
8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 1/67

Barry Petchesky <[email protected]>

[Jschoolcareerexpo] Registration for J-School Career Expo97 mes sages

Izabela Rutkowski < i r2273@c ol umbi a. edu> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 1: 44 P M

Reply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: Jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Regist rat ion f or J-S chool Career ExpoDear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March 29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 editors, producers and recruiters whohelp make t his event t he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse, Bloomberg, CBSNews, CNN, The Wall St reet Journal, Huf f ingt on Post , Mashable, NBC, The New York Times, NPR, Time I nc. ,and The Washington Post.

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science and Master of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiences and journalist ic int erest s and

skills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial

journalism, art s/ cult ure, sci ence/ healt h and polit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science +Journalism program who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum has adapted nimblyto the needs of the digital journalism marketplace. In addition to receiving a solid foundation in writing, reportingand ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, and many specialize in news website design andnavigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat a visualizat ion, mult imedia product ion and programming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attending low once again.The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus $25 for each additional recruiter.The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals, snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to the survey. Weassure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo Coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email her at [email protected].

If you're no longer involved in your company's recruiting efforts, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 2/67

Assi st ant Dean, Career Services jh548@columbia. edu


Izabela Rutkowski < i r2273@c ol umbi a. edu> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 1: 52 P M

Reply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: Jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Dear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March 29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 recruiters who help make this event thebiggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse, Bloomberg, CBSNews, CNN, The Wall St reet Journal, Huf f ingt on Post , Mashable, NBC, The New York Times, NPR, Time I nc. ,and The Washington Post.

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science and Master of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiences and journalist ic int erest s and

skills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial

journalism, art s/ cult ure, sci ence/ healt h and polit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science +Journalism program who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum has adapted nimblyto the needs of the digital journalism marketplace. In addition to receiving a solid foundation in writing, reportingand ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, and many specialize in news website design andnavigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat a visualizat ion, mult imedia product ion and programming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attending low once again.The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus $25 for each additional recruiter.The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals, snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to the survey. Weassure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email her at [email protected].

If you're no longer involved in your company's recruiting efforts, please let us know.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 3/67


Julie Hart enst ein Assoc iat e Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

Dian Zhou < dz 2181@c ol umbi a. edu> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 01 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

wrong sender. I set the sending is jschoolcareerexpo. but received email, sender is your name

Next t ime bef ore you send mail, I will reset

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1: 44 PM, I zabela Rut kowski < [email protected]> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoDear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March 29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 editors, producers and recruiters whohelp make t his event t he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse, Bloomberg, CBSNews, CNN, The Wall St reet Journal, Huf f ingt on Post , Mashable, NBC, The New York Times, NPR, Time I nc. ,and The Washington Post.

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science and Master of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiences and journalist ic int erest s and

skills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial

journalism, art s/ cult ure, science/ healt h and polit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science +Journalism program who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum has adaptednimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solid f oundat ion in writ ing,reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, and many specialize in news websitedesign and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat a visualizat ion, mult imedia product ion andprogramming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attending low onceagain. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus $25 for each additionalrecruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals, snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 4/67

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to the survey. Weassure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo Coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email her at [email protected].

I f you're no longer involved in your company's recruit ing ef f ort s, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein Ass ist ant Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

Amy Chodosh (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN) < ac hodos h@bl oom berg. net > F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 21 P M

Reply-To: Amy Chodosh <achodosh@bloomberg. net >, jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Please remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Karen Christensen < k aren@berk s hirepubl is hi ng. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 16 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove f rom list .

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian ZhouSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Bramowitz, Julie < J uli e_B ramowi t z @c ondenas t . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 19 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

To: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.

>[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Jackie Brook < J ac k ie. B rook @aex p. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 18 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career Expo

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 5/67

Please remove me f rom t he list .

Jackie BrookRecruitment Relationship Manager, AllegisTalent2

American Express Global Recruit ment3 World Financial Center > New York, NY 10285 > USAWork: +1 212 640 6057 > Mobile +1 917 324 2837Jackie. Brook@aexp. com

What will you do #foraliving?

Explore Amex Global Careers and connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of KarenChristensenSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:17 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove f rom list .

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian ZhouSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo

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American Express a ajout é le comment aire suivant le Ce courrier et t out e pièce joint e qu'il cont ient sont réservésau seul destinataire indiqué et peuvent renfermer desrenseignement s conf ident iels et privilégiés. Si vous n'êt es pas le dest inat aire prévu, t out e divulgat ion,duplicat ion, ut ilisat ion ou dist ribut ion du courrier ou de t out e pièce joint e est int erdit e. Si vous avez reçu cet t ecommunication par erreur, veuillez nous en aviser par courrier et détruire immédiatement le courrier et les pièces

joint es. Merci.


Barry Petchesky < barry ap1@gmail . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 27 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Hey guys, what's up? Anyone have any good stories to tell? Share themand def init ely hit reply all.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Laura Anderson < Laura. A nders on@al j az eera. net > F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 22 P M

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Reply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: Amy Chodosh <achodosh@bloomberg. net >, "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu"<jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thx Laura Anderson


AL JAZEERA AMERI CA+1 202 251 5313 1627 K ST NW 11th FL, WASHINGTON DC 20006

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Amy Chodosh(BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN)Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 14:21To: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.

----- Original Message -----From: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu

At : Jan 10 2014 14: 20: 54

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.

>>-----Original Message----->From: Jschoolcareerexpo>[ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s . columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian>Zhou>Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM> T o : jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu>Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>Registration for J-School Career Expo>


Not ice: This email is int ended only f or t he use of t he individual or ent it y named above and may cont aininformation that is confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified thatany disseminat ion, dist ribut ion or copying of t his email is st rict ly prohibit ed. Opinions, conclusions and ot her inf ormat ion in t his message t hat do not relat e t o t he of f icial business of our f irm shall be underst ood as neit her given nor endorsed by it.

Cristal Kurtz < CK urt z @news hour. org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 26 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 7/67

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI have received at least 4 if not 5 emails one after the other on this. Pleas e get the problem under control.

Crist al Kurt z

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian ZhouSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Jessica Jean-Francois < jes s i c a@nat i onal pres s . org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 23 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI'd like to be removed as well

Jessica Jean-FrancoisDirector of OperationsNational Press Foundation1211 Connect icut Ave. NW St e. 310

Washington, DC 20036P: 202-663-7282F: 202-530-2855

jessic a@nat ionalpress.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Jon Jordan < jj ordan@l ef t ri ght . t v > F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 24 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

PLease remove me as well


Associate Producer


39 West 19th St., 9th Fl

New York, NY 10011

Office (212) 695‐2092 ext 368

Cell (917) 647‐0873

[email protected]

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s) of this

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8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 8/67

On Jan 10, 2014, at 2: 23 PM, Jessica Jean-Francois < jessic a@nat ionalpress. org> wrote:

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI'd like to be removed as well

Jessica Jean-FrancoisDirector of OperationsNational Press Foundation1211 Connect icut Ave. NW St e. 310Washington, DC 20036P: 202-663-7282F: 202-530-2855

jessic a@nat ionalpress. org

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Karen ChristensenSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:17 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove f rom list .

-----Original Message-----

From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian ZhouSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo

lila shapiro < li l a. pearl @gmai l. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 26 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: Amy Chodosh <achodosh@bloomberg. net >, jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

please remove me f rom t his list , t hanks!

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Amy Chodosh (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN) < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 9/67

----- Original Message -----From: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu

At : Jan 10 2014 14: 20: 54

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.


>-----Original Message----->From: Jschoolcareerexpo> [ m a i l t o : jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian>Zhou>Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM> T o : jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu>Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>Registration for J-School Career Expo>

Wichita, Michael < MWi c hi t a@aarp. org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 26 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoRegistration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list .

Michael[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Jim Czarnecki < ji m. c z arnec k i @v i c e. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 26 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]


James CzarneckiExecut ive Producer

99 North 10th StBrooklyn, NY 11211p: 718 599 3101 m: 917 859 2832

v i c e . c o mnoisey. commotherboard.tvt hecreat orsproject . com

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 10/67

On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:01 PM, Dian Zhou < [email protected] > wrote:

Registration for J-School Career Expowrong sender. I set the sending is jschoolcareerexpo. but received email, sender is your name

Next t ime bef ore you send mail, I will reset

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1: 44 PM, I zabela Rut kowski < [email protected]> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoDear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat.,March 29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 editors, producers andrecruit ers who help make t his event t he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse,Bloomberg, CBS News, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Mashable, NBC, TheNew York Times, NPR, Time I nc. , and The Washingt on Post .

