Page 1: Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 1 Using the 11 Principles of Effective Character Education to Start, Strengthen, & Assess Your Program Region 10 - Project

Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 1

Using the 11 Principles of Effective Character Education

to Start, Strengthen, & Assess Your Program

Region 10 - Project Character School Leadership Team Workshop

April 3, 2004

Matthew L. Davidson, Ph.DResearch Director

Center for the 4th & 5th Rs (Respect & Responsibility)

[email protected]

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 2

1-Minute Ice-Breaker

1. Turn to a neighbor sitting near you and say hello (if possible, introduce yourself to someone you don’t already know or get the chance to talk to very often).

2. Each person should share 1 piece of good news and 1 thing you’re looking forward to in your life.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 3

  1.  Character education promotes core ethical values as the basis of good character.  2. ‘Character’ must be comprehensively defined to includethinking, feeling, and behavior.  3. Effective character education requires an intentional,proactive, and comprehensive approach that promotes the corevalues in all phases of school life.  4. The school must be a caring community.  5. To develop character, students need opportunities for moralaction.

Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education

From: The Character Education Partnership

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 6. Effective character education includes a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum that respects all learners and helps them succeed.   7. Character education should strive to develop students’ intrinsic motivation.  8. The school staff must become a learning and moral community in which all share responsibility for character education and attempt to adhere to the same core values that guide the education of the students.  9. Character education requires moral leadership from both staff and students.

 10. The school must recruit parents and community members as full partners in the character-building effort.  11. Evaluation of character education should assess the character of the school, the school staff’s functioning as character educators, and the extent to which students manifest good character. 

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 5

What, exactly, is character?

From its Greek origins, the word “character” literally translates as, “enduring, lasting, or distinguishing mark.”

Values are how we describe the enduring mark of individuals and communities.

Character might best be defined as, “values in action.”

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Smart versus good: “Two great goals” set against

each other

“Character education is not a new idea. It is, in fact, as old as education itself. Down through history, in countries all over the world, education has had two great goals: to help young peoplebecome smart and to help them become good.”

—Tom Lickona, Educating for Character

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 7

Performance & Moral Character

Performance Character:>The knowledge, habits, & dispositions

necessary for achieving human excellence in performance environments—in school, extracurricular activities, & in our work.

Moral Character:>The cognitive, emotional, & behavioral

dispositions necessary for ethical functioning. The character that moderates our personal goals with the interests of those outside of ourselves, and with shared moral values such as justice & caring, respect & responsibility, honesty & integrity.

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“To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”

—Theodore Roosevelt

“The good-to-great companies placed greater weight on character attributes than on specific educational background, practical skills, specialized knowledge, or work experience. Not that specific knowledge or skills are unimportant, but they viewed these traits as more teachable (or at least learnable), whereas they believed dimensions like character, work ethic, basic intelligence, dedication to fulfilling commitments, and values are more ingrained.” —Jim Collins, (2001), Good to


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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 9

“How many lies do you have to tell before you are a liar?”

—M. Josephson

For students (and adults, too), moral identity is frequently preserved by bracketing off or compartmentalizing their “moral self.”

We do a good job cultivating identities like, “athlete” and “scholar,” “artist,” but pay little attention to cultivating moral identity.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 10

Why the two-dimensional character distinction?

It acknowledges moral dimension of human excellence or achievement, AND establishes a role for character in the realization of human excellence or achievement.

It reserves a legitimate place for moral excellence in our quest for human excellence.

“If character counts, then show me what it will do for my GPA” —Chicago area High school student.

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Performance, Talent & Performance Character

Performance is the outcome (the grade, the honor or award, the achievement); performance character are psychological processes that help you pursue your personal best—whether the outcome is realized or not (work ethic, courage, self-discipline, etc.) > It’s possible to achieve performance and not have

performance character.

Talent is the natural ability you are born with (intellectually, artistically, physically, morally etc.); Character development is the process by which you challenge yourself to get the most from your talent.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 12

How is Character Developed?

