Page 1: REGIONAL CONTINUUM of CARE COUNCIL Governance Board: Meeting #1 Community Stakeholders System of Housing & Services CoC “Geography”


Governance Board: Meeting #1

Community Stakeholders

System of Housing &


CoC “Geography”

Page 2: REGIONAL CONTINUUM of CARE COUNCIL Governance Board: Meeting #1 Community Stakeholders System of Housing & Services CoC “Geography”

#1.Introductions &


RCCC Board Meeting #1

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Page 4: REGIONAL CONTINUUM of CARE COUNCIL Governance Board: Meeting #1 Community Stakeholders System of Housing & Services CoC “Geography”

#1. Introductions & WelcomeBusiness 1 - Branden Wermers, Wermers Companies

Business 2 - Karen Brailean, San Diego Social Venture Partners

Business 3 - Jennifer LeSar, LeSar Development Consultants

Community Advocate - Michael Hopkins, Jewish Family Service

Education - vacant (desire K-12)

Elected Official 1 - Greg Cox, District 1, San Diego County Board of Supervisors

Elected Official 2 - Todd Gloria, City of San Diego

Faith - vacant (desire multi-faith)

Flex 1 - Simonne Ruff, Corporation for Supportive Housing

Flex 2 - Mack Jenkins, County of San Diego Probation Department

Flex 3 - Rick Schnell, Retired, San Diego Police Department (HOT)

Funder 1 - Judy Forrester, Bank of America/USO

Funder 2 - Mary Herron, Funders Together to End Homelessness / Parker Foundation

Health 1 - Sue Lindsay, Institute for Public Health - San Diego State University

Health 2 - Tom Gammiere, Scripps Mercy Hospital

Homeless / Formerly - Jessyca Elgart, Salvation Army

Law Enforcement - Shelley Zimmerman, San Diego Police Department

Technology - John Ohanian, 2-1-1 San Diego

Central Service Provider - Herb Johnson, San Diego Rescue Mission

East Service Provider - Marie McKenzie, Volunteers of America

North Coast Service Provider - Sr. RayMonda Duvall, Catholic Charities

North Inland - Phil Landis, Veterans Village of San Diego

South Bay Service Provider - Larissa Tabin, South Bay Community Services

6th Service Provider - Laura Mustari, Home Start, Inc.

Mainstream Resource - Nick Macchione, County Health and Human Services Agency (Appointed)

Housing Authority - Todd Henderson, County of San Diego Department ofHousing and Community Development (Appointed)

Housing Authority - Rick Gentry, San Diego Housing Commission (Appointed)

Employment - Peter Callstrom, San Diego Work Force Partnership (Appointed)

United Way - Kevin Crawford, United Way of San Diego (Appointed)

Veterans Services - Jessica Chamberlain, Veterans Administration / Veterans Affairs (Appointed)

RCCC Board Meeting #1

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#1. Introductions & Welcome

RCCC Board Meeting #1

Why are you passionate about ending

homelessness?(2 sentences)

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#1. Introductions & Welcome

Group Photo! Please gather towards the front of the room.

RCCC Board Meeting #1

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#1. Introductions & Welcome

RCCC Board Meeting #1

8,600 + Beds/Units of


90% Housing Stability for


Increased Earned Income for 1,100

Leveraged 8,176 units of non-cash mainstream resources and 3,093 units of mainstream cash


Know 10,000 Homeless Persons by


2013 Accomplishments

Other awards and recognition of local projects

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#1. Introductions & Welcome

2013 Accomplishments Continued…

Assisted special needs populations: Victims of human trafficking, domestic violence;

substance use disorders; serious mental illness, disabled, HIV – AIDS, transition-aged youth, seniors,

re-entry – veterans, ex-offenders.