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Scienceand Mast er of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiencesand journalist ic int erest s and skills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in BusinessJournalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial journalism, art s/ cult ure,science/ healt h and polit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science + Journalismprogram who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum hasadapt ed nimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solidfoundation in writing, reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, andmany specialize in news websit e design and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis,data visualization, multimedia production and programming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attendinglow once again. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus$25 f or each addit ional recruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals,snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue tothe survey. We assure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo Coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email her at [email protected].

I f you're no longer involved in your company's recruit ing ef f ort s, please let us know.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 11/67


Julie Hart enst ein Ass ist ant Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

Andra Gregory < A ndra_Gregory @dis c ov ery . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 28 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoRemove please.

-----Original Message-----

From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian ZhouSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

This e-mail, and any at t achment , is int ended only f or t he person or ent it y t o which it is addressed and maycont ain conf ident ial and/ or privileged mat erial. Any review, re-t ransmission, copying, disseminat ion or ot her useof t his inf ormat ion by persons or ent it ies ot her t han t he int ended recipient is prohibit ed. I f you received t his inerror, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. The contents of this message maycont ain personal views which are not t he views of Discovery Communicat ions, I nc.

Gershberg, Max (HBO) < Max . Gers hberg@hbo. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 28 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list

--Max GershbergHBO Sports1100 Avenue of the Americas | NY, NY 10036

Of f ice- (212) 512-5836Cell- (727) 244-4050

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 12/67

On 1/ 10/ 14 1: 44 PM, "I zabela Rut kowski" < [email protected]> wrote:

>Registration for J-School Career Expo

---------------------------------------------------------------------This e-mail is intended only for the use of the addressees. Any copy ing, forwarding, printing or other use of thise-mail by persons ot her t han t he addressees is not aut horized. This e-mail may cont ain inf ormat ion t hat isprivileged, conf ident ial and exempt f rom disclosure. I f you are not t he int ended recipient , please not if y usimmediately by return e-mail (including the original message in your reply) and then delete and discard all copiesof the e-mail.

Thank you.


Sam Davis < s @hi poli t ic s . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 27 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Pleae remove me

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1: 52 PM, I zabela Rut kowski < [email protected]> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoDear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March 29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 recruiters who help make this event

t he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse, Bloomberg, CBSNews, CNN, The Wall St reet Journal, Huf f ingt on Post , Mashable, NBC, The New York Times, NPR, Time I nc. ,and The Washington Post.

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science and Master of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiences and journalist ic int erest s and

skills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial

journalism, art s/ cult ure, science/ healt h and polit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science +

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 13/67

Journalism program who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum has adaptednimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solid f oundat ion in writ ing,reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, and many specialize in news websitedesign and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat a visualizat ion, mult imedia product ion andprogramming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attending low onceagain. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus $25 for each additionalrecruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals, snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to the survey. Weassure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email her at [email protected].

I f you're no longer involved in your company's recruit ing ef f ort s, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein Ass ociat e Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

Annette Rose-Shapiro < aros es hapi ro@art news . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 26 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease explain why I 'm get t ing all t hese emails. I don't have you on a mailing list and have never emailed you.

Annet t e Rose-ShapiroManaging Editor, ARTnews[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Annet t e Rose-ShapiroManaging Editor

ARTnews48 West 38th StreetNew York, NY 10018212-398-1690, x132f a x 212-768-4002

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 14/67

Sam Davis < s @hi poli t ic s . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 28 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

please remove me

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2: 27 PM, Sam Davis < s@hipolit ics. com > wrote:Pleae remove me

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1: 52 PM, I zabela Rut kowski < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoDear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March 29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 recruiters who help make this eventt he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse, Bloomberg,CBS News, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Mashable, NBC, The New York Times, NPR,Time I nc. , and The Washingt on Post .

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science and Master of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiences and journalist ic int erest s andskills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial

journalism, art s/ cult ure, science/ healt h and polit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science +Journalism program who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum has adaptednimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solid f oundat ion inwriting, reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, and many specialize in newswebsit e design and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat a visualizat ion, mult imedia

production and programming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attending low onceagain. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus $25 for eachaddit ional recruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals, snacks and a resumebook.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 15/67

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to the survey.We assure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email her at [email protected].

I f you're no longer involved in your company's recruit ing ef f ort s, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein Ass ociat e Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

Weinblatt, Courtney < c wei nbl at t @hears t . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 27 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me.--Courtney A. WeinblattMarket Direct or Marie Claire300 west 57th Street34th floor New York, NY 10019

212.841.8441[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Micah Gelman < Mic ah_Gelman@dis c ov ery . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 28 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom t his list .

Micah Gelman

Director, Digital Video Strategy & OperationsDiscovery Communicat ionsT: 240-662-3256 | M: 410-615-9149

On 1/ 10/ 14, 1: 44 PM, "I zabela Rut kowski" < [email protected] > wrote:

>Registration for J-School Career Expo

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 16/67

Michael Tedder < mt edder@gmai l . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 28 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Yes, please remove me.

-Michael Tedder www. t wit t er. com/ mt edder ht t p: / / michaelt edder. comManaging Editor, The TalkhouseWords For Various And Sundry. Smiles For Everyone."For All Your Michael Tedder-based Needs"

New writing, just for you, right here.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Laura Anderson < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career Expo

Pleas e remove me from your mailing lis t. Thx Laura Anderson


+1 202 251 5313 1627 K ST NW 11th FL, WASHINGTON DC 20006

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s . columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Amy Chodosh(BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN)Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 14:21

To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.

----- Original Message -----From: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu

At : Jan 10 2014 14: 20: 54

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.

>>-----Original Message----->From: Jschoolcareerexpo> [ m a i l t o : jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian>Zhou>Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM> T o : jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu>Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>Registration for J-School Career Expo>

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 17/67


Not ice: This email is int ended only f or t he use of t he individual or ent it y named above and may cont aininformation that is confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified thatany disseminat ion, dist ribut ion or copying of t his email is st rict ly prohibit ed. Opinions, conclusions and ot her inf ormat ion in t his message t hat do not relat e t o t he of f icial business of our f irm shall be underst ood as neit her

given nor endorsed by it.

Barry Petchesky < barry ap1@gmail . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 34 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

1. Replying "please remove me" won't remove you from the mailing list.2. I t will act ively make t his whole t hing worse.3. I'm going to be publishing this whole chain later on, so if youdon't want to look dumb, consider this your warning.

You won't listen, though.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Martinez Marie Elena < mari eel ena. mart i nez @l at ina. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 28 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: Amy Chodosh <achodosh@bloomberg. net >, jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]


Marie Elena Martinez


THE LATIN KITCHEN57 West 57th Street, 3rd Floor

NY, NY 10019

(o) 212‐642‐0281

(m) 917‐498‐2343

On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:21 PM, Amy Chodosh (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN) wrote:

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 18/67

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.

----- Original Message -----From: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu

At : Jan 10 2014 14: 20: 54

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.

-----Original Message-----

From: Jschoolcareerexpo

[ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian


Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PM

To: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu

Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo


Vickie Walton < V Wal t on@npr. org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 29 P M

Reply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Jen Chung < j en@got hami s t . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 35 P MTo: [email protected]

One day, people will f igure out t he dark magic of email list s.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 19/67

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2: 27 PM, Barry Pet chesky < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoHey guys, what's up? Anyone have any good stories to tell? Share themand def init ely hit reply all.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Amy Chodosh (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN)< [email protected] > wrote:> Registration for J-School Career Expo> Please remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.>

> ----- Original Message -----> From: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> T o : jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> At : Jan 10 2014 14: 20: 54>> Registration for J-School Career Expo> Please remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.>>>>>-----Original Message----->>From: Jschoolcareerexpo> > [ m a i l t o : jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian>>Zhou>>Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM> > T o : jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>>Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>>>Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>>>>>

--Jen Chung

Execut ive Edit or, Got hamistht t p: / / got hamist . comCo-founder, Gothamist LLCht t p: / / got hamist llc. com

Conan Tobias < conan. tobi as @c anadianbus ines s. rogers .c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 29 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu


This communicat ion is conf ident ial. We only send and receive email on t he basis of t he t erms set out atwww. rogers. com/ web/ cont ent / emailnot ice.

