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Tl Carinae ro Centauri 30 Doradus 47Tuc

218 128, 138 234 138,300

Aaronson, M. 315 abundances, in 136-140

globulars abundances, in planetaries 251 age function 172-173 AI Sufi, A, 1-H. 1 algol types 226 Alksnis, A. 219 Allen, C. 165 Allen, R. 82 Alloin, D. 126 Almagest 2 ANS spacecraft 304 Argyle, E. 89 Aricebo telescope 81 Ariel V spacecraft 271 Armandroff, T. 295, 296 Arp, H. 26, 28, 31,

45,91, 126,192,206,219,220, 228,230,232,313,315,316

Asiago Observatory 219 Azzopardi, M. 296

Baade, W. 15, 23, 25-28, 45, 78, 91, 125, 126, 159, 170,173,174,183,199,200, 206-213,215,216,222,224-226, 228,232,244,282,284,289, 298,299,304,306,209,310, 313,315

Babcock, H. 10, 88, 89, 108,109,228

Bajaja, E. 55, 60, 67, 69,89, 101,102,104,105 204 311 ' '


Baker, P. Baldwin, J. Balick, B. Barnard, I. Battaner, E.

144,276 Baum, W.

283 Bechtold, J. Beck, R.


314 287 27 4, 12 34, 127,


275 81, 84-86,

Becker, W. 313 Beichman, C. 201 Bell Labs telescope 260 Benvenuti, P. 242 Berkhuijsen, E. 35, 64, 73,

75, 76,78,81,84-86,291-293, 296,297,315

Bernard, D. BetaLyrae black hole

121 Blair,W. Blitz,L.

267 Bohlin, K.

170 Bok, B. Bok,P. Bond, G. Bosma,P. Boulanger, F.


114 226 51, 120,

282 259,260,

11, 134,

317 317 4 109 259,260,

Bower, G. 121 Bowyer, S. 270, 271 Brandt, J. 109, 110 Braun, R. 27, 32, 55,

64, 70, 77, 81, 82, 89, 102, 109, 232,237,243

Brenner, L. 7 Brinks, E. 46, 55, 57,

63,64,67,69, 70,89, 102,122, 237, 311, 314


Brueckel, F. 230 Cowley, A. 221,222 bulge, of M31 113-120, Crabtree, D. 296,297,

240 301 Buonanno, R. 127, 132, Cram, T. 54, 57, 89,

133 96,99 Burke, B. 53 Crampton, D. 127, 129, Burstein , D. 192 130, 141, 142, 144, 163, 166, Burton, B. 102 273,276 Buta, R. 140, 141 Crane, P. 73 Buzzoni, A. 246 Crotts, A. 36,299 Byrd, E. 31, 121, Curtis, H. 10, 11

122,315,316 Bystedt, J. 78,79,82

D'Odorico, S. 81 Davidge, T. 140

Cacciari, C. 276,278 Davies, R. 54, 59, 96, Cambridge radio telescope 26,72,102 97,109,301 Cananzi, A. 296 Davis, R. 302 Canterna, R. 134,138 de Vaucouleurs 5-7,34-39, carbon stars 296,302 43,44,46, 140,141,170,174, Carruthers, G. 303 197,213,243,313,315 Cas A 73 Deharveng, J. 89, 109, Casoli, F. 259,261, 111,113,238,303,315

262,267 Dennefeld, M. 239,241, CenX-3 276 242 Center for Astrophysics 264 Dennison, B. 78 Cepheid variables 14, 15-17, Dickel, J. 81

19,20,24,199,200,207-216, Dickey, J. 70 224 dimensions, of clusters 165-166

CFHT3 289,290 dimensions, of M31 36 CFHT 140, 143, discrete radio sources 81

222,276,296 distance, to M31 10-12, 213, Chevalier, R. 243 214 Christian, C. 140, 167, Dopita,M. 311

