Page 1: Recoverist Mathematics and the Veteran in Transition

“Zero-Tolerance is a Prime Number (2) an Absent of (1) Equals, Isolation”

“Neuro-Phenomenology within Resilience, Laws and Mechanism, Arc’s of Geometry for Veterans; The Law of r, (ee2) Thought Experiment.

Axiom:Let small r, equal infinite and absolute resilience. Let ( – R), equal finite Resign, as inverse mapping of the decision tree pathways, (ee2) environment, experience.

As Dr. Mach advocated a critique in the physical sciences attempting to purge of all elements not verifiable by sensory experience then the phenomenology in life science can provide structure as a starting point in its axioms to establish the architecture of dynamics with illness towards wellness mappings, specifically in resilience exercise in a after-care setting with wholeness of wellness as a measure. Was Gen Powell correct that we won the gulf war with 99% smart people and 1% smart weapons? Are today’s wounded, bored with the current methods? Is” hurry up and wait” the order, or the chaos? Is this a stalled time-line in resilience growth? Did my DI say “Drop and Recover” or recovery? Is Esprit-de-corps both math and art as and equation in a whole of wellness protocol?

Resilience in the current warrior wellness measurements is a struggle for the Military and Veteran Administration health care medical professionals. Focus is mostly on the neuro-sciences with medications and brainwaves as a means to the elements. To parallax with current and newer liaisons thus coupled with DoD/DVA models softer methods are encouraged in the aftercare complexities.

De Nova Stella-It’s Full Cadence/ Halfstep.Elements this paper covers is in the process of arcing h.a.l.f.s, as the primary matrix in the mapping and domain structure of r,(ee2) where resilience is environment and experience squared, therefore: to humanize a clean break from a troubled past data reflects;

H = physical health elements (diet/ SUD)A = ph (co morbid diagnostics)L = isolation, and absents of 1 in (2)nF = sensory experience & environments(2) n = Hobbies, discovery’s + civic actions.

Where the law of resilience -R, is opposite and an observable value in Arc’s of geometry retreating r, and where both r, -R and –R ,r are concentric : divides into the laws where (ee2) has been established. Motivation then becomes the essence by defining the spatial freedom in Arc degrees to accelerate r, -Rl for wellness mapping, therefore: when r, is 80 % active insight and 20% uncertainty. That –R, is 80% uncertainty of r, and 20% reflection of – r. To think about resilience is not enough energy to prevent resigning from occurring. More must be addressed in the after-care mappings to achieve a balance in the decision. One unbroken field of mutually informing actions, in the, H.A.L.F matrix.

We see the resilience elements in physics and arc’s of geometry and further we see the solutions within the terms of applied humanities. The finite of resign, absent infinite resilience is permeating in medical records at both the Military and DVA medical systems. What does not work ends up homeless. The Homeless veteran population from this current action reflects a driver increase in TBi/PTSD/SUDs and in r,( ee2) the three main arc states are: Namely:

Avoiding bond’s, isolating Secure in their illness and adapt -ee Anxious in their uncertainty of r

The consistent elements are resentments with isolation and compassion fatigue is certain with recursive thoughts of betrayals and abandonment causes to effects in 50 percent of the interviews conducted. Therefore: the nature of (L) is both intentional and un-intentional and in most cases predictable. These elements conclude the square of the equation in over 50 percent of our findings. To counter the negative arcs towards

“Harness the Energy of r ,(ee2) then give it Away .” jw mw, wn.

Page 2: Recoverist Mathematics and the Veteran in Transition

“Zero-Tolerance is a Prime Number (2) an Absent of (1) Equals, Isolation”

wellness, we inverse recover(-y) dialogs and increase reflex motor skills to wellness. Recovery must not be the final step in a v-centric ethos as it cascades to wellness (cubed). Recover (-y) cascades (2n),(family and civic-interactions.) Dr. Einstein’s Compass:Decision Tree Assessments of r,(ee2) in three dimensional terms within r,1; r,6 ; and r,7 are assessing flexibility and ratios of understanding or, where I am at this point of the arc’s? Establishing and inviting the patients military land navigation training firstly in the soft languages of English and then Math as a premise from past experience gained in a military environment as a holistic, academic and engagement exercise. All enhancement engagements (ee2) in wellness protocols are designed with the simplest rules of navigation as a Prime.

Measure Once, Aim Twice: The Bakers Measurement of a “Pinch.” AssessmentHave you ever given someone instructions on how to find a location in a city by telling them something along the lines of ; “go three blocks north and two blocks east?” The primary goal of this exercise is to investigate and enhance the following degree of the third dimension of the Cartesian rule, concluding, up to a certain floor to excite the land navigation principles in assessment with cell re-growth stimuli. Add tribal way-finders methods, of ancient navigation protocols.

Methodologies, engagements of vibrations; breath, soft aiming skills and meditation for intuitive acoustics’ in holistic mappings excite cell growth as wellness is accomplished in silence of the practiced veteran ethos. We inverse fatigue and increase civic-centric (2) n, compassion actions, thus determine outcome measurements and fulfillments in resilience bonding.

Self-renewal in action-forms creates new structures in the auto-poietic arcs for cell

re-growth and will invite outreach energy as recursive applies. That the process of resilience, amplitudes is in the process with silence, in knowing life, in its fullness. That all journey has healing.

* * *For Michael Wurschmidt, Wayne Nicken’sCentric-Dynamics Research Samplings: 2004-2009, Hawaii, Pittsburgh, Portland, San Francisco [email protected] (412)-403-6793.Ref:Rene Descartes (A veteran) Cartesian Rules. Three essays on optics, meteorology and gemometry-1637 Probability Amplitudes, Dr. Heisnberg.Geometry and Experience, Dr. Einstein, 1921Selected writings Dr. Herbert Simon-CMUAutopoietic Systems, Dr. Santiago, Cognition.Hon. M. McCarthy, Judge, Vets Court Protocol-PaSpiritus letters from Dr. Jung to Bill Wilson-1921Hardy’s Paradox - 1990. ( I ask, on Impact, so hiding , is it Resilience and is it shy, in the quantum entanglement?)Anatomy and Physiology, Phillip E. Pack, Ph .D with discourses on The Sensory Systems and Reflexes in the Nervous Systems. Dr. John Gribbin-“The Scientists” -2002Jeanne Bohnet, Researcher, NDU, “PTSD and the Tribal Veteran-cultural aspects in wellness.Outliers, Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell-Baker’s Pinch Intuitive Measurements, Parents.

Trudger’s Paradox, Spirit of Geo- Peace.“Fevered learning meets fevered impulses complimenting the balanced silence of discovery for achieving global wellness seeking peace.

Resilience with our earth, her climates, her wellness will only be accomplished when her people engage their own resilience + centric opposites attracting, global resilience. 1(v) + 1(v) x (2) n = r, (ee2) n. Start with our global veterans’ fellowship, finding their fellowship, is a prime number 2 (v) as resilience with in themselves is a way finder coupling their leadership ethos of chivalry. Enhance to share around the world as to ignite cascades that will be witnessed.” jpw, 2004-2009 © Jim White, Michael Wurschmidt, Wayne Nickens, recoverist.math in Phenomenology of Resilience Dynamics sparks myths, legends and peace.

Art Permission -Pending

“Harness the Energy of r ,(ee2) then give it Away .” jw mw, wn.