Ce message est conf ident iel. Not re t ransmission et récept ion de courriels se f ait st rict ement suivant lesmodalit és énoncées dans l’avis publié à

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 20/67

Sophia Qureshi < s ophi a. qures hi@al j az eera. net > F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 29 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom t his list

________________________________________ From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] on behalf of Michael Tedder [ [email protected] ]Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 10:28 PM

To: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Jake Heller < j ak eghel l er@gmail . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 35 P MTo: [email protected]

haha well done. Best,

J a k e

Jake Heller @HellerJake(646) 522-3297

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2: 27 PM, Barry Pet chesky < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoHey guys, what's up? Anyone have any good stories to tell? Share themand def init ely hit reply all.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Amy Chodosh (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN)

< [email protected] > wrote:> Registration for J-School Career Expo> Please remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.>> ----- Original Message -----> From: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> T o : jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> At : Jan 10 2014 14: 20: 54>> Registration for J-School Career Expo> Please remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.>>>>>-----Original Message----->>From: Jschoolcareerexpo> > [ m a i l t o : jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian>>Zhou>>Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM> > T o : jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>>Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>>>Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>>>

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 21/67


Karen Shimizu < k aren. s hi mi z u@bonni erc orp. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 30 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Me t oo, t hanks.

Karen Shimizu--Senior Editor SAVEUR15 East 32nd Street, 12th Floor New York, NY 10016work: (212) 219-7408mobile: (315) 395-6095 [email protected]

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Micah Gelman < Micah_Gelman@discovery. com> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom t his list .

Micah GelmanDirector, Digital Video Strategy & OperationsDiscovery Communicat ionsT: 240-662-3256 | M: 410-615-9149

On 1/ 10/ 14, 1: 44 PM, "I zabela Rut kowski" < [email protected]> wrote:

>Registration for J-School Career Expo

This e-mail, and any at t achment , is int ended only f or t he person or ent it y t o which it is addressed and maycont ain conf ident ial and/ or privileged mat erial. Any review, re-t ransmission, copying, disseminat ion or ot her use of t his inf ormat ion by persons or ent it ies ot her t han t he int ended recipient is prohibit ed. I f you received t hisin error, please cont act t he sender and delet e t he mat erial f rom any comput er. The cont ent s of t his messagemay cont ain personal views which are not t he views of Discovery Communicat ions, I nc.

Cristal Kurtz < CK urt z @news hour. org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 31 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI have received at least 8 emails on t his along wit h t he ot hers asking t o be removed f rom your mailing. Pleasecorrect t he problem ASAP! ! ! ! ! !

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 22/67

Crist al Kurt z[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Maryann Skinner < Mary ann. S k i nner@news day . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 30 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career Expo

Hi,I 'm get t ing lot s of email asking t o be removed f rom t he mailing list .

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of I zabelaRut kowskiSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 1:53 PMTo: Jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

--------------------------------------------------------The inf ormat ion t ransmit t ed in t his email and any of it s at t achment s is int ended only f or t he person or ent it y t owhich it is addressed and may cont ain inf ormat ion concerning Cablevision and/ or it s af f iliat es and subsidiariest hat is propriet ary, privileged, conf ident ial and/ or subject t o copyright . Any review, ret ransmission, disseminat ion

or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than theintended recipient(s) is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you received this in error, please contact the sender immediat ely and delet e and dest roy t he communicat ion and all of t he at t achment s you have received and allcopies t hereof .--------------------------------------------------------

Hena Ashraf < hena@nbpc . t v > F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 36 P MTo: [email protected]

Hahaha! This has made my Friday!

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2: 27 PM, Barry Pet chesky < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoHey guys, what's up? Anyone have any good stories to tell? Share themand def init ely hit reply all.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Amy Chodosh (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN)< [email protected] > wrote:> Registration for J-School Career Expo> Please remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.>> ----- Original Message -----

> From: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> T o : jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> At : Jan 10 2014 14: 20: 54>> Registration for J-School Career Expo> Please remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.>>>>>-----Original Message----->>From: Jschoolcareerexpo> > [ m a i l t o : jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian>>Zhou>>Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 23/67

> > T o : jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>>Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>>>Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>>>>>

--Hena Ashraf Programs Associat eBlack Public Media68 East 131st Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10037

[email protected] 1 2 - 2 3 4 - 8 2 0 0 x 2 3 0

blackpublicmedia. org

Joe Bardi < joe. bardi @c reat i v eloaf ing. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 32 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Please remove me as well.

Joe BardiManaging/Online Editor Creative Loafing1911 N. 13th StreetSuite-W200

Tampa, FL 33605(2nd floor above The Spaghetti Warehouse)Ph#: 813-739-4852Fax#: 813-739-4801

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Gershberg, Max (HBO) < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom your mailing list

--Max GershbergHBO Sports1100 Avenue of the Americas | NY, NY 10036

Of f ice- (212) 512-5836Cell- (727) 244-4050

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 24/67

On 1/ 10/ 14 1: 44 PM, "I zabela Rut kowski" < [email protected]> wrote:

>Registration for J-School Career Expo

---------------------------------------------------------------------This e-mail is int ended only for the use of the addressees. Any copy ing, forwarding, printing or other use of t his e-mail by persons ot her t han t he addressees is not aut horized. This e-mail may cont ain inf ormat ion t hat isprivileged, conf ident ial and exempt f rom disclosure. I f you are not t he int ended recipient , please not if y usimmediately by return e-mail (including the original message in your reply) and then delete and discard allcopies of t he e-mail.

Thank you.


Kevin Davis < k ev i n. dav is @i nv es t igat iv enews net work . org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 32 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career ExpoSince t hese emails don't seem t o be abat ing any t ime soon, why don't you remove all of us and next t ime useMailChimp or some other service where getting yourself taken off a mailing list doesn't require disturbingeverybody else on t he list every single t ime.E P I C F A I L ! ! !

Kevin DavisCEO, I nvest igat ive News Net work

Kevin. Davis@I nvest igat iveNewsNet work. org818.582.3903: of f ice direct310.770.6665: c e l l818.582.3931: Fax@KLJDavis: Twit t er [ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Hord-White, Michelle (NBCUniversal) < M ic hel le .Ho rd -Whi t e@n bc uni .c om > F ri , J an 1 0, 2 014 at 2 :3 3 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>Cc: "Julie Hartenstein ([email protected])" <[email protected]>

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 25/67

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease unsubscribe me f rom t his list .

I have received t ons of emails relat ed t o t his t oday and addit ional emails f rom ot her people asking t ounsubscribe.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Stefania Sainato < s s ai nat o@bri dal guide. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 31 P M

Reply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

I'd like to be removed as well. Thanks!

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Micah Gelman < Micah_Gelman@discovery. com> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom t his list .

Micah GelmanDirector, Digital Video Strategy & OperationsDiscovery Communicat ionsT: 240-662-3256 | M: 410-615-9149

On 1/ 10/ 14, 1: 44 PM, "I zabela Rut kowski" < [email protected]> wrote:

>Registration for J-School Career Expo

This e-mail, and any at t achment , is int ended only f or t he person or ent it y t o which it is addressed and maycont ain conf ident ial and/ or privileged mat erial. Any review, re-t ransmission, copying, disseminat ion or ot her use of t his inf ormat ion by persons or ent it ies ot her t han t he int ended recipient is prohibit ed. I f you received t hisin error, please cont act t he sender and delet e t he mat erial f rom any comput er. The cont ent s of t his messagemay cont ain personal views which are not t he views of Discovery Communicat ions, I nc.

----St ef ania Sainat oWeb Producer Bridal Guide Magazine228 East 45 Street , 11th Floor New York, NY 10017 p: 212-838-5993f : [email protected]

Elizabeth Gettelman < eget t el man@mot herj ones . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 33 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 26/67

Registration for J-School Career ExpoCan you ask people t o st op replying all wit h t heir unsubscribe not ices,please?[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Lindsay Washick < l was hic k @part 2pi c t ures . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 33 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Please remove me.