170,314 Dressler, A. 120,121 Chromey,F. 314 Dreyer, J. 4 Ciardullo, R. 219-221, Duncan, J. 12, 18

240,241,247,248,254,255 Durdin, J. 81,83 CO observations 104,257- dust clouds 183-192,

258 263,317 Coddington, E. 2-4 dust to gas ratio 204 Code, A. 302,303 dust lanes 315 Cohen,J. 213,220, dust, in M31 10,30,

299 183-205 Cohen,R. 268 Dwingeloo Observatory 53,54 Collura, A. 279,280 dynamics and mass 107-123 color distribution, in M31 46 dynamics of the bulge 113-120 color-magnitude diagrams 304-309 dynamics of the disk 108-113 colors, of globulars 130-136 Combes, F. 89, 98,

257-259 eclipsing variables 225,226 Condon,J. 77 Eddington, A. 22 Cooke, B. 271 Effelsberg telescope 54, 55, 72, Corwin, H. 5-7,243 73,84,96,99

Efremov, Y. 145, 147, 148,152,155,296,297,315

Einasto, J. 109, 111 Einstein satellite 271, 272,

275,276,280 ellipticity, of M31 Elsmore, B. Elson, R.

142, 170, 172 Emerson, D.

60,63,89,247,314 Encrenaz, P. Engleman, R. Espin, E.

42 71 134, 135,

26, 36, 45,

267 5 7

Fabbiano, G. 280,281 Faber, S. 287 Fall, M. 170, 172 Fath, E. 9, 10 Feibelman, E. 43 Fesen, R. 2, 42, 243 Ford, H. 27, 89-95,

103,109,111,113,230,239, 244,245,247-254

formaldehyde Fomax globulars Franz, J. Freedman, W.

309,310 French, H. Frogel, J.

268 138 7,10 160,292,

287 134, 136

Galileo, G. 3, 4 Gallagher, J. 189, 192,

217 Gaposchkin, S. 208, 209 Georgelin , Y. 313 Gerard, of Cremona 3 Gergeley, T. 204 Giacconi, R. 270, 271 giant molecular clouds 266, 267 Ginga satellite 280, 282 globular clusters 28,124-144

146,192-196,200,254,299,304 Golev, V. 197 Goodman, J. 120 Gothard, E. 9 Gottesman, S. 54, 59, 89,

96,97,109 Graham, J. 243 Grave, R. 73, 75, 76,

81, 83-85

134 5


Guetter, H. Gully, L. Gunn,J. 109, 122

HI, in M31 26, 27,53-70,97,183,203,315

H I rotation curves 96-102 H II regions, in M31 26, 28, 55,

65,81,91,183,200,228-243, 245,252,260-263,310,315-317

hand X Persei 29, 306 Ha in the bulge, ofM31 239-241 Habing, H. 201 Hale, G. 10, 136 Hall, A. 5, 7, 10 Halley, E. 3 Hamilton, A. 243 Hanbury Brown, R. 71 Hanes, D. 133, 134 Hanna, M. 185 Harris, W. 133 Harris, H. 134, 138 Hartwick, D. 28, 109,

119, 137 Hartwig, E. Hasselberg, B. Haud, U.


4 6 98, 100,

Haute Provence Observatory 28, 229 Hazard, C. 71 Heasley, J. 140 Heiles, C. 192 Henderson, A. 46, 60, 98 Herschel, W. 3, 4 HI holes 67, 69 Hiltner, A. 34, 36, 43,

125,200 Hiromoto, N. 34, 42, 49 Hjellming, R. 73 Hodge, P. 7, 25, 31,

34-37,39,41,43,44,48,66, 109, 122, 131, 145, 147, 149, 152,153, 155, 157-159, 161, 163, 165-176, 184-186, 188, 190, 196-199, 200,212,232,234-238, 284,285,293,306,307,309, 310, 313-316

