchange in Convergence and Social Media by: increasing awareness of the latest technological developments among policy stakeholders, making researchers aware of the current and future policy and regulatory framework and monitoring the state of the art of the European Media and Content sector in a digital single market. · Support R&D programmes/activities, dissemination of results and organisation of scientific and/or policy events in Convergence and Social Media. Analysis and development of research agendas and roadmaps, pre-standardisation initiatives and stakeholders coordination in Convergence and Social Media. · We are working on draft of the proposal. If this topic is of your interest, please do not hesitate to contact us: Dr. Andrej Skolkay, [email protected] The School of Communication and Media, n.o. (SKAMBA) is a research establishment founded in Slovakia in 2008. SKAMBA´s mission is to provide high quality in-depth research on issues related to communication and media, as well as courses, seminars and lectures mainly related to the dissemination of research results.

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It focuses particularly on the areas of mass media communication and the functions and interactions of the media in a liberal democracy. SKAMBA has so far been involved in two major FP7 research projects (MEDIADEM, ANTICORRP) and some medium sized international scientific or educational projects (e.g. Media Plurality Monitor, EMEDUS, NewMedLit, the deterrence of fraud related to EU funds through investigative journalism in EU-27, and Hungarian Media Laws in Europe). SKAMBA has experts who work for major media in Slovakia. We closely cooperate with the Slovak Section of the Association of European Journalists. SKAMBAactivities are funded by international and local research, educational and dissemination grants. Its organisational structure consits of boar of trustees, director, supervisor and staff. Ponudba hrvaškega podjetja za skupno prijavo na razpis MSCA ITN in MSCA RISE

Več informacij boste našli v priponki. OBZORJE2020: Ponudba za sodelovanje na projektnih predlogih na odprtih razpisih: H2020 uses

cases offer for IoT-03 and EUB-02 Dear colleagues, CSTB - the French Scientific and Technical Centre for Buildings - is offering one or several uses cases in smart-buildings for IoT-03 and EUB-02 topics. If your clients are interested with this offer, please contact them directly. CSTB - the French Scientific and Technical Centre for Buildings - - is interested to join forces to participate in a proposal for the upcoming H2020 calls IoT-03 and / or EUB-02. Our aim through those calls is to: 1) Get involved in the existing IoT platforms mentioned in the call text (i.e. Fi-WARE, CRYSTAL or SOFIA) 2) Provide our expertise to push forward construction / smart building related use cases exploiting this platform The CSTB Information Technologies Directorate has a strong expertise in BIM (Building Information Model) and also developed a framework for creating smart building applications which has been released open source at Our teams also have a wide experience with EU projects and are willing to contribute to writing the proposal. Contact : Regis DECORME ([email protected]) & Alain ZARLI ([email protected]) Kind regards, Claire

Claire Ferté Chef de projet – PCN TIC Service Pôles de compétitivité et partenariat technologique Tél. : + 33(0)1 40 73 36 73 Mail : [email protected] Twitter: @BF_P2C

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NOVICE Obzorje 2020 - Javno posvetovanje do 15. januarja 2017

Obveščamo vas, da je Generalni direktorat EK za raziskave in inovacije pričel z javnim posvetovanjem zainteresiranih strani v okviru vmesne ocene programa Obzorje 2020. To vmesno vrednotenje bo pomagalo izboljšati delovanje programa Obzorje 2020, in bo hkrati pomemben element pri pripravi naslednjih programov za inovacije raziskave EU. Posvetovanje bo potekalo do 15. januarja 2017. Vaše povratne informacije so za Evropsko komisijo zelo pomembne zato vas vabim k sodelovanju pri posvetovanju. Vprašalnik je na voljo na naslednji povezavi: Objava novice: New Hyperion Horizon 2020 Online Material

It is suitable for researchers who are new to Horizon 2020 and who want to learn the basics. The video will also help newcomers to identify webpages where they can find relevant information. To view the video, please go to There is no password needed to access the video. OBZORJE2020: EDGE COFUND PROGRAMME - seeking international expert reviewers!