On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:24 PM, Jon Jordan < jjordan@lef t right . t v > wrote:

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPLease remove me as well


Associate Producer

LEFT/RIGHT, INC.39 West 19th St., 9th Fl

New York, NY 10011

Office (212) 695‐2092 ext 368

Cell (917) 647‐0873

[email protected]

This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s) of this

message. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please notify the sender by return email, and delete this and all copies of this message

and any attachments f rom your system. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of this message or any attachments is prohibited

and may be unlawful.

On Jan 10, 2014, at 2: 23 PM, Jessica Jean-Francois < jessic a@nat ionalpress. org> wrote:

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI'd like to be removed as well

Jessica Jean-FrancoisDirector of OperationsNational Press Foundation1211 Connect icut Ave. NW St e. 310Washington, DC 20036P: 202-663-7282F: 202-530-2855

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 27/67

jessic a@nat ionalpress. org

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Karen ChristensenSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:17 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove f rom list .

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian ZhouSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo

Lindsay Washick

part2 pictures

302 But ler St .Brooklyn, NY11217O: 718 797 0581M: 917 488 5219

Barry Petchesky < barry ap1@gmail . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 38 P MTo: Jen Chung <jen@got hamist . com>

These are so predictable and I love them.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

[email protected] < i s ha an _t ha ro or@ ti m em ag az i ne .c o m> F ri , J a n 1 0, 2 01 4 a t 2 :3 6 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career ExpoCan we be not if ied how t o get of f t his list wit hout spamming everyone elseon it ?Thanks.

On 1/ 10/ 14 2: 26 PM, "Crist al Kurt z" < [email protected]> wrote:

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Nancy Skok < nanc y s @wf mz . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 37 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 28/67

To: Amy Chodosh <achodosh@bloomberg. net >, "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu"<jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom t his mailing list .

Nancy SkokWFMZ-TV300 E. Rock Rd.

Allent own, PA 18103

610.797.4530 x284[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Cosentino, Cara < CCos ent ino@f orbes . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 41 P MTo: Barry Pet chesky <barryap1@gmail. com>

This is t he best response by f ar! Can't wait t o see t he whole chain.

B e s t ,Cara------ Forwarded MessageFrom: Barry Pet chesky < [email protected] >

Reply-To: < jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu>Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 14:34:24 -0500To: < jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu>Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo1. Replying "please remove me" won't remove you from the mailing list.2. I t will act ively make t his whole t hing worse.3. I'm going to be publishing this whole chain later on, so if youdon't want to look dumb, consider this your warning.

You won't listen, though.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Micah Gelman< Micah_Gelman@discovery. com> wrote:> Registration for J-School Career Expo> Please remove me f rom t his list .>>> Micah Gelman> Direct or, Digit al Video St rat egy & Operat ions> Discovery Communicat ions> T : 240-662-3256 | M: 410-615-9149>>>>>> On 1/ 10/ 14, 1: 44 PM, "I zabela Rut kowski" < [email protected]> wrote:>>>Registration for J-School Career Expo>> This e-mail, and any at t achment , is int ended only f or t he person or ent it y t o which it is addressed and maycont ain conf ident ial and/ or privileged mat erial. Any review, re-t ransmission, copying, disseminat ion or ot her useof t his inf ormat ion by persons or ent it ies ot her t han t he int ended recipient is prohibit ed. I f you received t his inerror, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. The contents of this message maycont ain personal views which are not t he views of Discovery Communicat ions, I nc.>

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 29/67


------ End of Forwarded Message

This email has been scanned f or email relat ed t hreat s and delivered saf ely by Mimecast .For more inf ormat ion please visit ht t p: / / www. mimecast . com

Julian Ingle < J ul ian. I ngle@alj az eera. net > F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 35 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom t he list .



On 1/ 10/ 14 2: 31 PM, "St ef ania Sainat o" < [email protected] > wrote:

>Registration for J-School Career Expo

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Gottlieb, Martin < Got t l i eb@nort hj ers ey . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 37 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease t ake me of f t his list .

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo[ mailt o: jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. columbia. edu] On Behalf Of SamDavisSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:28 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Gail G Velez < gv elez @f ami l y publ ic at ions . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 40 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

We are receiving emails, please remove f rom list -ASAP

On Jan 10, 2014, at 2: 34 PM, Barry Pet chesky wrot e:

Registration for J-School Career Expo

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 30/67

1. Replying "please remove me" won't remove you from the mailing list.2. I t will act ively make t his whole t hing worse.3. I'm going to be publishing this whole chain later on, so if youdon't want to look dumb, consider this your warning.

You won't listen, though.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Micah Gelman< Micah_Gelman@discovery. com> wrote:

Registration for J-School Career Expo

Please remove me f rom t his list .

Micah Gelman

Director, Digital Video Strategy & Operations

Discovery Communicat ions

T: 240-662-3256 | M: 410-615-9149

On 1/ 10/ 14, 1: 44 PM, "I zabela Rut kowski" < [email protected] > wrote:

Registration for J-School Career Expo

This e-mail, and any at t achment , is int ended only f or t he person or ent it y t o which itis addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, re-t ransmission, copying, disseminat ion or ot her use of t his inf ormat ion by persons or ent it ies ot her t han t he int ended recipient is prohibit ed. I f you received t his in error,please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. The contentsof t his message may cont ain personal views which are not t he views of Discovery

Communicat ions, I nc.

Gail Granet VelezFamily Publications

325 West 38th Street, suite 804New York, NY 10018

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 31/67

212-947-6921 TOLL FREE: 877-881-5022Fax: 212-947-2217

[email protected]

Adam Ludwig < adam@t ec honomy . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 34 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Unf ort unat ely, I am now get t ing emails f rom everyone on t his list re unsubscribing.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2: 18 PM, Jackie Brook < Jackie. Brook@aexp. com> wrote:Registration for J-School Career Expo

Please remove me f rom t he list .

Jackie BrookRecruit ment Relat ionship Manager, AllegisTalent 2

American Express Global Recruit ment3 World Financial Center > New York, NY 10285 > USAWork: +1 212 640 6057 > Mobile +1 917 324 2837Jackie. Brook@aexp. com

What will you do #foraliving?Explore Amex Global Careers and connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s . columbia. edu] On Behalf Of KarenChrist ensenSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:17 PMTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove f rom list .

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s . columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian ZhouSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo

American Express made t he f ollowing annot at ions******************************************************************************"This message and any at t achment s are solely f or t he int ended recipient and may cont ain conf ident ial or privileged inf ormat ion. I f you are not t he int ended recipient , any disclosure, copying, use, or dist ribut ion of t heinf ormat ion included in t his message and any at t achment s is prohibit ed. I f you have received t his

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 32/67

communicat ion in error, please not if y us by reply e-mail and immediat ely and permanent ly delet e t his messageand any at t achment s. Thank you. "

American Express a ajout é le comment aire suivant le Ce courrier et t out e pièce joint e qu'il cont ient sontréservés au seul destinataire indiqué et peuvent renfermer desrenseignement s conf ident iels et privilégiés. Si vous n'êt es pas le dest inat aire prévu, t out e divulgat ion,duplicat ion, ut ilisat ion ou dist ribut ion du courrier ou de t out e pièce joint e est int erdit e. Si vous avez reçu cet t ecommunication par erreur, veuillez nous en aviser par courrier et détruire immédiatement le courrier et lespièces joint es. Merci.



Adam LudwigDirector of Content and CommunityMobile: 646-246-9752Email: adam@t echonomy. com

Techonomy Detroit Sept. 17, 2014

Wayne St at e Universit y (Det roit , MI )

Techonomy 2014 Nov. 10-12, 2014Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay (CA)

For editorial, video, and more info: www. t echonomy. com

Smith, Natalie < NS mi t h@s c hol as t i c . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 37 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me as well.

On 1/10/14 2:16 PM, "Karen Christensen" < [email protected] >wrote:[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Anusha Shrivastava < as 1698@c ol umbi a. edu> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 41 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

We are really sorry about this e-mail snafu.

To unsubscribe and NOT writ e t o t he ent ire list , please do not hit reply. I nst ead, writ e t o I zabela Rut kowski [email protected].

Thanks, Anusha

Anusha Shrivast ava (J'02), Ph. D.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 33/67

Assi st ant Direct or, Career Services

Columbia Universit y Graduate Sc hool of Journalis m

212 854 1708; @AnushaCU

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:36 PM, < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoCan we be notified how to get off this list without spamming everyone elseon it ?Thanks.

