
Slmday. June2. 1968

Our dear Francis:

We were coaplete~ delighted to recei". a copy ot PENTAGRAM with JOU!'

magniticent vindication ot A. C. - tor the f'1rst U .... to .., knovlqe. in history. lour skill. hanci. dear. 11'1 liJ1k1ng thi. nndioation with the current chaotic conditions. particular17 tor the 1O'tInCer generation. vas not onl7 clever (in the beat aense) but constructi.e 1na V&7 that nobod;r. except SOIl8 one vi th your special backVOund and aakeup. could haft accomplished. And all the ~ through Nading it (e.,.c1al.l7 the second tiM round) I couldn't help thinking how good old A. C. h1aaelt would have cheered if he could ha.e looked o"er IV shoulder.

We are the _re interested in your achievllll8llt because of the fact that ve. thl"Ough the application of a Spaae-T1me concept that n.."er could have taken shape without the Crowl87 background that both lAtus and I had collected. forecast this chaotic condition of the world. it accurately. and as a result we have now in hand a Space-TiM Structure that not only can be uNd to forecast changing conditions but to throw a rr-eat lisht on WHr conditions change. 'lbe financial forecasting reJINsented b7 this letteJ"head and the enolosed Inte1"'bl Letters are onl7 one .elMDt of our disoo..,er,y and develoJWM!mt - but a hlghly ~rtant one becau.e it not on17 pa,.s its wq. but bas brought into our orbit a ...u group of rather splendid people. And (llke the secret 1nIMdlent in Anrostura Bitters) the key to the accnaraG,J' of the Spaoe-Tble Foreca.t. (whiob baa been ~kable) 11e. in the "tour forces" so unreadab17 def'1ned in the Golden Dawn ••• that you handed _ when 70U ttrst got here frtoa Rngland. 'l'bere is nothing ... terious about th .... as I suspected fro. the nrst. Just s1llple arlth_tic. and literal follow1Dg of the instructions. As you know ..... went thl'OVCh astrolocr like a whirlwind. and GaM out on the other side leaving ... st of it behind - but luck1l1' we had found the "pearl" that Iepler predicted .. delipttul.q would be found b7 __ buy hen. when scratching in the dirt of the bal"lJT&rd. As I round it. actual.l7. I cuess I alii the hen. It oould never have been integrated and deyeloped without the I!I&sculin. ""'1' of the tudl7' any good bam7ard requires a cock. no? Well aft3W&7 ...... till ble •• Crovl~. and ble.. you. and we are 80 darned b1lq that we uaual.l7 forget we are both ?8 years old thi •• el7 ,.ear. We are oka7. except that I experienced a detached retina (right ..,e) which reooveNd only about 60J _ but at that. I was luc.,..

On. thing we t d 10..,0 to hear fro. 78U about _ 70U IMmtion that Crowl..,. and s.veral of hl. cohorts. developed astbaatic conditions (did I spell that right? !m! a !!I:!!. !I.. 8ftr .in_ lea'Y1ng Albuquerque I haw had a per.i.tent oough. and now I.u1. ba. developed onel Irq. etc N"Ieal )J() oau .. for lIT beha'Y1our. and lAtU. haa had apparent trouble on17 in the a1nU8 area. whioh vas oleared out the other dq by a top l1"ade surgeon. We ha'Y8 an exoenent. broad.ld.nded Mdioo. who deolares that tor our ,.ars ". are a wonderful couple. We agree. but BOW to atoJl that ooU@h? Irn7 idea.' More power to 7Ou. our 'red.. we lIIve 7Ou. and are wl7 proud o.f 1'ou. I put in an order with IlDnald Weiser for 7OUI' book when it 00._ - arteotlonate:q. a. &lwqs -

~el and JA)u1s -


Institute of CosmoEconomics

Institute of CosmoEconomics


4332 Coldwater Canyon Ave .

Studio City. Calif. 91604

Phone : 763-0951

Mur1el Hasbrouck 319 E. 50th St.


New York, N.Y. 10022

Dear Mur1el:


Thanks for your letter of a week or so ago w1th a copy of your letter to D. Mod1n of Phoen1x House.

I had not1ced that your book had been out of pr1nt for a long t1me. Friends of mine had managed to p1ck up a used. copy periodically, but that was all. I suggested to a fr1end that D. Modin, who was just starting Phoenix House, might be interested in publishing it, and so he did come to see you. I won't go into detail as to why the book has not yet been published ••• he tells me he has written you a couple of times giving proper explanations. My suggestion at the moment, is if you have another publisher, by all means let him do it. If not, however, then I counsel patience on your part and wait for D's finances to improve through collections from Booksellers, to enable him to get your book out.

Thanks for the enclosures about your activ1ties. and interested to read them. In the meantime, my wishes to both of you with the hope that you ~ good health and that all goes well with you. O_<'e.