Hoessel, J. 41,47

34, 35, 39,

Hubble, E. 12-23, 28, 29,36,124-126,128,163,206, 215,216,218-220,228,283,304,


313 Kent, S. 35, 39, 41, Hubble-Sandage variables 17, 216- 43,44,48,191,228,230,232-

218 235,311 Huchra,J. 119, 139, Kholopov, P. 215

142 kinematics, of planetaries 248-250 Huggins, W. 6 King, I. 143,144 Humason,M. 18 Kinman, T. 49,50,128 Humphreys, R. 35, 170, Kinoshita, H. 110

212,217,288,289,291,292, Kitt Peak Nat. Obs. 28, 126, 296-299, 305, 306 150,153,164,165,184,187,

Hunter, D. 189, 192 197,229,230,243,260,278, Hussey, W. 9 306,314 Hutchings, J. 289,290 Knapp, G. 204

Konkoly, A. 6 Koper, E. 258,264,

Ichikawa, T. 259,262 266 Iijima, T. 42 Kormendy, J. 35,121 infrared radiation 201-204 Kovesligethy, R. von 9 Innanen, K. 45 Kowal, C. 28 integrated properties 313-315 Kristian, J. 299 IRAM telescope 261 Kron,G. 134, 194 IRAS satellite 34,49, Kumar, C. 113,200,

201-203,205,311,315 239,241,242 irregular variables 225 Kunitsch, P. 1, 2 IUE satellite 276,289, Kunth,D. 239,241,

303,304 242 Ivanov, G. 197,215, Kutner,M. 259,263,

296,297 264,267 Iye,M. 194-196

Lada,C. 259,263, Jacoby, G. 27,244, 267

245,247,251,252-255,281 Lallemand, A. 49, 105 Janes, K. 314 Lawrie, D. 245,247-Jeans, J. 20 249 Jenner, D. 230 Lee,M. 66, 120, Jodrell Bank telescope 54, 72, 145,157-159,196-198,232,233,

96,268 235-238, 307, 310 Johnson, H. 49, 133, Lee, 0. 12

185,302 Leiden Observatory 53 Lick Observatory 9, 27, 88,

244,245,285 Kalnajs, A. 32,316 light curves 220-221 Kammermann, A. 6 Light, E. 51 Kapteyn, J. 10 Lin, C. 105 Kato, T. 55,58-61, Lindblad, B. 43,45,313

315 Local Group 244,246, Keeler, J. 12 293,296 Kellman, S. 192,287 Lohman, 109 Kennicutt, R. 25, 31,34- Long,K. 276

41,43-45,48,190,191,197, long-period variables 224 228,230,232-235,311,315 Lowell Observatory 9

Lucke,P. 147, 152, 153

luminosities and the luminosity function, of globulars 128-130

luminosity function, stellar 170-172,

254,255,309,310 Lundmark, K. 12, 19 Lynga, G. 33, 35, 39,

43,47,183,197 Lyutyi, V. 34, 35, 43,


M5 M15 M32


300 140 24,44,

M33 16, 21, 22, 167-169,171,228,233,235,289, 290, 293, 296,

M101 234, 235 Madore, B. 170 Magellanic Clouds 14, 16,

125, 131, 149, 152, 163, 165, 168-173,191,196,211,215, 216,228,233-235,255,296,297

magnetic field 84, 85 magnitudes and colors 166-171 Makishima, K. 280, 282 Marius, S. 3 Marsden, B. 7 Martin, P. 200 mass, ofM31 21, 107-

123 Massey, P. 147, 155,

159,160,170,197,289,290, 295,296,307

Mateo,M. Matsumoto, T. Mauna Kea Observatory Mayall, N.

108, 109, 125, 194 McClure, R.

296 McDonald Observatory McElroy, D.

116, 185, 187 Melnick, J.

41,47 Messier, C. Milky Way Galaxy Miller,R. MMT Moffat, A.

169 42,45 121, 127 88, 89,

192, 284-

49, 155 95, 115,

34, 35, 39,

3 266 122 139 294,295

molecules, in M31 Morgan, W. morphology, radio Morton, D. Mould, J.