On 1/ 10/ 14 2: 26 PM, "Crist al Kurt z" < [email protected]> wrote:

>Registration for J-School Career Expo>I have received at least 4 if not 5 emails one af t er t he ot her on t his.>Please get the problem under control.

>>Crist al Kurt z>>-----Original Message----->From: Jschoolcareerexpo> [ m a i l t o : jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian>Zhou>Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM> T o : jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu>Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>Registration for J-School Career Expo>

Michel Cicero < mc i c ero@ms magaz i ne. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 36 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoSt op replying people! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Gregg Birnbaum < gbi rnbaum@pol i t i c o. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 40 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoThis has st opped being annoying and is act ually kind of f unny now. I speak f or myself , obviously.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Jen Chung < j en@got hami s t . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 45 P M

To: Barry Pet chesky <barryap1@gmail. com>

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 34/67

Please publish it ! Or we can just let t his go on f or days, because t hey t ot ally do![ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Barry Petchesky < barry ap1@gmail . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 46 P MTo: Jen Chung <jen@got hamist . com>

Yeah, I 'm t ot ally going t o publish it lat er on, once it pet ers out a bit .[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

[email protected] < Eri c. Ef fron@t hom sonreut ers .c om > F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 44 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease add me t o t he list .

Just kidding.

Eric Ef f ronEditor, Reuters LegalThomson ReutersPhone: 646.223.8020Mobile: 914.260.2578Eric. Ef f ron@t homsonreut ers. comt homsonreut ers. com[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Abena Agyeman-Fisher < af i s her@int erac t i v eone. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 44 P MTo: Amy Chodosh <achodosh@bloomberg. net >, "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu"<jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom t his list .


From: Jschoolcareerexpo < jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu> on behalf of Amy Chodosh(BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN) < [email protected] >Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:21 PM[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Barry Petchesky < barry ap1@gmail . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 47 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

TO REPLY ALL, CLICK HERE: h t t p : / / b i t . l y / 1 c k e I b A[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Penberthy, Chris < Chri s _P enbert hy @c ondenas t . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 41 P MTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom list . Thank you.

Christine PenberthyResearch Director

bon appétitCondé Nast

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 35/67

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 36/67

specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial journalism, art s/ cult ure,science/ healt h and polit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science + Journalismprogram who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum hasadapt ed nimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solidfoundation in writing, reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, andmany specialize in news websit e design and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis,

data visualization, multimedia production and programming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attendinglow once again. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus$25 f or each addit ional recruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals,snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue tothe survey. We assure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or emailher at [email protected].

I f you're no longer involved in your company's recruit ing ef f ort s, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein Ass ociat e Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

Victor, Daniel < dani el . v ic t or@ny t i mes . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 39 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduRegistration for J-School Career ExpoMay I humbly suggest t hat everyone st op sending individual "Pleaseremove me" emails unt il t he f olks at Columbia realize t hat many of uswant to be removed and provide us instructions on how to do so? Itappears none of us want to be here but we're creating the problem for ourselves.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Michael Tedder < [email protected] > wrote:> Registration for J-School Career Expo>> Yes, please remove me.

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8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 38/67

AI M: danielvict ornytFollow NYT: Twitter | Facebook | Google+

Ron Varrial < ronv @news max . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 48 P MTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI'm only responding so I can show my friends I made Deadspin.

--Ron VarrialDigital Content Director newsmax. com70 West 40th St., New York, NY [email protected](646) 616-3375 (Of f ice)

-----Original Message-----

From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Barry Pet cheskySent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:34 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Stumm, Albert < s t umma@phi ll y news . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 39 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease t ake me of f t his list serv. 30 emails in 20 minut es

Albert St umm Assi st ant Cit y Edit or

Philadelphia Daily News215-854-5128st umma@phillynews. com

Follow Albert on Twitter @albertstumm

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo[ mailt o: jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. columbia. edu] On Behalf Of KarenS h i m i z uSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:31 PM

To: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Davis, Katrena < K at rena. Dav i s @t urner. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 49 P MTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove my cont act inf ormat ion f rom t his list .


Katrena Davis

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 39/67

Senior Recruit er I Turner Broadcast ing Syst em, I nc.One CNN Center I Atlanta, GA 30303 I (p) 404.575.7132 I (f )404.878.4161 I kat rena. davis@t urner. com I

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian Zhou

Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

vinnie narratively < v i nni e@narrat iv e. ly > F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 47 P MTo: "edit or@princet onmagazine. com" <edit or@princet onmagazine. com>Cc: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

d i t t o

On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:46 PM, " [email protected] " < [email protected] > wrote:

Registration for J-School Career Expo

Please remove me.I am receiving mult iple emails.

Lynn Adams SmithEditor-In-Chief

WITHERSPOON MEDIA GROUPP ri n c e t o n M a g a z i n e • T o w n T o p i c s N e w s p a p e r

Urban Agenda New York City • LifeStoriestel: (609) 924-5400 • fax: (609) 924-8818305 Witherspoon Street • Princeton NJ

On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Sam Davis < s@hipolit ics. com > wrote:

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPleae remove me

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1: 52 PM, I zabela Rut kowski < [email protected]> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoDear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March 29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 recruiterswho help make t his event t he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 40/67

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, AgenceFrance Presse, Bloomberg, CBS News, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, HuffingtonPost , Mashable, NBC, The New York Times, NPR, Time I nc. , and The Washingt onP o s t .

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science and Mast er of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit hdiverse lif e experiences and journalist ic int erest s and skills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are

concent rat ing on business/ f inancial journalism, art s/ cult ure, science/ healt h andpolit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science + Journalismprogram who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that thecurriculum has adapt ed nimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place.In addition to receiving a solid foundation in writing, reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, and many specialize in newswebsit e design and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat avisualization, multimedia production and programming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep theprice of attending low once again. The cost to register is $125 per newsorganization for the first two recruiters plus $25 for each additional recruiter. Theregist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals, snacks and a resumebook.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to the survey. We assure you that the site is secure and safe.

I f you have quest ions, please call Expo coordinat or I zabela Rut kowski at (212)854-4422 or email her at [email protected].

I f you're no longer involved in your company's recruit ing ef f ort s, please let usknow.


Julie Hart enst ein

Ass ociat e Dean, Career Services jh548@columbia. edu


8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 41/67

Jesse W. < edit or@indopac i f i c rev i ew. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 49 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

And free email addresses for all!!!!

On 2014-01-10 12:40, Gregg Birnbaum wrote:

Registration for J-School Career Expo

This has stopped being annoying and is actually kind of funny now. I speak for myself,


-----Original Message-----

From: Jschoolcareerexpo [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of

Kevin Davis

Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:33 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: [Jschoolcareerexpo] Registration for J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo

Since these emails don't seem to be abating any time soon, why don't you remove all of us annext time use MailChimp or some other service where getting yourself taken off a mailing lis

doesn't require disturbing everybody else on the list every single time.


Kevin Davis

CEO, Investigative News Network

[email protected]

818.582.3903: office direct

310.770.6665: cell

818.582.3931: Fax

@KLJDavis: Twitter

On Jan 10, 2014, at 11:26 AM, Annette Rose-Shapiro <[email protected] > wrote:

Registration for J-School Career Expo Please explain why I'm getting all these emails. I don't

have you on a mailing list and have never emailed you. Annette Rose-Shapiro Managing Edito

ARTnews On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:22 PM, Laura Anderson wrote:

Registration for J-School Career Expo Please remove me from your mailing list. Thx Laura


JAZEERA AMERICA +1 202 251 5313 1627 K ST NW 11th FL, WASHINGTON DC 20006 -----Or

Message----- From: Jschoolcareerexpo [mailto: [email protected]

On Behalf Of Amy Chodosh (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN) Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 14:21

[email protected] Subject: Re: [Jschoolcareerexpo] Registration for J-S

Career Expo Registration for J-School Career Expo Please remove me from your mailing listThank you. ----- Original Message ----- From: [email protected] To:

[email protected]: Jan 10 2014 14:20:54 Registration for J-School Ca

Expo Please remove me from your mailing list. Thank you.

-----Original Message----- From: Jschoolcareerexpo [mailto: jschoolcareerexpo-

[email protected]] On Behalf Of Dian Zhou Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02

[email protected] Subject: Re: [Jschoolcareerexpo] Registration for J-

Career Expo Registration for J-School Career Expo

________________________________ Notice: This email is intended only for the use of the

individual or entity named above and may contain information that is confidential and privil

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 42/67

If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distrib

or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. Opinions, conclusions and other information in

message that do not relate to the official business of our firm shall be understood as neithe

given nor endorsed by it.