Very Sincerely yours,



I was glad very best both .. 1n

Institute of CosmoEconomics

Institute of CosmoEconomics

Dr. Francis Regardie 4332 Coldwater "Canyon Avonue st~dio City, California 91604

Dear LTanc is.

October 19. 1974

It is good to hear from you. even though we have seeminEIly been out of touoh £or a long. you are always part of our life. coming into it as you did a.t s~ch an important juncture in the job Lo~i~3 and I were (apparently) elected to do. As for me. I had thou~ht that with the publication of PURSUIT OF DESTINY, my job was done. 'rhe HGA thoufrht otherwise -- it wasn' t enough to clean up the current fallacies about the significanoe of an individual birthdate. and to rediscover the linkaB;e so beautifully hidden in the rrarot pack -­incidentally. Waite must have known the personality-birthdate link or he wouldn't have had the cards done the way he did. To my best Knowledge, however, I seem to have been the only worlter to br in~ ouy the synthesis (which was thero all the time) and also to bring it down to earth. Incidentally, I am happy to know that you have held your interest in the book, over all these yoars. That is whpy it seems so rill;ht for D. !"qodin to drop in about it. and why 1 have been disappointed n21 ~ ~ ~ ~ from him since he was here. I regret to say that he seems to avoid oomplete ~uracy of statement, which we had already noticed. Not only is there another plan on foot for a paoerbaok reprinting, but I have found that when &l\.vone fails to do what they promi~e. in conaection with this Space-FIlma job. it's best to let iBxxthem go. But thanks very much indeed, Francis, for your effort. I do aporeciate it.

Some day I'd like to tell you how important your oontribution has been in the great disoovery, and demonstration. of what is called the S-pace-Ti'l'lle Concept of Evolutionary World and Eoonomic 'lTends -- to givo it its full name. Baaause we could find no support for the broad as­pects of the work. it seemed best to su~port it ourselves by bringin~ out the economic aspects as a useful tool for people who need it. In spi te of the fact that we were 74 years old when FORKCASfl' I was i~sued (see enclosed) it has turned out that this wa§ the best way to bring the Space-'rimo FUndamentals into a number of minds. Just this laRt year, the acceptance has been what we hoped (in quality) and now -- do you realize it? We are both $'4. Eight years ago my eyes threatened to give out. and were saved by a skilful surgeon. This last year. Louis threatened to to u,ive out, allover -- a month in hospital, and doeses of magic at home, saved that onel Nevertheless. W9 ~ past that 84 year. mark, and from here on the going is tougher. .But we are still gOing' If you'd like to hear more about your part in the undertaking. let me know. In the mean timo, 1 want you to know one thing. Remember the "four foroes" that (we were taught) travel around the eoliptic in a curious, foreshortened rhythm? In my work with solar and field-foroe disturbance period forecasting. I found, unquestionably, that those forces are RF..AL -- a physioal pe.rt of the "field." Together, we have timed, appraised. and tested them. Il'hey are. as Einstein said of the field, as real as the chair on whioh the physioist sits -- With love from both of us __


Institute of CosmoEconomics

Institute of CosmoEconomics

r i

r '


4332 Coldwater Canyon Ave .

Studio City. Calif. 91604

Phone : 763-0951


i1rs.fwluriel Hasbrouck 319 E. 50th st. New York, N.Y. 10022

Dear Muriel:


Thank you for your letter of the 19th which was very interest­ing. Whenever one is shortsighted enough to believe that one's job ls flnlshed almost lmmediately another dozen are dumped into one's lap. And when this happens there ls no way of replying ln the negatlve.

I'm glad you dld the job you dld about the personality link wlth the Tarot cards; but let me take the liberty of dlffering from you in this respect: Walte, from where I Sit, had about as much insight into that and other matters as my beautlful Siamese cats. If anything, I have a sneaking suspicion that hls artlst, Pamela Coleman Smith, also a member of The Golden Dawn, was a strange claifvoyant creature whose lnner vision must have had a greater effect on Waite than Walte did on her. Furthermore, I have always suspected that the real shinlng light behind this and so many of the other Golden Dawn concepts emanated from the fertile iraln and vlsion of MacGregor-Mathers about whom we know so very little. Fortunately, a cousin of one of the former Chiefs of the G.D. has wrltten a blography of Mathers, to be issued sometime ne.t sprlng, whlch I think may clarify many issues such as the Tarot, The Serpent Formulae and even his effect on Crowley.

I never realized you both have reached the noble age of 84. All I can say is, Congratu1ationsl I wlsh you very well, and many more years of health and usefulness.

If there is another plan on foot for a paperback reprinting of your book, let me be amongst the first to congratulate you. r hope this edltlon wlll sell in the hundreds of thousands, and give you both adequate recognition and financial return.

My very best to you both,




Institute of CosmoEconomics

Institute of CosmoEconomics