300,301 Mt Wilson Observatory

18,23,88,124,218 Muller, J. Munch, G.

Nakai, N. Nakano, M. Nassau, J. Nedialkov, P. Neill, J. neutral hydrogen (see HI) Newton, K.



257-269 133 73-81 115 41,226,

11, 12-14,

7 89

65,66,68 259,267 125 293,296 246

45, 60, 63,

NGC 147 24 NGC 185 24 NGC 205 24, 283 NGC 206 20, 29, 30,

68,122,145,153-156,163,209, 303,306

NGC6304 NGC6723 NGC6822 NGC7331 Nikolov, N. Nobeyama Radio Obs. Nolthenius, R.

249,250 Nova Aquilae 1918 novae, in M31

219-222 NRAO

102,260,267 nucleus, structure of

140 138 16,22,237 149 308 262,263 246,247,

19 12, 18-20,

26, 53,

49-51, 120

O'Connell, R. 287 OAO satellite 303, 304 OB associations, in M31 20, 21, 28-

30,65,67,145-162,197, 209,263,289,295,296,308, 311,317

OB stars, M31 183, 188, 189,238,288-294,314,315

Odewahn, S. 153-156, 159,306

open clusters 28-30, 146 163-182,188,189,196,315-317


Opik,E. 12 46 optical structure 33-52 Renzini. R. 246 OrionGMC 260 Reynolds, J. 8,33,37 Orion nebula 251 Ricco, A. 6 Owens Valley Obs. 260 Rich,R. 226.300.

301 Richer. H. 296,297,

P Cygni profiles 289 301,302 Palomar Observatory 29, 34, 52. Richstone. D. 120. 121

121.128,165,190,207,212. Richter. N. 147, 151, 215.222,305 194-196. 314

Payne-Gaposchkin, C. 222 Rickard, L. 257 Pease, F. 9 Ritchey, R. 10, 12, 14, Peck,M. 287 18 Pellet, A. 65-67,89, Roberts, I. 4, 7

109,111,113,229-232,235-238. Roberts, M. 26. 54, 55, 303.315 57,60,89,101-103,109,315

Pence, W. 313,315 Rood, H. 109. 122 Peres, G. 279 Rosino. L. 219,220 period-amplitude relation 215 Rosse, Lord 6,8.49 period-luminosity relation 211-213 rotation, of M31 87-106 Peterson, C. 43, 106, rotation of nucleus 105-106

144 Rozhen Observatory 144,147, Plait, P. 243 293 planetary nebulae, in M31 27.244- RR Lyrae variables 222-224,

258 299 polarization, optical 200-201 Rubin, V. 89-95, 103, polarization, radio 84,85 109,111-113,239,241 Pooley, J. 27.72-74, Ruiz,M. 45, 114.

76-78,315 115 Population Box 283,284 Rummel, U. 109, 111 population, stellar 151,213, Ryden, E. 259-261,

282-312 267 Population IT Cepheids 224 Ryle,M. 71 Population IT stars 298-302 population synthesis 284-287 Pritchet • C. 143,222- S Andromeda 5-7, 14,

224,299,300 242,243 Project Stratoscope 51 Saken, J. 243 Ptolemy, C. 2 Sandage, A. 34, 49, 50,

170, 213, 216, 296 Sandqvist, A. 259

R CrB Variables 224-225 Sanford,R. 12 Racine, R. 127, 129, Sargent, W. 28, 109.

170,192.197,200,305 119,126,127,137.140,315 radio continuum radiation 71-86,311 Sawa, T. 60,63 Reale, F. 279 Scheer, L. 110 Reber, G. 71 Scheiner, J. 9,13 red supergiants 296-298 Schild, R. 296 red giants 308 Schmidt, M. 109,204 reddening and extinction 192-200 Schmidt-Kaler, T. 196 Reddish, V. 35, 52, Schommer, R. 167, 170

174,315 Schroder, C. 5 Redman, R. 33, 37, 41, Schwarzschild, M. 109, 121,

282,283 Schweizer, F. Schwering, P.