Annette Rose-Shapiro Managing Editor ARTnews 48 West 38th Street New York, NY 10018 212

398-1690, x132 fax 212-768-4002

Kristin Bjornsen < k ri s t i n. bjorns en@v oic emedi agroup. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 53 P MTo: [email protected]

Af t er reviewing all comment s, I 've det ermined you've won t he prize! Runner-up goes t o t he virus guy.

— KristinKristin Bjornsen // Design [email protected]: 305.571.7537 // c: 954.336.9495

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2: 27 PM, Barry Pet chesky < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoHey guys, what's up? Anyone have any good stories to tell? Share themand def init ely hit reply all.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Amy Chodosh (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN)< [email protected] > wrote:> Registration for J-School Career Expo> Please remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.>> ----- Original Message -----> From: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> T o : jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> At : Jan 10 2014 14: 20: 54>> Registration for J-School Career Expo> Please remove me f rom your mailing list . Thank you.>>>>>-----Original Message----->>From: Jschoolcareerexpo> > [ m a i l t o : jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian>>Zhou>>Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM

> > T o : jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>>Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>>>Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>>>>>

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 43/67

Cosentino, Cara < CCos ent ino@f orbes . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 48 P MTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Please don't ever remove me, I'm thoroughly entertained by this.

On 1/10/14 2:41 PM, "Penberthy, Chris" < [email protected] > wrote:

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom list . Thank you.

Christine PenberthyResearch Director

bon appétitCondé Nast4 Times Square, 5th floor New York, NY 10036212.286.3731

Fax - 212-286-2363

On 1/ 10/ 14 1: 52 PM, "I zabela Rut kowski" < [email protected]> wrote:

>Registration for J-School Career Expo

This email has been scanned f or email relat ed t hreat s and delivered saf ely by Mimecast .For more inf ormat ion please visit ht t p: / / www. mimecast . com

Barbara Parks < s pl as hbarb@y ahoo. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 50 P MReply-To: Barbara Parks <[email protected]>To: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Help. I'm getting emails from everyone on your list. Barbara Parks

Splash Studios, Inc.49 West 23rd Street, 6th FloorNew York, NY 10010212-271-8747

From: Dian Zhou <[email protected] >

To: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu

Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:01 PM

Subject: Re: [Jschoolcareerexpo] Registration for J-School Career Expo

wrong sender. I set the sending is jschoolcareerexpo. but received email, sender is your

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 44/67


Next time before you send mail, I will reset

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Izabela Rutkowski <[email protected]> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoDear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March 29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 editors, producers and recruiters who

help make t his event t he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse, Bloomberg, CBS

News, CNN, The Wall St reet Journal, Huf f ingt on Post , Mashable, NBC, The New York Times, NPR, Time I nc. ,

and The Washington Post.

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science and Master of

Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiences and journalist ic int erest s and

skills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or

I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial

journalism, art s/ cult ure, science/ healt h and polit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science +

Journalism program who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum has adapted

nimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solid f oundat ion in writ ing,

reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, and many specialize in news website

design and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat a visualizat ion, mult imedia product ion and


The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attending low onceagain. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus $25 for each additional

recruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals, snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to the survey. We

assure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo Coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email her

at [email protected].

I f you're no longer involved in your company's recruit ing ef f ort s, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein

Ass ist ant Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu


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Registration for J-School Career Expo

Robert Silvers < rs il v ers @ny book s . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 45 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career Expoplease remove me f rom t his list

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

[email protected] < j en ni f er. ab la n@t ho ms o nr eu te rs . c om > F ri , J a n 1 0, 2 01 4 a t 2 :5 2 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease t ake me of f of t his list . Thank you.

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Adam LudwigSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:34 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Mike Toth < mi k e. t ot h@bonni erc orp. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 51 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Please remove me immediat ely f rom your list . I am receiving emails f rom every address you sent t his t o.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1: 52 PM, I zabela Rut kowski < [email protected]> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoDear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March 29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 recruiters who help make this eventt he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse, Bloomberg, CBSNews, CNN, The Wall St reet Journal, Huf f ingt on Post , Mashable, NBC, The New York Times, NPR, Time I nc. ,and The Washington Post.

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science and Master of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiences and journalist ic int erest s and

skills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial

journalism, art s/ cult ure, science/ healt h and polit ics. You will also meet st udent s in our Comput er Science +Journalism program who are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 46/67

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum has adaptednimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solid f oundat ion in writ ing,reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, and many specialize in news websitedesign and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat a visualizat ion, mult imedia product ion andprogramming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attending low onceagain. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus $25 for each additionalrecruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals, snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to the survey. Weassure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email her

at [email protected].

I f you're no longer involved in your company's recruit ing ef f ort s, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein Ass ociat e Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

--Mike Tot hExecut ive Edit or FI ELD & STREAM2 Park Ave.New York, NY 10016212-779-5301mike. t ot h@bonniercorp. com

Michael Jackman < mjac k man@met rot imes . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 50 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Yeah! St op replying! Again!

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Gregg Birnbaum < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoThis has st opped being annoying and is act ually kind of f unny now. I speak f or myself , obviously.

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-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s . columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Kevin DavisSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:33 PMTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoSince t hese emails don't seem t o be abat ing any t ime soon, why don't you remove all of us and next t ime useMailChimp or some other service where getting yourself taken off a mailing list doesn't require disturbing

everybody else on t he list every single t ime.E P I C F A I L ! ! !

Kevin DavisCEO, I nvest igat ive News Net work

Kevin. Davis@I nvest igat iveNewsNet work. org818.582.3903: of f ice direct310.770.6665: c e l l818.582.3931: Fax@KLJDavis: Twit t er

On Jan 10, 2014, at 11:26 AM, Annette Rose-Shapiro < [email protected] > wrote:

> Registration for J-School Career Expo Please explain why I'm getting> all t hese emails. I don't have you on a mailing list and have never emailed you.>> Annette Rose-Shapiro> Managing Editor, ARTnews>> On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:22 PM, Laura Anderson wrote:>>> Registration for J-School Career Expo Please remove me from your >> mailing list . Thx Laura Anderson>>

>>>>>> LAURA ANDERSON | HEAD OF PRODUCTION, SHOWS AND DOCUMENTARIES AL>> JAZEERA AMERI CA>> +1 202 251 5313 1627 K ST NW 11th FL, WASHINGTON DC 20006>>>>>> -----Original Message----->> From: Jschoolcareerexpo> > [ m a i l t o : jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of >> Amy Chodosh (BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXI N)>> Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 14: 21> > T o : jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu

>> Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career > > E x p o>>>> Registration for J-School Career Expo Please remove me from your >> mailing list . Thank you.>>>> ----- Original Message ----->> From: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> > T o : jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu>> At : Jan 10 2014 14: 20: 54>>>> Registration for J-School Career Expo Please remove me from your >> mailing list . Thank you.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 48/67

>>>>>>>> -----Original Message----->>> From: Jschoolcareerexpo> > > [ m a i l t o : jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of >>> Dian Zhou>>> Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM> > > T o : jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu>>> Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career > > > E x p o

>>>>>> Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________ >>>> Not ice: This email is int ended only f or t he use of t he individual or ent it y named above and may cont aininformation that is confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified thatany disseminat ion, dist ribut ion or copying of t his email is st rict ly prohibit ed. Opinions, conclusions and ot her inf ormat ion in t his message t hat do not relat e t o t he of f icial business of our f irm shall be underst ood as neit her given nor endorsed by it.>>>> Annette Rose-Shapiro> Managing Edit or > ARTnews> 48 West 38t h St reet> New York, NY 10018> 212-398-1690, x132> f a x 212-768-4002>


----Michael Jackman

Managing Editor Metro Times1200 Woodward HeightsFerndale, MI 48220-1427mjackman@met rot imes. com

Jautz, Sharon < s j aut z @s panf el lergroup. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 50 P MTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 49/67

Please t ell f olks not t o hit reply all. Sheesh. I t 's 2014! ! ! ! ! !

