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Reading practice created by students of

Actividades Comerciales 1, cpifp Los Enlaces


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Olivia from the United States

Hi! I´m ffrom Santa Monica in Caliform¡nia. I´m interested in music. I like rap and hip hop, and my favourite singers are 50 Cent and Eminem. My favourite TV programmes are American Idol and The Wimpsons. They´re excellent.

Becky and Matt from Great Britain

Hello! My name´s Becky, and Matt is my brother. We´re from London, and athletics. I´m a Chelsea fan, but Matt prefers Arsenal.His favourite player is Jose Antonio Reyes.

Mo Yan from Australia

Hi! My parents are from China, but we´re now in Sydney, Australia. Is interesting, especially the animals, but the food isn´t good. I prefer Chinese or Italian food. The beaches here are fantastic and surfing is very popular. I´m interested in surfing, but I´m not very good.


Where is Olivia from? Which football teams are Becky and Matt fans of? What is Olivia interested in? Are Moyan´s parents from China?

Asmae el baarar

FOOD FOR LIFEIn Europe, food isn´t usually a problem. People in Britain eat a lot: every week a typical family eats six kilos of meat, two kilos of pasta and two and a half kilos of potatoes. Sam Wilson and his family buy food at the shops. “When I´m hungry”, says Sam, “I sometimes go to a café for

a hamburger or a pizza”.

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Noyremu is from the Kayapo tribe in Brazil. He´s hunting for food in the Amazon jungle. He hunts for food every day because there aren´t any shop here. He is 400 kilometres from a café or a restaurant. Noyremu soon finds something. He´s got some insects – these are popular snacks for the Kayapo tribe. He also finds some fish in the river and some fruiton the tres. In the village, Noyremu´s wife os making a special dinner for the family. She is cooking monkey meat and vegetables. There is a lot of food in the jungle. In some countries, things are different. In Ethiopia, for example, Diri Teshale and her family eat cereals, but they never eat meat and they don´t eat many vegetables. There isn´t much food or water, and some days they don´t eat anything. For the Teshale family, finding foods is not fun- it is survival.

Questions¿?1. Where is Noyremu from?

2. What does Sam say?

3. What do the families eat in Ethiopia?

4. Find a synonym of market

By: Sonia Mairal Castellor

Twinsburg twins festivalTwinsburg is a small town in Ohio in the United States of America.

Normally it is quiet , but every year in August there is a special festival in the town :

The twins feswtival.

Twins from the usa and from many other countries go to the festival.

This year there are 400 people at the festival in twinsburg . some of the twins are 70 days old ,and some of them are 70 years olod .some of the twins are identical , and others look completely different. Brothers and sisters here have got identical clothes.

Lauren and amy shaw are twuelve years old and they are twin sisters.

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They live in Chicago but they go to twinsburg every year with their parents . we ´we got friends here now´says lauren .¨I love it¨,amy also likes the festival .

It is fantastic she says .

I like the festival because there are different activities every day.

In the evening we go to the twins ´ talents show-it is a big party!

Elena López

When is twinsburg twins festival ?

Why is the festival famous for?

Which activities can be done at the festival?

Where do people go in the evenings?

Find a synonym for equal.

Actors grow up!Did you see the first Harry Potter film in 2001? Now, Harry, Hermione and Ron are growing up- and the actors are growing up too. Life became very different for the three young actors Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. Suddenly, they became famous. They started Working with great film directors, and they met a lot of famous actors. They won prizes, and appeared on TV chat shows. They grew up in front of the cameras.

How was life Dan, Emma, and Rupert before the Harry Potter films? Dan was born in 1989, and he went to

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school near London. He loved acting, and he got his first job in a television film in 2000. When Dan became Harry Potter he didn´t have time to go to school, so he had a personal teacher. When he was young, Dan liked football and rock music. Now he plays the bass guitar. Rupert Grint was born in 1988. He’s got three sisters, one brother and two dogs. Rupert didn´t leave school when he started acting. He likes music, and he also plays the guitar. Before he acted in the harry Potter films, Rupert was frightened of spiders!

Emma Watson was born near Oxford in 1990. She lived in France for five years with her parents and her brother. Later, she returned to England. Emma won a poetry prize when she was seven years old. She also enjoyed acting at school. Now, Emma studies English, history and art. She plays hockey and tennis too.