Call for Expert Reviewers in ICT and Materials =================================== EDGE is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) on the COFUND programme for postdoctoral fellowships, part-funded by the EU H2020 research and innovation programme grant agreement No. 713567, and part funded by three Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centres. We are currently seeking expert reviewers to conduct remote evaluation of post-doctoral Fellowship research proposals in the period December 1st 2016 – January 31st 2017. Specific research topics used to match experts to proposals are listed below. Reviewers will be entitled to claim €25 per evaluation, and may be selected for up to a maximum of 10 reviews. Future Networks & Communications (the CONNECT Centre) - 5G & Beyond 5G - Creative Practices for Future Networks & Communications Devices - Communication Systems - Photonics for Communication - Wireless & Optical Networks - Internet-of-Things - Microelectronics for Communications - Network Management - RF Design & Antennas - Sensors & Sensor Networks - Signal Processing for Communications

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- Software & Cognitive Radio - Thermal Management - Economics Policy & Regulation for Communications Digital Content & Media Technologies (the ADAPT Centre) - Security & Privacy - Natural Language Processing & Social Media Analysis - Personalisation & Adaptive Web - Localisation & Machine Translation - Linked Data Management & Mapping - Recommendation Systems & Machine Learning - Data Protection & Policy Based Management - Speech Analysis & Understanding - Multimodal Interaction - Graphics for facial animation & perception - Data Privacy & Ethics - Search & Information Retrieval - Image & Video Processing - Artificial Intelligence techniques in Digital Media Advanced Materials and Bioengineering (the AMBER Centre) - 2D Materials - Networks and Interfaces in Physical Materials - Biomaterials - Chemistry - Membrane Science - Microscopy - Theory & Modelling - Advanced Manufacturing - Polymer Materials - Self-assembly and surface patterning - Toxicology & Nanosafety - New Materials and Processes for ICT - Advanced Materials for Photonics - Bioengineering & Therapeutics Reviewer Eligibility Expert reviewers must be independent peer researchers residing in countries outside Ireland and without any conflict of interest. Specifically: - Reviewers must have a high level of expertise in one or more of the above topics. Indicators are peer-reviewed publications, research funding awards in relevant scientific areas, applied for and obtained patents etc. - Reviewers must be residing outside of Ireland and must not have direct relationships with to any of the three SFI Centres - Reviewers may not have a Conflict of Interest affecting their reviews.

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If you are interested in participating, please email [email protected] with your name, current situation (residence and employment) and topics you would be willing to evaluate. Alternatively you can complete the EOI form, link from Poziv za zbiranje projektov za Evropsko nagrado za digitalne spretnosti 2016 (European Digital Skills

2016) Do 30. oktobra Evropska komisija zbira predloge projektov, ki spodbujajo ljudi, da izboljšajo svoje digitalne spretnosti. Nagrado za evropske digitalne spretnosti 2016 (European Digital Skills Award 2016) lahko pričakujejo partnerji v projektih, ki lahko spodbudijo druge, da bodo izvedli podobne ukrepe povsod po Evropi. Napredek, dosežen s projekti, mora biti merljiv, drugi temeljni pogoj pa je, da je ukrepe mogoče izvesti kjerkoli v Evropi in v katerem koli sektorju. Nagrado lahko dobijo partnerji projektov ne glede na to, kje so jih izvedli oziroma jih izvajajo in ne glede na tip organizacij, ki so vključene. Na voljo so nagrade v štirih kategorijah. Prva je digitalne spretnosti za vse, druga je digitalne spretnosti za delovno silo. Tretja nagrada je za več in bolje usposobljene izvedence za informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo v Evropi in peta za digitalne spretnosti v izobraževanju. Projekte je mogoče prijaviti z izpolnitvijo obrazca, ki je na voljo na spletu. Strokovna žirija bo pri ocenjevanju upoštevala vpliv, ki ga je dosegel posamezni projekt, sinergije med vpletenimi različnimi deležniki, možnost za reproduciranje in učinkovitost projekta. Koristne informacije:

• Obrazec za prijavo projekta: •

• Sporočilo z informacijami za prijavo projektov: Projekt Fluidglass – okno lahko postane tudi ogrevalna in hladilna naprava na sončno energijo

Partnerji v evropskem projektu Fluidglass razvijajo inovativno rešitev, ki bi omogočila, da bi lahko uporabljali sončno energijo s pomočjo oken. Iščejo rešitev, da bi okna v prihodnosti lahko uporabili za ogrevanje in hlajenje prostorov. Rešitev vidijo v tem, da bi oknom, ki so zdaj narejena iz dveh ali treh plasti stekla, dodali dodatni plasti, ki bi bila tekočina. Plasti tekočine bi dodali na notranji in zunanji strani. Dodatna plast na zunanji strani okna bi bila namenjena sončnim žarkom, vsebovala bi nanodelce, ki bi vpijali sončno energijo in filtrirali svetlobo. Notranja plast, ki je lahko hladna ali topla glede na potrebe, bi zagotavljala toploto ali hlajenje, da bi v prostoru temperatura bila ustrezna za delo in bivanje. Vodo bi v ti dve novi plasti dodajali s kroženjem, zato bi temperaturo sproti prilagajali. Okno, ki je videti kot običajno okno, lahko postane zbiralec sončne energije, če bodo raziskovalci projekta Fluidglass našli želeno rešitev. Projekt so začeli izvajati septembra 2013 in se izteče avgusta 2017.

