Page 1: Reflection on research into products and audience

Reflection on research into products

and audience

Daisy Tarrant

Page 2: Reflection on research into products and audience

Front Cover Inspiration

I like how the mast head looks as if its

targeting a mass market, sophisticated

audience. I also like the clean white

background against the red which is

quite a bold statement. I have learnt

from this front cover that for a mass

market magazine, it needs to be very

precise and look immaculate. I will

probably take inspiration from this front

cover and I like this type of image even

though it isn’t as strong as it should be.

This magazine could appeal to any

music lover as it shows a new artist

that can be loved by both young and

old, who are into any type of music


Page 3: Reflection on research into products and audience

Front Cover Inspiration

This front cover seems to be targeted

at the mass market however ‘V

Magazine’ is actually quite a niche

brand. I like how this magazine seems

to be a mass market magazine, this

shows that it is made very well and

has good editors. I have learnt from

this magazine that if sometimes it can

be more effective with less information

than if it is squashed together. I like

how this cover can appeal to hip hop

fans even though it doesn’t follow a

stereotypical trend. I may take

inspiration from ‘V’ because I like how

big the mast head is and how

everything fits around it. I also like the

simplicity because it creates a sense

of surprise.

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Front Cover Inspiration

The use of bright bold colours

represents the stereotypical view of

the hip hop genre. This magazine

appeals to a young audience who

enjoy listening to new, up and coming

music. I have learnt from this cover

that a canted angle can really make a

magazine cover more interesting and

that plugs do not all have to be in

straight lines. I think these elements

give this front cover an edgy look.

Using an artist as big as Lil Wayne

shows that this is quite a mass market

magazine, which shows that even the

best magazines can break the rules.

Inspiration may be taken from the

canted central image as I think it

creates a new level for music

magazines in this genre.

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Front Cover Inspiration

The front covers I have taken inspiration from all have very different views

on how to appeal to a specific genre of music. ‘Q’ magazine is a very

mature, classy magazine whereas ‘XXL’ is much more urban and stylish.

‘V’ magazine seems to be on a different level, it doesn't have a tonne of

information to take in, nor does it have a strong central image, but working

with a mast head from top to bottom allows the front cover to be free of lots

of information. I want to combine all three front covers to make my own,

however as I have to focus on only one genre of music, I think I will

combine both ‘XXL’ and ‘V’ to create a very edgy, unique magazine cover.

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Contents Inspiration

This contents magazine follows

conventions well. I could take

inspiration from the way that ‘Billboard’

sections the information. I like how this

is done as it creates a more interesting

contents page rather than all the same

background colour which may get

boring. I also like how they have a

‘No1’ section as this really reflects a

music magazine. Using this in my

contents page could be a good idea

because it would really emphasise the

genre of the magazine.

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Contents Inspiration

Honestly, I don’t really like this

contents page as a whole, however

there are some elements that I really

like. The mast head, I think is really

effective as it looks very classy. I also

like the stripe down the left side which

follows the colour scheme from the

front cover. I think this is important as it

shows continuity and looks more

professional. I don’t plan on using

elements like overlaying photo’s.

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Contents Inspiration

I love every aspect of this contents

magazine. It reflects a much more hip

music genre, while also using

sophisticated fonts and pictures. I think

most of my inspiration for my contents

page will come from this as I really

love everything about it. I have learnt

from this page that it is important to fit

in all of the information while making it

look good.

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Contents Inspiration

These aspects of certain contents

pages have given me a lot of

inspiration for my own. Unfortunately I

don’t think I will be able to use all of

these aspects on my actual page.

Maybe drawing up a few ideas will

help me to decide which parts I will


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Double Spread Inspiration

I like all the aspects of this double spread page because it works

really well with the music genre and what Nick Minaj represents. If I

was taking inspiration from these pages it would be from the picture

and the mast head. This is because I like how she is standing,

which makes it a strong image and I also like the fonts used for the

mast head. I maybe wouldn’t use as much writing on my pages as I

think this distracts from the opening page.

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Double Spread Inspiration

The bright colours on this spread look really good as it attracts a lot

of attention. However I am aiming towards a more hip-hop/rap

genre for my magazine so this style may not be good for my double

page spread, this obviously depends on the type of person I am

interviewing or what type of image I am trying to achieve

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Double Spread Inspiration

I like how this is quite simplistic, however it doesn’t really attract

much attention. I like the use of boxes to separate certain

information and might take inspiration from this. I also like the bold

coloured headings as I think this makes the question stand out and

split up the page.

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Double Spread Inspiration

I like the idea of taking inspiration from all

three of my favourite double page

spreads. I want to try and include all of

these aspects in my magazine because I

think they could work well for any genre of

music. Bold pictures that seperate pages,

and big headings that draw the eye are

important for a magazine double spread.