Sent f rom my iPhone

On Jan 10, 2014, at 1: 13 PM, "I zabela Rut kowski" < [email protected]> wrote:

Registration for J-School Career Expo

Dear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014* Columbia Journalism School* *Career Expo, Sat . , March 29, NYC. *

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275recruiters who help make this event the biggest journalism job fair in thecount ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, AgenceFrance Presse, Bloomberg, CBS News, CNN, The Wall Street Journal,Huf f ingt on Post , Mashable, NBC, The New York Times, NPR, Time I nc. , and The

Washingt on Post .

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plusMast er of Science and Mast er of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual,multinational group with diverse life experiences and journalisticint erest s and skills. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in BusinessJournalism and st udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism.Looking f or specialist s? Our M. A. st udent s are concent rat ing onbusiness/ f inancial journalism, art s/ cult ure, science/ healt h and polit ics.You will also meet students in our Computer Science + Journalism programwho are on the cutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell yout hat t he curriculum has adapt ed nimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al

journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solid f oundat ion inwriting, reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatformreporting, and many specialize in news website design and navigation,social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat a visualizat ion, mult imediaproduction and programming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keepthe price of attending low once again. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus $25 for each additional

recruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals,snacks and a resume book.

*REGI STER HERE. * < ht t ps: / / cs. jrn. columbia. edu/ regist rat ions/ new>* Earlybird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m. *

*Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m. *

*Please not e: I f t his link t akes you t o a websit e securit y page, pleaseaut horize and cont inue t o t he survey. We assure you t hat t he sit e is secureand saf e. *

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 50/67

I f you have quest ions, please call Expo coordinat or I zabela Rut kowski at (212)854-4422 <file://localhost/tel/%2528212%2529%20854-4422> or email her [email protected].

If you're no longer involved in your company's recruiting efforts, pleaselet us know.


Julie Hart enst ein

Assoc iat e Dean, Career Services jh548@columbia. edu

212-854-4922 < f i l e : / / l o c a l h o s t / t e l /212-854-4922>

Dear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 recruiters who help make

t his event t he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse,Bloomberg, CBS News, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Mashable, NBC, The NewYork Times, NPR, Time I nc. , and The Washingt on Post .

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science andMast er of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiences and

journalist ic int erest s and skil ls. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism andst udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial journalism, art s/ cult ure, science/ healt h and

politics. You will also meet students in our Computer Science + Journalism program who are on thecutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum hasadapt ed nimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solidfoundation in writing, reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, andmany specialize in news websit e design and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat avisualization, multimedia production and programming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attendinglow once again. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus$25 f or each addit ional recruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals,snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to thesurvey. We assure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 51/67

her at [email protected].

If you're no longer involved in your company's recruiting efforts, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein Assoc iat e Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

Barry Petchesky < barry ap1@gmail . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 58 P MTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

"Vinnie Narrat ively?" I s t hat your real name? I f so, t hat 's an amazingcoincidence you went int o journalism.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2: 47 PM, vinnie narrat ively < vinnie@narrat ive. ly> wrote:

> Registration for J-School Career Expo>> d i t t o>> On Jan 10, 2014, at 2: 46 PM, " [email protected] " < [email protected] > wrote:>> Registration for J-School Career Expo>> Please remove me.> I am receiving mult iple emails.>> Lynn Adams Smit h> Editor-In-Chief

> WITHERSPOON MEDIA GROUP> Princeton Magazine • Town Topics Newspaper > Urban Agenda New York City • LifeStories> t e l : (609) 924-5400> •> f a x : (609) 924-8818> 305 Witherspoon Street> • Princet on NJ 08542>>> On Jan 10, 2014, at 2: 27 PM, Sam Davis < s@hipolit ics. com > wrote:>> Registration for J-School Career Expo

> Pleae remove me>>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1: 52 PM, I zabela Rut kowski < [email protected]> wrote:>>>> Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>> Dear Recruiter,>>>> We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March 29, NYC.>>>>>> Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 recruiters who help make this event

t he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 52/67

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 53/67

ht t p: / / media. giphy. com/ media/ N5ggKzJt eVt GE/ giphy. gif [ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

--Jake SwearingenDigit al Direct or (918) 630-0054

jake@modf armer.

Wichita, Michael < MWi c hi t a@aarp. org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 3: 02 P MTo: Barry Pet chesky <barryap1@gmail. com>

Nice one[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Rachel Chaney < rc haney @ark ans as onl i ne. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 56 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]


Rachel ChaneyBusiness EditorArkansas [email protected]

On Jan 10, 2014, at 12: 44 PM, I zabela Rut kowski < [email protected]> wrote:

Registration for J-School Career ExpoDear Recruiter,

We are pleased to announce the 2014 Columbia Journalism School Career Expo, Sat., March29, NYC.

Registration is now open for this year's Expo. Please join more than 275 editors, producers andrecruit ers who help make t his event t he biggest journalism job f air in t he count ry.

Some companies that regularly attend our Expo include ABC News, Agence France Presse,Bloomberg, CBS News, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Mashable, NBC, The NewYork Times, NPR, Time I nc. , and The Washingt on Post .

Our Career Expo provides you a chance to spend the day with our 300-plus Master of Science andMast er of Art s st udent s – a mult ilingual, mult inat ional group wit h diverse lif e experiences and

journalist ic int erest s and skil ls. You’ll meet our Knight -Bagehot Fellows in Business Journalism andst udent s in t he St abile Cent er f or I nvest igat ive Journalism. Looking f or specialist s? Our M. udent s are concent rat ing on business/ f inancial journalism, art s/ cult ure, science/ healt h andpolitics. You will also meet students in our Computer Science + Journalism program who are on thecutting edge of data-driven and computational journalism.

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 54/67

For a school as steeped in tradition as Columbia, we’re happy to tell you that the curriculum hasadapt ed nimbly t o t he needs of t he digit al journalism market place. I n addit ion t o receiving a solidfoundation in writing, reporting and ethics, our students are trained in multiplatform reporting, andmany specialize in news websit e design and navigat ion, social media and SEO, dat a analysis, dat avisualization, multimedia production and programming.

The Career Expo is heavily underwritten by The Journalism School to keep the price of attendinglow once again. The cost to register is $125 per news organization for the first two recruiters plus$25 f or each addit ional recruit er. The regist rat ion f ee covers all cost s including a boot h, meals,snacks and a resume book.

REGISTER HERE. Early bird registration ends on Monday, March 10 at 5 p.m.

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to thesurvey. We assure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo Coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or emailher at [email protected].

If you're no longer involved in your company's recruiting efforts, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein Assi st ant Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

Paul Greaves < P aul . Greav es @debt wire. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 30 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoThere is a problem here. I 'm get t ing everybody's response t o t his email, which is a bit of a nuisance : -)

Looks like there was an error somewhere, as I'm sure there are some folks that are not happy about seeing mypersonal response t o t his blast email.


Paul GreavesManaging Editor Debtwire Municipals330 Hudson Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10013DDI: 646-378-3194Cell: 646-434-9686F a x : 212 [email protected]

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8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 56/67

Koontz, Lon < Lk oont z @ny dai ly news . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 44 P MTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoThis must be breaking t he I nt ernet . Please unsubscribe me as well.

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Jon JordanSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:24 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]------------------------------

This t ransmission is int ended only f or t he use of t he addressee and may cont ain inf ormat ion t hat is conf ident ial,privileged and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you arehereby not if ied t hat any disseminat ion, dist ribut ion or copying of t he inf ormat ion cont ained herein is st rict lyunauthorized and prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediat ely and delet e t his message. Thank you.


G.J. McCarthy < gmc c art hy @dal las news . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 34 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduCc: [email protected]

Registration for J-School Career ExpoYou guys are all replying to an email LISTSERV, which means it's going out to everyone and their mother on saidlist . I f my phone buzzes one more t ime I 'm going t o f lush it down t he t oilet . And I bet t hat will make my bossreally mad.

So, if you want of f t he email chain, I believe t he person t o cont act -- DI RECTLY -- is Julie Hart enst ein. She has

been CC'd to this email.

And please remove me as well, Ms. Hart enst ein.


- gerry -

--G. J. McCart hyStaff Photographer The Dallas Morning News214-918-6579[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Pearlstein, Joanna < J oanna_P earl s t ei n@wi red. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 32 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "<jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career Expohow do I st op receiving all t hese emails?

On Jan 10, 2014, at 11:16 AM, Karen Christensen < [email protected] >[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

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Megan Thiele < mt hi el e@s t ory c orps . org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 33 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Can anyone else who wants to be removed email the contact at Columbia directly and NOT jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu?