137 34,202,

Seabroke, G. 6 Seraphimoff, I. 4 Seyfert, C. 125 Sgr A 73 Shane, VV. 55,60,89,

96,101,102,104,105 Shapley, H. 12-14, 16,

18,33,165 Shara,M.

295 129,294,

Sharov, A. 34, 35, 43, 126,128,129,140,194,195, 215,218,219,276,313,315

Shawl, S. 200 Shirley, E. 33, 37, 41,

46 Simien, F.

315,316 Sitko,M. Slipher, V.

88 Smarr,L. Smith, F. SN 1885A (see

S Andromeda) Sofue, Y.

65,67,68,315 Soifer, T. Solomon,P. Spasova,N. spatial distribution, of


136 9, 10, 12,

73 71, 122


201,202 257 143

associations 149-152, spatial distribution, of CO 258-266 spatial distribution, of

globulars spatial distribution, of


open clusters 173-1 spatial distribution, of novae 219-220 spectra of HII regions 90, 238 spectra, ofM31 9, 10 spectra, of novae 90,

221,222 spectra, mdio Spillar, E. Spinrad, H.


81-84 51 137,285-

spiral arms 58-60, 78-80,230,260,261,264,315, 317

Staneva, A. 143


star formation rate 310-311 Stark, A. 43, 45,

104,259-261,263,267,315 Starrfield, S. 221, 222 stars, in M31 282-312 Stauffer, J. 119 Stebbins, J. 34, 36,

207,282,283 stellar content

282-312 stellar death rate structure, of clusters structure, of M31 Sullivan, W. supergiants

298 supernova (see

S Andromeda) supernova remnants



246 143-144 315-317 71 288,289,


Swope, H. 159, 170, 199,207-213,215,216,224-226, 244,289,304

Takase, B. Tammann,G. Tasheva,R. Tautenburg Schmidt Taylor,B.

287 Temple, W. Teman, Y. Teuben,P. Tonry,J. Tremaine, S. Trinchieri, G.

279,280 Tripicco, M. Tromholt, VV.

Uhuru satellite ultraviolet obs., of M31 Unwin, S.

102, 122

110 213,296 309 145,305 192,285-

5 27, 81,83 95 106 122 272,273,

140 6

270 302-304 55, 89,

van de Hulst, H. 53, 54, 89 van den Bergh, S. 28, 35, 67,

109, 119, 122, 128, 129, 132, 133, 136, 137, 139, 141-143, 145-149, 151-153, 155, 158-160, 166,167,169,174,194,195,


197,204,209,222-224,235, 282,285,286,299,300,304, 306, 310, 313, 315

van der Kruit, P. van Genderen, A. van Maanen, A. van Speybroeck, L.

275,276 variable stars Vetesnik, M.

131, 132, 194 VLA telescope

81,238 Vogel, W.


27,82,315 199 11, 13 271,272,

206-227 126, 127,

70,73, 77,

6, 259-261,

Walker, M. 106 Waller, W. 234 Walterbos, R. 34-40,45,

48, 73,75-80,83,85,104,105, 134,135,142,202-204,232, 243,237,311,315

Ward,!. 5 Warner, J. 218 warp, optical 45, 249 warp, radio 55, 60-64 Welch, D. 214, 215 Welch, G. 302-304 W esterborlc telescope 27, 57, 72,

79-81,96,101,102,104,105 Whitehurst, R. 89, 101-

103,109 Whitford, A Whibnore, B. Whitney, C. Wielebinski, R. Williams, R. Wirth, A Wolf, M. Wolf-Rayet stars

238,288,294-296 Wu,C. Wyse,R.

X-Ray globular clusters X-Ray sources, in M31

Zafra, R.

34,36,287 115,249 4 78,315 33,36,43 127 5 160-161,

302 108, 109

275-276 270-281