Questions¿? When was Rupert Grint born? How many brothers and sisters has Emma Watson got? What is the real name of Harry Potter? What did Emma Watson win? Find an antonym for behind By: Alejandro Rubio

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My name is Dan, and I go to King´s Manor Second

School in North London. There

Are five classes every dayweStart al half past eight, and our First class in the morning is Personal, Health and Social Education (PHSE). We study This subject with our class tutor, Mr Andrews. We finish school At three o´clock, but I do Homework every day, normally For about an hour. The food in the canteen isn´t great.Today it´s curry- Yuk! I prefer Sandwiches, and there are also Machines if you want drink, crips or Chocolate.

What does the protagonist eat?

What is his name?

What must be worn at school?

Silvia Lafuente

The rules here are strict and

Sometimesthe head teacher excludes aBad student from school for one or two Days. The uniform is obligatory, but IThink it´s Ok, except the blue and yellow tie!Our school subjects aren`t very Exciting. At myFriend´s school they Study graphic design, Food technology andDrama. I think those Are really interesting Subjects.

King´s Manor Secondary School

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Talking about ShakiraShakira is from Columbia. Her Birthday is on February 2nd. Her mother is Columbian and her father is Lebanese. She has got brown hair and brown eyes. She is a singer and she sings in English and Spanish. She is a good dancer too. She likes all types of music and her favourite English group is The Beatles. She likes the sea.She goes on tour all over the world. She lives in Miami and she is Alejandro Sanz’s neighbor. Miami is a big city in the south east of the USA. Miami has got beaches, museums, a zoo and a port.

Where was she born?When is her birthday?What is her favorite band?Where does she live?Find two languages?

José Antonio Pérez Martín

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NEIGHBOURHOODThis is my town Grenton. In my town, there is a big block of flats, where I live. Next to my flat there is a modern cinema is a café. In Front of the café there is a small terrace and the town square. There is a bank apposite the cinema and a new supermarket too. In the middle of the square there is an old statue. There are some benches in the town square too where I meet my friend. Behind the café there is an enormous park with grass and trees. There is a canal next to the supermarket. There aren´t any new shopping centres in my town.

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1.Where is the statue?2. When did they make the film?3. Which is the name of the square?4. How big is the space?5. Find a synonym for huge.


DAVID BECKHAMDavid Beckham is from London, England,but he lives in Los Angeles. His full name is David Robert Joseph Beckham. His brithday in2 nd May. He is blonde with blue eyes.He is a famous footballer . He plays football very well. He is very popular.His parent’s names are Sandra and Ted. His sisters are called Joanne and Lynne.Victoria Adams is his wife. Their three children are called Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz. They also have two dogs named Snoop and Puffy.

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Pili Sarasa

1- Where do you live David Beckan ? Traducida ¿Dónde vive David Beckan?

2- What is his full name?

3- When is his birthdays ?

4- How many children has he got?

5- Find a synonym for “football player” in the text.

Here are there striking images from three of the world´s best photographers. If you want to take great photos, you´ll need more tan a good camera…

A good eye

When photographer Finbarr O´Reilly was working in Niger, he saw a woman was waiting patiently for food when she looked at the camera. The photo is simple, but it´s also moving because we can see the woman´s dignity and understands her situation. Her eyes are striking, and the detail of the baby´s hand is very powerful.

Patience and persistence

Wildlife specialist Steve Bloom was feeling tired and sick when he captured this dramatic image. He spent sixteen days in a small boat near the coast of South Africa because he knew that great White sharks were hunting in the area. When a shark finally appeared, he was waiting. Everything happened very quickly. The shark disappeared in a second, and this was the only perfect picture after more than two weeks ‘work.


Fantastic Photos

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Go to a spots even if you´re looking for spontaneous, exciting photos.

Lucy Nicholson took this photo when she was watching the finals of the NBA Westerns Conference Finals. It was a tense game andthe players were concentrating very hard as the ball balance don the basket. The photo is dramatic and colourful. It is also different from most basketball photos because Lucy took her photo from an unusual angle.