According t o t he original email, her name is I zabela Rut kowski - [email protected]. These emails are justgoing to all of us who are on the mailing list they sent the message to; I'm not even sure she can see them.

Thanks! !

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2: 23 PM, Jessica Jean-Francois < jessic a@nat ionalpress. org> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoI'd like to be removed as well

Jessica Jean-FrancoisDirector of OperationsNat ional Press Foundat ion

1211 Connect icut Ave. NW St e. 310Washington, DC 20036P: 202-663-7282F: 202-530-2855

jessic a@nat ionalpress.

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s . columbia. edu] On Behalf Of KarenChrist ensenSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:17 PMTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu

Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove f rom list .

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s . columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian ZhouSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo


Megan ThieleManager, Human Resources

StoryCorps80 Hanson Pl, 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 58/67

Phone: (646) 723.7020 ext. 28

StoryCorps' brand new book, Ties That Bind, on sale now! ht t p: / / st orycorps. org/ books

Join our 10th Anniversary Membership Program!ht t ps: / / st orycorps. org/ members/

St oryCorps seeks t o hire st af f who ref lect t he diversit y of t he communit ies we serve.

ht t p: / / s t orycorps. org/ about / employment -opport unit ies/

Vickie Walton < V Wal t on@npr. org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 34 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI t hink many of us are get t ing t hese emails and can't f igure out why.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Maria Streshinsky < ms t res hins k y @ps mag. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 39 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoWhatever mistake has been made here, please fix it. Our inboxes are beingflooded.[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Blaine Skrainka < bl ai ne@t hewi l dmag. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 3: 04 P MTo: "Davis, Kat rena" <Kat rena. Davis@t urner. com>Cc: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

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8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 60/67

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2: 49 PM, Davis, Kat rena < [email protected] > wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove my cont act inf ormat ion f rom t his list .


Katrena DavisSenior Recruit er I Turner Broadcast ing Syst em, I nc.One CNN Center I Atlanta, GA 30303 I (p) 404.575.7132 I (f )404.878.4161 I kat rena. davis@t urner. com I

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s . columbia. edu] On Behalf Of Dian Zhou

Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo


Blaine Skrainka

Senior Editor

The WILD Magazine314.609.0889

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 61/67

Zins, Lauren < Lauren. Z ins @mt v s t af f . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 35 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

To: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom list serve.

Thank you,Lauren Zins

On 1/10/14 2:26 PM, "Annette Rose-Shapiro" < [email protected] >[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Melissa Syverud < ms y v erud@wk ow. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 39 P M

To: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me f rom t his list !

Melissa Syverud Administ rat ive Ass ist ant / Human Resources

WKOW TV-275727 Tokay Blvd.Madison, WI 53719(608) 661-2794

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] On Behalf Of Crist al Kurt zSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 1:26 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI have received at least 4 if not 5 emails one after the other on this. Pleas e get the problem under control.

Crist al Kurt z

-----Original Message-----

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 62/67

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 63/67

Registration will be open until Sunday, March 16 at 5 p.m.

Please note: If this link takes you to a website security page, please authorize and continue to the survey. Weassure you that the site is secure and safe.

If you have questions, please call Expo Coordinator Izabela Rutkowski at (212) 854-4422 or email her at [email protected].

I f you're no longer involved in your company's recruit ing ef f ort s, please let us know.


Julie Hart enst ein Ass ist ant Dean, Career Services

jh548@columbia. edu 212-854-4922

--Christ ine HsuFreelance Writer @HsuChristineC

Lockhart, Mary < Loc k hart M@t hirt een. org> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 3: 09 P MTo: Barry Pet chesky <barryap1@gmail. com>Cc: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Make it st op!

Sent f rom my iPhone[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Santora, Beata < B eat a. S ant ora@mac mi ll an. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 34 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: "jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu" <jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu>

Registration for J-School Career ExpoThis has t o st op.Right.Now.My inbox cannot handle any more of this

Beata SantoraSenior Editor Quick & Dirt y Tips, Macmillan175 Fifth Avenue, 3rd floor New York, NY 10010P: 646-307-5045beat a. sant ora@macmillan. com

Quick & Dirt y TipsHelping you do things better.Follow us on Facebook or Twitter

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[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Gregory Blanc < greg@doc group. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 45 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

I t 's not a virus. Everyone is just pressing "reply" and it 's replying t o t he whole list . Just s end your removerequests to the original sender alone: [email protected]

Gregory BlancEducation | The Documentary Group245 West 55th Street, 10th Floor/Suite 1006, New York, NY 10019646.822.9256 (of f ice) | 646.784.0172 (cell)

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Conan Tobias < conan. t obias@canadianbusiness. rogers. c om> wrote:Registration for J-School Career ExpoTHI S I S OBVI OUSLY A VI RUS. CAN PEOPLE PLEASE REFRAI N FROM ASKI NG TO BEREMOVED? YOUR REQUESTS ARE GOI NG OUT TO EVERYONE. JUST STOP AND THE PROBLEM


On 1/ 10/ 14 2: 26 PM, "Crist al Kurt z" < [email protected]> wrote:

> Registration for J-School Career Expo> I have received at least 4 if not 5 emails one af t er t he ot her on t his.> Please get the problem under control.>> Crist al Kurt z>> -----Original Message-----> From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jsc hoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu]

> On Behalf Of Dian Zhou> Sent : Friday, January 10, 2014 2: 02 PM> T o : jschoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. edu> Subject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo>> Registration for J-School Career Expo>

This communicat ion is conf ident ial. We only send and receive email on t he basis of t he t erms set out atwww. rogers. com/ web/ cont ent / emailnot ice .

Ce message est conf ident iel. Not re t ransmission et récept ion de courriels se f ait st rict ement suivant les

modalit és énoncées dans l’avis publié à

Coleman Bentley < Col eman. B ent ley @el it et rav el er. c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 34 P MReply-To: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. eduTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI believe I 'm receiving t hese messages in error. Please remove me f romt he cont act list .[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 65/67

Mike Hendricks < mhendric k s @bi z j ournals . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 2: 33 P MTo: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

Please remove me from this list!

Mike HendricksEditorAlbany Business Review40 British American Blvd.Latham, New York 12110

Telephone 518 640-6809

From: Stefania Sainato <[email protected]>

Reply‐To: < [email protected]>

Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 14:31:48 ‐0500

To: < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Jschoolcareerexpo] Registration for J‐School Career Expo

Registration for J‐School Career Expo



Ross Reily < ros s . rei ly @ms bus i nes s . c om> F ri , J an 10, 2014 at 3: 02 P MTo: Robert Silvers <rsilvers@nybooks. com>Cc: jschoolcareerexpo@list s. columbia. edu

[ Q u o t e d t e x t h i d d e n ]

This bet t er t han Realit y TV! !

Keep 'em coming f olks . . .

Ross Reily

8/13/2019 Registration for J-School Career Expo 66/67

Editor / Mississippi Business Journal

2 0 0 N . C o n g r e s s S t . , S u i t e 4 0 0

J a c k s o n , M S 3 9 1 1 0


Cell — 6 0 1 - 5 7 3 - 2 9 5 2

Work — 6 0 1 - 3 6 4 - 1 0 1 8

On Jan 10, 2014, at 1:45 PM, Robert Silvers < rsilvers@nybooks. com > wrote:

Registration for J-School Career Expoplease remove me f rom t his list

On Jan 10, 2014, at 2:29 PM, Vickie Walton wrote:

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove me.

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] OnBehalf Of Jessica Jean-Francois

Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:23 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoI'd like to be removed as well

Jessica Jean-FrancoisDirector of OperationsNational Press Foundation1211 Connect icut Ave. NW St e. 310Washington, DC 20036P: 202-663-7282F: 202-530-2855

jessic a@nat ionalpress. org

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] OnBehalf Of Karen ChristensenSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:17 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career ExpoPlease remove f rom list .

-----Original Message-----From: Jschoolcareerexpo [ mailt o: jschoolcareerexpo-bounces@list s. c olumbia. edu] OnBehalf Of Dian ZhouSent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:02 PMTo: jsc hoolcareerexpo@list s. c olumbia. eduSubject : Re: [ Jschoolcareerexpo] Regist rat ion f or J-School Career Expo

Registration for J-School Career Expo

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