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Slika 1: Prestavitev prototipa novega okna

Vir: Spletna stran projekta Fluidglass Koristne informacije:

• Spletna stran projekta Fluidglass: •

Razpis v okviru Instrumenta za povezovanje Evrope – CEF za financiranje ključne prometne

infrastrukture v EU Evropska komisija je objavila razpis za zbiranje predlogov projektov v okviru Instrumenta za povezovanje Evrope (Connecting Europe Facility - CEF) za financiranje ključne prometne infrastrukture v EU. Na voljo je 1,9 milijarde evrov, od tega je 1,1 milijarde evrov rezerviranih za 15 držav članic, ki so upravičene do sredstev iz Kohezijskega sklada. Med temi džavami je tudi Slovenija. Tokrat bo prvič 40 milijonov evrov namenjenih tudi infrastrukturnim projektom, ki EU povezujejo s sosednjimi državami. Informativni dan o razpisu bo 25. Oktobra v Bruslju. Evropska komisija pojasnjuje, da je tudi pri letošnjem razpisu poudarek na inovativnem prometu, kar pomeni, da išče inovativne projekte, ki bodo omogočli izboljšanje promene varnosti in bolj zeleni transport, izboljšanje učinkovitosti transporta ter čezmejne povezave. Prvič pa je na voljo denar (110 milijonov evrov) za manjše čezmejne projekte, katerih namen je povezovanje regij. Rok za oddajo projektov je 7. februar 2017. Kateri projekti bodo izbrani, bo znano poleti 2017. Na podlagi razpisa, ki je bil objavljen leta 2014, je bilo izbranih 263 projektov, za katere EU prek Intrumenta CEF prispeva 12,8 milijarde evrov. Na podlagi lanskega razpisa je bilo izbranih 195 projektov, za katere bo EU prek instrumenta CEF prispevala 6,7 milijarde evrov. Koristne informacije:

• Spletna stran razpisa:

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• Spletna stran za registracijo za udeležbo na informativnem dnevu: •

Projekt Open-Bio kot primer, kako je projekte mogoče povezovati in nadgrajevati Raziskovalci v okviru evropskega projekta Open-Bio so razvili metode in definicije, na podlagi katerih bo mogoče določiti standarde, ki bodo kupcem omogočili, da bodo lažje prišli do informacij, kaj pomeni, da je izdelek biološko razgradljiv, da ga je mogoče reciklirati, v kolikšenm delu je narejen iz biomase. Raziskava, ki so jo naredili v šestih državah, je pokazala, da si ljudje zelo različno predstavljajo, kaj pomeni trditev, da je določen izdelek biološki, okolju prijazen ali ga je mogoče kompostirati. Projekt Open-Bio je nadgradnja prejšnjega projekta, katerega cilj je bil razviti standardizirane metode za testiranje bioloških izdelkov. Open-Bio je te standarde nadgradil in preizkusil še nekaj novih. Izvajalci projekta so razvili tudi bazo podatkov za javno naročanje. To bazo bodo nadgradili z novim projektom InnProBio, ki so ga začeli izvajati marca 2015. Standardizirane metode za testiranje bioloških izdelkov pa bodo nadgradili z novim projektom Star4BBI, ki so ga začeli izvajati septembra 2016. Pri tem projektu se ne bodo osredotočili na končni izdelek, ampak na posamezne faze izdelave. Koristne informacije:

• Spletna stran projekta Open-Bio: • • Spletna stran projeta InnProBio: • • Spletna stran projekta Star4BBI: •

Poročilo o rezultatih naložb EU v okviru kohezijske politike v obdobju 2007-2013

Evropska komisija je objavila rezultate ocene naložb EU v okviru kohezijske politike v obdobju 2007–2013 skupaj s poročili za posamezne države članice. Ocenjevalci ugotavljajo, da je bilo 11 odstotkov ali skoraj 29 milijard evrov sredstev Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj (ESRR) za obdobje 2007–2013 porabljenih za projekte razvoja mest in socialne infrastrukture. V oceni je bilo ugotovljeno, da bi bilo učinek naložb EU na tem področju mogoče povečati z oblikovanjem celostnih strategij za prenovo mest in socialne projekte z večjo udeležbo lokalnih deležnikov in upravičencev skladov. Slovenija je v obdobju 2007–2013 iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in Kohezijskega sklada prejela 3,3 milijarde evrov sredstev, ki so bila porabljena zlasti za naložbe na področju raziskav in inovacij, okolja ter prometa in infrastrukture. S podporo EU je bilo ustvarjenih 5.900 novih delovnih mest, od tega 890 v turizmu. 73.000 ljudi je dobilo dostop doširokopasovne povezave, financirani pa so bili 504 raziskovalni projekti. Zgrajenih je bilo 60 kilometrov novih cest, obnovljenih pa za 90 kilometrov železnic. Na okoljskem področju je Slovenija zmanjšala izpuste toplogrednih plinov za 56.000 ton. Graf 1: Delež financiranja iz kohezijske politike glede na znesek investicij vlade v programskem obdobju od leta 2007 do 2013