Character is like a muscular system—not just one muscle– that must be exercised in order to develop.>Can muscles be taught? Yes. >Can muscles develop

“memory” or habits? Yes.>Can muscles atrophy? Yes, if

they are not used Muscles have different

potential, but all can be developed—just how much and for how long is what most want to know.

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What kind of values?

Performance Values: Are “willing values” required for success in

performance environments.E.g., perseverance, courage, hard work, optimism,

self-control, discipline, orderliness.

Moral Values:Are values that carry obligation. Are universal (universalizable)—we would will all

persons act according to them.Are reversible—we would want to be treated this

way.E.g., Respect, responsibility, justice, kindness.

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Values and the Sun

Like the sun, we can’t grasp values in their entirety.

Values have infinite particulars based on developmental level, environmental context, and the value itself.

Remember to teach in layers not lumps!

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Wooden’s Pyramid of


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Westmoor Elementary Skills

Apologizing (grades 2/3)Accepting Consequences (grades 1/2/5)Asking for Help (grades K/1/2/3/4)Using Brave Talk (grades 1/3 )Dealing with an Accusation (grade 2)Dealing with Disappointment (grades

3/5)Giving and Accepting Compliments

(grades 2/3) Ignoring (grades 1/2/3) Interrupting (grades K/1/2/3)Knowing When to Tell (grades 1/3)

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The Faces of Responsibility

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Jeff Beedy: “Leader to Detractor Scale”

5 Leader: understands role as a contributing team member; actively models the value.

4 Contributor: understands role as a member of team & seeks opportunities to display teamwork.

3 Participant: understands role as a member of team, but displays little proactive teamwork.

2 Observer: engages in teamwork only when directed & to promote self-interests.

1 Detractor: Detracts from team. No regard for teammates.

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1-Minute Buzz Break

Q In groups of 2-4 people list the performance values and moral values that are critical for your kids.

Q Take at least one value and attempt to break it down into the specific knowledge and skills required for putting this value into action.

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Principle 6

“Effective character education includes a meaningful and challenging academic

curriculum that respects all learners and

helps them succeed.”

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 21

Character must be taught through the curriculum!

Through the curriculum—formal, informal, & hidden. Make the implicit, explicit.

Through diverse opportunities to help students develop performance and moral character.

Through direct instruction and through discussions of emerging teachable moral moments. Take a stand—it is essential for student development!

Through classroom and school-wide discipline that is fair, consistent, and co-created.

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The Heartwood Curriculum

The Heartwood Institute creates ethics curricula for children from preschool to grade six.

Based on good multicultural children's literature, the curricula are designed to introduce a language of ethics and to foster literacy, good judgment and moral imagination.

Read aloud stories, discussions and activities promote understanding of the universal attributes:

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The Heartwood Institute 

425 North Craig Street  Suite 302  Pittsburgh, PA 15213 

412-688-8570  1-800-HEART-10  [email protected]

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The Art of Loving Well Table of Contents

"Cinderella," by Charles Perrault"Cinderella," by the Brothers Grimm"The City of Trembling Leaves," by Walter van Tilburn

Clark"Sixteen," by Maureen Daly"What Means Switch," by Gish Gen"The Makeover of Meredith Kaplan," by Barbara Girion"Sonnet 130," by William Shakespeare"Love Poem," by John Frederick Nims"Too Early Spring," by Stephen Vincent Benet“The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter,” (excerpt) by Carson

McCullers"Up on Fong Mountain," by Norma Fox Mazer"Houseparty," by Walter Bernstein

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The Loving Well Project

Nancy McLaren, Project Director

School of Education, Boston University

605 Commonwealth Ave.

Boston, MA 02215

Phone: 617/353-4088

Fax: 617/353-2909

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“Facing History & Ourselves”Examining History and Human

BehaviorFoundational beliefs:

>Democratic education must be an “apprenticeship in liberty.”

