Page 1: Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospelpatl/VBC_PDF/radical_depravity.pdf · The Doctrines of Grace Rediscovering the Evangelical Gospel. Radical Depravity! T Total Depravity! U Unconditional

The Doctrines of GraceThe Doctrines of Grace

Rediscovering the EvangelicalRediscovering the Evangelical


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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

!! TT Total DepravityTotal Depravity

!! UU Unconditional ElectionUnconditional Election

!! LL Limited AtonementLimited Atonement

!! II Irresistible GraceIrresistible Grace

!! PP Perseverance of the saintsPerseverance of the saints

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

Why does the doctrine of sin matter?Why does the doctrine of sin matter?

How does our understanding of sinHow does our understanding of sin

affect our understanding of theaffect our understanding of the


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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

!! Our direction everOur direction ever

since the fall is to besince the fall is to be

““curved in oncurved in on



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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

ManMan’’s nature, so to speak, is as nature, so to speak, is a

perpetual factory ofperpetual factory of

idolsidols……manman’’s mind, full as it iss mind, full as it is

of pride and boldness, daresof pride and boldness, dares

to imagine a god according toto imagine a god according to

its own capacityits own capacity……it conceivesit conceives

an unreality and an emptyan unreality and an empty

appearance as God.appearance as God.

John Calvin, John Calvin, Institutes,Institutes, I. XI.8 I. XI.8

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

Radical (or Total) Depravity means that sin hasRadical (or Total) Depravity means that sin has

touched every part of humanity withtouched every part of humanity with

devastating effect. We are corrupteddevastating effect. We are corrupted

pervasively in our persons: mind, will,pervasively in our persons: mind, will,


Note: the Bible does not teach ABSOLUTENote: the Bible does not teach ABSOLUTE

DepravityDepravity……we do have room to get worse!we do have room to get worse!

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

And the LORD God

commanded the man,

saying, “You may surely

eat of every tree of the

garden, but of the tree

of the knowledge of

good and evil you shall

not eat, for in the day

that you eat of it you

shall surely die.”Genesis 2:16-17 ESV

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

! And they heard the sound of

the LORD God walking in

the garden in the cool of the

day, and the man and his

wife hid themselves from the

presence of the LORD God

among the trees of the

garden. But the LORD God

called to the man and said to

him, “Where are you?” And

he said, “I heard the sound

of you in the garden, and I

was afraid, because I was

naked, and I hid myself.”

He said, “Who told you that you

were naked? Have you

eaten of the tree of which I

commanded you not to eat?”

The man said, “The woman

whom you gave to be with

me, she gave me fruit of the

tree, and I ate.” Then the

LORD God said to the

woman, “What is this that

you have done?” The

woman said, “The serpent

deceived me, and I ate.”

Genesis 3:8-13, ESV

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

And you were dead in the

trespasses and sins in

which you once walked,

following the course of

this world, following the

prince of the power of

the air, the spirit that is

now at work in the sons

of disobedience—

among whom we all once

lived in the passions of

our flesh, carrying out

the desires of the body

and the mind, and were

by nature children of

wrath, like the rest of

mankind.Ephesians 2:1-3 ESV

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

As it is written:

“None is righteous, no, not one;

no one understands;

no one seeks for God. ”Romans 3:10-11 ESV

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

PelagiusPelagius’’ view of view of

humanity and sinhumanity and sin

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

Semi-Semi-Pelagian Pelagian viewview

of humanity andof humanity and


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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

AugustineAugustine’’s (ands (and

BibleBible’’s!) view ofs!) view of

humanity and sinhumanity and sin

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity

Psalm 139

O LORD, you have searched me and known me!

You know when I sit down and when I rise up;

you discern my thoughts from afar.

You search out my path and my lying down

and are acquainted with all my ways.

Even before a word is on my tongue,

behold, O LORD, you know it altogether. …

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Radical DepravityRadical Depravity