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Vir: Poročilo Koristne informacije:

• Spletna stran s povezavo na poročilo: •

JAVNA POSVETOVANJA Obveščamo vas, da je Evropska komisija v preteklem tednu objavila načrte (roadmaps) iz naslednjih področij evropskih politik:

• Food Safety • Public Health

Initiative to limit industrial trans fats intakes in the EU Vsi obstoječi načrti so na voljo na naslednji povezavi: Evropska komisija je odprla javna posvetovanja z naslednjih področij:

• Employment and Social Affairs Open public consultation for the mid-term evaluation of the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

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OBZORJE2020 Transport - enodnevni seminar 10.11.2016 v Novem mestu V okviru letošnje konfrence Transport and research in the Danube region (Novo mesto, 9.11.2016) je ETNA2020 ponudila izvedbo seminarja z naslovom "Kako sodelovati na razpisih OBZORJA". Seminar je v prvi vrsti namenjen tistim, ki se šele pripravljajo na soočenje z izzivi OBZORJA. Število udeležencev je omejeno na 40, zaradi česar priporočam, da zainteresirani pohitite s prijavo na: Ob tej priložnosti naj vas še enkrat spomnim, da so odprte prijave na zgoraj omenjeno konferenco in sicer na povezavi: Lepe pozdrave, dr. Fedor ČERNE sekretar Služba za mednarodno sodelovanje Nacionalna kontaktna točka za področje raziskav v prometu v okvirnem programu EU OBZORJE 2020 Namestnik koordinatorja prednostnega področja 1B EUSDR Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo Langusova 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Republika Slovenija Tel: +386 1 478 8319 | Fax: +386 1 478 81 41 OBZORJE2020: Informativni dan za razpise Obzorja 2020 (FOF 12, ICT 5 & ICT 31), Bruselj, 2. december 2016 We are kindly inviting you to participate in the Horizon 2020 Calls Info Day: ICT INNOVATION FOR MANUFACTURING SMES INITIATIVES, CUSTOMISED AND LOW ENERGY COMPUTING and MICRO- AND NANOELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGIES, to be held on 2 December 2016, in Brussels. The Info Day will cover the information about new calls within Horizon 2020. Participants will get the occasion to present their proposal ideas and to network with other participants. The objective of the day will be to inform the participants about the H2020 ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs I4MS (FOF-12-2017), Customised and low energy computing (including Low power processor technologies) (ICT-5-2017) and Micro- and nanoelectronics technologies (ICT-31-2017). Participants will get the occasion to present their proposal ideas for these topics and to network with other participants. In addition it will be possible to ask questions to Commission staff about proposal ideas. Please visit the event WEBSITE for more information and the draft agenda. We look forward to meeting you in Brussels during the event. With kind regards, The organising team European Commission

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DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology Unit A2 – Technologies & Systems for Digitising Industry

BU33 01 B-1149 Brussels/Belgium Follow us on Twitter: @DigIndEU Visit our website: Digitising European Industry ICT for Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage: Horizon 2020 Information and Networking Day The Information and Networking Day for the topics ICT-20-2017: "Tools for smart digital content in the creative industries" and CULT-COOP-09-2017: "European cultural heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past" aims at helping participants to better understand the work programme and criteria for the evaluation of proposals, to facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences, and to meet potential partners for project consortia. In this event you will:

Be informed on the details of the work programme and proposal preparation by the European Commission staff

Have a public question and answer session Have networking activities including 5 min. pitch talks of the participants

More Information and Registration International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing Lizbona, oktober 20. – 22. 2016, Več informacij tukaj Public Hearing on Personal Pensions: Towards a pan-European pension product? Bruselj, oktober 24. 2016, Več informacij tukaj Fair and Sustainable Taxation in the EU Bruselj, oktober 25. 2016, Več informacij tukaj Public hearing on the Review of the EU Macro-prudential framework Bruselj, november 07. 2016, Več informacij tukaj ICTurkey 2016: International Brokerage Event Istanbul, november 30. 2016, Več informacij tukaj