>History is a moral enterprise.>Teaching is a craft.>Adolescents are our future.

Since 1976 more than 17, 000 educators have participated in Facing History workshops and institutes

An estimated 1, 500, 000 students are reached each year.

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The Facing History Cycle

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Columbine Elementary SchoolPersonal & Social Responsibility

StandardsPractices organizational skills…Supports and interacts positively with

others…Takes risks and accepts challenges…Accepts responsibility for behavior… Listens attentively, follows directions,

stays on task…Evaluates own learning…

A = Advanced B = BasicI = In progress P = Proficient

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Math>Tries a variety of strategies to solve a

problem…>Exhibits a knowledge of basic math facts…>Shows effort…

Social Studies>Participates in discussion…>Understands concepts…>Completes projects & assignments… >Shows effort…

Science>Works cooperatively in groups…>Understands concepts…>Completes assignments & experiments…>Shows effort…

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Mr. Shoeneck’s Standards of Excellence

1. I will honor commitments.

2. I will only make statements that add

value and stick to the purpose at hand.

3. I will come to meetings prepared and

determined to contribute.

4. I will offer alternative proposals to those

things with which I disagree.

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5. I will avoid working in isolation and will

seek the thinking of others.

6. I will not be limited by current

boundaries and limitations.

7. I will look for “How Can We” rather than

“Why We Can’t.”

8. I will focus on helping others toward

their purpose through listening and

sharing of thoughts.

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Reflecting on CharacterMonte Pointe HS, (Phoenix, AZ)

1. Is character important for public figures, or are skills and performance all that matter?

2. Write about the character of a person you greatly admire. How has that person’s character affected you?

3. As a society, have we lost sight of the qualities that constitute character?

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4. Is character defined by universal qualities or does it depend on cultural setting and individual viewpoint?

5. Describe a “defining moment” in your life when your character was shaped or strengthened. What has been the effect?

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1-Minute Buzz Break

1. With a colleague from your grade-level or content area, brainstorm two character in the curriculum connections—one performance character and one moral character—using the “character in the curriculum” activity sheet.

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Why Be Good?

This all important question has many different answers—reward, recognition, punishment, disproval, cultural influence.

Motivation is the bridge between what we know and what we do.

What’s the motivation for elementary-age students? For middle and high school students?

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Principle 7

“Character education should strive todevelop students’ self-motivation.”

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Character Education is an inside job!

Character education must develop self-motivation, students who “Do what is right, even if nobody is looking.”>Competence in reaching those goals must be

internally referenced, monitored, pursued. When it comes to promoting self-motivated

individuals:> Tangible extrinsic rewards used primarily for controlling

people’s behavior tend to undermine intrinsic motivation AND self-regulation.

> Extrinsic rewards are less detrimental if they are not used contingently and if the social context is oriented more towards support than control.

> Verbal rewards that convey information or feedback that affirms people’s competence tend to maintain or enhance intrinsic motivation.

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Do you have outies or innies?

Do your students worry only about the final outcome?

Do your students have a helpless response to success or failure?

Can they make sense of an outcome and create a better plan for the future?

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Outies, Innies, What’s The Difference

Outer-focused individuals experience: Increased performance anxiety. Helpless response to success & failure

Q: “How did this happen?” A: “I don’t know” Less personal enjoyment or satisfaction from the

activity. Inner-focused individuals experience:

Increased self-reflection and self-awareness. Strong intrinsic motivation. A healthy approach to competition, with less

performance & moral character “clashes.” Are Less likely to engage in “gaming strategies.”

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Developing the Complete Moral Person—Head, Heart, and Hand

Developing “Innies” interconnects head, heart, and hand:

Through careful individual planning, self-assessment, and skill development.

Through a balance of community support & challenge for individual strengths and weaknesses.

By providing a sense of control over our behavior.

Empowering students to understand, monitor, and change their behaviors.