1. Where did the photographer O´Reily take the photo?2. Which animal appeared near the coast of South Africa?3. How much did Steve Bloom wait to take the Photo?4. What sport is in Lucy Nicholson photo?5. Find a synonym for Exhausted. JESUS BORAU

THE POWER OF A PHOTOGRAPHSteve McCurry is a photographer and photo-journalist, who has won many prizes for his pictures and articles. In 1984 he was travelling in Afghanistan and Pakistan. There was a war in Afghanistan at the time and families were trying to escape to safer places. Steve wanted to show people the effects of war, and he was taking photos in a refugee camp

when he saw a twelve-year-old girl. Her expression was very striking, and Steve asked if he could photograph her.

Steve`s photo of the girl appeared on the cover of National Geographic. It became one of the most powerful photos in the history of the magazine. The girl’s beautiful green eyes stared out of the world, frightened and defiant. Her face became a moving anti-war symbol, and some people who saw the photo went to work in Afghanistan to help children


Steve McCurry never forgot the girl. He didn’t know her name. He only knew that she was an orphan. Steve often returned to Afghanistan for his work, and he always carried her photo. He was hoping to find her, or to hear news of her. Finally, Steve met a man who recognized the face of his neighbor, Sharbat Gula. After eighteen years, the photographer showed Sharbat her photo for the first time.

Steve took one more photo of her, and the striking green eyes appeared again in National Geographic in 2002. The magazine then started a special fund for girls and women in Afghanistan. It seems that Sharbat’s photo really was something very powerful.

1-Who is Steve McCurry?

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2-Where did Steve McCurry travel?

3-How were the eyes of the girls?

4-When did striking green eyes appear?

5-Find the words Asustada y Desafiante.

Andres Calleja

Have you got a special avatar? The join our avatar contest.

We´ve got great prizes! These people are already in the contest.

My mane´s Kevin.I´m years old and I´m from Manchester, England.I´m good at and

. My avatar´s name is “ Boy”. He is tall and thin like me, but he has got short dark

and brown . He has got an electric guitar. I haven´t got an electric guitar, but I want one!

My mane is Anna. I´m years old.I´m from Houston, Texas in the USA.I Sport. Basketball is my favourite sport and I´m great at it. I want to be a women´s NBA.My avatar´s name is “Top

Basket”. She is a basketball . She has got short black and blue . She is and

thin (I am tall and thin, too) and she´s got (but I haven´t!). Top Basket use her wings to fly to the basketball.

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My name is Anita. I´m years old and I´m from Amsterdam in the Netherlands. I´m good at

. Here´s my avatar. Her mane is Sweetpea. She is short – not like me. She has got long

. Her are and her eyebrows are very thin. Her are long and narrow. She loves

mature and she has always got a with her.

1. Change the pictures forwords. You must use these words: Eleven, love, star, computers, guitar, eyes, hair, maths, wings, green, tall, red, twelve, thirteen, flower, feet, drawing.

2. Where does Anita live?

3. Who plays basket ball in the real and virtual life?

4. What´s the name of Kevin´s avatar?

5. How are Anita´s feet?

6. Find three adjectives. Laura calvo

Different places, different lives

Neville is Australian and Amy is English. We ask them about their family, their home life and their pocket money.


I live in an apartment in Sydney, with my mum and my little brother. My dad doesn’t live with us, but my grandparents live nearby. We haven’t got a garden, but there’s a nice park across the street. I haven’t got a job, but I usually help at home - I sometimes go to the supermarket after school. Some of my friends have got weekend jobs- they usually work in clothes shops or fast food restaurants. My mum gives me $5 pocket money every week. And I get more money when I look after my little brother. My grandparents always give me money at Christmas. I usually buy clothes, CDs and computer games.

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I live in a quiet village in England, with my parents, my sister, my brother, and two dogs. My house is big and there’s a garden too. But the village is boring! I often do babysitting at the weekend for my neighbours. My sister’s sixteen and she’s got a Saturday job in a bookshop. I get £10 pocket money every month from my parents. I buy sweets, credit for mobile phone, magazines and DVDs. But I can’t watch films in my room!


1. Where does Neville live?2. Who lives with Amy?3. What does Amy buy with her money?4. How much money does Neville get?5. Find the word vecinos?