RCCC Board Meeting #1

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Our Board’s Shared Vision

alleviate causes awareness balanced approach best Practices better system navigation client-centric collaborative, not competitive collective impact community complementary consistency in organizations continuous improvement cooperation coordination data-driven decisions different sectors educate community about the issues effective end chronic homelessness ending homelessness

ending is goal but know the realities engage more people excited, explosive, going to "do it" executive guidance family emphasis family focus for 2020 further live-well health and safety highly valued housing impactful increase collaboration increased awareness innovative intentional laser focus leveraging mission of non-profit; business mindset not a "one-size fits all" approach

one vision to help everyone outcomes-based outreach performance & results-driven prevention quality regional cooperation & participation results see business perspective in housing challenges shared, collaborative vision solve the underlying problems strong and different sectors combined understand what's working, what's not vision that is informed by 'real' street connection visionary youth-friendly

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#2.Governance Board &


RCCC Board Meeting #1

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Responsibilities of Governance Board Regional Planning Approve CoC Policies Approve Selection Fundraise

Approve CoC Policies

Monitor CoC & Project Performance

Emergency Solutions Grants Evaluation & Recommendations

RCCC Board Meeting #1

Brings in more than $15 million annually of federal competitive dollars for homeless housing and services

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HEARTH Requires: Establish & Operate a Coordinated Assessment System– Pilot Project: 25 Cities Initiative (Downtown San Diego)– Pilot Project: San Diego Regional Tool (Outlying areas)– CoC to extract best practices; scale up & institutionalize for region– Need: Live Data via HMIS

City of San Diego Funding: $400,000 for HMIS & CAHP

Coordinated Assessment & Housing Placement

RCCC Board Meeting #1

Next Steps-Institutionalize-Customize / LaunchRegion-Wide!

Responsibilities of Governance Board

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1. Nominations/Selection Committee 2. Evaluation Committee3. Fundraising Committee4. Data Committee5. Sub-Populations / Coordinated Intake

• Formation of New Committees - In Process• Role - Provide Recommendations to Board• Focus of Planning Grant

• Update & Implement 31 Regional Action Plans• HEARTH Compliance

RCCC Advisory Committees

RCCC Board Meeting #1

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Data Advisory Committee

Evaluation Advisory Committee

Sub-Populations/ Coordinated Entry

Fundraising Advisory Committee

Nomination Committee

New Advisory CommitteesRef: Governance Charter

Action Plan Domains(Areas of Focus)

HMIS & Data

Plan & Planning




Housing & Services

RCCC Advisory Committees

RCCC Board Meeting #1Action Plan Domains will be assigned to appropriate Advisory Committees

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Annual Tasks Board Action Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

CoC Structural Governance

Board nomination period Receive recommendations 2014 2014

Select and ratify Board Create slate for ratification 2014 2014

Identify Collaborative Applicant Review and Approve 2014 2013

Select HMIS Lead agent Review and Approve 2013

Elect Governance Board officers Establish

Identify potential Infrastructure Organizations (Selection Committee)

Select Infrastructure Organization Review and Approve

CoC Planning and Evaluation

Call for Intent for new projects Authorize and review report

Review project performance - Level 1 Authorize and review report

Set CoC priorities Establish per funding source

Review and rank projects, allocate funds - Level 2 Review and Approve

Conduct ESG review /monitoring Authorize and review report

CoC wide annual performance data Review and Approve

Set ESG priorities for State ESG consideration Establish & Certify

Confirm Grant Inventory Worksheet w/ HUD Field Office Authorize

Consult with ESG entitlement areas Authorize

Support Consolidated Plan development (CoC Staff)

Support CAPER reporting (CoC Staff)

CoC Operations

Calendar of Governance Meetings Establish

Calendar quarterly and annual membership meetings (CoC Staff) 2014 2014

Public announcement and recruitment of new members (CoC Staff) 2013 2014

Compile Membership Applications (CoC Fiscal Agent) 2014

Submit Housing Inventory Count - HDX Review and Approve 2014

CoC Annual Registration with HUD - Esnaps Authorize

Conduct Point in Time Count Authorize 2014

Submit Point in Time Summary in HDX Review and Approve 2014

Submit Annual Homeless assessment report Review and Approve 2013

CoC Annual Application Review and Approve

Prepare and Submit CoC Application (Collaborative Applicant) 2013 ? ? ?

Submit CoC Project Priorities Listing Review and Approve 2013 ? ? ?

Comply with Executive Order # at the States discretion (Collaborative Applicant) ? ? ?