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Benjamin Franklin’s Virtues

1. Temperance 8. Silence2. Order 9. Resolution3. Frugality 10. Industry4. Sincerity 11. Justice5. Moderation 12. Cleanliness6. Tranquility 13. Chastity7. Humility

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Character Record Book

1. How have I shown respect today?

2. How have I failed to show respect today?

3. How will I show respect tomorrow?

—Franklin Classical Charter


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Got Goals?

Directions: In the three columns below list at least 5 goals

for each category. When you have listed at least 5 goals for

each category, circle your top 3 goals and rank them by order of importance. Academic Extra-Curricular Character

For each of your goals from each category above, list potential assistance you will need (from friends, coaches, teachers, etc.) to help you reach your goals.

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100 Goals

Write at least 100 goals.

Divide them into categories.>E.g., education, career, fun/adventure,

spiritual, travel, reading, learning, etc.

Select the 10 most important goals.

Write a paragraph explaining the importance of your #1 goal.

—Hal Urban, Teacher, Redwood City, CA

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Trouble Card

How to avoid trouble and make a good decision:

1. Is this something that would be considered wrong by my parents, teachers, or religion?

2. Does it go against my conscience?3. Will it have bad consequences, now or in

the future?4. Will I feel sorry after doing it?5. Will it cause me to lose self-respect?

(adapted from Phyllis Smith-Hansen, Lansing Middle School)

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Essential Character Activity

1. What is one thing you could do to improve your school’s approach to recognizing and celebrating good character?

2. Take one of your school’s values and create an innie-promoting, self-monitoring tool for students.

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Principle 8

“The school staff must become a learning & moral community in which all share responsibility for character education &

attempt to adhere to the same core values

that guide the education of the students.”

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“You must be the change you wish to see in the world”

Character educators need not

be perfect—thankfully!

They must be committed—to

a process of ongoing growth

and development.

Effective character education

requires TIME & DIALOGUE.

E.g., Lansing Mission Statement


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The People, The Process, & Priming The Pump

The People involved in planning, implementing, and modeling the shared values of the community.

The Processes for reflecting on consistency and effectiveness in realizing character goals—personal and collective.

Priming the Pump by providing the time and training required for ongoing personal development and program improvement.

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“The Stories We Tell Ourselves”

In Professional Learning Communities at Work, DuFour and Eaker (1998) argue, “cultures are defined by the stories we tell ourselves.” These stories:>Help clarify our values>Reveal our view of the world>Reinforce our interpretation of events>Instruct us on appropriate conduct>Identify heroes and villains

Data offer us an opportunity to tell a story.>The story of “our data” and how we interpret it

is essential to our growth & development.

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Story Lines That Won’t Lead to Growth & Development…

“We don’t care what a few people say, everybody knows this is a good place.”

“By the time that get to high school, it’s too late for character education.”

“I don’t have the time for character education.”

“There must be a program or person that is supposed to be doing this.”

“Between the lack of parent involvement and the media, there’s not much we can do.”

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Mission-Driven Schools & Classrooms

Individual identity is developed at least in part through participation in communities with a clear and cohesive institutional identity—not a class, a way of life.

Exemplary schools of character are mission-driven schools that provide students with a clear sense of what it means to be a member of this community.>“The Roosevelt Way”>“The Souhegan Six”

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“The Souhegan Six”Souhegan HS, New Hampshire

1. Respect and encourage the right to teach and the right to learn at all times.

2. Be actively engaged in the learning; ask questions, collaborate, and seek solutions.

3. Be on time to fulfill your daily commitments.4. Be appropriate; demonstrate behavior that is

considerate of the community, the campus, and yourself.

5. Be truthful; communicate honestly.6. Be responsible and accountable for your


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Fenway High School Motto

Work Hard.

Be Yourself.

Do the Right Thing.

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St. Benedict’s Prep

“Whatever hurts my brother, hurts me.”

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Research by Kathryn Wentzel on Middle School Teachers Indicates

That Teachers who do the following…

>Have high expectations for students>Avoid negative feedback and are nurturing>Are fair and use democratic forms of

communication>Cultivate motivation for learning and school>Set clear rules

Have students who…>Possess prosocial and achievement motivation>Have a sense of personal mastery and control>Engage in more prosocial and less irresponsible

behavior>Get higher grades in school

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Responsibility, Efficacy, & The Character Educator’s Challenge

In general, educators report a very high sense of responsibility for character education.

However, this is juxtaposed by very low self reports of efficacy in doing character education.

Nevertheless, character educators tend to overestimate the frequency, quality, and impact of their character education efforts.

Herein lies the challenge: to develop educators who feel responsible and capable for CE, and who regularly utilize multiple and diverse methods for reflecting on their actual effectiveness.

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Practice what you preach, but don’t forget to preach what you practice!

Adults need to increase their character education practices. They also need to “Preach what they practice” so that the youth experience is caught and taught.

Making your “Truth Signs” chronically accessible> “We only learn from our mistakes if we have the

courage to make them.”

> “Any job worth doing is worth doing well.”

> “There are no failures, just disappointments when you have done your best.”—John Wooden

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 63

The Intangibles of Best Practice

Frequently, inadequate implementation of character education is NOT from lack of interest or commitment, but instead a need for:>More time>More training>More or better curricular resources>Organizational assistance>Changes in scheduling>Etc.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 64

1-Minute Buzz Break

Q In your grade-level groups, work in pairs to complete the activity, “Teachers as Role-Models Activity”

Q Share out with the group.

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Principle 9

“Character education requires moral leadership from both staff and


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Authentic Involvement

Character education is something we do with students—not to them.

Students can drive the program if they are given the responsibility and the required skills.Problem-focused advisory group, discipline

committee, cross-age mentoring, etcE.g., St. Leonard Elementary School “Kid’s

Character Committee”, Lansing Middle school language survey, MKA honor code, Souhegan High School student government.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 67


2.37 2.50






5th Grade 8th Grade 11th Grade

People resolve conflicts without fighting, insults, or threats.

People try to get others to follow the rules.

People do not care if others cheat.








5th Grade 8th Grade 11th Grade

3.793.04 3.00






5th Grade 8th Grade 11th Grade

When children see someone being picked on, they try to stop it.









5th Grade 8th Grade 11th Grade

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The Giraffe Project

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 69

The Giraffe Process

Hear The StoryLearn from the Giraffe story-bank of real

heroes and heroines

Tell The StoryLook for giraffe’s in your community and

share their story

Be The StoryStick your neck out for worthy causes

that need your help

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 70

Sample Giraffe Story As an eighth-grader, Sarah Swagart

decided it was wrong for young skateboarders to be treated like criminals, threatened with fines of as much as $500 and 90 days in jail.

Not a skateboarder herself, she could see that the kids might be annoying, but they definitely were not criminals.

She formed “Nobody Special,” an organization whose mission is to get the skateboarders a place—and to get the community to see them as athletes, not hoodlums.

She got commitment from the SeaBees at Whidbey Naval Air Station to do the construction; businesses donated materials; and they’re on the sidewalks raising “a mile of money”—26,400 dollar bills.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 71

Compelling Giraffe Statistics

The number who thought nothing could

be done to solve community problems

dropped by 55%

The number who agreed that they

should help solve such problems went

up by 27%

Those who chose celebrities as heroes

dropped by 50%

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 72

1-Minute Buzz Break

As a grade-level group, make three columns on a piece of scrap paper (assign a group recorder to capture the thoughts of the group) . In the first column list ways that students are currently involved in authentic leadership for your character education program. In the second column list additional ways students could be more authentically involved. In the third column, list any between-building leadership opportunities for your students (e.g., Middle-Elem, HS-Middle, etc.).

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 73

Principle 10

“The school must recruit parents and

community members as full partners in

the character-building effort.”