Identify Collaborative Assessment System Review and Approve 2014 2014 2014

Review and update ESG Manual Authorize

Review and Update HMIS MOU (* Calendar change?) Approve

Review and Update Governance Charter (Recommendations to full CoC) 2013

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#3.CoC Infrastructure

RCCC Board Meeting #1

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Current Structure: Staff & Lead AgenciesRCCC Governance Board of Directors

RCCCPatricia Leslie, FacilitatorJessica Wishan, Project


RCCC GovernanceAdvisory Committees & Liaisons

Nominations/Selection Committee Evaluation CommitteeFundraising CommitteeData CommitteeSub-Populations / Coordinated Intake

Lead AgencyCounty HCDMegan O’Dowd

Housing Program Analyst

Lead AgencySDHC

Melissa PetermanMgr., Housing Innovations


Dolores DiazExecutive Director

RCCC GovernanceInter-governmental Council

(Elected Officials)


RCCC Board Meeting #1

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Current Structure: Roles & Responsibilities

Continuum of Care• Statutory Responsibility under HUD• Assigns Certain Responsibilities to Governance Board• Lead & Facilitated by CoC Staff

Lead Agency – County HCDas

Collaborative Applicant• Compile & Submit CoC Application • Administer HUD Planning Grant

(will be assumed by Infrastructure Organization)

Sub-Committees & Liaisons

Lead Agency – Regional Task Forceas

HMIS Lead• Data collection and HUD reporting.• Develop privacy, security, data quality plan • Ensure consistent participation of HMIS

recipients • HMIS in HUD Compliance

(will be assumed by Infrastructure Organization)

Governance Charter• Outlines Roles & Responsibilities of ‘Component Organizations’

Governance BoardSelect & Oversee (In Accordance with Charter & HEARTH):

• Infrastructure Organization, HMIS Lead & Collaborative Applicant

Goal: Infrastructure OrganizationSelection via Competitive Process

Lead Agency – SD Housing Commission

asProject Director Employer

(will be assumed by Infrastructure Organization)

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Develop: Infrastructure Organization• Infrastructure Organization to assume operational responsibilities for

HUD CoC grant and beyond

• The Infrastructure Organization will be selected using a formal selection process

• A single organization to assume all responsibilities is preferred but not required

• Particular legal structure of the Infrastructure Organization is not being identified or recommended, rather the formal selection process will be open (non-profit, JPA, etc.)

Working Committee: Nomination/Selection Committee

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Develop: InfrastructureFunders Together to End Homelessness

Purpose: To promote an effective and efficient system of housing and services to help end homelessness in San Diego County.

Participating Organizations

• Alliance Healthcare Foundation• Leichtag Foundation• LeSar Development Consultants• McCarthy Family Foundation• The Parker Foundation• San Diego Housing Commission• San Diego Social Venture Partners• United Way of San Diego County

Supporting RCCC Infrastructure through FTEH Funds RCCC Board Meeting #1

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#4.Current Action Items

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Agenda of Action Items• Appointment of Executive Committee

Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer

• Authorize Request for Letters of Intent for CoC and I/O

• Authorize Level 1 Review

• Authorize Submittal of 2014 Grant Inventory Worksheet

• Authorize 2014 CoC Registration

• Direct Staff to Provide Reports• Data; Evaluation; Selection; Fundraising; Sub-Populations

Collaborative Assessment

• Composition of Intergovernmental Council

• Request Board Participation: Formation & Recruitment

RCCC Board Meeting #1

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Agenda of Action Items

Reference: Paper Ballot to Vote

Board Leadership - Elect Executive Committee

Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Secretary Treasurer

RCCC Board Meeting #1

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CoC Structural Governance Action Yes No Abstain 1. Identify Infrastructure Organization Authorize and request report

CoC Planning and Evaluation Action Yes No Abstain 1. Call for Intent to Submit Authorize and request report 2. Review project performance - Level 1 Authorize and request report 3. Confirm Grant Inventory Worksheet w/ HUD Field Office Authorize

CoC Operations Action Yes No Abstain 1. Calendar of Governance Meetings Establish 2. CoC Annual Registration with HUD – Esnaps Authorize

Agenda of Action Items

Reference Your Packet (Agenda of Annual Action Items)

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CoC Structural Governance Action Yes No Abstain1.    Identify Infrastructure Organization Authorize and request report

Agenda of Action Items

Category: CoC Governance 1. Identify Infrastructure Organization

In order to realize collective impact and provide centralized infrastructure with dedicated staff and a structured process that leads to a common agenda, shared measurement, continuous communication, and mutually reinforcing activities among all participants, the RCCC will utilize a backbone or infrastructure organization or organizations to assume operational responsibilities for the RCCC.