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 74

Parents Need Help Walking the Performance/Moral Character Tightrope

Developing both performance and moral character requires their help.

Education is needed for both!

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 75

“A lot Easier Said than Done”

A report focusing on the difficulty of raising children of integrity and character in America today.

In general, the report indicates a majority of parents reporting they believe character development outcomes are essential, but also believe they are doing an inadequate job in their own character development efforts.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 76

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 77

10 Priorities from…“The Biggest Job We’ll Ever Have”

(Laura & Malcolm Gauld 2002)

1. Truth over harmony2. Principles over rules3. Attitude over aptitude4. Set high expectations and let go of

outcomes5. Value success and failure6. Allow obstacles to become opportunities7. Take hold and let go8. Create a character culture9. Humility to ask for and accept health10. Inspiration: Job 1

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 78

Principle 11

“Evaluation of character education should

assess the character of the school, the school staff’s functioning as character

educators, & the extent to which students manifest good character.” 

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 79

Reflective Practitioning in the Character Education Cycle

Effective character education is a dynamic, cyclical, ongoing, never ending process of attempting to create “zones of optimal character development” that challenge and engage.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 80

The Steps of Reflective Practice







Begin again

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 81

The Key to Effective Program Planning and Evaluation

We must be able to define our constructs if we hope to:> Effectively reach our

educational objective> Effectively measure

our progress

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 82

The Responsive Classroom Program Components

1. Classroom organization > Provides for active interest areas for students,

space for student-created displays of work and an appropriate mix of whole class and individual instruction

2. A morning meeting format > Provides children the daily opportunity to

practice greetings, conversation, sharing and problem solving

3. Rules and logical consequences > Generated, modeled and role-played with the

children that become the cornerstone of classroom life.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 83

4. Academic choice time for all children> Provides them with the necessity of

taking control of their own learning in some meaningful way, both individually and cooperatively

5. Guided discovery of learning materials, areas of the room, curriculum content and ways of behaving> Moves children through a deliberate and

careful introduction to each new experience

6. Assessment and reporting to parents> An evolving process of mutual

communication and understanding

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 84

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 85

Using Data to Drive Practice

Coaches ChecklistSchool as a Caring Community Profile-II

(SCCP-II)Character Education Quality Standards:

A self-assessment Tool for Schools and Districts

Global Portraits of Social and Moral Health


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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 86

Sample Reflection Tools

Journal Reflections Create a personal mission

statement. Verbal feedback using a whip

> “I liked, next time we might” Sentence completion tests (3X5

cards) “One specific way I show respect

is…” Interviews

Teacher-student, student-student, student-community member

Observations Cafeteria, extracurriculars, bus, etc.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 87

Lansing Middle School Focus Group

One specific behavior that indicates a

lack of character is…

This behavior indicates a need to

develop what value or skill…

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 88

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 89

The Faces of Responsibility

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 90

How might your students answer the following questions?

When students see another student being mean, they try to stop it.

Students try to comfort a peer who has experienced sadness.

Students help new students feel accepted.Students help each other, even if they are

not friends.Students can talk to their teachers about

problems that are bothering them.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 91

Grade level

Sixth Grade Fifth Grade Fourth Grade Third Grade









17. When students see another student being mean, they try to stop it.

18. Students try to console or comfort a peer who has experienced a sadness.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 92

Reflective practice: a process of constantly righting the flight

We must constantly bootstrap between our ideal path and our current reality.

We must make in flight corrections or risk arriving at the wrong, or unplanned destination—or worse.

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Region 10 (Davidson, 2004) # 93

I laughed, I cried, I decided to try..

1. Following today’s discussion, write down 1 or 2 specific things you plan to utilize within your sphere of influence to develop performance & moral character.

2. Challenge yourself to begin by finding 30 total minutes per week devoted to developing performance & moral character (monitor by keeping a record).

3. Challenge yourself as a professional & ethical learning community to find 30 minutes every 2 weeks where you share, reflect upon, & refocus your efforts.