Charter Section 10.02. SELECTION PROCESS A. A Selection Committee comprised of Full Membership and Board Members will use a solicitation process to

identify and evaluate candidates; B. The Selection Committee will submit recommendations to the Governance Board. C. The Board can accept one of the recommendations, or reject all of the recommendations and instruct the

Selection Committee to continue the search. Final selection and approval rests with the Governance Board. Recommended Action: Authorize the Selection Committee to develop a ‘Call for Letters of Interest and Request for Qualifications’ to identify potential Infrastructure Organizations and report back to Board prior to release.

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CoC Planning and Evaluation Action Yes No Abstain1.    Call for Intent to Submit Authorize and request report2.    Review project performance - Level 1 Authorize and request report3.    Confirm Grant Inventory Worksheet w/ HUD Field Offi ce Authorize

Agenda of Action Items

1. Call for Intents Synchronized with the HUD release of the General Section of Notice of Funding Availability, the CoC issues a call for a ‘Notice of Intent’ to submit. The call for ‘Notice of Intent’ is triggered by the General Notice which typically occurs in June or July. The call informs potential applicants of activities that are eligible under CoC Program rules, advises that a call for applications will occur after release of the formal CoC Program NOFA and is subject to terms and conditions of that NOFA. The Notices of Intent assist the CoC in making CoC funds competitively available and in determining local need for funds and in assessing opportunities for leveraging efforts.

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CoC Planning and Evaluation Action Yes No Abstain1.    Call for Intent to Submit Authorize and request report2.    Review project performance - Level 1 Authorize and request report3.    Confirm Grant Inventory Worksheet w/ HUD Field Offi ce Authorize

Agenda of Action Items

1. Level 1 Project Performance Review Each year, the CoC collects and evaluates CoC and ESG Project eligibility and performance data. This process includes multiple phases. The annual cycle begins in July with collection and review of project data and standardized performance reports, financial records, monitoring reports, and compliance with corrective action plans (if applicable). Recommended Action: Authorize CoC Staff and the Evaluation Advisory Committee to request annual Level 1 performance data for review and provide a report to the Board at the September Board meeting.

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CoC Planning and Evaluation Action Yes No Abstain1.    Call for Intent to Submit Authorize and request report2.    Review project performance - Level 1 Authorize and request report3.    Confirm Grant Inventory Worksheet w/ HUD Field Offi ce Authorize

Agenda of Action Items

1. Grant Inventory Worksheet One requirement of the CoC NOFA application process is confirmation of the list of CoC projects that are eligible for inclusion in the Annual Renewal Demand (ARD). This list is referred to as the ‘Grant Inventory Worksheet’ (GIW). Confirmation of the GIW is a prerequisite to applying for CoC funds from HUD. Confirmation must be completed during a very brief period (7 to 21 days) typically occurring in July-August. Recommended Action: Authorize CoC Staff to work with HUD Los Angeles Field Office to prepare, confirm, and submit the Grant Inventory Worksheet for 2014 and provide a copy of the Board Secretary.

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CoC Operations Action Yes No Abstain1.    Calendar of Governance Meetings Establish2.    CoC Annual Registration with HUD – Esnaps Authorize

Agenda of Action Items

1. Establish Calendar for Governance Board Meetings The Board will establish a regular meeting day, time and location for electronic distribution and web posting . Recommended Action: Authorize staff to assist in the development of a Board meeting calendar for the balance of 2014.

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CoC Operations Action Yes No Abstain1.    Calendar of Governance Meetings Establish2.    CoC Annual Registration with HUD – Esnaps Authorize

Agenda of Action Items

1. CoC Annual Registration To be eligible to apply for CoC funds, each CoC Collaborative Applicant must register the CoC within the specific federally identified funding opportunity. This registration occurs in the E-Snaps system and must be completed in a time frame determined by HUD. The period of registration generally occurs in July-August. The CoC must register during the assigned time or it will not be able to apply for CoC funds. Recommended Action: Authorize CoC Staff to work with Collaborative Applicant to register to San Diego City and County CoC # CA601 for the 2014 competition and provide verification to the Board Secretary.

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#5.Future Actions

RCCC Board Meeting #1

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Future Actions

• Appointment of Liaisons to Advisory Committees

• Board Seat Vacancies

• Board Seat Terms

• Annual Meeting Calendar

Communication Between Meetings

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RCCC Board Meeting #1

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#7.Public Comment

(2 Minutes)

RCCC Board Meeting #1
